The Nutrition Nuggets Podcast

The Nutrition Nuggets Podcast

By Dale Pinnock

Helping YOU get clarity on Nutrition. Presented by Dale Pinnock 'The Medicinal Chef'. Best selling author of 20 books that are now in 19 Languages in 22 countries. Dale holds a BSc in Human Nutrition, a BSc in Herbal Medicine, and a Post Graduate degree in Nutritional Medicine from the University of Surrey. A regular face on British TV shows such as This Morning, Lorraine and co presenter of ITV's big hit show 'Eat, Shop, Save', Dale is passionate about delivering clarity and understanding to the subject of nutrition, in a time when information is so often driven by fads, fashion, half truths and unqualified influencers peddling their ideas. This podcast aims to deliver short sharp evidence based bursts of information around a different subject each week. 


The Beneficial Side To Omega 6 Fatty Acids

Send us a textIs there actually a GOOD side to omega 6 fatty acids? This episode dives into the delicate balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids in our diets, addressing specific listener concerns about GLA supplementation and its implications for health. We explore the complex pathways of these essential fatty acids, their roles in inflammation, and the impact of seed oils on our wellbeing.• Clarification of Omega-3 and Omega-6&aposs roles in nutrition • Discussion on the listener’s question regarding GLA and Omega-6 supplementation • Explanation of metabolic pathways for linoleic acid and GLA • Examination of inflammatory responses and Omega ratios • Insights into seed oils and their influence on health • Encouragement for listener engagement and inquiries
13/02/2512m 46s

Why The Alkaline Diet Is Just NONSENSE!

Send us a text alkaline diet has been around for decades and it keeps on popping up and haunting the nutrition space. This week&aposs podcast is a listener question from over on instagram, asking whether there is any validity to the alkaline diet. short...NO! There are huge benefits from the diet that is prescribed, but is it anything to do with pH? The whole concept is grossly inaccurate. This episode explains everything.
06/02/2511m 20s

Ignore Instagram - Your Diet DOES Influence Immunity

Send us a textMy Brand New Book - 1o1 Nutrition Myths Debunked. Out Now In Paperback. get It Here: what numerous people are saying on social media, your diet absolutely DOES affect your immunity. In a big way. This episode will tell you why and how, and help you realise that it is more a case of wrong terminology used rather than diet having no impact. I will show you some simple effective changes you van make to ensure that your immune system stays as healthy as it can. 
30/01/2523m 15s

Why Inflammation Causes Disease

Send us a text is one of the biggest drivers of chronic disease. Yet, it is a silent killer that most of us are unaware is an issue for us until it is too late. So how do we stop it and prevent it from causing untold damage? This episode explains it all...
24/01/2519m 34s

How Our Gut Influences Inflammation

Send us a text inflammation is one of the biggest keys to long term health. Chronic low grade inflammation is a driver of many common degenerative diseases from cardiovascular disease to metabolic syndrome. But what does our gut have to do with all of this? Well, quite a lot actually. This episode explains all....
15/01/2519m 35s

The Three Keys To Life Long Health

Send us a text so much conflicting dietary advice, divided opinion, and contradiction, what SHOULD we be eating and doing from a dietary perspective? The truth is NOBODY knows. What we do know however is how our modern diet is killing us. What if we flipped that on. its head and did the opposite. What would that look like and what could happen? 
18/01/2429m 1s

Nutritional Supplements - How To Know What To Look For

Send us a text there is one question I get more than any other on social media it is "how do I know what to look for with nutritional supplements? How do I choose a good one?". Well, this episode answers that very question. We cover:Determining your needsWatch out for these ingredientsKnow this about dosage rangesInsist on THESE manufacturing standardsIf they don&apost have this certificate, bin themAnd a whole lot more.If you find this useful, please do share with a friend too. 
11/01/2416m 11s

New Year Diet? Just Do THIS!

