Mindset with Muscle

Mindset with Muscle

By Jay Alderton

On a mission to get 1 Million people healthier, Happier, Fitter and Stronger


MWM115 - Healing Your Trauma With Natalie Russell

In this empowering episode of Mindset with Muscle, I sit down with Natalie Russell to delve into her transformative journey through healing from trauma and navigating toxic relationships. We discuss the profound impacts of early childhood trauma, the power of self-awareness, and the importance of self-compassion in the healing process. Knowledge Bombs: The significance of owning your story and taking responsibility for your healing. How trauma can affect the mind-body connection and manifest physically. Strategies for developing self-esteem and self-love. The importance of vulnerability and self-awareness in personal growth. Insights into building and maintaining healthy relationships. Natalie’s personal experiences from reality TV to her future aspirations in writing and hosting retreats. To follow Natalie on Instagram, Click Here
06/07/2459m 6s

MWM114 - Jays 39 Life Lessons at 39

I today’s episode, I’m excited to share 39 important lessons I’ve learned over my 39 years. We’ll dive into tips on how to be happier, grow personally, keep up good relationships, and find success. What You’ll Learn: Living in the Moment: I’ll talk about why it’s great to enjoy what’s happening right now and not always worry about what’s next. Valuing People: How important it is to care for the relationships in your life because they really make a difference. Always Growing: I encourage everyone to keep learning and growing every day. It never stops! Setting High Goals: Why it’s good to aim high and keep pushing yourself. Making a Difference: I’ll share why it’s important to leave a positive mark on the people around you. Handling Social Media: We’ll discuss how to use social media wisely so it doesn’t take over your life or make you unhappy. Being Real: I’ll talk about the importance of being yourself, especially for your family and kids. Taking Care of Your Health: How looking after your health is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Asking for Help: It’s okay to ask for help when you need it, and I’ll tell you why that’s a strong thing to do. Working Hard: How facing challenges and working hard can really help you grow. Enjoying the Ride: Lastly, I remind you to have fun with what you’re doing and not just focus on the end goal.
15/05/241h 17m

MWM113 - Relationship Secrets with Lisa McFarland

In this insightful episode, I sit down with Lisa McFarlane, one of the UK and Ireland's top relationship coaches, to discuss the significance of personal transformation in the context of relationships. They talk deeply about the concept of being a whole person in a relationship, the breakdown and breakthrough cycle, and the need for common sense in navigating relationships. Key Insights: Becoming a Whole Person: Lisa shares her journey into relationship coaching and emphasises the importance of being a whole person. She discusses the need for individuals to work on themselves before entering or improving their relationships. Breakdown and Breakthrough Cycle: We explore the concept of the breakdown and breakthrough cycle, where conflicts or challenges in a relationship can lead to growth and transformation if approached with the right mindset. Common Sense in Relationships: Lisa stresses the importance of applying common sense principles in relationships, such as effective communication, understanding each other's needs, and resolving conflicts healthily. Codependency and Self-Care: The discussion touches on the dynamics of codependency and the importance of filling one's own cup before being able to show up in a relationship fully. Communication and Conflict Resolution: Lisa and Jay address the challenges of compartmentalisation and the need for emotional connection and understanding in relationships. They emphasise the significance of communication, sulking, and healthy conflict resolution. Advice for Dating Later in Life: Lisa provides valuable advice for individuals re-entering the dating scene later in life, highlighting the importance of self-love and finding a partner who has also done the work on themselves. Chapters 00:00 The Journey into Relationship Coaching and Personal Transformation 03:38 Being a Whole Person in a Relationship 10:38 Understanding Codependency and Filling Your Own Cup 22:26 Navigating Conflict and Avoiding Sulking 27:41 Striving for Healthy Conflict Resolution and Emotional Connection 29:35 Love Languages and Self-Affirmation 34:48 Sweating the Small Stuff and Prioritizing the Little Things 41:03 Love, Trust, and Giving Someone the Power to Destroy You 44:05 Investing Time and Quality in Your Relationship 48:20 Daily Signals of Love and Care 52:25 Dating Advice for Individuals Re-entering the Dating Scene 57:29 Conclusion
11/05/2459m 8s

MWM112 - How to Scale a Successful Fitness Business with Phil Graham

In this episode, Phil Graham and Jay Alderton discuss the challenges and opportunities in the fitness industry. They share their experiences building successful fitness businesses and provide valuable insights and lessons for fitness professionals. Want to know the boring steps every fitness coach needs to build a multi-six-figure (recurring) business? Join us on 4th May for our FREE workshop Register below https://fitness-entrepreneur.com/legacy-event/
16/04/2439m 15s

MWM111 - How to be Happy with Stephanie Harrison

In this episode, I’m speaking to Stephanie Harrison Stephanie is an expert in the science of happiness and the creator of the New Happy philosophy. She has a master’s degree in positive psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, Her company, The New Happy, has revolutionized the way that people understand and pursue happiness using Their artwork, newsletter, videos, podcast, and resources which reach millions of people around the world every month.  Check Out Stephanie's Website The New Happy Takeaways Society has conditioned us to pursue the wrong things for happiness, such as success, material possessions, and external validation. True happiness comes from intrinsic motivation and being true to oneself. Capitalism, individualism, and dominance influence our beliefs about happiness and lead us astray. The pursuit of extrinsic goals often leaves us feeling empty, while finding intrinsic joy in our pursuits brings fulfillment. We are enough and deserving of happiness just as we are. Recognize your worthiness and separate it from external achievements. Ask for help and embrace the power of connection. Be mindful of the impact of social media on happiness and prioritize in-person connection. Start the journey to new happy by understanding your authentic self and taking small steps towards pursuing passions and serving others. Chapters 00:00 The Pursuit of Happiness 02:59 The Wrong Path to Happiness 05:59 The Influence of Capitalism, Individualism, and Dominance 08:58 Transitioning to a New Way of Thinking 11:54 The Difference Between Happiness and Success 15:56 Intrinsic Motivation vs Extrinsic Motivation 25:08 Recognizing Worthiness 27:11 The Paradox of Self-Worth and Goal Pursuit 29:04 The Power of Asking for Help 32:42 The Importance of Connection 35:23 The Impact of Social Media on Happiness 40:27 The Power of In-Person Connection 43:21 Starting the Journey to New Happy
29/03/2450m 36s

