Daily Boost Motivation and Coaching
The Daily Boost gives you a positive boost of daily motivation and coaching to get you more success and happiness in life!
In less time than it takes to drink a cup of coffee, host, and mentor Scott Smith delivers a lifetime of common sense wisdom, a BOOST of energy, positive mental health, a growth mindset, a belief that anything is possible—and the tools to make it happen.
Embedded within every Daily Boost is our STAND UP, TAKE A STEP, REPEAT framework. Daily listening will help you clarify what you want, create a roadmap to get there—and most importantly—stay motivated every day until you get it. No matter what gets in the way.
Improve Productivity and Time Management. Break Bad Habits and increase Discipline. Communicate Better. Enhance Relationships. Discover your purpose, feel more grateful, and even grow your business.
The Daily Boost is more than just the Law of Attraction. It’s practical knowledge, motivation, and coaching that you can use right away.
If you’re the kind of person who wants to become the best version of yourself and would enjoy a good conversation with a wise mentor, listen and follow the Daily Boost.
The Trick is The Click
The Trick is The Click
If there is anything we learn in life, there is always something to figure out. You would think after a lifetime of figuring things out; we wouldn’t need to do it anymore. But every day, another mystery pops up. It can feel like you are on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon looking for a shortcut to the North Rim.
Since showing up and going for it every day always serves up challenges. But experience teaches us to trust that something will click. The answer we are seeking will arrive - if we’re patient. Sometimes it will click in our minds in a big way. Others will slip in unnoticed. In any case, the trick is the click. When it happens, life is good.
We’ve all had clicks in life. It’s a millisecond in time when you figure out a math problem as a child. It’s when you realize that too many french fries, even though they are a vegetable, aren’t good for you. Later in life, it happens when you learn to put your car keys in the same place so that you can find them the next morning. The click is when everything makes sense, you get it, you figure something out, and you know what to do next.
The click is also where you make decisions and momentum is established. It is where dreams become a reality, and you determine your destiny. Those clicks; are pretty powerful.
Whatever you seek in life, refining your ability to focus on your outcome is key. When you allow space for the clicks that unlocks your path, you get there faster.
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09/12/22•11m 56s
Exploring Your Possibilities
Exploring Your Possibilities
What do I want to be when I grow up?
The first time you ask yourself that question is when you are very young - if you ever asked it at all. Frankly, somebody else usually asks you, and you probably didn't have an answer and just took off running with this thing called life.
And then it happens —
Forty or fifty years later, people start asking themselves that question again after a family and career. The smart ones in the crowd don’t wait either; they begin to question who they are right now. It can be a scary time.
If you are looking for a change in your life, here are a few things to understand—
You can't move forward by hanging on to what you have. Remember, you get more of what you focus on in your life. If you're focusing on what you are giving up, you'll get more of that. Instead, you must direct your focus to the unknown future and look for clues about what you will do.
I call the process "Exploring Your Possibilities.
Imagine if anything is possible and there is no limitation or consequence. There is no commitment required, and money doesn't matter. Time has no impact. None of that matters because, once you stumble upon what you want, you will have arrived, and everything will be forever different.
How do you make this happen?
The secret is to put the breaks on what you are doing while you seek new adventures. It will take time to find a good fit, so you'll have to ensure that you don't slide back into your old ways. No matter how comfortable it may feel to get back in your comfort zone, don't do it.
Pump the brakes. Hold the space you've created. Explore your possibilities, and let life unfold in front of you. It may not happen overnight. Then again, maybe it will.
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08/12/22•12m 54s
Is Your Life is Repeating Itself
Is Your Life is Repeating Itself
My friend Louis Gates introduced me to his 9-Year Life Cycle to understand how we progress through life.
Cycles begin at birth and advance every 9 years and go like this:
Year 1: You decide what you want and start asking for it.
Year 2: As the pieces come together, you narrow your focus.
Year 3: The resources you need begin to arrive.
Year 4: You find yourself moving toward your purpose in life.
Year 5: re-evaluation begins. Toss out what you don’t need and keep what works.
Year 6: Your focus intensifies, and you work with the resources you’ve decided will benefit you.
Year 7: You take stock in things that no longer serve you.
Year 8: Clearing the clutter begins. It’s almost time to start the next cycle.
Year 9: You explore and decide what you want to do in the next cycle.
Look back on your life and notice how your 9-Year Lifecycle is always in play.
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07/12/22•13m 5s
What’s Your Personal Ideology?
What’s Your Personal Ideology?
There’s a lot of talk about “ideology” these days, and it’s usually not in a good way.
But what about YOUR ideology?
Do you know who you are?
Before I go on, ideology is simply a creed, culture, dogma, outlook, philosophy, theory, or view. And let’s not forget ideas, principles, and tenants.
At the end of the day, an ideology is what you stand for in this world. And, if you do it well, it’s also how other people know what you stand for in this world. It’s also up to you to decide that for yourself. After all…
If you don’t know who you are and tell the world, the world will decide who you are and tell you who to be.
That’s why I have a living document that establishes who I am, what I believe, and serves as a foundation of growth and change as I live and evolve. I call it my “Who I Am” document. It’s all mine, and I share who I am through my actions.
How do you see yourself?
How do others see you?
How do you act in situations?
What do you believe?
What kind of people do you hang out with?
What are the rules you follow for YOU?
This list is endless and should be. After all, you are a complicated and ever-changing person.
Can I make you a promise?
It’s easy these days to seek sources outside of yourself to find out who you are on the inside.
It’s also easy to let the agenda of others infiltrate your thinking and pull you down a path that isn’t who you are meant to be in this life.
The very instant that you sit down and document who you are and want to be, nothing else will matter. And the more dedicated you are to documenting YOU… the more you will get to be YOU.
How do you do it?
That’s easy too. Just ask yourself who you are in every area of your life, document your answer, and live it daily.
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06/12/22•13m 7s
Do You Act Like a Happy Person?
Do You Act Like a Happy Person?
If you were to ask my wife if I was always a happy and positive person, she would likely say, "Hmm… it's complicated… but yes."
As a proud high-maintenance man who has never met a conversation, I didn't want to see how deep we could go. I would have to agree. It isn't straightforward. But the answer is yes. I'm happy every day of the week. Not because I was born that way. Nope. As my Italian friends would say, "I had a good learning."
Many years ago, right after high school and just after entering the adult world, I realized that life was complicated and that it wasn't going to change. I also had another learning…
I noticed that no matter how difficult things were, some people I met were happy as they embraced the suck. I wanted to be one of them. I wanted to be the person that didn't need rose-colored glasses to be satisfied. That meant I needed to think like them…
Can you accept that merely being alive means you will run into occasional challenges?
Can you realize that dealing with challenges is a privilege that comes with being alive?
Will you welcome frustration and be satisfied that it only means you are moving forward?
Are you able to accept responsibility for solving your challenges?
Do you have a "bring it" mindset for everything life throws at you?
Finally -
Are you expecting to get a great night's sleep, no matter what happened today or will happen tomorrow?
That's how happy people think.
That's how you should think too.
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05/12/22•12m 32s
A Different Look at Time Management
A Different Look at Time Management
In my entire life, I've always found it interesting that there never seems to be enough time in the day. Still, most days, everything seems to get done. If it doesn't, the world didn't end, and I survived to check off another item from my to-do list tomorrow.
I know I'm not the first human on the planet to face the problem of time, but I think I'm one of those smartypants who have figured out how our time works in real life. And it was 180 degrees from what I felt that time was all about.
Pay attention now. How you look at time is about to change.
First, when you run as fast as possible to get things done, time moves quicker, and less gets done. Even worse, with every minute filled, there is never enough time to do the things that make your heart sing. If you're like me, that will eventually lead you to sabotage your list so you can do something fun for yourself. It's a never-ending cycle.
On the other hand, when you slow down, hold space for yourself, and focus on results relevant to your goals, time slows down, and you get more done. Not only that, you magically find yourself with lots of free time that you need to fill. Finally, a chance to read a book, binge on Netflix or hang out with family and friends. The choice is yours.
Of course, if you've ever studied Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, this sounds familiar. As he determined—time is relative. In other words, the rate at which time passes depends on your frame of reference.
So, what is your frame of reference?
In our case, I'm not asking whether you are moving fast or slow; I want to know if you are focused on the essential things in life that matter to you. Everything else disappears when you do, times slow down, and you enjoy your day like you were born to do.
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02/12/22•11m 39s
Being Positive, Practical, and Peaceful
Being Positive, Practical, and Peaceful
I must admit that I get in trouble because some of the Scott logic that comes out of my mouth doesn’t sit well with many folks these days - and they let me know.
One of the biggest comments…
“You seem like such a positive guy, and then it’s like something clicks in your head and goes negative and ruins my day.”
While I don’t think I ever go negative, I’ve heard that many times.
Here’s the thing…
It would be easy for me to get caught in the feel-good trap of chasing positivity - if only for being positive. But I’m not interested in that. I am interested in the results. For me, that is a peaceful, content, joyful, and meaningful life. If you’ve been alive for over a couple of decades, you know all of that is found lurking in the truth. That’s why I consider myself a practical positive guy, and you should too.
I believe an optimistic attitude is power in life; I also think that you can never be truly happy until you are willing to dig deep into the not-so-positive challenges in life. Until you do that, you’ll you blocked. That’s why you’ll always hear me cover both sides. Frankly, I’m not interested in what we can and will do in our lives. I’m interested in the millions of interactions, decisions, and feelings we encounter daily that become the life we will have lived someday.
Stephen Fry said, “sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
Almost everything that freaks folks out begins with words from others and yourself. Keep that in mind because…
When you choose to be positive and practical and ground yourself in the truth, you will become at peace with everything around you - including yourself.
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01/12/22•10m 8s
Daring Yourself To Live Your Dreams
Daring Yourself To Live Your Dreams
“Please! Can somebody stop the world? I want to get off!”
Okay. Just for you, I pressed the magic button, and the world stopped.
Whatcha gonna do now?
If you don’t have an answer, there’s no need to freak out. It’s common for people to get slowed down, and think about what their life could be like, and I have no idea.
But let’s say you are one of the few who decide the time has come to turn directly into the challenge.
Many years ago, I adopted a philosophy that became the driver that would change everything. I decided I would always turn face-first into any challenge that stood between me and my dreams. Yes, I would face my passion head-on and do whatever it takes to make it real.
Do you know what happened next?
I tripped, stumbled, and fell into a pile of my own crumbled dreams. That’s when I realized that deciding to face your passion was only the beginning. Before you can face your passion and live your dreams, a few more things must be faced first.
You must face your stress.
You must face your relationships.
You must face your health, finances, and spiritual beliefs.
You must face your friendships, the clothing you wear, what you eat, and what you dream.
Yes, living the “I know there must be more lifestyle” is freakishly simple and no big deal; you do whatever you want whenever you choose to do it. But it doesn’t take long to realize that getting whenever you want requires that you face a few things first.
It’s simple. As scary as it may feel, no matter how much you don’t want to do it, everything becomes possible when you deal with all the stuff in your life and take control.
So, the next time you find yourself trying to figure out what’s stopping you from living your dreams, there might be a few things that you want to handle first.
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30/11/22•13m 47s
Do Leftovers Make Happiness?
Do Leftovers Make Happiness?
When I began training and competing with my dog in agility, I made a rookie dog trainer mistake. I wasn't consistent, and my dog was getting confused. One day, my trainer said, "For a dog, one time means all the time. Every time you let them do something new, they're just going to keep doing it."
Now, as silly as it sounds, that came to mind a couple of weeks ago when my wife, a creature of routine and habit, did the same thing.
We were invited to attend Thanksgiving with family, and Joi's training kicked in instantly—
"I like going to their home, but what about leftovers? I like leftovers?"
As a guy who has experienced Joi's "No eating out at the restaurant until all the leftovers are gone" rule, I knew this was a big issue. But, like a good husband, I got out of the way and let her figure it out.
A couple of weeks later, after enjoying a nice day, I watched as Joi carried her share of leftovers to the car, thinking to myself, "Good. She got her leftovers." Boy, was I wrong—
Joi came home from the gym the following day, headed for the kitchen, and started cooking - LEFTOVERS! She wasn't reheating them. She had purchased a small turkey and all the ingredients she needed to keep with her routine for the weekend. At that moment, I couldn't control the look on my face.
"What? I like leftovers, and I look forward to it. It's what I do, and it makes me happy."
Like a good husband, I didn't say a word. My only thought was, I guess we're not having pizza tonight.
Do leftovers make you happy? Maybe. YOU make you happy. Do what you do. You can always have pizza next weekend.
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29/11/22•11m 25s
Success With No Will Power Required
Success With No Will Power Required
When will you get yourself to do what you say you want to do?
More people than you know lose sleep over that question. If that sounds like something you have experienced, you’re not alone.
Almost everybody begins their journey when a thought pops into their mind. Then, day-to-day life keeps them busy, and they spend frustrating months fixin’ to get ready. You know, starting to prepare… so you can begin to do… so you can do… and say you did.
If that doesn’t work, you summon your friend, Will Power.
Will is not a person, but more like a kind of friend that you don’t know why you keep letting into your life.
They are a bit of a slacker, live rent-free in your mind, say they want to help, and never deliver on their promise. Will’s job description should read -- to force you to do things you say you want to do but can’t get yourself to do. When you give up, Will leaves.
The good news is, there’s no need to force yourself to do anything. Achieving your biggest goals in life has nothing to do with Will Power. Instead, shift your mindset -
“To act at your discretion without constraint.”
That’s the definition of Free Will, Will Powers, good cousin.
Use your Free Will to harness your excitement and choose the path of least resistance. Start making the slightest changes in your life. Those steps will lead to big results sooner than you think.
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28/11/22•10m 59s
Somebody Need You Right Now
Somebody Need You Right Now
When I was a teenager, I was a weekend moviegoer, and it was the age of Rocky, Star Wars, and Jaws. Besides, with only three channels on television, getting out of the house was the top item on my to-do list.
As a kid with big dreams, it was easy for me to slip into the fantasy world of films and let my mind run for a couple of hours. By the end of the film, I was always excited to get on with life and become like the folks I watched in movies.
That’s when life got in the way.
Like many young folks, I graduated high school, charged into the world, and waited for Somebody else to lift me into my dreams. Well, things didn’t work out the way I expected. That’s when my mother-in-law gave me some very useful advice that I needed to hear —
“You know, right now, Somebody needs what you have to offer, but because you’re sitting around the house, they don’t even know you exist. Get out there and let them know you are here.”
I can’t tell you how many times in my life I’ve said to myself —
“Somebody out there needs what I have to offer. My job is to find them and let them know I’m here.”
It’s the same for you.
If Somebody needs what you have to offer, your job is to find them and save their day.
That’s how you write and star in your own life movie.
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25/11/22•11m 10s
Wisdom of Gratitude
Wisdom of Gratitude
I woke up this morning with an incredible zest to expand my feeling of gratefulness. Well, there is not so much to expand as to recognize all the things that I am grateful for but haven’t thought about lately.
That’s the thing about living in a fast-paced world where our daily activities, big and small, fly by and are quickly forgotten. It’s always been that way. There is nothing new in the world. That got me thinking about one of my favorite quotes —
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” —Robert Brault
As a no-regrets kind of guy, I admit to sometimes not living in gratitude. Thankfully, the wisdom of others is always making sure I remember what is important—
Here are a few of my favorites.
“If a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get.”—Frank A. Clark
“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” —Eckhart Tolle
“Who does not thank for little will not thank for much.” —Estonian Proverb
“Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: It must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.”—William Faulkner
“Enough is a feast.”—Buddhist Proverb
“When you are grateful, fear disappears, and abundance appears.”—Anthony Robbins
“When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree.”—Vietnamese Proverb
“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”—William Arthur Ward
“A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue but the parent of all the other virtues.”—Cicero
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”—Robert Brault
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24/11/22•11m 14s
Be The Change You Wish To See
Be The Change You Wish To See
People have always sought change for themselves, their life, or the world.
There is a constant truth if you want to change; you must change before anything else changes.
Many intelligent folks agree -
Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
Leo Tolstoy, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
What about Albert Einstein?
“The world, as we have created, is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
Do you want to change something about today, tomorrow, or the future? You must change before anything else changes.
Have you learned lessons from past experiences? You have already changed, and your future is better for it.
Rumi said, “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
If tomorrow you want to be better than today and Yesterday, something has to change. That something is you.
If you want to make more money, serve more. Do you want to be happier? If you want this life to be well-lived, something has to change today. That something is you.
What if you want everything about your life to be perfect? Listen to Winston Churchill. “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.”
It’s so simple.
You Must Change Before Anything Else Changes.
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23/11/22•12m 28s
The Freedom Formula - Choice and Means
The Freedom Formula - Choice and Means
Every time I walk into the gym, I pump myself up to exercise my body and have somebody else exercise my brain.
This morning I found myself in a conversation when Ron asked me a question…
“Since you’re a Coach, tell me if I’m right. Your most important goal is always to have freedom in your life - right?”
You should have seen his face when I said, ‘Nope.’
Don’t get me wrong, I’m an American, and freedom rings in my bones - but there is a cost to getting that freedom, which makes life fun.
I went on to tell Ron that, after a lot of experience, I have settled on two driving forces: the ability to choose and the means to make it happen.
I believe true freedom comes from choosing the path that makes you a better and happier person AND makes the world a little better because of your choice.
I also believe that having a true choice almost always comes down to having the means to make it happen. Whether it be skill, friends, or money, without the means, you have a minimal choice.
Choice + Means = Freedom. That’s a winning formula no matter where you are in your life.
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22/11/22•11m 53s
Why Instant Gratification is The Secret to Success
Why Instant Gratification is The Secret to Success
Russ, from North Carolina, is asking for help with an instant gratification issue. He wrote-
So many people want everything now, thanks to modern technology. Educating people is becoming more difficult because they are looking for instant gratification. If their empty void is not filled quickly enough, they get easily frustrated and give up.
Please do a podcast on converting from instant gratification to goal-driven.
My take on this is probably not what Russ is expecting because instant gratification drives people to get what they want.
Let me apply a little Scott Logic…
First, there is not one person on the planet who doesn’t want what they want right now. No matter how satisfying hard work is, nobody in their right mind willingly puts off getting what they want. That’s not how humans are wired.
While I know it can be frustrating, business people, governments, and great communicators figured out a long time ago that everybody wants what they want now. That’s never going to change.
But I have a different take…
‘I want my cake and to eat it too’ - and there’s nothing you can do about it!
In other words, I want little bits of instant gratification to enjoy while working toward my BIG ASS goals. That’s what they call motivation! So does everybody else.
It’s widely known that humans have an attention span that’s less than a goldfish - but as long as I’m willing to keep dropping food into the tank, I can keep their attention.
BIG ASS goals are driven by little bits of reward along the way.
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21/11/22•11m 20s
Ugly Sweaters Make Good Conversation
Ugly Sweaters Make Good Conversation
With the arrival of ugly sweaters and too much egg nog, the holiday season is upon us, which means that you may find yourself involved in more conversations with more people than you do at any other time of the year.
To make sure you enjoy every conversation you have, I want you to remember two things…
First, unless you live under a rock, you will find yourself in the middle of a calorie and alcohol-induced conversation that, as Dave Ramsey would say, 'That's stupid!' When you find yourself in that situation, keep those two words in mind, keep your mouth shut, smile, change the subject, and take a walk outside. Never let anybody else ruin your day.
Now that we have the negative out of the way, let's talk about being the most fun and interesting person at any event you attend. If you do nothing else, remember that everybody is listening "WIIFM' broadcasting live in their mind. All anybody cares about is 'What's in it for ME?'
The secret to starting or participating in a conversation that will make you a communications expert is to never make it about you and always make it about who you are speaking with. When you do, magic happens…
When you make OTHERS the most interesting person in the room, YOU become the most interesting person.
So, take a breath, enjoy the season, and see if you can learn a little bit about every person you meet.
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18/11/22•12m 9s
Where Did Your Motivation Go?
Where Did Your Motivation Go?
Today is the day I use my Perfect Week Planner to figure out where I will spend my time next week. And, like every week, I have the same realization…
Where the heck did my week go? And now, with the weekend in sight, my mind moves to riding the motorcycle mode and all best are off. Oh well, Monday is coming - right?
More on that in a minute.
Wait, Scott!
How the heck are we going to stay focused, progress toward our goals, and get important stuff done if we run out of juice before the week is over?
Why does that Monday motivation that has my hair on fire run out before I get everything done?
Okay, let’s cover two things:
1) Motivation is a finite resource that will fade. On average, your brain runs out of motivational calories after about 48 hours of focused work. It would help if you had a recharge.
2) God willing, no matter how much you don’t get done this week, there is always the next week in your future. Yes, another Monday is coming. What doesn’t get done this week will get done next week.
A long time ago, Tony Robbins said, ‘Most people overestimate what they can do in a week and underestimate what they can do in a year.’
Keep your eyes on the prize that is driving you. Your goal should be to reach your stated outcome, no matter what gets in the way or how long it takes.
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17/11/22•11m 48s
Why You Don’t Need a WHY
Why You Don’t Need a WHY
A while back and friend and I were chewing the fat about getting what we wanted out of life. It’s a common topic among my friends and should be among yours. It makes sense; what you focus on is what you get - right?
As we talked, I realized that as I’ve bumbled and stumbled my way through a very colorful life, I’ve also stumbled upon a simple idea…
Getting what you want in life requires that you know what you want in life. But what happens when you have no idea how the best things arrived in your life?
I get that kind of thinking blows away the theory of WHY most of us talk about. Yes, your WHY is why is going to get you through the tough times of life. Sometimes it’s the only thing that will. But in my world, I’ve learned something else…
Sometimes, the most happiness we find in life comes when we’re entirely unaware of WHY we are doing whatever we are doing.
And I can’t tell you how often my wife has asked, “Why are you doing that?” My answer is usually, I’m not sure. I guess it needed to be done.
So, as I sit here listening to ‘Girl Named Toms’ new Christmas album, I can’t help but wonder what magic you are missing out on because you are spending too much time seeking a mystical WHY instead of honoring the choices you have already made in your life.
My Scott Logic tells me that when you explore the possibilities when they arrive in your life, without thinking about it, and go with the flow, you will be happier - even though you might not admit it.
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16/11/22•11m 7s
Scared, Excited, or Something Else
Scared, Excited, or Something Else
A few days ago, I stumbled into a conversation with a young man working behind the counter at a store I visited. It didn't take long before we knew a lot about each other.
He was a student at Emory Riddle Aeronautics University here in Daytona Beach. I run into a lot of those kids. Being a pilot myself, we instantly bonded. Then he asked a question that caused me to pause…
The Daytona/Port Orange area population is very diverse - with more than a few retired. Since I'm a guy with a bit of gray hair, a couple of wrinkles, and seemingly lots of free time on my hands, he asked…
"Are you retired?"
I shot back, "Not yet - in a couple of years!”
What he said next stopped me in my tracks.
"Does that scare you or excite you?"
I have to say. I don't get stuck with words very often. But after a few seconds, I said -
"Neither! I love what I do and how my life is going, and I am thrilled about tomorrow more than today!"
That's when he said, "I hope I'm that way when I get older - not to say you're old.
Always remember -
When you do what makes your heart sing, life gets better.
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15/11/22•11m 8s
Creating Your Wonderful Life
Creating Your Wonderful Life
With the holiday season on its way, wouldn't it be great if you received the gift of the wonderful life of your dreams?
What if you could have lots of free time, less stress, more money, and great relationships?
In my years of coaching folks all over the world, I've learned a few things about lifestyle design:
1) Everything begins when you become aware of what you want and accept that it's up to you to get it.
2) If you believe your dream can be real as soon as you start living it - it will be.
3) You are the Boss of you, so there's no reason for a delay. Stop planning and start doing. Forget wishing, hoping, and dreaming. Start with little bits of happiness and work toward living your dream every day.
Most people are drifting in the winds of life. True happiness arrives when you start driving through life.
Living your wonderful life is entirely up to you. Be aware of the change you desire; believe it can be yours, and start living it now.
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14/11/22•16m 1s
Are You Stuck in The Middle?
Are You Stuck in The Middle?
Have you ever found yourself stuck in the middle?
I was speaking with a client trying to be everything to everybody. His business was not growing. His life was not happy. He couldn’t seem to find a way to make progress.
That’s when I said…
“My friend, you are stuck in the middle. Nothing good happens when you are in the middle.”
In business and life, having low expectations and being surrounded by like-minded folks is okay.
It’s also okay to reach for your dreams, have high expectations, and expect that of others.
What happens if you’re in the middle?
When low and high expectations combine, confusion is the result. Mediocrity overtakes quality. Frustration will be your daily friend.
The choice is yours. If I were you, I would make the decision never to get stuck in the middle.
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11/11/22•11m 27s
Fake it Until You Make It (Really?)
Fake it Until You Make It (Really?)
Have you allowed yourself to become the person you are on the inside?
We all make decisions that change our life trajectory without much thought. That can lead to feelings of being lost on you your life path.
Maybe it's time to create a new way of seeing yourself.
Using a Transitional Identity is a great way to feel confident when you can't believe in your future.
The trick is to focus on the smaller steps to your destination. That will allow you to move away from who you are, yet not jump to who you want to be in one big step.
"I'm running a successful small business and laying the foundation for my empire. All I have to do is keep moving."
"I'm a great student. Very soon, I will be a great teacher to others. All I have to do is keep moving."
"I'm incredible at losing 1 pound at a time. Soon I'll hit my goal and lose 100 pounds. All I have to do is keep moving."
Transitional Identities are temporary and ever-changing. They are helpful when destinations are hard to see before you take your first step.
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10/11/22•13m 16s
Promote. Prevent. Protect.
Promote. Prevent. Protect.
Every day I hear from folks living in a state of suspended animation. The light at the end of the tunnel is unclear. Life has paused.
In times like these, three items should be on the to-do list of every individual or business owner:
1) Promote yourself or your business. It’s time to go on the offensive and seek opportunities to move you in a positive direction.
2) Have a prevention focus. The game of life is played in two directions. Go on defense to avoid losses and downside risk.
3) Protect what is important. Decide what you must have in your life and protect it. Everything else is negotiable. Choose the battles you fight, and you will win more than you lose.
You don’t need to wait to see how the story ends. Write your own story and make sure it has a happy ending.
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09/11/22•13m 18s
You Can Always Find a Way
You Can Always Find a Way
When life gets in the way, do you get frustrated about being blocked?
I used to be that way. Something changed.
I learned long ago that getting blocked would be an everyday occurrence. And, the bigger my goals, the more blocks would arrive. I could live with endless frustrations - or find a better way.
It came down to this:
1) Blocks have nothing to do with who I am. They could be self-inflicted or caused by others, but they still have nothing to do with me.
2) If you want something, there is always a way to get it. Always… always… always. You may not like the path. Your ego may get in the way. It may scare you. There is always a way.
The next time frustration gets in your way, blow it off and keep moving. There is always a way to get what you want. Find it.
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08/11/22•11m 29s
Law of Large Numbers
Law of Large Numbers
Do you ever get out of bed and wonder when you will achieve your desired success?
Better yet, what if it was predictable and up to you?
Here’s how it works.
Take action toward your dreams once a week, and you will see results. Do it for a year, and the “Law of Averages” will tell you what to expect - but it’s wrong.
Limited action over an extended period is no more accurate than flipping a coin 10 times and believing you’ve spotted a trend. You haven’t. The sample is too small.
On the other hand, taking action every day for a year raises your sample from 52 to 365. That’s where the “Law of Large Numbers” illuminates what is giving you the best results - and becoming very predictable.
It’s all about numbers. The more action you take, the more predictable your success will become. You can take that to the bank.
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07/11/22•11m 47s
Framework For More Energy
Framework For More Energy
Steven Covey called it sharpening the saw. If you take a break to sharpen the blade, you will always cut more wood. The same applies to life.
My formula is Ritual, Rest, Rejuvenate, Reactivate, Repeat:
1) Ritual: Success comes when you perform ritual actions every day. Figure out what works and do it.
2) Rest: Running full-out all the time is not sustainable. You must stop and rest.
3) Rejuvenate: Resting allows your body and mind to rejuvenate and become active again.