Send us a textHere we are again. The new year diet nonsense crowding the headlines and popular press. The time when everyone ends top totally confused, fed up with the contradiction restriction and rubbish, gives up and just goes back to their old ways. Well, Im here to tell you to ignore the noise and just focus on one beautifully simple thing! Take a will be relieved!
05/01/247m 27s

Surviving The Christmas Indulgence

Send us a textThere is no escaping the fact that this time of year can take its toll on how we feel. A few days of cheese, wine and mince pies and we can soon feel out of whack. In this episode I want to share with you my top 5 tips to prevent the heavy horrid washed out feeling that days of indulgence can bring, whilst still enjoy yourself.  
15/12/238m 50s

Controlling Appetite - How To Do It Effectively!!

Send us a textAre you driven to snack constantly? Our modern foods and the environment we are in has caused havoc with our appetites and our natural hunger signals.  Regulating appetite is certainly a big concern for so many people that I work with. The beauty is though, with a few key changes we can change the chemistry that keeps our appetite in check and start to get back to our natural responses to food and natural eating patterns that are right for us and our own bodies. Intros episode I explain how to do it and why it works. 
24/11/2313m 27s

GastroIntelligence: Decoding the Gut-Brain Relationship

Send us a textIn this episode, I delve into the surprising truth behind the gut-brain connection, focusing on the pivotal role of the gut microbiome rather than neurotransmitters in this crucial communication pathway.Discover how the diverse world of gut bacteria influences not just our digestive health, but also our mental wellbeing and cognitive function. We&aposll explore:The Microbiome-Brain Link: Uncover the latest scientific findings on how gut microbes affect brain communication, challenging previous beliefs about gut neurotransmitters.Fiber Diversity for a Healthy Microbiome: Learn why a varied fibre diet is key to nurturing a robust microbiome, and how this diversity can positively impact your brain health.Practical Dietary Tips: Get actionable advice on enhancing your microbiome through diet, focusing on fibre-rich foods for optimal gut and brain health.This episode is packed with insights, and practical dietary strategies, making it a must-listen for anyone interested in the intricate relationship between diet, gut health, and mental wellness.#MicrobiomeHealth #GutBrainConnection #FiberDiet #MentalWellness #NutritionPodcast
16/11/239m 8s

Unveiling the Truth About Antioxidants: Myth-Busting and Health Tips

Send us a textAre antioxidants the secret elixir of youth? Can they truly prevent chronic diseases, or is it just marketing spin? Get the lowdown on how these powerful compounds work, and why the hype might be leading you astray. Discover the real benefits of antioxidants, the risks of overconsumption, and the truth about those "miracle" supplements.Join me as I explore:The fundamental science of antioxidants and free radicals: no PhD required!Evidence-based insights on how antioxidants influence health and aging.The inside story on antioxidant-rich foods vs. supplements: What does the research say?Practical, actionable tips on incorporating the right balance of antioxidants into your daily diet.Plus, we&aposll answer the burning question: Can you actually "eat the rainbow" to boost your health?Don&apost get lost in the claims and confusion. Let Nutrition Nuggets be your guide to eating smarter and living healthier. Be sure to subscribe 🍇 #Antioxidants #NutritionPodcast #HealthyEating #DietMyths #NutritionFacts #HealthAndWellness #NutritionNuggets #FreeRadicals #Superfoods #NutritionalScience
10/11/2317m 30s

A powerful anti-inflammatory diet in just 2 easy steps - THESE TWO TRICKS CHANGE EVERYTHING!