MWM110 - Phil Heath: Mindset, Discipline, and the Journey to Olympia

In this special episode, I sit down with 7x Mr Olympia Phil Heath to explore the depths of achieving greatness, the pivotal role of mindset and discipline, and take an exclusive look at his new documentary, "Breaking Olympia." To watch Phil's Brand New "Breaking Olympia" Documentary, Click Here Show Highlights: Phil Heath on Overcoming the Fear of Success: Discover why the real challenge isn't always achieving success, but the fear of maintaining it. Phil shares his insights on navigating the mental hurdles that come with greatness. The Power of Discipline: From his transformative experience in Basketball to the disciplined approach required in Bodybuilding, Phil reflects on how discipline has been a cornerstone of his success. Training for Greatness: Learn about the dynamic nature of training for Mr. Olympia, the importance of continuous self-improvement, and how competition fuels growth. Inside "Breaking Olympia": Phil Heath gives us a behind-the-scenes look at his documentary, sharing the emotional rollercoaster of reliving his journey and the gratification of documenting his legacy. Key Takeaways: Success requires not just achieving goals but maintaining an unwavering mindset to preserve them. Discipline shapes character and is essential for personal and professional growth. Embracing challenges and competition is crucial for surpassing limits and achieving excellence. "Breaking Olympia" is not just a documentary but a testament to Phil Heath's journey. It showcases the highs and lows of his path to becoming a bodybuilding legend. Closing Thoughts: Phil Heath's story powerfully reminds us that mindset and discipline are the bedrock of success. Whether you're chasing your own version of Olympia or seeking to overcome personal barriers, Phil's journey offers valuable lessons and inspiration for all.
22/03/241h 6m


In this episode, I share an incredible podcast I recorded last year with Mark and Curtis Tilbury on the Strike it Big Podcast. We talk about how to get the "perfect" body, Relationships and how to build confidence. Enjoy!
28/02/241h 54m


In this episode, I talk about Neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is the ability for adults to generate new brain cells. I delve deep into neurogenesis and the daily habits and routines you can implement to help increase it.
22/02/2421m 47s


In this episode, I share with you why I'm giving up beer for a year and some interesting life paradoxes. To Join my 5-Day Mindset with Muscle Challenge Click Here To Join my Knowledge Bomb Newsletter Click Here
16/02/2423m 27s


In this deeply reflective and insightful episode of the Mindset Muscle Podcast, host Jamie Alderton engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Sahil Bloom, exploring the transformative power of focused effort, the beauty of simplicity, and the significance of embracing life's paradoxes. Through their dialogue, they delve into personal stories of failure, growth, and the profound changes that can occur in just one year of dedicated action. The episode is rich with wisdom on the importance of asking the right questions, the impact of our closest relationships, and the concept of investing time wisely to yield compounding benefits in personal and professional life. Transformative Power of Focused Effort: Understand how one year of concentrated effort can fundamentally alter your life's trajectory, emphasizing the importance of daily commitment. Embracing Life's Paradoxes: Discover the paradox of effort, where the most effortless performances are a result of hard, gritty practice, and how intelligent people can sometimes fall into the trap of overcomplicating things for the sake of complexity. The Importance of Simplicity: Learn why simplicity often trumps complexity in achieving long-term success and fulfillment. Finding the Right Questions: Sahil Bloom shares a life-changing realization about the importance of asking the right questions to uncover the answers that already lie within us, rather than seeking external solutions. Cherishing Relationships: A touching reflection on the significance of deepening bonds with loved ones and prioritizing these relationships above materialistic or superficial goals. Investing vs. Spending Time: Gain insight into the difference between investing time in actions that compound positively over your life versus spending time on ephemeral or non-productive activities. Learning from Mistakes and Regret: Both Jamie and Sahil share personal anecdotes on their "best mistakes" and how these perceived failures were actually pivotal moments leading to growth and better opportunities. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to inspire change in their life, understand the value of focused effort, and appreciate the simple yet profound elements that contribute to personal and professional growth. Join Jamie and Sahil as they navigate the complexities of life, offering listeners invaluable lessons on resilience, purpose, and the art of living well. Sahill Bloom on Twitter Sahil Bloom on Instagram
08/02/241h 34m


In this episode of "6 Harsh Truths," Jay delves into the reality of life's challenges and the essential truths we often overlook. Jay offers a blend of tough love and practical wisdom. He discusses how understanding and embracing these truths can lead to personal growth, better decision-making, and a more fulfilling life. Each point is explained with real-life examples and actionable advice, making the episode both relatable and inspiring. Show Notes Life's Not Fair: Jay discusses how life circumstances vary for each individual. The importance of not comparing oneself to others based on age or apparent success is emphasised. The concept of life is like a game of poker, where strategy can overcome a bad hand. Success Requires Sacrifice: The need to sacrifice comforts, time, and relationships for success. Focus on changing negative coping mechanisms and investing time wisely. Importance of reassessing relationships that may hinder personal growth. Life is About Choices, Not Chances: The power of making decisions and how they shape our lives. Encouragement to make positive choices in daily habits and relationships. A reminder that private practices are often rewarded publicly. You Will Face Rejection: How to handle and learn from rejection. Jay shares his personal method for dealing with failures and setbacks. A challenge to listeners to face uncomfortable situations and grow from them. Not Everyone Has the Same Heart as You: Recognizing that people have different values and motivations. The importance of doing good without expecting anything in return. Advice on managing expectations in relationships. You Have to Make Your Own Purpose: The concept that life doesn’t come with a set purpose; it's something one must create. Jamie talks about finding personal meaning and purpose through action and exploration. Encouragement to adopt a proactive mindset in life. The episode concludes with Jay reiterating the importance of what we feed our minds and bodies, and how it shapes our lives.
24/01/2430m 14s


In this episode, I discuss the six key signs that someone is emotionally mature. Emotional maturity is sexy AF! Nothing screams awesome than someone who looks like they have their sh*t together! Do you want me to send you four new knowledge bombs each week to get you healthier, happier, fitter and stronger? Click here and I'll send it to you on friday
17/08/2331m 11s


This episode is from this week's Instagram Q&A session with many knowledge bombs dropped! We speak about finding your purpose, how to be more productive and how to deal with anxiety and overwhelm Enjoy!
25/05/2329m 27s