4) Reactivate: When you are ready, it's time to reactivate into action mode.
5) Repeat: Keep going until you get what you want.
You'll always be more productive when you take a break to sharpen your saw. A walk in the park on a busy day counts too.
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04/11/22•12m 18s
How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals
How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals
Have you ever wondered how the most successful people in the world get that way?
Could it be their timing is right?
Do they "know" somebody?
Luck? That's it. They get lucky!
Maybe, but I think there is more to it.
Every person I've ever known who achieved remarkable success did three things:
1) They recognized what they wanted and envisioned themselves living that life.
2) At some point, they commit and go all in. Their dream IS going to happen. There is no "Plan B."
3) They practice never-ending flexibility and perseverance no matter what gets in the way. They keep going until they get what they want.
Yes, it seems that you must pay the price for living the life of your dreams - and it's not money. It's YOU!
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03/11/22•11m 22s
What You Need to Feel Safe and Happy
What You Need to Feel Safe and Happy
Success in life happens on top of a solid foundation of basic needs.
In 1954, Abraham Maslow released Motivation and Personality. He expanded on his Hierarchy of Needs theory.
Maslow suggested that to reach your full potential:
1) You must provide for your physiological needs. Food, clothing, shelter, money, and more.
2) You must feel safe. Personally, emotionally, financially, health and well-being, and against accidents and illness.
3) Socially, you need to feel a sense of loving and belonging.
4) Esteem and the desire for acceptance, respect, and value by others is your next step. Maslow said, “What a man can be, he must be.” Self-actualization requires mastery of your previous needs.
6) Self-transcendence removes you from your ego and begins your focus on the greater good.
Your best life is built on a sturdy foundation. Make sure you can eat, pay your bills, feel safe, and have friends. Then you can change the world.
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02/11/22•12m 24s
How to Better Connect With Others
How to Better Connect With Others
Every day I spend time on the phone with excited folks who know they are close to getting what they want. They can't figure out how to get their hands on it.
Let's start with the following:
1) Anything you want in this world is owned or controlled by somebody else.
2) If you want their help, you must get their attention.
It always comes down to three things. In this order:
1) What problem are they having? No, it may not relate to you. It doesn't matter. If you can help, you will get their attention.
2) What's your solution? How can you fix it? When can you fix it? You'll know when you are close when you see the excitement in their eyes.
3) What's your offer? What must they do to get you to help? What do you want?
It's simple.
Address another person's problems with a robust solution and an offer they can't refuse. That's a real win-win.
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01/11/22•12m 41s
Your Happiness Begins Today
Your happiness begins today
Do you ever wake up in the morning and jump straight into your To-Do list and forget about what you want?
With so much on our plates, it can be easy to lose track of the big picture and lose track of where you were heading.
That’s why we always do our Homework on Monday. It’s a powerful way to ‘Overlay’ what is essential in your life while you get the day-to-day stuff done.
Here’s how I do it:
1) Check in with the ‘Roles’ and ‘Goals’ you have in your life. Do you like what you have or need to make a change? Decide the ‘next’ action that you will take this week.
2) ‘Hold Space’ on your calendar to move your ‘Roles and Goals’ in the direction of your dreams. Don’t let day-to-day challenges through you off track.
3) No matter how busy you get, review your homework throughout the week. Focus on your future.
Remember -
Tomorrow’s happiness is built on a foundation of today’s focus. Don’t lose track of that.
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31/10/22•11m 44s
Make Your Own Motivation
Make Your Own Motivation
As a child, I wondered why I couldn't always have my way. Mom and Dad were so mean! I couldn't wait to grow up, move out, and experience being an adult. Everything would be different - or so I thought.
After stepping into the adult world, it didn't take long to realize that not much had changed. It turns out it wasn't my parents. It was life turning down my requests. Life was getting in the way. What was even worse was that I was getting in my way.
I've joked over the years that if I'm the Boss of me, why don't I do what I say? Eventually, I realized having a big ass goal, being on a mission, and most importantly, motivation on demand was the solution.
Motivation is a powerful, if not fleeting, tool that we all need. But we need to understand how our minds generate motivation:
1) Your physiology dictates your feelings. The easiest way to break free of a slump is to stand up, take a step, and REPEAT. Movement wakes your body up, guides your emotions, and makes anything feel possible.
2) Focus fuels your fire. If you're feeling unmotivated, you are also drifting in the wind with no direction. Shifting your thoughts in a positive direction and toward what excites you will break you out and get you moving.
3) The words you say create the emotions you feel. Negative self-talk will drag you, and everybody else, down. When you make the words, you say to yourself, internally and externally, positive and uplifting, everything changes. Words matter more than you think.
You're human. Your brain isn't wired to stay motivated all the time unless you are willing to give it a helping hand.
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28/10/22•12m 36s
Helping Others in 3 Steps
Helping Others in 3 Steps
Have you ever felt the desire to help others?
Do you want to help them figure things out? Make more money? Recover from a bad experience?
Maybe you want to make a difference in the world yourself.
I’ve always believed that our power to help others is a side benefit of being ourselves - and having a structure to follow -
1) A person in need desires an outcome. It makes no sense to offer advice until we know what they are seeking. That puts us on the same page.
2) Next, find out the problems they have, the actions taken, and what was the result. Then, relate them to what you have found works.
3) Now that you’ve heard their struggle, you can make specific recommendations that will move their life in a positive direction.
Helping others is a lot like being a Doctor. Listen. Examine. Prescribe. Take action. Follow up.
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27/10/22•11m 55s
Must-Have Life Habits
Must-Have Life Habits
Motivating yourself to reach your goals is a never-ending process that kicks into high gear this time of year. Most folks have a long list of new routines and habits they want to put into place - it may be too long.
Many years ago, I decided to control my mornings by establishing actions that I would take upon waking. While I had great intentions, I found myself floundering and eventually losing focus.
I realized that the habits I was trying to establish had no real meaning other than checking them off my list. Instead of feeling motivated and inspired, I felt bogged down. I decide to make things simple.
These days, I only establish minimum viable habits in my life. In other words, I only commit to the minimum number of behaviors that deliver the results I desire. Anything more is excessive, distracting, and frustrating.
Life is much simpler when you keep it simple. A wise person would spend time on the fewest number of actions that provide the most significant results.
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26/10/22•11m 2s
#1 Thing You Must Do For Success
#1 Thing You Must Do For Success
Steve Harvey is a funny guy. He's also a wise man.
You may have seen his video teaching the one thing you must do if you want to be successful.
You must jump.
If you want to be successful, you must jump into your dreams, take a leap of faith, and go for it.
Often, we stand on the cliff of life and watch others fly by, enjoying the life you desire. They jumped, their parachute opened, and life is good.
You must jump.
When you finally decide to jump, your parachute will not open right away. You will get bumped and bruised, but eventually, your parachute will open.
You must jump.
If you don't jump, your parachute will never open.
Is today the day you jump?
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25/10/22•11m 29s
How to Reach Goals - 3 Steps Goal Setting
How to Reach Goals - 3 Steps Goal Setting
There are so many choices in front of us every day. Each has the power to determine when and whether you will achieve your goals. Once you know the outcome you desire, these questions will help:
1) What CAN you do today that will lead directly and quickly to achieving your goal?
2) What SHOULD you do today that will lead directly and quickly to achieving your goal?
3) What MUST you do today that will lead directly and quickly to achieving your goal?
It’s simple.
Make your next action the one that gets the result you want as fast as possible. Everything else can wait. I dare you to try it.
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24/10/22•11m 26s
How to Reduce My Stress Levels
How to Reduce My Stress Levels
Unless you are living in a cave, you may have more Stress and less Hope in your life today than you did a short time ago. Pandemics can do that. So can life.
Over the years, I’ve learned that Stress is usually a result of fear.
Feeling Stress of never getting off the hamster wheel.
Feeling Stress and fear from uncertainty.
Feeling Stress from a lack of adequate information.
It doesn’t matter where your fear originates. The solution is re-framing your mindset to see things as they are. When you do that, you can see things that can be.
Having a re-frame mindset will allow you to create Hope, Reduce Stress, and become unstoppable.
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21/10/22•10m 42s
Stop Procrastination The Easy Way
Stop Procrastination The Easy Way
Are you a member of the Procrastination Club?
Procrastination is the intentional and systematic postponement of an essential task.
Is that what you are doing?
Even if you are putting things off, is it possible that you are not procrastinating? You may force yourself to do something you don't need or want to do.
Yes, you must complete tasks to get ahead in life. That's being responsible.
However, if your list of un-done keeps getting longer, it might be time to ask yourself a question -
Is what you are procrastinating on essential? Do you need to do it at all?
It's not always procrastination. If something is essential, you always get it done - right?
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20/10/22•11m 3s
Always Say The Right Thing
Always Say The Right Thing
How much better would your day be if you always knew what surprises were lurking around the corner?
While you can’t predict everything, you can prepare for most things using “How Do I Feel Strategy Sessions.”
Here’s how it works:
1) Once a month, take a few minutes and review what’s going on in your life. Your job. Your vacations. Your relationships. Your goal is to recognize what is likely to require your attention.
2) As you form your list, think through every possible scenario and expected outcome. Imagine what may happen and craft a plan for handling it in your favor.
3) When the situation arrives, remember how you decided to handle it and stay in control.
Using a pre-planned response is a great way never to be surprised again.
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19/10/22•11m 0s
How to Stay Motivated Automatically
How to Stay Motivated Automatically
Have you ever wondered why some things and not others motivate you? The Evolving Science of Motivation has your answer.
In a nutshell, motivation is complicated and layered. You have felt it many times if you didn’t already know that. But it all begins with four kinds of motivation:
1) Extrinsic motivation comes from outside of you. You do it because you are compelled to - usually by someone else.
2) Intrinsic motivation is done for internal and personal reasons. This can be called your WHY.
3) Introjected motivation is similar. The difference is that if something is not done, you feel guilty.
4) Identified motivation is when you know something needs to be done but have not decided to do it yet.
What kind do you have?
All of them.
All types of motivation can be in play at any time. They can also overlap. However, when you discover your Intrinsic motivation - your WHY- you will find the momentum you are seeking.
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18/10/22•11m 51s
Stop Embarrassing Yourself Now
Stop Embarrassing Yourself Now
Have you ever caught yourself doing or saying something you swore you would never do?
You have been TRIGGERED!
It can be frustrating when you set the rules and don't follow them. Sometimes you put your foot in your mouth. Sometimes you put the pizza in your mouth. In any case, your emotional habits are triggering your actions before you can do anything about them.
Controlling behaviors that have been on auto-pilot for years takes:
1) Catching yourself after the fact. Notice your mistake and see it coming sooner next time.
2) Catching yourself being triggered as it's happening. You're getting better.
3) Catch yourself before you act and stop it. That's the goal.
Emotional Triggers can throw you off track from your goals. Pay attention to your behaviors and make minor adjustments until you get what you want.
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17/10/22•12m 51s
Happiness Magic Formula
Happiness Magic Formula
Is there a magic formula for happiness?
Yes. It comes down to how you look at the world.
Most folks do one of two things:
1) They view everything from an emotional place. When life is good, everything is excellent. When things go wrong, life is terrible. Remaining stuck in the emotional zone is like writing a letter in the sand with a rising tide; it will never stick around long enough to make you happy.
2) Others view the world from a black-and-white and logical perspective. Using your analytical brain for everything is like painting a wall black and expecting a rainbow of colors. But life is not always rational.
I’ve found the best way is to naturally ride the highs and lows of emotions, tap into logic to navigate what crosses our path, and get back to the fun of emotions as soon as possible.
Emotion + Logic + Emotion = Happiness.
First and foremost, humans are emotional creatures that will not change. But logic allows us to sort through our feelings and make the best decision.
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14/10/22•12m 10s
Path to Greatness
Path to Greatness
With the craziness of life, are you having difficulty breaking through to the greatness that is YOU?
What does greatness take?
1) Imagination. Your ability to form images, ideas, and sensations in your mind. Without help from anything or anybody. Use yours. Trust yours.
2) Enthusiasm. Living life with the excitement of feeling is PASSION. Only involve yourself in activities that you are enthusiastic about.
3) Persistence. Life is long. Things take time. Learn to love being doggedly persistent. It will serve you well.
4) Faith. Have faith in yourself. Live your life in complete trust and confidence in someone or something.
Imagination. Enthusiasm. Persistence. Faith. That's living. Imagine how good it could be with a bit of Gratitude.
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13/10/22•13m 44s
Why Wisdom is Your Superpower
Why Wisdom is Your Superpower
There are lots of folks in the world who are seeking change in their life. They usually say - “I want something entirely new! I’m tired of how things have been! I want to start over!”
Please don’t do it!
Change doesn’t mean getting a do-over. It’s more of an iteration or course correction. Starting at the beginning has two problems:
1) It has taken you a long time to earn the wisdom and momentum you already have. Giving it up will mean losing your most potent tool.
2) All your knowledge will make it impossible to erase and start over anyway. You are too wise for that.
The solution is to leverage your wisdom and use it as a foundation for everything you seek in the future. Build on your knowledge base using intent, focus, and direction.
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12/10/22•12m 12s
4 Requirements of a Good Relationship
4 Requirements of a Good Relationship
Every day we navigate the world - which usually involves other people. Depending on how you process relationships, that can be good or bad.
The quality of life is dependent on the quality of relationships. It makes sense that we follow four steps to making them great:
1) Curiosity - Everybody is curious about the people they meet. The more curious they are about you, the better. If you want to meet great people, be engaging.
2) Enlightenment - Once curiosity peaks, interest will be to grow. People want to know more about you.
3) Commitment - With more knowledge, connections deepen.
4) Action - Once you reach commitment, people become open and willing to join your world.
Whether personal or business, all relationships evolve on the same path. Allow time for things to unfold.
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11/10/22•12m 35s
How to Create a Morning Routine
How to Create a Morning Routine
Every successful person has a morning routine. The use it to ground themselves before the day gets in the way.
There are many morning routines you can follow, but you should make sure that -
1) Morning time is sacred. It is your first and only priority.
2) It should be purposeful. Your actions should support your needs.
3) Be consistent and ritualistic. Create peace.
What kind of routines work for most?
1) Wake up on your time.
2) Hydrate, eat well and move.
3) Read, write, or meditate. Keep it motivational and inspirational.
Once you have yourself grounded for the day, jump in and take on your most important task. That will make everything else that day easy.
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10/10/22•11m 34s
Things You Should Do Everyday For Success
Things You Should Do Everyday For Success
I have a question for you.
What is your ONE most important activity?
What is the ONE core activity that, if you do, everything else is fine?
What is the ONE core activity that, if you don’t do, causes everything to fall apart?
Many people focus on anything but the most critical activity in their life. They are usually surprised when things fall apart.
Is it showing up for work on time or doing a great job at work?
Could it be your unflinching attention to your family?
Does your business have ONE activity that causes people to buy from you?
When you focus on your ONE most important activity - everything else will take care of itself.
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07/10/22•11m 32s
How to get Unstuck and Find New Opportunity
How to get Unstuck and Find New Opportunity
Do you sometimes feel stuck and overwhelmed? Feeling as if there is nothing you can do?
It happens to everybody. You are not alone. However, people who break free understand three things:
1) Everything in life is temporary. Good or bad, nothing last forever.
2) No matter how stuck you feel, there is always more opportunity. More than one person could ever take advantage of in a lifetime.
3) Even though you don’t feel it, successful people start shaking trees until the fruit falls to the ground. There is always fruit. It will always fall.
You’ll never feel stuck again as long as you know the world has more of whoever you want just waiting for you to go for it.
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06/10/22•11m 59s
How To Be a Good Leader - It's Simple
How To Be a Good Leader - It's Simple
Is your hair on fire for success?
There's a phrase that sums up what it takes to get whatever you seek.
"The faster the leader's speed, the faster the pack's speed."
It's a simple truth; success likes speed. It's very sexy and desirable to others.
Knowing your goals and taking massive imperfect action always speed up success.
People get caught up in the belief their leaders cast. When you crank up your energy and urgency, others feel your passion and support your mission.
Whatever your dreams, it is time for you to fire up your inner supercharger and get ready for the ride of your life.
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05/10/22•11m 13s
What To Do If You're In A Rut - Nothing?
What To Do If You're In A Rut - Nothing?
I live by a mantra that says -
"Almost everything in day-to-day life should be routine. Consistent. Predictable. Between the lines. Boring. But, occasionally, it's good to get out of the box, a little on edge, a bit scared, and excited."
The truth is, you need both. There is also another truth.
Most things that make you happy and successful are pretty mundane — taking care of your home, paying bills on time, spending time with family. Consistent routines focused on what's important are how you achieve success.
Have fun and stick to what feels comfortable is working for you. After all, it's not a rut; it's a routine.
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04/10/22•11m 4s
How to Influence Yourself
How to Influence Yourself
Did you know that the power of Influence is ruling your day?
Your subconscious mind is listing. Opinions are formed. Actions begin. It usually happens without your awareness.
The dictionary definition of Influence is; the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc.
The degree of success you have in life results from who influences you. How you influence others. The Influence you have on yourself.
Pay attention and choose the Influence that is good for you.
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03/10/22•10m 46s
How to be Happy and Excited Every Day
How to be Happy and Excited Every Day
I love how kids live in the moment while also getting excited about the next fun thing. Maybe it’s time we all begin acting like kids again.
Since you were young, special events excited you enough that sheer anticipation would drive you all day and keep you up at night. Would you like that back in your life?
The trick to harnessing the power of anticipation is to keep a steady stream of exciting moments in your future. I call this the Anticipation Engine.
Keep two things to keep in mind:
1) Your energy is dependent on getting excited about your future. Keep your list long.
2) Once an event passes, your excitement will disappear.
Enjoy the current moment. Don’t rush ahead, but always have something fun coming next.
Living a life of anticipation always gives a natural energy boost. If your life is bland - schedule something fun and get excited again.
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30/09/22•11m 52s
Are Your Goals YOUR Goals?
Are Your Goals YOUR Goals?
Are you feeling excited to be alive today? It might be an excellent opportunity to become an intentional goal setter.
Goals are the heartbeat of your life.
You will always enjoy pursuing goals that align with the most significant Values. They are tangible expressions of your Values. There's nothing more satisfying.
Goals are also automatic. Others will set them for you if you don't set them for yourself.
If you're not enjoying your life, you haven't set meaningful goals.
It's simple.
Decide what you want. Set a Goal. Create a plan. Set a deadline. Get to work.
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29/09/22•11m 31s
Three Big Success Principles
Three Big Success Principles
Where do you begin when you want success?
What's your first step?
Over 2000 years ago, the philosophy of Stoicism led the way in creating success.
Their lessons still apply today:
1) Clarity. You must see where you are heading. Anything less, and you will spend more time figuring things out than moving forward.
2) Clear The Clutter. Once you know where you are heading, you'll need to make space. Finish old projects, pay off debt, and organize the garage. Adding more stuff to your stuff will only create frustration.
3) Action. Focused action will get you anywhere fast. However, since activity creates activity, any movement will yield results.
Know what you want and create the space to bring it into your life. That's the perfect time to take massive imperfect action and get what you want.
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28/09/22•11m 31s
Friends Holding You Back
Friends Holding You Back
The success and happiness that you have in your life is a direct result of something your Mom was always asking -
Who are your friends?
If they are positive, you will be positive. Are they negative? You will be negative. If they have money, you will have money. Are they broke?
You get my point.
Your life will become exactly like the people that are closest to you. Choose wisely.
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27/09/22•10m 59s
Turning Obstacles Into Opportunity
Turning Obstacles Into Opportunity
Have you ever wondered how much easier things would be if you didn’t have to think so much?
What if the future or your past didn’t matter?
Imagine if you didn’t worry about the possessions, success, or drama of others.
What would happen if you believed that YOU were in control?
Now you are starting to think like a Stoic Philosopher.
Stoicism is about paring down and simplifying. They eliminate unproductive traits that define the majority of the population. One of the most common is turning obstacles upside down, creating opportunities, and seeing them as teachable moments.
For a Stoic, every bad thing becomes a new source of good.
Marcus Aurelius said it this way,
“The impediment to action advances action. What stands in your way becomes the way.”
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26/09/22•11m 30s
Get Things Done (GTD)
Get Things Done (GTD)
I’m a fan of David Allen’s Getting Things Done. His book spawned an entire industry. It also causes a lot of stress.
A few years ago, David was speaking at a conference, and folks asked how he managed to get things done:
1) Nothing gets done until I process everything. No cheating.
2) I process everything into a single “trusted” place when I have time. Some folks use a journal. Others use software or an app.
3) I review my potential work weekly and decide if I still need to do it.
Nothing added to your list is more important than tasks already there. Processing everything together will reveal the best path. Stay focused, my friend.
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23/09/22•11m 10s
Specific, Time-based, Goals
Specific, Time-based, Goals
It’s the time of the year when people want more success in their life and start setting goals. Frankly, it doesn’t matter if you achieve your goal. The mere act of setting a goal will drive you closer to what you want - but you need to be careful:
1) Goals should be painfully specific. I say “painfully” because most people find difficulty in choosing a particular outcome. They don’t want to limit their options. But isn’t that why you set goals?
2) Goals should be outcome-based and not time-oriented. Keep working toward your goal until you reach it, not when your self-imposed time limit runs out.
3) Long-term goals should not be a variation of your short-term goals. If you want to make a million dollars a year, setting a goal to increase your income by 100k a year may make sense. In reality, your mindset is ten percent of what you need, and it will take you ten times longer to reach your goal.
There’s no need to achieve one goal before going for another. Decide what you want and get it today. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
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22/09/22•11m 25s
Year-End Success Hacks (Part Two)
Year-End Success Hacks (Part Two)
Yesterday we spent a few minutes on practical ways to succeed in the future.
Here are a few actions that will provide a HUGE advantage over almost everybody.
Oh, you may not like these no-brainer daily practices - but they will make you a peak performer:
1) Eat right. 67% of the population eats fast food daily. 60% are obese. Simply eating a better diet will deliver an energetic and mindset boost.
2) Exercise. 77% of the population does not exercise beyond daily duties. 100% of top performers exercise. Which do you want to be?
3) Sleep lots. You need 8-10 hours of sleep per night. The average is now less than 6 hours. You’ll have more energy than 60% of the population by going to bed a little earlier.
4) Be careful with alcohol—77% of adults drink - 50% regularly. One glass of wine will stop real progress. More than that, you’ll be less productive the next day. People who do that for a lifetime have no chance of reaching their dreams.
Being more “Gooder than Badder” on these items will give you an advantage over 70.25% of the population. Who said you could never catch a break?
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21/09/22•11m 44s
Year-End Success Hacks (Part One)
Year-End Success Hacks (Part One)
As we move toward the end of the year, how about a bit of motivational tough love?
Before I get going -
No matter what you desire in the future, remember that life and business are about solving problems. The bigger your dreams, the bigger your problems. If you want what nobody else has, you need to solve problems nobody else will.
So, how do you begin with a bang?
1) Decide what you want in the future. Be specific. Anything less is what ordinary people do.
2) Decide to pay the price of your success. You’ve heard it before, and it’s true. Short-term pain leads to long-term gain. The future value of your life depends on the current value of your effort.
3) Own your goals. You don’t need to ask permission from anybody. You don’t even need to say a word. Put your head down and get to work.
4) Since you’ve decided what you want. Don’t accept your excuses.
When it’s time to get to work -
5) Start your day early. Do what is important to you before the day begins.
6) Set your focus and starting point. Pick the first task, finish it, and move on to the next. Keep going until you get what you want.
7) Hold space for what is essential for you.
8) Develop the habit of deep work. Two hours of uninterrupted work per day will change your life.
9) Don’t get caught up believing you need networking, joint ventures, collaborations, and partnerships. Yes, you need some - but not many. Trust yourself and start creating. Let everybody else catch up.
10) Apply never-ending massive imperfect action. Don’t worry about the mess. You can clean it up later.
Tomorrow we’ll chat about how to gain a HUGE advantage while accelerating your success.
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20/09/22•11m 27s
Success at The Highest Level
Success at The Highest Level
No matter your life goals, there is a good chance you are striving to be the best at something.
Whether it’s the best Mom or Dad, excelling in your career, or winning at the game or sport of your choice. Being the best always comes down to:
1) Do what you love and are good at naturally. You’ll have the edge over others. Stay in your wheelhouse.
2) Commit your focus toward mastery. Being a Jack-of-all-trades won’t work. Specialists always win over generalists.
3) Spend more time doing than learning. There’s a big difference between knowledge and wisdom. Experience is what matters.
4) Hire a Coach. When you’re at the top of your game, working with your Coach will take you from second place to first.
5) Keep going until you get what you want. Never stop, and never make excuses.
It was your idea to pursue your path. Enjoy the privilege of being able to make that choice.
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19/09/22•11m 25s
Do Anything for 30 Days
Do Anything for 30 Days
Call me crazy, but everything I've ever done had its roots in a 30-day sprint - and it's a long time.
A week is easy, crossing several weekends and life events will make it seem like forever.
Here’s how you do it:
1) Set what Napoleon Hill calls a Major Definite Purpose, otherwise known as a big-ass goal.
2) Stop that silly negative self-talk. Others may throw sticks and stones; don't throw them at yourself.
3) Start thinking of all the reasons you CAN be successful. Make a list.
4) Decide that you will do whatever it takes to reach your goal for the next 30 days. Nothing will stop you.
Decide that you will do whatever it takes to reach your goal for the next 30 days - and you will.
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16/09/22•11m 2s
Another Day Another Chance
Another Day Another Chance
Is it me, or does living life these days make you feel like Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day?
When it comes to working toward goals, that can be a tremendous asset. It's also something that will break you free when things don't feel like they are going your way.
Everybody has ups and downs. Up days are lots of fun. Down days make you want to crawl under a rock. But like the movie, with the right mindset, you always get another chance to try again.
How would you feel if every day was a chance to tweak, adjust, flex, or reinvent your approach to living?
What if everything got more comfortable as you built your knowledge of what works best for you?
How empowered would you feel if you knew that every day was a do-over day?
As long as the sun rises and the sun sets, it doesn't matter if you succeed or fail the previous day. Today is always a new day for making your dreams come true.
That'll make you get out of bed.
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15/09/22•11m 14s
Operation Reinvention Without a Plan
Operation Reinvention Without a Plan
Last year I made a decision that changed everything about my life.
And no, when I began "Operation Reinvention," I didn't have much of a plan. I wouldn't say I was winging it, but sometimes you have no idea what kind of plan you need. What I did have was a mindset.
I wondered -
"What single change can I make - a change that would automatically and positivity disrupt everything in my life and put me in a better place?"
I followed that with…
"I don't know what it's going to be, but it's not going to be that!"
While I didn't know exactly how to get there - or even that 'there' was, I knew I would recognize it when I saw it.
Goals are cool. You should use them. Sometimes, you must follow your gut, go with the flow, and figure things out along the way.
What change can YOU make that would automatically, and positively disrupt everything in your life and leave you in a better place?
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14/09/22•11m 22s
Courage to Be Yourself
Courage to Be Yourself
It's incredible how many people say they want to be their authentic selves yet are waiting for permission to begin.
Here's the truth:
1) You are already yourself. If you want something different - do it.
2) Nobody is going to give you permission. They are too busy waiting for it themselves.
3) Everything changes the minute you take your first step.
I want to save you lots of time and frustration.
YES. You have permission to be yourself.
Let me know if you need me to write you a note.
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13/09/22•10m 34s
Courage to Be Yourself
Courage to Be Yourself
It's incredible how many people say they want to be their authentic selves yet are waiting for permission to begin.
Here's the truth:
1) You are already yourself. If you want something different - do it.
2) Nobody is going to give you permission. They are too busy waiting for it themselves.
3) Everything changes the minute you take your first step.
I want to save you lots of time and frustration.
YES. You have permission to be yourself.
Let me know if you need me to write you a note.
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13/09/22•10m 34s
Instant Better Communication
Instant Better Communication
What if three words could allow you to communicate better and reach your goals faster?
Here’s how to stay on track no matter who wants to pull you off course:
1) When others ask to help them reach their goals, it’s time to agree and defer. For example, say, “Yes, I can help, AND let’s talk about it later when I finish what I’m doing. Watch how folks leave you alone.
