Ep. #320 - Last Christmas, w/ Hallie Haglund

Ep. #320 - Last Christmas, w/ Hallie Haglund

By MaximumFun, Dan McCoy, Stuart Wellington, Elliott Kalan

The star of the show is back! We were SO happy to hang with the delightful and hilarious Hallie Haglund once more. And this time we didn't force her to discuss some fantasy bullshit she hates! Instead, we all watched what is surely one of the top three movies based on a Wham! song -- Last Christmas!

Also, if you're listening to this show on the day of release, you can also get another shot of Hallie by tuning into our table read of The Boy Next Door, starring Hallie, Dan, Stu, Elliott, Natalie Walker, Jenny Jaffe, and X Mayo!

Wikipedia synopsis of Last Christmas

Movies recommended in this episode:

Tango & Cash

Runaway Train

The Curse of the Cat People


Memories of Murder

Heart UK