MWM103 - 38 THINGS AT 38

Welcome to a special episode of "Mindset with Muscle"! This week I celebrate my 38th trip around the sun We will delve deep into 38 unique insights accumulated over the years, which have shaped my outlook and strengthened my mindset. This episode is a testament to the belief that discipline, like a muscle, needs daily exercise. It celebrates the humbling experience of Jiu Jitsu and embraces the joys of moderation, whether it's wine, beer, or your chosen form of escapism. We'll talk about the transformative power of cold plunges and mindfulness, and the significance of stretching beyond the physical realm into the mental. Join us as we navigate through real-life lessons on managing overwhelm, the importance of authenticity, and the power of participation. We'll discuss the art of making friends, the role of personal standards, and the need to embody the traits you seek in others. In this episode, we debunk the fallacy of external validation and spotlight the power of actions over words. We'll share the usefulness of writing things down and debunk the myth of perfect control over life. The episode also underscores the importance of seeking discomfort, the calming effect of daily breathwork, and the influence of the company you keep. This birthday episode is not just a celebration of age but a celebration of life's lessons, personal growth, and the wisdom that comes with the passing years. This episode has everything from appreciating what you have, wearing confidence, and making sacrifices to valuing a good night's sleep! So tune in as we explore the dance between control and feelings, the physical versus the digital, and discuss why the most profound knowledge demands your attention. This is "Mindset with Muscle" - real, raw, and ready to challenge you to think deeper, push harder, and rise higher.
17/05/2348m 34s

MWM102 - Your Ideal Day with Sahil Bloom

Today's guest on the Podcast is Sahil Bloom. Sahil Bloom is an inspirational writer and content creator, captivating millions weekly through his social insights and bi-weekly newsletter. In this episode, we speak about how to have your ideal day, harsh truths everyone needs to hear and how to get more focus, purpose and direction in your life. To find out more about click here
06/05/231h 44m

MWM101 - Exposing Yourself and Boiling Frogs

In this brand new mindset with muscle episode I dive into 4 things I've been thinking about this week 👉 Expose Yourself - If you avoid things you’re fearful of you’ll be more fearful of them. To get over this you need to expose yourself often to the thought and feeling. 👉 Boiling a Frog - Don’t get comfortable in an uncomfortable environment as the longer you spend there, the harder it is to leave. 👉 If We Were Wise - The antidote to perfectionism is to realise how imperfect we really are 👉 Negative Visualisation - Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Visualise often a life without the things you love and you’ll appreciate having them more.
26/04/2320m 9s

MWM100 - Discipline and Backing Yourself - Instagram Live Q&A Session

This episode is from an epic live stream I did last week on Instagram. Lots of golden nuggets to take away from this episode, enjoy!
19/04/2322m 39s


In this episode, I share with you five of my favourite Mental Models for Growth 👉  “The Map is not the Territory” The world we think we live in is not always the world we live in 👉  “The Anchoring Bias” Be careful to place too much of your decision-making based on the first piece of information you hear 👉  “The Confirmation Bias” Weight up all evidence when making big decisions; it’s not easy to disagree with your personal biases, but doing so will save you a lot of heartache and regret 👉  “Fundamental Attribution Error” Try and separate someone's behaviour from who they are. Empathy and Kindness Win every time. 👉  “The Curse of Knowledge” Never assume someone knows as much as you. Always try and simply down complex subjects. Doing so will give you a greater understanding of the subject too To sign up for my knowledge bomb newsletter, click here
09/03/2332m 1s


In this episode, I break down five paradoxes and how they can help you with your growth and personal development. Have you joined my knowledge bomb newsletter yet? Click here to join
01/03/2329m 15s


In this episode, I break down some of my favourite life principles to live by Embrace The Dip Master The Gap Don't Complain, Don't Explain Learn then Teach Focus on Fun Thoughts Become Things Overcome Obstacle Create more than you Consume Give and Forget, Receive and Remember
23/02/2335m 50s


In this episode, I summarise five incredible quotes from David Goggins that get you to think. Goggins is a decorated US Navy SEAL, world record holder, motivational speaker, endurance athlete and author. In this episode, we discuss 5 of his best quotes/mental models 1. You don’t need six-pack abs if your mind is steel-plated. 2. 99% of the work done is unseen. 3. I’d rather you hate me and get better than like me and stay the same 4. Performance Without Purpose 5. Who’s gonna carry the boats?
15/02/2322m 17s

MWM095 - The ULTIMATE Evening Routine

In this episode, I break down 5 key strategies for en EPIC Evening Routine - Hot Shower 1hr Before Bed - Journal/Brain Dump - Read a Paper Book In Bed - No Phones in the Bedroom - Pink Noise If you would like me to send you weekly knowledge bombs in your inbox to get you healthier, happier, fitter and stronger just click here
08/02/2327m 19s


In this episode, I discuss five game-changing strategies to help you improve your self-discipline! Fancy getting a weekly knowledge bomb into your inbox each Saturday Click here to join my knowledge bomb newsletter
25/01/2333m 50s


Welcome to another episode of the Mindset with Muscle Podcast! In this episode, we explore different strategies to help you reduce your stress levels using the power of your senses! Fancy winning a Free Place on my up-and-coming Programme Mindset with Muscle? All you have to do is register, and it could be you Just click here to register
18/01/2326m 55s

MWM092 - Mindfulness Mastery - The 5 Benefits of Mindfulness

In this episode I talk all about Mindfulness and why it's so important for your physical and mental wellbeing! If you would like me to send you weekly knowledge bombs like this episode, just click here to register for my knowledge bomb newsletter 
11/01/2346m 35s

MWM091 - 6 Tips For an Incredible 2023

Super Excited to be back in the Game with my Mindset with Muscle Podcast! In this episode, I give you six incredible tips to make sure you have the best start to 2023! If you want to see the other 17 tips I shared head on over to the Mindset with Muscle Website
04/01/2331m 46s

MWM090 - Stoicism and Bananas with Dr Karan Rajan

In this episode, I speak to Dr Karan Rajan and talk about all things Instagram, Stoicism and why we are 70% Banana! Being a surgeon, Dr Karan works long hours but has still managed to commit to content creation and grow and audience of over 5 million followers!
27/09/2245m 18s

MWM089 - Kyle Creek (a.k.a The Captain) - Resistance to Change is an Invitation to Pain

My Guest today is Kyle Creek (a.k.a The Captain) on Instagram Follow Kyle Here In this episode, we go deep on a host of things... - How to deal with people stealing your work - Quotes that have changed his life - Dealing with The "Dark Times" - How to get out of a "Funk" - Why Hippos are Fucking Dicks Such a fantastic episode with lots of knowledge bombs dropped!
09/08/221h 22m

