410 - The Children

410 - The Children

By Bald Move

Jim and A.Ron go all out talking about the season 4 finale of Game of Thrones, episode 410, "The Children". In what turned out to be a behemoth, two and a half hour extravaganza, they boys discuss the merits of mounted cavalry versus untrained foot soldiers, whether the tree cave was more LotRy or Fraggle Rocky, who had Arya's best interests at heart, what's worse; a punch to the nuts or a savage kick to the vagoo, and finally, just how Effed in the Bee is Westeros at the close of this season? All this, plus a ton of feedback, and A.Ron tries to talk book readers off their ledge in the spoiler section. Don't forget, we come back next week for an epic season four wrap up cast! Have something you still need to get off your chest, send it in!
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