Perfectionism the Procrastinators Excuse

Perfectionism the Procrastinators Excuse

By Gavan Wall

“There’s no such thing as perfection. It is the bullsh#t that is used by those who like to validate their own procrastination.” – Gavan Wall, The Speed Mentor

Today, we talk about breaking the cycle of perfectionism. Gavan advises that rather than aiming for perfection, you should be striving for excellence. Procrastination is closely related to perfection. It’s the definite excuse of procrastinators why they don’t begin to take action to achieve their goals.

It’s time to change your belief system. Let Gavan’s 10 tips help you break the cycle of perfectionism/procrastination in this episode of The Speed Mentor Podcast. You got to start now and get excellent later.


Perfectionism often stems from childhood trauma where punishment is given when making mistakes. According to Gavan, rather than aiming for perfection, aim for excellence. Excellence offers more flexibility. Excelling means doing your tasks to your best standards taking into consideration that there will be two types of outcomes, the bad and the good. Acknowledge that you are a human and everyone has flaws. What you should aim is to be better than you were yesterday. Improve your craft. Take into consideration all the feedback and use it to motivate and learn what you can change in your actions. “Perfectionism is a self-destructive and addictive belief system that fuels this primary thought: If I look perfect, and do everything perfectly, I can avoid or minimise the painful feelings of shame, judgment, and blame.” – Brene Brown

10 things to Break the cycle of perfectionism and procrastination:

Be firm about your set deadlines. Leverage your tasks to someone else. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you’re not perfect. Change your standards by merely ‘being better than you were yesterday’. Go and purposely fail at something. Talk about your failures. Be YOU. Stop being cautious. Take a broad brush approach to your tasks. Leave your home in a mess.


“Perfectionism is nothing more than a procrastinator’s last refuge to shield themselves from acting.” “None of us is perfect. No matter what the Instagram pictures tell us, we’re all flawed. Get used to it.” “Freedom, growth, and fulfilment lie in the ability to accept that you’re not perfect.”


Welcome to the Speed Mentor Podcast.

Do you want success and abundance in your life?!

Do you want to hear how to achieve it?

Then you’ve come to the right place where the world’s only Speed Mentor, Gavan Wall will mainline you with micro bite-sized chunks of inspiration fused with knowledge, built into a daily routine to help you deliver success.

After walking away, a decade ago from his gilded life as a leading Barrister and property investor, Gavan Wall started his entrepreneurial career in inauspicious circumstances as he lost everything in the property crash.

But he refused to give up, re-building a financial fortress from scratch, until now he leads multiple successful multi-million £ companies across FMCG, Franchise, Tech, Property and Mentoring.

He’s the Speed Mentor and serial entrepreneur, who shares with you all the breadcrumbs of success and just as importantly the failures. If you listen, you can avoid the potholes and learn to conquer your fear and live a life of success and abundance just like him.

But be warned, his message can be stark and will not be for those seeking shortcuts. If you’re wanting to be told that the law of attraction will deliver success wrapped in a bow to your front door, then this Podcast isn’t for you, as that’s never going to happen! It’s time to own your own sh#t, never blame others and take the massive action to create the attraction.

The opportunities and whitespace are everywhere. Gavan will help you get outside your comfort zone, connect with others, shed the scarcity mindset, set gorilla goals and achieve so much more.

If you want to make your ideas soar…then talk to the Wall!


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