MWM088 - Jordan Syatt - Facebook "Pokes" and Coaching Gary Vee

Welcome to a brand new episode of the Mindset with Muscle Podcast! In this episode, I'm joined by the legend that is Jordan Syatt. Jordan was Gary Vee's Personal Trainer for many years and has personally amassed millions of followers online with his No BS Approach to Nutrition and Training. We go deep on a number of subjects including how to grow a social media following and what it was like to coach on of the biggest names in the world Gary Vaynerchuk.
29/07/2239m 30s

MWM087 - The One Hour Business Challenge - Q&A With The Experts Episode 9

Welcome to the final episode of a 9 part series where I ask 20 experts at the top of their fields in fitness, health and business the same 9 questions. This episode asks the experts "If you only had an hour a day to work on your business what would you do?". My list of Guests Includes... Alan Barratt  Ben Carpenter  Ben Haldon  Chris Williamson  Dan Osman  Diren Kartal  Dr Mike  Emilia Thompson  Emma Storey Gordon Felicity Rosina Graeme Tomlinson James Smith  Lucy Davis  Lucy Lord  Mark Coles  Paul Mort  Phil Graham  Shaun Stafford  Shelly Mccoy  Sohee Lee 
28/04/2218m 50s

MWM086 - Expert Business Growth Tips - Q&A With The Experts Episode 8

Welcome to the eighth episode of a 9 part series where I ask 20 experts at the top of their fields in fitness, health and business the same 9 questions. This episode asks the experts "What has been the biggest learning curve in growing your own business over the past 5 years?". My list of Guests Includes... Alan Barratt  Ben Carpenter  Ben Haldon  Chris Williamson  Dan Osman  Diren Kartal  Dr Mike  Emilia Thompson  Emma Storey Gordon Felicity Rosina Graeme Tomlinson James Smith  Lucy Davis  Lucy Lord  Mark Coles  Paul Mort  Phil Graham  Shaun Stafford  Shelly Mccoy  Sohee Lee 
27/04/2224m 53s

MWM085 - Build a Name For Yourself - Q&A With The Experts Episode 7

Welcome to the seventh episode of a 9 part series where I ask 20 experts at the top of their fields in fitness, health and business the same 9 questions. This 7th episode asks the experts "What were the biggest fitness mistakes you made at the start of your journey??". My list of Guests Include... Alan Barratt  Ben Carpenter  Ben Haldon  Chris Williamson  Dan Osman  Diren Kartal  Dr Mike  Emilia Thompson  Emma Storey Gordon Felicity Rosina Graeme Tomlinson James Smith  Lucy Davis  Lucy Lord  Mark Coles  Paul Mort  Phil Graham  Shaun Stafford  Shelly Mccoy  Sohee Lee
27/02/2225m 41s

MWM084 - How to Deal with Stress - Q&A With The Experts Episode 6

Welcome to the sixth episode of a 9 part series where I ask 20 experts at the top of their fields in fitness, health and business the same 9 questions. This sixth episode asks the experts "When you become stressed and overwhelmed what things do you do to help reduce it down?". My list of Guests Include... Alan Barratt  Ben Carpenter  Ben Haldon  Chris Williamson  Dan Osman  Diren Kartal  Dr Mike  Emilia Thompson  Emma Storey Gordon Felicity Rosina Graeme Tomlinson James Smith  Lucy Davis  Lucy Lord  Mark Coles  Paul Mort  Phil Graham  Shaun Stafford  Shelly Mccoy  Sohee Lee 
23/02/2227m 25s

MWM083 - Life Changing Books - Q&A With The Experts Episode 5

Welcome to the fifth episode of a 9 part series where I ask 20 experts at the top of their fields in fitness, health and business the same 9 questions. This fifth episode asks the experts "What book has had the biggest impact on your life in the past 5 years??". My list of Guests Include... Alan Barratt  Ben Carpenter  Ben Haldon  Chris Williamson  Dan Osman  Diren Kartal  Dr Mike  Emilia Thompson  Emma Storey Gordon Felicity Rosina Graeme Tomlinson James Smith  Lucy Davis  Lucy Lord  Mark Coles  Paul Mort  Phil Graham  Shaun Stafford  Shelly Mccoy  Sohee Lee 
18/02/2228m 12s

MWM082 - I've Changed my Mind - Q&A With The Experts Episode 4

Welcome to the fourth episode of a 9 part series where I ask 20 experts at the top of their fields in fitness, health and business the same 9 questions. This fourth episode asks the experts "What is a belief or behaviour that you've changed your mind on in the last 5 years??". My list of Guests Include... Alan Barratt  Ben Carpenter  Ben Haldon  Chris Williamson  Dan Osman  Diren Kartal  Dr Mike  Emilia Thompson  Emma Storey Gordon Felicity Rosina Graeme Tomlinson James Smith  Lucy Davis  Lucy Lord  Mark Coles  Paul Mort  Phil Graham  Shaun Stafford  Shelly Mccoy  Sohee Lee 
18/02/2223m 27s

MWM081 - Biggest Fitness Mistakes - Q&A With The Experts Episode 3

Welcome to the third episode of a 9 part series where I ask 20 experts at the top of their fields in fitness, health and business the same 9 questions. This third episode asks the experts "What were the biggest fitness mistakes you made at the start of your journey??". My list of Guests Include... Alan Barratt  Ben Carpenter  Ben Haldon  Chris Williamson  Dan Osman  Diren Kartal  Dr Mike  Emilia Thompson  Emma Storey Gordon Felicity Rosina Graeme Tomlinson James Smith  Lucy Davis  Lucy Lord  Mark Coles  Paul Mort  Phil Graham  Shaun Stafford  Shelly Mccoy  Sohee Lee 
01/02/2220m 57s

MWM080 - Weight Loss Secrets - Q&A With the Experts Episode 2

Welcome to the second episode of a 9 part series where I ask 20 experts at the top of their fields in fitness, health and business the same 9 questions. This first episode asks the experts "what advice would you give to someone who is looking to start a weight loss journey?". My list of Guests Include... Alan Barratt  Ben Carpenter  Ben Haldon  Chris Williamson  Dan Osman  Diren Kartal  Dr Mike  Emilia Thompson  Emma Storey Gordon Felicity Rosina Graeme Tomlinson James Smith  Lucy Davis  Lucy Lord  Mark Coles  Paul Mort  Phil Graham  Shaun Stafford  Shelly Mccoy  Sohee Lee 
21/01/2217m 20s

