020 Being a Self Love Junkie with Jennifer Seale

020 Being a Self Love Junkie with Jennifer Seale

By Meg Kissack | The Rebel Rousers: Creativity, Inspiration & Dreamchasing


Hi there and welcome to episode 20 of Couragemakers!


This week, I'm talking with the lovely Jennifer Seale. Jen is a certified Holistic Health Practitioner (health and wellness coach), licensed Spiritual Practitioner, blogger, truth-seeker, and lover of life.  She guides those who want to love themselves, heal their relationship between food and body, and live their best life possible!  She shares a passion of overall wellness through holistic health, food, creativity, mindfulness, spirituality, and most importantly…balance! Jen currently resides in sunny southern California with her partner Greg, and their sweet pup Charlie.


In this episode, Jen really vulnerably her journey of growing up feeling insecure and how she made the decision to start learning how to love herself.  Jen shares all about the doubt and guilt that comes with starting to love yourself, and how we can start to move beyond the grief of what could have been and embark on a journey of working to build yourself.


We really dive into how working to love yourself is always a work in progress, how healing and change can happen when you treat yourself with kindness and respect and Jen gets really vulnerable about what she believes about herself now that her younger self would be astounded to hear.  


This is a wonderful episode if you want to learn more about what self love looks like in practice, if you struggle with your self esteem and if you find it hard to accept yourself where you are right now.


Also, Jen is queen of recommending books and TV programmes, so I've included all of the things she's mentioned in the show notes!


I'm really excited for you to listen to this episode - Jen is so honest, so funny and I really appreciate how vulnerable she gets  during this interview, to help all of us learn to love ourselves.


Enjoy the show!

About Jen


Jennifer Seale is a certified Holistic Health Practitioner (health and wellness coach), licensed Spiritual Practitioner, blogger, truth-seeker, and lover of life.  She guides those who want to love themselves, heal their relationship between food and body, and live their best life possible!  She shares a passion of overall wellness through holistic health, food, creativity, mindfulness, spirituality, and most importantly…balance!


Jen recently launched an ongoing 21 Day Meditation Experience that is open to the public.


You can connect with Jen here: Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram

Things we talked about during today's show


How Jen's life fell apart in one week and Jen’s decision to start learning to love herself


How fear is good for you


How healing and change occurs when you treat yourself with kindness and respect


What keeps Jen inspired and her go to things when you're having a shitty time


Books/Resources etc mentioned during today’s show


The Office


House of Cards




Orange is the New Black


The Royal Tenenbaums


It Was Me All Along  - Andy Mitchell


Gabrielle Bernstein


Mary Ann Williamson


Seven Thousand Ways to Listen - Mark Nepo The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz


Friday Five Favourites - The Happy Healthy Balance


Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert

Find out more and download the Couragemakers Manifesto here


If you have any question about today's episode, any comments or would like to be a guest on Couragemakers, get in touch: meg@thathummingbirdlife.com


About Meg & That Hummingbird Life


I'm Meg and I'm the host of Couragemakers and founder of That Hummingbird Life. I started this podcast because I wanted to create a platform for passionate and unconventional women to have honest conversations and to share their stories, struggles and dreams. The intention behind this podcast is to inspire and encourage creative and mission-driven women to live a wholehearted life and follow the beat of their drum.


When I'm not recording episodes and making new friends with the wonderful guests, you can find me working on all manners of magic over at That Hummingbird Life, sending free self care checks ins to hundreds of women every Sunday and helping my clients build brands they love as a graphic designer. I'm currently based in London, and getting ready for my round the world adventure with Mr. Meg starting August 2016. Don't worry the podcast isn't going anywhere!


That Hummingbird Life | Twitter | Pinterest |


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