545. The Positive Impact of Getting Negative with Jeff Krasno

545. The Positive Impact of Getting Negative with Jeff Krasno

By Commune

The Positive Impact of Getting Negative
In this episode, Jeff explains the science behind “grounding,” also know as “earthing.” Direct contact with the earth's surface allows you to absorb negative electrons from the earth, which can help reduce inflammation and neuter the free radicals that cause oxidative stress in the body. Who knew?!

In this episode we cover:
00:02:00: Reducing oxidative stress by connecting with the earth
00:04:00: How negative charge is transferred to the earth’s surface
00:06:00: How negative ions neutralize free radicals in the body
00:10:00: How antioxidants can decrease oxidative stress
00:11:00: Health benefits of “grounding”

Balance Weekend Retreat with Schuyler Grant & Jeff Krasno in Topanga, CA, April 5-7, 2024.
This weekend retreat is all about practices that cultivate balance in your life. This will include movement (yoga and hiking), focusing the mind (meditation and breathwork), hot and cold therapy (ice plunge and sauna), and enjoying time together in community. Go to onecommune.com/retreat for more info.

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