Epson/ARtGlass Interview, Computer and Technology News

Epson/ARtGlass Interview, Computer and Technology News

By Computer America

First Segment: ARtGlass/Epson.  ARtGlass has developed a proprietary Augmented Reality (AR) platform to serve the unique needs of cultural sites. We guide visitors on interactive journeys through time and space, creating dynamic, immersive storytelling and educational experiences. In the highly competitive market for attracting visitors, cultural sites need distinguishing strategies that allow them to stand out and succeed. Designed for multi-user applications, Moverio BT-350 smart glasses feature an adjustable design, made to fit multiple sizes. With included admin software1 and an optional USB dock, management of multiple devices is easy. Ideal for indoor and outdoor use, these highly transparent glasses redefine augmented reality (AR) with a groundbreaking Si-OLED display. Motion-tracking sensors and a high-resolution camera make it ideal for 360-degree apps. The binocular display enables stereoscopic content too. With wireless and Bluetooth® Smart (BLE) connectivity, the BT-350 supports multiple accessories. Built on the Android™ platform, it’s ideal for developing AR apps. Second Segment: Computer and Technology News. Today's Topics Include: Apple Uses Google For iCloud Samsung Bixby Speakers Coming 2nd Half of 2018 And more! For full show notes, check out!
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