MWM079 - Non-Negotiable Habits - Q&A with the Experts Episode 1

Welcome to the first episode of a 9 part series where I ask 20 experts at the top of their fields in fitness, health and business the same 9 questions. This first episode asks the experts "what non-negotiable" habits do you do for your body each day to keep it fit, healthy and strong. My list of Guests Include... Alan Barratt  Ben Carpenter  Ben Haldon  Chris Williamson  Dan Osman  Diren Kartal  Dr Mike  Emilia Thompson  Emma Storey Gordon Felicity Rosina Graeme Tomlinson  James Smith  Lucy Davis  Lucy Lord  Mark Coles  Paul Mort  Phil Graham  Shaun Stafford  Shelly Mccoy  Sohee Lee 
06/01/2210m 46s

MWM078 - Jay Samit - Future Proofing You

Jay Samit is the former Independent Vice Chairman of Deloitte. An American digital media innovator, he has pioneered advancements in music and video distribution, social media, and eCommerce. He is the author of the bestselling book Disrupt You! Master Personal Transformation, Seize Opportunity and Thrive in the Era of Endless Innovation In this episode, we talk about Jay's new book Future Proofing You.  Jay shares the key understandings and step-by-step process for becoming rich and never needing another job again.  To prove the power of his 12 Truths, Samit also details the journey of how he mentored a broke millennial with these principles and empowered him to go from being on welfare to becoming a self-made millionaire in one year.
12/03/2150m 0s

MWM076 - Monday Parables

In this episode, I share some interesting parables that will get you thinking about some of the things that life throws at you
08/03/2118m 29s

MWM075 - What Gets Measured Gets Managed

In this episode, I talk about 5 things that you can measure and manage to keep you on track during this "Pandemic Period"
12/02/2121m 9s

MWM074 - Optimist Prime

In this episode, I talk about some of my best tips to be a little more optimistic during this difficult time
05/02/2125m 26s

MWM073 - Personal Development and Growth

In this episode, I discuss 5 things to think about when it comes to Personal Development and Growth 1. What we can learn from Hermit Crabs 2. The 33% Rule (Frank Shamrock) 3. All or Nothing Approach and the right way about it (Art of Learning) 4. Big Fish, Little Pond 5. You can always get better (Disciplined Practice)
27/01/2131m 48s

MWM072 - Netflix and FAD Diets

In this episode, I close the case on ketones and discuss why deciding what you want to do with your life is a little like deciding what to watch on Netflix
21/01/2121m 56s

MWM071 - Discipline 101 with Jay

In this episode, I share with you 8 tips to have more discipline in your life... 1. Surround yourself in an environment that makes hard things easy to do 2. Have Non-Negotiables in your Day and in your week 3. Discipline is rarely enjoyable, but almost always profitable 4. Motivation gets you going but discipline keeps you growing - John Maxwell 5. Self-Discipline is when your conscience tells you to do something and you don’t talk back 6. Discipline is remembering what you want 7. Discipline becomes easier when you make a 30-day commitment to doing something and you see the result 8. The practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience
19/01/2125m 53s

MWM070 - Q&A With Jay

Back with another Q&A Ladies and Gents answering all of your Nutrition, Training and Mindset Questions
13/01/2137m 38s

MWM069 - 6 Mindset Tips For Your Best Ever 2021

Back again for another episode of Mindset with Muscle In this episode, I share with you six incredible mindset tips for you to have an incredible 2021 Enjoy!
12/01/2113m 32s

MWM068 - 10 Tips for Fat Loss Success in 2021

Today on the Mindset with Muscle Podcast I'm going to be dropping 10 knowledge bombs on how to achieve successful fat loss in 2021 Tip 1 – Take Things Slow Tip 2 – Measure and Manage (Steps, Nutrition, Mood) Tip 3 – Don’t go KETO Tip 4 – Join my 10 Day Tune Up Challenge Tip 5 – Don’t expect it to be easy Tip 6 – Don’t do it alone Tip 7 – There’s more to fitness than how much you weigh Tip 8 – No one is going to do it for you Tip 9 – The Definition if Insanity… Tip 10 – The Outcome is not the Outcome Want to sign up to our 10 Day Tune Up? Just Click here
04/01/2139m 38s

MWM067 - 10 Ways to get your shit together in 2021

In this episode, I share with you my list of 10 things you need to do to get your shit together in 2021! 1. Filter your newsfeeds 2. Get more sleep 3. Have Highly Accountable Commitments 4. It's hard to see the label when you're stuck inside the jar 5. Warren Buffet Quote 6. Stop Buying Shiny Shit 7. The Theory of Creeping Normality 8. Measure and Manager your Finances, Fitness and Relationships 9. Beat on a Craft and Become World Class 10. Become a better listener 
31/12/2035m 47s

MWM066 - Stoic Quotes with Jay - Lockdown Live Episode 10

In this episode I share with you some of my favourite quotes from the stoics
29/11/2033m 33s

MWM065 - Q&A With Jay - Lockdown Live Episode 9

Back with another Q&A session. This one was straight fire!
28/11/2026m 43s

MWM064 - Q&A With Jay - Lockdown Live Episode 8

In this episode, I answer some of your best questions and go deep on a few of them
27/11/2028m 54s

MWM063 - Bombs with Dr Banna - Lockdown Live Episode 8

In this episode, I chat to Dr Mike Banna who discusses the events that have happened over the past couple of weeks since he had the dreaded Coronavirus.
26/11/2030m 42s

MWM062 - 5 Stages of Grief - Lockdown Live Episode 7

In this episode, I discuss the five stages of grief and how they apply to this "Pandemic Period"
17/11/2026m 58s

MWM061 - 5 Things I learned from 24hr Challenges - Lockdown Live Episode 6

In this lockdown live episode I share five things that I learned from doing three 24 hour endurance events
15/11/2038m 20s

MWM060 - Future Gratitude with Paul Mort - Lockdown Live Episode 5

In this episode of lockdown live I catch up with my good friend Paul Mort and Discuss how to make it out alive on lockdown 2.0
15/11/2037m 59s

MWM059 - Purposeful Mistakes with Rob Moore - Lockdown Live Episode 4

In this episode, I chat to the Serial Entrepreneur Rob Moore and discuss Lockdown 2.0 and making the most out of this difficult time.
11/11/2038m 47s

MWM058 - Morning and Evening Routines - Episode 3 Lockdown Live

In this episode I share my daily memes and let you in on some of the morning and evening routines that have helped me become more productive and get more sleep
06/11/2045m 59s

MWM057 - 6 Truths to make you better - Episode 2 Lockdown Live

Welcome to episode 2 of the Lockdown Live. In this episode, I share with you my daily memes, blow your mind with some planet facts and drop six truths that will make you a better person. To check out some crazy map facts click here
05/11/2048m 55s