2) Inserting the word ‘Yet’ into any conversation will allow you to stay positive and keep your momentum. For instance, saying “Not yet. I’ll let you know when I’m ready” will do wonders.
Success and happiness arrive when you stay focused and on track chasing your goals. Prioritize yourself and defer to others.
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12/09/22•11m 30s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 33
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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10/09/22•45m 34s
Learn. Churn. Burn. Earn.
Learn. Churn. Burn. Earn.
I was chatting with a friend about his business a few years ago. He owned a struggling martial arts school and was crafting a master plan to grow in the coming year.
Based on my that every worthy goal requires learning, churning, burning, and earning - I had four questions:
1) How long do you think it will take to LEARN what it takes to succeed?
2) How long are you CHURN away while you work to reach your goal?
3) Do you have resources to BURN? How long will your money last while you move forward?
4) When will you EARN your reward for your hard work?
Be prepared before you begin. Consider those questions before you start. The journey may be longer than you think.
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09/09/22•11m 31s
Success People Know This
Success People Know This
Mark Cuban is a pretty successful guy with some good advice:
“Work like someone is working 24 hours a day to take it away from you.
“It’s not the dreaming; it’s the doing. If you spend your time dreaming, you will never grant yourself the opportunity to see what you are capable of accomplishing.”
“It doesn’t matter if the glass is half-empty or half-full. All that matters is that you are the one pouring the water.”
“Wherever I see people doing something the way it’s always been done, the way it’s supposed to be done, following the same old trends, well, that’s a big red flag to me to go look elsewhere.”
“Every no gets closer to a yes. “No’s” are part of your story. If you keep working hard, they will lead to many “Yeses,” which often become better opportunities.”
Good stuff.
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08/09/22•11m 30s
Focus on What’s Important. Ignore The Rest.
Focus on What’s Important. Ignore The Rest.
Are you the kind of person always running around putting out fires - fires you set? I think it is time that we take away your matches and lighter fluid.
For the remainder of the year, keep these tips in mind:
1) If your life is non-stop drama, stress, and craziness, there is a good chance that YOU are the cause. There is also a good chance you won’t see it that way.
2) Living with your hair on fire will keep you so busy you will spend years wondering why you can’t get what you want.
3) When you STOP doing anything that results in more craziness, you will find that life is pretty quiet. That’s when good stuff begins to happen.
It’s a Universal truth.
You are 100% in charge of every action you choose - or not. Choose good ones. It makes life more fun.
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07/09/22•11m 31s
Proven Success Mindset
Proven Success Mindset
Have you ever wondered how the most successful people in the world get that way?
Could it be their timing is right?
Do they "know" somebody?
Luck? That's it. They get lucky!
Maybe, but I think there is more to it.
Every person I've ever known who achieved remarkable success did three things:
1) They recognized what they wanted and envisioned themselves living that life.
2) At some point, they commit and go all in. Their dream IS going to happen. There is no "Plan B."
3) They practice never-ending flexibility and perseverance no matter what gets in the way. They keep going until they get what they want.
Yes, it seems that you must pay the price for living the life of your dreams - and it's not money. It's YOU!
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06/09/22•11m 45s
Live Your Passion Starting Now
Live Your Passion Starting Now
Are you aware of your passion?
If not, I have a question for you -
What do you do when you are doing YOU?
Why spend your days searching your mind to figure out your purpose when you are most likely living it daily?
When you take a minute to inventory how you spend your time, you will see what you enjoy doing.
Do you read, write, exercise, or work?
How about walking, talking, playing, fighting, laughing, or watching television?
Do you quilt, garden, volunteer, or socialize?
Passion in life is not about finding something to do. It's about noticing what you do naturally - and doing more of it.
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05/09/22•11m 2s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 32
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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03/09/22•41m 4s
Focusing on Positive Self-Talk
Focusing on Positive Self-Talk
I've been listening to clients tell me the story of their life. I can't help but wonder why they keep beating around the bush.
In journalistic terms, these folks are burying the lead. Instead of getting to the point, they begin with secondary details.
How does this relate to improving your life?
Many say, "I can't focus on anything." No. You are focusing on the wrong things.
Sometimes I hear, "I can't get myself get moving." Truth? You are moving - in the wrong direction.
They may say, "I don't have enough money!" No. You need more money.
Don't get caught up in the unimportant yet dramatic parts of life. Focus on the cause of your challenges. The results will change automatically.
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02/09/22•11m 29s
Somebody Needs You
Somebody Needs You
When I was a teenager, I was a weekend moviegoer, and it was the age of Rocky, Star Wars, and Jaws. Besides, with only three channels on television, getting out of the house was the top item on my to-do list.
As a kid with big dreams, it was easy for me to slip into the fantasy world of films and let my mind run for a couple of hours. By the end of the film, I was always excited to get on with life and become like the folks I watched in movies.
That’s when life got in the way.
Like many young folks, I graduated high school, charged into the world, and waited for Somebody else to lift me into my dreams. Well, things didn’t work out the way I expected. That’s when my mother-in-law gave me some very useful advice that I needed to hear —
“You know, right now, Somebody needs what you have to offer, but because you’re sitting around the house, they don’t even know you exist. Get out there and let them know you are here.”
I can’t tell you how many times in my life I’ve said to myself —
“Somebody out there needs what I have to offer. My job is to find them and let them know I’m here.”
It’s the same for you.
If Somebody needs what you have to offer, your job is to find them and save their day.
That’s how you write and star in your own life movie.
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01/09/22•11m 3s
Why You Should Skake Up Your Good Life
Why You Should Skake Up Your Good Life
Growth and change are what most people strive for in their life. It’s what drives you before you create your amazing life. It’s also what drives you to step up to the next level.
In the last 16 years, I’ve spent producing the Daily Boost podcast, I’ve had the chance to speak to thousands of people. All of them were in various stages of change, and most had the goal of being happy.
But, there is an issue that keeps popping up.
As people go about living and enjoying the life they’ve built, the natural desire for more growth kicks in, and they find themselves driving harder—usually without thinking about it. It could be about passion, but most times, it’s about making more money.
One day, I talked with a friend about living a good life and how hard people work to mess up a good thing. That’s when he asked a great question -
”When life is good, why would you do something else only to make more money?”
It’s not to say making more money is not a very good thing. It’s just important to make sure that you focus on what is right in front of you and remain balanced and happy as you grow.
The happiest people in the world already know that.
Because a powerful force drives humans to grow at any cost, sometimes that costs them in ways they never see coming—both good and bad.
Enjoy what you have and grow to make things better. That’s a recipe for success, no matter how you see it.
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31/08/22•11m 10s
Success Lessons From a Dog
Success Lessons From a Dog
We all live in a competitive world that makes getting what we want a challenge. If you've ever found yourself missing out because somebody else beats you to the punch, there may be a simple reason.
I've always been a competitive person. Once I set my mind to accomplishing a goal, I will always do whatever is required to win. Still, I've often tripped on my way to winning by others who wanted the same thing but had a different approach.
When I decided to enter the world of dog agility competitions, a new friend reminded me of an essential mindset.
My friend's name is Jaxon. He's a great competitor and is incredibly consistent in his performance. Every time my dog, Levi, and I compete against Jaxon, we know it's going to be our game to lose.
It's not because he's faster, more talented, or works harder. He's slower, a little clumsy, and prefers play over work. He never gets serious or stuffy. Win or lose; he always has a reason to celebrate - usually by taking a nap.
On the other hand, Levi has flashier moves, runs faster, and wins lots of blue ribbons before he takes his nap. He also crashes and burns more often, leaving Jaxon with the prize - but not always.
Jaxon is consistent, not fast, and doesn't care.
Levi is fast and can be consistent if he, WE care. That's a little thing called discipline.
Consistency in practice and performance is required to do anything at a high level. Without discipline, you will always lose to the one who has it. However, when you require consistency in yourself and are willing to take a chance and go for the gold, that's what makes you a champion.
Both are happy dogs and enjoy the game. That makes them both winners. Levi is the champion.
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30/08/22•11m 11s
Change When You Wear Yourself Out
Change When You Wear Yourself Out
Many have said, "Life is a marathon, not a sprint."
But what happens when you find yourself doing both at the same time?
If you've been living on this planet for any length of time, you've figured out life is a long game made of day-to-day sprints.
If you want a big bank balance, you make small deposits over time.
If you want to lose weight, you make small reductions over time.
If you want to get a promotion at your job, you do well every day.
The challenge happens when you have not defined the marathon you are running. A lack of a specific goal can only lead to daily activity that may or may not get you to your destination. If that is happening to you, you may feel worn out, frustrated, and wondering when things will turn around.
There's good news. That kind of thinking means that you are on the right track to success.
Certain stamina is required to reach any goal. And society today celebrates your ability to put in the hard work no matter what.
There's only one problem.
If it's not working for you, it's not sustainable behavior. Sooner or later, you will decide to make a change - usually abruptly.
Here's the truth; you will change when you wear yourself out.
Reluctant, fearful, or hard-headed, you will only put up with a less than satisfying path in life for only so long. Eventually, when you wear yourself out.
When you've had enough, even if the timing is not perfect, you will change when you wear yourself out.
You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it.
So, what's the fix?
The marathon we call life will continue until it doesn't, and there are three things you can do to make it better.
The first is to define your destination with clarity.
Next, match your daily activity with your goals.
Finally, accept that if things don't go your way, you're going to change directions anyway.
You will change when you wear yourself out.
You may well skip the bad stuff, make an adjustment, and get to the good stuff right now. There's no need to wait.
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29/08/22•12m 33s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 32
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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26/08/22•33m 17s
Make Your Life Feel Longer
Make Your Life Feel Longer
I want to live forever! Well, that’s what I used to say when I was a kid. As I passed a few birthdays and dealt with life’s challenges, I started thinking differently with a realization —
My life, all of our lives are spent learning and figuring things out. While it can be tiring, it’s also what pours energy and meaning into our days. As we age, our knowledge deepens, our day-to-day get less attractive, and we lose our youthful drive. But Scott doesn’t do that. I’m way too stubborn.
So what have I learned from being such a hard head dedicated to living a life experience like no other?
The first thing is to slow down. That means breaking free from all those dull and automatic behaviors that are not serving you. Moving as fast as you can through hundreds of activities won’t get you anywhere. Eventually, you’ll realize that a slow, more focused approach is more effective.
The next thing to do is study and learn as much as possible, and your perception of time will feel longer. And perception is reality. This works because as we get older, we know more, so life is easier. But, it’s the act of learning something new that creates stackable memories that make your life fill full, vibrate, and exciting.
Finally, fire up your Anticipation Engine by taking the time to create 6 to 12 event horizons per year. In other words, schedule something in the future that gets you excited and never stops. Having positive anticipation in your life is a driving factor in living a happy life.
Slow down, study, and anticipate. It turns out that living a long and happy life only requires that you think and act like a child.
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26/08/22•12m 51s
Why a Boring Life is a Great Life
Why a Boring Life is a Great Life
I live by a mantra that says -
“Almost everything in my day-to-day life should be routine. Consistent. Predictable. Between the lines. Boring. But, occasionally, it’s good to get out of the box, a little on edge, a bit scared, and a lot excited.”
The truth is, you need both. There is also another truth.
Most things that make you happy and successful are pretty mundane.
Improving and enjoying your home…
Paying bills, investing, and saving…
Spending time with family…
Yes, regular life is a boring life. But it’s your consistent routines that are focused on what’s essential that allows you to have incredible highs in your life too!
Have fun and stick to what feels comfortable and works for you.
After all, most things that make you happy and successful are mundane. It’s not a rut; it’s your comfort zone.
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25/08/22•11m 14s
Is Your Real Purpose Waiting For You?
Is Your Real Purpose is Waiting For You?
There's an idea floating within your mind. Soon it will demand your attention.
Is this all there is?
Am I destined for something bigger?
Your real purpose will arrive in your life when you:
1) Accept WHO you are and have always been. You are beautiful just the way you are.
2) Accept WHAT you do when you are doing you. Life is far more enjoyable when you spend most of your time in your comfort zone - and step out occasionally.
3) Accept WHEN when you want to start living in the moment. Now is a good time.
4) Accept WHERE you are in your life. As long as you know where you are, you can go anywhere.
Accepting your real purpose is revealed by daily actions. If you want to go in a new direction, change what you do. Start today.
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24/08/22•12m 46s
Prioritize Yourself First
Prioritize Yourself First
'If you spend any time listening to me at all, it won’t take long before you hear me screaming from the tops of the mountains to ignore the agenda and propaganda-filled world we live in and focus on yourself.
Here’s the truth...
Nobody is thinking about you and what you do. That means that you need to pay attention to yourself because nobody else will.
Some folks find that way of thinking difficult because society would make you believe that you must do what everybody else is doing to be successful.
Let’s think about that for a minute.
Is everybody more successful than you or is everybody pretty much in the same boat as you?
You know the answer. So, who is more successful than you?
It’s the people that are out in front leading the masses. You know, the ones who paid attention to what they wanted, thought it through, and convinced everybody else to support them on their mission.
Here’s another truth…
When you think about yourself first, you’ll have time to think about others too. Like they say, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me!”
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23/08/22•11m 4s
Who is Influencing You?
Who is Influencing You?
Did you know that the power of Influence is ruling your day?
Your subconscious mind is listing. Opinions are formed. Actions begin. It usually happens without your awareness.
The dictionary definition of Influence is; the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc..
The degree of success you have in life results from who influences you. How you influence others. The Influence you have on yourself.
Pay attention and choose the influence that is good for you.
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22/08/22•11m 21s
Keep What You Have and Get What You Want
Keep What You Have and Get What You Want
If you’re going to drive across a bridge, it’s best if there is a solid foundation on both sides.
The same happens when you cross a metaphorical bridge to the next chapter in your life. Having a solid foundation on both sides is the goal.
But what happens when you get stuck in your foundation before you cross?
It’s common for folks to build such a solid foundation in their current life that it becomes difficult to move forward. If you’re happy, the bills are paid, and everything is okay - what’s the incentive to shake things up? You are stuck in your comfort zone.
Well -
Because the only way to live the life you’ve always wanted is to believe in your WHY - and take your first step as soon as you can see the other side.
Yes, it can be scary. Then again, staying where you are for the rest of your life is scary too.
Keep what you have and get what you want. That’s the goal.
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19/08/22•11m 13s
What Life Used to Be Like
What Life Used to Be Like
Can you remember when you filled your thoughts with dreams and ambitions?
That’s how most of us live our early lives - until the real world splits into two distinct periods:
1) BEFORE life gets in the way. Anything IS possible. It’s a beautiful time when you run as fast as you can toward your goals. Even if your parents disagree.
2) AFTER life gets in the way. Anything WAS possible. Life is good, but it’s not what you expected. Your parents would have said, “I told you so.”
What if it was possible to remember what you wanted and why you wanted it?
What if you could stand on a foundation of wisdom and experience and combine what you have now with what you want?
That would be a great new life, wouldn’t it?
Wait. It is possible.
You must remember what you wanted all those years ago and start running after it again.
Run fast. You’ve waited long enough.
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18/08/22•11m 7s
Clutter-Free Living
Clutter-Free Living
Now that 2022 is well underway, it's time to get busy making room for all the success you will have this year.
The simple fact is that you will never have time to get ahead when you live a chaotic life: work clutter, home clutter, and emotional clutter. Something will always get in the way.
Here's how you can get control:
1) Schedule a time and begin tossing out the old. It may take months. Don't stop until it's gone. I promise you will know when that day arrives.
2) Fight the urge to reverse your purge once you are free. Keep your life lean, mean, and agile. You will love the freedom.
3) Enjoy your new life of less clutter and more meaning. Spend your time accomplishing the goals that will give you the life you've always wanted.
Moving toward your goals should be your top priority. That is only possible when you have room to maneuver.
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17/08/22•11m 9s
More Productive One Week at a Time
More Productive One Week at a Time
What if you could maintain never-ending momentum while you work toward your goals? No matter how long it took?
The 'MTM Rolling 7' is the solution you need to get the life you've always said you wanted.
It works like this:
1) Set your short-term and long-term goals.
2) Decide what past achievements you enjoy and that you want to defend. Many current successes must be maintained while you pursue your new adventures.
3) Decide what future goals you are ready to 'activate' and achieve.
4) Next week begins this week. On Thursday of this week, make your plan for how you will defend, activate, and create your dream life next week.
Spend the next few days thinking about your plan. You'll amaze yourself at how you begin making progress one week at a time.
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16/08/22•11m 12s
Getting What You Desire
Getting What You Desire
Not a day passes by without someone asking, "How do I get another person to help me get what I want?"
Persuading others is one of the keys to getting what you want in life - and here's a big secret; it's NOT about you!
You'll get what you want faster by focusing on how you can help others solve their problem - and "Ladder of Desire."
This is how it works:
1) Most folks lecture others. That's a low level of communication and rarely builds a real connection.
2) A more practical solution is to show others the way and explain how to solve their problem.
3) The most powerful is offering to take care of their dilemma. That is the top rung of the 'Ladder of Desire.' Everybody wants their problems to disappear. Make that happen, and you'll be a Hero!
When you follow this approach, you make friends, prove your value, and are more likely to have your favor returned. Do good first.
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15/08/22•11m 56s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 31
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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13/08/22•48m 0s
Faster Goal Achievement
Faster Goal Achievement
I need to pass along a way to achieve your goals faster than you thought possible.
If you are ready for success to arrive, here are three simple rules to help you realize your dreams:
1) Play to your strength. Do what is comfortable for you.
2) Only commit to activities that will lead you to your goal.
3) Never let a day pass without reminding yourself of your strengths. Consciously direct your focus.
You can reach your goals faster when you avoid distractions stranding everybody else in place.
Focus. Do. Focus again.
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12/08/22•11m 30s
Replace Your To-Do List
Replace Your To-Do List
I'm sure you have a lot to do. If you use a To-Do list, I'd like to pass on advice that will make your days much more fun.
LOSE your "To-Do List." Replace it with a" Did I Do It List."
To-Do Lists make you a slave to the checkmark. They cause more stress the longer they get.
A" Did I Do It List" assumes you know what must be done. Instead of chasing, you are checking to make sure you did it.
An un-focused path produces additional tasks to fill your day. A "Did I Do It List" will focus on your goals and create quick results.
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11/08/22•11m 1s
Too Many Choices Paralysis
Too Many Choices Paralysis
Do you have too many choices in your life? Is it confusing and making you feel distressed?
In 2005, Barry Schwartz wrote Paradox of Choice and challenged traditional thinking. He said the way to maximum freedom in your life was to minimize choice.
Too many choices are not a good thing and can create paralysis. Not to mention, no matter what you choose, you'll always wonder if you could have done better.
Distractions are your enemy, and focus is your friend: Here's how to free up your life:
1) Limit your choices. Narrow your list to items you have already experienced. Having every option won't serve you.
2) Be sure to permit yourself to try other possibilities IF needed - but only after you've vetted your first.
3) Stay in your lane and keep it simple.
Too many choices are part of modern life. If you can't make a decision - shorten your list of options to what is important. Ignore everything else.
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10/08/22•11m 24s
4-Step Success System
4-Step Success System
Wouldn’t it be great to have a plan to help you get what you want?
What you need is M.A.P.S. - a system that gets thinking out of the way and focuses on actions in four areas:
Motivation - Everything begins with motivation and knowing ‘WHY’ you set your goals. Stay motivated.
Accountability: Being accountable and accepting responsibility for your results will empower your success. Saying, ‘If it’s to be, it’s up to me’ is a great way to get started.
Planning: Plan your work. Work you plan. It’s simple. If you can’t plan it, you won’t be able to do it.
Systemization: The first steps of any worthy goal are difficult. As you get more comfortable with your process, lock in the actions and repeat them until you get what you want.
Sustainability: Everything takes longer than you think. Momentum is built in life by stacking your accomplishments sequentially. Make sure you set yourself up for the long haul.
The freedom you desire rests on a stable and repeatable foundation. Motivation, Accountability, Planning, Systemization, and Sustainability.
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09/08/22•11m 55s
Taming Your Crazy Life
Taming Your Crazy Life
Are you finding yourself distracted and unfocused?
If you look around, there is an epidemic of craziness. It's so bad even the squirrels have started chasing shiny objects.
Imagine if they had a Facebook account like you?
If you're ready to stop the insanity, remember this:
1) Getting caught up… in the caught up… will catch up with you when you least expect it. Can you feel it coming?
2) While it doesn't feel like it, the pre-crazy world you miss still exists. Nothing has changed. Turn off the phone, internet, and TV for 24 hours, and it will magically re-appear.
3) You will be far happier and progress more when you step off the spinning wheel of life. A slower, more methodical, and ritualized approach is the way. Play the long game.
Putting an end to the craziness in life is like ripping off a Band-Aid. Do it fast, and your life will get better instantly.
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08/08/22•11m 43s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 30
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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06/08/22•46m 50s
How to Be Your Own Cheerleader
How to Be Your Own Cheerleader
Do you remember what it was like to be in 1st grade?
It was a time when everybody lavished you with encouragement for being YOU - and because you finished your art project without eating the glue.
Those were beautiful times. But you may have noticed things have changed since you were okay to take a nap in the middle of class. You grew up.
Yes, growing into an adult brings many mentors your way. They do their best to motivate and inspire you. But you know in your heart that they can only do so much. It's up to you to drive yourself in the direction of your dreams. That's called adulting.
I say it's time to PYOTB, my friend!
YOU are your own BEST Cheerleader. Don't sit around waiting for somebody to make you feel good. Pat yourself on the butt. Scream, "I done GOOD!"
It's going to be the best day ever!
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05/08/22•11m 47s
Focus and Inspiration Without Resistance
Focus and Inspiration Without Resistance
Does this happen to you?
A great idea pops into your head. Your heart fills with excitement. Nothing can stop you - except that you feel stuck in quicksand. The more you fight, the deeper you sink. It seems that the only way out is to give up on your dream - again.
Let’s not do that this time.
Feeling inspired to make a change in your life is terrific. It can also be scary. Think of it as survival.
Your mind is wired to survive. That means avoiding anything bad and seeking everything good. Until you know for sure, everything is bad. Resistance is the automatic result.
When you are ready to act on your inspiration, focus on the good coming and do your best to ignore anything that feels like quicksand.
You could say, “It’s about resisting your resistance.”
Inspiration Without Resistance. That’s how you live the life you’ve always wanted.
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04/08/22•11m 22s
Stress-Free Weekly Productivity
Stress-Free Weekly Productivity
I have a saying -
“Next year begins THIS year. Next month begins THIS month. Next week begins THIS week.”
If you want to stay on track, accomplish your goals, and enjoy life more - you MUST take control of your calendar. It’s easier than you think:
1) Life will come at you FAST! Be sure to schedule any significant and can’t miss life events at least one year in advance. Put it on the calendar and block it out. You can always change your mind.
2) Hold your space. Decide in advance what you will be doing with your days. When will you work on projects? When will you see clients? When will you have fun?
3) Never end one week without locking in your schedule for the next - and stick to it.
The future is always brighter when your day-to-day focus fulfills your goals this week. Focus, my friend. Focus.
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03/08/22•11m 13s
The Best Kind of Relationship
The Best Kind of Relationship
The quality of your life is a direct result of your relationships. Tony Robbins said that.
There are three ways to play the relationship game, whether it's a personal, professional, or business relationship. There is only one way to win.
1) All relationships begin with two independent individuals. If you remain independent, you will never connect.
2) Some relationships become co-dependent. Developing this kind of relationship means losing individuality. Isn't that what attracted you in the first place?
3) Combining your skills, passions, and identity is the best way. The result will be an interdependent relationship.
The strength of an individual. The power of a team. It doesn't get any better than that.
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02/08/22•11m 13s
Being a Good Quitter
Being a Good Quitter
Has anybody ever said to you, "it's good to be a quitter?”
Probably Not. That’s why it’s so important today that you pay attention today.
Being a good quitter isn’t an excuse. It should never be an option for making things easier. Instead, quitting is a wise choice. You choose to quit when your progress has you going around in circles or has stopped.
That's when things get interesting.
Once you are committed to an idea that is important to you, it can be difficult to allow yourself to quit. Stuck in a lousy job, terrible relationship, destructive behavior? Your internal sense of "Identity" will compel you to hold to the very end.
That may not be wise.
Listen closely when your inner voice begins to sound a warning. There's no need to wait for the inevitable. Trust your gut and change your direction fast.
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01/08/22•11m 11s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 29
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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30/07/22•54m 12s
Simple Question For Success
Simple Question For Success
It's the world's simplest recipe for success; Stand up, take a step, REPEAT!
A member wrote asking how to best use such simple advice:
1) Stop whatever you are doing. Find a place where nobody will interrupt you for at least 5-minutes.
2) Focus on YOU.
3) Ask, "How is my life going?" Open your mind and let your thoughts flow to the different roles of your life. Bring them into focus.
4) For areas going well, continue your momentum. For areas of concern, ask," What CAN I do to make it better?"
5) Immediately take action based on your answers. Never stop.
5-minutes a day is all it takes to stay on track. Check in with yourself. Adjust. Keep moving.
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29/07/22•11m 14s
How To Multiply Your Time
How To Multiply Your Time
Wouldn’t it be great if you could create more time in your day without giving anything up?
The secret is how you prioritize the projects already on your plate. That requires a simple understanding:
1) Working on multiple products simultaneously only delays completing all the projects.
2) When you complete a product, not only is it off your plate, it begins producing your expecting results. It also frees up time to move on to your next project.
The next time that you are trying to find more time, ask -
“What can I finish right now that will give me more time tomorrow - and every day after that?”
You will love how you have so much more time in your day.
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28/07/22•10m 51s
How to Live Joyfully No Matter What
How to Live Joyfully No Matter What
Would you like to be happy every day of the week? Maybe it's time to start thinking like a happy person?
There's no magic to being happier.
Rose-colored glasses are not required.
Just start looking at your day-to-day life the way a happy person does.
Give this a try:
1) Accept that merely being alive means you will run into occasional challenges.
2) Realize that dealing with challenges is a privilege that comes with being alive.
3) Welcome frustration. That means that you are not satisfied and are beginning to make adjustments.
4) Accept responsibility for solving your challenges. Run forward and fix them as soon as possible.
5) Deal with everything that life throws at you. Get a great night's sleep. Have another great day tomorrow.
It's amazing how that kind of mindset makes most challenges never show up in the first place.
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27/07/22•11m 29s
Common Characteristics of Highly Successful People
Common Characteristics of Highly Successful People
Do you wish you could find a mentor to help you along the way?
Every mentor I’ve ever had has made a point of validating that I possessed three characteristics for success.
Would you pass their test?
1) Do you have a burning desire to achieve your goal?
2) Are you a coachable person and prepared to accept the wisdom and guidance of others?
3) Are you willing to undertake all actions to achieve your success?
Wouldn’t you want this in someone that was asking for your help?
Talk your walk. Walk your talk. That’s a great life.
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26/07/22•11m 14s
Practice Makes Greatness
Practice Makes Greatness
It’s been said that Practice makes perfect.
That might be true if you were able to practice perfectly. If that were the case, why would you need to practice?
Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes permanent.
Practice bad thinking, and you will get all the bad thoughts you could ever want.
Practice makes permanent.
Practice bad manners and are sure to get better at being rude.
Practice makes permanent.
Practice bad relationship skills, and you are guaranteed to miss out on the best life has to offer.
Practice makes permanent.
It is always that way, it will never change, and you can harness its power.
Practice being positive, forward-thinking, and believing that life is good. That’s what you will get.
Practice being a good person that is always thinking of others. You will find yourself surrounded by good people.
Practice being present, respectful, and loving in your relationships. You will never be alone.
Yes, practice makes permanent, but it also makes for greatness.
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25/07/22•11m 9s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 28
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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23/07/22•45m 2s
Life Altering Questions
Life Altering Questions
A long time ago, it occurred to me that life is nothing more than a giant scavenger hunt. Yes, life is full of questions, and it’s long enough for you to figure out all the essential answers. And the winners are the people who figure out the solution for what you are seeking.
Here are a few that I use on a regular basis to get me thinking:
1) What do you want to do?
2) What do you want to have?
3) Where do you want to go?
