Nash Tackle Off The Hook Podcast - S2 Episode 31 - Justin Carter

Nash Tackle Off The Hook Podcast - S2 Episode 31 - Justin Carter

By Nash Tackle

This week the podcast welcomes Justin Carter, a truly inspirational man with an equally inspirational story having suffered a lifechanging accident whilst carp fishing leaving him paralysed and needing the use of a wheelchair.

Justin talks about his love for big carp and he recalls successful campaigns on Ringstead and Deepings. On Ringstead he managed to bank majority of the stock from both Crackers (a feeder water on the complex) and the main lake cumulating in his incredible capture of “The Lady” at over 55lb. 

On Deepings despite some early struggles he managed to find a winning formulae fishing in the weed rather than the clear areas which lead to capturing the biggest fish “Black Spot” twice both times at over 50lb.

Justin talks about his love for fishing and how it contrast’s and balances his busy working life (he is an accountant with his own business) and how he enjoyed regular foreign fishing adventures to the likes of Morocco, France and Hungry in search of big continental carp.

Life changed for Justin when he suffered a fall whilst up a climbing tree fishing on Northley park. He was left paralysed from the waist down, with a punctured lung and torn Aorta. Drifting in and out of consciousness, he had to wait over 3 hours in immense pain before being found and airlifted to hospital. Then began a huge change in Justin’s life. 

Over the next two years Justin’s positive mentality and love for his family, friends and desire to get back on the bank has driven him to fight against the odds and get himself rehabilitated to the point at which he is back to work and back out catching 40lbers .

He talks about the highs and lows, how he has changed, advice for people in similar situations as well as the people who have helped him along the way. You simply cannot help but be inspired by this tale and it certainly shows the power of the human mind, how much carp fishing can contribute to people’s lives and it certainly puts life into perspective. A massive thanks to Justin for being so honest and open in sharing his story.

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