Send us a text is one of the biggest influences on long term disease risk, especially the likes of cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and many cancers. The beauty is though, our diet and lifestyle can have an enormous influence upon our inflammatory load. In this episode we will cover:✅ Acute vs. Chronic Inflammation: What sets them apart?✅ Inflammation&aposs sinister link to a host of chronic diseases.✅ Navigating the minefield of inflammatory foods vs. those that heal.✅ Low GL diet: A cornerstone in managing inflammation.✅ How omega-3 promises a turnaround in inflammation levels.By equipping yourself with the right knowledge and incorporating anti-inflammatory strategies into your diet, you can pave the way for a healthier life. #AntiInflammatoryDiet #chronicinflammation  #chronicdisease #inflammation
04/08/2310m 45s

Prevent Type 2 Diabetes in 10 Key Ways

Send us a textAre you ready to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes? In this episode, I will share 10 proven evidence based strategies that can make a world of difference in your journey towards a healthier life. Each element here plays a crucial role in keeping type 2 diabetes at bay.Stay tuned as we dive deep into the science behind preventing type 2 diabetes and offer practical tips that you can implement in your daily routine. Knowledge is the first step towards change.Prevention is key, and the earlier you take action, the better the chances of maintaining optimal metabolic health.Also available on YouTube 
28/07/2312m 2s

HDL vs LDL - What Your Doctor ISN'T Telling You!

Send us a texthttps://www.dalepinnock.comHow often have you wondered, "what is the difference between HDL and LDL?" Or pondered, "is high cholesterol actually dangerous?" In this short video I wanted to unravel the mysteries behind high cholesterol, shedding light on its impact on our health. Understand the clear distinctions between harmful and harmless cholesterol types. Discover what cholesterol level is considered high and why it matters. I also wanted to show you what actually CAUSES it to get high in the first place and to bring you practical, effective strategies for cholesterol lowering. Specifically, with guidance on how to lower cholesterol through dietary changes. Don’t forget to subscribe for more insights on health and wellness.Also available on YouTube
21/07/239m 38s

Are Carbs Killing You Slowly?

Send us a textThere are carbs that kill and carbs that heal. Undeniably. Discover the crucial links between carbohydrates and the cause of the Worlds biggest killer - heart disease, and more importantly how moving over to the right types can protect your heart long term. One simple swap is all it takes. Carbohydrates influence many aspects of cardiovascular disease, and the amount of poor quality carbohydrates that many of us are consuming is driving heart disease faster and faster. From creating a pro-inflammatory environment, through to influencing blood fats, carb choices matter. This video unpacks how carbs have the capacity to drive heart disease and why. It also describes the simple swap that you can make and how this can protect you.
06/07/236m 12s

Is It REALLY Safe To Cook With Olive Oil?

Send us a text is STILL a belief that we absolutely must not cook with olive oil. I want you to know that this is a complete myth and in this episode I explain why!
11/11/2212m 39s

Best Diet For Long Term Brain Health

Send us a textCan certain foods improve our long term brain health. Yes, absolutely. Here I discuss the top 3 nutrient groups to support both short AND long term brain health. website: https://www.dalepinnock.comYouTube:
04/11/2212m 58s

Diet and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Send us a textNon Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is an accumulation of fat in the liver which can trigger inflammation and if no dealt with, ultimately lead to damage and scarring which can be life threatening. Thankfully in the early stages it can be dramatically improved with diet and lifestyle. Here I go through some of the key foods and dietary changes that can be beneficial. 
28/10/2212m 35s

Foods To Fight Hypertension

Send us a textHypertension, or high blood pressure is a serious issue and can raise our risk of cardiovascular disease significantly. Thankfully there are some simple diet changes we can make that can have a significant impact upon this. 
21/10/2217m 26s

What Is A Good Quality Nutritional Supplement?

Send us a textDo we need nutritional supplements, and if so how do we choose a good one? Here I explain all!
14/10/2212m 27s

Should I Worry About Calcium?

