MASKCAST, Episode 6, What are the panel really like...

MASKCAST, Episode 6, What are the panel really like...

By Bandicoot Television

Ohh it's a juicy one Mask Singer fans! Superfan Nick John's grills the ITV show's Creative Director Dan Nettleton on what the panelists are really like....
Why is Davina McCall the 'school swat'?
Why do they all look to Rita Ora when assessing a certain skill?
And what does Johathan Ross have in his dressing room that makes everyone hang out there?

Plus after Claire Richard a.k.a Knitting told us she was "obsessed" with the show we put her knowledge to the test... can she beat Charlie Simpson (Rhino) and Tamzin Outhwait (Scarecrow)?

Then it's your turn to shine Maskcasters - Nick goes through your guesses to see if together we can crack, who is behind the mask...

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