Infogix Interview, Snapdragon 845, PSVR 2 Million+, DeepMind AI

Infogix Interview, Snapdragon 845, PSVR 2 Million+, DeepMind AI

By Computer America

First Segment: Infogix. Emily Washington, Senior Vice President/Product Management Integrity is fundamental in data, just as in business. Infogix’s data integrity and data governance solutions, powered by advanced analytics and big data, ensure that organizations can maximize the value of their data. Data’s value is unlocked when users trust that data is accurate, are able to operationalize insights from raw data, and all stakeholders understand and agree on what data means.   Second Segment: Computer and Technology News Today's Topics Include: DeepMind AI Faster Than Ever Sony Sold 2 Million PSVR Units Snapdragon 845 Latest Specs San Francisco Restricts Sidewalk Delivery Bots For full show notes, check out!
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