Send us a textShould YOU worry about calcium?  This week&aposs podcast is a listener question. Angela is a vegan in her mid 50&aposs and asks the question &aposshould I worry about calcium&apos. Well the answer is NO.....heres why....
07/10/2210m 13s

Foods That Fight Inflammation

Send us a textChronic inflammation is a major contributor to disease! Our diet and lifestyle has a huge impact on chronic inflammatory load. Here we discuss the most powerful and effective every day foods to fight inflammation!
30/09/2217m 35s

Plant Sources of Omega 3 are Ineffective

Send us a textPlant sources of omega 3 are a poor choice. Sorry to break that to you but, they are! There is a very distinct reason for this and also, thankfully, an easy way to counter this I you do follow a plant based diet. 
22/04/2210m 59s

'Eat More, Live Well' with Dr Megan Rossi

Send us a text this episode I am joined by the wonderful Dr Megan Rossi aka &aposThe Gut Health Doctor&apos. We discuss her new book &aposEat More, Live Well&apos. We cover:How a diversity of plant foods improve the microbiome.How our gut influences immunity locally and systemically.How the gut and brain interact.Busting some frequently held gut myths. Answer listener questions.And a whole lot more...Find Megan online at: theguthealthdoctor on all socials and the web. Megan&aposs new book &aposEat More, Live Well&apos can be found at:
15/12/2142m 28s

Dr Alex Richardson - Omega 3 fatty acids and their VITAL role in good health. Part 1

Send us a textPART 1 - PART 2 to follow soon. This first episode of season 5 is an absolute belter!! I welcome my good friend Dr Alex Richardson from Oxford University and the charity &aposFood and Behaviour Research&apos to discuss her specialist field - omega 3 fatty acids, particularly in brain function. But as is always the case with me and Alex, the conversation goes far far broader. Part 2 will follow in a week or so. The content on this episode is absolutely incredible with some mind blowing &aposahaaa&apos moments. To find out more about Dr Alex Richardson, visit:
19/11/2116m 15s

Supporting Our Immunity Moving Into Autumn

Send us a textI had a question on instagram asking how we should support our immunity going into the autumn. Well, whatever the season, the recommendations remain the same. Here I share my top four natural products to support immunity. We go down the rabbit hole a fair bit in this one!
03/09/2127m 7s

How To Improve Family Members Eating Patterns

Send us a textI often get asked "how do I get my husband/wife/kids to eat better when they won&apost even try healthy food". I have a sure fire tactic that works a charm and doesn&apost case dinnertime warfare. 
27/08/2110m 25s

How to reduce Belly Fat after the Menopause

Send us a textThis listener question is a common one. How does someone go about reducing belly fat post menopause? Well, the actual recommendations in practice are very simple.....we just need to understand the why, and that is what this session outlines. 
20/08/2118m 19s

Can Nutrition Support COVID Recovery?

Send us a textThis listener question is a tricky one. &aposCan nutrition assist with long COVID recovery&apos? As this is a novel virus and we still no very little about it, any answer would be an educated guess. That being said, working from the point of view of how I would work with a patient with Post Viral Syndrome, improving mitochondrial sufficiency can deliver some rapid symptomatic relief in the early stages and this will be my focus in this answer. 
13/08/2110m 36s

Where do Vegans get B12

Send us a textI had 6 people ask me this on the same day so thought I would do a short snappy nugget on it The short answer....supplements! Find out the how and the why. 
06/08/219m 15s

Dr Gemma Newman - Plant Based Nutrition in Clinical Practice

Send us a textWelcome along to the new season. We&aposre baaaaaaaack!!! In the first episode of the new season I am bringing on my friend Dr Gemma Newman. Gemma is a GP, practicing medicine for 17 years, and teacher on my &aposDiploma in Culinary Medicine&apos. Gemma is a vocal advocate for a whole food plant based diet which has become a core part of her clinical practice. This is a great start to the new season :o)
10/06/2145m 38s

Is Food Medicine?

