The Definitive Guide To Strategic Planning

The Definitive Guide To Strategic Planning

By Nick Bradley

Nick provides an all-encompassing, definitive guide to strategic planning, inspired by the Empire Elite mastermind group - the complete methodology that'll allow you to turn around a flagging business, scale to an exit in a short amount of time, and build value for shareholders and wealth for ourselves.

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Having too much structure when you're in true startup mode, can be detrimental and hold you back. You need the freedom to be able to experiment with agility and pace. Structure is vital when you go from startup to scale-up. You need processes and systems that drive growth in order to achieve predictability. You must have a clear vision about the goals you are trying to reach in order to plan around that and create strategies in order to achieve it. A strong, strategic framework adds value to any investor or potential buyers as it mitigates risk, and shows the proof behind what you have done so far. It demonstrates that growth and value can extend into the future.


'You can use this frame work to plan your business, plan your goals and outcomes, and ultimate exit'

'The whole nature of startup is about trying things out - testing and iterating'

'The whole definition of scaling is being able to grow through people and process'

'You can't hope your way to an outcome'


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Nick Bradley is a renowned entrepreneur, investor, speaker, and business growth expert.

His background is growing and scaling Venture Capital and Private Equity backed businesses globally.

Over the last decade, he has completed 117 acquisitions and 25 business exits with a combined valuation of over $5bn dollars.His mission is to help business founders build valuable businesses and create life-changing exits so they can realise freedom, wealth, and impact.

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Nick Bradley- exit, strategy, podcast, business, scale, scale up, growth, equity, high-value, wealth, sell, sold:

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