Ben Coomber Radio
Want to look awesome, feel awesome, be AWESOME? Tune into my show Ben Coomber Radio, a UK #1 rated podcast and top 10 in the world. A show centred around you being the best version of yourself, where I interview the worlds best guests in health, fitness, mindset, career success, business, and personal development, as well as Q&A shows with my co-host Tom, and solo shows with just me, and the mic!
A full fat, honest, direct, evidence based, practical, insightful, (and sometimes funny) show from a 7 year podcasting veteran.
Who am I? I'm a nutritionist, award winning coach, speaker, writer, award winning supplement creator, & former obese man sharing my journey, insights, and wisdom on life. I'm also a husband, dad, multiple business owner, and life long student of living an AWESOME life.
A full fat, honest, direct, evidence based, practical, insightful, (and sometimes funny) show from a 7 year podcasting veteran.
Who am I? I'm a nutritionist, award winning coach, speaker, writer, award winning supplement creator, & former obese man sharing my journey, insights, and wisdom on life. I'm also a husband, dad, multiple business owner, and life long student of living an AWESOME life.
The AWESOME Human is born - you but 2.0
The AWESOME Human is you, but next level. I’ve been studying high performance and health for 18 years and this new podcast, The Awesome Human, is my return to podcasting to bring you the most actionable, practical and tactical information to optimise you, your health, and your performance, in 30 minutes or less, every week.Expect to hear myself & guests discuss sleep, nutrition, new science, supplementation, fitness, longevity, spirituality and more. I want to make this new show your #1 podcast, by delivering an inspirational and educational hit of real world, actionable info every Thursday.See you over at the new show…. Search: The Awesome Human or hit this link...
09/07/24•10m 15s
{SPECIAL} Why I wrote How to Live an Awesome Life - OUT NOW
Many have asked "Ben, why did you write How to Live an Awesome Life", why haven't you written a nutrition and health book? Well my mission has always been much bigger than that, its what I have strived for personally, and have tried to foster and inspire in others. Also, nothing works in isolation, you can't optimise some areas of your life without others, it has to all work in tandem, thats why I've written my new 11 step formula to living your most awesome life, which is out today.In this show I explain why I wrote the book, how my journey shaped it, what the 11 chapters cover, and what you'll get from reading or listening to the book. OUT NOW on Amazon, Audible, Kindle, just search my name, you'll see it, it's also in many book stores around the world!
05/01/23•21m 26s
#685 - Hardest 2 Years of my Life
The last 2 years have been really challenging and have seen me change as a person more than at any time in my life, from battling long covid, to having kids, to losing myself, to getting a low testosterone diagnosis, and more. In this show I reflect on these last 2 years, why they have been hard, what I have learnt from the experience and why I am now a better human as a result of it. I hope you enjoy the reflections, this is my final podcast for now after 10 years doing it, follow the next phase of my journey to inspire and help others, by being on my book waiting list:
20/10/22•1h 7m
#684 - Knowing when to quit
Knowing when to quit something in life is key, otherwise things sour, we get resentful, and we aren't doing things that keep us fulfilled and whole. It could be a job, a relationship, a commitment to someone else. We often use logic to decide whether to quit or not, but this is wrong, which I'll explain in this show. This is the penultimate podcast for Ben Coomber Radio, if you listen in, I'll explain why it's time to quit...
06/10/22•13m 27s
#683 - Metabolism, can we increase it?
We're often sold products to help us "increase our metabolism". Many believe they have "a slow metabolism". There are many metabolic myths, this podcast breaks them all down, defines both metabolism and metabolic rate, how we can increase it, whether products like 'Lumen' - a metabolism hacking device is worth it, and a few other musings, all aimed for us to improve health and body composition. Enjoy.
29/09/22•34m 59s
#682 - Diet Culture & Motivational Quotes
Diet culture is a problem, but it's also misunderstood in many ways. We re-look at this important topic and evolve our thinking on it, looking at fitness culture, how information is communicated online, the definition of it, how it intersects with mental health, how we should conquer our goals, and finish with a look at our favourite quotes, whether they are motivational or not, and how motivational quotes actually work in the brain.
22/09/22•35m 0s
#681 - The Optimal Human Diet: A New Perspective
A cool new piece of research has come out looking at the gut microbiome, bacteria, what happens when people eat different diets, and what this means for that claims that are made around what is the optimal human diet, and how the gut feeds into that conversation. We ensure we make this show practical, but also get to the heart of what the science is trying to tell us. Enjoy. A link to the research paper:
15/09/22•38m 50s
#680 - Sleep Supplements: What the Science Says
What sleep supplements are proven by science to be effective? CBD, Lavendar, 5HPT, Glycine? There is lots that is talked about online, but what's worth the money, and how effective are they? Find out in this sleep supplements talk, which also covers key lifestyle factors that play a role in sleep quality.Check out: for more, this is who I did the talk for.
08/09/22•1h 11m
#679 - The 6 Life Experiences that made me an Entrepreneur
I've been self-employed since I was 20. And up until now I've always told the story of why and how I think I ended up being an entrepreneur. But I now think this was wrong, or at least incomplete, I don't think I've been telling the full story. In this solo show I break down the 6 life experiences that I feel shaped my journey as an entrepreneur and how you might learn from this self inquest, and your future goals and desires.
01/09/22•29m 59s
#678 - Why aren't women exercising? with Jesse Lambert Harden
A recent poll indicates that 47% of women have done no vigorous activity in the last year. What's more, while 37% felt that their health has gotten worse over the same period, 67% reported a lack of motivation and 55% a lack of what's going on? In this show, CoHost Tom and guest speaker Jesse Lambert Harden, a successful coach and BTN Academy Graduate, break down the research before talking about the barriers commonly faced by women and what we, as coaches and people involved in fitness, can do about it
18/08/22•1h 1m
#677 - We argue about fitness marketing, Carnivore MD & whether we should delete social media
There is A LOT online we disagree with scientifically and ethically in the world of fitness, and you could argue marketing has ruined it all. Tom and I have an argument about how we see fitness marketing and the ethics behind it, how science should be referenced online, whether AI can save social media, whether we should delete social media, and whether certain 'personalities' online should be cancelled... Enjoy.
11/08/22•55m 59s
#676 - The Journey to Healing, Freedom & Belonging with Nicola Jane Hobbs
Do you feel a sense of freedom in your life, healed from past trauma you've experienced, and a sense of belonging in the world and in yourself? If not, todays podcast is for you. I talk to the amazing Nicola Jane Hobbs, a sports psychologist and integrative counsellor who has an amazing personal journey that is paired with her deep work helping others. Prepare to go deep, prepare for a shift in your energy, and prepare for a better tomorrow. Follow Nicola on social media @NicolaJaneHobbs Her website:
04/08/22•38m 33s
#675 - Are some PTs giving out illegal and dangerous advice?
Social media gives free speech to all, and this is dangerous. But what is more dangerous is the standards PT training providers are equipping PTs with. Are PTs confident and credible to do their jobs after a L3 PT course? We explore the dangerous bits of advice we see online, and how PTs are stepping outside their remit of practice.
28/07/22•37m 34s
#674 - Athletic Nutrition with Dr Tom Little
Do athletes eat differently to you and I? There is only one way to find out, bring an AWESOME expert onto the show to find out. Today I talk to Dr Tom Little, who has worked for many many pro football teams such as Manchester City, the FA, Saracens Rugby club, and many more. We discuss his Colour Fit Nutrition model, performance nutrition, how we can eat more intuitively but in a performance driven way, how his son inspired his app and book, and more. Check his book out here: "The Colour Fit Method" Follow him on social: @heroprosports
21/07/22•36m 5s
#673 - Small Changes, BIG Results with David Birtwistle
The legend David Birtwistle is BACK on the show! He joins me to talk about the 'low hanging fruit' we have in our lives that can lead to BIG changes. In fitness, health and nutrition we can often focus on the micro, the detail, the things that don't matter until the foundations are in place. David has some interesting perspectives on the small stuff, from his years of coaching and personal exploration. Including movement, are we focusing our energy on the wrong things? Enjoy. Check out David on the gram @David.Birtwistle
14/07/22•40m 44s
#672 - Moaning about Personal Trainers & Fitness Industry Standards
This is our part 2 pet peeves show after you answered our big social media post "what grinds your gears about the nutrition and fitness world". Today we focus the show on your comments regarding personal trainers, the standards that are present in the industry, who is to blame, what a personal trainer should do uphold as standards, and a few other - hopefully, insightful musings.
07/07/22•35m 33s
#671 - Would you want to be famous?
Would you want to be famous? Most we think would say yes, but I've said no, I wouldn't, not proper famous anyway. This started off as an intro topic but turned into a show as Tom and I explored the benefits of being famous, the drawbacks, reports from celebrities like Example the musician and what they've experienced, and its potential effect on your mental health. After you've had a listen, let me know your answer...
30/06/22•38m 56s
#670 - Gym Culture: Pet Peeves
What do you hate about gym culture, or things people do in the gym? This is part 1 of a mini series with myself and Tom as we explore the things that annoy you about the world of fitness and nutrition. Today, expect some F bombs, a few stories, and hopefully a few fitness lessons we can learn from!
23/06/22•58m 38s
#669 - Fruit & Fructose: Is it bad for us?
Fruit, is it bad for us? Are smoothies a no no? How much sugar, and or fructose is too much? We cover fructose, fruit and sugar metabolism at length in this show so you can be informed, for you and your family's health.
16/06/22•37m 25s
#668 - Calories on Menus, will it change anything?
Calories on menus are now mandatory for companies with 250 staff or more, but nutritionally, and psychologically, what does this mean? Does existing research even support the initiative? The government have brought this in to try help tackle the obesity epidemic, but big Qs are being raised. We cover the research, eating disorders, the option of having the option, and the 'meta' conversation in all this - why not put restrictions on the companies making the money here?
09/06/22•1h 1m
#667 - Toxins, Fasting, and 'Nutritional Therapy'
In the world of nutrition there are some WILD claims, they even go as far to claim they can cure cancer - dangerous ground. A recent ‘Which’ survey did secret testing on the claims of ‘nutritional therapists’, and the outcomes weren’t good - some even saying "don't do chemo for your cancer". In this show we look at nutritional therapy, claims that are made, how to spot false claims, trends we see in this arena, and more - all spurred from a listener email after they attended a female health course with many scrupulous claims...
06/06/22•49m 39s
#666 - The Science of Carbs & Salt in Exercise
Long ago carbs were bad in the world of nutrition, but many are still wary of them. Today we dive deep into carbs and salt and their use in fuelling exercise. We look at the recent sports nutrition data and how you can use this knowledge to enhance your training performance from your carb intake, and where your salt intake should be at.
26/05/22•39m 19s
#665 - Gym & Sports Supplements: Beta Alanine & Creatine
This week we look specifically at beta alanine and creatine after its popularity and spotlight off the back of the Joe Rogan Matt Fraser interview. We delve into their science, application, and who should use them, and why. So if you hit the gym, or play sport, this show is for you to understand whether they are supplements you would take or not.
19/05/22•46m 54s
#664 - "Think About The Positives" is BS Advice
Anxiety is at an all time high, and advice you often hear when you are feeling anxious about the situation is "think about the positives", rather than the negatives. But we think this is bad advice. We also think anxiety is phase 1 of what we are experiencing, fear is phase 2 - its a specific version of what we are feeling about the future. This then feeds into how we deal with situations and ultimately move more positively forward. Tom and I riff on the mics and hope to give you clarity on how you can effectively work through your anxieties and fears, and lead to more positive outcomes in your life.
12/05/22•37m 23s
#663 - The 7 Types of Laziness with Brian Keane
Friend of the show Brian Keane (online coach & best selling author) re-joins us on the podcast to open a discussion on the 7 types of laziness. This was a post of his that went viral and caught my attention, it was a great breakdown of how we position problems as something simple, but they are not and then limit our ability to get past the problem. We've all said to ourselves "I'm lazy" with something in our lives, but there is a reason, and in this show we break down the 7 types with Brians expert insight. Follow Brian at @Brian_Keane_Fitness and grab "The Keane Edge" his new book online NOW
03/05/22•44m 47s
#662 - You'll go Barefoot After this Podcast with Ben Le Vesconte
We all wear shoes, a lot, but how well is this allowing our feet to move, and how does this affect our knees, hips and back? I've been a fan of barefoot shoes for 15 years, and this show is dedicated to my love of barefoot movement which I've not given enough attention over the years, and how the shoes we wear aren't conductive to a natural way of movement. I discuss this with Ben Le Vesconte from Vivobarefoot, a company I'm a big fan of. Might be time to ditch those Nikes...
28/04/22•43m 11s
#661 - Gut Health: The Latest Science with Alex Manos
Gut health is a popular area of study, and research links it to nearly every area of health, but how has the research evolved from the 90s, into the turn of the century, to now? I get Alex Manos back onto the show to talk all things bacteria, probiotics, testing, supplements vs food, how stress affects our gut, and more. Warning, its a super geeky show. Check out Alex testing company which I HIGHLY recommend, it's what I have been using to successfully sort my gut out post Long Covid.
21/04/22•59m 51s
#660 - British Food, Farming Standards & Pesticides
How good is the quality of British food? It often gets a bad rap in some circles, but I feel this is unfounded, as it seems we have very high quality welfare standards. To debate this I talk to an Agronomist, Conor Campbell, who works with farmers to advise on their land, yield, which pesticides and fertilisers to use, and has a unique insight into our food standards compared to other countries. Want more info on UK food and farming? Search for 'The NFU' who have many fact sheets on UK farming practices.
14/04/22•47m 18s
#659 - All or Nothing with Michelle Segar
Why are so many of us all or nothing people, we either do something to the extreme, or not at all? Problem is, science doesn't support this approach, and employing flexible restraint is a key determinant of long term success, with anything. Issue is, this all comes down to 'executive function', but what's the answer, what mental shifts do we need to make? Learn the 4 disruptors with Michelle Segar, who I welcome back to the show to discuss this, and her new book The JOY Choice. Take her quiz at:
07/04/22•40m 31s
#658 - Exercise Isn't Therapy
To some the title of this podcast will feel like a controversial statement, after all exercise makes us feel good and is even prescribed now to people with depression. But have a listen.... there is important context around this statement. If you've had a listen, feel free to share your thoughts with me on social media. I'm always all ears....
28/03/22•13m 14s
#657 - Changing Our Auto-Pilot Response with Bob Doyle
There is much we do on auto-pilot, and if we don't choose to become aware of these responses and change them, we'll continue to get the same outcomes. Bob Doyle joins me to discuss how the law of attraction started his journey into personal development (he was in 'The Secret' the film - but now feels its BS), how success hinges on our behaviours, how this ultimately comes down to the Q "Who do you want to be", as well as a few personal anecdotes to help give context to this important message. Have a go of Bob's Quiz at:
24/03/22•38m 42s
#656 - My Experience With Long Covid
I've talked about having Long Covid on and off in parts on our long shows with Tom, but never in a succinct way. I've just written a full length comprehensive blog on my website about my Long Covid journey and recovery, but wanted to add context to my journey, and list the top 13 things that I feel helped my on my journey to recovery, things I would do straight away if I thought I had Long Covid. Please share this with anyone you know that has Long Covid.
21/03/22•22m 11s
#655 - Don't Overthink It
When it comes to our mental health, how many of our problems can be caused by us overthinking something? It's easy to get stuck in our thoughts, the world of personal development teaches to learn, to reflect, to journal, to meditate etc etc, but when does that become of detriment? When is enough, enough? In this podcast I try to unpick how I've been feeling mentally recently, why I feel its happened, how I'm aiming to solve it, and how you can learn from my experience getting stuck mentally. Our mental health is key, it controls our enjoyment of life, and life is for ENJOYING.
17/03/22•41m 27s
#654 - Is The Government EatWell Guide Correct?
The UK Government and NHS have a guide for nutrition, its called the EatWell Guide. It often gets a lot of criticism in the world of health and fitness, but is this criticism well placed, surely its an evidence based approach to nutrition? We explore the guide, the protein recommendations, why there fat comments seem odd - but somehow relevant, where the guide lacks context around sugar, and where, if followed, it could actually solve a lot of health problems. If you're interested in nutrition, this shows for you.
10/03/22•44m 19s
#653 - Mental Wealth with Adnan Ebrahim
What does mental wealth mean? We hear mental health a lot, but it's a broad term. It's like money, we don't want to just earn it, we want to be wealthy over time. I chat to Adnan Ebrahim, a mental health advocate and owner of MindLabs, a new mental health app. We explore mental wealth, where neuroplasticity starts and stops, what non-invasive daily practices can look like, what a flexible approach to wellness looks like, his journey with his mental health, and more. Enjoy. Check out Mind Labs on iOS and on Social Media.
03/03/22•39m 48s
#652 - Calling Ourselves Out
Is success as simple as personal choice? How powerful is environment? When is showing ourselves empathy appropriate, and when is it appropriate to call ourselves out on our own BS? This show is full of big questions. But we're hoping it could help you, the listener, shift your perspective and break through...
24/02/22•53m 35s
#651 - Le Mans 24 Diet & Training with Phil Hanson
Want an insight into the diet and training of a Le Mans 24 race car winner? Well you're in for a treat as Phil Hanson from United Autosports who is the youngest driver to win the World Championship and to win the European Le Mans Series & 24 Hours of Le Mans race joins me to talk shop. We discuss his journey into the sport, his approach and mindset, his simple approach to nutrition, what data he values to fine tune his body, and how and when he trains. A fascinating conversation with an elite racing car driver. Check him our on IG @philhansonracing
17/02/22•43m 40s
#650 - Rewriting Your Story with David McIntosh
If David can do it, surely we can all rewrite our story, however pre-determined it feels? Coming from a family of poverty, with a PTSD suffering father, to a parent dying young, to growing up in an environment where staying in poverty and never breaking out feels inevitable, to becoming Scotland’s 1st apprentice management consultant, best young consultant in the country to apprentice of the year 2020, to founding chairing 2 social networks for Social Mobility, to meeting the queen, and to partnering with Marcus Rashford at work, this is the story of David McIntosh.At just 23 I was in awe of his wisdom and ideas, it was a pleasure to interview David. We discussed how we as humans can choose to feel empowered and have agency in a digital age, how the internet when used correctly can bring people out of poverty, how radical courage at key sliding door moments can change your life, how having tunnel vision on ONE goal could bring you out of your bad situation, and how embracing your weirdness could set you apart in a world where everyone is trying to conform.A truly inspiring young man. I hope you enjoy this show, and if you find it inspiring, please send it on to someone else.... check David's podcast out at...
10/02/22•50m 57s
#649 - Organic Food, Pesticides & Critical Thinking
Organic food is assumed to be better, but is it? What if we eat organic food and make it part of a Mediterranean approach to nutrition, is that better again? This is what recent research looked to uncover and the role of pesticides on our food. Thing is, to really get under the skin of any research we need to look at study design, bias, how that fits into the broader research, and the context we are reading it in. So we take a deep dive into the study, how to contextualise research for personal use, and try to fly the flag that 2022 needs to be the year of the expert, because they are just that, EXPERTS.
03/02/22•39m 55s
#648 - Understanding Fatigue with Alex Howard
Fatigue is complex, and there is many levels to it. You've got the initial state of being tired and worn out, then you have overwhelm and burnout, and then you have an illness state of fatigue like CFS/ME, and what many people are now seeing with Long Covid. Alex Howard suffered with CFS for many years and has now made it his life long mission to help others with fatigue, largely in a clinical setting. In this show we explore the intersection of body : mind : spirit and how it all plays a role in fatigue. Recovery is long, slow, and multi-faceted, and it was an honour for me to interview Alex on this wildly complex topic. Whatever state of tired or fatigued you are in, this show will help you see the body in new way. Check out Alex at: I recommend his book 'Decode Your Fatigue' which I've personally read cover to cover.
27/01/22•52m 42s
#647 - Make this Year YOUR Best Ever (Pt 2)
Part 1 went deep, let's recap on some key things and then get practical. In part 2 we discuss where to start when you don't know where to start, the importance of environmental and personal boundaries, the crux we all have with time allocation, habits that do and don't work and why, how we chalk up our behaviour and simply optimise it - never fight it, and you creating a plan of action for YOUR best year ever. If you enjoy the show, please share :)
20/01/22•24m 36s
#646 - Make this Year YOUR Best Ever (Pt 1)
Want this to be your best year ever? It often feels easier said than done, so let's get under the hood and make it happen. In this 2 part show Tom and I discuss the journey to executing on a year you'll be proud to look back on. In part 1 we look at the habits and routines of great people, where success leaves clues, why its important to not essentialise your problems, why much self-help advice you see is hidden behind a deeper, truer reason for doing it (Ice Baths and Meditation being our chosen examples), this then leads us to see how people online (influencers) can lead us astray and waste our time, and how to closer to your true path. Its a deep one, but without going deep, truth is not found. Enjoy.
13/01/22•48m 45s
#645 - It’s 2022… Scared or Excited?
It's 2022, are you scared, or excited? The world in many ways is still a mess, but the one thing we can control is ourselves, our state, and our future happiness. I firstly apologise for last week, the first time no show has been aired for 8 years, and then end up on a ramble outlining what you or I might need this 2022. What do you want to achieve this 2022? Are you willing to set yourself up for success? I am. Its time for you to be...
06/01/22•16m 20s
#644 - Three Lessons from 2021: Tom's Yearly Roundup
2021 - What a year! ....but hat has it taught us?It's been an interesting year to say the least, but in this annual roundup, co-host Tom looks away from the main headlines, the news, and the politics that have taken up so much of the world's attention, and instead looks to the three things he's going to be taking away from 2021 and applying to the future. He covers:1. The most important finding from scientific research this year2. How Tom has had an Ah-HA moment that he will take into 20223. And a coaching tip that could help you get more PRs in 2022Some of the best lessons come from self reflection, and we know you’re going to take something away from the last of Tom’s appearances this year - we hope you enjoy it!