Send us a textIs food medicine? Thats a big question and it is oddly a battle that has been raging for a couple of decades now. I have a firm view that diet and lifestyle is an important part of the overall therapeutic spectrum of someones management of or recovery from disease. But what do YOU think on this?
20/04/2113m 21s

Vitamin D and Immunity

Send us a textThere has been a huge amount of talk about vitamin D in the last 12 months, particularly in the context of supporting our immune system. But do you know HOW and what it does?  In this short nugget, I give you the lowdown. 
01/02/2112m 58s

The Power of Plants with Dr Alan Desmond

Send us a textI am joined once again by popular guest Dr Alan Desmond - Consultant Gastroenterologist and advocate of a plant based diet. To mark the release of his new book, Alan joins me to discuss the broad impact and power that increasing the amount of plants in the diet can have. As always we go down the rabbit hole and really get into the detail. Another fascinating session. 
23/12/2059m 47s

With Nutritionist & ‘Be Well Collective’ founder - Sarah Macklin

Send us a textSarah Macklin is a high flying model, turned nutritionist that, like me is an omega 3 nerd, and has a passion for guiding people in the fashion industry towards better health and healthier relationships with food. Her NPO The Be Well Collective is a wonderful organisation that does just this. What I like about it particularly is that it rapidly moved beyond just the fashion industry, and is becoming an important resource for young adults across the board

Finding your 'why' in dark times

Send us a textI have received so many messages in the last week or two from people who have found that they are starting to lose their way again as the headlines begin to tell tales of despair and uncertainty. These dark and challenging times are pulling many people off track and many of us are losing our commitment to a healthier lifestyle, and turning to old habits to find comfort. The simple act of remembering why you started, re tapping into the emotions that accompanied that will be your rocket fuel that will help you to break through.
23/10/208m 6s

Genetic Testing with Emily English

Send us a textEmily English is, in my opinion, the best up and coming nutritionist on the circuit at the moment. Her insight into nutrigenetics, epigenetic and nutritional biochemistry just blow me away, and it is not often I say that! In this fascinating session we cover the shortcomings of many common home tests, but also look at the level of clinical insight that can be gained from regulated clinician only testing that Emily offers in her clinic. A fascinating session for the nutrition nerds!
07/10/2051m 36s

ME and Chronic Fatigue with Lauren Windas

Send us a textME and Chronic Fatigue affect millions across the globe and the symptoms can be debilitating and life altering. But how do we even begin to to manage and improve this multi system and complex condition? This podcast explores they why&aposs and the how&aposs.Lauren Windas is a Nutritionist that specialises in working with this, and has a very personal experience with it, having suffered with and battled through it herself. This is a FASCINATING session, and a great start to the new season of the podcast. You won&apost want to miss this one!!Find Lauren at: Instagram: @laurenwindasnutritionistOnline at:
02/10/2043m 59s

Gut Microbiome and Immune Function with Dr Alan Desmond

Send us a textThis episode I am joined by Consultant Gastroenterologist Dr Alan Desmond. We discuss the role that the gut microbiome plays in developing and supporting our immune system. We also discuss a few gut myths such as serotonin in the gut being unrelated to depression, and that gluten isn&apost a universal poison. We also take a few listener questions. Apologies for my microphone - new system that I am still getting used to. Thankfully Alan chats for most of it!
02/06/201h 2m

The Perfect Storm - The true price of poor metabolic health in our population and in our healthcare system - with Dr Aseem Malhotra

Send us a textIn this episode I am joined by Cardiologist and outspoken Nutritional Medicine advocate Dr Aseem Malhotra. A storm is brewing in the health of our nation. For a long time in burned quietly slowly causing more and more damage. Now that COVID 19 has hit we have started to get an acute awakening as to the true price of poor metabolic health - something so prevalent in our population. What causes this, why is it firing the flame of COVID 19 and burdening our healthcare system, and what if anything can we do about it?Be sure to check out Aseem&aposs work on the web: 
08/05/2032m 44s

The Sirtfood Diet, Sirtuins, and Metabolic Health with Aidan Goggins

Send us a textI was recently interviewed on TV about Adele&aposs dramatic recent weight loss, I didn&apost have all the information and misunderstood what she was actually doing. I wanted to set the record straight and invite my good friend and creator of the Sirtfood Diet (what she is ACTUALLY doing) Aidan Goggins onto the Podcast to tell us what this scientifically sound programme actually is!.
19/02/2054m 14s

