Four Phases of Building an Expert Empire

Four Phases of Building an Expert Empire

By Nick James

Nick goes through the phases of building an expert empire explaining how the phases build on each other and discussing what can hold you back and the vital importance of structure

He uses his own business journey to explain the phases, processes and structures that mean your business can move from start-up to scaling successfully. This is a Masterclass with great clarity on exactly how to approach each phase and what you should be focusing on, listen in and hear more



If you understand something and you have structure it’s much easier to succeed and get the results you want There are 4 phases to growing a business – start-up, selling and marketing, growth, and scale In the start-up phase, there are two things you need to focus on, specialising and sales To identify your people ask yourself – who specifically is this for? What is their biggest pain or problem? You need to sell people what they want not what they need, it’s about a solution to their problem Ask yourself what’s the one thing they want more than anything? What’s the promise? Most businesses underperform because they can’t sell or don’t want to have the sales conversation Exchanging time for money in phase one is fine In Phase 2 you need to start marketing your product or service, you need to share with people what you can do for them Focus on the management of your money and investing in growth and marketing In the growth phase, focus on building the right team and making sure they have processes to follow



‘The biggest mistake I see people make on the journey is trying to run before they can walk

‘You need structure to be successful’

‘You do not need complex funnels and campaigns in the start-up phase

Take the things that have worked in phases 1 and 2 and turn them into systems and processes that others can follow’



Empire Builders Podcast



Nick James

Nick dropped out of university at the age of 21 and failed spectacularly with his first coaching business, which forced him to take a £16k/yr telesales job. 

Within 12 months he was the top performer and left to start his second business at 24. This time he discovered a winning formula and before long had a multi-six-figure company.

He then made a huge mistake which nearly put him out of business and cost him £50,000 in personal cash!

Fortunately, Nick kept it afloat, turned it around, and sold that business 2 years later in a seven-figure deal. 

He then co-founded a multi-million-pound marketing company, which he exited in 2015, and created Expert Empires.

Today, Expert Empires is known as the UK's number one business event for Experts, with world-renowned celebrity speakers like Gary Vaynerchuk, Grant Cardone, Chalene Johnson, David Goggins, and Lewis Howes gracing the stage.

Nick also specialises in helping Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Trainers, and Authors take their businesses from zero to six figures and beyond through his Expert Empires Mastermind programme.

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