23/12/21•25m 32s
#643 - Back Pain with Troy Martin
Back pain affects up to 80% of adults in the UK, and is experienced by an estimated 2.5million people every day - but what is it? This almost seems like an odd question - pain is pain, right? Well, maybe not....In this show Tom interviews Troy Martin: a back pain and injury rehab specialist. They talk about what pain is, how and why it occurs in the body, the mistakes we make in thinking and dealing with pain, whether or not certain exercises can cause pain, whether poor technique causes injuries (spoilers: far less often than you'd think) and the truth about what scans do and don't show. Whether you have experienced back pain (yet) or haven't, whether you lift weights or you don't, this show is going to be both useful and incredibly interesting.We hope you enjoy the chat!Check out Troy's work at @tmfitnessuk on Instagram, or check out his Back Pain Solution program here:
16/12/21•1h 2m
#642 - Getting the most from your training with Jenny Todd
In this week's show, Tom brings back his coach - multiple-time champion strongwoman Jenny Todd - to talk through methods that you can use to get the most progress from your time in the gym. Often the soundbite advice that is given to those who aren't making as much progress in the gym as they'd like is to simply train harder (or at least that's what we expect it to be) but as you'll see throughout this deep-dive, often the real solution is a little more broad than that. Jenny has coaches athletes from beginners to The World's Strongest Woman, and her knowledge and expertise really shines through in this show which covers technical mastery, planned progression, the importance of intention during your session, training to failure, and active recovery. Whether you're brand new to the gym or an intermediate trainer with serious goals, there's definitely something for you this week so break out a notepad!Find Jenny on instagram @trapsliketodd
09/12/21•1h 7m
#641 - Keep Moving Forward with John Clark
This week Tom interviews John Clark, a man who has been at the top in strongman, who has played high level rugby, who runs successful businesses, and who has raised over £100,000 for charity doing events ranging from a 24 hour Ski Erg to running 48 marathons in 48 days - one in each English county!This inspirational conversation covers John's impressive athletic career - the successes and the injuries - and all of the lessons learned along the way about resilience, backing yourself, finding meaning in what you're trying to achieve, and ultimately asking yourself who you want to see when you look in the mirror.There is a ton of value in this interview, and we know you're going to enjoy it!Find John at @_john.clark on Instagram, and check out his charity work via the link in his bio
02/12/21•1h 10m
#640 - Xmas weight gain anxiety
The Xmas period is one filled with great food and time spent together, but while this is supposed to be a time of year for celebration this prospect can fill many with anxiety. What if I gain weight?What if this sets me back?How can I avoid fat gain?In this show, Co-Host Tom takes us through a conversation he's having with his clients at the moment, detailing the mindset and approach you can adopt over the Xmas period to ensure that come January you have no regrets. He discusses:- What it really means to maintain your weight- The questions you can ask yourself to make sure you get the most out of every choice you make- The maths of fat gain, and how to set realistic expectations for the next few weeksIt's a quick show, but one packed with practical ideas to implement in your life, we hope you enjoy it!
25/11/21•13m 46s
#639 - Egoism vs Altruism - Are Humans Inherently Selfish?
We know people that appear selfish, they do everything for themselves, and we know people that do everything for everyone else, and get to the end of the week feeling they've done nothing for themselves. One is selfish, one is selfless, right? We disagree. Tom opens this argument talking about self-serving actions and how all our actions are actually self-serving, we just value different things and put importance on short term behaviours over long term behaviours. I then expand into how we see this play out in life, and how we can be more aware of what we value, and shift selfish behaviours too. In short, this podcast goes against the "put your mask on first before helping others". Enjoy.
18/11/21•31m 48s
#638 - When Science Doesn't Have Answers To Our Problems
Alternative medicine is often at odds with science, but do alternative and holistic therapies fly in the face of evidence based practice, or is it part of the triangular approach? If there isn't science to support something, is it worthless, should we disregard it? Many people are desperate for answers for many health issues they have, just as I have been with Long Covid - of which nothing is proven to work - so what do I/we do, sit and wait for science or act under the 'alternative' light of health care? What if said therapies aren't safe? A big conversation, listen in to what Tom and I think...
11/11/21•59m 27s
#637 - Olympian Mindset with Amy Williams MBE
We look up to Olympians, they are the epitome of physical feats and have the mindset to win, but how can we apply that mindset to our lives, and the lives of the youth aspiring to follow in Olympians footsteps? Amy Williams MBE joins me to talk about her lessons from Olympic success, the mindset behind achievement, how to compassionately critique yourself, the benefits of your team and how to shape it, and more. An incredible chat with one of the most energetic and positive people I've ever had the chance to zoom with! Grab a copy of her new book 'Talent to Triumph' at Amazon, Waterstones, or reach out to her on Instagram @AmyJoyWilliams
04/11/21•42m 0s
#636 - The Conspiracy Against Carbs
So many corners of the internet still believe that carbs are evil - and it can feel like the arguments are valid, like there is some conspiracy against them. Carbs stimulate insulin, insulin causes fat gain, so carbs must be avoided at all cost - and as a result carbs are driving the obesity epidemic. We break down this argument, look at prominent researchers and practitioners like Zoe Harcombe and Robert H. Lustig that are proponents of such narratives and the claims they make, and explore the wider argument. We also discuss how to challenge these beliefs, where and when people's minds can't be changed and how to tactfully use Socratic questioning to help the other person realise their arguments faults. This show is practical, but also science dense, have a notebook at the ready....
28/10/21•1h 1m
#635 - ReWire Your Brain with Adele Spraggon
We all have habits we want to change, what if you could just re-wire your brain, could it be as simple as changing how your brain patterns work now, to how you want them to work? I get renowned author Adele Spraggon onto the show to discuss the brain, how our behavioural patterns work, where they have come from, and how to change them. If you want to think differently and leave old ways behind, this show is for you. Find Adele online at
21/10/21•46m 14s
#634 - How to Make Difficult Decisions
Making decisions in life is important, as adults we are constantly weighing up the pros and cons of various life moves, and in this show we give you a framework, based on some simple science, of how to make better decisions. We'll discuss the framework so you can use it, then discuss the nuance so you can know when the framework fails us, and what to do next. Here's to better decision making, and thus, a better life.
14/10/21•25m 42s
#633 - Self Sabotage with Natalie Butler
Self sabotage is common in the pursuit of goals, and for whatever reason most of us have experienced this at some point in our lives. Be it a fear of failure, a lack of self worth, or life being so stressful and overwhelming we get caught in bad habit loops which see us take 1 step forwards and two steps backwards. Natalie Butler, a coach to stressed women, joins me to talk about her experiencing burning out, sabotaging herself, and getting caught in negative habit loops. Check out Nats online @nataliebutlercoaching
07/10/21•51m 49s
#632 - Optimising Our Productivity
We all look to be more productive and efficient, so what have we learnt about being more productive as fitness people, me as a business owner, and Tom as a remote worker, both to get more done in the day, fitting work and the things we love to do in? We also go down a happiness rabbit hole, discuss values based reflection, living with flexible rules, the science behind anchoring yourself to fixed ideals, my experience reading a recent book, and more.
30/09/21•58m 37s
#631 - Mid Life Crisis with Dan Stanley
In everyones lives there are crisis points, and for so many big life events like having kids, losing someone close to you, or experiencing a pandemic life is shifted into perspective and you hit an inflection point. Who am I, what am I doing, why aren't I happy, what's next, do I love him/her, why is life so hard, what does it mean to be a man/woman in todays world - these are all thoughts we face when big life moments rock us. I can't lie, becoming a parent in a pandemic hit me, just like Dan Stanley was hit when he had his first child. As an ex military commando he thought he had it all figured out, but FAR from it, a crisis hit, and the purpose of life, what he loved, and everything in it got thrown into turmoil. {TRIGGER WARNING} This is a deep show where Dan and I get very vulnerable about our past, and things we did. Talking helps, this is why we are talking about this very topic. Discover Dans website at: The books we reference on the show are 1. The Untethered Soul 2. Legacy by James Kerr 3. King, Warrior, Magician, Lover 4. The Five Languages of Love
23/09/21•54m 33s
#630 - The Purpose of Fitness
What is the purpose of fitness in our lives? We raise this question because we're told keeping fit is good for us, but what type of fitness, and how does that blend with our goals, such as losing weight or building muscle or just being as healthy as we can be? This podcast goes deep quickly, because it has too. The fitness industry is too quick to generalise terms such as 'fitness' and 'healthy', and without identifying what fitness means to each of us, and why we engage in it, we might waste a lot of time and energy doing the wrong things, for the wrong reasons. Want clarity on how fitness plays a role in your life? This podcast is for you, get a listen on...
16/09/21•48m 2s
#629 - Is BodyBuilding Healthy with Ben Haldon
BodyBuilding has a huge influence over the fitness industry. The very nature of it is a self-centred pursuit, and in my and Ben Haldon (my awesome guest for this show) experience it can quickly lead to body dysmorphia, eating disorders and anxiety. But, can it be healthy, can we build muscle, get lean and look badass without it taking over our lives and influencing many of our daily decisions? We think so, and today Ben and I get under the skin of the issue, looking at Ben's past experience with body building, his journey avoiding prolonged body dysmorphia and disordered eating, and how we feels he has the right balance and mindset to live and happy, healthy, fit life. This is an EPIC show for anyone that trains and is into fitness. Enjoy. Find Ben Haldon on IG @myschoolbenji The book we reference 'Brain over binge'
09/09/21•51m 18s
#628 - The Simple Formula to Success
To be more successful with anything, could it simply be a case of delaying gratification? We see this in all areas of life, if we didn't eat that dessert would we have been successful with our diet, if we had stayed consistent would we have built that business, if we could just say NO more, would we be better off, long term? Let's debate this topic and explore delaying gratification to desire, emotion and want, starting with looking at The Marshmallow Experiment, because science is key!
02/09/21•34m 40s
#627 - Avoid The Afternoon Energy Slump
Get tired after lunch? Many of us do, but why is this, is it what we eat, what we're doing, our quality of sleep? Join us to find out as we dive into the 10 core factors that can affect how energised you are after lunch.
26/08/21•49m 15s
#626 – Muscle Loss & Metabolism
Does your metabolism slow down as you age? Many people say it does, but not like you think, its another cultural norm we need to challenge as the narrative is wrong. What does have a BIG influence on metabolism is muscle mass, something a lot of people into fitness want to increase. I've lost a load of muscle recently from having long covid, so this spurred the conversation around what can cause muscle loss, how to navigate it if injured or ill, how metabolism and age plays a role, and how to get our head around it all - often the biggest challenge.
19/08/21•48m 2s
#625 - "Everything in Moderation"
You've heard the phrase "Everything in Moderation", but is this a helpful term, or a free pass to do whatever, whenever, justifying any action we take? It's often used in nutrition conversations where we justify eating junk food, or consuming alcohol, but as ever, context is key, so, let's get stuck into the context, and of course some research. Join Tom and I as we venture down the rabbit hole...
12/08/21•42m 52s
#624 - Books, What I Read & Why
Tom and I debate the purpose of learning, why we might learn from books vs audio vs video, what Tom reads and why, the stages of learning we go through in life and the purpose of these stages, the issue with fiction books that are led by opinion, why books fall foul of confirmation bias, and more. If you love to learn, you'll love this show. Check out my top Self-development books here:
05/08/21•53m 7s
#623 - Having Uncomfortable Conversations
How good are you at talking to other people about uncomfortable things? Do you often talk to yourself and challenge what you believe, making yourself feel uncomfortable? If you're not good with uncomfortable conversations, this podcast is for you..
29/07/21•1h 19m
#622 - Stuck in a Rut? Get Unstuck
When you’re stuck in a rut, everything feels like it’s working against you, you then get negative, feel frustrated at the smallest of things, and in a short space of time you’ve gone from a glass half full to a glass basically empty kind of person. This happened to me over the last few months, so Tom and I fire up the mic, discuss how I got stuck in a rut, how I got out, and then aim to give you tactical skills of how you can get out of a rut, whatever that rut is. Please share this show if you feel its helped :)
22/07/21•1h 6m
#621 - The Perfect Workout with Rachel Frances Thompson
The movement we do, is it optimal? The way we walk, the way we bend, the way we run, and then the way we exercise? Rachel joins me to go down the movement rabbit hole looking at human biomechanics, how we move on a daily basis, the errors of many gym programs, what functional exercise means, why peoples gym based goals could and should be broader, how simple things like shoes could easily cause pain and incorrect movement, and then whether kids should even wear shoes. A fascinating chat with a dear friend and industry professional, enjoy. Check Rachel out online and on social media 'Biomechanics Education'
15/07/21•56m 41s
#620 - The Mindset of Food Choice
Does your weight give you anxiety? Have you gotten older and the weight you’ve gained feels like it will always be there and you’ll never lose it, like your body has settled at this weight forever despite your best efforts? If so this is the podcast for you. We evolve the conversation from episode #619 and look at what weight maintenance really is from two different perspectives, how our mindset can often hold us back in this area, and ultimately - what we can all do about it to be healthier, happier people.
08/07/21•1h 9m
#619 - Is Obesity Genetic?
When we discuss obesity and being overweight, it often comes around to genetics and whether or not somebody is 'just naturally' heavier, and after some interesting news stories in the media recently, we wanted to explore this idea, starting with the theory that we all have a genetic set point our bodies naturally want to sit at. Is your weight nature, or nurture, and if it’s a combination, what has the biggest impact, and most importantly, how do we set ourselves up for weight management success?
01/07/21•1h 4m
#618 - Is Cardio Good for Fat Loss?
Cardio isn't scientifically speaking great for fat loss due to a variety of reasons, but that doesn't mean its bad, it just needs to be used appropriately and be fully understood. Join Tom and I as we venture down the cardio rabbit hole and look at human physiology, environmental factors, habit stacking, weight training vs cardio for fat loss, body composition, healthy ageing, and more, then you can decide how much cardio you're off to do....
24/06/21•54m 26s
#617 - Humans are Lazy & Like Drugs
Humans are naturally lazy, we seek ease, comfort and minimal expenditure for maximum return, the issue is this can be counter productive in our modern world. Today we venture down a few rabbit holes looking at human movement and whether we are actually as sedentary as the media constantly tells us we are, whether this affects our metabolism, how we can hack our own natural instincts, how this compares to tribes like the Hadza in Tanzania, and, why humans like drugs that give us a high, or low, and how that plays into the desire to take 'supplements'. Its a different one this one, enjoy...Episode References: Sitting, squatting, and the evolutionary biology of human inactivityD, A. Raichlen et all. PNAS. Sedentary Behavior: Emerging Evidence for a New Health Risk. N, Owen, et all. Mayo Clinic.
17/06/21•52m 50s
#616 - Highs & Lows of Being a World Champion with Jenny Todd
In this episode Tom my co-host interviews his training coach, Jenny Todd, who is 4x England’s Strongest Woman and previous winner of Britain’s Strongest woman, Europe’s Strongest Woman and the 2017 Arnold Amateur Middleweight Division. They discuss her approach to competing, why she decided to retire from the sport after reaching the top, the lessons learned along the way about being a world champion level athlete, and also about being a happy person. They also discuss gym programming, where to start if you’re new to the gym, working on your weaknesses, and how to start out if you want to get involved with strongman! An awesome (in places deep) interview with a truly inspiring person - we hope you enjoy it!Find Jenny at @trapsliketodd on Instagram
10/06/21•1h 9m
#615 - Fruit vs Veg
We all agree fruit and vegetables are healthy, but is one better than the other? A recent article points to vegetables being better than fruit, is there any truth to the article? What about glycemic control, nutrient density, sugar content, preparation, and the overall calorie volume? It’s all discussed in this show alongside research processes, where goals intersect with the detail of nutrition, and ultimately how to navigate fruit and vegetables in your diet for health, long term.
03/06/21•1h 4m
#614 - Communication is Key
I'm in a bit of a personal life pickle, but, as ever, there is a lesson to draw from it, so here goes..
27/05/21•5m 53s
#613 - Could Life be Better After Covid?
What has the covid-19 pandemic taught us about our health, fitness, food, mindset, mental health, physical health, life and MORE? I'm one for reflection, perspective and learning, and I fire up the mic for a solo show on "8 ways I hope the world changes after covid". Got one you want to add to my list? Hit me up, email into the show and share it....
20/05/21•53m 10s
#612 - The Halo Effect
Tom and I delve into new research on The Halo Effect, how the generations have approached nutrition, how this feeds into how we feed our kids, how I have approached feeding my daughter, and how to positively influence change in someone else's diet or lifestyle, such as your kids, friends, family or partner. WARNING - This show opens with references to 'Erections', and before you think WTF, we did a quick research review of erectile function and plant based diets.
13/05/21•50m 7s
#611 - Life Choices: I Interview my Mum
To truly understand ourselves we must understand our past and our upbringing, and there is no better way to do this than to grill your mum on what you were like as a kid - so I've done just that. I sit down with my mum and ask her "what was I like as a kid" "what was I good at" "what choices did I make" "how did the divorce effect me" "how have you seen me develop and mature" "what parenting principals did you try live by", and more. This is an interview I have wanted to do for a long time, and I had no idea how it would pan out, but I definitely learnt a thing or two about myself... My mums website:
06/05/21•50m 30s
#610 - Artificial Sweeteners, A Scientific Look
Artificial Sweeteners have a lot of controversy around them, some saying things like "they're toxic", and "they're like poison for your brain". But what is the truth, and where have the fears around sweeteners come from? This podcast will explore the history of sweeteners, the different types, how we understand and interpret the science on them, what we should consider before consuming them, and how to essentially be informed around their use, and wade through the various claims made about them online.
29/04/21•1h 10m
#609 - Lessons from the Gym Pt.2
In part 2 we delve into gym culture and what we feel needs to change, bad habits of gym goers (our pet hates), whether gyms do enough to teach people what to actually do in the gym, small gyms compared to big gyms, how long you should stay on a basic weight lifting program as a new lifter, when and how to approach more advanced and complex programs, and the lessons you the listener have learnt from years in the gym - a quick fire bit at the end from all your awesome comments from social media. If you enjoyed this 2 part Gym Lessons podcast, please recommend it to a fellow gym goer.
22/04/21•58m 29s
#608 - Lessons from the Gym Pt.1
The gym can be a confusing place, what exercises are best, what reps are best, why are some machines hogged over others, and how do we get the results we’re looking for with the minimal amount of effort? Tom and I, combined, have been in the gym for 28 years, so we thought we would fire up the mic and discuss all the things we know now, that we wish we knew back then. Why we train, how you become happy training, how to get rid of training induced anxiety, the pay off of the big 3 exercises, how many days a week to train, training volume, training specificity, are just some of the things we discuss. This is part 1, we’d love your insights and lessons from the gym, help us shape part 2… Enjoy!
15/04/21•48m 1s
#607 - Is Winning the Goal with Dr Josephine Perry
In life, in sport, in the gym, is winning the goal? Dr Josephine Perry is a sports psychologist and coaches young athletes from the age of 8, right up to 80 year olds still trying to achieve their goals. And while we all have goals, how do they take shape, and what is the definition of achieving them? When we then set out to achieve a goal, what then holds us back, fear, a lack of confidence, the comments of others, a lack of preparation? Dr Perry has just written an awesome book called “I Can: The Teenage Athletes Guide to Mental Fitness”, except the book is for all, its simplicity and approach is brilliant, for young or old, and I loved this interview. If you are goal driven, or want to be more goal driven, or want to achieve more, this show is for you.Check out Dr Perry at:
08/04/21•49m 53s
#606 - Building Confidence in Yourself
Most people would say they wish they had more confidence, with many claiming some people are just naturally more confident, but is this true? Surely we are all confident at some stuff? Two people wrote into the podcast which formatted what we feel is a deep dive into developing your inner confidence, refining your ability and character, how to know what ideas are good and which are the bad ones, and use a few examples, one being how to write something, like a blog or a book or to start a project when there is procrastination and fear, another example with weight loss and how we focus on BIG often disempowering goals that make us question our ability. The reality is, most people would say they would love to be more confident and trust themselves, and we hope this podcast goes some way to helping.If you’d like to take the £1 FA offer we spoke of, here is the link:
01/04/21•44m 17s
#605 - Caffeine, Performance & Redlining Workouts
Caffeine, something 99% of us take, multiple times a day, but what is the science behind it, what is the perfect dose, how does it affect our sleep, how does it affect performance in the gym, in training and sport, and when can it be bad? Find out, alongside Tom and I jumping down a few other rabbit holes…!Want to get our Caffeine white paper? Awesome, grab a copy here:
25/03/21•50m 40s
#604 - Stress, How Deep Does it Go?
Stress is in all our lives, but how deep does it go, how does it affect us, and are we aware of all the stressors in our life? Having coached for 14 years now, I've seen and worked with a lot of stressed people, and there are common character traits of the 'stressed' person, thus, we could argue that stress isn't real in some respects, but it very much is, because life is happening all around us and pushing and pulling us constantly. In this solo podcast I cover the many forms of stress in our lives, how to potentially look at it, how to solve or alleviate it, and how to hopefully become, less stressed. Enjoy.
18/03/21•59m 48s
#603 - When Life is Difficult
Right now, and at many points in our lives, things get difficult, and its often tough to see a way out. This podcast was spurred by a great question sent into the show which started simple on the surface, but Tom and I found a way to go down a deep rabbit hole and look at life challenges, goals and what happens when we can't achieve them, where self-awareness only gets us so far with our own problems, why you should never stop at one diagnosis if you're not happy, how to solve our life frustrations, and more. If you fancy joining Tom for his Sweetener webinar, here's the replay as the live presentation has passed, but here is the full talk: If you want to write into the show email subject line ‘Podcast’
11/03/21•48m 51s
#602 - Stress Inhibiting Fat Loss
Stress and fat loss have long been connected, some point to a direct effect, and some to an indirect effect, after all when you look at the research stress and obesity are directly correlated. But physiologically, what direct effects could there be, and what effects could there then be indirectly? Tom and I fire up the mic and dive down the rabbit hole to explore all the ways in which stress can hold back your fat loss efforts, getting geeky, then zooming out to look at the wider picture. Stress is something we all have, BUT, the devil is in the dose…. and the response….Want to learn more about nutrition? Visit:
04/03/21•58m 21s
#601 - Sugar Addiction
Is sugar addictive? People often quote their addiction as a real thing, but we don’t eat sugar, we eat food with sugar in it. So is sugar addictive - or is it the sugary foods, the tastes, the flavours, that make it addictive? Before we talk about sugar and whether its addictive we need to speak about the problem solving process, as this podcast was spurred from a nutrition talk I did where someone put up their hand and said “Ben, how do you solve sugar addiction”. It turned out that wasn’t the problem, so we start with the nutrition problem solving process, then discuss the dynamics of sugar, carbs, and how and what we eat, and its affect on our bodies.Enjoy this show? Awesome, please subscribe and give it a share 🙂
25/02/21•49m 43s
#600 - Is Food Medicine?