Fight Fatigue

Send us a textFatigue can affect us all to varying degrees, and there are a million different reasons why. But, there are a few things we can do to take the edge off, help us feel more energised, and feel much better. 
10/02/2012m 15s

Diet & Female Hair Loss

Send us a textHair loss in young women is very commonly associated with nutritional status. Find out how and what to do about it!
06/01/2011m 53s

Diet and Under-active Thyroid

Send us a textUnder active thyroid is a common complaint and one I get asked about frequently. There are a few key dietary strategies that can make a difference and improve the negative effects of impaired thyroid function. 
06/01/2020m 3s

Staying Healthy When Eating Out

Send us a textEating out regularly can present some challenges when sticking to a healthy diet, however, a few key tricks and you are sorted. 
06/01/209m 14s

Should we eat organic?

Send us a textI get asked about this so often, and I think that the answer is pretty simple, and may surprise you!
13/11/1913m 6s

Resistant Starch, Carbs, & Gut Flora

Send us a textWhat are resistant starches? Where are they found and what should we know about them?
18/10/1916m 28s

Diet and Blood Pressure

Send us a textHow does diet affect blood pressure and can we take steps to lower it by changing what and how we eat?
03/10/1914m 7s

Diet and Asthma (listener question)

Send us a textCan diet be used in treating asthma? Well, yes to a degree. Find out how.
25/09/1918m 0s

Intermittent Fasting - The benefits

Send us a textIntermittent fasting has become incredibly popular in recent times, but what does the evidence say about the benefits?
11/09/1923m 55s

The Candida Con plus Vegan Diets and Choline!

Send us a textCandida and its link to disease is a total con and more Star Trek than medical science. Heres why!! Sorry for the slightly loud mic on this one!
05/09/1918m 27s

Using Diet to Manage Stress

Send us a textStress is an inevitable in life, but how can we use diet to ease it and reduce the damage it does to us?
29/08/1921m 31s

Dairy Free Milk Alternatives

Send us a textPlant based milks are big business, but are they all as good as they claim?
17/08/1914m 38s

Orthorexia - Your Question Answered

Send us a textThis week I answer a listener question, this time on the topic of orthorexia. 
01/08/1915m 8s

Staying Healthy While Travelling

Send us a textStaying on track with healthy eating while travelling doesn&apost need to be difficult!!
24/07/199m 0s

2 Gut Health Myths BUSTED!!

Send us a textSerotonin in the gut! Gut health and depression. Mucoid plaque in the gut. We have all heard and seen and read these things, but its time to shine a little light on the situation!!
18/07/198m 59s

How to tweak your diet in hot weather

Send us a textSummer is here which for many means a lot of discomfort. But, can our diet have any influence on this?
05/07/1917m 49s

Your Questions: Vegan Diets and Calcium in Supplements

Send us a textBack after a short hiatus I get straight into answering some of your questions. This week vegan diets for children, and calcium in supplements. 
20/06/1914m 45s

Food to Boost Your Mood

Send us a textMany people overlook the potential nutrition has to influence our mood day to day. here I discuss my four top nutrients for improved mood. 
23/05/1916m 10s

Three Vital Nutrients for Skeletal Health

Send us a textSkeletal health and bone density is a huge concern for many people, and something I get asked about a great deal. Everyone talks about calcium, but this is actually the LEAST important part of the picture!! Listen in to find out why!
17/05/1917m 39s

Gut Flora in Immunity

Send us a textOur gut bacterial colony has long been viewed as a vital alli to support digestive health. We now know however that its role goes way deeper than that, especially where our immunity is concerned. We no know some of the mechanisms by which our gut flora supports and regulates immunity. The picture is truly fascinating. 
02/05/1914m 32s

Three Nutrients for Better Skin

Send us a textSkin health is the whole reason I got into the nutrition World to begin with. In a 25 year journey, I have distilled all I have learned into 3 simple to apply strategies for better long term skin health. 
26/04/1913m 49s

Memory & Learning - 3 Nutrients to Support This

Send us a textMemory and learning CAN be supported and enhanced by nutrition. In this weeks session I discuss my top 3 nutritional recommendations to ramp this up. 
11/04/1914m 24s

Supplements - Do We Need Them?