4) What contribution do you want to make?
5) What do you want to become?
6) What do you want to learn?
7) Who do you want to spend your time with?
8) How much money do you want to earn, save, and invest?
9) How much time do you want off?
10) What will you do to create optimum health?
I’ll repeat it. Life is full of questions, and it’s long enough for you to figure out all the essential answers. It’s time to get busy.
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22/07/22•12m 19s
My Friends are Jealous of My Success
It doesn’t matter what you do. You will know when you have succeeded when the lovers and the haters all come out to play at the same time. Focus on the lovers.
My Friends are Jealous of My Success
Have you ever had a crazy day that has you putting out fires and wondering when it will be time to go home?
And, did I mention, you were doing what you love and want to be doing - successfully?
Why is it that life gets crazier when things go well?
There’s a simple answer.
No matter what you do, when enough people begin paying attention to you, your life will change.
Some folks will love you. Some will hate you.
Others won’t have an opinion but will say something anyway.
Many will be jealous. Lots will be proud.
It doesn’t matter what you do. You will know when you have succeeded when the lovers and the haters all come out to play at the same time. Focus on the lovers.
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21/07/22•11m 14s
Knowing Who I Am
Superman lives for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. You’re pretty super too! What's driving you?
Do You Have a ‘Who I Am’ Statement?
Do you have a roadmap for who you are and how you operate in the world?
You need a ‘Who I am’ document.
Who I am - is not a mission statement.
Who I am - is not a list of affirmations.
Who I am - is not a value statement
Who I am is a personal cheat sheet that reminds you why you do what you do.
How do you see yourself?
How do others see you?
How do you act in situations?
When life gets in the way, you can always turn to your pre-determined ‘Who I am’ for the corrective actions to take.
Remember -
Inconsistency in behavior will whittle away at your soul.
Consistency will strengthen you and makes you happy.
It’s time to be like Superman. His ‘Who I am' is Truth, Justice, and the American Way.
What’s yours?
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20/07/22•12m 10s
Taking Action in Your Life Easily
Get what you want by using CALLS to action: Clarity. Accurate Thinking. Leverage. Systemization. Life is about to get much more relaxed.
Taking Action in Your Life Easily
There is a simple formula that you can apply to get what you want, enjoy the process, and ensure that it will last for a lifetime.
1) Get clarity. You must clearly define what you want. When you don’t know what path you are heading, you will drift with frustration.
2) Accurate Thinking. Assume that you are not getting the correct information. Double check and confirm. Then move forward. The more accurate your understanding of your plan, the more comfortable and quicker it will be to get there.
3) Leverage. You may think that you can do all the heavy lifting yourself, and you can see in the beginning. But why? You’ll get there faster if you find a way to leverage every action for maximum results. Don’t go it alone.
4) Systemization. Create ritualized actions that move you closer to what you want. Once there, automate those actions. Your purpose required an operating system to stay focused and on track.
Get what you want to be using CALLS to action: Clarity. Accurate Thinking. Leverage. Systemization.
Life is about to get much more relaxed.
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19/07/22•11m 36s
The Secret to Setting The Right Goals
Success comes to people who set goals. Be one of those people.
The Secret to Setting The Right Goals
Since we're in the middle of the year and vacations will end soon, it's time for a Goal-Setting refresher to be ready to go when you are done playing.
Here's how you can set and accomplish any goal:
1) State precisely WHAT you want.
2) State WHY you want it.
3) Imagine how you will feel when you reach your goal.
4) Plan the initial steps you will take.
5) Launch into massive imperfect action.
6) Measure your progress.
7) Be flexible in your approach.
8) Celebrate and repeat.
Success comes to people who set goals. Be one of those people.
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18/07/22•12m 17s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 26
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16/07/22•46m 37s
Courage to Face Your Passion
Success arrives when you move from a solid TODAY to a stronger TOMORROW. Don't leap too soon, but don't delay either.
Courage to Face Your Passion
Changing something about your life is pretty straightforward.
Figure out what you want and change it.
Are you done laughing?
Most folks fall on the way to their dreams because they don't move, move at the wrong time, or move too fast. That's why it's time to build your bridge once you know what you want.
Here's how:
1) Fortify your current foundation. Save money, pay bills, and do whatever it takes to create a firm and peaceful base to build.
2) Begin constructing the foundation for your new life. Go to school, network, research, and plan. Do everything in your power to assure your success with no regret.
3) When you're ready, leave your past behind, cut off the old, and begin living your new life. Be patient. Wait until you are at least 70% ready to succeed before you cross to the other side.
Success arrives when you move from a solid TODAY to a stronger TOMORROW. Don't leap too soon, but don't delay either.--
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15/07/22•11m 23s
How to Improve Your Communication Skills Today
You will always get more of what you want when your communication moves toward a common goal.
How to Improve Your Communication Skills Today
Today you are going to have opportunities to communicate.
Here’s how to create conversations that connect:
1) Meet folks where they are. Please pay attention to how their day is going. Step into their NOW.
2) Establishing something in common. “Wow! Has this day been crazy for you too?”
3) Establish an undeniable truth. “I promise it’s going to get crazier with the holidays coming.”
4) Move the conversation toward an idea that everybody can agree on. “Holidays are coming fast. We should get ahead of it and do some planning.”
5) Bring a new idea into the conversation. “I have a system that will work for both of us. Do you want to see it?”
You will always get more of what you want when your communication moves toward a common goal.
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14/07/22•11m 3s
One Question When You Are Stuck
Are you feeling stuck? Ask yourself, WHAT CAN I DO? The honest answer will pop into your head. Then - stand up, take a step, REPEAT!
One Question When You Are Stuck
I have a favorite question;" What Can I Do?"
I ask it when I'm unsure about the following action. It always delivers.
Getting what you want in life sometimes includes random and vague goal setting - something that is not likely to help you make progress. What you need is to be targeted and specific.
But what do you do when targeted and specific isn't coming to mind?
Ask yourself -
"What Can I Do?"
Sometimes the answer is not what you want to hear. Then again, when you are stopped in your tracks - it can't hurt.
What's next?
Stand up, take a step, and REPEAT!
You'll find your way.
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13/07/22•10m 56s
Another Chance to Succeed
Another Chance to Succeed
Is it me, or does living life these days make you feel like Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day?
When it comes to working toward goals, that can be a tremendous asset. It's also something that will break you free when things don't feel like they are going your way.
Everybody has ups and downs. Up days are lots of fun. Down days make you want to crawl under a rock. But like the movie, with the right mindset, you always get another chance to try again.
How would you feel if every day was a chance to tweak, adjust, flex, or reinvent your approach to living?
What if everything got more comfortable as you built your knowledge of what works best for you?
How empowered would you feel if you knew that every day was a do-over day?
As long as the sun rises and the sun sets, it doesn't matter if you succeed or fail the previous day. Today is always a new day for making your dreams come true.
That'll make you get out of bed.
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12/07/22•11m 28s
You Don't Find Happiness. You Create It.
Every characteristic of life is essential. When you balance them into synchronicity, your Happiness rises, and you become the person you were meant to be.
You Don't Find Happiness. You Create It.
If you've struggled to stay on track every day, your happiness creation skill is out of balance.
Before I go on, let me say that happiness creation is more than a slogan; it is not automatically activated upon birth.
Rising into your Happiness is a personal choice. It is a decision followed by discipline to become a complete person instead of a narrowly focused human stumbling through life.
It is a power that arrives when you realize that the sum is better than the parts.
It's not about your health, relationships, or how much money you make.
It's not about your spiritual beliefs, values, or your integrity.
It's not about how you treat your children, spouse, or friends.
Happiness is about all of them.
It is about mastering every aspect of your life into one thing called YOU. And the best part is - you can do that every day.
Every characteristic of your life is essential. When you balance them with focused synchronicity, your Happiness rises, and you become the person you were meant to be.
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11/07/22•11m 30s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 25
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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09/07/22•57m 25s
How to Become a Thought Leader
The view from the top is always beautiful - even if your legs hurt getting there. It’s also less crowded; start. Be different. Start climbing now!
How to Become a Thought Leader
Have you ever received an email that scrambled your brain, made you scratch your head, and got you thinking more than most days - about thinking.
I had been working with a client to fine-tune her leadership skills. Things were going well, others noticed, and people outside of her immediate circle were beginning to reach out. She was excited, feeling accomplished, and had an idea -
“I like this leadership thing, but I was thinking about becoming a “Thought Leader.” How do you think I can get started?”
The response was instant, honest, compassionate, and, being candid, a little snarky, “Maybe you can spend more time thinking about what you want to think lead?”
We laughed at our shared Captain Obvious moment, but the truth hit home.
The thing that turns textbook leaders into legendary leaders is their willingness to think. They think about what is essential, how they will impact others, what legacy will they leave, and most importantly -
Great leaders check in with themselves regularly to understand how they feel about every topic in their life. It’s not a point of view. It’s not an opinion. It’s who they are at their core and how they show up in the world. And it happens before they ever meet you.
Becoming a “Thought Leader” is the same process as becoming any leader - with a narrower focus. In other words, decide what you want to lead on, think about it more than anyone else, walk your walk, and share your thoughts.
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08/07/22•11m 3s
Steps for Success in Life
The view from the top is always beautiful - even if your legs hurt getting there. It’s also less crowded; start. Be different. Start climbing now!
Steps for Success in Life
I remember standing in a parking lot in the Great Smokey Mountains surrounded by tourists and the smell of hot engines. We were about to hike to the Clingmans’ Dome observation tower - 6,644 feet above sea level.
There is a sign at the beginning of the trail that warns hikers that the hike is considered strenuous, the average person will take 30-minutes to complete, and there are places to take a break along the way. While reading the sign, two conversions caught my attention -
A couple that had driven hours to get there said, “They say it might be foggy at the top. Let’s not and say we did.”
Then my wife said, “I think we should do it non-stop and in half the time. Let’s go!”
With that, we headed up the hill with our thighs burning. We passed hundreds of hikers giving up on the trailside benches; even more, had turned back as they hiked through the fog, but we kept going.
As we closed in on our goal of 15-minutes, we broke through the final layer of fog and found a beautiful day and a 100-mile view in all directions waiting for us when we arrived.
That’s the thing about setting big goals and going for them.
Even if you can’t see the outcome from your starting point, your goals and mission will carry you to your vision. Yes, your legs might hurt, but when you get there, you’ll find the journey up the mountain and the view from the top are always worth your effort. It’s also less crowded since most people never even start.--
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07/07/22•11m 14s
How to Stay Motivated All The Time
Focus fuels your fire. That's why that call it being FIRED UP! I like you when you're FIRED UP!
How to Stay Motivated All The Time
I wondered why I couldn't always have my way as a child. Mom and Dad were so mean! I couldn't wait to grow up, move out, and experience being an adult. Everything would be different - or so I thought.
After stepping into the adult world, it didn't take long to realize that not much had changed. It turns out it wasn't my parents. It was a life turning down my requests. Life was getting in the way. What was even worse was that I was getting in my way.
I've joked over the years that if I'm the Boss of me, why don't I do what I say? Eventually, I realized having a big ass goal, being on a mission, and most importantly, motivation on demand was the solution.
Motivation is a powerful, if not fleeting, tool we all need. But we need to understand how our minds generate motivation:
1) Your physiology dictates your feelings. Movement wakes your body up, guides your emotions, and makes anything feel possible. The easiest way to break free of a slump is to stand up, take a step, and REPEAT.
2) Focus fuels your fire. If you are unmotivated, you are drifting in the wind with no direction. Shifting your thoughts in a positive direction and toward what excites you will break you out and get you moving.
3) The words you say create the emotions you feel. Negative self-talk will drag you, and everybody else, down. Everything changes when you make the words you say to yourself, internally and externally, positive and uplifting. Words matter more than you think.
You're human. Your brain isn't wired to stay always motivated unless you are willing to give it a helping hand.
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06/07/22•11m 57s
How to Get Your Brain to Focus
Minor stuff is going to get done. If not, it probably doesn’t matter. Big stuff does matter. Imagine the impact you will have when you focus on big?
How to Get Your Brain to Focus
The older I get, the more I realize I’m fiddling with small things that drive me crazy but keep me busy. And I do it with the full knowledge it’s not the best use of my time, below my pay grade, and distracting from big stuff I should be doing.
Over the years, I’ve noticed almost everybody I know does the same thing. I’ve also learned it doesn’t have to do with procrastination as much as getting a quick win and a short-term payoff. Yes, the reward for more significant projects is getting what you want, but checking off your list of little stuff is distractingly intoxicating. It makes you feel good all day but keeps you awake a night.
The solution is to think bigger.
As I work through my day, I focus on the biggest, broadest, and most important mission in my life. Is it family? Is it your health? Do you want to make more money? Is it time to give back more?
When you have a great picture painted in your mind, your mission becomes your focus, and you will do whatever it takes to move closer to that vision. That’s why -
“I work on BIG things I love, not SMALL things that drive me crazy.”
Imagine your impact on your life and the world by focusing on big? The small stuff is going to get done. If not, it probably doesn’t matter. Big stuff does matter.
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05/07/22•12m 35s
Productive Morning Routine
If you make your primary focus the first do you do in the morning, the rest of the day is more fun. You do like having fun - right?
Productive Morning Routine
I love the quiet peacefulness of mornings, but I'm not too fond that mornings happen so early.
Still, the focus, creativity, and feeling of momentum that comes with getting up before the chickens have such value that I needed to make getting up a bit easier. My solution is to drop the complicated and establish a simple routine.
I begin by deciding the area I'm currently prioritizing and choosing a "first thing" task to move me closer to my goal.
Next, I set myself up for success the night before. Depending on my task, I make notes, organize my desk, and get my gym clothes ready - whatever it takes to prepare.
Finally, when I wake up, I get licked by the dogs, take care of my personal needs, read something inspirational for five minutes or less, and start my day. No distractions. No email, social media, or news. Just start.
My goal is to make my primary focus the first thing I do in the morning before life gets in the way. It works like a charm.
There's a reason the Marines do more before 9 AM than everybody else. Now it's your turn.
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04/07/22•11m 44s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 24
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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02/07/22•52m 18s
Stop Trying to Be Perfect
Once you've accomplished your goal, stop messing around and move on. The more you poke around, the better your chance of doing more harm than good.
Stop Trying to Be Perfect
How much is good enough?
I received an email from an MTMer who changed careers to become a Surgical Assistant. He did it at an age when most folks start thinking about retirement.
Mike shared a useful saying he's heard many times in the operating room.
He said," The evil of good enough is better."
Once you've accomplished your goal, stop messing around and move on. The more you poke around, the better your chance of doing more harm than good.
A simple concept. I like simple. Simple works.
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01/07/22•10m 54s
The Secret to Setting The Right Goals
Are today's opportunities moving you closer to your goal - or further away?
The Secret to Setting The Right Goals
Some goals happen quickly. Others take longer. A lot longer.
How can you keep your goals alive while you make them a reality?
1) Stop falling for someone else's goals. Everybody has something they want to achieve. It's not bad. It could be helpful. In any case, it is a distraction. Know what you want and why you want it.
2) Once you listen to yourself, be sure to commit to your plan and never, ever, ever give up.
3) While you progress, be alert when others insert their goals into your life. They are tricky little things. They'll distract you without you even knowing.
As you move along, always keep this question in your mind—
"Is this an opportunity that will move me closer to my goal or further away?"
There is only one answer that will improve your life.
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30/06/22•11m 42s
Easy Good Habits
Life is much simpler when you keep it simple. A wise person would spend time on the fewest number of actions that provide the most significant results.
Easy Good Habits
Motivating yourself to reach your goals is a never-ending process that kicks into high gear several times a year. Most folks have a list of new routines and habits they want to put into place - but it may be too long.
Many years ago, I decided to control my mornings by establishing actions I would take upon waking. While I had great intentions, I found myself floundering and eventually losing focus.
I realized that the habits I was trying to establish had no real meaning other than checking them off my list. Instead of feeling motivated and inspired, I felt bogged down. I decide to make things simple.
These days, I establish minimum viable habits in my life. In other words, I only commit to the minimum number of behaviors that deliver the desired results. And they are important to me. Anything more is excessive, distracting, and frustrating.
Life is much simpler when you keep it simple. A wise person would spend time on the fewest number of actions that provide the most significant results.
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29/06/22•12m 1s
How to Be More Creative at Work
Collect. Compile. Create. You'll never sit in front of a blank screen again.
How to Be More Creative at Work
Over the years, I have personally produced over 10,000 podcasts, and of them begin with the written word. Even though that makes my mouth and fingers my most exercised body parts, it has also given me many opportunities to learn to keep my words flowing.
Like most people, you may have found yourself sitting in front of a blank screen, praying for inspiration. It could be writer's block, procrastination, or maybe you stayed up late watching Netflix. In any case, there's a simple solution to always having a starting point.
Any project I need to wrap my head around begins by capturing the ideas that flow into my mind throughout the day. Even turning the radio off on a 20-minute drive can provide a treasure-trove of useable nuggets.
Next, I tuck those ideas away in a safe place, with no organizing, editing, or re-writing. I grab the thoughts out of the air, jot a note or record a memo, put them away, and let them simmer.
When I'm ready to get to work, I take 15 minutes the day before to review my creative genius list, toss out what is not relevant, create a simple outline, and walk away knowing I am ready to begin.
The next day, I can't wait to sit in front of a blank screen and let the magic start flowing from my figure tips with complete ease.--
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28/06/22•11m 3s
Universal messages. Hear Them Now.
Listen to the messages that are floating around in your mind. They are trying to get your attention.
Universal messages. Hear Them Now.
I’m not sure how you feel about the Universe and how things work in the world, but does the Universe speak to you?
I can’t tell you if the ‘Universe’ stands alone or if ‘God’ created the ‘Universe’ and runs the show. That’s above my pay grade.
What I can say is this.
We live and breathe every day in a world that is ganging up on us and trying to get our attention. The question is, are you listening?
While there are many ways people seek to receive messages of guidance as we make life decisions, my favorite has always been events that occur in triplicate. If something happens three times, I pay attention.
Call me hard-headed, distracted, or set in my ways, but life has taught me that wisdom tends to come in whispers - usually when our thoughts are screaming in our head and drowning out our dreams.
Now, let me be clear...
A friend calling three times to go out on the town doesn’t count in my book.
Snoozing your alarm clock three times isn’t a message from the Universe that you should sleep in more.
The grocery store being out of your favorite chips three times is not a sign that you should go on a diet.
All that is what they call the “stuff that happens while you’re alive.”
So what counts?
1) Seemingly random situations and people that happen in quick succession or at the same time.
2) They are different in their approach and appearance, yet each delivers a similar message. At first, it may seem disconnected, but in relation to the other messages, you begin to notice.
3) The message you receive is likely something that has been on your mind, keeping you awake a night, and speaks to you. Even though you may not immediately recognize its impact, you find yourself slightly redirected in your search for answers. Your path altered.
While this is undoubtedly only my description of how I know it when the Universe is ganging up on me, I have learned to allow space for a message to arrive. Whether I realize the impact or not, I have also learned that it always motivates my decisions, choices, and future actions. In other words, things change with little effort.
My journey is about breaking from the status quo, exploring the possibilities of life, and going with the flow. I bet the Universe is ganging up on your right now - if you’ll only pay attention.
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27/06/22•11m 27s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 22
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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25/06/22•58m 24s
Does Your Life Have a Happy Ending
If the book you would write about yourself isn’t who you are, you can start making changes today. That’s how you get a happy ending.
Does Your Life Have a Happy Ending
If you could write a book about the person you have become today, would it have a happy ending?
A good portion of my day is interacting with clients around the world. They are usually upbeat, open to problem-solving, and seeking my advice to help them. Or, as they would say, “help me get out of my way and get my act together. That’s where writing a book comes to mind and a good question from me -
“Okay. Before we begin, if you were to write a book about yourself in the future, would it have a happy ending?”
Their answer is always, ”Yes! That’s why I’m here today.”
My next question is, “If you were to write your book today, what would the answer be?”
“Hmm… I would say average. Not great. Not bad. Certainly not a book anybody would read.”
As the conversation continues, I make these points:
1) All of us get in our own way. That’s how we learn. And we all have our act together until we recognize that we want another act. That’s called growth.
2) People who live an average life almost always spend more time chasing squirrels and shiny objects than focusing on actions that create the consistent results they want. It's an exhausting way to live.
3) People who live successfully think more like business people. They implement actions that get results, are sustainable, and grow the economics of the business. In other words, they figure out what works and keep doing it. There is no drifting in the wind.
Make your own way, figure out what works, and do it again. Simple.
Speaking of simple…
If the book you would write about yourself isn’t who you are, you can start making changes today. That’s how you get a happy ending.
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24/06/22•12m 2s
Stop Living Somebody Else's Dreams
If the book you would write about yourself isn’t who you are, you can start making changes today. That’s how you get a happy ending.
Stop Living Somebody Else's Dreams
All I have ever wanted to do is have fun, impact people in a mostly positive way, make them laugh, have a great family and friends, make some money, and not take life too seriously.
Simple enough.
But in the over-complicated and widely distracting monkey-see-monkey-do world we live in, it's easy to get what you want and still end up with a superficially satisfying life. In fact, I would suggest such a life is easy to achieve and perfect for anybody willing to get out of bed and join the world.
Life is averagely good.
But what if your inner voice is screaming, "there MUST be MORE?"
Well, there is more. But only if you create it. That may scare you, but it won't if you realize and accept one thing -
Someone else has created every single experience you have in your day-to-day life.
Somebody else imagined building the city you call home.
Somebody else imagined designing the car you drive.
Somebody else imagined the phone in your pocket.
That fact is, somebody else woke up and decided to turn their dreams into reality - so that you could live your life inside of their dreams. While that may be fine, maybe it's time that you let others do the same with your dreams? After all, if they can do it, you can do it - right?
While there is more I can and will cover on this topic, there are three items that a fully actualized adult can do to create any reality of their choosing:
1) Understand that all success begins with internally motivated actions. You get to decide what you want and you can lead the way. The only permission required is yours.
2) The level of happiness and success you attain in life is determined by your ability to mine your thoughts, reveal your inner desires, accept them as your truth, and hold yourself accountable for creating what is essential to you in your life.
3) Every day, you should take time to discern what is important and likely to have a profound effect on your success, survival, and well-being. Then, narrow the focus to what is absolutely necessary and extremely important; essential.
When you dedicate daily focus to building such a strong level of inner understanding, you will instantly begin creating your new world - and others can start living inside YOUR dreams.
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23/06/22•11m 12s
Levels of Competence
You will become who you were meant to be when you learn how to get there, do the work, and recognize your achievement.
Levels of Competence
When I was young, stupid, and wondering when I would understand life, I often turned to my friend, Larry, for a road map. He always seemed to have what I needed - until the day he passed the torch. He knew I needed more. That’s when he introduced me to Zig Ziglar’s States of Competence:
1) Stage One is where we begin. We are “Unconscious Incompetent.” We don’t know what we don’t know. Yup.
2) Stage Two is called “Conscious Incompetent.” I spent a lot of time there. I used to say, “I have no idea what I’m doing - but at least I admit it.”
3) Stage Three is “Unconscious Competent.” I see that in my work. People who have no idea how good they are.
4) Stage Four is “Conscious Competent.” That was my goal. I wanted to know what I was doing - and KNOW it!
Most people continue to another level some call “Conscious competence of unconscious competence.” The ability to recognize and develop Unconscious Competence in others.
You will become who you were meant to be when you learn how to get there, do the work, and recognize your achievement.
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22/06/22•12m 7s
Understanding and Eliminating Frustration
Removing blocks takes nothing more than commitment and action. That’s called passion. Nothing can stand in the way of your passion.
Understanding and Eliminating Frustration
When life gets in the way, do you get frustrated about being blocked?
I learned a long time ago that getting blocked is an everyday occurrence. The bigger my goals, the more blocks would arrive. I could either live with endless frustrations or find a better way. It came down to understanding:
1) Blocks have nothing to do with who you are. Self-inflicted or caused by others, they still have nothing to do with you as a person.
2) If you want something, there is always a way to get it. Always. You may not like the path. Your ego may get in the way. It may scare you. There is still a way to get what you want.
3) Removing blocks from your life takes nothing more than commitment and action. That’s called passion. No block can stand up to passion.
The next time frustration gets in your way, blow it off and keep moving. There is always a way to get what you want
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21/06/22•11m 42s
What Successful People Do
The actions you take automatically become the life you experience. It's essential to be mindful of where you are heading.
What Successful People Do
If you study people who have had success in any area of their life, you will find they have much in common.
Not only do they follow a set of rules, but they also follow those rules no matter how much life gets in the way.
What are those rules?
The person who has the strongest "Why" wins.
The person who shows up wins.
The person who shows up on time wins.
The person who is most persistent wins.
The person show never assumes wins.
The person who is the best at what they do wins.
The person who plans and documents their journey and interactions wins.
The person who never gives up total control to others wins.
The person who acceptances responsibility for themselves wins.
The person who serves the most wins.
The person who is grateful for everything wins.
The actions you take automatically become the life you experience. It's essential to be mindful of where you are heading.
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20/06/22•12m 30s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 21
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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18/06/22•45m 44s
Live a Simple Life Even if Your is Complicated
What's the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?
Live a Simple Life Even if Your is Complicated
Way back in 2005, when Motivation To Move began, I found myself focused on creating the world's simplest success recipe when I said, "Stand up. Take a step. REPEAT!" My way of thinking told me that everything else would take care of itself if that's all I did. It has proven me correct again and again.
But, say that you get yourself moving and are having challenges maintaining forward momentum?
In The One Thing, Gary Keller writes, "Success is sequential, not simultaneous." In other words, it's not about doing everything at one time. It's about having one success at a time.
When you Stand up, take a step, and repeat, you are already guaranteed to have more success than the average human. But the magic happens when you define your focus. Gary Keller also has a suggestion that will help. Ask yourself one question…
"What's the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?"
Yes. It is a simple question, and you may attempt to complicate your answer. Please don't do it. Take the time to find an absolute simple focus. The reward for your persistence in simple will be massive progress and satisfaction.--
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17/06/22•11m 13s
Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste
Anything can and will change in an instant. Knowing that grants you immense power over your destiny - especially if it's self-inflicted with you in control.
Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste
A few years ago, the world changed when we were introduced to CorinaVirus. It was as if we were racing down the Interstate at 85 miles-per-hour, slammed on our breaks, and directed off the nearest exit on an undefined detour. It all seemed to happen in an instant.
The pandemic caused real pain and loss for some. Fear and stress for others. Still, as surreal as it was, it wasn't long before most people began to notice the craziness of our previous lives replaced with a 'new normal' - one that felt more like a 'new nothing.'
Much to our surprise, life slowed to a crawl, schedules changed, and we found contentment by not chasing every shiny object that life presented. The pandemic pause caused people to reevaluate life from the inside out. While it happens all the time, this time, we noticed it.
How often have you found yourself in an impossible situation that ended with one action?
You paid off debt, quit a job, and said goodbye to a bad relationship?
How often have you decided to try something new, and the past instantly disappeared?
Did you decide to move into a new home, start your own business, or return to school?
How often have the worst pains and biggest joys been the catalyst for an exciting new beginning?
A death, wedding, or the birth of a new child?
While some situations in life are unpredictable, the lessons learned and wisdom gleamed remind us that anything can and will change instantly. Knowing that grants you immense power over your destiny - especially if it's self-inflicted and you are in control.
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16/06/22•11m 2s
Getting What You Want
You can do whatever you want with your life; you don't need anybody's permission or approval to make it happen. Your destiny is 100% up to you.
Getting What You Want
In the last few years, people have become increasingly popular for sharing every little aspect of their lives with others. But, when it comes to getting what you want in life, keeping your plans to yourself is a powerful tool.
Memorial Day has just passed, and when I arrived at my desk on Tuesday, I had two client messages that made me smile.
The first said, "I decided to spend my weekend practicing what I do in private so that I will be praised in public." That's something I've said and done many times.
The second client told me they had completed a new project over the weekend and headed in a new direction. When I mentioned they had never said a word to me about it, they said, "I know. I'm learning that nobody needs to know what I'm doing to do. I'll do it, and they can catch up."