“Food is thy Medicine” is a famous quote, but is it true, or could it actually be a harmful phrase that alienates the nutrition industry from the medical industry? In our industry we often complain that modern medicine isn’t holistic enough, that it doesn’t treat the whole person, but this is unfair, and modern medicine is actually doing the work it needs to do to save lives. Join Tom and I as we go down the rabbit hole and explore how this feeds into the Healthism debate, where ‘how’ we approach anything changes everything, why the EatWell plate positions balance in the way it does, why ‘diet systems’ prevail over a wider balanced nutritional approach, and why much of the blue zone healthy ageing data is over simplified in its message to us living a long and healthy life.
18/02/21•1h 16m
#599 - Less Oxygen is Better with Patrick McKeown
Breathing is something I think we all take for granted. But with stressful lives a modern reality, anxiety at an all time high, asthma being a common respiratory condition, is it time we drew more focus to the breath and how it affects our physiology and psychology? Patrick McKeown, author of 8 books on the topic, joins me to discuss all things breathing, oxygen, why Co2 is the unsung hero, how breathing actually affects our body and mind, how you can test your breathing with the BOLT score, and more. A thought provoking show around an action we perform 10-20,000x a day, and something that is a personal interest of mine having used a breathing technique to cure my asthma, and still using it as part of my Long Covid recovery.Check Patrick out at:
11/02/21•55m 50s
#598 - Omar Meziane - The World Cup Winning Chef
Omar Meziane’s CV is seriously impressive. He’s worked with England Rugby, England Football, Harlequins Rugby Club, England Cricket, the Spice Girls... I could go on and on and on, there is so much he’s done. We first met each other via our mutual friend James Haskell, who Omar has now co-written 2 books with - Perfect Fit and Cooking for Fitness. Today I finally get the privilege of chatting to him about his career in sport as a chef working with the worlds best athletes, how he views food and how simple it can be, whether he’s more Jamie Oliver or Gordon Ramsey in the kitchen, which spice girl is the angriest as well as his new food business and much more.Check Omar out @o.meziane top lad, was a pleasure chatting with him.
04/02/21•40m 4s
#597 - Is intentional weight loss harmful?
In this marathon show, Tom interviews Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro PhD, CISSN, CHC, former Assistant Professor in Exercise Science, Renaissance Periodisation Coach and Long-Term weight management specialist who now runs Vitamin PhD Nutrition Telehealth Coaching for intentional lifestyle approaches. This conversation is incredible, exploring the Health At Every Size movement, weight stigma, healthism, metabolically healthy obesity, and the idea that diets are harmful and to be avoided. Where do good nutrition, intentional weight loss and the fitness industry fit in the newly emerging anti-diet paradigm? Grab a cuppa, this one goes in deep!Follow Gabrielle on FB/IG: VitaminPhDVitamin PhD Nutrition Telehealth Coaching Website: www.vitaminphdnutrition.comRP 1:1 E-mail Coaching: www.renaissanceperiodization.comBridging the Gap Website: www.btgcomprehensivecoaching.comFB Community (Membership Subscription Required, available on BtG Website): Comprehensive Coaching Facebook CommunityNutrition Coaching Global Mastermind (Board Member): nutritioncoachingglobal.comSports Nutrition Association (Board Member):
28/01/21•2h 1m
#596 - Pace : Presence : Think
2020 - what a year. But what did you learn, discover and realise about yourself and your life? This is what I learnt, and 3 words I am taking into 2021 to live a more purposeful life. p.s. yes I do get the episode number wrong at the beginning, standard!! It's 596.
21/01/21•32m 9s
#595 - The Road to Awesome
Pandemic or not, what is the road to AWESOME, the recipe for personal success? How do we break down and assess where we are at, where we want to get to, and the steps needed to get there? In this talk I get you to assess your current level of AWESOME, score it out of 10, then work through 6 core pillars and their scores, and then I go through the 10 biggest areas I feel people need to nail to get to your next level of awesome. For me, being AWESOME is the goal, and I hope this podcast, an audio recording of a talk I've just done for the staff of HSBC, helps. Enjoy.
14/01/21•1h 1m
#594 - The Healthism Debate
When we use the term ‘health’, or ‘healthy’, what does this actually mean? Who decides or has decided what healthy constitutes? How much body fat is healthy? How much wine is healthy? What should and shouldn’t we do when it comes to our health? Its a big topic, so Tom and I go down a long and winding rabbit hole of health terminology, politics, socioeconomics, human behaviour, and personal value systems. Its a deep show, but wow, isn’t this an important topic if we want to be healthy…..?
07/01/21•1h 7m
#593 - Home Workouts with The London Fitness Guy
If you’re working out at home, how should you structure it? How would you warm up with limited equipment? What exercises are good, and how do you keep mixing it up? These are all questions I throw at The London Fitness Guy - James Stirling with part 2 of our chat. I also delve into his diet, why his goals are largely focused on maintenance these days, how he used to suffer from body dysmorphia, the difference in what you can achieve between training at the gym and at home, and what is his #1 cardio burner. Enjoy.Follow James on the gram @London_Fitness_Guy
31/12/20•42m 48s
#592 - Female Hormones & Menopause with Amanda Thebe
We've been discussing hormones and ageing a lot recently, and the two shows myself and Tom have done recently got plenty of feedback / criticism on female hormones, especially regarding the shifts you get as you age with menopause. So Amanda Thebe, a hormones and menopause expert who's experienced all this herself, coaches it, teaches it, and has written the book on it, joins me on the show to discuss weight gain as you age, the impact of hormones, how Covid19 symptoms are actually a good comparison of how we can be affected physiologically, where symptoms fit into the cause and effect scenario, where goals get merged and shouldn't as health and weight are different, and ultimately, what effects weight gain, hormones or how much we eat...! Enjoy. Feel free to continue the debate by writing into the show via email; bencoomber @ Subject line 'Podcast' Follow Amanda online @Amanda.Thebe Find her book 'Menopocalypse' on Amazon.
24/12/20•54m 36s
#591 - Mental Health with The London Fitness Guy
Had covid? I have, so has The London Fitness Guy, aka James Stirling. In this episode we discuss how its affected us and the effect it’s had on our lives. We discuss how it brought around crippling anxiety for James, deep depression for me, fatigue and lethargy for us both, but importantly, how we’ve recovered and the breakthroughs its both given us. 2020 has been a CRAP year for many reasons, but we now reflect on how is now been the BEST year for us both. Covid wasn’t fun, but in hindsight, there has been gifts from it. In the discussion we also discuss breath work, meditation, Wim Hoff cold showers, exercise management, mindset, how to be successful on your own terms, and more. An incredible show with an incredible guest.Give James a follow over on IG @London_Fitness_GuyJames website:
17/12/20•43m 4s
#590 - Anxiety When Stopping Exercise
Taking time off the gym can create a lot of anxiety in people: will this lead me to gain fat? Will I lose muscle? What about strength? In this short Monday show, Co-Host Tom outlines exactly what happens in your body when you stop going to the gym, and how much of a concern it should really be...
14/12/20•19m 42s
#589 - The Human Zoo with Tony Riddle
With 83% of people living in cities, working in offices, travelling in confined spaces, breathing polluted air, and getting less than one hour of sunlight per day, how connected are we to nature and a natural way of living? Are we happy with our balance? Our movement? Our nutrition? I interview the awesome human that is The Natural Life-Stylist, Tony Riddle. We discuss a re-connection with nature, the balance of science and nature and how we quantify and track our outcomes, getting the balance right with tech in our lives, environmental toxins, the role of sleep in our lives, what we know from looking at indigenous tribes, and more. I personally found this interview truly fascinating, and challenging, loved it. Enjoy.Follow Tony on Instagram @TheNaturalLifeStylist and check out Tony's Online Tutorials - or consider joining The Nat Life Tribe here
10/12/20•1h 6m
#588 - Creatine, should you take it?
Should you take creatine? Who can it benefit? What if you don't exercise? What if you do exercise, but you're not sure if it benefits the type of exercise you do? Well, this podcast will answer all your creatine question, the worlds #1 researched performance supplement. It's not me today, but my brainy co-host Tom Bainbridge, our Head of Education at The BTN Academy.
07/12/20•26m 23s
#587 – The Power of the Mind with Ariel Garten
How powerful are our minds, and have you realised your minds power? Negative thoughts, depression, a lack of focus, can all be linked to our minds and how we process our behaviour, work, relationships, and sense of purpose. You know I’m a huge believer in realising potential, and that comes from our minds, our brains, and how they work. Thus, I was excited to talk to Ariel Garten, a neuroscientist, researcher and inventor of Muse - a meditation process, app and device. We discuss how the mind works, how meditation works, the power of periodic silence, how we process our thoughts, how you can get a mind that is 7 years younger dedicating 10 minutes a day to meditation, and more. An incredible guest, and incredible things wait if you apply what she says.Follow Ariel & muse on the gram - @ariels_musings & @choosemuseLearn more about muse - and use discount code ‘choosemuse’
03/12/20•42m 50s
#586 - What do you believe?
Our beliefs shape our actions. The problem is, this can stop us reaching our potential. What do you believe that's holding you back? Maybe something you were repeatedly told at school, or by your parents, or by the media, or government, or a friend, or a coach you once had...? Today I want you to challenge what you believe to be true, and give you a simple technique to use to get to the truth of your beliefs, otherwise they might continue to hold you back...
30/11/20•20m 38s
#585 - Climb Your Own Mountain with Fergus Crawley
Fergus Crawley has just completed an attempt at a vertical marathon, an epic record attempt coined Project Vertical - 11 days straight covering 205 miles and 26500m of elevation going up Ben Nevis, the UK’s tallest mountain - a truly incredible feat. Broken, battered, bruised, but stronger in heart and mind I talk to Fergus about the challenge, why he did it, what message he is trying to raise, what he learnt from the challenge, why support is so important in any life struggle, the ups and downs of life, the power of our own journey and how to focus on what’s important, and why it’s so important – whatever happens - to carry on. This truly is a mind-blowing insight into what seems like an impossible challenge, and how you can approach and conquer your own mountain.Follow @FergusCrawley on InstagramDonate to his team fundraising page for Movember:
#584 - Your Past Doesn't define You
WARNING - This show talks about bullying and rape. We've all got a past, some are defined more by it than others. This show shares a story from me and looks into me being bullied as a kid, but also brings up someone being raped - and ultimately how this both affected us, and how we didn't let these experiences define our futures. This show is deep, personal, and an open book. It's a re-share from an interview I gave on Fit Story TV with Matt (a coach & vegan restaurant owner) and Perry (a model and actor) and discusses elements of my past, my story, the hosts stories, and ultimately how we didn't let this become our story. Enjoy.
23/11/20•55m 44s
#583 – Getting Old, Hormones & Gaining Weight
“Losing weight is harder as you get older” - As you’ve aged, have you felt it’s harder to lose weight and get fit? How many times have you heard someone blame their age or hormones for the reason why they can’t lose weight? Is this fair and factually correct though? Are hormones actually to blame for putting on weight? Is it really harder to get fit when you’re older? Most people blame age and hormones but unfortunately the research doesn’t actually support these moans and groans. So, Tom and I got stuck into this topic to find out what is to blame… because something must be to blame…
19/11/20•47m 50s
#582 - Coaching Jack Downer Pt 2
I summarise my 2nd coaching consultation with World Panna Champion Jack Downer. In this short solo show I talk about my recommendation for a full body biomechanics assessment, the footwear he uses to train and play in, implementing a nutrition diary, how he is feeling after the first 3 weeks of changes, and see where consistency has been found so far.
16/11/20•14m 22s
#581 - The One Armed Wonder
Dan Richards has one arm and is just about the most positive dude I’ve ever met. After 10 years in the army and a fateful motorbike crash Dan had his arm and shoulder amputated. This led to him having no money, 15p to be precise, and him trying to hang himself. Fast forward 7 years and Dan is now a model, athlete, and all round inspiring dude. We chat about the power of people, environment, what we can control, gratitude, and how this has shaped his mindset rehab after losing his arm.Follow Dan on the gram @TheOneArmedWonder
12/11/20•51m 26s
#580 - Solving Stress & Getting MORE Motivation
Fancy a challenge? Do this for 1-2 weeks and I promise you'll be experiencing more positive momentum in your life, solving the stress you have better, and by default increase your motivation. If you accept the challenge, let me know how it goes....
09/11/20•8m 54s
#579 - Chasing BIG Goals
Many of us have goals we want to achieve, sometimes BIG ambitious goals, but how do you chase them? How do you prioritise? AND importantly, what happens when it leads to negative outcomes, like becoming obsessive, or burnt out, or you lose sight of your work/life/study balance? In this podcast we discuss a question from a listener who developed an eating disorder by chasing the goal of becoming a professional sports person, all after being bullied at school which made her want to "prove she could do it". Proving you can do it is great, until you get admitted to hospital because of it. Tom and I explore external vs internal goals, the debate of balance, how to achieve big things in life without the downsides, and much more. This podcast is a true deep dive, and I share some personal stories of my journey to add to the exploration of life, body and career success.
05/11/20•51m 17s
#578 - Practical Business Advice for Coaches & PT's
Running a Coaching or PT Business is hard, BUT, there is good advice around you, which I hope to add to with this interview I did on the Fitness Business Advice Podcast. Ric Moylan and Lloyd Gordon asked me these BIG Qs... 1 - What is the best piece of business advice you've been given.2 - The worst piece of advice you've been given, or have heard.3 - Advice for a struggling PTs right now 4 - Advice for PT'S who are passionate about nutrition, and want to use it to focus their business.5 - Advice for a PT in the current market/economy, such as going online? I add a lot of practical business advice to the above, but also challenge your thinking, as to break through plateaus, you have to think differently... I hope this helps, and if you want to check out Ric's mentoring company, you can do that here: I also do mentoring here when I've time:
02/11/20•52m 35s
#577 - Optimising WFH, Changing careers & Corporate Responsibility
89% of people said they were thinking of changing careers at the moment due to lockdown and all the changes the world is experiencing right now. But how do you get the confidence and courage to take the leap and change jobs? I interview Health Business Owner Anna Reddy on her new venture Leap Health, which she set up after getting voluntary redundancy due to covid. What advice does she have for others? How has she adjusted (WFH) working from home? Why did she choose to focus on corporate health and well-being, and what problems does she see with work place health? We share stories, chat all things health, share stories on chasing a career in our chosen field, how she fell pregnant naturally after changing her diet, the value of ‘positive noise’, and many more musings. Enjoy.Check out Anna at out The BTN Academy:
29/10/20•39m 13s
#576 - Alcohol, what happens when we drink it?
When we drink alcohol, what happens in our body? What is alcohol actually made up of, and can it hinder fat loss? Enjoy this short show with Tom, my co-host, on the science of alcohol.
26/10/20•7m 23s
#575 - I Help Panna Champion Jack Downer
People in elite sport always fascinate me, especially this guy, what skill, incredible. He's played with David Beckham, shot videos with F2, and works with many of the best brands in the world. I sit down with World Street Panna Champion Jack Downer (You'll know him as @streetpanna) and talk over his nutrition, lifestyle and supplementation as a first consult. We're gonna work together on his nutrition and his performance, and you're getting a fly on the wall look into my coaching of him. Enjoy. Follow Jack on IG @streetpanna and YouTube 'Street Panna'
22/10/20•44m 6s
#574 - Lockdown 2.0
The way I see it, "Lockdown" in its various forms is here to stay. So, let's pretend that the next 6 months will stay the same, how can we physically and mentally get the most out of our lives, be happy, and sail through to spring 2021 with a spring in our step? I've created a new 6 month plan for myself, personal and professional goals and aims that will keep me focused, content and happy until spring 2021, could you do the same, and stop fighting yourself and the world for a different future? Remember, we define our happiness...
19/10/20•12m 31s
#573 - Nutrition & Fitness Tracking OCD
Do you use fitness or nutrition tracking apps, maybe like My Fitness Pal, but feel you have somewhat obsessive behaviour with it? That it serves its purpose, but you feel bound by it, and maybe anxious if you don't use it or track what you are doing? Also, how is your behaviour and your view of your fitness and nutrition in general, does a meal or event throw you off track, and how should we deal with that? Thanks for Helen for writing into the show, the springboard for todays discussion with myself and Tom, our Head of Education at The BTN Academy.
15/10/20•47m 20s
#572 - Sabotaging Success
Ever got some success with your weight, career, relationship, or something in life, only to go blow it, ruin it, and be back to square one? It's really common; losing weight and putting it back on again, getting in a relationship only to get in an argument and split up, to get selected for something then blow your chance, or get 1/2 way to a promotion and blow it. In this short podcast I explore the reason why we sabotage our own success with a very personal story about how I nearly lost the most precious thing in my life. The only question will be, are you willing to explore why after hearing this? Seeking the truth is the only path to success. What stimulated this podcast? The book 'The Big Leap' by Gay Hendricks, excellent book.
12/10/20•16m 59s
#571 - My First 6 Months as a Dad
What has it been like becoming a dad? How did we plan for this stage in our lives, how did we plan for the new arrival, and what have we done as a couple to maximise good sleep, stay healthy, keep fit, and enjoy the process as much as possible? Listen in and find out, and hopefully these tips can help expecting parents or people with little ones.
08/10/20•36m 25s
#570 - Running an Online vs Offline Business #askbenlive
In an effort to mix up the content of this show I've been having some live chats with people and recording the chat, me coaching them. Helping people wade through the struggles they have, whatever the topic. This topic is a bit different, but I feel timely and relevant, especially as many business owners and fitness professionals listen to this podcast. In this chat I talk to Seb, a personal trainer that is going great as an in-person coach, in a gym, but is considering doing more online, adding to his business as an online coach, having the two arms to his business. In this short show I try to talk him out of it, or at least challenge the move, here is why...
05/10/20•16m 24s
#569 - 8 Lessons from 8 Years of Podcasting
Can you believe I’ve been podcasting 8 years now?! Crazy, seems like its only been 3-4, madness. To celebrate I thought I would reflect on the 8 biggest lessons I feel I’ve learnt personally and via the discussions I’ve had with all my amazing guests on the show to boil down the wisdom into a 40 minute show.Lessons not for nutrition, or fitness, but for life, for living your most AWESOME life.What are these 8 lessons from 8 years in the game of self-development? Have a listen…
01/10/20•41m 15s
#568 - 5 Tips for Running a Successful Coaching Business
This podcast aims to help anyone in business, in the fitness industry, or with a coaching business. I give you my top 5 tips on building and running a successful coaching business, whether online or offline.
28/09/20•12m 12s
#567 - Frustrations with Nutrition, Mindset & Fitness
Do you get a lot of things when it comes to fitness, nutrition and mindset, but implementing it or just making it stick long term, making it fit your lifestyle, can just be a bit of a struggle? Todays show is a recorded Q&A I did for the Eat Lean Cheese company. I'm their Nutritionist & Advisor and this is my 3rd trip to their HQ. So my aim for this talk was to break through frustrations they had, they already know a lot, I've taught them a lot, but plenty were still struggling, and this Q&A aimed to take their questions, their frustrations, and advance them. So yeah, real questions, from real people, with real struggles. Enjoy.
24/09/20•1h 18m
#566 - How are CIMSPA Elevating Fitness Industry Standards?
This podcast is specific to the fitness industry. CIMSPA are our regulating body, and they have plans for industry reform, and I want to support that. So this podcast is a live Interview with Phill Wright, business transformation manager from CIMSPA - I ask Phill...1. How are CIMSPA changing the fitness industry for personal trainers & coaches? 2. How do CIMSPA plan to improve our industry standards across the sector? 3. What changes have happened recently since the REPS takeover?4. What are the 3-5 year plans for CIMSPA? 5. Who regulates CIMSPA, if they are the regulator? 6. How do coaches get invovled in feeding back their ideas for the sector, so the standards always evovle from the front line? 7. Where do the insurers play a role in covering trainers vs the qualifications they have? 8. How do we find out more, and get invovled? visit: for more info, and join their Facebook group:
21/09/20•53m 19s
#565 - Fitness Saves Lives with The Everyday Athlete
Martyn Kelland is a postman, personal trainer, dad, and The Everyday Athlete. He’s not always been this fit, in fact fitness was always an afterthought, until running one mile set him on course to change his life, a life of suicidal thoughts and depression to conquering some major challenges, both physically and in life (starting with his daughter being born blind), to now be in a position of helping others as a coach. We discuss fitness and its power to start positive momentum, how to curate a positive mindset, what turns around dark thoughts, why life’s challenges need to make us grow as people, why he feels building a business will be his hardest challenge to date, the power of people, and more.Follow or connect with him on IG @martyn_theeverydayathlete
17/09/20•56m 22s
#564 - How to Get out of a Rut (Feeling Stuck)
In this #AskBenLive show I speak to Leia, a wonderful human who is struggling. She feels like she is stuck in a rut, can't get out, and is spinning her wheels in the all the wrong directions and things don't seem to be working. She's not losing weight, she feels frustrated, she's tired, so in this short episode we have a chat, and I try help. Enjoy.
14/09/20•17m 1s
#563 - Is Pain in your Head with Anisha Joshi
Back pain, joint pain, just pain, is it in our heads, and if so, how could this be? In a world that is more sedentary, has an increased screen time, coupled with a lack of outdoor pursuits and sport, how is this affecting the way we move, and ultimately how our body works? I chat to Anisha Joshi, an osteopath who likes to look at the skeletal and muscular system like any osteopath, but also your mind, your stress, and overall well-being. We discuss problems she sees in young people, where pain is linked to stress, how to find a good practitioner to work with, how she trains herself knowing what she knows, and more. An insightful show with a new twist and look on pain, movement and physical strength.Follow Anisha @osteoanisha
10/09/20•44m 3s
#562 - Recovery Capacity vs Fitness Level
I've talked a lot about recovery capacity in the past, but what if you are just unfit, and don't have the capacity due to low fitness, something you've not noticed decline because of recent life events and thinking you were training at the same intensity? Something I'm musing on right now...
07/09/20•10m 47s
#561 - Things are changing, are you?
Do you spend enough time in the quiet, in silence, to simply think, reflect, and allow the appropriate change to happen? I've just taken a 6 day break, and before I went into that break I had 5 key questions I wanted answers too. I've got 80% of my answers, and it was only possible by slowing down, spending time in silence, and reflecting that allowed me to do this. In this episode I share my reasons for this, the benefits, the outcomes you might get, the outcomes I've got, how this could change your life, and a future new direction for the show off the back of this period of reflection time.
