10 Biggest REALTOR Regrets You Must Avoid

10 Biggest REALTOR Regrets You Must Avoid

By Tim & Julie Harris - Real Estate Coaches

Welcome back to America's #1 Daily Podcast, featuring America's #1 Real Estate Coaches and Top EXP Realty Sponsors in the World, Tim and Julie Harris. 1 Being BUSY versus being PRODUCTIVE. Knowing what leads to your actual profit versus practicing ‘work theatre’. Memorize your action list of productivity and don’t waiver from it.  Lead Generation / Furiously fast lead follow up / Prequalifying / Presenting / Negotiating / Closing / lather…rinse…repeat! 2 Not showing overt gratitude to those who matter most. Someone once wrote about a gentleman they encountered at a graveyard, who was placing flowers on his deceased wife’s grave. He said, ‘Every day since she passed away I’ve come here to bring her these flowers…I should have done that long ago…she really would’ve loved that.’ Don’t wait until it’s too late. IMPORTANT: Join #1 Real Estate Coaches Tim and Julie Harris's Premier Coaching now for FREE. Included is a DAILY Coaching Session with a HARRIS Certified Coach. Proven and tested lead generation, systems, and scripts designed for this market. Instant FREE Access Now: YES, Enroll Me NOW In Premier Coaching https://members.timandjulieharris.com/ 3 Spending too much time ‘getting ready to get started’, and staying in unconscious incompetence perpetually. This is a result of analysis paralysis, following the wrong ‘guru’, not being your own ‘guru’, lack of exposure to success, or possibly just laziness. All of these things are curable but you must be proactive. 4 Health and fitness fails. How long are you going to wait to get in shape? Does it take a health scare to get you into action?  Working out at OrangeTheory, CrossFit, Zumba, etc, is not just good for you but will grow your business. Learn the F-O-R-D script! 5 Relying on the Three B’s of BS for your success. Building a team, buying business, or building your brand. None of these is related to your success. Stop looking for external reasons and take ownership of your trajectory. Learn to proactively lead generate, or you will never be in control of your potential! 6 Allowing a failure, string of failures, or a bad month to become your ‘theme song’ versus just saying ‘next’ and moving on. ‘It’s too soon to tell’ is better than making your temporary failure into an adult failure spiral. 7 Having to be right all the time. Lack of flexibility, being overly rigid, and not having versatility are all hazards to your income, your reputation, and your ability to achieve your dreams.   8 Not setting goals. A goal is a dream with an action plan. A goal is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely, or ‘SMART’. Saying you need to earn more money next year is a dream. Stating you will save $25,000 by December 31st by adding 2 more lead generation spokes, saving 10% from every check, and closing 8 more transactions, doing it all before December 31st, now that’s a GOAL. 9 Playing the long game versus focusing on shorter, more attainable goals. You don’t have to know all the steps, just the first one. Do THAT. Then do the next one. The steps you take as you’re achieving are often different than how you thought it would go when you were procrastinating. 10 Doing all this by yourself. Guessing your way through / winging it. Get help! Why try to reinvent the wheel? Do what is proven to work, then repeat it. This is not a business to ‘try things out’, to ‘see what happens’. That’s costly in terms of both time and money. Get a coach. Be coachable. Do it today. IMPORTANT: Join #1 Real Estate Coaches Tim and Julie Harris's Premier Coaching now for FREE. Included is a DAILY Coaching Session with a HARRIS Certified Coach. Proven and tested lead generation, systems, and scripts designed for this market. Instant FREE Access Now: YES, Enroll Me NOW In Premier Coaching https://members.timandjulieharris.com/
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