My heart smiled as I witnessed three powerful tools impact my client's lives:
1) Practice privately until you are ready to share with the world. Nobody needs to know how you got so good at what you do.
2) There's no need to tell anybody what you will do. Just do it and then let them know what you've done later.
3) It's easier to get things done when everybody else is busy doing something else and isn't poking their nose in your business. Long holiday weekends and summer vacations are a great place to begin.
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15/06/22•12m 8s
How to Increase Momentum in Your Life
Everything good begins with YOU. There's no need to wait for others. Create your momentum, and others won't be able to stay away.
Have you ever found yourself stalled?
I had big plans a few years ago, and nothing was moving forward. Other people didn't seem to get the memo that I was on a mission when I said nothing.
We've all been in situations where nobody will return your call. Your email gets ghosted. You can't seem to get support or commitment for your future, world-saving plans.
That's what happened to me and caused me to decide to create my momentum. I called it my "Momentum Freight Train."
My first use of my new mindset was to get my future wife to take our relationship more seriously. Everything was going great - but not fast enough for me. So, before our next date, I said to myself -
"I'm not going to wait for permission. I'm going to build my life, no matter what. If she doesn't join me, I'll ride my momentum to someone who will."
It's important to understand that creating your momentum is not negative thinking. On the contrary, it's attractive energy that people notice - and she did.
I was off and running with my commitment, and it didn't take long for Joi and others to realize they better get on board before my train left the station.
Everything good begins with YOU. There's no need to wait for others. Create your momentum, and others won't be able to stay away.
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14/06/22•11m 19s
Increase Work Productivity
"What’s your ONE most important activity for today? Brian Tracy says, “Eat the BIG frog first!” Yummy!"
Increase Work Productivity
I have a question for you.
What is your ONE most important activity?
What is the ONE core activity that makes everything else okay?
What is the ONE core activity that, if you don’t do, causes everything to fall apart?
In Brian Tracy’s book Eat The Big Frog First, he recognized that many people focus on anything but the most critical activity in their life. They are usually surprised when things fall apart.
Is it showing up for work on time or doing a great job at work?
Could it be your unflinching attention to your family?
Does your business have ONE activity that causes people to buy from you?
When you focus on your ONE most important activity - and do it first - everything else gets easier.
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13/06/22•11m 17s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 20
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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11/06/22•51m 31s
Jealous of Friends Success
Have you ever had a crazy day that has you putting out fires and wondering when it will be time to go home?
And, did I mention, you were doing what you love and want to be doing - successfully?
Why is it that life gets crazier when things go well?
There’s a simple answer.
No matter what you do, when enough people begin paying attention to you, your life will change.
Some folks will love you. Some will hate you.
Others won’t have an opinion but will say something anyway.
Many will be jealous. Lots will be proud.
It doesn’t matter what you do. You will know when you have succeeded when the lovers and the haters all come out to play at the same time. Focus on the lovers.
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10/06/22•11m 1s
Better Communication Skills
Unless you live in a cave, effective communication is something you need to master to get what you want in life.
Have you ever been in a conversation and felt you were not being heard?
It's time to step around to their side of the table and see things from their point of view.
Everybody has a different way of hearing and processing conversation. If you consider altering your style to match how THEY communicate, you will arrive on the same page.
Some people consider this to be giving up control. It's not.
When others can understand what you are saying, you gain control. It's no different from traveling to a foreign country and speaking their language.
You don't need to change the content of your message. You only need to adjust how you deliver your message to be effective.
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09/06/22•11m 0s
How to Be a More Positive and Happy
Did you know that happy people are regular people that look at the world differently?
They don't wear rose-colored glasses either. They have a better way:
1) They realize that if you are alive, you will have problems.
2) They accept that dealing with problems is a privilege of being alive.
3) They don't get frustrated. They know problems mean you are shaking up life and living.
4) Happy people accept responsibility for solving problems. They never run from them.
5) A good day for a happy person is dealing with everything life can throw at you. Getting a great night's sleep and doing it again is the reward.
By the way -
It's amazing how this kind of attitude seems to make most problems never show up in the first place.
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08/06/22•11m 18s
Absolute Focus
My wife and I were having dinner this weekend. She finally asked, “Are you going to tell me about what you’re doing for the summer? I want to help.”
I said, “I won’t need your help. I need your support.”
She had a puzzled look. I don’t blame her. But, I am locked in on my goal - and that needs two things:
1) The ability to filter out what doesn’t matter and prioritize what does.
2) Accept 100% responsibility for reaching the goal. As they say, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.” Anything less will remove you from control.
If you miss either one, you’ll find many well-meaning people offering help. The problem? The suggestions they make will be different from how you imagined your journey. As soon as that happens, you have pulled off your path. You need support.
If you are setting off on a life-transforming goal, it’s okay to accept the support of others. Remember, your most important supporter is YOU!
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07/06/22•11m 25s
How to Succeed at a Higher Level
No matter your goals in life, there is a good chance you are striving to be the best at something.
Whether it’s the best Mom or Dad, excelling in your career, or winning at the game or sport of your choice. Being the best always comes down to:
1) Do what you love and are good at naturally. You’ll have the edge over others. Stay in your wheelhouse.
2) Commit your focus toward mastery. Being a Jack-of-all-trades won’t work. Specialists always win over generalists.
3) Spend more time doing than learning. There’s a big difference between knowledge and wisdom. Experience is what matters.
4) Hire a Coach. When you’re at the top of your game, working with your Coach will take you from second place to first.
5) Keep going until you get what you want. Never stop and never make excuses.
It was your idea to pursue your path. Enjoy the privilege of being able to make that choice.
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06/06/22•12m 19s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 19
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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04/06/22•58m 33s
Building Your Side Hustle
Every day I spend time on the phone with excited folks who know they are close to getting what they want. They can't figure out how to get their hands on it.
Let's start with:
1) Anything you want in this world is owned or controlled by somebody else.
2) If you want their help, you will have to get their attention.
It always comes down to three things. In this order:
1) What problem are they having? No, it may not relate to you. It doesn't matter. If you can help, you will get their attention.
2) What's your solution? How can you fix it? When can you fix it? You'll know when you are close when you see the excitement in their eyes.
3) What's your offer? What must they do to get you to help? What do you want?
It's simple.
Address another person's problems with a robust solution and an offer they can't refuse. That's a real win-win.
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03/06/22•12m 34s
Stopping Burnout
Steven Covey called it sharpening the saw. If you take a break to sharpen the blade, you will always cut more wood. The same applies to life.
My formula for stopping burnout is Ritual, Rest, Rejuvenate, Reactivate, Repeat
1) Success comes when you perform ritual actions every day. Figure out what works and do it.
2) Running full-out all the time is not sustainable. You must stop and rest.
3) Resting allows your body and mind to rejuvenate and become strong again.
4) When you are ready, it's time to reactive into action mode.
5) Repeat until you get what you want.
It's easier to cut more wood when you take a break to sharpen your saw. A walk in the park on a busy day counts too.
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02/06/22•12m 33s
Create a Perfect Day
What if every day was perfect for the rest of your life?
If you build it, they will come!
Your subconscious mind is a beautiful thing. You can engage its power to create your Average Perfect Day.
Here’s how:
1) Write down a clear, event-by-event vision of your perfect day. Yes, it’s a bit of a fantasy - for now.
2) There are no rules. No limitations. No consequences. Don’t be shy. Be honest about what you want.
3) Believe it can be yours. You deserve it. You must believe it is possible.
If you follow these steps, your subconscious mind seeks ways to make your dreams come true. All it needs is a partner willing to take action. Do that, and you’ll create an extraordinary life.
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01/06/22•11m 48s
Preparing For Greatness
With the craziness of life, are you having difficulty breaking through to the greatness that is YOU?
What does greatness take?
1) Imagination. Your ability to form images, ideas, and sensations in your mind. Without help from anything or anybody. Use yours. Trust yours.
2) Enthusiasm. Living life with the excitement of feeling is PASSION. Only involve yourself in activities that you are enthusiastic.
3) Persistence. Life is long. Things take time. Learn to love being doggedly persistent. It will serve you well.
4) Faith. Have faith in yourself. Live your life in complete trust and confidence in someone or something.
Imagination. Enthusiasm. Persistence. Faith. That's living. Imagine how good it could be with a bit of Gratitude?
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31/05/22•11m 9s
How To Live Your Purpose
There's an incredible idea floating within your mind. It will soon demand your attention.
"Is this all there is? Am I destined for something bigger?"
You are.
Here's how to discover your path:
1) Accept WHO you are on the inside by reviewing your past choices. The good ones are a clue. Do more of them.
2) Accept WHAT you do when you are doing you. It's not a thing; it's a feeling.
3) Accept WHEN when you want to begin living. Now is a good time.
4) Accept WHERE you are in your life. You CAN get there from here, as long as you know where HERE is.
Accepting real purpose is usually revealed by your daily actions. If you don't like the direction you are heading, it's time to try a new one.
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30/05/22•13m 12s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 18
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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28/05/22•54m 22s
Getting Others to Give You a Chance
Not a day passes by without someone asking, "How do I get another person to help me get what I want?"
Persuading others is one of the keys to getting what you want in life - and here's a big secret; it's NOT about you!
You'll get what you want faster by focusing on how you can help others solve their problem - and "Ladder of Desire."
This is how it works:
1) Most folks lecture others. That's a low level of communication and rarely builds a real connection.
2) A more practical solution is showing others how and explaining how to solve their problem.
3) The most powerful is to offer to take care of their dilemma for them. That is the top rung of the 'Ladder of Desire.' Everybody wants their problems to disappear. Make that happen, and you'll be a Hero!
When you follow this approach, you make friends, prove your value, and are more likely to have your favor returned. Do good first.
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27/05/22•13m 13s
Reaching Your Goals Faster
I feel the need to pass along a way to achieve your goals faster than you thought possible.
If you are ready for success to arrive, here are three simple rules to help you realize your dreams:
1) Play to your strength. Do what is comfortable for you.
2) Only commit to activities that will lead you to your goal.
3) Never let a day pass without reminding yourself of your strengths. Consciously direct your focus.
You can reach your goals faster when you avoid the distractions that are stranding everybody else in place.
Focus. Do. Focus again.
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26/05/22•11m 52s
Here's a Better To-Do List
I'm sure you have a lot to do. If you use a To-Do list, I'd like to pass on advice that will make your days much more fun.
LOSE your "To-Do List." Replace it with a" Did I Do It List."
To-Do Lists make you an employee of your checkmarks. They cause more stress the longer they get.
A "Did I Do It List" assumes you know what must be done. Instead of chasing, you are checking to make sure you did it.
An un-focused path produces additional tasks to fill your day. Using a "Did I Do It List" will focus you on your goals and create quick results.
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25/05/22•11m 9s
Natural Law to Be Your Best
Personal growth is a journey. It can be a lot of work. It’s also more fun to follow the rules of ‘Natural Law.’
1) The Law of Vibration states that thoughts are things. They are one of the most potent forms of energy. Pay attention to your thoughts. What you think about, you bring about.
2) According to the Law of Polarity, nothing exists without an opposite. Love. Hate. Hot. Cold. Yin. Yang. Opposites are different forms of the same thing. Embrace them.
3) The Law of Rhythm states life is a pendulum. What swings left must swing right.
4) Every effect must have a cause; every cause must have an effect. That’s the Law of Cause and Effect. Everything in life is perpetual and never-ending.
You can speed your success by understanding how these always present forces are at work in your life.
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24/05/22•12m 32s
Why You Hold Back
I was sitting at the dining room table of a friend. We had been solving the problems of the world in an hours-long conversation when she asked,
"What are you talking about on tomorrow's podcast?"
When I told her that I hadn't thought about it yet, she said,
"Why don't you talk about why people don't take big chances and stay in their comfort zone for their entire life?"
My mind did an instant review of my life and all the areas I had stumbled on before getting out of my way. I also remembered conversations with clients over the years on life's leaps. Before I could say anything, she said,
"I know what it is. People get so comfortable with what they've built, and they don't want to chance losing it. Their money, their home, they wonder what their family will say?"
Is there anything else?
"Yes. Everybody gets scared and freezes. I'm like that, but I've learned to push through fear and go for it - as long as I'm mostly sure I won't lose what I've built."
We talked a bit more about what it takes to make the changes you want in life and came to three conclusions-
You can do anything when you have a growth mindset and believe that anything is possible. Holding on too tightly to what you have sends the wrong energetic message. When you are willing to expand - you will.
Next, as a human, you will never be comfortable gambling on the very thing that allows you to dream. The solid foundation that takes care of your personal needs is why you desire to self-activate. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs taught us that. Your foundation must remain while you expand.
Finally, fear will always be present when beginning a new adventure. The cure is knowledge. When you know what you have, see your path forward, and have prepared as much as possible for your journey, you will find yourself willing to go for it.
Anything is possible when you protect your foundation, respect the challenge, and honor the dreams whispering to your soul.
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23/05/22•11m 32s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 17
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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21/05/22•55m 55s
The Productivity Secret You Should Do
I have a saying -
“Next year begins THIS year. Next month begins THIS month. Next week begins THIS week.”
If you want to stay on track, accomplish your goals, and enjoy life more - you MUST take control of your calendar. It’s easier than you think:
1) Life will come at you FAST! Be sure to schedule any significant and can’t miss life events at least one year in advance. Put it on the calendar and block it out. You can always change your mind.
2) Hold your space. Decide in advance what you will be doing with your days. When will you work on projects? When will you see clients? When will you have fun?
3) Never end one week without locking in your schedule for the next - and stick to it.
When your day-to-day focus fulfills your goals this week, the future is always brighter. Focus, my friend. Focus.
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20/05/22•12m 49s
Motivational Teaching Method
Mrs. Etheridge was a 5th-grade teacher at Westgate Elementary in Manassas, Virginia. She had a special knack for motivating her most free-spirited student.
Now, I wouldn't be honest if I were to you, I remember how she tamed a young boy who saw the world as a place to explore - mostly between the lines. But I will say that when you begin teaching and motivating others to reach their full potential, you quickly find ways to get them out of the own way, fire them up, and enjoy more success.
When you first begin, meet others where they are and establish a frame for what is to come. That will get their attention.
Next, strengthen the foundation by reminding them of what they already know and its impact on their life.
The introduction of new knowledge arrives when they are open to receiving it.
But since stacking new knowledge on top of old is like chasing shiny objects and forgetting everything you've already learned, integrating the new with the old is where you put it all together.
Adding an exciting twist, something they didn't see coming as a bonus, and using it as a catalyst that paints a picture in their mind of the benefit of using the new knowledge in their lives.
Finally, give your students homework in the form of a challenge, compassionately hold them accountable the next time you see them, and repeat.
Everybody is driven by something different. When you structure teaching into a motivational flow that is relatable, repeatable, and re-framable, you create more excitement as you go and lives change.
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19/05/22•11m 16s
Before Life Got in The Way
Can you remember when you filled your thoughts with dreams and ambitions?
That’s how most of us live our early lives - until the real world splits into two distinct periods:
1) BEFORE life gets in the way. Anything IS possible. It’s a beautiful time when you run as fast as possible toward your goals. Even if your parents disagree.
2) AFTER life gets in the way. Anything WAS possible. Life is good, but it’s not what you expected. Your parents would have said, “I told you so.”
What if it was possible to remember what you wanted and why?
What if you could stand on a foundation of wisdom and experience and combine what you have now with what you want?
That would be a brand new life, wouldn’t it?
Wait. It is possible.
All you have to do is remember what you wanted all those years ago and start running after it again.
Run fast. You’ve waited long enough.
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18/05/22•11m 8s
Doing Nothing Gives You More
Before I begin, I want to define what I mean by doing nothing.
I don’t see doing ‘nothing’ as something unproductive. Instead, I see ‘nothing’ as a protected personal space that lies between your thoughts and your actions.
It is a place that provides a contemplation and planning opportunity before launching into massive and focused action design to reach your outcome and achievement of your goal.
It is a holding space where inspiration, desperation, motivation, even intimidation, bubble up into your consciousness and await your next action.
Instead of moving your thoughts immediately into action mode or never moving at all, both of which cause unnecessary drama, you purposefully quarantine your thoughts until you are assured in your success plan or decide to take a new direction.
Doing nothing looks like this:
1) All thoughts and potential actions arrive in your mind and are held for evaluation.
2) Unless based on a previous decision and cleared for instant action, you always take the time to ensure that your actions will lead you to your vision.
3) If you don’t know the absolute end-game of your journey, you are still on another path. Don’t take a step until you know where you are one your new path.
In the end, doing nothing is a place in your mind where you choose your path, direct your actions, and create your legacy. It is a place of personal respect that is built into you and will allow you to have the most significant impact on yourself and the world around you.
I don’t know about you, but I get a lot of good thinking time when I’m doing nothing. That time is priceless.
If doing something takes you off track, you might be better off doing nothing - at least for a little while.
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17/05/22•11m 5s
Focusing on Positive Self-Talk
I've been listening to clients tell me the story of their life. I can't help but wonder why they keep beating around the bush.
In journalistic terms, these folks are burying the lead. Instead of getting to the point, they begin with secondary details.
How does this relate to improving your life?
Many say, "I can't focus on anything." No. You are focusing on the wrong things.
Sometimes I hear, "I can't get myself get moving." Truth? You are moving - in the wrong direction.
They may say, "I don't have enough money!" No. You need more money.
Don't get caught up in the unimportant yet dramatic parts of life. Focus on the cause of your challenges. The results will change automatically.
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16/05/22•11m 43s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 16
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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14/05/22•51m 36s
Four Steps to Change
Creating a difference in your life requires simple actions. It’s all about getting what you want and keeping what you love.
1) Decide - Everything begins with your decision to transform.
2) Define - Aimless wondering is no fun. Defining your path will get you there.
3) Deploy - Putting your plan into action is the only way to make progress.
4) Defend - Your goal should be to make life better. When you find what you love - defend it so you never lose it.
Simple. I like simple Simple works!
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13/05/22•10m 47s
What if Nothing Could Stop You?
What if everything you did today came with no limitations and no consequences?
What could you do with your life?
Limitations can be helpful. Staying within speed limits keeps you from getting speeding tickets. That's good.
Are you limiting yourself to a job that doesn't serve you? That isn't good.
Fear of change usually creates limitations. Or is it the fear of bad consequences?
What would happen if all consequences were good?
Asking someone on a date may cause fear and hold you back. That all goes away the instant you hear, "Yes!"
Reach for the good!
Roll through your day believing that you are ten feet tall and bulletproof. Anything is possible! The Universe might prove you right.
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12/05/22•11m 44s
From Stuck to Motivated
As a child, I wondered why I couldn't always have my way. Mom and Dad were so mean! I couldn't wait to grow up, move out, and experience being an adult. Everything would be different - or so I thought.
After stepping into the adult world, it didn't take long to realize that not much had changed. It turns out it wasn't my parents. It was life turning down my requests. Life was getting in the way. What was even worse was that I was getting in my way.
I've joked over the years that if I'm the Boss of me, so why don't I do what I say? Eventually, I realized having a big ass goal, being on a mission, and most importantly, motivation on demand was the solution.
Motivation is a powerful, if not fleeting, tool that we all need. But we need to understand one of the simplest ways our minds generate motivation:
1) Your physiology dictates your feelings. The easiest way to break free of a slump is to stand up, take a step, and REPEAT. Movement wakes your body up, guides your emotions, and makes anything feel possible.
2) Focus fuels your fire. If you're feeling unmotivated, you are also drifting in the wind with no direction. Shifting your thoughts in a positive direction and toward what excites you will break you out and get you moving.
3) The words you say create the emotions you feel. Negative self-talk will drag you, and everybody else, down. When you make the words, you say to yourself, internally and externally, positive and uplifting, everything changes. Words matter more than you think.
You're human. Your brain isn't wired to stay motivated all the time unless you are willing to give it a helping hand.
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11/05/22•17m 6s
How to Be a Happy Person
Did you know that happy people are regular people that look at the world differently?
They don't wear rose-colored glasses either. They have a better way:
1) They realize that if you are alive, you will have problems.
2) They accept that dealing with problems is a privilege of being alive.
3) They don't get frustrated. They know problems mean you are shaking up life and living.
4) Happy people accept responsibility for solving problems. They never run from them.
5) A good day for a happy person is dealing with everything life can throw at you. Getting a great night's sleep and doing it all over again is the reward.
By the way -
It's amazing how this kind of attitude seems to make most problems never show up in the first place.
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10/05/22•12m 4s
Productivity Efficiency
I think it’s time we stop seeking more productivity. It’s too much work! I prefer being more efficient and effective.
Here are a couple of ideas that will help:
1) Say “No” to meetings if possible. If you must, keep them short and sweet.
2) Delay paying attention to incoming communication. It’s nothing more than somebody else’s to-do list. Do your stuff first.
3) Daily interruptions will never go away. You may as well expect and plan for them.
4) Never schedule more than 50% of your day. That will give you more time for things that pop up.
5) No more multi-tasking. Finish one task before the next.
The fastest way to be more productive is to make your To-Do list as short as possible.
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09/05/22•13m 8s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 15
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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07/05/22•53m 49s
Friends Holding You Back?
The success and happiness that you have in your life is a direct result of something your Mom was always asking -
Who are your friends?
If they are positive, you will be positive. Are they negative? You will be negative. If they have money, you will have money. Are they broke?
You get my point.
Your life will become exactly like the people that are closest to you. Choose wisely.
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06/05/22•11m 31s
Don’t Be The Monkey in The Middle
Have you ever found yourself stuck in the middle?
I was speaking with a client who was trying to be everything to everybody. His business was not growing. His life was not happy. He couldn’t seem to find a way to make progress.
That’s when I said…
“My friend, you are stuck in the middle. Nothing good happens when you are in the middle.”
In business and life, it’s okay to have low expectations and surround by like-minded folks.
It’s also okay to reach for your dreams, have high expectations, and expect that of others.
What happens if you’re in the middle?
When low and high expectations combine, confusion is the result. Mediocrity overtakes quality. Frustration will be your daily friend.
The choice is yours. If I were you, I would make the decision never to get stuck in the middle.
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05/05/22•12m 9s
How To Succeed With Any Goal
Setting Goals is the most powerful method of getting what you want. It is the power of mind activation.
Here’s how:
1) Decide what you want and when you want to get it.
2) Decide when you will start and when you will finish.
3) Decide how you will begin and maintain your momentum.
Then you must get to work.
Limit anything and anybody that has a distracting influence on you. You must get to work.
Commit to overcoming any obstacle that gets in your way. You must get to work.
The path is long. Start like a sprinter and end like a marathon runner. You must get to work.
The only thing stopping you from getting what you want is not you. It is everything that you allow to get in your way.
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04/05/22•11m 12s
Today Not Possible. Tomorrow Possible.
Today Not Possible. Tomorrow Possible.
American Taekwondo Grand Master H.U. Lee gave volumes of advice during his life of service. In my view, his best was also his shortest:
“Today Not Possible. Tomorrow Possible.”
Today is a new day. Yesterday prepared you for today. If today doesn’t go as planned - you always have tomorrow.
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03/05/22•11m 5s
4 Questions For Better Decision Making
Do you ever have difficulty making decisions?
In the next 60 seconds, you can harness the most potent and easy-to-use decision-making tool I have ever found.
Forget the old "Pro and Con" list your Mom and Dad taught you. It's time for a new approach.
The next time you find yourself challenged, use Quantum Linguistics. Ask yourself these 4 simple questions to solve your problem:
What would happen if I DID?
What would happen if I DIDN'T?
What wouldn't happen if I DID?
What wouldn't happen if I DIDN'T?
Unusual clarity is around the corner.
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02/05/22•11m 5s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 14
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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30/04/22•53m 24s
Your Hierarchy of Needs
Your best life is built sequentially, one level at a time. Forget the elevator; climb all the stairs to the top, and have lasting success.
In 1954, Abraham Maslow released Motivation and Personality. His Hierarchy of needs theory is all about climbing to the top.
Maslow suggested that to reach your full potential:
1) You must provide for your physiological needs. Food, clothing, shelter, money, and more.
2) You must feel safe. Personally, emotionally, financially, health and well-being, and against accidents and illness.
3) Socially, you need to feel loving and belonging.
4) Esteem and the desire for acceptance, respect, and value by others is your next step. Maslow said, “What a man can be, he must be.” Self-actualization requires mastery of your previous needs.
5) Self-transcendence removes you from ego and begins your focus on the greater good.
Your best life is built sequentially, one level at a time.
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29/04/22•11m 53s
Positively Controlling Your Life
Wouldn’t it be great to start your week with a positive attitude and be in total control?
I’m a guy who likes little airplanes. I’ll never forget the first time my instructor commanded me to blow off a great landing. He wanted me to GO AROUND and try again.
Over the years, I’ve learned that the same thing happens in life. In day-to-day life, you can bet that somebody or something will mess up with your plans.
Pilots handle it this way:
1) Hit the gas and apply full power to the engine.
2) Pull the nose of the aircraft up and climb.
3) Adjust settings until you have positive control and try again.
When something gets in your way today, MOVE into action. Pull your chin up and establish a positive attitude. Try again until you get what you want.
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28/04/22•11m 17s
How To Explode Your Momentum
There's a truth in life; nothing happens until something happens.
Life happens when you take massive imperfect action and move closer to your goal.
But how do you begin when your to-do list is a mile long?
There's a simple equation: Start + Next = Results.
Once you get moving, the trick is to focus on the to-do item that is the best use of your time. The one that will move you closer to your goal right now.
After completing that task, move to the next and now the most critical item on your list.
Make sure the activity moves you closer to your goal. Otherwise, you are burning daylight and missing out on the life of your dreams.
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27/04/22•11m 9s
Why You Should Limit Your Choices
Do you have too many choices in your life?
In 2005, Barry Schwartz wrote The Paradox of Choice. It challenged the traditional thinking that the way to maximum freedom is to maximize choice.
Too many choices are not necessarily a good thing. They can create paralysis. No matter what you choose, you'll always wonder if you could have done better.
Here's my advice to you:
1) Limit choices. Narrow your list to items you have already experienced. Having every option won't serve you.
2) Be sure to permit yourself to try other possibilities IF needed - but only after you've vetted your first.
3) Stay in your lane and keep things simple.
Too many choices are part of modern life. If you can't decide, shorten your list of what is essential.
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26/04/22•11m 25s
What Do You Do For Fun?
It's such a simple question that it causes people to get a blank look in their eyes.
A few years ago, I visited friends who lived and worked on the Grand Canyon's South Rim. Yes, people live there - thousands of them. The drive into town is too far to commute - but that was okay with my friends. They had recently switched careers, packed up, and moved to become Park Rangers. They were right where they wanted to be.
It was late in the day when we settled into the guest room of their home and headed to the dinner table. I had been driving all day and was feeling a little fidgety.
"So, what do you guys do for fun around here?"
He looked at me like the fast-paced city slicker I was and said,
"I've been having fun all day - even at work."
I didn't get it - yet.
It turns out that his life change taught him that having fun is a sneaky little thing. Fun likes to show up when you are not paying attention and in the moment, whether wasting time or working.
In my career, I've asked people what they do for fun many times -
They are either in a materialistic chase for something our society has told us is fun.
They have forgotten that what they do naturally when they are not paying attention, can be more satisfying than they think.
And, there it is.
When you stop looking down the road for fun that you think will be more fun, you'll realize that you are already having a good time.
No chasing required.
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25/04/22•11m 45s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 13
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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23/04/22•34m 16s
Stop Being Who You Are NOT
Are you striving for something different but don’t know where to begin?
I have a client who is 100 pounds overweight and decided to get healthy. She had no idea how.
My advice was simple.
If your mind is telling you something you are doing is NOT who you are - it’s time to make an easy change:
If you know lousy food is NOT who you are - give it up.
If your lack of exercise is NOT who are you - give it up.
If lack of focus is NOT who you are - give it up.
Give up anything that is NOT who you feel you are on the inside. You’ll like what remains.
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22/04/22•12m 8s
Don't Wear Yourself Out With Worry
Many have said, "Life is a marathon, not a sprint."
But what happens when you find yourself doing both at the same time?
If you've been living on this planet for any time, you've figured out life is a long game made of day-to-day sprints.