03/09/20•25m 17s
#560 - Knowing when to Quit
When is the right time to quit something, say no, or leave an old habit that's no longer serving you? I've often found this tough as a 'doing' kinda person, and it's common in people with a growth mindset. But it's important to ask ourselves the question "is this serving me right now". I open this podcast feeling overwhelmed, stressed and a little anxious, and explain how I'm working to solve it and help myself, and a good process to use in knowing when to quit things, or say no.
31/08/20•14m 29s
#559 - Work:Life Balance & Becoming a Dad
In this episode I get interviewed by Tommy Gentleman on how to achieve work / life balance, how it's been becoming a new dad with my time, energy and attention, where I feel I am at emotionally as a result of these life changes, what I have learnt recently and what Tommy taught me recently. Do check out Tommy's show for more insightful interviews "Tommy G Talks"
27/08/20•44m 30s
#558 - Struggling to find your WHY
In the process of change, knowing your WHY is key? If you don't know you'll struggle to get to where you want to be, you won't be driven to do what's needed to get there, things will get in the way, temptation will get you. So what do you do if you're struggling? And, what if its not your WHY that's the issue, but something else? How do you know? Listen in...
24/08/20•22m 24s
#557 - The Carnivore Diet & Ancestral Nutrition Arguments
You’ve probably seen the rise in popularity of the carnivore diet, but, is it worth trying it, how much different is it to the paleo diet, and the keto diet, and other diets that focus on a low or no carb intake? Tom and I explore the roots of this diet, where the various ancestral nutrition arguments start and stop, whether you can be healthy eating only meat, why it’s good for weight loss, why it’s not medicinal like some preach, where some ‘influencers’ have been caught out with their messages online, and ultimately, where the science lies on this topic.To learn more about evidence based nutrition, visit
20/08/20•46m 23s
#556 - A Day's Food: What I Eat and Why
Food should provide for your health, both mental and physical, but also be enjoyable. How do we strike this balance? What if we're busy? What does a day of food look like for me, and why? Find out in this short show. I also discuss tracking calories, saving time, prep, fruit and veg intake, protein specificity, and more. See this written up on my blog:
17/08/20•16m 14s
#555 - Healthy Food for Less £ with Rob Eades
At 26 Rob Eades has achieved a lot, and has a lot of wisdom to share. After falling into being a chef at a young age by saying YES when many would say NO, he found a passion he never knew existed. Now he’s helping 1000s see a healthy lifestyle differently, and for less. In this epic show we discuss the cost of food, food inequality, what Rob eats, how he advises people save money on food, our favourite ice creams, his TV show, cooking for his mates at uni, and why the focus on HAPPINESS has to be the path we all chase.Find Rob on Instagram @Rob_Eades and at
13/08/20•44m 16s
#554 - Therapy Observations: Putting on a Brave Face
Ever tell yourself you're OK when you're not? Ever get a text from a friend asking if you're OK and you reply "yeah awesome", when you're not? I did this ALL THE TIME, and this contributed to my recent 'breakdown', as you might call it. This therapy reflection outlines why this isn't good for you/us, and the path to truth and honesty, both for yourself, and for others.
10/08/20•11m 23s
#553 – DOMS, Fish Oil, Curcumin, Protein & Recovery from Exercise
Tom and I finally get around to our final part 3 episode discussing recovery from exercise. In this show we cover the science of DOMS and what affects it, proteins role and where protein shakes can help, recovery shakes, fish oil and curcumins effect on DOMS, where cardio can play a role in testing readiness, why you might choose to question your recovery routine, foam rollering, time efficient training, and a few other ramblings. Enjoy.
06/08/20•52m 25s
#552 - Why Don't Experts & Scientists Agree?
This is a key reason topics like nutrition are so confusing for so many people. One respected scientist says one thing, and one another, such as a recent claim by a respected U.S. cardiologist that said the vegan diet is the cure for all diseases and other researchers that don't agree with him weren't reading 'the science'. In this short show my co-host Tom dismantles why disparities lie between experts and their interpretations of the science. For more reading, here's the blog:
03/08/20•7m 34s
#551 - World Champion Mindset with Johnny Nelson – Boxing Legend
If you want an insight into the mindset of a world champion who better to speak to than Johnny Nelson who you may recognise from Sky TV, 1986-2005 cruiserweight world boxing champion, who also held the WBO title 1999-2005, British title 1989 & 1997, and European title 1990 & 1998. As Johnny says at one point in the show “Success comes with responsibility”, and for me, that sums up this show. Johnny candidly shares his story of how he was, in many people’s eyes, including his coaches, a very average boxer as a kid, but he had potential, and with the right people, belief and mindset he became a world champion. Johnny outlines his recipe for success, why many see failure in the wrong way, why the eyes show the souls desire and pain, how to work around negativity, the harsh reality of success at that level, and much more. A truly inspiring show, was incredible to have Johnny as a guest on the show. Check out Johnny’s work at: Instagram @johnnyNelsonSky
30/07/20•37m 40s
#550 - Therapy Observations: Being the ‘YES’ Man
I take 18 minutes to delve into a recent therapy session I had where I reflected with my therapist on why I got to feeling frustrated and over burdened, how I now want to try deal with the mental load I have as a dad, leader and husband, and how the coaches of the world need to protect themselves from taking on too many of other peoples problems. Ultimately, if you're too busy fighting and helping everyone else with their problems, you might not have the space and ability to deal with your own.
27/07/20•18m 4s
#549 - Mindset Special: Stress, Control & Living Life
In a special episode on mindset, I speak to Leigh Currie - just an every day girl & teacher to autistic kids who I've spoken to on and off over the years on Facebook messenger, just trying to help her out. Over the last few years Leigh has dealt with PTSD from her work, become a carer for her step-sister who's got Down syndrome, got married, went through a Huntingdons disease diagnosis, and constantly felt the pressure by our industry to be fit, healthy and always look to progress - she tried to do Joe Wicks program to help - but found it added to the problem. We have a candid and open chat about the pressure to live life a certain way, what she's learnt about herself going through all that she has, how she feels I've helped her shift her mindset, learning to WANT to do things over having to do things, how she has realised happiness is in presence, and much more. As listeners of the show you asked for more female guests, and more real life stories, I hope this hits the mark!
23/07/20•55m 50s
#548 - My 7 Top Tips on Changing your Job or Career Successfully
Lockdown seems to have got a lot of people thinking about their jobs, their career, and their overall happiness with work. After all, work is a HUGE part of life, at least a third of life if we think about a 24 hour day - 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for work, 8 hours for family and play (the 8, 8, 8 principal). Why do I feel I can help you here? I've done many jobs, tested myself in many ways with my career, and have been a self-employed business owner for 14 years. I feel I know a few things about change, risk and the mindset it needs. Plus I'm now an employer of a team, so I'm a leader to others too. In this podcast I cover my 7 top tips to successfully shift your job and or career. 1. Looking at how old you are right now2. If maturity is a good or a bad thing3. What skills are needed4. The transition financially5. Talk to your stakeholders (family, friends etc)6. How to manage your change in identity7. Ultimately, what will make you happy...Hope the show helps :)
20/07/20•18m 1s
#547 - Performance Anxiety, RPE & Gym Programming
Sleep and stress have a far bigger impact on performance than you realise. In this show Tom and I discuss some recent research on sleep, stress and your gym strength, and how this can impact your recovery time. We were then planning to discuss sleep supplements, but we went down the rabbit hole of discussing how our routines and mindset can give us poor performance outcomes from letting anxiety slip in, RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion), gym programming, and how to be more targeted or more flexible for your goals - which is the key thing, YOUR goals. If you're into fitness, training and all things performance, you'll enjoy this show.Our nutrition Nutrition short course:
16/07/20•40m 18s
#546 - Body Types & The Food we Eat
Should you eat food to your body type? Aka Somatotyping. Are there clues in your body and its shape with the diet we as humans should be eating? Where did this theory come from, what shaped this train of thought? Co-host Tom goes down the body type rabbit hole....
13/07/20•8m 13s
#545 - Life as a Disabled Personal Trainer with Ben Clark
What's the mindset of someone that is disabled? Find out, as I interview the amazing Ben Clark, a disabled Personal Trainer who become disabled as an adult after a freak neck injury jumping into the sea. I chat to Ben about the goals of someone disabled and disability stigmas, how he exercises, how we went from needing a carer 25 hours a week to being 100% self-sufficient, what things he has to work on to keep him at his physical peak, how he developed such a positive mindset after being in such a dark place, and more. An amazing show, an amazing human. Follow Ben @AdaptToPerform on all social platforms.
09/07/20•56m 9s
#544 - Frustrated. Tired. Angry.
Last week I felt frustrated, tired, angry, and to top it off exercise felt like it was taking me 2-3 days to recover from. When I woke up in the morning if felt like lifting a lead weight out of bed, it was horrible, I felt horrible, it wasn't me at all. So a radical intervention was needed. What did I do to get myself back to feeling ME? Listen in.
06/07/20•12m 1s
#543 - Fergus Crawley on Success, Suicide & Recovery
Fergus Crawley attempted to take his own life, but why? He's a successful guy, what could possibly be wrong? Once it all happened, how did he recover? What does a life of recovery look like now? How does he deal with the dark thoughts that linger? How did this all happen, is society to play in this? These days you'll see him on social media attempting mad charity challenges, like squatting for 24 hours, running inhuman feats, and swimming vast distances, but why, what's his mission, what is he setting out to do? A fascinating chat with an awesome human being. I give to you, Fergus Crawley. Follow him @ferguscrawley
02/07/20•58m 17s
#542 - Things I Regret in Life, Advice to my Younger self!
What do I regret in life? What would I say to my younger self? What would I change about my 33 year journey to date? What advice would I give to someone in their 20s right now? Find out...
29/06/20•10m 49s
#541 - Getting hit by a car changed my life with JP de Villiers
Major life trauma can define you, positively, or negatively. After JP got hit by a car and was left in intensive care for weeks, and to this day still limps when he walks one year on, he see's it as a blessing. In this show we delve into JPs journey to discovering himself, what it means to live your truth, how our ego gets in the way and how to solve that, where people go wrong with meditation, the value of stillness, why he's lived his life so intensely and what he was running from, why he loves extreme challenges, and more. This podcast is a rabbit hole, come burrow with us. Follow him online 'Jean-Pierre De Villiers' or find his website here: Watch his crazy documentary here:
25/06/20•1h 12m
#540 - Skinny Jab: Science or Scandal?
Seen skinny jab on social media doing the rounds? Two 'celebrities' who have openly struggled with their weight are proponents of it (aka get paid to promote it at £250 a month to us) to encourage their followers to take it to aid weight loss. Is this a scandal, or is there some science to the compound found in Skinny Jab? co-host Tom Bainbridge, our Head of Education at The BTN Academy, delves into this topic. Enjoy.Link to the research:,weight%20loss%20compared%20with%20placebo
22/06/20•12m 56s
#539 - Dave Birtwistle on what it means to be a Modern Man
You might have seen David Birtwistle on TVs 'Too hot to handle', but TV aside he's a super coach, has a refreshing perspective on fitness, nutrition and life, and is passionate about discussing what it means to be a modern man. On his own journey of self discovery David realised how he could improve, how he could optimise himself, how he could gain perspective on issues of the past, improving his relationship with himself, and others. Society has been good at telling us who to be, how to behave and what is the norm, is that correct, does that need to be challenged? We think so, and that's what we do on this show, enjoy. Follow David online @David.Birtwistle and check out: https://www.endeavourlife.comBooks we discuss on the show were '7 habits of highly successful people', 'The mask of masculinity', 'The Alter ego effect', 'Ego is the enemy', 'How to win friends and influence people'. The personality test we reference is:
18/06/20•52m 16s
#538 - Developing Courage & A vision for your Life
Courage is an important asset, if you had the courage and conviction to go out and fulfil the vision you have for you life, how much happiness would you have? So, how do you develop courage? When everyone else is pushing or going one way, how do you go another? I only re-share interviews I've done if they are unique, different, and can bring you insight and value, and today this is one of those shows. Ollie Jowett, The Health & Happiness show, invited me on to chat all things living an AWESOME life, which delved into the topic of courage and leading your life your way! Enjoy.
15/06/20•42m 47s
#537 – Martial Arts & Movies with actor Scott Adkins
This podcast was SO much fun! I talk to movie star Scott Adkins... LEGEND. We talk about the fear he had growing up and becoming an actor, not becoming a butcher but instead a movie star despite his families wishes, what got him so interested in martial arts as a kid, his approach to nutrition for movies, what his goals are and how he’s set goals in the past, his fast chocolate biscuit grabbing hands, kung fu kicks, and more. PLUS, he does an excellent movie promo voice. Watch his new film 'Payback' available now on digital download and on DVD from 6th July. I had a ton of fun chatting to Scott. Follow him on social media @thescottadkins
11/06/20•30m 36s
#536 - The AWESOME Morning Challenge!
My morning routine involves reading a list of statements, this list anchors who I am and what I want to live everyday. I want to live THE MOST AWESOME LIFE POSSIBLE. But to do this our environment must be just right to live the life we want to live. People, places, your bed, what's in your fridge, in your ears, on your phone, EVERYTHING contributes to how we feel and act daily. I hope you decide to create your own AWESOME morning list, please tag me in it when you post it on social media, if you do (feel free to keep it personal, but I want to inspire others to do the same). I think this will help improve your motivation and momentum daily.
08/06/20•10m 29s
#535 - CBD, Recovery & The Pyramid of Importance with Tom Bainbridge
When it comes to recovery, what are the most important building blocks to have in place? Does CBD fit into this picture, seeing as lots of athletes are claiming it benefits recovery? What can CBD help with, where is the research on it to date, as lots of claims are made? We also discuss adaptogens, melatonin, vitamins, minerals, sleeps impact on 1RM, and more. Enjoy. And for further reading visit: Supplements NOT to take: Supplements TO take:
04/06/20•50m 20s
#534 - What to do when you’re not reaching your goals
Today I'm having more reflections from therapy, at the age of 33, having been on a 15 year journey to date with my body, mind, relationships and career, I'm trying to reach the next level of me. Thus, my goals have changed, BUT, I'm not quite achieving them, why is that? What can I do? And what can you learn today from my deep reflections of self, my goals, and the process we take to achieve them. After all, we all get caught in a rut, its how we get out of it that's key...
01/06/20•14m 31s
#533 - Challenging Comfort Zones & Social Anxiety with Dave Cottrell
How often do you challenge your comfort zone, and should you? Lockdown has spurred many interesting conversations, and today is one of those. As people have stayed at home for a long time now, how will that effect us mentally? Have our comfort zones now diminished? Are we aware of it? Are we stronger as a result of Lockdown, or has the fear weakened us? Are we anxious? The 2nd part of this show looks at compartmentalising different emotions so it doesn't take over your whole life, after all, should something like grief change you as a person, or just change part of you as a result of a life event? Dave and I also share our personal approach to managing lockdown so we stayed mentally strong. Join us as we go down a complex mindset rabbit hole, but one crucial to peoples future mental health. Check out Dave online @MindsetByDave
28/05/20•58m 45s
#532 - Improve your Problem Solving skills
Moving forwards in life means we have to problem solve, but are you using the right people, are you leaning on the right relationships with others to effectively solve those problems? Some people are more logical, some are more emotional, some are impulsive, the key is knowing how we usually behave and having that person that compliments how we think and feel and thus, over the course of a chat, leads us to a better outcome. Effective problem solving, essential for living an AWESOME life.
25/05/20•12m 14s
#531 - Are we Addicted to Social Media with Nir Eyal
Social media usage is at an all time high, and people say its addictive, but is it? Or are we distracted by it for other reasons? And thus, is procrastination a real or imagined problem? As an expert in behavioural psychology and as someone who has helped tech companies develop such ‘addictive’ apps, I speak to Nir Eyal on the fascinating world of technology, a huge part of our modern lives. We discuss life traction vs distraction, procrastination, time blocking, life systems for better control, if a % of the population are pathologically out of control with such devices and technology, and more. I loved this chat, I know you're gonna love it too!! For advanced reading click here: is the schedule maker tool Nir mentioned: link to a cool distraction guide here: Habits vs routines article here: follow Nir @Neyal99
21/05/20•44m 4s
#530 - Are you being too hard on yourself?
There are times we need to GO GO GO, to take ACTION. But also times we need to rest, recover and get our AWESOME back. This was me this weekend, but I struggled, I struggled due to not knowing the root cause of the problem and then trying to fix something that wasn't broken. Hopefully from todays short show it will help you know when to put your foot on the gas, know when to chill, and know when and why you need fluidity vs structure. Enjoy.
18/05/20•13m 33s
#529 - Alcohol, Friend or Foe? with Chris Williamson
Alcohol, a huge part of our culture, not just in modern times, but in past times too, what TV program doesn't show everyone enjoying their drink in their downtime even in bygone eras? But, is it serving us? Is it having a positive impact on our lives? Chris Williamson, todays guest after his first appearance on the show thinks it should be a class A drug, but why, how is it affecting us and does it allow us to live our truth? We drink it to relieve stress, to be more confident, to be sociable, and to escape, but, the big question, is this serving us? Time to go down a rabbit hole.... enjoy. Find Chris online on IG @chriswillx - find his podcast Modern Wisdom - and his sobriety course -
14/05/20•1h 15m
#528 - The Future of The Fitness Industry After Covid-19
The future of fitness right now is looking bleak, gyms are still closed, coaches are doing the best they can training clients online, but there is a complete unknown what fitness will look like post lockdown. Especially as other countries like China have closed their gyms again in fear of a 2nd wave, and many countries in Europe lifting lockdown slowly have kept gyms closed. So what can we do, what might the future of fitness be? How do we as coaches keep our jobs? In this podcast I discuss the future, what trends I have observed and studied, what other countries are doing, what we as fitness professionals could do, what opportunities there will be, what future skills coaches might need, how roles might change, how gyms might change, and essentially how we need to adapt for the future, with us essentially having a Plan A, B, C and D. Enjoy, and I hope this gives some honest and realistic, but optimistic inspiration to the coaches out there in the fitness and health industry. FREE copy of How to be An Awesome Personal Trainer:
11/05/20•1h 3m
#527 - Are Shoes Damaging our Feet with Galahad Clark
We're born barefoot, then as we grow older we wear more and more types of shoes, a shoe for school, a shoe for sport, a shoe to go out, there is a shoe for everything. BUT, are all these shoes built to allow us to move naturally, do they look after our foot biomechanics, the part of our body that connects our movement with the ground? With many people with lower limb pain, and a culture of a shoe for every job, and fashion over function as most peoples primary concern for a shoe, I speak to Galahad Clark, the founder of VivoBarefoot about shoes, movement, evolution, pain, nature, foot science, cultural adoption of shoes in the west compared to the east, and much more. Check out VivoBarefoot at:
07/05/20•42m 13s
#526 - Living an AWESOME Life (Pt 2): Discovering your Truth
Last week I restarted therapy. Why? Find out....
04/05/20•11m 2s
#525 - The Lockdown Life Battle-plan
We're deep into lockdown life now in the UK with no end in sight, and thus there are some key struggles for people. Motivation to eat well and exercise, snacking too much through boredom, balancing work with kids, staying positive, keeping energy output high when at home, drinking in the evening more, and the uncertainty of the end. This podcast gives you a battle plan to combat this, but it starts with accepting the new norm, only then can we progress. So if you're struggling right now, get this podcast in your ears, I PROMISE it will help!
30/04/20•41m 42s
#524 - What does living an AWESOME life mean?
I say AWESOME a lot, but why, what does it mean to me? Many people have words and stories they live by, and part of my story is the word AWESOME. Why am I so passionate about it? Listen for 11 minutes and find out...
27/04/20•11m 53s
#523 - Negative People, Childhood Bullying & Overcoming Fear
I've been struggling with something recently that I've only just figured out. Hateful comments online were bringing back memories of being bullied at school and my craving to be liked as a kid. In this short 20 minute podcast I explain the steps I went through to get under the skin of this problem, how I've dealt with it, and how you can work to overcome a past of bullying and negative people on and offline, and live a life where fears don't get in the way of the goals you have.
23/04/20•21m 42s
#522 - Giving away £400,000 in Nutrition Education & A Unique Offer
In the last 3 weeks we've given away £400,000 in free education, and I want to explain why, and thank everyone that's supported it. And, off the back of that, offer a unique opportunity to study with us on this May 4th Academy for only £50. If you know anyone that this podcast could be of interest to, please share. For more on the FREE Schools initiative, check social media, and for details on The BTN Practical Academy, visit:
20/04/20•7m 16s
#521 - James Haskell on Lockdown Life & The Secret to Success
James Haskell, the man, the myth, the legend, joins me for appearance 3 on the show, chatting about lock down life and keeping fit, his mindset now the world is in this pandemic, his transition from being a professional rugby player to his new life of DJ and MMA fighter, what he believes is the secret to success in unprecedented times, his routine now he’s a solo athlete, conjecture, modern media, and more. This show has laughs, insights and wisdom abound, enjoy.Check out James work at: out his books at: out “House of Rugby” on all podcast platforms and YouTube.Check out his House music podcast “BackRow Radio” (edited)
16/04/20•54m 35s
#520 - Will you lose fitness during lockdown?
In this short Monday show Tom shares his thoughts on the current lockdown situation and what it means for your strength and fitness. Will you lose progress, and if so, how should we think about that?This show also touches on the 'fallacy of relative privation'. This situation is not the worst thing that has ever happened, but does that mean we're not allowed to find it a struggle?A lot packed into a short amount of time today - as always let us know your thoughts!
13/04/20•12m 22s
#519 – Anorexic & Hospitalised to GB Powerlifting Champion: Sophia Ellis
How often do we hear the deep back story of the people we look up to? Not often online, but often on this show. In this amazing episode I delve into the life and story of Sophia Ellis, a GB Powerlifter, 2x Commonwealth Record Holder and all round inspiring human who once was hospitalised due to years of disordered eating. She claims 3 things saved her - a innovative intervention, a will to fight and thrive, and the gym. Hear her amazing story.Check her out on the gram @sophiastrength
09/04/20•36m 37s
#518 - Hypertrophy at home
In this really short Monday show, Tom outlines a really common mistake he's seen in the home training programs that many people adopt when equipment is scarce - such as now during the covid-19 self isolation period. Sure, doing squats for 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off will get you tired but if your aim is to maintain muscle mass is that really the best way to get it done? Listen and find out...
