604 - Book of the Stranger

604 - Book of the Stranger

By Bald Move

Jim and A.Ron, after careful sober analysis, declare "Book of the Stranger" an awesome episode of HBO's Game of Thornes. In an impressive display of girl power, Sansa and Jon team up to take back the North, Cersie and the Queen of Thorns conspire to take back King's Landing, Yara helps her brother find his spine, Dany flips braziers and sets fire to many a Khal's ambition, and Osha... well, Osha finds that there are still limits to what a gal can get away with in Westeros, but we're mostly okay with that because it seems like Ramsey already has a noose around his neck and doesn't even know it. And that's not even the half of it. Pink letters, Tormund and Brienne shipping, Littlefinger scheming, and much more coming straight up.
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