MWM056 - How to Survive Lockdown 2.0 - Episode 1 Lockdown Live

Welcome to episode 1 of my daily Lockdown Live Show! In this episode, I share with you my top 10 tips for surviving lockdown. Don't forget to fill out your daily lockdown log by clicking here 
04/11/2059m 29s

MWM055 - Brain Bombs with Dr Mike Banna

In this episode, I chat with my good friend Dr Mike Banna and discuss all things Body, Brain and Business To find out more about Dr Mike check out his Instagram by clicking here
24/04/2047m 12s

MWM054 - Don't let Feelings Affect your Future

Howdy folks!  Back with another facebook live recording from this week talking all about feelings and how if you let them can have an affect o. your future. We don't wake up every day in the mood to be productive however, it's important on these kind of days to do what I like to call "The Minimum Effective Dose of Productivity"
16/04/2012m 13s

MWM053 - Are you drowning?

We're all drowning in something be it stress or problems! Today I want to talk to you about how to manage it by becoming more disciplined and helping people whenever possible
14/04/2020m 0s

MWM052 - Think Permanently

Over a week has passed since lockdown and a lot of people have put their lives on pause because they can't do what they are normally doing.  This whole thing will eventually pass but at the moment we do not know when so it's time to adapt your way of thinking now and start thinking more permanently
31/03/2012m 39s

MWM051 - How to Profit in a Pandemic

In this episode I show you 5 things you need to do daily to profit in this pandemic. I'm not talking financially, I'm talking about making the best use of all this uncertainty
26/03/2022m 7s

MWM050 - The Low Information Diet

Are the recent circumstances causing you a lot of stress, anxiety and overwhelm? You might need to go on the Low Information Diet! In this episode, I explain exactly what the low information diet is and how it can help during these uncertain times Something else that will help a lot is my J8 Fat Loss Challenge Which Opens its doors on Friday 20th March To find out more click here
18/03/2011m 31s

MWM049 - Morning Knowledge Bombs with Jamie

In this episode, I talk about looking after yourself and assessing your physical and mental health by measuring your Health, Wealth, Productivity and Connectivity.
14/03/2023m 42s

MWM048 - Life Lessons with Jamie

In this episode, I share with you my talk from the Now What Live Event where I was guest speaker at this week. I go deep into my life and the lessons I have learnt from the ups and downs of it. Enjoy!
08/02/2015m 51s

MWM047 - The Motivational Power Walk Playlist

Want to get fired up on your morning walks or in the gym? Press play and thank me later!
10/01/2033m 45s

MWM046 - Repurposing Content and Podcast Strategies with Jamie

Todays podcast is a little different. I decided to ask some questions from my followers and I got two great questions from them so big thanks to Gary Das and Matt King. Want to be on the next Mindset with Muscle Episode? Send in your questions to the link below https://anchor.fm/jamiealderton/message
26/11/1911m 57s

MWM045 - Business and Banter with James Haskell

I watched a bit of I'm a celeb last night and having seen James Haskell go into the Jungle I thought it would be the perfect time to bring back an old Mindset with Muscle Podcast I did with him in 2016 Enjoy!
18/11/1937m 3s


How a well-intentioned solution to a problem can make the problem worse
13/11/197m 27s

MWM043 - Unstoppable Bast*rds with Paul Mort

In this episode I interview Paul Mort Paul Mort is an Author, Coach and helps Married Business Men Sort their Shit out, Get Clarity and Succeed Check out Pau on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/paulmort1/
04/10/191h 25m

MWM042 - How to Fix Your Sh*t with Shaa Wasmund MBE

What can I say about Shaa? She's a Best Selling Author, A Sunday Times Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneur and My Go-to Person for Business Advice! She has also just launched a brand new book called how to fix your sh*t and it's simply awesome! You're going to get a lot out of this podcast I promise you! To grab a copy of Shaa's new book just click here
27/09/1955m 42s

MWM041 - Go Team with Nicole Arbour

Welcome to another episode of Mindset with Muscle In this episode, I speak to Comedian, Choreographer and Viral Video Start Nicole Arbour. We open up and go deep on a number of things on this episode and there are lots of incredible things to take away Wanna train with me? Click on the link below to find out more www.trainwithjay.co.uk
13/06/191h 20m

MWM040 - 34 Things at 34 Part 2

Part 2 of my 34 Things at 34 Podcast. Learn about all the different things that have helped me this year get healthier, happier, fitter and stronger. Want me to help you get healthier, happier, fitter and stronger? Click Here to find out more
23/05/1914m 39s

MWM039 - 34 Things at 34 Part 1

Every year I write this blog on the things I have learned this year that have made me Healthier, Happier, Fitter and Stronger. This is Part 1, Enjoy!
17/05/1913m 38s

MWM038 - Why Sally has a Six Pack with Emma Storey-Gordon

Everyone has that friend that looks like they eat junk all day and still looks great! I have teamed up with Train with Jay coach Emma Storey-Gordon to explain 5 reasons why Sally has a Six-Pack Have you joined my J8 Challenge Yet? You are running out of time before we close our doors. Let me get you into the shape of your life this summer To fins out more click here
03/05/1951m 22s

MWM038 - Mental Models Live Stream with Jamie

Mental Models can be a gam changer for your life and there are many out there to help you get healthier, happier, fitter and stronger In this exclusive live stream with my Train with Jay members learn about some of the ones that have has a positive impact on my life Also I'm very excited to announce that the application window for my J8 Challenge is now LIVE! If you want me to get you in the shape of your life this year Click Here to find out more
26/04/1943m 7s

MWM037 - 5 Things I Learnt from Getting in the Sea

I've been doing daily sea dips and it's having a huge impact on my productivity and wellbeing! In this episode I'm going to go over the 5 things I've learnt from getting in the sea every day. Have you signed up for my knowledge bomb newsletter yet? Click Here to join and you could win £100 of food and supplements
18/04/1912m 17s

MWM036 - Coaching Clients and Getting Results

In this episode I flashback to an awesome interview I did with Andrew Shaw To Check out the Full Video on YouTube Click Here And don't forget to register your interest on my up and coming J8 Challenge http://www.j8challenge.com 
11/04/1922m 59s