If you want a big bank balance, you make small deposits over time.
If you want to lose weight, you make small reductions over time.
If you want to get a promotion at your job, you do well every day.
The challenge happens when you have not defined the marathon you are running. A lack of a specific goal can only lead to daily activity that may or may not get you to your destination. If that happens to you, you may feel worn out, frustrated, and wondering when things will turn around.
There's good news. That kind of thinking means that you are on the right track to success.
Certain stamina is required to reach any goal. And society today celebrates your ability to put in the hard work no matter what.
There's only one problem.
If it's not working for you, it's not sustainable behavior. Sooner or later, you will decide to make a change - usually abruptly.
Here's the truth; you will change when you wear yourself out.
Reluctant, fearful, or hard-headed, you will only put up with a less than satisfying path in life for only so long. Eventually, when you wear yourself out.
When you've had enough, even if the timing is not perfect, you will change when you wear yourself out.
You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it.
So, what's the fix?
The marathon we call life will continue until it doesn't, and there are three things you can do to make it better.
The first is to define your destination with clarity.
Next, match your daily activity with your goals.
Finally, accept that if things don't go your way, you will change directions anyway.
You will change when you wear yourself out.
You may well skip the bad stuff, make an adjustment, and get to the good stuff right now. There's no need to wait.
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21/04/22•12m 11s
Somebody Needs You
When I was a teenager, I was a weekend moviegoer, and it was the age of Rocky, Star Wars, and Jaws. Besides, with only three channels on television, getting out of the house was the top item on my to-do list.
As a kid with big dreams, it was easy for me to slip into the fantasy world of films and let my mind run for a couple of hours. By the end of the film, I was always excited to get on with life and become like the folks I watched in movies.
That’s when life got in the way.
Like many young folks, I graduated high school, charged into the world, and waited for Somebody else to lift me into my dreams. Well, things didn’t work out the way I expected. That’s when my mother-in-law gave me some very useful advice that I needed to hear —
“You know, right now, Somebody needs what you have to offer, but because you’re sitting around the house, they don’t even know you exist. Get out there and let them know you are here.”
I can’t tell you how many times in my life I’ve said to myself —
“Somebody out there needs what I have to offer. My job is to find them and let them know I’m here.”
It’s the same for you.
If Somebody needs what you have to offer, your job is to find them and save their day.
That’s how you write and star in your own life movie.
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20/04/22•11m 20s
Do You Have a ‘Who Am I’ Document?
Do you have a roadmap for who you are and how you operate in the world?
If not, you need a ‘Who Am I’ document.
Who Am I is not a mission statement.
Who Am I is not a list of affirmations.
Who Am I is not a value statement
Who Am I is a personal cheat sheet that reminds you who you are and why you do what you do.
How do you see yourself?
How do others see you?
How do you act in situations?
When life gets in the way, you can always turn to your pre-determined ‘Who Am I,’ and you’ll always know how to respond.
Remember -
Inconsistency in behavior will whittle away at your soul. Consistency will make you stronger, less stressed, and happier.
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19/04/22•11m 20s
Systemize Your Success
Wouldn’t it be great if you had a plan to help you get what you want?
What you need is M.A.P.S. - a system that gets thinking out of the way and focuses on actions in four areas:
Motivation: Everything begins with motivation and knowing ‘WHY’ you set your goals. Stay motivated.
Accountability: Being accountable and accepting responsibility for your results will empower your success. ‘If it’s to be, it’s up to me’ is a great way to get started.
Planning: Plan your work and work you plan. It’s simple. If you can’t plan it, you won’t be able to do it.
Systemization: The first steps of any worthy goal are difficult. As you get more comfortable with your process, lock in the actions and repeat them until you get what you want.
Sustainability: Everything takes longer than you think. Make sure you set yourself up for the long haul. Momentum is built by stacking your accomplishments sequentially.
The freedom you desire rests on a stable and repeatable foundation of Motivation, Accountability, Planning, Systemization, and Sustainability.
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18/04/22•12m 38s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 12
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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16/04/22•34m 15s
Why You MUST Be a Good Quitter
Has anybody ever said to you, "it's good to be a quitter?"
Probably Not. But it turns out to be very good advice.
Being a good quitter isn't an excuse. It should never be an option for making things easier. Instead, quitting is a wise choice. You choose to leave when your progress has stopped and you are going around in circles.
That's when things get interesting.
Once you are committed to an important idea, it can be challenging to allow yourself to quit. Are you stuck in a lousy job, terrible relationship, or destructive behavior? Your internal sense of "Identity" is always going to compel you to hold to the very end.
That may not be wise.
Listen closely when your inner voice begins to sound a warning. There's no need to wait for the inevitable. Trust your gut and change your direction fast.
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15/04/22•11m 33s
Magically Create More Time and Productivity
Wouldn’t it be great if you could create more time in your day without giving anything up?
The secret is how you prioritize the projects that are already on your plate. That requires a simple understanding:
1) Working on multiple projects simultaneously only delays the completion of all the projects.
2) When you complete a project, not only is it off your plate, it begins producing your expecting results sooner. It also frees up time to work on your next project.
The next time that you are trying to find more time, ask -
“What can I finish right now that will give me more time tomorrow - and every day after that?”
You will love how you have so much more time in your day.
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14/04/22•11m 6s
How to Be Happy All The Time
Would you like to be happy every day of the week?
Maybe it's time to start thinking like a happy person?
There's no magic to being happy, and rose-colored glasses are not required.
Just start looking at your day-to-day life the way a happy person does.
Give this a try:
1) Accept that being alive means you will run into occasional challenges.
2) Realize that dealing with challenges is a privilege of being alive.
3) Welcome frustration. It only means adjustments are required. Figure what to change and make it happen.
4) Accept responsibility for solving your challenges and fix them as soon as possible. Don't delay the inevitable.
5) Dealing with everything that life throws at you is easier when you get a great night's sleep. Have another great day tomorrow.
You can borrow my daily recipe if you would like—
Wake up, refreshed. Have a great day. Sleep like a baby. Repeat.
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13/04/22•11m 21s
Getting a Mentor For Success
Do you wish you could find a mentor to help you along the way?
Every mentor I’ve ever had has made sure that I possessed three characteristics for success before they agreed to work with me.
Would you pass their test?
1) Do you have a burning desire to achieve your goals?
2) Are you a coachable person and prepared to accept the wisdom and guidance of others?
3) Do you have the willingness to undertake all actions to achieve your success?
If the shoe were on the other foot, you would want those traits in someone that was asking for your help - right?
Walk your talk. Talk your walk. That’s a great life.
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12/04/22•12m 3s
Stop Procrastination With One Question
Are you a member of the Procrastination Club?
Procrastination is the intentional and habitual postponement of an essential task that you should be doing.
Is that what you are doing?
In my view, two things could be happening if you procrastinate -
It may be possible that you are not procrastinating at all? Instead, you may be forcing yourself to do something that you don't need to do anyway.
The other possibility is that it simply doesn't mean enough to you to start the process. Or, said another way, other things mean more to you.
Yes, you must complete some tasks. That's called being a responsible person. But if your list keeps getting longer, it's time to ask yourself a question -
Is it important enough to me to get it done?
If not, you know why you are procrastinating.
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11/04/22•12m 48s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 11
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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10/04/22•34m 37s
Waking Up to Gratitude
I woke up this morning with an incredible zest to expand my feeling of gratefulness. Well, there is not so much to expand as to recognize all the things that I am grateful for but haven’t thought about lately.
That’s the thing about living in a fast-paced world where our daily activities, big and small, fly by and are quickly forgotten. It’s always been that way. There is nothing new in the world. That got me thinking about one of my favorite quotes —
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” —Robert Brault
As a no regrets kind of guy, I admit to sometimes not living in gratitude. Thankfully, the wisdom of others is always making sure I remember what is important—
Here are a few of my favorites.
“If a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get.”—Frank A. Clark
“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” —Eckhart Tolle
“Who does not thank for little will not thank for much.” —Estonian Proverb
“Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: It must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.”—William Faulkner
“Enough is a feast.”—Buddhist Proverb
“When you are grateful, fear disappears, and abundance appears.”—Anthony Robbins
“When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree.”—Vietnamese Proverb
“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”—William Arthur Ward
“A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue but the parent of all the other virtues.”—Cicero
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”—Robert Brault
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08/04/22•11m 18s
Steps of Change
Creating a difference in your life is a non-stop process that requires simple actions to help you get what you want. And it is, after all, about getting what you want and keeping what you love.
You’ll always go through these steps:
1) Decide. Everything begins with your decision to head off in a new direction. While sometimes you may feel like you’ve made a decision, if you’re not moving, you haven’t.
2) Define. Aimless wandering is fun when that’s what you’ve decided to do. Otherwise, it’s frustrating, exhausting, and takes place more than you think. When you define your path, you get to walk your path.
3) Deploy. As dull as the advice may be, putting your plan into action is the only way for you to get what you want. If you don’t deploy, you don’t get it.
4) Defend. After working so hard to get what you want, you can guarantee that something or somebody will try to take away your results. That’s not good or bad. That’s life. When you find what you love, be sure to defend it so you never lose it.
Simple. I like simple. Simple works!
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07/04/22•11m 18s
Success Happens When You…
I want to become the person I am meant to be.
That’s something that I hear daily in my life from people all over the world. Frankly, beyond living a joyful life, I can’t think of anything more important than growing to become who you know you are on the inside.
Most people tend to work in different areas of their life. All will say that family and friends are the most important, but they tend to focus on their career and legacy - especially after the kids move out. But here is a problem…
For many years, most people, including myself, tended to get lost in developing specific areas of their lives while others were on hold. While outwardly successful, they wouldn’t be on the phone with me if everything was going perfectly. It’s not, it’s hit or miss, and that is causing sleepless nights.
A solution is an ALL-IN approach to living.
Over time, I’ve developed the solid belief that whatever you deem as your ultimate best use of your life will only happen after you have evolved every area of your life - and do it every day.
Focusing on your business and achieving success at the highest levels only happens when the other areas of your life are balanced.
Raising your children to be the best can only happen when the other areas of your life balance.
Developing your spiritual being will only happen at a deeply satisfying level when all other areas of your life are balanced.
In other words, you will only achieve your personal best when your body, mind, relationships, and finances are working in synchronicity to support your journey: any other strategy is hit or miss.
The goal is simple.
Every day you should do something to develop, maintain, and grow every critical area of your life. It doesn’t have to be big, but it does have to happen. No, things won’t be perfect every day, but it’s incredible how all those imperfect days add up to a pretty good life.
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06/04/22•11m 25s
What’s Your Goal Setting Purpose?
I've always believed goal setting is the heartbeat of our lives.
Goal setting is one of the most powerful tools you have to create your best life. My question to you is… do you know what your best life is supposed to be?
I came upon my belief not from a book or a guru but from a realization I had many years ago. I found I was happy when I was chasing something bigger than myself that was also in alignment with how I felt on the inside. I was unhappy when I was checking items off my list and not honoring my true self.
After years of pondering, I concluded that a purposeful outcome would eliminate frustration and boredom and generate excitement and enthusiasm.
That leads me to the two definitions of goals:
1) The end toward which effort is directed.
2) An area or object toward which players in various games attempt to advance a ball or puck and usually through or into which it must go to score points.
Most people treat goals like the number two, a To-Do list with a short-term outlook. People who focus on the first definition are long-term thinkers.
But what's the real difference?
What "end" do you place your focus on?
Heartbeat goal-setters know there are many "ends" before the ultimate termination point we call goal achievement. That's what excites and drives them. They purposely focus on that 'end.' Everything else is a step in the journey that is only needed to get to their pre-determined outcome.
Heartbeat goal setting. It's purposeful goal setting that ignites a fire in your belly, gives you a mission, and makes you happy. Everything else is an item on your To-Do list.
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05/04/22•11m 55s
How To Find Your Purpose
Over the years the most popular question I get from the MOVERS around here is -
“How do I find my purpose and face my passion?”
If I were to expand on that question, it would be -
“What can I do today to find my purpose and overcome the fear of living my passion?”
In other words, it’s one thing to find it; it’s another thing to get yourself to do it.
Today we’ll focus on finding it.
In my quest to always be passionately living, I always turn to a 5-step process for discovering and facing your passion. It has never failed me.
1) Explore the possibilities that are available to you. The more, the better. Many things will interest you, and you should be willing to allow them into your life.
2) Pay attention to what gets and keep your attention. Don’t fight the feeling. Just follow the urge to explore.
3) Deep dive into the things that are shoving themselves into your life and immersing yourself.
4) When you find yourself fascinated and nearly obsessed, even if it makes no sense at all, you are heading a new path. Don’t be surprised if it is nothing you’ve ever considered before.
The formula is simple: Exploration + Fascination = Facing Your Passion
While there can be several strategic steps within the steps above, the more significant challenge is to allow yourself to follow what you find.
Once you find it, be sure you live it.
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04/04/22•11m 30s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 10
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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02/04/22•36m 31s
Become The Person You Are Meant to Be
People have always sought change for themselves, their life, or the world. If you want to change something about your life, there is a constant truth; you must change before anything else changes.
Many smart folks agree -
Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
Leo Tolstoy, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
What about Albert Einstein?
“The world, as we have created, is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
Do you want to change something about today, tomorrow, or the future? You must change before anything else changes.
Have you learned lessons from past experiences? You have already changed, and your future is better for it.
Rumi said, “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
If tomorrow you want to be better than today and yesterday, something has to change. That something is you.
If you want to make more money, serve more, and be happier next year, something has to change this year. That something is you.
If you want this life to be well-lived, something has to change today. That something is you.
What if you want everything about your life to be perfect? Listen to Winston Churchill. “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.”
It’s so simple.
You must change before anything else changes.
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01/04/22•13m 45s
How To Stop Putting Your Foot in Your Mouth
Do you ever find yourself answering the phone, responding to an email, or posting to Social Media before your brain is fully engaged?
If you’re like me, you can’t count the number of times you put your foot or your fingers in your mouth and regretted it.
So what’s the fix?
I worked with a client a few minutes ago in the same situation, and his response was brilliant!
He stopped in his tracks and didn’t respond at all.
He pondered how he was feeling and why he was about to make a mistake. What was driving it?
As part of his process, he wrote down his feelings, what action he should be taking, and when he would take it.
The entire process took place within a few minutes. He slept on it and responded with a short email the next day. The result was no added drama and continued positive momentum.
I like to think of this as a ‘Recipe For Me’ that I create in advance and utilize for consistent results. Once I know something works, all I have to do is check my recipe, and life is good.
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31/03/22•12m 37s
5 Success Mindset Tips
I spend most of my days finding ways to keep tens of thousands of people worldwide motivated and moving - and that always comes down to a strategy for mindset.
Here are a few things you can do - today!
1) Remind Yourself of Your Gratefulness
Who or what are you most grateful to have in your life?
Sometime today, pause, close your eyes and fill your mind with the people and things that make your life good.
Remember, reminding yourself of why you are grateful makes you unstoppable.
2) Your Actions Reveal Your Purpose
What will make you feel like you are living your true self?
Hidden in your to-do list are three items that move you closer to who you are. What are they?
Focusing on fulfilling actions means that you are living your purpose.
3) Strategize THEIR Feelings in Advance
You can make someone feel great today. Who will that be?
Take a moment and review the people you will interact with today. How do you want to make them feel?
When you make others feel good, you feel good too.
4) What CAN You Do?
Choose a challenge that has stuck and ask, what can I do?
Make a list of three challenges that have you stuck and ask what can I do? Then, do it.
Nothing can stop you when you ask what can I do?
5) Hold Space For Your Dreams
Since today may get busy, what space are you holding for yourself?
The space between your appointments today belongs to you. How will you use it to make your dreams come true?
When you hold space for your dreams, your dreams always come true.
If you’re feeling like a challenge, turn these into rules and affirmations to live your life.
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30/03/22•12m 54s
How to Turn Obstacles Into Opportunity
Have you ever wondered how much easier things would be if you didn’t have to think so much?
What if the future or your past didn’t matter?
Imagine if you didn’t worry about the possessions, success, or drama of others?
What would happen if you believed that YOU are in control?
Now you are starting to think like a Stoic Philosopher.
Stoicism is about paring down and simplifying. They eliminate unproductive traits that define the majority of the population. One of the most common is by turning obstacles upside down, creating opportunities, and seeing them as teachable moments.
For a Stoic, every bad thing becomes a new source of good.
Marcus Aurelius said it this way,
“The impediment to action advances action. What stands in your way becomes the way.”
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29/03/22•12m 58s
Why Will Power is Not Your Friend
When will you get yourself to do what you say you want to do?
More people than you know lose sleep over that question. If that sounds like something you have experienced, you’re not alone.
Almost everybody begins their journey when a thought pops into their mind. Then, day-to-day life keeps them busy, and they spend frustrating months fixin’ to get ready. You know, starting to prepare… so you can start to do… so you can do… and say you did.
If that doesn’t work, you summon your friend, Will Power.
Will is not a person, but more like a kind of friend that you don’t know why you keep letting into your life.
They are a bit of a slacker, live rent-free in your mind, say they want to help, and never deliver on their promise. Will’s job description should read -- to force you to do things you say you want to do but can’t get yourself to do. When you give up, Will leaves.
The good news is, there’s no need to force yourself to do anything. Achieving your biggest goals in life has nothing to do with Will Power. Instead, shift your mindset -
“To act at your discretion without constraint.”
That’s the definition of Free Will, Will Powers, good cousin.
Use your Free Will to harness your excitement and choose the path of least resistance. Start making the smallest changes in your life. Those steps will lead to big results sooner than you think.
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28/03/22•11m 10s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 9
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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26/03/22•34m 16s
Why You Shouldn’t Share Your Plans
In the last few years, it has become increasingly popular for people to share every little aspect of their lives with others. But, when it comes to getting what you want in life, keeping your plans to yourself is a powerful tool.
Presidents weekend has just passed, and when I arrived at my desk on Tuesday, I had two messages from clients that made me smile.
The first said, "I decided to spend my weekend practicing what I do in private so that I will be praised in public." That's something I’ve said and done many times.
The second client told me they had completed a new project over the weekend and headed in a new direction. When I mentioned they had never said a word to me about it, they said, "I know. I'm learning that nobody needs to know what I'm doing to do. I'll do it, and they can catch up."
My heart smiled as I witness three powerful tools that impact my client's lives:
1) Practice in private until you are ready to share with the world. Nobody needs to know how you got so good at what you do.
2) There's no need to tell anybody what you are going to do. Just do it and then let them know what you've done later.
3) It's easier to get things done when everybody else is busy doing something else and isn't poking their nose in your business. Long holiday weekends and summer vacations are a great place to begin.
You can do whatever you want with your life, and you don't need anybody's permission or approval to make it happen. Your destiny is 100% up to you.
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25/03/22•11m 10s
How to Amp Up Your Creative Productivity
Over the years, I have personally produced over 10,000 podcasts, and every one of them begins with the written word. Even though that makes my mouth and my fingers my most exercised body parts, it has also given me lots of opportunities to learn to keep my words flowing.
If you're like most people, you have found yourself sitting in front of a blank screen, praying for inspiration. It could be writer's block, procrastination, or maybe you stayed up late watching Netflix. In any case, there's a simple solution to always having a starting point.
Any project I need to wrap my head around begins by capturing the ideas that flow into my mind throughout the day. Even turning the radio off on a 20-minute drive can provide a treasure-trove of useable nuggets.
Next, I tuck those ideas away in a safe place, with no organizing, editing, or re-writing. I grab the thoughts out of the air, jot a note or record a memo, put them away, and let them simmer.
When I'm ready to get to work, I take 15 minutes the day before to review my creative genius list, toss out what is not relevant, create a simple outline and walk away knowing I am ready to begin.
The next day, I can't wait to sit in front of a blank screen and let the magic start flowing from my figure tips with complete ease.
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24/03/22•11m 10s
What’s Your Motivating Mission?
Do you still dream of what you will be when you grow up?
Do those visions keep popping into your head?
If that’s the case, what’s your BIG, AWESOME, MOTIVATING MISSION?
What dreams excite you and give you a feeling of happiness?
What scares you - and excites you?
What makes you smile and say, “If I could only get myself to…”
Take a few minutes and figure out your BAM! Then stand up, take a step, and repeat! Keep going until you get what you want.
Oh - there’s no need to wait. Now would be a good time to start. :)
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23/03/22•11m 10s
Why You Should Skake Up Your Good Life
Growth and change are what most people strive for in their life. It’s what drives you before you create your amazing life. It’s also what drives you to step up to the next level.
In the last 16 years, I’ve spent producing the Daily Boost podcast, I’ve had the chance to speak to thousands of people. All of them were in various stages of change, and most had the goal of being happy.
But, there is an issue that keeps popping up.
As people go about living and enjoying the life they’ve built, the natural desire for more growth kicks in, and they find themselves driving harder—usually without thinking about it. It could be about passion, but most times, it’s about making more money.
One day, I talked with a friend about living a good life and how hard people work to mess up a good thing. That’s when he asked a great question -
”When life is good, why would you do something else only to make more money?”
It’s not to say making more money is not a very good thing. It’s just important to make sure that you focus on what is right in front of you and remain balanced and happy as you grow.
The happiest people in the world already know that.
Because a powerful force drives humans to grow at any cost, sometimes that costs them in ways they never see coming—both good and bad.
Enjoy what you have and grow to make things better. That’s a recipe for success, no matter how you see it.
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22/03/22•11m 10s
Is The Spotlight Shining on YOU?
Is The Spotlight Shining on YOU?
A funny thing happens when we graduate from High School and enter the real world; dreams change.
When my Son was in his early 20's, he announced that he was heading to Los Angles to pursue his dream of becoming a Rock Star. He would be a singer in a rock and roll band, and he was on a mission to achieve his goal. When I heard his idea, I had a question -
"What happens if you become a member of the band instead?"
He had a perplexed look on his face. I'm not sure if he was angry or confused. It seemed that the concept of playing any other role never occurred to him. I continued.
"Would you be okay with that? Are you willing to do what it takes to rise to the top? And if you don't get what you want, will you be happy settling something different?"
That's when he said, "No. I wouldn't be happy. I'm a Rock Star, and that's what I'm going to do.”
The following day he began his journey and chased his dreams for a few years. While he had success and enjoyed his Rock Star status, something else began to emerge. He discovered a new passion that fit him like a glove. He started to dabble in graphic design and music promotions and soon found himself loving being in a more supportive role. He wasn't on stage; he was playing in the band. But there was no doubt he was a star in his new world. His life was different than he thought it would be, but he found his day-to-day experience to be a much better fit.
You will always get what you want if you are willing to do whatever it takes to get it. But you might be surprised when you find your real passion along the way.
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21/03/22•11m 10s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 008
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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19/03/22•34m 13s
Ditch The Crazy World and Keep it Simple
During the Great Pandemic Pause, most folks found themselves in a simpler world.
With a few exceptions, everything was slower. There was more time in the day. The rush of what used to be our day-to-day seemed distant.
Is that such a bad thing?
When the storm passes, as we reignite our lives, why not consider lessons from a few smart people of the past.
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." ~ Leonardo da Vinci
"Life is simple, but we insist on making it complicated." ~ Confucius
"The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook." ~ William James
"Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough." ~ Charles Warner
I like it simple. Simple works.
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18/03/22•11m 10s
How To Plan For Changing Times
So you’ve decided it’s time to make a change. Good for you. Making the decision is the most challenging thing you can do.
Now, how do you figure out how to make it work?
In most situations, you can get clarity by taking an inventory of where you are and where you are heading.
There are three areas of focus:
1) Do the math. What is the cost of your change? Can you do it now? Do you need to save some cash? How much will you need to complete your transition?
2) Factor in the timing? Are you able to begin today? Do you need a few months to prepare? When will you be ready?
3) Consider the distraction. Will starting fast rock the boat and destabilize your current life? Will staying where you are cause more challenges? How will you reduce stress?
The results you get from those questions will give you a good idea about your future.
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17/03/22•11m 10s
It’s Time To Start Being Yourself
Are you striving for something different?
I have a client who, after years of poor eating habits, had gained over 100 pounds. She decided to get healthy - and had no idea where to begin.
My advice was simple.
If your mind is telling you something you are doing is NOT who you are - give up what you are NOT.
In her case, not exercising was making her somebody she didn’t want to be. Going to the gym wasn’t top of mind; it was just the first choice in the path to becoming herself.
Are you not making enough money? Give up what is keeping you busy and try something new.
Are you spending too much time with activities that are keeping you, NOT you? Please give it up and do things that feel you like.
Be who you are, not who you are not.
So simple.
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16/03/22•11m 10s
Three Stages of Relationships
The quality of your life is a direct result of your relationships.
Whether it's a personal, professional, or business relationship. There are three ways to play the relationship game. There is only one way to win.
1) All relationships begin with two independent individuals. If you remain independent, you will never connect.
2) Some relationships become co-dependent. Developing this kind of relationship means losing individuality. Isn't that what attracted you in the first place?
3) The correct way is to merge your skills, passions, and individuality. That creates an interdependent relationship.
The strength of an individual The power of a team. It doesn't get any better than that.
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15/03/22•11m 10s
Simple Productivity Strategies
Are you find yourself needing to get more done? You might consider creating more productivity.
The first rule of being more productive is deciding what is important to you. The second rule is to take control of your day.
A few simple adjustments can change everything:
1) Say, “Yes” to yourself before you say it to others. Meetings, phone calls, casual conversations. If that doesn’t work, say “No” to anything not currently on your list.
2) Control where you focus your attention. Including incoming communication like email and social media. Avoid being recruited onto someone else’s To-Do list.
3) No matter how much control you gain, interruptions are always around. You may as well expect, plan, and allow time for them.
4) Only schedule 50% of your schedule. That will allow time for the unexpected. If nothing shows up, stay focused on what you need to complete.
5) Multi-tasking is a myth. If possible, finish one task before the next. You cross the finish line sooner.
What happens next? EVERYTHING! Keep moving forward, and you’ll get everything you want.
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14/03/22•11m 10s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 007
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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12/03/22•34m 28s
Here’s What is Sucking Up Your Time
It happens to all of us.
We're going about our day, hot on the trail of checking off items on our never-ending To-Do list. Then, we discover that we didn't get everything done before time ran out.
When my son was entering the workforce, we would often find time to catch up on weekends. He was trying to navigate the business world while balancing his life. He had an exceptionally fact-paced job and had become a productivity ninja. He was proud of his color-coded To-Do list and calendar, but he had a problem -
"Dad, no matter how organized I am, I still can't get everything done. I writing everything down, and I'm working through it, and I still run out of time. What am I not doing right?"
My first thought was how happy I was that he had the clarity of mind to look beyond the obvious solution. Then, I had a few questions -
You say you have accounted for everything. How much time did you allocate for eating lunch or running down the coffee shop today?
How many times did you visit the restroom, and how long did it take?
On your commute, how much time did you spend at the traffic lights?
I stopped.
"What does that have to do with my getting my work done?" he asked.
Nothing, but you still have to get that stuff done. And thanks for making my point.
What my son had discovered is what I call "Non-Ops" — the non-optional things of life.
Non-Ops are a never-ending string of activities that require our attention. They never go away and suck up time without you even knowing. If you don't account for the basics of life, you'll never get to the big stuff of life.
After all, you can only go so long without eating, drinking, or sleeping - which makes everything else is the real optional thing in life.
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11/03/22•11m 10s
Why Your Morning Routine Isn’t Working
You hear a lot about using morning rituals to get more done. But what if you could use your mornings to get more done for YOU?
In the fast-face world, we live in today; there seem to be two groups when it comes to how to use mornings—personal and productivity. Once folks remove themselves from the craziness of jumping out of bed, taking care of the kids, and hitting the drive-through, they choose one of the two.
But what if there was a third group that was more satisfying?
Before I go on, I need to admit that I didn't use to be a morning person and didn't like getting up early at all. I even quit my first couple of jobs as a morning radio host so I could sleep.
Later in my career, I would hit my desk at 5 AM and pound through my to-do list as fast as possible. I must have been saying, "I…MUST… GET… IT… DONE!" That didn't work well because I didn't see the purpose of getting out of bed early if it was only to work.
