The Gut Stuff and their mission to empower gut health in everyone

The Gut Stuff and their mission to empower gut health in everyone

By Bioglan

Welcome to Series 2 of Health Unwrapped. We&aposre so pleased that you enjoyed our first series of expert advice and have been using some of their tips in your day to day. We all know, now, more than ever before how important it is to look after ourselves so we are keen to continue to bring you more useful conversation which you can incorporate into your every day. We want to help you get your head around what can seem overwhelming, and know that these kinds of changes don&apost have to cost the earth. Today we join Alana and Lisa Macfarlane aka The Mac Twins to talk about their work creating The Gut Stuff. We&aposll be chatting to the Ladies over two episodes as they had so much handy info to share, so be sure to listen to the next episode after this one.

What we discuss: 

How the Gut Stuff came to be - Alana and Lisa were going for tests being identical twinsHow &aposwellbeing is an aspirational industry&apos that should be for everyoneEating healthily is a lifestyle change and about consistency, not 2 weeks before holiday The realisation that they share 100% of DNA but only 30% gut bacteriaWhat is microbiome - eg. all the bacteria, viruses, pathogens that live within us and how clever they are and what they do The most common questions people ask - can I eat gluten or dairy, bloating, IBS. How our awareness of Gut Health has changed since the pandemic started

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