MWM035 - The 90-9-1 Principle

The Internet has been said to be split into three kinds of people 90% if those people are lurkers and consumers 9% of those people are intermittent contributors 1% of those people are creators I believe this percentage is very much like a lot of things in life including success In this episode I break down the difference between each of and how you yourself can rise to the 1% Want to be the first in the know when the J8 Challenge Goes Live? Click Here
04/04/1919m 31s

MWM034 - Things I Wish I Knew 10 Years Ago with Andy Mckenzie

In this episode I chat with my good friend Andy Mckenzie and discuss the things we wish we knew 10 years ago. Enjoy this longer than usual episode full of knowledge bombs Want to train with me? Check out TRAIN WITH JAY
28/03/191h 17m

MWM033 - Cold Hard Confidence Facts

In this episode I share with you 8 Cold Hard Confidence Facts that will make you better... NO ONE IS GOING TO DO THIS SHIT FOR YOU NO ONE CARES ONE DAY YOU WILL BE DEAD YOUR FRIENDS AND YOUR COLLEAGUES DON'T PAY YOUR BILLS SMALL WINS INCREASE CONFIDENCE IF IT'S HARD TO DO IT'S GOOD TO DO YOU WILL BE SHIT AT FIRST IT'S NOT WHAT YOU KNOW IT'S HOW YOU CAN HELP To get your name down on my up and coming Warrior Weekend in Belfast CLICK HERE To find out more about my Train with Jay Subscription CLICK HERE
22/03/1914m 24s

MWM032 - The 4 C's of Building Successful Habits

I've been obsessed with habits over the past few years and after reading many habit books and practicing different methods I am going to be giving you my 4 C Method for creating habits that STICK! Choose - Choose what habit you want to improve and focus on developing tiny habits each day Combine - The best way to keep consistent with a new habit is to combine it with a current one which you do every day Challenge - Challenge yourself to do the habit for a month and hold yourself accountable to others. If you see a big reward from the habit in the month it will be much easier to stick to Commit - Commit to yourself that regardless of how you feel you will do the habit every day without fail. Want to train with me? CLICK HERE Want to find out more about the Warrior Weekend When I announce it? CLICK HERE
15/03/1910m 24s

MWM031 - The Motivation Manifesto

What's the difference between Internal and External Motivation and how do we use them to our advantage? In this episode I break down the two and introduce you to my three levels of motivation to make a positive and permanent change Don't forget!!! We will soon be closing our doors to our last ever GrenadeFIT 8 Fat Loss Challenge here you could win a Holiday with me to Ibiza! To find out more CLICK HERE
08/03/1916m 14s

MWM030 - How to be an Influencer

2019 is the year of the influencer and its big business! But how do you go about becoming one? In this episode I show you how I like to do it Want to train with me? CLICK HERE
01/03/1911m 5s

MWM029 - The HAPPINESS Hypothesis

Something that we always look for is how to be more happy. In this episode I break down 9 different things to focus on so you can make small improvements in each of them. Health Action Persistence  Passion Integrity Novelty Empathy Selfishness Selflessness Want to train with me? Click Here
22/02/1919m 16s

MWM028 - What Would The Sage Do?

It's important to have mentors in this world for many different things that you are looking to become successful in. When we mirror the habits of these people we aim to get similar success (after all success leaves clues) However a lot of the time this can be disheartening or disappointing due to the unrealistic expectations we place on these people. Dr Chuck Chakrapani breaks down another concept called "What would the Sage do" He says to create and idealised concept of what you aim to mirror in your life in the hope that you can live up to it. His sage is incredibly relevant to me and something that I now read daily to keep me on track. Want to train with me? Check out http://www.trainwithjay.co.uk
15/02/1911m 56s

MWM027 - 10 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Become Successful

Guess who's back? My First Podcast episode of 2019 and I hope you enjoy it! My 10 Things you need to stop doing in order to become successful 1. Complaining - When you complain to others you’re basically saying the world revolves around you. It doesn’t! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 2. Blaming others - Blaming others feels good because it removes you of responsibility. Some times you can’t control things that happen to you in life but you can certainly control how you deal with it so start taking full responsibility for everything you do. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 3. Wasting your time - I’ll tell you now you waste a lot of time on pointless shit! Find out the things that you can delegate or delete from your life and do something good with it ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 4. Thinking people owe you something - you are rewarded in this world based on the value you personally give to it, not what you take from others ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 5. Being distracted - We are all easily distracted in this world which is why it's so important to nail down strong habits preventing you from doing so. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 6. Hanging around with twats - if you hang around with enough twats you will eventually become one yourself ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 7. Playing it safe - I’ve you’ve never fucked up or failed massively in life so far than it’s probably a sign that you’ve been playing too safe ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 8. Playing small - life is an ocean of opportunities and it’s up to you wether you collect from it with a bucket or a spoon ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 9. Arguing on social media - When you have google and time no one wins an argument on social media so why even bother? Go back and read number 3 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 10. Listening and reading the news - if you want to feed your soul on negativity, turmoil and fear go right ahead and switch it on. I’ll stick to my positive podcasts and books thank you! Want to Train with Me? CLICK HERE
08/02/1914m 47s

MWM026 - Bullshit Free Knowledge Bombs with Brad Burton

What can I say about Brad Burton, He is pure FIRE! The UK’s Number 1 Motivational Business Speak is back on the Mindset with Muscle Podcast for the Third Time To drop some serious knowledge bombs and to kick start you into action Want to find out more about Brad Burton? Head on over to https://www.bradburton.biz
07/12/1847m 24s

MWM025 - Atomic Habits with James Clear

Very Excited to have James Clear on this episode of Mindset with Muscle James is an Entrepreneur, Author and in my eyes the King of Habits. around half a million people are subscribed to his newsletter email and this Month James launches his Brand New Book Atomic Habits. You can grab yourself a copy of the book here https://jamesclear.com/atomic-habits
07/12/1843m 35s

MWM024 - Never Ring The Bell

We are back with another flashback to season 1 on Mindset with Muscle and talking all about one of my favourite speeches ever. Never Ring The Bell
07/12/1822m 20s

MWM023 - Not your average Joe

Last year I had the privilege of interviewing Joe Wicks Joe is one of the UK’s most successful Personal Trainers and is also a best selling author who has created a wave in the Fitness Industry. Joe has amassed millions of followers and has even had his own TV series but it wasn’t always like that. Joe has come from very humble backgrounds and has worked extremely hard to get where he is today. Lots of knowledge bombs to be taken away from this one
07/12/1845m 55s

MWM022 - The Best Time to Plant a Tree

There’s and old Chinese Proverb that says “The Best Time to Plant a Tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now” You are never to old to do something you really want to do and in this podcast episode I show some great examples of people that have achieved things later in life than expected.
07/12/1814m 11s

