Andre Obradovic

Andre Obradovic

By Brad Kearns

By popular demand, Andre is back on the show! This engaging chap from Australia generated great accolades on his first podcast appearance, so Brad and Dr. Lindsay Taylor catch up with him again to talk about his life coaching strategies. Yes, this stuff has a direct and important application to your endurance goals and overall happiness and satisfaction. Andre describes his “Wheel of Life” program (you can download the wheel at, where you rank assorted lifestyle categories in order of importance, and also rank them in order of how well you are doing in each one. For example, if you rank your health high in priority but low in compliance, you identify critical areas to improve and reprioritize. 

Andre shares his own journey of becoming consumed by corporate life and falling so far out of balance that he destroyed his mental and physical health. It’s been a long road back to his existence today as a very popular endurance and life coach, as well as an elite age group triathlete. Andre is always full of levity and memorable aphorisms, so enjoy this show and consider checking out the Wheel of Life exercise as a great starting point for personal growth. Coaches: never ask “why?” for that’s a judging question. Instead, say something more open and nurturing such as, “tell me more.”

Andre talks about the Wheel of Life, his coaching tool. When one tries this assessment online,  the result is a good visual of the portions of your life.  [00:00:44] 

As part of his coaching technique, Andre uses the Wheel of Life  to help you analyze the balance in your life.  From there is can be used to look at your fitness. You then examine the results and look at what you feel about certain aspects of those results. [00:08:13] 

So after you gather this information, what are you, the coach, looking for? [00:12:31] 

Brad asks: What are the identified forces that pushed you off balance? His whole identity was totally wrapped up in being an executive; all about rank and position in the world. All about me. [00:24:25] 

This frantic position he found himself in was reflective of our society. We are searching for recognition from our peers and finding a sense of self importance.  [00:28:42] 

Often when you are involved in competitive activities is when you most need this help.  If you had a coach like this, you might very well have refuted the advice such as we are discussing here. [00:33:44] 

In coaching, we don't need to ask the questions because down deep everyone knows the answers. [00:34:59] 

Ask your partner to rate you on the Wheel of Life. [00:38:36] 

Listen to Andre podcast number 1. Go to Podcast no. 153

Andre Obradovic 

Wheel of Life: Free online assessment of the balance in your life.

International Coaching Federation



We are all searching for recognition from our peers and finding a sense of self-importance. (Brad Kearns)

How are the things you are doing contributing to your health, your future, and your family? (Andre Obradovic)

People don’t ask themselves those questions.  They know the answers and they would have to be more motivated. (Lindsay Taylor)

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