06/04/20•4m 6s
#517 – Breaking Free of Food Control with Chloe Prince
Ready for a story of great inner strength, power and vision? Chloe Prince suffered with anorexia for 14 years after being abused at a young age. Hospitalised and controlled, Chloe actually healed herself for the most part, seeing the life she could lead if she accepted change, decided to love herself, learn about food from an evidence based perspective, and seek control in her life aside from food. In this show we discussed her journey, the 4 types of people we see and the steps to change, vulnerability, authenticity, self-love, the importance of the right education in nutrition, and more. An incredible story from an inspiring soul. Find her on Instagram @chloejaneprince or online at:
02/04/20•44m 12s
#516 - Can you 'boost' your immune system?
In this quick Monday show Tom talks about the concept of boosting your immune system and explains the flaws in using that phrase, before outlining some steps that you can take right now to properly support your immunity and get your body in the best possible place for protecting you. The immune system is something that many people are talking about right now, and we want you to be informed so you can cut through all the crap!
30/03/20•14m 57s
#515 – Get your Sh*t together
When we speak about mental health, is it fair to say that the language is often feminine? Why is it that the advice given typically revolves around journalling, taking baths, meditating, and things that simply don't resonate with a large swathe of the male population (and a fair chunk of the female population, too!). In the world of nutrition we all know that you need to find an approach that works for your preferences, but why is it that when we talk about mental health things get far more prescriptive? Does EVERYONE need to talk about their problems as a first port of call?This show delves into the emotional differences of men and women, why the person you confide in could make or break your future, why spending time being alone with your problems is key, why developing strength in one area of your life leads to another, and more mental health ramblings. Enjoy.
26/03/20•44m 44s
#514 - Clenbuterol: The Dirty Little Fat Loss Secret
Ever heard of clenbuterol? It's actually a dirty little secret of the fitness industry. Many people, especially bodybuilders and people that kick about in those types of circles, have taken it to aid in getting SHREDDED. But, like with all these things there are downsides. Tom my co-host uses this short podcast to explain what it is, why people take it, and all the dirty little secrets not being told on social media when people are posting their 'look at me shredded' photos.
23/03/20•11m 15s
#513 – Extreme Exercise, Extreme Results with Brian Keane (Pt.2)
In Part 2 we delve back into Brian Keane’s history exercising, and why he now chooses to do extreme endurance events. What does running across the Sahara desert teach you? What does minus 23 degrees bring out in you? As you can tell mindset is the focus of these two shows, but why, why is this so important? And how does exercise facilitate these mindset shifts in us? Find out as we get under the skin and inside the brain of Brian Keane. Check Brian out on social media and amazon, search ‘Brian Keane’ and his books 'The Fitness Mindset' and 'Rewire your Mindset'
19/03/20•38m 43s
#512 - The Coronavirus Battle Plan - You In?
So Coronavirus has everyone all worked up, but its time to react.... question is, how are you going to CHOOSE to react? How should you now exercise? Eat? and think? It's time to see opportunity, not scarcity, its time for creativity, reinvention & progress, If even a small sense of worry has crept in, listen to these 15 minutes, I'll pep you up...Link to my PT Facebook Group or search 'PT Coronavirus strategy group'
16/03/20•16m 39s
#511 – Comparison Syndrome, Anxiety & Failure with Brian Keane (Pt.1)
Social media makes us compare ourselves to others, but this isn’t a new phenomena, we’ve always done this, its that social media has compounded its effects. Brain Keane, Irish fitness legend joins me to discuss his journey with crippling anxiety from comparison syndrome and how he reversed it to get to where he is today, a best-selling author, endurance adventurer and all-round LEGEND. We also discuss the value of failure, how to confront fear, and the mindset that ensures we all succeed with our goals, and more. Check Brian out on social media and amazon, search ‘Brian Keane’
12/03/20•36m 0s
#510 - How Exercise can Stop Weight Loss & Cause Weight Gain
Exercise is good for us, but there is an effective dose, what is that? And if we don't get the balance right, how can it negatively stop our progress, or even reverse perceived progress? I go through 4 major ways in which exercise can hinder fat loss, and physiologically cause weight gain.
09/03/20•22m 11s
#509 - Coronavirus & Supporting Your Immune System
Coronavirus is 23x more infectious than Flu, so when people compare it to flu, is that fair, are we looking critically at this new novel virus? With any ‘potential’ epidemic, personally or widespread, it raises necessity with ones health and people start to think differently, which raises a discussion between myself and Tom about the stages of change, our health, how to maximise immunity, bacteria, URTI’s, exercise intensity, hygiene and a new trick I’ve been using, and a few other tangents.
05/03/20•32m 33s
#508 - We're all Flawed
Does anyone enjoy dwelling on their flaws? I expect you to say no, but we spend a lot of time doing it and can get ourselves into quite the rut. I can't do A LOT of stuff, and I'm NOT a lot of things, but what am I? What can I do? What am I good at? In this episode I bare all my flaws, both physical and mental, and ask you to look at yourself and your flaws, then, it's time to flip it on its head...
02/03/20•12m 44s
#507 - Run Through Walls with Martin Rooney
Who is the most motivational man I’ve ever interviewed? This man, Martin Rooney. A 2nd interview has been a long time coming, and this podcast was worth the wait. We discuss personal leadership, the power and problems with change, how to change the program playing in your brain that’s been playing since childhood, how to take so many steps closer to your goals you’ll feel like you can run through walls, and more. This show is ideal for anyone looking to up their game, shift their mindset, and help those shifts happen with others as a coach. Check out Martin at: To take Martin up on his offer email to get your 2 for 1 epic deal!
27/02/20•49m 1s
#506 - Is Nutrition Complicated? Calorie & Macro Chat
Calories, macros, protein, it can all sound complicated, but is it? We know calories are king, but what happens with the protein, fat and carbs, and when should we get more or less specific about them? What people NEED a more specific approach, and why? What is the upper safe limit of protein, and why are protein needs higher for fat loss than muscle building? Nicola raised a question, and here is the answer....
24/02/20•14m 22s
#505 – The 100 Unit Method with Louise Thompson
Is perfectionism holding you back? Feel you’ve got no time to achieve the things you want to achieve? Wish you were more bold and courageous and just got out there more? We live in a busy world, everyone seems to be stressed and frustrated, tired and overweight, but hopefully not after today, not after this podcast as I interview the awesome Louise Thompson and explore the 100 unit method. Louise gave herself Chronic Fatigue Syndrome many years ago, and now her mission is to help people live with more happiness and freedom so the same doesn’t happen, after all it’s a condition you give to yourself! Let us know after today how you approach your 100 units… Find Louise at: Find her Academy here:
20/02/20•45m 23s
#504 - Playing the Victim of Life
If you play the victim in life, you won't get what you want, it will always be someone else's responsibility or the fault of someone or something else. You want change? Good. Grab a listen to this podcast, taken from a live Q&A I did... I promise it will help....
17/02/20•27m 15s
#503 - Pt 2: Vegan vs Normal Milk, UK Farming Practices & Arguing Online
Part 1 of our conversation focused on online arguments and their facts, chemicals in food and antibiotics in milk - today in part 2 we continue the conversation and evolve into the arguments we put forward and how to back them up, the importance of research consensus and not ONE study, why foods we can’t pronounce shouldn’t be deemed as harmful, the importance of listening to your body, why I think I couldn’t do a 100% vegan diet and the effect on my body, the nuances of nutrition and individual context, and a few more musings. Enjoy.And if you ever want to write into the show, email subject ‘podcast’.
13/02/20•50m 48s
#502 - Wim Hof Breathing, Ice Baths & The Purpose of a Practice
So I've recently done a few Wim Hof sessions, both the ice bath and the breathing protocols, but I won't be doing them again, why? That leads to the question why do anything, what is the purpose of practice, after all its to solve something or be in control, right? Let's explore this topic, join me for a short podcast on breathing, ice baths and knowing when to employ a technique, or not.
10/02/20•16m 39s
#501 - Vegan vs Normal Milk, UK Farming Practices & Arguing Online (Pt.1)
WOW. So this episode took quite the turn, we had a listener email into the show about a Veganuary email we sent out, we thought we'd rattle on for 20-30 mins on the mic, but things quickly escalated and we only got Part 1 recorded in 60 minutes! We ended up debating the science of online arguments and peoples mindset, why people choose to twist the truth to support an agenda from an antibiotics in milk FB post I wrote, the nutritional differences of vegan vs 'normal' milk, why the farming network in the UK is a lot better than we give it credit for, perspective when it comes to human nature, and more. Want an objective account of the science of dairy? Here's a nutrition report all about dairy, BUT, be warned, it's not a 5 minute read, this is data heavy and covers a lot of ground. But you have to when looking at the nuances of our food: As ever, feel free to write into the show and join the debate with the subject line 'Podcast'
06/02/20•49m 58s
#500 - What I've learnt from 499 shows & How to Succeed at ANYTHING!
500 podcasts is an iconic landmark, so I thought I would fire up the microphone and look back on all the awesome things I've learnt from my guests, the most powerful things that lead to the most success for me and them, how to have the best year of your life as you move forward, and more. As ever, feel free to write into the show at Subject "Podcast"
03/02/20•44m 28s
#499 - Intermittent Fasting: Insulin, Ketones & Hunger (Part 2)
Ben - you didn’t discuss the benefits of low insulin levels, ketones and hunger reduction in part 1?! So, we’ll now cover it in part 2, alongside where its applicable in life to do intermittent fasting, issues with exercise and IF timing, intensity variables to be aware of, stomach stretch reflex and feeding patterns, more on autophagy, a little on cancer (we’re not doctors, FYI), and a few other musings. Enjoy. And feel free to continue the debate. Want more evidence based but practical Nutrition Education? Go to:
30/01/20•57m 22s
#498 – Protein Shakes, Hypertrophy & B.S. TV Programs!
Protein, always a hype conversation and regularly misrepresented in the media. Tom (the shows co-host) discusses protein off the back of a popular TV program “Trust me I’m a Doctor” – obviously not an expert on protein though. Tom explores protein, how it stimulates muscle protein synthesis, bioavailability scoring, beginners and experienced lifters muscle growth rates, why you might supplement with it, who elevated protein is good for, and other protein and bad science musings. Learn more on Nutrition at:
27/01/20•20m 25s
#497 - Dr Chatterjee: Change your life in 5 minutes a day
Lifestyle medicine is a hot topic, and Dr Rangan Chatterjee is at the forefront of this conversation. As GP, writer and coach Dr Chatterjee is perfectly placed to comment on issues we face today in modern health and how to simply things and make changes that last. We discuss Dr Chatterjee’s 5 minute routine that primes his day, simple habit hacks you can try, why understanding your own behaviour and habits is key, how a lady got rid of migraines colouring in, how the act of making tea could connect two people, and much more. An incredible chat with an incredible human!!Grab a copy of Ragan’s book here:
23/01/20•51m 15s
#496 - Got ADHD? Procrastinate on Social Media much? Let's get focused!
So when I was younger I apparently had ADHD, and was sensitive to bright light (which tbf I still am, love a dim room lit by a fire, the bright light of a squash court freaks me out). So I get asked a lot about what I did to solve my ADHD and for me that had to be tied into a bigger conversation around diet, procrastination, social media and why we do the things we do. I'm just one guy with one experience, so take from this podcast what you wish, but I think, whether you feel you suffer with ADHD, poor concentration or motivation, this podcast will give you some perspective.
20/01/20•12m 2s
#495 - Intermittent Fasting: Benefits & Lies (Part 1)
Intermittent Fasting has been around for AGES, I’ve done it off and on, and when I did first do it there was next level broscience around what it was and what it did. In this Podcast Tom and I delve into the science, its limitations, where it has benefits, where people have lied on its benefits and where the truth lies, and how you can start to apply it in your life, and importantly, why. This show got deep quick, so stay prepped for part 2 in two weeks time.Read more on Intermittent Fasting here on the BTN Blog: Get a free video nutrition course here:
16/01/20•40m 47s
#494 - Injury Recovery: Movement, Nutrients & Mental Health
When you're injured, what do you do? How can you recover quicker? What do you do with yourself? How do you stay positive? In this short podcast I'll give you strategise to get back on your feet and feeling AWESOME in no time.
13/01/20•9m 53s
#493 - Dr Hamed Kamali on Plant based eating, strength athletes & lifestyle medicine
Co-host Tom interviews Dr Hamed Kamali from Medichecks. This eclectic show covers topics ranging from the pros and cons of The Game Changers movie and discussing plant based nutrition with meat eaters, to advocating lifestyle medicine as a GP and the longevity of strength athletes. It's always a pleasure to talk to medical professionals who take exercise and nutrition seriously and we're sure you'll enjoy this conversation.If you'd like to use the Medichecks private blood testing service please use the links below with code BCR10 for 10% off. There is a discount on the Sports Performance Ultravit Test and Ultimate Performance test during January 2020, so act quick!:Home page: health and wellness checks: and Performance test guides:
09/01/20•59m 35s
#492 - How to make 2020 the best year of your life
Want to make 2020 the best year of your life? Awesome, here's my short and sharp sage wisdom for a year of awesome-ness!
06/01/20•11m 44s
#491 - Is self love keeping you unhappy and overweight?
Self love and self care are big topics in the mental health discussion around nutrition and fitness. But as nutrition coaches and teachers we see some issues in how this is being applied. See, self-soothing isn't self-love / self-care, self-soothing an emotional response to an external stimulus, compared to a logical response to on-going issues one might be facing, self-love. This is a key distinction to make as one equals long term progress, the other short term progress. Join us as we define the terms, explain the terms, and equip you with skills to practice self love in the right way so you can get more success with your fitness and health goals.
02/01/20•35m 54s
#490 - Advice for #Veganuary 2020 & what I learnt in 2019
What did I learn in 2019? Quite a lot, but summed up into one thing, which will surprise you as I like to talk a lot about the ideas and optimisations I'm constantly making. 2020 for me is about minimal effective dose in all areas of my life, listen in and let me explain. And for anyone doing #veganuary this year, I'll give my quick tips to get optimised.
30/12/19•13m 22s
#489 - The Athletic Physique: Genetics vs Hard Work with Dan Tai
Dan Tai has an AWESOME physique, but how, hard work, good genetics? If it's a mix, how much of a mix? We open up a discussion on building an athletic body and how much genetics and hard work play into building that body. As an ex-pro rugby player turned crossfit athlete Dan Tai is well adapted to a good training program, so let's explore it. We explore his journey, his training now compared to years ago, he injury that made him retire, future goals and more. Find Dan on the gram at @dantai_pt
26/12/19•31m 2s
#488 - Hacking our Lazy Human Nature & I win a BIG award!
Want to hack your laziness? Humans naturally seek comfort, safety and security, but it can be a major blocker for you reaching your goals. It could be as simple as going out of your way or putting some money on the line. Let's discuss.... oh, and I win a big award :)
23/12/19•11m 16s
#487 – Fussy Eaters & Food Language: Kids Nutrition with Jenna Hope & Yasmin Alexander
How do you feed fussy kids? Is vegan food healthy for kids? Are we using the right language around our kids and what they eat? Feeding a kid well is tough, especially if they are fussy or we eat a restricted diet ourselves. Fear not as nutritionists Yasmin Alexander and Jenna Hope join me to chat all things nutrition and food for kids. They started the Yogurt and Juice Network to help parents and kids eat better, follow them for more tips @theyogurtandjuice_network or
19/12/19•39m 19s
#486 - How your Identity can Limit your Potential
Who and what do you identify as? Who ARE you? How you think and see yourself dictates your actions. If you identify yourself as someone living with depression, or anxiety, or IBS, or osteoarthritis does this limit your potential in finding a solution? A big question. Question is, are you ready to challenge your identity?
16/12/19•11m 32s
#485 – High Intensity Training, Female Hormones & RED-S #AskBen
You’re training hard, feeling good and looking badass, but then you notice as a women you’ve lost your period, panic stations. What do you need to do to regain it, how will that affect not just your physical health but also your mental health, after all training is an outlet for many. I speak to Chloe and coach her to coach herself through her problem live on the podcast. She went from 18% to 6% body fat, and the problems ensued. If you are struggling with an issue, this podcast will help as I teach you to view your problem as an outsider, and not an insider. Less emotion, more data.
12/12/19•43m 4s
#484 - Eating on the Road working 12 hour days #AskBen
"Working on the road working 12 hours days is tough, all there is is crap food all around me and its hard to stay in shape". Lets get stuck into this problem of food, fitness and travel while being on the road. Time for some tough love...
09/12/19•14m 32s
#483 - “Help, I can’t stay on track” I Coach an Air Hostess #AskBen
When you’re an air hostess on call life is always in flux, you could be going to China or Milan on a moment’s notice, this means I really struggle to keep consistent with my diet, exercise and sleep. I’ve had coaches in the past and know what to do, but it’s just not working, Ben, can you help?Yes I can, welcome to the #AskBen live coaching series, listen in as I help Kym through her issues with a live coaching session…
05/12/19•52m 2s
#482 - Average people can do Extraordinary things
Do you feel like you're really average? Not that clever, not that sporty, not that confident, not that talented? Me too. But I've achieved great things, and it's time for me to inspire you with how you can do the same...
02/12/19•12m 48s
#481 - I talk to a Dairy Farmer about Nutrition, Welfare & Veganism
With a BIG discussion around being vegan and plant based currently there is a lot of talk around dairy, some claiming its evil, some claiming welfare standards are poor, some claiming its contributing to health issues, so why not chat to a 3rd generation dairy farmer? I've developed a relationship with Joseph Heler Cheese who make the EatLean cheese and their CEO George Helen, an awesome guy. We sit down and discuss dairy farming and how our milk is produced, the standards they set for their dairy, what music cows like, nutrition comparisons of dairy and their dairy alternatives, the future of food and dairy, and his companies journey into being a 170 employee cheese producer from starting with 40 cows and a dilapidated farm.
28/11/19•42m 52s
#480 - Japan: Learning from their Food & Culture
I've recently been to Japan and WOW what an experience. No overweight people, calm but busy, weird food, slow food, everyone is grateful, such a mad country, simply amazing. I thought I'd take to the microphone for 10 minutes to chat about what I loved and how we can learn from the Japanese way of live
25/11/19•12m 18s
#479 - The Game Changers (Movie) - Accurate or Propaganda?
Everyone seems to be going vegan after watching The Game Changers movie, but how accurate is it, do the facts about it leading to better physical performance stack up? How many of the health claims in the film are actually true based on peer reviewed science and not observational research? Sure, being more plant based is beneficial for your health and the planet, but should we do this out of fear of eating meat, or dairy, or many of the foods quoted as ‘evil’ in the film? There are 4 pillars we wish to discuss, and regardless of a film full of big names we shall look at the facts with NO bias. Lets see as Tom and I dissect the film…
21/11/19•58m 9s
#478 - Laughing in the Face of your Problems
Did you listen to my Live coaching session I recently did with Tim Cooper? It was direct and that's not a coaching style thats right for everyone. After Nicola wrote into the show questioning my choice of coach and his approach dealing with my issues I take 10 minutes to explain why I choose Tim as my coach for the problem I had and how you should choose a coach. Ultimately I now laugh in the face of my problem, so it worked.
18/11/19•13m 38s
#477 - Solving Childhood Obesity (Part 2)
In this podcast we expand on part one, episode 471, and discuss school education and health initiatives, the healthy weight program in schools, critical thinking in the planning process of obesity programs, working around snowflake syndrome, and a call to arms on what WE can do to affect change. Read the original report here:
14/11/19•30m 45s
#476 - Best Fats & Oils to Eat and Cook with
When it comes to fat, what are the best ones to cook with and eat? Listen in and find out. Got a question for the show? Send it in to subject line "podcast"
11/11/19•11m 54s
#475 - Can Exercise Help Cure Cancer? with Prof. Anna Campbell (MBE)
This week sees Prof. Anna Campbell (MBE) of CanRehab on the show to talk all things Cancer and exercise with show co-host Tom Bainbridge. They discuss the benefits of exercise and fitness during cancer recovery and treatment, the role that fitness professionals can play, the importance of taking an individualised approach, and the incredible results that she has had with clients and study participants. Some of the outcomes seen are mindblowing and given that cancer may affect 50% of us directly this is a must listen for anyone! Links mentioned during the podcast:Study: Exercise Guidelines for Cancer Survivors: Case report on a male using an exercise bike during treatment. Not yet published, title will be “Case Report of Exercise to Attenuate Side Effects of Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer”Book on 5:2 dieting during cancer treatment:’s links:Courses: Email: CanRehab Twitter & IG: @canrehab
07/11/19•45m 43s
#474 - Competition Fuelling for Crossfit & Sport Events
If you've got a full day of competing coming up, such as a crossfit competition where it's all day, or a sporting event where you are playing multiple matches a day, how do you fuel for it, how do you maximise recovery, how do you approach it so you are still firing on all cylinders at 3pm and not flagging and dragging yourself through? After my last crossfit competition, being at one observing at the weekend, and my experience with multi-event sports days, I give my advice on getting the most out of your body. Whether you compete to win, or merely to enjoy the day, grab a listen and lets optimise your performance.
04/11/19•19m 31s
#473 - Healthy Habits for Parents with Dan Fallon
How do you get or stay fit and healthy as a parent? Time is tight, stress is high and sleep is often low, so how do you make it all work? Dan Fallon is a legend and friend, and a father working full time all while starting a new business, and he does it all, but how? I chat to Dan about fitness as a family, healthy habits with food, ideas to maximise time in the home, strategise to do more with less time, effective communication between the family, how he manages his very busy day, and more. And it all starts with one thing..... listening to this ;) Check out Dan's book on Amazon "Start with one thing" Dan Fallon
31/10/19•34m 51s
#472 - Hunger & Food: The Science of Eating
Get hungry a lot, wondered how hunger works and what your hunger signals are actually telling you? In this short podcast we explain hunger physiologically, then explore what effects it and how to manage it, after all knowing about hunger and how to best manage can help us manage our weight better, and thats a good thing. And the food bit? Well thats the stuff we eat in response to our hunger signals, so we need to know why we choose some foods over others in response to our hunger signals.... enjoy. Nom nom nom.
