Does He Need Any Tips?

Does He Need Any Tips?

By Tom & Jack

Talk behind my Tom & Jack but to my face they say nothing. Stand up in the dance, keep a firm steady stance. Keep the beanies touching, keep the beanies hot flushing. This week internet dating, computer troubles and shower calls. What Annoyed Us was 1 star reviews, scrumpy urine and anti-vegan patrols. PLUS an application for Hunted and e-book authory. 11 minutes and 49 seconds for DOG. Originally broadcast 08/03/2019. 


Here's the pitch video for Soft Lad Gyms Inc. (SLG)

And here's Tom's thing documenting the whole thing

Here's our INFAMOUS application for Hunted

Read Tom's full application for the Apprentice here. 

Here's us learning to cook with Zoella. 

Watch Japanese House Cafe 

Interview we done








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