Send us a textNutritional supplements are one of the most hotly debated areas of Nutrition and the thing that I seem to get the most questions about. Here I discuss my views on the subject and what you need to consider. 
04/04/1914m 44s

The Importance of Blood Sugar Management

Send us a textLearning the importance and the practice of blood sugar management is an absolute cornerstone of good long term metabolic health. here we discuss the why&aposs and then the how&aposs. 
29/03/1916m 31s

How To Have More Energy

Send us a textThere are a million and one things that can zap our energy and make us feel under par. Nutrition is certainly one of them. Here I discuss three simple strategies to give yours a boost, plus I answer listeners questions, and this weeks selection are GREAT. 
20/03/1926m 31s

Why Just Your Cholesterol Number Doesn't Mean Anything

Send us a textSO many people get a diagnosis of &aposHigh Cholesterol&apos and are told a number. If this is the extent of the information given to you, you really don&apost have much of an idea of exactly what your overall state of health really is. There is more information that you need and in this episode I give you a quick guide to what that is. 
13/03/1911m 19s

Managing Inflammation with diet

Send us a textManaging chronic inflammation is of vital importance to long term health, and diet can play a huge role in this. Here we discuss the simple steps you can take to keep it at bay. 
28/02/1914m 26s

Three Nutrients For Improved Cardiovascular Health

Send us a textCardiovascular disease is the biggest killer in the Western World. We know full well that diet has a role to play in 98% of cases, and research around it is revealing some very interesting information. In this nugget I talk about three nutrients in particular that have significant cardiovascular benefit. 
23/02/1917m 32s

The Keys to Lasting Change

Send us a textFor many, sticking to their decision to eat healthier and make improvements to their diet and lifestyle, can be challenging. Life can get in the way. I believe though that these three methods can help people stick to their commitments and make real meaningful lasting change. 
14/02/1915m 49s

Foods To Improve Sleep

Send us a textSleep is a top priority. Period! Poor sleep can lead to some serious health issues from reduced immune function through to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, not to mention poor resistance to stress. While there are many factors that can affect sleep, there are a couple of nutritional tools that can help improve the quality of our sleep. here I discuss these and how to use them. 
01/02/1911m 39s

Get Your Fats Straight!

Send us a textEvery week I get dozens of questions like &aposwhat oil should I use for cooking&apos? &aposShould I eat butter or margarine&apos? &aposHow much fat should I be eating&apos? People are just confused about fat and this confusion and misinformation has led to one of the biggest public health cockups in history. This is my take on the problem, and hopefully I can shed a little light on this potentially confusing subject. 
31/01/1925m 32s

Supporting Immunity with Nutrition

Send us a textThis episode covers the three most evidence based nutritional interventions to support our immunity, and how they work. There has been a great deal of conversation lately around supporting immunity naturally, much of which has arisen from the reports that antibiotics are becoming less effective due to overuse. It is becoming ever more important to learn how we can get in the driving seat and safeguard our own health. 
25/01/1918m 28s

The Three Nutritional Keys to Better Health

Send us a textWith so much conflicting dietary advice, divided opinion, and contradiction, what SHOULD we be eating and doing from a dietary perspective? The truth is NOBODY knows. What we do know however is how our modern diet is killing us. What if we flipped that on. its head and did the opposite. What would that look like and what could happen? Beats made for the podcast courtesy of Trauma 74
14/01/1923m 27s
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