28/10/19•16m 45s
#471 – Solving Childhood Obesity (Part 1)
Did you know 53,000 take away’s in the UK exist and over 60% are within 400m of a school? Just one nugget from a new Childhood Obesity report that has been commissioned by the government written and collated by Sally Davies. It lists all the ways the government and industry can tackle childhood obesity and we want to have our say. What do we think of the ideas and policy suggestions as people that work front line? How can schools do better? How can we do better? How can parents shift their thinking? This is the start of a 2-3 part series, so stay tuned for more and please do write into the show if you want to add to the conversation. Read the report here:
24/10/19•45m 35s
#470 – Nutrition Coaching, Empowering Change & Industry Qualifications
As an educator, what do I believe helps people the most in the journey of change, what really makes the difference when helping others? In this episode I get interviewed by Brian Keane and we discuss my journey as a nutrition educator, why the focus has to be on behaviour change, what I’ve learnt over 13 years coaching others, what I focus on as a coach, my methods, how all of this got built into the BTN Nutrition Education system, an online nutrition coaching qualification, going to university vs private courses, how to approach learning, and more.
21/10/19•29m 20s
#469 - LIVE Coaching: I take off my mask with Tim Cooper
I've been struggling with something for some time, so I reached out to Tim Cooper to get a personal coaching session, except I had the recorder on. I want to get back to 100%, and I felt Tim could help me do that. I discuss why I'm feeling the way I do, what started it, why it holds me back, what I think it links back to in my childhood, and essentially how to move forward. You know I'm always willing to be vulnerable to be my best self, well today you're going to see that again. If you want to hear me expose myself, more, here it is... Discover Tim's work at @thetimcooperacademy
17/10/19•58m 57s
#468 - The Keto Diet: What, Why How (with Science)
The Ketogenic Diet is talked about non stop, but why would you do it, what are the reasons, what are the benefits? Here is a full audio review on the Keto Diet by Tom Bainbridge, Head of Education at the BTN Academy, an evidence based Nutrition Education company
14/10/19•19m 0s
#467 - Giving you permission to Succeed with Ben Newman
You do know success is a choice? And today we’re going to make you realise that. Ben Newman is a Performance Coach hell bent on showing people their potential. After watching his mum die just before his 8th birthday he saw just how precious life was. In this action packed podcast we discuss the importance of a personal vision, creating a personal doctrine you read daily, how one simple action can create the success you want, and more. As a coach to some of the top brains, sports teams and companies in the US, Ben knows how to inspire and drive success. Grab his free playbook at
10/10/19•42m 1s
#466 - Sugar Addiction & Sugar Cravings
Is sugar addiction a thing? Scientifically, despite what people claim, it's not, BUT, how often do we have a sweet and want more? How often do we crave sweet things? How often is it food that's on the mind? Lets take a quick delve into the brain and all things sugar and addiction...
07/10/19•13m 27s
#465 - Release your inner Awesome with Danny Bent
What does living an awesome life mean to you? Do you think you’re doing it? Do you feel confined, maybe by your job, your health, the people around you? Danny Bent runs the Awesome Project, and having come back from 9 days running across Iceland, along with many other past physical feats, we muse on what living an awesome life means, what adventures teach you, where survival fits into our modern life, where technology fits in and is it really serving us, what humans are capable of, what connection means for us, and more. Check Danny out at and
03/10/19•38m 48s
#464 - Is what you believe, true?
Are there things you do or believe in that hold you back? Would you even know if they did hold you back, are you aware of these things? Perhaps we are told these 'facts' by the media, or our parents, or teachers at school, or a book we read? The more someone says something the more we feel it's true, but that doesn't make it true... Awesome Supplements now has samples, try us:
30/09/19•7m 35s
#463 - Intuitive Eating Pt 2, Diet Politics & Weight Acceptance
Intuitive eating & diet culture part 2, except today we go deeper down the rabbit hole discussing dieting politics, personal bias, why the Greek gods were depicted as athletic specimens, our desire as humans for growth, where the body positivity movement fails people, where diet culture actually started, how our modern environment is dangerously obesogenic and often overlooked, how our personal goals ultimately rule all, and much more. Want to learn more about nutrition? Visit:
26/09/19•54m 5s
#462 - Fitness Influencers
Heard the term fitness influencer? I'm not sure I like it, if people call me one, what does that mean about me, what does that say? What does that really mean, because for me I don't ever want to be seen as someone that has influence, I don't feel that is just, or sounds ethical. So what do I want to be seen as?
23/09/19•8m 8s
#461 - Get Motivated, Get Confident, CRUSH Life with Alan Stein Jr
Alan Stein Jn has rubbed shoulders with legends of sport like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant and motivated teams at companies like Starbucks. While he’s a motivational speaker this isn’t time for rar rars and pom poms, it's time for a serious chat about how to get motivated, and stay motivated. In this motivation fuelled podcast we discuss confidence, fear, vulnerability, self-leadership, self-awareness, knowing your personal truth and mission, how anger can be a good thing, and much more. If you listen, tell me what you think, because I think this is a blockbuster show! Check Alan out at and his book ‘Raise your Game’
19/09/19•50m 34s
#460 - Low Carb Meals, Fasting & Shift/Night Work
Low carb is dead from a fat loss perspective, but what about in energy management? What about fasting? This show started its train of thought from the previous shift and night worker show, but it's widened its scope as not enough think of low carb eating and its effects on health and performance. If you're struggling to manage your nutrition, shift worker or not, have a cheeky listen. To learn more about nutrition sign up to our free e-course at:
16/09/19•9m 38s
#459 - Intuitive Eating, Body Positivity & Evolutionary Biology
There is a strong ‘anti-diet’ movement at the moment, and that’s great, diet culture has damaged the wellbeing of many people world wide, but has it gone too far? Have we considered how the human brain works and how we are wired as people? Has intuitive eating got the right message, or has it been taken out of context to allow anti-diet zealots to have a soap box to shout on? Be prepared for a long and deep show on how the human brain works, nutrition science, male & female attractiveness, body shapes, human health, biology and more.
12/09/19•1h 3m
#458 - How to get back to 100% & realise your potential
In life we eat a lot of sh*t sandwiches, and I hadn't fully realised that in 2017 I ate my biggest volume of sh*t sandwiches and it knocked my confidence more than I realised. In previous podcasts I've discussed how I felt 80-90% of my capacity and it was frustrating me, I didn't feel 100% AWESOME. Well, now I do, and this is how I did it...
09/09/19•9m 38s
#457 – Specific Diets for Gut & Immune Issues with Carmen Sturdy
Do you have a gut or immune issue, or know someone that has? Fancy taking 32 pills to manage it…..? Carmen Sturdy joins me on the show to discuss her personal story with being diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and her journey to being in remission after being put in 32 pills just to manage it. Her journey is inspiring as long term success all came down to her food creativity, starting with eating just chicken soup and ending up making cream out of cauliflower, madness. An awesome and inspiring guest. Find her online at @EveryLastBite_ on Instagram and Time stamps: 0:00 An introduction to Carmen her journey since becoming diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 03:50 Pills - a short term fix for some, but what about the long term goal? Going from 32 pills a day, to being 5 years in remission, pill free.07:30 Specific carbohydrate diet - what is it? & how did Carmen learn to love it? 09:20 eliminating foods, finding the problems, being strict and staying committed15:15 creativity through restriction - making the most out of what you can have instead of wishing for all the foods you can’t have18:50 Eating real foods & Being experimental in the kitchen23:05 What does a relapse look like for someone with IBD?25:00 Carmens words of wisdom
05/09/19•30m 9s
#456 - Shift & Night Workers, Higher Risk of Disease
It is a stark reality that shift workers and night workers have a higher risk of disease, or 'all risk mortality' as they phrase it in health research. So, with this fact known, how can we minimise the effects and be healthier as a shift or night worker?
02/09/19•10m 23s
#455 – Women Vs Men in the Gym with Brian Alshrue
What is strength? Lifting heavy weights? Climbing a mountain? Being able to run a marathon? Surviving a major life event? And is it different for Men and Women? And, what differences are there in training when male or female? Brian Alsruhe joins me to chat all things physical and mental strength and battling the sexes. Brian has battled a fatal condition, spent 10 years working for the military, had a brain tumour, experienced childhood trauma and now camps out in his gym creating warriors life from moms looking for some fitness, to world champion iron men. Want an insight into a modern warrior, want to know how this man thinks and trains? Then listen in and follow him online @NeverSate 0:00 From losing a friend, discovering a brain tumour & becoming a strongman.08:35 You can learn something new every day in the gym!11:00 Strength can mean something different to every person15:00 Finding the sport that’s right for you mentally and physically20:20 Should you enjoy exercise ?23:42 Think you don’t sweat when lifting heavy... think again. 32:20 You have to work hard, but ultimately it comes down to your mindset!39:20 Sleep - how does Brian survive on so little?
29/08/19•48m 43s
#454 - Feeling Tired After Lunch? 3 Quick Tips to avoid it
The post lunch energy dip is something many get. A user wrote into the show so why not fire up the podcast and throw some ideas about. If you get the afternoon energy dip listen to this short 10 minute show on my top 3 tips to try, including a tangent about being introverted and regaining your mental energy
26/08/19•10m 15s
#453 – Quick Food for Busy People with Chef Ian Haste
Do you enjoy cooking? Do you feel you eat well? Do you have kids? Got a busy job and try to exercise, trying to fit it all in? Balancing it all is tough, but don’t fear Ian Haste from Hastes Kitchen joins me to discuss all things food, fitness, cooking awesome food, and getting our kids to eat vegetables. But there is a problem, we first need to discuss where we are currently at with cooking, food and the kitchen as the modern obsession is to save time, but is this time saving culture robbing us and our kids the benefits of food and connection we get from meal times? We discuss Ian’s journey with food, how he balances work and cooking with his 2 kids, modern food culture, the benefits of slow cooking and more. An epic show, do check out Ian’s book ‘The 7 Day Basket’ on Amazon and Ian on social media @hasteskitchen0:00 an introduction to Ian, why he became a chef and what has inspired him to write 7 day basket - his new cook book.4:45 Does today's on the go modern culture mean that people don't know how to cook interesting healthy foods?6:15. Cooking a recipe is great, but what did you learn in doing it?8:12 How to make your kids eat more vegetables10:15 The language used around food and its psychological effects on children - get them cooking and involved17:00 Our favourite foods are down to more than the ingredients - it's culture and environment that it creates. Putting the love back into food19:50 Cooking is a way of connecting - turn the tv off and do it together22:00 Food variety is key. How to not get stuck cooking the same 5 dishes every week26:00 The freezer is our friend - batch cook & make your work friends jealous27:15 Eating out with children - it doesn't have to be nuggets and burgers.34:00 Closing thoughts - save money, reduce waste, be experimental.
22/08/19•37m 31s
#452 - Weights vs Group Exercise when Stressed & Anxious
You're feeling stressed and anxious right now, what form of exercise should you do? A listener has written in asking about what she is doing compared to what she could do with her exercise regime, looking at weight training vs group training, and ultimately any type of training. Lets make a plan of action in this short sharp podcast.
19/08/19•8m 28s
#451 – Plants vs Pills with The Doctors Kitchen
Dr Rupy Aujla is the NHS GP who started 'The Doctor's Kitchen', a project that all started with the aim to inspire his patients about the beauty of food and the medicinal effects of eating well. And I’m so pumped he joined me on the show. We talk about his journey reversing his health complaints, the gap we need to bridge between medicine and nutrition, how he navigates nutrition advice with his NHS patients, where he sits with eating animal protein as a plant focused eater, his ethics around meat consumption, his daily diet, the benefits of culinary medicine and the mission he is on, linking nutrition to certain health conditions, and more. Check him out online ‘The Doctors Kitchen’ and ensure you check out his awesome books. WHAT. A. SHOW.
15/08/19•43m 42s
#450 - Hit a Plateau, Lost your Mojo?
What do you do when you've lost your mojo for life, or hit a plateau in training, you feel like you're just spinning your wheels without an aim or true progress. Listen in, let me help.
12/08/19•7m 52s
#449 – Disordered Eating, Body Goals & Training Flexibility
When you’ve been so focused on your body for so long, how do you safely let yourself go? How do you juggle performance vs vanity based goals, all while living life to its fullest? Have you ever had a disordered relationship with food, and if so, are you recovered, do you feel like you’re in a good place now? If not, what tools should we use to get better, to be better, to feel better? This podcast is a deep dive into diet, training, health, mindset and life all based around a users question on their disordered eating. The podcast goes off on many tangents with an aim to make people think and give actionable tools to help with your future progress. Enjoy. Time stamps -06:15 Is your sport the right environment for your health?09:45 Are your goals helping you progress in your sport or in the mirror?11:00 Is BMI a good measure to use when evaluating performance?16:40 REDS- The key signals & when to see a professional23:15 Seeing beyond body composition as your only measure of progress27:00 Evaluate your health with Tom - Grab a pen & paper.31:00 Glorifying the pain of your journey - should you be proud of those DOMS.33:08 Putting in extra hours but not seeing extra results? Reasons to train smarter, not harder.
08/08/19•40m 5s
#448 - Feeling Overwhelmed & Stressed?
Are you feeling overwhelmed & stressed right now? Maybe you've got a lot on but you can't seem to focus, its all a jumble and you just feel like you're constantly holding it all together but constantly feeling like you might break? All while procrastinating and not making a dent in the epic to do list you feel you have. This is a classic issue, I've been there many times, and this is how I would suggest you get out of that feeling, and stop it from happening in the future.
05/08/19•8m 35s
#447 – Cancer & Obesity with Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK’s latest Obesity campaign has certainly got people talking, and there are some violent responses online about the direct nature of the campaign. I am in support of what CRUK are doing, but I wanted to clear a few things up so invited CRUK to come on to the show and expand on the campaigns key talking points. Karis Betts joins me to discuss the key focus points of the campaign, the research it’s based on, how we classify metabolically healthy obesity, where CRUK stand on the healthy at any size movement, their response to the campaign being classed as fat shaming, their future plans off the back of the campaign, what they hope for the future, and more. A fascinating show that clears up the confusion.
01/08/19•24m 50s
#446 - Do your goals scare or motivate you?
Goal setting can be motivating, but achieving those goals can be scary. To stop this lets refine our process, lets ensure we have a big vision for ourselves and are willing to stretch ourselves, but also work every week on the small stuff that's going to get us there. Follow this two step process and see if it helps. Want to join me in Thailand? Check out Pilates Hub Retreats:
29/07/19•8m 4s
#445 – The Spiritual Athlete with Richie Norton
Can you be alpha, strong, agile, muscular, but connected, aware, flexible, in a state of flow? My awesome guest today Richie Norton believes you can, but few are, we are either power and muscle focused gym goers or yoga hippy types, perhaps there is a middle ground, one that can bring the body into its most awesome state, a state of slow, harmony, balance. Richie used to work as a PT in London but after burning out, getting frustrated and constantly battling injuries he decided enough was enough and now lives in a sheep field by the sea in Wales. Still coaching and creating awesome humans, he tells his story and shares his wisdom.1:19 Introducing Richie4:03 Rugby, Strength Training, Yoga - How do you get client buy in with such a varied background?7:55 Why Yoga?10:15 Finding the right teacher & learning from a point of care rather than punishment15:07 Reflecting on a Rugby career full of injuries - What would you do differently if you did it again?21:56 Spiritualness - How to find your version of it.31:24 Why are you doing that? Does it make you happy?35:40 Everyone’s on a separate mission. You do you.
25/07/19•40m 16s
#444 - 5 Tips to STOP Procrastination
Find you procrastinate a lot? Here are my top 5 tips to stop! A quick 11 minute show :)
22/07/19•12m 1s
#443 - Being Plant Based with BOL Foods Paul Brown
The plant-based movement is gaining traction, but why, what’s the key driver, health, sustainability, conscious living, ethics, or a bit of it all? You’ll have likely seen BOL Foods on the shelves of your supermarket, founder Paul Brown joins me on the show to discuss his journey with plant-based nutrition, the mission for BOL foods, the future of food, sustainable capitalism, and more. Find BOL Foods in a supermarket near you.1:45 An introduction to Paul & BOL foods3:15 Is plant based the same as veganism?5:27 What drove the decision to become a fully plant based company?11:30 Does there need to be more education around how to make vegan food easy & exciting?14:30 How Paul uses Bol for convenience & health17:50 Sustainable capitalism - what BOL is doing to try and influence the changes we need to make as a society22:15 The future of plastic packaging29:50 Accepting that you can’t make everyone happy, all of the time.35:05 Paul’s tips on how to include more vegetables in your diet
18/07/19•41m 36s
#442 - Business Advice for Young Coaches
Young or starting out in the fitness industry? Then this short show should make you think differently about your career moves. Everyone focuses online too early in their journey, this leads to failure quicker in my opinion. So if you're new to the industry, or struggling, this short show should help. Enjoy. For more visit
15/07/19•19m 38s
#441 – Life is Tough with Ollie Ollerton
Life is tough, but the question is are you going to stand up and tackle it head on? Ollie Ollerton from TV’s SAS Who Dares wins and with his bestselling book “Break Point” joins me to discuss the power of the mind, balancing being an alpha but also compassionate & understanding, tackling life’s low points, discovering your purpose and passions, how to make poignant life transitions easier, how to get your confidence back, and much much more.1:17 An introduction to Ollie and how he became the person that he is today.4:45 Feeling lost & finding purpose10:54 Discovering your purpose by asking important life questions18:39 Self development & the complexity of change26:00 Accepting your demons & beginning to build a process around them that leads to your goal.32:00 Being knocked down & re finding the person you once were36:50 Mental wealth40:45 Why you should write a contract with yourself48:32 Understanding Ego50:10 How to use breathing to help you make decisions from clarity & not panic.
11/07/19•51m 41s
#440 - Q&A Special: Stress, Mindset, Supplements, Performance & more
A special Q&A where I answer 17 questions from you on health, performance, stress, mindset, supplements and more, a quick fire knowledge packed show. Enjoy. for more.
08/07/19•31m 50s
#439 - Q&A Special: Bodybuilding, NHS Advice & Alcohol
When, how and why do you bodybuild? What about a male or female that doesn't look the way they want to? How do you structure it? NHS advice, when do we listen and when do we take it with a pinch of salt? How does alcohol affect fat loss, health and our well-being? All this, a new plant based cookbook announcement, and more is covered on this BIG Q&A show, enjoy.Time Stamps: 0.00- Ask us a question for the next Q&A4.20 - BTN Practical intake has been moved forward5:05 New vegan cook book5:52 - Body building - how to make progress with specific areas of the body post ED20:39 Weight training post hysterectomy - The do's & don'ts.35:25 Alcohol - is it detrimental to training, fat loss & general health?
04/07/19•53m 2s
#438- Hay-fever & changes as you age
As you age things change, and I've noticed this year that a food group is making my hay fever a ton worse, so I cut it out and I feel like I've a new lease of life. As you age what are you avoiding that your body is telling you is an issue?
01/07/19•6m 36s
#437 - Overcoming Fears, Insecurities & Lifting Yourself with Laura Biceps
How do you lift yourself up when you feel insecure, anxious and afraid? Listen to Laura 'Biceps' Hoggins as we discuss lifting for empowerment, the journey of fitness we are all on, her journey from "life of the party" to strongman, being controlled by the scales, being strong when your identity changes, knowing that things change and it's important not to fight it, crossfit and what its done for the fitness industry, the power of people, your environment, and lifting weights, and more. Laura is a legend, find her online @laurabiceps and her book "Lift Yourself"0:30 An introduction to Laura and her journey to becoming confident in her own skin4:30 - Chasing thin... why it didn't work.9:45 - The turning point, caring less about others thoughts.11 - Key Shifts that made a big impact. Investing in yourself, improve your social circle.16:53 - Why you should put your phone down.19:48 - What is fitness ? The many positives of CrossFit & Weightlifting.28:35 - Your inner circle and how to cope with the knock on effects that change can bring35:40 Laura’s final note & Top Tip
27/06/19•38m 41s
#436 - STOP Hoping Motivation will show up
In search of some motivation? Stop, it won't work, your search is wasted, it's time to take one positive action that leads to another, and then over time when you are not feeling motivated you do it anyway because its part of your habits. There are days I'm not feeling motivated, but I do it anyway, and in this show I'll describe why and how. Sure, look to be inspired, but that inspiration always leads to the first step of a new habit, then it momentum builds! Which is what this podcast is going to do, inspire as a first step...
24/06/19•10m 7s
#435 - Can the Gym Build an Elite Athlete? With Keir Wenham-Flatt
In the world of fitness we hold gym training in high regard, but what % does gym work contribute towards the making of an elite athlete? Many have seen the training programs of some elite athletes like Usain Bolt online and scoffed, could a better program make him a faster athlete? Keir Wenham-Flatt an S&C coach based in the U.S. (Ex S&C Coach of Argentina Rugby Team) joins me to paint a true picture of gym training, the application of S&C and building the elite level athlete. Check our Keir's work @rugby_strength_coach and http://www.strengthcoachnetwork.comTime stamps: 1.10 Introduction to Keir8.45 - the truth on the influence that s&c has on high level athletes.14:30 - Substitution bias, improving performance & accepting performance losses that don’t help you work towards your goal18:10 - Strength & Conditioning, the bigger picture.27:16 - What it takes to be an exceptional S&C coach & excel in your career34:45 - Keirs Top Tips! What can we learn from S&C & what principles can we apply
20/06/19•46m 39s
#434 - My Summer Training & Nutrition Plan
It's the summer, what am I doing in the gym and with my diet for my summer goals? Find out in this short sharp podcast...
17/06/19•8m 13s
#433 – Hormone Tests, Injuries & Knowing when to QUIT
What hormone testing kits would you buy? What about gut testing kits? Be careful, there are many bad companies about & the research is sketchy, but we recommend the two best places as well as discussing the issue with injuries, reversing osteoporosis, movement issues in the deadlift, regression and progression in the gym, reversing a bad situation vs knowing when to simply quit and walk away, and we finish with an expanded deep chat on purpose and passion. Medi Checks: Testing: BTN: www.btn.academy2:15 Intro, why we love your feedback & how to get involved in the Business Academy06:44 Back pain - osteoporosis, dead lifting, pain & when to seek help from a specialist.23:30 Hormone & Gut testing kits - should you do it & is it worth the money.34:45 Injury & mental health42:50 Purpose, passion & changing habits
13/06/19•53m 16s
#432 - How & Why I lost 5.5 stone of Body Fat
At WellFest I went Live on Spin 1038 Radio to talk about my journey. I briefly discussed my weight loss journey and how and why it happened, then discussed why I feel so many others struggle to achieve their weight goals tying in the key things I look to inspire in others as a coach to get the fastest and most effective results I can. If you want to be inspired, this could be the short bit of motivation you're looking for...