MWM021 - Aim Higher with Ross Edgley

Ross Edgley is one crazy dude and one of the most inspirational guys I have ever met! Ross is currently swimming around the entire UK! Yes the ENTIRE UK! At the beginning of the year I was honoured to have ross on a live stream to discuss lots of different things but the main take away is to always aim higher Enjoy!
07/12/181h 5m

MWM020 - MWM Book - Chapter 9 - Knowledge isn't Power

Back for another instalment of my best selling book Mindset with Muscle. This chapter is titled "Knowledge Isn't Power" in which I give you this insights to better understand and use knowledge to your advantage with ACTION
07/12/1816m 4s

MWM019 - MWM Book - Chapter 8 - Falling in Love with Failure

This week we are onto chapter 8 of my best selling book Mindset with Muscle and we are talking all about failure. Gents have you checked out my Train with Jay Yet? Click here to find out more >> www.trainwithjay.co.uk
07/12/1817m 56s

MWM018 -MWM Book - Chapter 7 - Passion Breeds Success

Welcome to Chapter 7 of my Best Selling Book Mindset with Muscle In this episode we discuss all things passion and the relentless energy that you get from pursuing something you love Have you checked out Train with Jay Yet? If you are a male looking to drop bodyfat or build muscle there's not better place to be! To fin out more head on over to www.trainwithjay.co.uk
07/12/1817m 3s

MWM017 - MWM Book - Chapter 6 - What Gets Measured Gets Managed

Welcome to Chapter 6 of my Best Selling Book Mindset with Muscle In this episode, we expand on my favourite quote "what gets measured gets managed" Measuring things can be hard to do especially if you are not willing to face the reality of your inactions but once realised and resolved can have a massive positive impact on your life If you are looking to make significant changes in your life from a Nutrition, Training and Mindset you should come on board with my Train with Jay It's only £20 per month and the value you get is incredible! http://www.trainwithjay.co.uk
07/12/1817m 5s

MWM016 - MWM Book - Chapter 5 - Mapping Out Your Motivators

Welcome to chapter 5 of my best selling book mindset with muscle In this Chapter its all about mapping out your motivators Excited to tell you that my Train with Jay is now Live If you are Male and looking to Build Muscle, Drop Bodyfat and get into the shape of your life then my Train with Jay is right up your street to find out more check out https://www.trainwithjay.co.uk
07/12/1818m 31s

MWM015 - MWM Book - Chapter 4 - Look,Feel,Think,Do

One of my favourite quotes is "What you put in your body affects how you look and how you feel and what you put in your head affects what you think and what you do" Why this is so important to understand is that you are in control of these things Want to train with me? Head on over to www.trainwithjay.co.uk
07/12/1819m 7s

MWM014 - MWM Book - Chapter 3 - Controlling Your Environment

Continuing on with chapter 3 from my best selling book Mindset with Muscle. In this episode it's all about controlling your environment
07/12/1819m 57s

MWM013 - MWM Book - Chapter 2 - Habits and Routines

Continuing on with chapters from my best selling book Mindset with Muscle is Chapter 2 Which talks all about habits and routines
07/12/1818m 6s

MWM012 - MWM Book - Intro and Chapter 1

Over the next few weeks I've got something really special for you Each week I am going to be posting chapters from my Best Selling Book Mindset with Muscle starting with this episode which includes the Introduction and Chapter 1 Enjoy
07/12/1834m 39s

MWM011 - 5 Lessons Learnt from David Goggins

In this episode I break down 5 lessons that I learnt from Ex Navy Seal and Ultra Endurance Athlete David Goggins 1. You have the ability to change into whatever you want 2. Stop reading other peoples books and read your own 3. To grow you must suffer 4. The Truth is Painful and in order to succeed you must embrace it 5. Your brain and body once connected together can do anything
07/12/1810m 39s

MWM010 - You Can Do Anything

Having just got back from a 6 day trip to Los Angeles and met an incredible diverse number of people following their passions and dreams I want to give you some tips on how you can too.
07/12/1813m 6s

MWM009 - SUCCESS Principles

Bit of a flashback with this episode as so many of you have asked where you can listen to season 1 of Mindset with Muscle. My SUCCESS Principles was the most downloaded episode from the last Season and I really want people to listen to it as the book I talk about has changed my life Enjoy
07/12/1857m 44s

MWM008 - Help Me

Why is asking for Help so difficult? In this Podcast Episode, I explain why plus some things that can really help you improve your mental wellbeing.
07/12/1818m 1s

MWM007 - 59 Seconds

Having just come back from 12 days away I thought I'd share with you a fantastic book I read called 59 Seconds by Richard Wiseman Enjoy
07/12/1811m 38s

MWM006 - 33 AT 33 PART 2

Continuing on from last weeks podcast was my 33 thoughts and feelings at 33 years of age Enjoy!
07/12/1817m 37s

MWM005 - 33 at 33 Part 1

It was my birthday last week and every birthday I write a number of thoughts and feelings that have helped me this year Enjoy!
07/12/1818m 22s

MWM004 - Is all Envy bad?

Is all Envy that bad? In this episode we discuss the two different types of Envy and how some Envy can serve you on a path to success and how other kinds of Envy can consume you and bring you nothing but negative feelings
07/12/1817m 27s

MWM003 - The 3 Success Secrets

Welcome to Episode 3 of the Mindset with Muscle Podcast In this Episode, we will be discussing three of my favourite success strategies that you must implement immediately to achieve more. 1. One Chapter Per Day - Creating Small Non-Negotiables in your life to get you closer to your goals 2. Don't be good, be great - Focusing on become great at the things you are good at 3. Switch off to Switch on - Learning and Developing Routines and Rituals to become less distracted. The Two Books that I spoke about in this episode are Mindset with Muscle PEAK - Secrets from the new Science of Expertise
07/12/1816m 32s

MWM002 - The Outcome is not the Outcome

Welcome to episode 2 of the Mindset with Muscle Podcast. In this episode, I share with you my favourite parable and we listen to will smith talk all about what's on the other side of fear.
07/12/1812m 36s

MWM001 - 5 Things I Learnt From Breaking Down

WE ARE BACK LADIES AND GENTS! Welcome to Episode 1 of the Brand New Mindset with Muscle Podcast! In this Episode Jamie shares with you something he has never shared with you before. The 5 Things That he Learnt From Breaking Down Enjoy :-)
07/12/1819m 23s
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