Jo Gipson on Pelvic Floor Health and Pre and Postnatal Rehab

Jo Gipson on Pelvic Floor Health and Pre and Postnatal Rehab

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In this Bodcast, Chloe discusses her own experiences and concerns about her body during pregnancy. She introduces Jo Gipson, a physiotherapist specializing in pelvic health, who provides valuable insights and advice. They cover various topics such as pelvic floor health, c-sections, and ways to improve the birthing experience. They emphasize the importance of seeking professional help for pelvic floor issues and provide guidance on exercise during pregnancy. This episode is brought to you by Symprove - a science-backed water-based supplement containing billions of live and active bacteria that support the gut. Symprove are offering a 50% discount on your first three months subscription – Visit and use our code BODCAST50 for 50% off your first three months subscription. The Importance of Pelvic Health [00:02:05] Discussion on the role of a pelvic health physiotherapist and the various issues they address, including bladder and bowel function, pelvic pain, and prolapse. Pelvic Health Throughout Life [00:05:08] Explanation of how pelvic health is relevant to women at different stages of life, from teens to perimenopause, and even in older age. Signs and Symptoms of Pelvic Floor Issues [00:08:20] Overview of common symptoms indicating pelvic floor issues, such as urinary urgency, incontinence, constipation, and prolapse. The importance of addressing pelvic floor issues [00:09:23] Discusses common pelvic floor issues during pregnancy and the impact on pain and discomfort. The struggle with pelvic floor relaxation [00:10:20] Shares personal experience of struggling with pelvic floor relaxation postnatal and the impact on sex life. The need for specific professionals for different issues [00:13:11] Emphasizes the importance of finding the right professional for specific pelvic health issues and mentions referrals to other healthcare professionals. The importance of preparing for all types of births [00:17:49] Discusses the misconception that cesarean births are an "easy way out" and emphasizes the need for appropriate rehab and recovery for all types of births. The benefits and considerations of prenatal exercise [00:19:43] Highlights the benefits of exercise during pregnancy and provides recommendations for prenatal training, including the importance of consulting with healthcare professionals and avoiding certain exercises. Adapting exercise routines throughout pregnancy [00:24:33] Explains how exercise routines should be adjusted during each trimester, including modifications for abdominal muscles, changing form to accommodate the growing bump, and focusing on hip opening exercises in the third trimester. Training during pregnancy [00:26:23] Importance of listening to your body, noticing symptoms, and adapting exercises during pregnancy. Continuing exercise during pregnancy [00:27:15] The benefits of modifying exercise rather than stopping completely for the health of the baby and the mother. Preparing for different types of birth [00:32:13] The importance of being informed about different birth options and potential interventions to feel empowered and prepared mentally. Perineal massage [00:35:02] Perineal massage is recommended for reducing tears and instrumental delivery, and it helps prepare the body for childbirth. Using the Epi-No device [00:37:03] The Epi-No device is a tool that can be used for stretching the pelvic floor and perineal tissues, helping to prepare for childbirth. Postnatal pelvic health [00:41:34] Postnatal pelvic health is important for recovery and preventing long-term issues such as muscle loss and bone density loss. Pregnancy-related muscle loss [00:43:37] Discussion on the importance of protein intake for postmenopausal women to maintain muscle mass during pregnancy.... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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