For a few years, I spent my mornings reading and meditating before heading off to the gym. I got in better shape, but my bank balance was less, and my future goals were seemingly unreachable.
Then, one day out of pure frustration and sporting a brand-new I don't give a heck attitude, I asked myself a question that changed everything -
"What's the first thing I should do tomorrow morning that, if I do, will allow me to live a life of my design?"
Notice that I didn't ask about work or what was on my to-do list. It didn't have anything to do with getting more done or getting in better shape. I focused on the lifestyle I wanted to live - and it was life-changing.
In the years since I made that decision, I've started my days doing the most important thing I deem required to live the life of my choosing, and I've been happier for it.
I've also come across dozens of morning do-gooders who are getting everything done, except what they dream of doing, and when they realize it's not their fault, everything changes. They got caught up in the buzz of life, and everyone does. But, the minute you choose to focus on YOU before anything else is when you start making real progress.
When you focus on what is important to you, you get what is important to you.
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10/03/22•11m 10s
Are You Committed to Your Goal?
Woody Allen said, "Half of success is showing up."
I've thought about that quote many times over the years. There was something about its logic that didn't match up with my day-to-day experience.
Don't get me wrong, no matter what you want to do in your life, showing up is the first step in getting it. But I've shown up many times and ended up going home with the prize that I so much wanted.
I've also seen others convinced that they'll advance toward their goals if they show up. Instead, they end up disappointed with their results.
So, if showing up is getting you halfway, what's the other half?
It's knowledge, work ethic, and communication, and people skills. And let's not forget your ability to commit to doing whatever it takes to get what you want.
Some people don't show up, and some don't commit. Many do show up. Why don't they succeed?
I remember the words spoken by my Paster moments before my wedding to my first wife, Sheryl. I was a 20-year-old kid, and he asked,
"Do you know what makes a marriage work?"
Without much thought, I said, "It's a 50/50 thing. As long as we show up for each other, it'll work."
His response resonates with me to this day.
"Success in anything is 100/100 thing. You show up and commit to giving it 100% of your effort all the time - and so does everybody else."
So, yes. Showing up will get you halfway to your goal. But if you want to go all the way, you must commit to 100% and doing whatever it takes to get what you want.
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09/03/22•11m 10s
How To Become a Champion
We all live in a competitive world that makes getting what we want a challenge. If you've ever found yourself missing out because somebody else beats you to the punch, there may be a simple reason.
I've always been a competitive person. Once I set my mind to accomplishing a goal, I will always do whatever is required to win. Still, I've often tripped on my way to winning by others who wanted the same thing but had a different approach.
When I decided to enter the world of dog agility competitions, a new friend reminded me of an essential mindset.
My friends' name is Jaxon. He's a great competitor and is incredibly consistent in his performance. Every time my dog, Levi, and I compete against Jaxon, we know it's going to be our game to lose.
It's not because he's faster, more talented, or works harder. He's slower, a little clumsy, and prefers play over work. He never gets serious or stuffy. Win or lose; he always has a reason to celebrate - usually by taking a nap.
On the other hand, Levi has flashier moves, runs faster, and wins lots of blue ribbons before he takes his nap. He also crashes and burns more often, leaving Jaxon with the prize - but not always.
Jaxon is consistent, not fast, and doesn't care.
Levi is fast and can be consistent if he, WE, care. That's a little thing called discipline.
Consistency in practice and performance is required to do anything at a high level. Without discipline, you will always lose to the one who has it. However, when you require consistency of yourself and are willing to take a chance and go for the gold, that's what makes a champion.
Both are happy dogs and enjoy the game. That makes them both winners. Levi is the champion.
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08/03/22•11m 11s
Building Your Bridge To Passion
How do I get from here to where I want to go?
That's a question you may find yourself asking - especially for the big adventures of life.
What you need is a dam bridge!
A few years ago, I was standing atop the Hoover Dam. It's awe-inspiring—Lake Mead views in one direction and the Colorado River in the other. Below is one of the great engineering marvels in history. But there was something more exciting. New bridge construction high above the canyon walls caught my attention.
Construction was well underway, and I couldn't help notice how the process is the same as getting what you want in life. There are three elements; two foundations and a span.
When you want something new, it's easy to stumble along. If you do that when you're building a bridge across a canyon, you'll be in the river before you know it.
The key to creating anything is to build and fortify your current foundation. That means making sure there is a little drama as possible in your life. Save your money, pay your bills, do whatever it takes to create a firm foundation. The starting side of your new life should be a peaceful base.
The next step is to build your foundation on the side where you intend your adventure to take you. That could mean taking classes, learning a new skill, expanding your network, and researching your plan. The goal is to do everything in your power to build a solid foundation for future success.
Little by little, your foundations get more robust, and your future becomes possible. You will sense the time as come to build a span between your two foundations. It's time to leave the past behind.
Once you have built your foundations and 70% of your span, it's time to leap to the other side.
Too early is a false start. Too late is procrastination. Timing is everything.
Build strong, be patient, and let your momentum build. That's how you turn small steps into significant change.
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07/03/22•11m 10s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 005
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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05/03/22•34m 5s
Mission Beyond Your Why
Since the beginning of time, successful people have given this sage advice; you must set goals.
In the human mind, setting goals are the heartbeat of your life. Setting a goal will harness your focus, give you meaning and purpose, and drive you forward. It gets even better if you place a deadline. If your goal is essential, timely, urgent, you will likely do anything possible to get it.
Yes, likely.
You may have also heard that understanding WHY you want to achieve your goal is critical to your success. "Knowing your WHY will allow you to deal with every challenge along the way,” is what they said. But sometimes, you fall short. Losing weight is a good example.
Every year, millions of people set the goal of losing a few pounds. Most end up failing. But if you think about it, that makes sense. Nobody ever wants to lose anything. That's against every survival instinct you have in your body. When you set a goal that takes something away, your mind will fight you every step of the way.
So what's the fix?
If your goal is to lose 10 pounds, focus on the real reason and the benefits you will receive when you reach your goal. That will become your mission beyond your why.
It's not losing weight. It's feeling better inside and out.
It's not losing weight. It's building your self-confidence.
It's not losing weight. It's having unlimited energy and stamina.
Any goal that focuses on loss alone lacks the positive motivation you need to succeed. No matter how bad you want it.
When you think about your daily process as steps on a mission beyond your why, everything changes. More success and happiness are in your future, and your possibilities are endless.
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04/03/22•11m 10s
Listening To Yourself More Than Others
When I was growing up, I was an energetic, enthusiastic, and excitable child. I never let a day go by without challenging something - usually with my mouth. Thanks to those responsible for turning me into a good person, I learned a valuable lesson when they said-
"Listen twice as much as you speak. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason."
You’ve heard that before, and in today's fast-paced world, knowing when to put a zipper on your lips is critical. But, I've also learned to take that advice to a new level to get what I want. I call it doing “Dark."
When you go "Dark," you have chosen to listen to others less. Yes, you are still listening, caring, and interacting with those around you. You've decided to listen to yourself twice as much instead.
The world we live in today makes it seem as though it's impossible to get what you want without others. There are endless hours of interacting, Googling, ZOOMing, Texting, and more. It's as if we've lost permission to think and do for ourselves. We can't move forward without the social approval of those around us when the exact opposite is true.
When you give yourself space to listen to yourself more, something extraordinary happens. Your creative mind and talents flourish—your positive energy rebounds. You feel more present and find more meaning in your life. Going "Dark" makes your life brighter, and then the good stuff happens.
When you take the time to slip away into your own space, you develop into the person you were meant to be.
Removing yourself from the buzz of the world gives you a new kind of energy. And you do it without anybody's permission or without anybody knowing.
When you emerge, everybody will notice that you are different. They will listen when you speak, seek your advice, and be attracted to you in a new way.
Who knew that listening twice as much as you speak works even better when you listen to yourself twice as much as you listen to others?
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03/03/22•11m 11s
You Don’t Need To Ask For Permission
My friend Sid called to tell me he had found his next big thing. He decided to take flying lessons and couldn't wait to get started.
I have always wanted to learn to fly after hearing my Mom's stories over the years. Her father was a contractor in Wilmington, North Carolina. When an airport client couldn't pay, he offered lessons. She was 15-years old.
Her stories of landing on the beaches of North Carolina were thrilling. Flying Solo before an arriving hurricane was captivating. We'll forget the fact that she 3-days short of being legally old enough. Her adventurous spirit took control. With a hurricane coming, she wasn't going to ask for permission. She took command, and it put her in the record books.
By the time I began flying 50 years later, things were more controlled, and speaking on the radio to Air Traffic Control was required - and challenging. Being nervous, I often found myself asking for permission when I wanted to do something. I would say, "This is Cessna 67508 requesting permission to…"
One day, while waiting for their response, my instructor taught me a lesson I could have learned from my Mom, "You're the Pilot in Command. Your seat is moving, and theirs isn't. Don't ask for permission. Tell them what you want and let them work it out."
I don't have to ask for anyone's permission to do what I want to do?
I never asked again, in flying or anything else in life. I decide what I want to do and do it. If somebody else needs to know what I'm up to, I tell them, work out the solution, and keep moving. If not, I keep moving.
Some days it seems like we need permission from everybody else. Don't fall into that trap. Your destiny is your choice, and yours alone.
And what happened to Sid? He asked his wife for permission, and she said "no." He never took a single lesson.
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02/03/22•11m 11s
You Will Change When You Wear Yourself Out
Many have said, "Life is a marathon, not a sprint."
But what happens when you find yourself doing both at the same time?
If you've been living on this planet for any length of time, you've figured out life is a long game made of day-to-day sprints.
If you want a big bank balance, you make small deposits over time.
If you want to lose weight, you make small reductions over time.
If you want to get a promotion at your job, you do well every day.
The challenge happens when you have not defined the marathon you are running. A lack of a specific goal can only lead to daily activity that may or may not get you to your destination. If that is happening to you, you may feel worn out, frustrated, and wondering when things will turn around.
There's good news. That kind of thinking means that you are on the right track to success.
Certain stamina is required to reach any goal. And society today celebrates your ability to put in the hard work no matter what.
There's only one problem.
If it's not working for you, it's not sustainable behavior. Sooner or later, you will decide to make a change - usually abruptly.
Here's the truth; you will change when you wear yourself out.
Reluctant, fearful, or hard-headed, you will only put up with a less than satisfying path in life for only so long. Eventually, when you wear yourself out.
When you've had enough, even if the timing is not perfect, you will change when you wear yourself out.
You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it.
So, what's the fix?
The marathon we call life will continue until it doesn't, and there are three things you can do to make it better.
The first is to define your destination with clarity.
Next, match your daily activity with your goals.
Finally, accept that if things don't go your way, you're going to change directions anyway.
You will change when you wear yourself out.
You may well skip the bad stuff, make an adjustment, and get to the good stuff right now. There's no need to wait.
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01/03/22•11m 10s
How To Stop Letting People Get in Your Way
Have you ever found yourself stalled?
A few years ago, I had big plans, and nothing was moving forward. When I say nothing, other people didn't seem to get the memo that I was on a mission.
We've all been in situations where nobody will return your call. Your email gets ghosted. You can’t seem to get support or commitment for your future, world-saving plans.
That's what happened to me and caused me to decide to create my momentum. I called it my "Momentum Freight Train."
My first use of my new mindset was to get my future wife to take our relationship more seriously. Everything was going great - but not fast enough for me. So, before our next date, I said to myself -
"I'm not going to wait for permission. I'm going to build my life, no matter what. If she doesn't join me, I'll ride my momentum all the way to someone who will."
It's important to understand that creating your momentum is not negative thinking. On the contrary, it's attractive energy that people notice - and she did.
I was off and running with my commitment, and it didn't take long for Joi and others to realize they better get on board before my train left the station.
Everything good begins with YOU. There's no need to wait for others. Create your momentum, and others won't be able to stay away.
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28/02/22•11m 10s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 004
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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26/02/22•33m 43s
Goals Are Like Pilots and Donuts
Have you noticed that airplanes fly crooked?
Heading to their destination, winds attempt to blow them off course. That’s why pilots turn their aircraft into the wind. They call it Wind Correction.
The same thing happens when you set a Goal. While you prefer the straight path, you will likely run into winds that will blow you off course.
Your spouse disagrees with your plans. Your boss demands more hours. Your kids, friends, and responsibilities keep blowing you further away from your dreams.
It’s time to start thinking like a pilot setting a flight plan to a distant city with a Kristy Kreme donut store about to turn in the ‘Hot Donuts’ sign.
Keep an eye on your final destination. Always set goals that factor in winds that will blow you off your course. Make minor corrections until you get where you’re heading.
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25/02/22•11m 10s
Why The Law of Attraction Doesn't Work
The Law of Attraction should be called the Law of What You Think About Most.
Like attracts like. What you think about, you get.
If you think, "I won't get it because I never do," - you are correct.
Dreaming of something new while focusing on current problems is a sure way to keep spinning your wheels.
The secret is to focus your attention and actions on what you want to attract. That will require a dedicated effort. Vision Boards, lists of goals, daily journaling are all great ways to stay on track.
The "Law of What You Think About" is magical and straightforward…
Decide what you want. Believe it is possible. Focus on the future, not the past. Don't stop until you get it.
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24/02/22•11m 10s
How ONE Thing Made Me More Productive
I have a question for you.
What is your ONE most important activity?
What is the ONE core activity that makes everything else fine?
What is the ONE core activity that, if you don’t do, causes everything to fall apart?
In Brian Tracy’s book Eat The Big Frog First, he recognized that many people focus on anything but the most critical activity in their life. They are usually surprised when things fall apart.
Is it showing up for work on time or doing a great job at work?
Could it be your unflinching attention to your family?
Does your business have ONE activity that causes people to buy from you?
When you focus on your ONE most important activity - and do it first - everything else gets easier.
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23/02/22•11m 10s
Secret to Being Accountable
Over the years, I've witnessed dozens of people set themselves up for failure by following seemingly wise advice -
"When you set a goal, make it public and tell everybody you know so that they can support you."
In my experience, that hasn't worked so well - especially on long-term goals. The reason is that anybody outside of my close relationships doesn't know me well enough to understand why I'm doing what I'm doing. That makes it challenging to provide support in meaningful ways, difficult for me to accept it, and unneeded pressure on everybody.
It doesn't take too much thinking to realize that the best accountability relationship is based on respect and a sincere connection to have the most impact. That means there is no need to crowd-source accountability when you only need two people to keep you on track.
The first partner is the one you listen to the most - YOU! Accepting responsibility for your accountability is the most powerful skill own.
But since you are the Boss of yourself and don't always listen to yourself, you need somebody you trust, respect, and are willing to call you out on your stuff. Once they agree, let them do their job.
Getting what you want begins and ends with you, but having an accountability partner is a great way to keep you on track in the messy middle.
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22/02/22•11m 10s
10 Common Sense Laws of Success
Everything we do is guided by what we think is logical in our minds. I call my way of thinking Scott LOGIC.
Is it common sense? Is it experience-based? Is it how I choose to live? Yes. But mostly, it is an endless list of thoughts that make my day better. Here are a few that will no doubt do the same for you.
Life is long enough. But not for everybody. Recognize the difference.
Life goes quickly unless you are bored. Stay busy.
Life passes slowly when you are going fishing tomorrow.
Some people are too serious. Others are not serious enough. You get to choose who you are.
Standing in another person's shoes before opening your mouth a best.
The reward for hard work is more work. The reward for being lazy is more lazy.
When you turn your phone off, it won't ring.
Most things in life should be in moderation. Excess is good now and then.
It takes a fraction of the time to read a good book than to write a book. That makes reading a book a good investment of your time.
People who read more earn more. People who don't read don't understand why.
Saying "I don't care" means you do care. Do you know what that is?
Everything you experience is filtered through what you hold as the truth. Make sure you are correct in your thoughts.
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21/02/22•11m 11s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 003
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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19/02/22•34m 53s
How To Make Your Life Longer
I want to live forever! Well, that’s what I used to say when I was a kid. As I passed a few birthdays and dealt with life’s challenges, I started thinking differently with a realization —
My life, all of our lives are spent learning and figuring things out. While it can be tiring, it’s also what pours energy and meaning into our days. As we age, our knowledge deepens, our day-to-day get less attractive, and we lose our youthful drive. But Scott doesn’t do that. I’m way too stubborn.
So what have I learned from being such a hard head dedicated to living a life experience like no other?
The first thing is to slow down. That means breaking free from all those dull and automatic behaviors that are not serving you. Moving as fast as you can through hundreds of activities won’t get you anywhere. Eventually, you’ll realize that a slow, more focused approach is more effective.
The next thing to do is study and learn as much as possible, and your perception of time will feel longer. And perception is reality. This works because as we get older, we know more, so life is easier. But, it’s the act of learning something new that creates stackable memories that make your life fill full, vibrate, and exciting.
Finally, fire up your Anticipation Engine by taking the time to create 6 to 12 event horizons per year. In other words, schedule something in the future that gets you excited and never stops. Having positive anticipation in your life is a driving factor in living a happy life.
Slow down, study, and anticipate. It turns out living a long and happy life only requires that you think and act like a child.
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18/02/22•11m 10s
You Can Do Anything for 30 Days
Call me crazy, but everything I've ever done had its roots in a 30-day sprint - and it's a long time.
A week is easy, crossing several weekends and life events will make it seem like forever.
Here’s how you do it:
1) Set what Napoleon Hill calls a Major Definite Purpose, otherwise known as a big ass goal.
2) Stop that silly negative self-talk. Others may throw sticks and stones; don't throw them at yourself.
3) Start thinking of all the reasons you CAN be successful. Make a list.
4) Decide that you will do whatever it takes to reach your goal for the next 30 days. Nothing will stop you.
Decide that you will do whatever it takes to reach your goal for the next 30 days - and you will.
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17/02/22•11m 10s
Why Blowing Up Your Lifestyle is The Fix
Do you ever feel like there are a thousand things that must line up before you can get what you want?
It may feel safer to wait until the stars align to take the next step toward your goals.
Another choice would be blowing up, tearing down, and blasting away what you don't want.
Hmm - it seems that we are living in a time that did that job for us - right?
I’m talking about Creative Destruction.
Creative Destruction is like demolishing an old kitchen. Instead of taking months and making things worse by fixing the unfixable. Blow up what's in your way and create a clear path to your dreams.
Don't accept what is stopping you. Turn on your creativity and figure out a way to sidestep the problem. Start to build something new.
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16/02/22•11m 10s
Are You Following These Steps For Changing Your Life?
As we get closer to the endemic phase of the pandemic we've been living in for the last couple of years, I've noticed that people are getting back to their old ways.
Now that we're not being forced to evaluate our daily lives, confused about what you want - and how to get there. That's okay. It's a journey.
But what is that journey?
Winston Churchill said, "To improve is to change, so to be perfect is to have changed often."
And it helps if you understand the stages of change:
1) Pre-Contemplation. You may intend to take action but are unaware that your behavior is the problem.
2) Contemplation. You recognize the problem and start to debate the pros and cons of your actions.
3) Preparation. You intend to take action soon. You may even begin small steps.
4) Action. The process of making the specific changes required to create your new life begins.
5) Maintenance. Sustain your efforts for at least six months. You will likely achieve a life-long transformation.
6) Termination. You have zero temptation and are sure you will not return to your old unhealthy habits.
Winston Churchill said something else -
"For myself, I am an optimist — it does not seem to be much use being anything else."
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15/02/22•11m 10s
Warning: You Don’t Need a Plan B
Have you ever wondered how the most successful people in the world get that way?
Is their timing is right?
Do they know somebody?
Did they get lucky?
Every person I’ve ever known who achieved remarkable success did three things:
1) They accepted what they wanted and believed it could be theirs.
2) They decided that their dream IS going to happen.
3) There is no Plan B.
When you know what you want, decide to go after it, and don’t give yourself any other options, you are more likely to get what you want.
Simple is as simple does. Thanks, Forrest!
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14/02/22•15m 12s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode 002
Every weekend Scott and Joi get together for a romp through life with the goal of getting everything you want. And... they have a lot of fun. We'll let you be the judge of that.
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13/02/22•37m 34s
Living a Scripted and Process Oriented Life
In the world of Scott Logic, I’ve always fought my advice that said -
When life is predictable, scripted, and process-oriented - BORING - life gets as excited as you ever dream it could be.
As a guy who likes excitement in my day, you can see why I would prefer to ignore that wisdom - and I’m not alone. Still, I don’t miss it. I prioritize that way of thinking at all cost.
Let’s talk about that ‘scripted’ part of living.
While I love a good spontaneous day, I’ve learned that the more scripted and predictable my day, the less stress I have and the more I get done. All that means is that I know what I’ll be doing throughout the day when I’ll be doing it, and what time I’m done for the day. Frankly, I can usually tell you weeks in advance what I’ll be doing. Maybe that’s why when somebody asks me when I’m available for a meeting, I never need to check my calendar. I already know because everything is already in place.
Next, I think you should live a process-oriented life.
The best way to explain what I mean is to use goals as an example.
Most people set goals and focus on the outcome of achieving that goal. If it’s weight loss, your goal may be to lose 50 pounds. While that’s not a bad thing, focusing exclusively on the end goal is a fast way to fall off the wagon after a single, out-of-control weekend. But there is a better way…
Instead of focusing on the goal of losing 50 pounds, it’s much easier to focus on the steps in the process that will get you there—watching what you eat, exercising, keeping yourself motivated, shopping for your future skinny jeans. The mindset is simple; as long you keep doing what’s working, you’ll get what you want. Simple.
A scripted life and a process-oriented life is a good life. Figure out what works and do it over and over again.
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11/02/22•19m 22s
Who is Your Mastermind?
I get the pleasure of advising dozens of people every week in one-on-one interactions. When you factor in my podcast distribution, I interact with hundreds of thousands of people every week. And there's one question I always get.
Who advises you?
Who is your coach?
Who is your mastermind?
The simple answer may be broader than you'd like, especially if you are looking for a specific solution to apply to yourself.
The number one member of my mastermind is the person I listen to most. The person I respect the most. The person that will have the most impact on my life is ME.
Because there is nobody, I listen to more than I listen to myself.
Having self-awareness about how your mind works, how you think, how you choose to act, what works for you, and what doesn't work for you is key to a happy and successful life. Like it or not, you are all by yourself regarding what's happening inside your head. And what happens inside of your head is what dictates what will happen in your life.
Besides myself, who is in my mastermind?
Every person, every situation, every piece of reading, anything and everything, that catches my attention, passes into my ears, around my mind, and everything in between is my mastermind.
When you're self-aware and paying attention to your thoughts, the world becomes your mastermind. The more aware you are, the more you can sift and sort those knowledge bombs being dropped into your life into what works for you.
So how about people?
Are they in my mastermind?
The answer is yes. I have a select group of people, it's not too large, and it changes over time. I would estimate between five and seven that I can call anytime, ask questions, and seek wisdom. These people can contact me as well. If they have my respect and I have theirs, we pay attention to what we have to say.
Mastermind is defined as many minds working together. But, to take advantage of that power, you must master your mind first.
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10/02/22•15m 25s
10 Questions You Should Answer
A long time ago, it occurred to me that life is nothing more than a giant scavenger hunt. Yes, life is full of questions, and it’s long enough for you to figure out all the essential answers. And the winners are the people who figure out the solution for what you are seeking.
Here are a few that I use on a regular basis to get me thinking:
1) What do you want to do?
2) What do you want to have?
3) Where do you want to go?
4) What contribution do you want to make?
5) What do you want to become?
6) What do you want to learn?
7) Who do you want to spend my time?
8) How much money do you want to earn, save, invest?
9) How much time do you want off?
10) What will you do to create optimum health?
I’ll repeat it. Life is full of questions, and it’s long enough for you to figure out all the essential answers. It’s time to get busy.
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09/02/22•20m 10s
Daily Boost Podcast Trailer
There are 4 million podcasts you can use to fill your day. But, when it comes to making your life better, which is for you? Listen to the Daily Boost Trailer and you'll know if this podcast is for you.
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08/02/22•2m 49s
Why You Must Prioritize Yourself First
If you spend any time listening to me at all, it won’t take long before you hear me screaming from the tops of the mountains to ignore the agenda and propaganda-filled world we live in and focus on yourself.
Here’s the truth...
Nobody is thinking about you and what you do. That means that you need to pay attention to yourself because nobody else will.
Some folks find that way of thinking difficult because society would make you believe that you must do what everybody else is doing to be successful.
Let’s think about that for a minute.
Is everybody more successful than you or is everybody pretty much in the same boat as you?
You know the answer. So, who is more successful than you?
It’s the people that are out in front leading the masses. You know, the ones who paid attention to what they wanted, thought it through and convinced everybody else to support them on their mission.
Here’s another truth…
When you think about yourself first, you’ll have time to think about others too. Like they say, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me!”
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08/02/22•14m 23s
It's Good To Be Lazy
I have an admission to make.
I'm a bit lazy. Yes, I also like to work harder than most people. Still, I'm lazy when doing things I don't want to be doing.
It's been said that when you do what you love to do, you will never work another day in your life. Frankly, I've found it to be quite the opposite. What I do is difficult and takes a lot of time and effort.
But I enjoy it?
Still, I'm lazy. I want everything to be easy, and I want it now. I don't think I'm different than anybody else. I'm lazy. I'm driven. I'm lazy.
I think I made my point. And if you know me well, you may be thinking; he's not that lazy.
Oh yes, I am…
While it may take a long time to master the skill required to make things easy for myself, I'm only willing to go through the hard work if it allows me to be lazy - eventually.
And do you know what the coolest thing is about being lazy?
Your initial hard work allows you to be lazy and makes what you do look easy to others. Too bad for them. I guess they were sleeping and binging Netflix when you were preparing to make it look easy and be lazy.
Here's today's life lesson.
It's good to be lazy, as long as you are willing to do the work required to allow you to be lazy - someday.
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07/02/22•12m 4s
Husband Wife Talking Life - Episode -01
What happens when you combine "ScottLOGIC" and the "Wisdom of The Wife?
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05/02/22•39m 56s
Setting Expectation And Getting What You Want
Imagine how your life would improve if everybody in your world understood what to expect.
Expectations are powerful. Pay attention to these three:
1) What do you expect of yourself? You get to decide how you approach the world.
2) What do you expect of others? Clearly, understand what you expect of others. That allows you to avoid surprises - and toxic relationships.
3) What do others expect of you? When you let others know what they can expect of you - and walk your talk - you are living in integrity.
Your life will always be more comfortable when you know what to expect of yourself and others.
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04/02/22•15m 41s
One Word Questions For Success
When I was in broadcast school, we spent a lot of time learning the rules of journalism. While that subject fills books, most everything we needed to know was -
Who? What? When? Where? Why?
If you know that information, you can tell a complete story.
Years later, I re-arranged the formula for my personal growth. Every time I set goals and consider a different direction I ask -
Why? What? When? Where? Who?
Occasionally I need to ask HOW I’m going to accomplish my goal - but that usually takes care of itself.
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03/02/22•16m 9s
How to Keep Moving Toward Your Goal
Steven Covey called it sharpening the saw. If you take a break to sharpen the blade, you will always cut more wood. The same applies to life.
My formula is Ritual, Rest, Rejuvenate, Reactivate. Repeat
1) Success comes when you perform ritual actions every day. Figure out what works and do it.
2) Running full-out all the time is not sustainable. You must stop and rest.
3) Resting allows your body and mind to rejuvenate and become healthy again.
4) When you are ready, it's time to reactive into action mode.
5) Repeat until you get what you want.
It's easier to cut more wood when you take a break to sharpen your saw. A walk in the park on a busy day counts too.
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02/02/22•14m 25s
The Magic of Habits
Whatever you get in life is a result of your daily habits. What is a habit?
According to the dictionary, it is a settled or regular tendency or practice. It is also something that is especially one that is hard to give up.
Good habits or bad - habits are hard to give up. If that’s the case, you may as well choose good habits.
In a survey of 233 self-made millionaires, here’s what people who are successful at anything have in common:
They get up early, read, a lot, spend 15 - 30 minutes each day on focused thinking.
Good habits, done daily, create success.
They make exercise a priority, spend time with people who inspire them, pursue their own goals.
Settled habits maintain success.