10/06/19•10m 59s
#431 - Life Upgrading, Purpose & Having Fun
This was meant to be a Q&A show with myself & Tom but we ended up rambling, a lot. I read a listeners story out and it caused us to venture into a conversation around life passion, learning, why we do what we do, finding fulfilment and enjoyment in life, how simple changes lead to big wins, our mindset towards our careers even when we aren't sure what we want to do, use the story of an ex student and her success, and more. A beautifully random show, we think...1:00 Intro, Ben’s trip to Italy, Shout outs, BTN Academy awesomeness 10:00 Garys story - Finding a new path and surrounding yourself with positive people.17:20 - How having a plan and creating meaning will heavily impact your subjective experience of life23:00 – My biggest tip in finding more enjoyment from every situation that you’re in.31:30 – How to find boring things interesting.
06/06/19•40m 22s
#430 - The Female Athlete Triad: Emotion vs Logic
Why do we not achieve our goals despite knowing what to do to achieve them? We know, it's obvious, it's logical, but we just can't do it. In this short podcast I read a listeners question out, a listener that is struggling to get pregnant due to a history of over exercising, under eating, and suffering from anorexia. This is commonly know as the female athlete triad. The approach is logical, but the issue isn't knowledge, it's the application of it due to an unhealthy mindset. Its time to go deep on an issue that is all too common in the fitness industry. It used to be a common problem in elite athletics, but now it's more common in fitness trainers and people trying to achieve their fitness goals.
03/06/19•20m 34s
#429 - Steroids in Gyms with Team GB Callum Skinner & UKAD
Steroid use in gyms has grown, and with a new UKAD report outlining the prevalence of this, why people are taking them, and the side effects, it's a conversation that needs to be revisited. I'm joined by ex Team GB cyclist and medallist Callum Skinner to discuss steroids in sport, in gyms, the side effects, UKAD's role in awareness, campaigning for clean sport, body dysmorphia and more. For more visit or search "100% me" online This show has been supported by UKAD, a organisation I am proud to support.
30/05/19•36m 37s
#428 - One meat meal a day, is it the future?
Veganuary did have an impact on me, maybe not the way everyone expected, but it did, and I'm grateful I did it. In this short podcast I update everyone on what changes I have kept long term and why, why many vegan arguments are still not being productive, the health vs ethical component for me personally, and why I still value animal protein in my diet, just not half as much as I once did.
27/05/19•12m 28s
#427 - The Happy Hormone with Nutritionist Maria
Working on yourself to be happier can be tough, we see it is hippy woo woo stuff. But in a disconnected world where we spend more time on our phone and on social media than with our family, friends and doing the things we love, are we kidding ourselves? Are we limiting our potential and really putting our energy into the right places? This podcast will challenge what you believe and what you are doing with your time, our most valuable resource. I welcome author and nutritionist Maria Ayne to chat all things food, emotions, connection, social media, meditation, happiness vs contentment, our internal dialogue and more, all in vein to get more of the things that make us happy. Enjoy.1:29 An introduction to Maria Nutrition & behaviour shifts06:53 Unconscious belief systems10:03 Happiness is fleeting, be content14:30 Meditation & behaviour change17:30 Meditation, why it’s worth committing to23:10 Are you present in real life or just social media30:20 Improving habits a mobile phone33:10 Decision making, energy levels & how it effects our willpower.39:00 Energy is not evenly distributed, spend yours wisely.
23/05/19•44m 43s
#426 - Bulking & Cutting, A Scientific Approach
Are you ever confused or stuck, wondering whether to bulk or cut? These are old school words for fat loss and muscle building, two of the key goals we often talk about in the world of fitness. The mindset around this is also an issue, many struggle to gain weight after weight loss, scared of getting fat again. I can sympathise, I was stuck with this for a good year after going from obese to slim. I'll tell you my story of conquering this fear, and talk also on the science of bulking and cutting.
20/05/19•12m 20s
#425 - I've been struggling to get out of bed, Here's WHY.
I've been struggling of recent to get out of bed, I wasn't sure why until I had a conversation with my brother that made a lot of things fall into place. Seeing as it was mental health awareness week I thought it was prudent I fired up the mic and got personal and explained the issues I've been having, and it all boiled down to WHY. Why do I do what I do, what is my purpose, what and who is Ben Coomber, a deep question to ask, but the most important question to ask... I promise to fire up a part 2 very soon. I know lots will be asking for one.
16/05/19•25m 22s
#424 - Bored people over eat more
If you're bored you're more likely to overeat, just think about the last time you felt a bit bored at home chilling for the day, I bet you ate more than you should do? Lets build on last weeks show about habits and routines and create more width on this conversation, its time to get a better handle on your routines and sub conscious mind and get better results with your fat loss and health goals. Got a Q? Hit me up on social media @bencoomber
13/05/19•6m 22s
#423 – Master your thoughts & mindset with Richard Nicholls
The mind is a tough beast, one minute we think we’re in a good place and then the next minute we’re not, why is this? What even is the brains job, what is balance for the mind, what do our thoughts say about us and how can we control them? Well I discuss this and much more with Psychotherapist Richard Nicholls who has a popular podcast on motivation and mindset. Set some time aside and lock into this show as in a busy world of phones, technology and time demands people are more anxious than ever and this show is here to help. Find Rich online at:
09/05/19•53m 9s
#422 - Breaking BAD habits like evening snacking & drinking
Imagine the scenario, you get in from work, you're tired, hungry, bit pissed off with work and you plough into a glass of wine or share bag of crisps, not the best when you're trying to achieve a goal or maintain a healthy weight. So how do we break these habits, and how did they even develop in the first place? In this short show I'll discuss your environment, your habits, your routines, how they were created and how to change them. Any questions, hit me up on social media or in our #AskBen Facebook community.
06/05/19•11m 26s
#421 – Our Relationship with Food with Dr Joshua Wolrich
How is your relationship with food, healthy? Do you see food as good and bad, are you often craving a cheat day? Dr Joshua Wolrich a training surgeon and legend on Instagram joins me to challenge how you see food. We discuss his evolved relationship with food, how to challenge what you know, how to have productive conversations about nutrition, the issue with giving nutrition advice in a medical setting, and calling out ‘nutribollox’ online. Follow him @DrJoshuaWolrich00:00: Who is Dr Joshua Wolrich - previously known as Unfattening, his journey. 10:15: Our ‘relationship’ with food. The language we use is key21:30: Should doctors in the NHS be spending more time with patients on nutrition & challenging weight stigma?28.15: How do we overcome preconception, judging others & fear of judgement ourselves?35:35: Calling out those that are giving false advice... Is it worth it?! 43:09: Joshua’s top tip on positively impacting your relationship with food.
02/05/19•47m 55s
#420 - How I change my own life & help others
This show got one of largest amount of social media tags I've ever had, an interview I did with Brian Keane on his show, so I had to re-share it on mine. We discuss how I have evolved my own self-development practices over the years and how I am currently developing myself, how I am managing the world of digital invasion and getting quality time with myself, my family and with the world, how I have evolved my thinking around fat loss and how we behave with food, how I aim to coach and inspire others, a call to action for anyone listening to live a better life, and much more. Enjoy :)
29/04/19•1h 8m
#419 – Performance Nutrition & Industry Qualifications
A show of two halves, first we start by discussing the industry we are in, health & fitness, how its changing and why from the top down, conversations we’ve recently been involved in, and how the nutrition industry is shifting in terms of regulation and how we are now at the front of it with some exciting new updates... a new qualification! We then discuss performance nutrition, using 3 case studies from listeners questions helping people with sticking points in their training, nutrition and recovery. Enjoy. Visit for our new nutrition short course “The Art & Science of Nutrition”SHOW BREAKDOWN - Part 1: 1:00 - Intro and breakdown of the show, bank holiday weekend vibes.03:30 - Why we are now spot add free.04:45 BTN Academy - New, improved & certified level 4 qualification, expanding the conversation into why we feel people should be challenged & why it’ll make you a better coach.20:30 - The problems with the ‘Wellness’ industry & the future for industry regulations.27:10 - Shiny new website & FREE Nutrition short course you can sign up to.SHOW BREAKDOWN - Part 2: 27:58 - Fat Loss & Recovery In CrossFit.37:14 - How to properly recover when you realise you’ve hit burn out.46:30 - Does high intensity training, whilst in a deficit hinder fat loss.
25/04/19•55m 37s
#418 - Passion, Purpose & Life Design!
Are you living passionately? Do you feel you have purpose? I feel humans need passion and purpose to be truly happy, in their relationships, in their careers, with their health, otherwise we feel low, sad, frustrated, angry, unmotivated.... stuck. Let's get unstuck, lets up the passion, lets rediscover purpose...
22/04/19•12m 48s
#417 – The Happy Pear tell Stories of Self Discovery
What does it mean to be truly healthy, happy, strong? Stephen Flynn from the infamous Happy Pear joins me to discuss the personal journey we must go on, the journey to finding the true you, to discover awesome levels of health, and discover what it means to live with purpose and passion. In this story telling podcasting journey we discuss plant-based food, cooking, morning dips in the sea, transforming from rugby playing jocks to vegetarian hippies, the value of travelling, and much more. Stephen is an awesome story teller, this is must listen to show. Find them @thehappypearShow breakdown: 00:00 An introduction to Stephen from The Happy Pear02:30 The journey to finding balance and true success with some Happy Pear history.11:00 Reversing disease with online educational courses14:50 A twin thing – running a marathon & turning plant based on different continents17:55 Where is the plant based narrative heading20:00 Travelling - Finding your identity & challenging your social conditioning26:30 How to make your transition to plant based smoother – Stephens top tips29:25 What does work look like now for The Happy Pear?31:45 Sunrise swims38:24 What’s next for The Happy Pear…
18/04/19•46m 22s
#416 - Mental health: The problem is bigger than we think
Hows your mental health right now? At an event at the weekend 75% of people said they had suffered with mental health issues in the past, this then opened up one of the most powerful talks I've ever been a part of, in this short show I'll share my experience from this talk, the lessons we learnt, and what I now have to ask you to do...
15/04/19•10m 4s
#415 - Habits Dictate Results with James Clear
We all have habits, some good, some bad, and many are working to have better habits for better outcomes, but this is one step of the process, what about the issues along the way, how do we deal with them? James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, a #1 New York Times bestselling book joins me to talk about the science of habits, techniques you can use to improve yours, 3 key roadblocks most face, building identity based habits over goal based habits, his personal habit struggles, and the beauty of gaining creativity from all walks of life as someone into personal development. Visit James at 0:00 – 3:40 An introduction to James Clear and his book - Atomic Habits03:45 - The area’s of learning James has taken inspiration from05:15 - Structuring your environment to design good habits06:30 - Redesigning your habits08:40 – Identity based habits14:30 – Habit, routine and teaching yourself to tell a new story.17:00 – 3 reasons your new habit won’t last, and how to avoid it.• Trying to perfect a habit before it is properly established• The all or nothing attitude• Not having a ‘what if’ plan.24:08 – How to get back on track quickly30:20 – Leaving environments that aren’t positively impacting your goals34:00 – Finding your tribe36:15 – What habits has James struggled with himself?
11/04/19•49m 48s
#414 - Blaming 'things' will only hold you back!
What are you blaming that is holding you back? Give me 8 minutes of your time for this podcast and lets leave the BS at the door, it's time to make some serious life progress..
08/04/19•8m 44s
#413 – Obesity, Surgery & Self Sabotage with Nics Nutrition
Once you get a BMI over 50 you classify for weight loss surgery, but should this even be an option, how does someone even get to a BMI of 50? Is it just a lack of education around food, or are there deep underlying issues causing someone to eat to a place where they can barely move? Nics Nutrition, aka Nichola Ludlam-Raine, Registered Dietitian joins me to discuss all things obesity, surgery, and our food environment. Check out Nic @nicsnutritionPodcast timings: 01:45 Who is Nicola?03:10 Bariatric Surgery – how do people get there.05:37 Extreme eating behaviours & their causes08:05 Are some people more likely to be obese than others?10:45 Is Bariatric surgery really the best & most cost effective option for the NHS14:00 Is Bariatric surgery more beneficial than fad diets?16:10 The downsides of Bariatric surgery.18:00 Excess lose skin21:40 How learned childhood behaviours can impact you as an adult and a parent.
04/04/19•31m 54s
#412 - Research Media Spinning: How bad is it?
When the media report research, do you often stare at it and call BS? In this solo show co-host Tom explores the difference between research findings and the spin that is placed upon them in the media. Every day another food is found to cause cancer, heart disease, or a host of other ailments - or at least that's what you'd think if the news was anything to go by.But is it really the case? And if not - what on Earth is going on?
01/04/19•13m 42s
#411 - Deadlifts, Movement & Pain with Dr Jordan Feigenbaum
In this episode Tom interviews Medical Doctor and elite powerlifter Dr Jordan Feigenbaum. It's a fascinating discussion about pain, how it really works, and the mistakes people often make when thinking and talking about injuries and discomfort. They cover lower back pain, massage, movement screening and corrective exercises, posture, proper deadlift form, and mistakes often made by new and experienced gymgoers alike when thinking about their exercise programming. Almost everyone has or knows someone who has lower back pain - but does that mean what we think it does?04:40 Where did the name 'Barbell Medicine' come from10:00 The Bio-Psycho-Social Model30:00 Should coaches be using movement screens39:00 Foam rolling, stretching, activation exercises... do they actually work55:00 Should you be getting weekly sports massages?01:14 The biggest mistakes beginners make in the gym
28/03/19•1h 25m
#410 - Five Optimisations for the Vegan Diet
At the weekend I was at Vegan life show and spoke to over 200 people about their diet and supplement use and noticed 5 key themes that could be optimised. Could these issues apply to normal people, 100%, but I had to get these issues / optimisations out there to help anyone who is on a vegan diet, a diet that can easily lead to deficiencies if you don't work to optimise it. Listen in, it's only 7 minutes long :)
25/03/19•6m 15s
#409 - Is it ethical to kill and eat animals?
I've avoided this topic so far mainly because it’s such an emotive one, in fact it's the main reason many become vegan, and I respect that. Although there is always another side to the story, and the argument around eating animal products often descends into insults far too quickly for it to become a productive discussion. When it comes to our food system we need to ensure it develops in a way that is sustainable and conducive to our future health and that of the planet, and so these difficult discussions need to be had. This show doesn't seek to promote an anti-vegan stance and convince anyone of anything, but it does seek to articulate why many feel that eating animals isn't something they find morally objectionable, so that we can hopefully move past this roadblock and find points of agreement to work towards. Along the way we look at where our morals and ethics come from, whether they are innate, and what that means if they are, and we hope this starts a dialogue between two camps that agree on a lot, despite some stark differences.4.10 Why do people believe what they believe (Vegans & Carnivores)6.40 If you’re vegan and listening…..8:00 The evolution of eating meat9:40 Is It morally correct to eat meat12:30 Issues in the meat industry13:10 what is normal. Moral Intuition. How we find answers in different camps21:28 Hope and Glory25:58 Activist vegans – Loud voices. (If you eat meat you’re a bad person)29:25 The only way to move forward for carnivores & vegans32:00 Left wing or Right wing,39:00 Bens summary40:00 Where do you sit, Tom helps define your morals.
21/03/19•51m 5s
#408 - How to break bad habits
You know that thing you keep trying to do but keep failing at? That habit you keep trying to break?? The trick is to force yourself into a new environment, then you can't NOT do it, it's impossible, and it gets done. After a weekend away I realised it was the answer to my mental anguish, but I needed to force the environment for it to happen. It's time to optimise you with this simple hack...
18/03/19•9m 47s
#407 - What are Humans capable of with Sophie Grace Holmes
At 4 months old you get told you’ll only live till you’re 30, so what do you do? Fight of course, after all “Without struggle you never find out who you are”. The amazing Sophie Grace Holmes joins me to inspire you on your journey of life, making you think what is truly possible. Fitness, mindset, strength, we discuss it all. This interview really only asks one question of you, how great are you going to be, what is your next challenge to overcome, and are you going to do it?
14/03/19•43m 58s
#406 - Super Fast Fat Loss & Diet Breaks
Want to lose weight really fast but not sure if it's safe? It can be, but most people go about it wrong and lose muscle and rebound afterwards. This isn't where we want to be, listen to this short podcast and learn how to lose fat fast but safely, and how to go about a diet break when you are in need of one, as we all need a week off from our diet sometimes!
11/03/19•12m 33s
#405 - Nutrition & Training for Rugby + Elite Sport Experiences
What do I eat to support my rugby training, playing and gym work? What did I learn from a background in elite level rugby working at Hull KR and working in parts at premiership rugby union clubs? A rugby, sports and performance special as I discuss health, performance and recovery factors, what I do, my experience in pro sport, S&C practices, periodisation, recovery pillars you must get right, and more. This interview was originally recorded for the Rugby Renegade podcast, and is now reposted on my show.
07/03/19•27m 58s
#404 - Meditation for people that can't meditate
Can't meditate? Many can't, and don't want to, and I'm not going to tell you too, but I am going to talk to you about momentary meditation, about seeing things differently and allowing spacial moments that ends up being as good as meditation, and its easy to do and will have more impact on your life. This podcast also ties together recent thoughts on social media, mindfulness, anxiety and rates of learning. Enjoy.
04/03/19•14m 6s
#403 - The Science of Cravings & Supplements for Kids
Is there a science to cravings, why do so many of us get them and how do we deal with them? Is there one reason for a craving, or are there many and essentially how do we ensure they don’t make us eat all the cookies from the cookie jar? We also discuss kids taking supplements and when it’s appropriate - looking specifically at creatine and protein shakes, the habit of always having pudding after a meal, the fear of gaining weight when building muscle as a female, and we mock Tom for playing Robin Hood at the weekend.
28/02/19•50m 38s
#402 - Training Anxiety & Genetic Labelling
Two core topics in this short sharp show today.... 1. I talk about labelling yourself due to a condition you have and its negative outcomes 2. Do you get training anxiety, not being able to stick to your plan, missing a session, feeling tired, not being able to do what you want? Let's talk solutions, because I used to get training and gym anxiety from not going, but don't anymore, and there is a super simple solution you can implement.
25/02/19•5m 38s
#401 - Lies About Food with The Angry Chef
Our food system is full of lies, politics and half truths, in the interest of money things aren't quite what they seem, and one chef is angry about it, Anthony Warner, aka The Angry Chef. After I read his book I was intrigued to get him on the show, and I wasn't disappointed. We discussed veganism, our food network, sustainability, food and what it actually is, policy, obesity, and much more. Search for 'The Angry Chef' online and on amazon to find Anthony and his brilliant work.
21/02/19•45m 32s
#400 - Eating Late at night & Speaking out!
Do you eat late at night, or over eat when you get in from work tired? This is a problem many struggle with, and in this short sharp podcast I aim to give you some tangible solutions to problems. And give you a flavour of what its like to attend one of my in person public talks, which I aim to do more of in 2019.
18/02/19•14m 28s
#399 - Carly Rowena on Body Confidence, Diet Intuition & Parenting
Carly is one of the most awesome fitness humans I know, why? Because of her raw, honest and fresh approach to health, fitness and mindset. I mean how many people discuss their relationships and orgasms on YouTube!? We discuss her personal evolution as a new parent, her tips on body confidence and being your best self, lifestyle hacks to live healthily with social media, why she went pescatarian, then vegetarian, then ate meat again then settled on pescatarian, how she is defying normal parenting being super mum! Check out @CarlyRowena
14/02/19•41m 34s
#398 - It's Sunday & I'm minimising my Life!
Ever feel like life is just a little too complicated? Well I do. Social media, your job, finances, just adulting in general, sometimes it's just all a bit too complicated. Well I'm finishing off a personal project of mine, minimising my life, and I'll be honest its making me feel bloody fantastic!! Learn what I'm doing and maybe try a few things I'm doing...
11/02/19•6m 53s
#397 - Is the Future of Food Vegan? Panel Debate
As part of Veganuary I brought together a group of people for a discussion on the future of our food, quite simply is it vegan, and if so, why? In this discussion we introduce the panel; Aaron Cattell aka The Vegan Coach, Mitch Lee aka Mitch's Kitchen & Stephanie Peritore from Mindful Bites and lead into key talking points.... 1. My experience with Veganuary 2. Why each panellist decided to go vegan / plant based3. The Sustainability of our food 4. Food variety & cultural issues 5. UK vs rest of the world on environmental issues 6. Performance & nutrient issues on a vegan diet 7. Worldwide nutrition issues and solutions 8. And of course how to make Tofu taste nice! Please do share your thoughts on the discussion, get in touch on social, this is a really important and interesting discussion, something I am merely starting myself.
07/02/19•1h 43m
#396 - Get & Stay Motivated!
What is motivation, why does it come and go? What can you do when your motivation drops? I'm not perfect, my motivation wains, but this is what I do to fix it and why.
04/02/19•10m 13s
#395 – Drinking Unicorn Blood with Jordan Syatt
Drink unicorn blood, be a unicorn, that’s the trademark from the legendary Jordan Syatt, personal trainer to Gary Vaynerchuk. I’m a massive fan of Jordan’s message, it’s refreshing in an industry full of BS. We discuss fitness anxiety, keeping fitness goals focused and simple, hacks for travelling, airport food, a home gym essential kit list, training himself vs Gary Vee on the road, positive momentum with small changes in your routine, identify shifts when developing yourself in life, and more. A humbling interview with a seriously positive voice in the fitness space. Check Jordan out @syattfitness especially on the gram and YouTube.
31/01/19•46m 21s
#394 - Life Hacks: Time Auditing
Do you know how you spend your time and how that links to your life outcomes, as in, what you are actually achieving in life? Ever thought of doing a personal time sheet to test your efficiency as a human? Do it, for one week, and see the outcome.... listen today and I'll explain why and how to do it :)
28/01/19•10m 6s
#393 - Deliciously Ella on 'Vegan' vs 'Plant Based'
Is being vegan or plant based the future, and what's the difference? This starts off an incredible conversation with Ella Mills, aka Deliciously Ella, a shining light in the plant based movement with best selling books and energy balls on our supermarket shelves. We chat about defining plant based nutrition, vegan backlash, food sustainability, food taste, climate change, eating your veggies, how awesome we both feel, Ella's new products and much more. An inspiring, refreshing and candid discussion. Check her out @DeliciouslyElla Check out 'Joseph Poore and for the show references.
24/01/19•37m 42s
#392 - Strong. Powerful. Positive.
