Mike Cermak, Techguy.org Talks Tesla, Botnets, 3D Printing, More!

Mike Cermak, Techguy.org Talks Tesla, Botnets, 3D Printing, More!

By Computer America

Both Segments: Mike Cermak, Techguy.org. Post your question any time! Someone may reply with a suggestion within a few minutes or a few hours, depending on your specific question and the number of volunteers online at the moment. We have an amazing group of volunteers who are experts in Windows, Mac, Linux, and more. Some have even received Microsoft’s MVP “Most Valuable Professional” award for their outstanding work here at Tech Support Guy!   Today's topics include: https://www.engadget.com/2017/12/05/researchers-3d-print-wifi-connected-objects-no-power/ https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/elon-musk-artificial-intelligence_us_5a1b3e02e4b0cee6c0508746?section=us_technology https://www.pcmag.com/news/357727/andromeda-botnet-shut-down https://www.cnet.com/news/sen-maggie-hassan-security-needs-government-regulation/ For full show notes, check out ComputerAmerica.com!
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