They get enough sleep, have multiple income streams, avoid time-wasters.
If you want better results you want, it’s simple as having a solid list of good habits that you do every day.
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01/02/22•15m 47s
Say Goodbye to Frustration
When life gets in the way, do you get frustrated about being blocked?
I learned a long time ago that getting blocked is an everyday occurrence. The bigger my goals, the more blocks would arrive. I could either live with endless frustrations or find a better way. It came down to understanding:
1) Blocks have nothing to do with who you are. Self-inflicted or caused by others, they still have nothing to do with you as a person.
2) If you want something, there is always a way to get it. Always. You may not like the path. Your ego may get in the way. It may scare you. There is still a way to get what you want.
3) Removing blocks from your life takes nothing more than commitment and action. That’s called passion. No block can stand up to passion.
The next time frustration gets in your way, blow it off and keep moving. There is always a way to get what you want.
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31/01/22•15m 58s
Joyful No Matter What
I speak about being joyful often and get lots of questions about making it happen.
First, there is no magic to being joyful, and rose-colored glasses are not required. In fact, the more precise you see the world, the more joyful you will be.
When you accept that merely being alive means you will run into occasional challenges, you will be more joyful.
When you realize that dealing with challenges is a privilege of being alive, you will be more joyful.
When you accept that frustration is part of life, you will be more joyful.
You will be more joyful when you deal with everything that life throws at you without skipping a step.
Being joyful essentially comes down to having a great day, getting a good night’s sleep, and repeating it over and over.
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28/01/22•13m 53s
Where You Should Put Your Focus
A client asked me, "What do you pay attention to most of the day to keep yourself on track?"
I said,
"I pay attention to MY agenda first. When I cross paths with the agendas of others, it doesn't have to be my way or the highway, but I must continue to live the life I desire and get the results I want without delay and distraction. The truth is, I want us both to do that."
As long as you know what you want in life, getting is a matter of moving forward a little bit every day and staying on track.
Since every person you meet is on their path, you will always find yourself with the opportunity to willingly or unwillingly be pulled into their agenda. If you do, you detour yourself from your dreams.
Take control of your agenda before somebody does it for you.
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27/01/22•12m 34s
Why a Boring Life is a Boss Life
I live by a mantra that says -
“Almost everything in my day-to-day life should be routine. Consistent. Predictable. Between the lines. Boring. But, occasionally, it’s good to get out of the box, a little on edge, a bit scared, and a lot excited.”
The truth is, you need both. There is also another truth.
Most things that make you happy and successful are pretty mundane.
Improving and enjoying your home…
Paying bills, investing, and saving…
Spending time with family…
Yes, regular life is a boring life. But it’s your consistent routines that are focused on what’s essential that allows you to have incredible highs in your life too!
Have fun and stick to what feels comfortable and working for you.
After all, most things that make you happy and successful are mundane. It’s not a rut; it’s your comfort zone.
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26/01/22•12m 44s
Say "Yes" To Yourself
Do you ever wish you had a less complicated life?
Even if your job and life are overcomplicated out of necessity, like launching a rocket or performing brain surgery, you can still simplify everything.
How do you do it?
The fact is, the actions you are taking in your life and your job are probably not causing the overwhelm. It's the people and the results that are causing you to feel that way.
The easier way to under-complicate is to begin saying "No" to the arbitrary and unattainable demands of others and focus exclusively on the results you want.
Here are a couple of ideas:
1) Practice the law of "Good Enough." Perfectionism is over-rated. It will waste years of productive time that you could use to enjoy life. Set your own standards and rise to them.
2) Get good at saying "No." Make that two-letter word your default answer for everything. And remember, sometimes, saying nothing at all gets the same result.
3) Keep in mind that the only thing you must do in life is taking a BREATH. Everything else is optional and self-inflicted.
Leonardo da Vinci said," Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
Why not show everybody how sophisticated you are?
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25/01/22•12m 30s
4 Steps to Change Anything
Creating a difference in your life is a non-stop process that requires simple actions to help you get what you want. And it is, after all, about getting what you want and keeping what you love.
You’ll always go through these steps:
1) Decide. Everything begins with your decision to head off in a new direction. While sometimes you may feel like you’ve made a decision, if you’re not moving, you haven’t.
2) Define. Aimless wandering is fun when that’s what you’ve decided to do. Otherwise, it’s frustrating, exhausting, and takes place more than you think. When you define your path, you get to walk your path.
3) Deploy. As dull as the advice may be, putting your plan into action is the only way for you to get what you want. If you don’t deploy, you don’t get it.
4) Defend. After working so hard to get what you want, you can guarantee that something or somebody will try to take away your results. That’s not good or bad. That’s life. When you find what you love, be sure to defend it so you never lose it.
Simple. I like simple Simple works!
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24/01/22•12m 11s
Mindfulness Starter Thoughts
Everything you do is guided by what you think is logical in your mind. Just like everything I do is directed by my Scott LOGIC.
Is it common sense? Is it experience-based? Is it how you choose to live? Yes. But mostly, it is the filter in your mind at work.
Here are a few of my filters:
Life is long enough. But not for everybody.
Life goes quickly. But not if you're bored.
Life passes slowly when you are fishing.
Some people are too serious. Others are not serious enough. Both disagree with the other.
You must stand in another person's shoes to understand how they see you.
The reward for hard work is a chance to work more. The reward for laziness is a chance to be lazy more.
Turning off your phone means it won't ring.
Most things in life should be in moderation. Excess is good now and then.
It takes a fraction of the time to read a good book as it does to write one. That makes reading a book a good investment of your time.
People who read more good books earn more money. People who don't read don't understand why others earn more.
Saying "I don't care" means you do - at least about something.
Everything you experience is filtered through what you hold as the truth. Choose what you hold carefully.
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21/01/22•12m 44s
4 Questions Before You Begin
Everybody has dreams. Daydreams, dreams while you sleep, and dreams of what you wish for the future.
I’ve always believed that dreams are goals you have nurtured to become real in your life.
But how do you know if the voice speaking to your heart will lead you in the right direction?
Brant Pinvidic’s book, The 3-Minute Rule, has four questions that will help:
1) What is it? Do you understand exactly what you want?
2) How does it work? How will you go about reaching your goal? What will likely be the outcome?
3) Can you do it? Is your plan reasonable? Do you have the time, skills, money?
4) Are you sure? If you are willing to put in the effort, are you confident you can achieve your goal?
Use these when something is holding you back. I promise. The clarity you are seeking is around the corner.
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20/01/22•12m 18s
Today is Another Chance to Succeed
Is it me, or does living life these days make you feel like Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day?
When it comes to working toward goals, that can be a tremendous asset. It's also something that will break you free when things don't feel like they are going your way.
Everybody has ups and downs. Up days are lots of fun. Down days make you want to crawl under a rock. But like the movie, with the right mindset, you always get another chance to try again.
How would you feel if every day was a chance to tweak, adjust, flex, or reinvent your approach to living?
What if everything got more comfortable as you built your knowledge of what works best for you?
How empowered would you feel if you knew that every day was a do-over day?
As long as the sun rises and the sun sets, it doesn't matter if you succeed or fail the previous day. Today is always a new day for making your dreams come true.
That'll make you get out of bed.
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19/01/22•11m 28s
How To Break Bad Habits
How To Break Bad Habits
Have you struggled to break a habit?
Bad habits are not good. They will mess up your day. They are also not permanent. You weren’t born with bad habits, and you are not required under penalty of law to keep bad habits.
Since there’s no real reason to keep bad habits, let’s replace them the easy way.
Nobody likes to give up what’s comfortable - even if it’s not serving you. Instead, start a new behavior and replace the bad before it mucks up your life again.
Breaking bad habits is doing new behaviors instead of old behaviors. No muss. No-fuss. Be consistent and persistent, and you will wipe that old habit away forever.
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18/01/22•11m 45s
The Path All Relationships Follow
When I first met my wife, Joi, I knew we would be married and live happily ever after. But there was a problem. Joi didn’t see it that way - at least not right away.
If life has taught me anything, it’s that almost nobody is on the same page when they first meet. We might be in the same book but not on the same page.
In the early weeks of our relationship, I was in full-on action mode, and I was on a mission to achieve my goal as quickly as possible. I was also getting frustrated since Joi didn’t seem to share my urgency. She was enjoying our relationship and in no hurry. One day, I decided to take action -
I dragged myself out of bed at 4:30 AM, drove 30 minutes, and waited for Joi to arrive at the gym. I met her when she stepped out of her car, nearly scaring her to death, and said,
“I love you. What do I have to do to catch you? We should…”
Stopped by a kiss, she said, “We’ll know in about 6-months. Let’s enjoy the ride.”
It wasn’t the answer I was looking for, but Joi had given me something even more powerful. She gave me an expectation, I knew her rules, how to play the game, and that she was right.
All relationships, romantic, friendship, or professional, follow the same path. There is an initial spark, a period of trust-building, and finally, commitment. In time, the relationship grows stronger or will fade. Time will tell.
That’s how it works and how it went for us. Exactly 6-Months later, to the day, I asked Joi to marry me, and she said yes. That was 15 years ago.
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17/01/22•11m 13s
Real Purpose is Waiting For You
There's an idea floating within your mind. Soon it will demand your attention.
Is this all there is?
Am I destined for something bigger?
Your real purpose will arrive in your life when you:
1) Accept WHO you are and have always been. You are beautiful just the way you are.
2) Accept WHAT you do when you are doing you. Life is far more enjoyable when you spend most of your time in your comfort zone - and step out occasionally.
3) Accept WHEN when you want to start living in the moment. Now is a good time.
4) Accept WHERE you are in your life. As long as you know where you are, you can go anywhere.
Accepting your real purpose is revealed by daily actions. If you want to go in a new direction, change what you do. Start today.
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14/01/22•12m 36s
Get What You Want By Doing Nothing
Before I begin, I want to define what I mean by doing nothing.
I don’t see doing ‘nothing’ as something unproductive. Instead, I see ‘nothing’ as a protected personal space that lies between your thoughts and your actions.
It is a place that provides a contemplation and planning opportunity before launching into massive and focused action design to reach your outcome and achievement of your goal.
It is a holding space where inspiration, desperation, motivation, even intimidation, bubble up into your consciousness and await your next action.
Instead of moving your thoughts immediately into action mode or never moving at all, both of which cause unnecessary drama, you purposefully quarantine your thoughts until you are assured in your success plan or decide to take a new direction.
Doing nothing looks like this:
1) All thoughts and potential actions arrive in your mind and are held for evaluation.
2) Unless based on a previous decision and cleared for instant action, you always take the time to ensure that your actions will lead you to your vision.
3) If you don’t know the absolute end-game of your journey, you are still on another path. Don’t take a step until you know where you are one your new path.
In the end, doing nothing is a place in your mind where you choose your path, direct your actions, and create your legacy. It is a place of personal respect that is built into you and will allow you to have the most significant impact on yourself and the world around you.
I don’t know about you, but I get a lot of good thinking time when I’m doing nothing. That time is priceless.
If doing something takes you off track, you might be better off doing nothing - at least for a little while.
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13/01/22•11m 0s
3 Steps Required to Change Anything
Is a title like "Three Steps Required to Change Anything" an oversimplification of what it takes to get what you want?
Or… is it the acceptance that everything is simple - until we complicate it.
If you guess the second, you will get along just fine.
So, what are those three steps?
The first step to getting anything you want is to KNOW what you want. Many will argue that the first step is the most difficult. Like they say, "work with the outcome in mind." I don't see it this way and believe it's not more complicated than what follows.
Next, you need to know how you will accomplish your goal by establishing a framework or roadmap to get there. No, you won't see every step you must take, but unless you are living under a rock, you will know the significant accomplishments that must happen. Just look around, and you'll see them everywhere.
Finally, you must take consistent and disciplined action toward your goal with every waking moment. Every time you allow your focus to drift, you find yourself taking longer to reach your outcome.
So, there it is. While many nuances will challenge you, the basic steps to getting what you want are simple -
Know it. Map it. Do it.
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12/01/22•12m 49s
Morning Routines That Work For You
You hear a lot about using morning rituals to get more done. But what if you could use your mornings to get more done for YOU?
In the fast-face world, we live in today; there seem to be two groups when it comes to how to use mornings—personal and productivity. Once folks remove themselves from the craziness of jumping out of bed, taking care of the kids, and hitting the drive-through, they choose one of the two.
But what if there was a third group that was more satisfying?
Before I go on, I need to admit that I didn't use to be a morning person and didn't like getting up early at all. I even quit my first couple of jobs as a morning radio host so I could sleep.
Later in my career, I would hit my desk at 5 AM and pound through my to-do list as fast as possible. I must have been saying, "I…MUST… GET… IT… DONE!" That didn't work well because I didn't see the purpose of getting out of bed early if it was only to work.
For a few years, I spent my mornings reading and meditating before heading off to the gym. I got in better shape, but my bank balance was less, and my future goals were seemingly unreachable.
Then, one day out of pure frustration and sporting a brand-new I don't give a heck attitude, I asked myself a question that changed everything -
"What's the first thing I should do tomorrow morning that, if I do, will allow me to live a life of my design?"
Notice that I didn't ask about work or what was on my to-do list. It didn't have anything to do with getting more done or getting in better shape. I focused on the lifestyle I wanted to live - and it was life-changing.
In the years since I made that decision, I've started my days doing the most important thing I deem required to live the life of my choosing, and I've been happier for it.
I've also come across dozens of morning do-gooders who are getting everything done, except what they dream of doing, and when they realize it's not their fault, everything changes. They got caught up in the buzz of life, and everyone does. But, the minute you choose to focus on YOU before anything else is when you start making real progress.
When you focus on what is important to you, you get what is important to you.
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11/01/22•12m 36s
How Not To Put Your Foot in Your Mouth
Have you ever caught yourself doing or saying something you swore you would never do?
You have been TRIGGERED!
It can be frustrating when you set the rules and don't follow them. Sometimes you put your foot in your mouth. Sometimes you put the pizza in your mouth. In any case, your emotional habits are triggering your actions before you can do anything about them.
Controlling behaviors that have been on auto-pilot for years takes:
1) Catching yourself after the fact. Notice your mistake and see it coming sooner next time.
2) Catching yourself being triggered as it's happening. You're getting better.
3) Catching yourself before you act and stop it. That's the goal.
Emotional Triggers can throw you off track from your goals. Pay attention to your behaviors and make minor adjustments until you get what you want.
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10/01/22•14m 10s
Rules of Success
If you study people who have had success in any area of their life, you will find they have much in common.
Not only do they follow a set of rules, they follow those rules no matter how much life gets in the way.
What are those rules?
The person who has the strongest "Why" wins.
The person who shows up wins.
The person who is most persistent wins.
The person show never assumes wins.
The person who is the best at what they do wins.
The person who plans and documents their journey and interactions wins.
The person who never gives up total control to others wins.
The person who acceptances responsibility for themselves wins.
The person who serves the most wins.
The actions you take automatically become the life you experience. It's essential to be mindful of where you are heading.
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07/01/22•12m 10s
Are You The Monkey in The Middle?
Have you ever found yourself stuck in the middle?
I spoke with a client trying to be everything to everybody. His business was not growing. His life was not happy. He couldn’t seem to find a way to make progress.
That’s when I said…
“My friend, you are stuck in the middle. Nothing good happens when you are in the middle.”
In business and life, it’s okay to have low expectations and surround yourself with like-minded folks.
It’s also okay to reach for your dreams, have high expectations, and expect that of others.
What happens if you’re in the middle?
When low and high expectations combine, confusion is the result. Mediocrity overtakes quality. Frustration will be your daily friend.
The choice is yours. If I were you, I would make the decision never to get stuck in the middle.
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06/01/22•10m 19s
Believing in The Person You Will Become
I’ll never forget the day a mentor of mine said to me —
“You have to become the person you want to be before becoming the person you want to be.”
So I have to fake it until I make it?
Heck no! I’m not going to change who I am - no way!
“No. You’re not changing who you are. It’s just that you have to understand that the future, you will have a different set of beliefs than you hold right now. That’s called growth. Whatever you believe, you will become.”
At first, I thought he meant I would have to sell my soul to the devil and take on beliefs that were not mine to get what I wanted. But one day, I realized that day-to-day living is changing me anyway. I may as well make a choice myself.
My thinking when like this —
If I hold a self-image because of what I believe, all I have to do is create a future self-image, decide what that person would believe, and design a set of rules and actions that make those beliefs happen.
What’s the best part?
There’s no waiting. The very minute you decide what you believe, everything begins to change.
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05/01/22•11m 52s
Why Reaching a New Goal is Difficult
It's the time of the year when it seems almost everybody is setting new goals. It's also the time of year most folks will quickly give up on those goals.
There has been a lot of research about how long New Year's Resolutions last. On the short end, most folks give up at 12 days, the most committed stay in the game for an entire month.
Now, since it takes 66 days to set a new behavior, it's no wonder people have such a difficult time changing.
Here's an exciting way to think about that problem.
Setting a goal is a conscious decision that is an executive function of your brain - which operates serially. While you may think that you can multitask, your brain processes one item at a time. That means it must prioritize what's most important so it can work on it for you.
When you set and prioritize a goal, you are essentially eliminating other alternatives that may be more important to you. When you do, your brain views taking action as a potential opportunity lost and makes any new tasks difficult.
How do you make it easier?
The answer can be found in the word ''Alternative'' because the inverse is true—
Any new goal will feel easier when it is more important to you than the alternative choice.
In other words, choose wisely.
If you want to set great goals, pursue them, make a significant change to your life, the secret is to make your goal more important than any alternative that may be lurking in the back of your mind. When you choose correctly, you'll find yourself automatically motivated to reach any goal you have successfully.
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04/01/22•11m 19s
Build Your Chain of Success
I’ll never forget the day a friend called and made me an offer I couldn’t refuse - and I didn’t.
Rob was an event promotor who had snagged the chance to book an up-and-coming comedian named Jerry Seinfeld into a local venue. He needed somebody to warm up the audience and introduce Jerry. I was all in when he agreed to cover my drink tab and let me hang out with Jerry before the show.
It was 1986, and Jerry’s television series about nothing was still in development. I know that because it’s what we talked about before the show. As he munched on veggies and sipped sparkling water, I’ll never forget how focused he was on getting what he wanted. Tired and worn out from living on the road, I asked how he managed to keep going. He said —
“I know exactly what I want. I’m a comedian, so I have to be funny. The only way to be funny is to write funny jokes. The only way to write funny jokes is to write every day. So, I write every day and put a big red “X” on the calendar. Eventually, there is a chain of X’s on the calendar. My goal is not to break the chain.”
Then, in a very Seinfeld way, he screamed, “Don’t break the chain! That’s how you get what.”
Over the years, I’ve read that others have had the same conversation with Jerry. I’m guessing it was a rule of success that he practiced and shared often. I’m happy he shared it with me.
As we begin 2022, pick an action and do it every day until you get so good people notice. And, whatever you do, “Don’t break the chain!”
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03/01/22•10m 44s
Toss Your To-Do List
Toss Your To-Do List
This is the time of year when people start thinking about getting more productive in their life.
Over time, I've learned there is a significant benefit of growing older and wiser, figuring out what works in most areas of life, and learning to avoid the school of hard knocks.
I'm always amazed at how much time people fritter away deciding how to be more productive— trying to keep up with their never-ending daily list of things. Eventually, though, we all learn that a good life will always offer more opportunities than you can ever use. The day will come when it becomes easier to focus on essential and yield consistent results.
I ran into that when I learned to fly little airplanes.
Aviation is over one hundred years old. That means new pilots experience information overload as their Instructor crams their brains full. And flying airplanes can be unforgiving when you get things wrong. That causes you to micro-focus on tiny details - especially when performing your Pre-Flight Checklist.
One day, while walking to our airplane, I was freaking out. I was finding it impossible to remember the thousands of items that make for a safe flight—
"There is so much on my list, and I keep thinking I'm going to miss something and get myself hurt… or worse."
My Instructor smiled…
"That's not a list of everything you need to do. It's a DID I DO IT LIST. That way, you’re only double-checking that you did the important stuff."
Pure brilliance!
I embraced the "Did I Do It" philosophy in flying and everything I do from that day forward. It also became the mantra for how I go about getting things done.
Why does it work?
A "Did I Do It List" assumes that you already know what you must accomplish. All you have to do is make sure you've done it.
That way of thinking allows you to release the stress of information overload, enjoy yourself more, get lots done, and celebrate your victories. Plus, the boost you get from seeing how much you have accomplished feels great.
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31/12/21•12m 5s
You Have Arrived. Now What?
I can't tell you how many times I've heard somebody say—
"If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself and saved more money."
True or true?
Modern times are interesting times, and when it comes to living a long life, people either think life is too short or long. If you do things correctly, long enough is the best answer, but 200 years ago, most folks didn't have the luxury of thinking about things like that.
If you lived during those times, you lived at a slower and harder pace. And, since time is relative, your perception was slower, as well. Everything was slower. It would be like a two-week, off-the-grid vacation in a mountain cabin without your phone in modern times if you think about it. That used to be daily life.
Yes, time-wise, living to the ripe old age of 40 felt like living to 100 today - if something simple didn't take you out sooner.
When California had open land, low-priced real estate, and gold in them-there-hills, almost everybody died much younger than today. Usually from an exotic disease like a toothache.
If you lived a couple of centuries ago, the simple life meant simple goals:
Survive childhood.
Buy a horse.
Get married.
Buy another horse.
Build your first house on your 40-year old Grandparents' property.
Get your kids through 5th grade so they can graduate to help you plow the field.
And if you were a planner, plant a tree on the hill a soon as you can so that it is big enough for your kids to bury you under when a toothache took you out.
While it's easy to make fun of the old days, one thing rings true—
If you lived in the past, wondering what you would do next in your life would never be an option.
Since you have that option, the question is, what are you going to do with it?
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30/12/21•11m 26s
Passion Gets in The Way of Money
My friend sent a note on a subject that profoundly resonates with me.
He asked me, "What's more important, passion or money?"
Ask any person who knows me, and they will tell you that I am all about doing what makes my heart sing - PASSION!
After all, you know what they say —
"Do what you love, and the money will follow!"
I bet you've heard that most of your life. I will also bet that you have personal experience that would suggest otherwise, and there are millions of starving artists, writers, actors, and other creative types that would agree with your observations.
That list should also include stay home moms and dads, school teachers, police officers, and many more.
I believe there is no happier life than living a passionate life.
I also believe that everybody has different monetary requirements that make them happy.
And, I know that, while our quest to live with passion may be why we live a prosperous life, it's also what gets in the way of that life.
If you desire to do what makes your heart sing and live a happy and prosperous life, there are two things to remember:
1) Focusing entirely on your passion at the expense of other and more routine aspects of life eventually stops you from living your passion. Life will get in the way.
2) Focusing exclusively on money and other routine aspects of life will force you to postpone doing what you are passionate about - possibility forever.
I know many will disagree with this statement, but my experience and ScottLOGIC has taught me something —
Life is long, and it is impossible to focus on ONE thing without covering everything else. It may work short-term, but acting that way is a recipe for disaster and frustration.
The solution comes down to a simple equation—
Passion + Realty + Discipline = Everything you want!
Like it or not, when you obsess and demand that you do what you love, accept the reality and costs of real life, and discipline yourself to strike a balance, you will get everything you want in life.
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29/12/21•10m 55s
One Goal is All it Takes
Let me start by saying that goal setting is powerful, and you should be doing it - but there is a good chance that you are overdoing it.
It's human nature to set goals, and you do it every day without thinking. That's why it's so powerful. It's also why it's so easy to set so many goals that you can never get any of them done.
Let me define how I see goals.
No matter what distracts me, I've come to think of goals in two ways:
1) Legacy Goals that I will spend my entire life achieving.
2) Living Goals that will propel me to my Legacy Goals.
I didn't think this way for much of my life, but one day, I accepted that no matter what I was chasing, it was the "who I would become in my life and how do I get there" thoughts that were always rolling around in my head.
My internal ScottLOGIC told me that if I'm thinking about something anyway, I might as well think about it purposefully.
Also, since I've never met anybody who was happy to pursue daily activities that didn’t lead to something bigger, I knew that everything should always lead to something bigger. Anything else will eventually break your spirit - and that should never happen.
As you set yourself up for a life of satisfaction, no matter how much life gets in the way, think of "Legacy Goals" as the top of a pyramid that is built on a foundation of "Living Goals."
"You must build up your life action by action, and be content if each one achieves its goal as far as possible — Marcus Aurelius.
Your mission is to focus on daily "Living Goals" that are designed and intended for you closer to your "Legacy Goals,"
Stoic philosophy also says —
The culmination of human endeavor or end is "happiness" or "flourishing."
For some, the idea of a single "Legacy Goal" may seem impossible. After all-
How can you possibly know who you will become after an entire lifetime of living?
How is it even possible that you can reach a goal you can't define?
How is it possible to stay focused on one goal your entire life?
Frankly, understanding how that works is something we don’t need to worry about today. It's been debated, analyzed, and tweak for eons. There's no need to overthink, only accept.
If you live a happy and flourishing life, your Legacy will define itself. Someday, you will arrive at the person you are meant to be - and be happy for it.
One goal is all it takes. Everything else is a step on the journey.
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28/12/21•11m 51s
The Anti-Routine Morning
When my wife and I were first married, it wasn’t long before I learned that waking up at 5:45 AM, and every step after that, seemed to be programmed into her DNA - and I was not too fond of it.
Over the years, I had grown to dislike mornings. Mostly because I found myself doing one of two things; the hustle and bustle of the daily grind or what the self-help gurus were telling me I “should” be doing with my mornings.
Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it didn’t.
My wife, on the other hand, doesn’t do that. Unlike most folks in the world that are caught up in the drama of life, she operates with a “figure out what works, keep doing it, never think about it again” mindset.
If I’m being honest, as a widely creative, spontaneous, and go-for-it kind of guy, Joi’s mindless persistence drives me crazy. But, since there is no way to change her ways, I have no choice but to find my way.
Besides, as a guy who has worked with tens of thousands of successful people, I’ve seen the same behavior so many times there is no denying that a simple and constantly repeating morning routine is where success is born. After all, the early bird gets the worm!
But that still leaves us to figure out what our routine should be? For me, that boiled down to one simple question—
What’s the most important thing I can do that will make everything else possible?
Now, I’ve found when I ask a question like that, the answer comes flying at me like a brick falling off a roof and hitting me right in the forehead - and it happens fast. I may not like the answer, but sometimes the truth hurts.
If you want to lose weight and get in shape, the most important thing is to exercise.
If you want to make money, your most important thing might be to invest.
If you want to write a book, your most important thing is to write.
In my case, I have legacy dreams for myself, my family, my business, and you. To make that happen, the most important thing I can do is write in the morning. Once I made that decision I…
Wake up, get out of bed, shower, and dress, eat a quick breakfast, sit at my desk, and write for the next three hours. No distractions. No questions asked.
So, how do I get everything else done?
Frankly, once you take care of what is most important to you, there isn’t much else. Still, when the time comes, I ask myself what the next most important thing that will make everything else possible - and do it.
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27/12/21•11m 23s
Traditions Are The Way to Happiness
Are you a person who always does things the same way or prefers to change things up at every chance?
If you’re lucky, you are both.
Traditions are the secret sauce behind the emotional connection we feel at this time of year. Family get-togethers, office gatherings, crazy shopping crowds?
Yes. I know we’re in a pandemic, and not everything is as it used to be - but it is in our minds.
The traditions make our lives unique and are always present, never forgotten, and form the fabric of our lives. They are very human, and they are essential.
But let’s get back to my earlier comment that “traditions make our lives special.”
The fact is, somebody has to make the tradition.
Is that you?
My wife and I were walking in the neighborhood and noticed that Janice was almost finished with her Christmas decorations. I stopped and said—
“Wow. That looks like a lot of work!”
“Yes, it is. But I love it, and it’s my tradition,” she said.
“Well, thank you for making Christmas for the rest of us.”
She didn’t know what to say, but she understood what I was meant.
Whether it’s Christmas, New Year, or any other time of the year, traditions are the same as habits and rituals. They make our lives more fulfilling. But always remember, somebody has to make the tradition so that all of our worlds are a better place.
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24/12/21•11m 14s