Three things you need to change to create the business (and life) you want

Three things you need to change to create the business (and life) you want

By Nick James

Environment is the missing piece in the jigsaw of success and is often overlooked but getting it right can make the difference when you are building a successful business.

Your environment can support you in achieving what you want to in life and there are 3 different areas to consider - the people around you, the space you are in and the things that are with you daily.

Your environment can bring inspiration and play a key role in your success if you understand how it impacts on you and the difference it can make to you performing at your optimum.



The environment you spend the majority of your time in, is of critical importance and is a significant factor in achieving what you want to in life. People - You should surround yourself with;

Mentors – people you are aspiring to be, those further on in the journey than you.

Mentees – those who are 2 steps behind, you can add value to them and they help provide perspective on what you have already achieved.

Masterminds  - people who are your peers who hold each other to account and are also in friendly competition.

Places - Where you physically spend your time makes a difference. Does the place you are in everyday make you feel good? The things you have around you can help with visualisation of where you want to be, motivating you to focus on what you really want.



‘When you have grown together the opportunity for collaboration and joint venture is greater’

‘As the business owner, you are the greatest asset or liability in your business’

‘Feed your mind with great information and surround yourself with things that help you to get motivated’



Nick James

Nick dropped out of university at the age of 21, and failed spectacularly with his first coaching business, which forced him to take a £16k/yr telesales job. 

Within 12 months he was top performer and left to start his second business at 24. This time he discovered a winning formula and before long had a multi-six-figure company.

He then made a huge mistake which nearly put him out of business and cost him £50,000 in personal cash!

Fortunately, Nick kept it afloat, turned it round, and sold that business 2 years later in a seven-figure deal. 

He then co-founded a multi-million-pound marketing company, which he exited in 2015, and created Expert Empires.

Today, Expert Empires is known as the UK's number one business event for Experts, with world-renowned celebrity speakers like Gary Vaynerchuk, Grant Cardone, Chalene Johnson, David Goggins, and Lewis Howes gracing the stage.

Nick also specialises in helping Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Trainers, and Authors take their businesses from zero to six figures and beyond through his Expert Empires Mastermind programme.

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