How do you want to feel every day? Strong? Powerful? Positive? Happy? Compassionate? However you want to feel we need to take action and create environments that foster that. I muse post run.
21/01/19•9m 35s
#391- Saving the World with Zanna Van Dijk
How can we, the collective, save the world? The stats are starting to get scary, climate change is saying our tipping point is 12 years away, meat production isn’t sustainable, plastics are filling our oceans, and oil is due to run out in 40 years. The AWESOME Zanna Van Dijk joins me to talk plastics, plant-based nutrition, climate change and the environmental impact of our actions in a short and frank discussion. In short, how WE, yes you and me, can save the world, one action at a time!
17/01/19•42m 11s
#390 - Don't assume, get the data!!
Right, this podcast started a little salty, but I cooled off as I recorded it. But, this is a problem, the world is acting far too much on assumptions and not data. People, relationships, situations, coaching, work, family, life, your career, your fitness and health, it's a pandemic mindset!
14/01/19•7m 14s
#389 – DNA Testing: Science or Snake Oil?
Had one of these DNA tests to optimise your diet & fitness? I have. These DNA testing kits are now everywhere and promise big things. To test athletic potential, to optimise diet, training & supplements, and more. But what does the science say, is there legitimacy in the claims? Do we know much about DNA right now, and what our genes say about us? And where does it sit on the ethical spectrum, telling people some of this data…
10/01/19•44m 30s
#388 – Biohacking, self-talk & my life's purpose!
Want to go deeper with me? This interview is a re-post from Steve Katasi show ‘AdapNation’. I had to re-post this show as Steve asked me things I’ve never been asked before…. 1️⃣ Where on the Spectrum is Ben Coomber - from Biokhacker to Entertainer? 2️⃣ How does Ben think about Balance vs Optimal 3️⃣ As a ‘veteran’ health pro, what is Health for Ben? 4️⃣ How does he tread the line between Motivating and Judging his audience? 5️⃣ What is his Self Talk like? Is it always positive and helpful? 6️⃣ Is Happiness a permanent state, or is it fleeting? 7️⃣ What ways does Ben rely on to get into flow state? 8️⃣ What needs to change to help us navigate the ever noisy and stressful Information Age? Check out Steve's show AdapNation
07/01/19•1h 13m
#387 - Picking yourself up after defeat with Sheli McCoy
Sheli McCoy (Crossfit Athlete, Olympic Lifter & Coach) takes to the mic in my final reflections episode (2018 Lessons Part 4). Sheli had a car crash, lost her job, and then continued to get punched in the face by life, but 2018 was a year of lessons for her and it will shape her success in 2019. Learn from Sheli and her turbulent year, build strength to have your best ever year.
03/01/19•19m 30s
#386 - Fake it till you make it - 2018 Life Lessons Part 3
When your brain is saying no, should you say yes? Probably, otherwise you might miss some of life’s best opportunities. But what if it's no your natural character? It is also good to know when to quit, to say no. In part 3 of my 2018 life lesson podcasts I hand over the mic to co-host Tom Bainbridge as he’s some awesome life lessons from this year. Discussing faking it till you make it, seizing opportunities & trying new things, relaxing gym time and dietary tracking, our hobbies and approaching life and it’s enjoyments. A very personal show from Tom, enjoy.
31/12/18•19m 58s
#385 - Chloe Madeley on Anxiety, Self Doubt & Getting Outside your Comfort Zone
Chloe Madeley, a legend in the world of fitness, has a story not often shared, her past of anxiety, self-doubt and body dysmorphia which resulted in obsessive behaviours and panic attacks. In this raw and honest interview I delve into Chloe's background in fitness and the struggles she has faced, looking beyond the strong body and mind she has today. An empowering show for women around the world, be inspired by Chloe's amazing story, the story not often shared.
27/12/18•42m 4s
#384 - Life Lessons of 2018, plans for 2019 - Part 2
Here's part 2 of my 2018 life lessons, looking at training optimisations I've made, what I learnt from doing a photoshoot about body fat %'s, my learning this year and consumption vs action, what areas I'll be learning in 2019, and why I'm doing veganuary.
24/12/18•25m 31s
#383 - My Life Lessons of 2018 - Part 1
2018 has been an awesome year, why? Because I planned for it to be. In this podcast I discuss my lessons of 2018, looking at my life plan, and how it's all panned out, all while looking forward to 2019. What are your goals and life plan? Have a listen, might make you think a bit differently...
20/12/18•23m 23s
#382 - The Habits of Success with Ben Mudge & Phil Graham
This is a LIVE recording from SFN Expo with Ben Mudge and Phil Graham. I invite them to the stage to discuss our habits and routines that we feel make us more successful, mixed in with some mindset tips that are fundamental to get before you program successful habits. After all, we all want to be more successful with life, right?
17/12/18•48m 26s
#381 - Shift Work, Socioeconomics & Jamie Oliver
A big Q&A show where we discuss nutrition when working shifts, sleep hacking, planning for success, where failure and growth meet to create an unbeatable mindset, how socioeconomics affect education and UK wide change and the obesity epidemic in kids, Jamie Olivers school dinner initiatives and more. Big Show.
13/12/18•44m 32s
#380 - People Hacking - what is it?
What if you could channel your brains energy to see what you want to see, and thus meet who you want to meet, all by programming your sub conscious mind. This could work in your career or in business, or in a new relationship, or when hiring a new coach. A simple mindset hack that takes minutes to do.
10/12/18•9m 11s
#379 - From Living a Lie to Self Leadership with Chris Williamson
Many people are living life as a lie, why? Being true to yourself then to the world is tough, a journey Chris Williamson (Model, Promoter, Podcaster) went on after appearing on series 1 of ITVs Love Island (he's also been on Take me Out, YOLO). In this episode we discuss self leadership, honesty, introspection and sobriety (think you could do it?). If you're ready to ask tough questions of yourself, awesome things can happen. Follow Chris online at @chriswillx or listen to 'Modern Wisdom' podcast
06/12/18•51m 22s
#378 - Caffeine: Solution or Problem?
When we're tired many of us are programmed to reach for caffeine as the solution, but is it always the solution? With the modern world we live in are we missing the bigger picture, are we using the other 'pick me up' tools available to us?
03/12/18•7m 5s
#377 - Fitness BS with The Fitness Chef
There is a ton of BS in the fitness industry, which makes it confusing to know what is fact from fiction. The Fitness Chef is fighting this fight with his informative Instagram posts. On the show we discuss his top 3 BS fitness cons, how this is fuelling disordered eating, why empowerment starts with awareness, the root causes of the obesity epidemic, and where the future evolves with this world we call fitness.
29/11/18•41m 10s
#376 - Do you know your personality type?
Do you know your personality type? Over the weekend we did personality testing with a group of 12 people looking to progress themselves, their career and their business. It was fascinating, enlightening and empowering for these peoples futures. It then got me thinking about peoples inability to say NO and my recent Movember campaign which has actually not been great for MY mental health. Let me explain...
26/11/18•10m 19s
#375 - Will we live forever? With Gwydion of The Burgerkrieg
In this episode Co-Host Tom interviews Gwydion from the YouTube Channel, The Burgerkrieg about a slightly different health related topic - immortality. Tom asks whether immortality is genuinely possible, whether it's a good idea, and how on Earth that could even happen. Ben Coomber Radio has always been focused on health and fitness - could this be where a drive for health really takes us? This fascinating show is a little different from our usual offering, but we hope you'll find it as fascinating as we did, after all, who doesn't want to live forever?
22/11/18•1h 5m
#374 - Are qualifications important?
Everyone thinks qualifications in life are important, but are they? Yes and no. There is huge context here, and I bring up this topic as too many people use knowledge acquisition by doing courses as a way to try and validate themselves, to find purpose and value, to be respected. But is this healthy? Will it lead to the outcome we want? Do my qualifications get me places, does the stamp and the piece of paper make me the best at what I do? After all, everyones got a degree these days...
19/11/18•6m 35s
#373 - Advancing yourself in the Gym with Tom Bainbridge
Want to advance what you do in the gym? This is the episode for you, we speak about training yourself, how you go about different training protocols, whether wraps, straps and belts are of benefit, the comment mistakes we see in the gym with exercise selection, how ego wins all too often, why progress might not be being made, and pain when training and what to do about it. Enjoy
15/11/18•48m 50s
#372 - The 7 What's, 1 Who
A while ago I had a chat with a Bird on a Bike, Sarah-Ann Lucas, who grilled me on some off script questions which included a game, the 7 what's and the 1 who, which threw me, sometimes the way in which someone probes someone for answers is just as fascinating as the answer itself. Which I'm actually now writing a chapter of her book because of this. We also discuss the future, the present, the past, and a whole host of interesting topics, enjoy.
12/11/18•44m 53s
#371 - Will Food be Vegan, GMO & Liquid in 2050
What is the future of food, will it be like the Matrix, us eating a bowl of nutritionally balanced slop for all 3 meals, or maybe it will just be a few pills and a shake? Tom and I debate the future looking at GMO foods, the rise of plant based eating, farming, food waste, socioeconomic factors, money, and much more. We loved this chat and drew on a ton of data to support our theories, after all the data is positive, which is awesome!
08/11/18•48m 18s
#370 - People are so Judgemental!
Why are people so judgemental? Do you feel that judgement, does it stop you acting on things? It can be frustrating right, think of all the things you possibly stop doing due to the judgement and opinions of others. Well, today is the day we try combat this, build confidence, and move forward in strength. Movember:
05/11/18•9m 27s
#369 - Lauren Armes on Fear, Success & The Business Of Wellness
Feel fear? We all do. Want to be successful? We all do. Lauren Armes is no stranger to fear or success from a business and fitness life well trodden. Lauren is the founder of Well To Do Global, a business looking at the current and future trends of the health and fitness industry. In this show I chat with Lauren about her journey, her fears, her success's, females in business, future wellness technology, trends we like that are coming, trends we don't like that we want to see banished, and the future impact we could be having as an industry if we focus on the right stuff. A fascinating chat with an inspirational leader in the wellness business space. Check out Lauren:
01/11/18•45m 22s
#368 – Calorie Counting, Low Carb Diets & Dietary Anxiety (LIVE)
I lost 5.5 stone on a low carb diet, but does that mean a low carb diet is the BEST diet to follow? I was blinded by the facts from a personally developed bias, that bias was then compounded by selective learning to prove to myself it was the best diet. In this podcast I discuss (LIVE from my London event) my journey with nutrition eduction, why and how I was blinded, where my diet is today and WHY, and raise critical questions on your own nutrition and understanding of food.
29/10/18•11m 24s
#367 - Rowing & Muscle Ups with Olympian Dr Cameron Nichol
The 2012 Olympics saw Dr Cameron Nichol compete in rowing for Team GB, which spurred a transition to creating Rowing WOD, crossfits answer to mastering the art of rowing which has now been used by many of the world top 10 crossfit athletes. He did this while training in medicine and being a complete legend. Cameron joins me to chat fitness, crossfit aka competitive fitness, the art of rowing, movement, training, mindset, the state of fitness, overcomplicating something super simple... getting fit and my small calves!!
25/10/18•49m 47s
#366 - The Third Door aka TRY F***ING HARDER!
I've been getting a little salty recently, and some recent musings have spurred this salty episode that will hopefully inspire some thought. What is the concept of the third door? It's something I haven't realised I've been doing as default for over 10 years. Apparently it's a famous concept... to me it just seems obvious! Listen and find out...
22/10/18•13m 3s
#365 - Fitness Life Lessons with Ben Mudge & Tom Bainbridge
After 10 years in the fitness industry, and on your own fitness journey, what do you learn about yourself? What have you changed? What do you know now that you didn't, and wish you did? I interview Ben Mudge and Tom Bainbridge (my co-host) on life lessons LIVE at SFN, exploring nutritional science, gym programming, body building, strength training, recovery, periodisation, maturity vs active objective learning, books that have helped shape their journey, and more.
18/10/18•33m 49s
#364 - Fad diets, why do we do them? With Scott Baptie & Emma Storey-Gordon
We know fad diets don't work, but we keep doing them and expecting a different result, isn't that the definition of insanity? Emma Storey-Gordon and Scott Baptie join me to debate the emotional connection we have to the dream of it working, why fad diets work at their core, why we fall for them, what the answer for fat loss is, our coaching experience, and our personal hacks and tips, plus many more musings. Enjoy.
15/10/18•45m 26s
#363 - The Lean Machines discuss 10 years of Diet, Training & Mindset
The Lean Machines join me LIVE on the show from SFN Expo, a show where we discuss their journey in fitness, how their opinions and application of diet, training and mindset has changed over the years, whats next for them, why they love crossfit, their top recovery tips, how they are planning to be the worlds best dad, and more musing on all sorts of fitness topics. Enjoy. Find 'The Lean Machines' all over the internet, especially on YouTube.
11/10/18•47m 50s
#362 - Why do people struggle to be consistent?
People often struggle with consistency on a diet, but why? In this short podcast I explore the key issues around consistency, so if you're struggling, get this downloaded, get it in your ears, take action. These things are simple, they're just not always easy, I get that, but the power IS in your hands.
08/10/18•10m 51s
#361 - Are parents or schools to blame? With Cameron Parker
Cameron Parker, a motivational speaker in schools joins me to talk motivation, education, nutrition, schooling, parenting, personal ownership, societal norms, social media, addiction, body language, personal motivators, and the impression we are making as adults on the youth of today, and whether it's positive. This show started as a Part 2 Energy Drink ban debate after last week, but escalated into so much more. Buckle in, this is show is longer than normal & fiery!
04/10/18•1h 6m
#360 - Animal vs Vegan Protein - Quality, Digestion & Amino Facts!
Find assessing protein quality confusing? In this show we explore the confusing world of protein quality, quantity and sources. How can you tell if a food provides good quality protein, and what can you do if you don't get it?What about being vegetarian or vegan? Is there a difference between whey & vegan protein shakes? Are protein shakes good or bad? Get clarity on protein, it's sources, and scientific fact.
01/10/18•20m 1s
#359 - DEBATE: Energy drinks, should they be banned?
The UK Government are trying to ban energy drinks for Under 18s, and I agree with this move, but Tom my co-host doesn't. So we settle our differences, or try to over a debate. We state our cases, our theories, outline some statistics on recent similar initiatives, and inevitably politics, legislation, social economic factors, societal mindset and all sorts of 'context' get thrown into the mix. Let us know where your opinion lies after you listen to our debate...
27/09/18•49m 54s
#358 - Failing your way to Success (Chapter 1 Cont.)
Too many people are scared of failure, but it shapes success. In this podcast I continue my story of how I went from bad personal trainer, to AWESOME personal trainer.I share the story where I realised I was bad, the self-awareness steps I went through, and how it shaped my career as a coach. This is the 2nd half of the introduction to my book 'How to be an Awesome Personal Trainer', which is available on Amazon if you'd like to buy it: Want to share your story? Hit me up
24/09/18•20m 49s
#357 - Can obesity be healthy? with Emma Storey-Gordon
This week, co-host Tom and Emma Storey-Gordon return to chat about metabolically healthy obesity. Does it really exist, is it a good thing to be promoting, and is there more to the story? By objectively delving into the topic with as little bias as possible, it very quickly looks a lot more nuanced and fascinating than most probably realise...It's always a pleasure having Emma on the show, so we hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as we enjoyed recording it!
20/09/18•47m 26s
#356 - Chapter 1: A Vision for Your Future
What is the vision for your future? For your life? For your career? In this short podcast I talk about my career when I was younger by reading the Introduction to my book 'How to be an Awesome Personal Trainer'. This book is an autobiography of my work career, with life, business and coaching lessons intertwined into the story. And so this podcast focuses today on vision, tenacity and hard work, the backbone of anyone successful... My book on Amazon:
17/09/18•12m 51s
#355 - Running away from Depression with William Pullen
William Pullen is a running psychotherapist, yeah, I had no idea what that was either. But what ensued is one of my most enjoyable podcasts yet. I delve into Will's journey into his job, explore the power that movement has in giving people emotional momentum, we share stories that have empowered ourselves, and we breech the core topic of "can running help combat depression", and if so, how, and why? Find Will here:
13/09/18•40m 37s
#354 - "Foods expensive" says the person who buys Costa Coffee daily!!
People complain about healthy food being expensive, but is it? People buy a Cost Coffee everyday but complain about the cost of a gym membership, is this complaining fair, is health and fitness expensive, or is it a case that we don't value the cost of things that make us fit and healthy, but wouldn't blink twice at paying £4.50 for a pint of beer or glass of wine? Lets get objective, as what we value is key here.
10/09/18•10m 40s
#353 - Are your 'healthy' habits damaging your health?
What if we are damaging our health through supposed healthy habits? Many of us are guilty of taking extreme approaches, or just taking things too far. In fitness we need to aim for balance, but how many people are truly living with balance, rather oscillating from one extreme to the next. Training with weights, dieting, our mindset & environment, our beliefs, injury risk, movement, pain, we discuss it all after a listener writes into the show with quite a story, and me and Tom share ours....Enjoy.
06/09/18•49m 7s
#352 - HIIT vs LISS cardio for Fat Loss & Calorie Ceilings for Performance!
Confused whether HIIT or LISS cardio is best? Don't be, lets get some clarity on this short sharp show where I discuss the pros and cons of HIIT and LISS cardio so you know what to do and why so you can exercise more effectively, which leads into the topic of calories and human performance! Want your question answered on the show? Email: with the subject line 'Podcast'
03/09/18•9m 18s
#351 - From Obese to AWESOME - 13 years of life lessons!
If you could ask me ANYTHING what would it be? I get interviewed by Elliot Reeves (Inspired Edinburgh) on my 13 year journey to date. We discuss my ego, my view of myself, the world as I see it, my career, why I've made selfish choices, prioritising, blocks to success, my legacy, negatives of social media, advice to my younger self, and more. This interview was filmed 1-2-1, face to face, hard questions were asked. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I did recording.
30/08/18•1h 3m
#350 - Know someone who can't get pregnant?
Do you know a couple that can't get pregnant? I've helped many couples conceive, its an area of my work that just seemed to happen in the early years. And to be honest my approach is super simple. But there are a few key things I believe to be fundamental in preparing the body to give life and carry that life. A short podcast on my top tips for getting pregnant and bringing a healthy life into the world
27/08/18•9m 6s
#349 - Can cannabis oil help your training? with Evan DeMarco
CBD or cannabidiol is a topic that's on everyone's lips at the moment. While some think it's little more than an overhyped fad, others are claiming it will help everything from sleep to cancer - but what's the truth? In this show co-host Tom chats to Evan DeMarco of Omax nutrition about what CBD is, how it works and what it can be used for in the general public. What's its interaction with inflammation, recovery and performance as well as the upcoming research on more clinical issues.
23/08/18•53m 7s
#348 - Join my Private Facebook Community
I've just created a new community called #AskBen Coomber, it's a place I'll be doing live Q&As, sharing my training and nutrition updates, and levelling with you on a more personal level and helping YOU as much as I can. I'll also be uploading my seminars and I've already uploaded my talk '25 Reason's you're not losing body fat', my favourite talk to deliver.All free. Hit this link to join, be warned, massive value inside:
20/08/18•5m 19s
#347 - Why is money a taboo topic? With Jason Graystone
99% of people hate talking about money, why?We have a culture of money secrecy, people scared to talk about what they earn, how much something cost, or what something is really worth. Yet we all want more?! I welcome Jason Graystone onto the show (Tier One Trading) as we talk about his journey to financial freedom, investing, and why some peoples perception of money is holding them back.Jason's website: Note: This show is not financial advice, but opinion.
16/08/18•43m 11s
#346 - The ONE thing that will make you more Successful
Do you know what it is?The ONE thing that will make you more successful? It's no secret, in fact the hint is in the title. Apply this tip and scale up your success at ANYTHING in life. Enjoy. And if you've feedback for the show, hit me up on social :)
13/08/18•8m 38s
#345 - Sonny Webster, He's One Strong MO FO!
What does it take to be as strong as Sonny Webster? Join me as I interview Sonny Webster, a hugely popular man on Instagram throwing around silly weights all over the place, we discuss his journey into olympic weightlifting, what made him great, the steps he took to reach the world stage, his diet, his philosophy on being the best, and where he's heading now. Watch out for Part 2 as we go deeper into his training methodologies. Check Sonny out at:
09/08/18•48m 35s
#344 - Are you afraid to show the world how awesome you are?
Struggle with confidence in what you do and who you are?This needs to change, today. In todays podcast I want to discuss you and your ability to sell yourself. See, we're all sales people, whether you like it or not. We're selling ideas, ideals, beliefs, values, products, services, methods, nowhere can you avoid selling yourself. So today it's time to get comfortable with that and go out and tell the world how awesome you are!!
06/08/18•9m 33s
#343 - Extreme Personality Traits & Weekend Binges
Do you struggle with the weekend? Eat great during the week but it all goes to pot at the weekend? Perhaps its to do with your all our nothing mentality, or perhaps your mindset, planning and reasoning needs work? Ultimately, are you getting the results you want right now?Join us as we go deep into the reasons people binge, stall & hold themselves back. This is all off the back of some recent teaching we're doing & 2 very poignant listener questions. Our teaching systems:
02/08/18•54m 17s
#342 - Honesty (with yourself) is the best policy!
Are you, honestly, being honest with yourself?With a diet, with change, with a training program, we have to be 100% raw and honest with ourselves and what we've done to get the outcome we've got, otherwise we bulls*** ourselves, and that never leads to positively moving forward, its just leads to frustration and anger.
30/07/18•5m 9s
#341 - Advice to my younger self, business failures & my 3 favourite books
What would you tell your younger self if you had the chance? What books would you get yourself to read as early on in life as possible? Have you learnt from your failures, or are you wallowing in them letting them define your future actions in a negative way? Mark Whittle interviewed me on my failures, how I feel they've defined me, who inspires me, events that have shaped me, and more. Enjoy, link to the Take Flight Podcast:
26/07/18•1h 16m
#340 - Do you procrastinate? Your life is in CHAOS!
Do you procrastinate? Do you lack clarity? Does it always feel like you're fighting a losing in battle in your head? It's time to clean your house...
23/07/18•10m 31s
#339 - Is Bacon & Alcohol harming us?
Have a couple of beers and people can loose their S*** when you're a 'fitness guy'. Reality is Tom and I drink a few times a week, but what is the safe or healthy level of alcohol consumption?What about processed meats that have been linked to cancer? In this episode we talk about the ACTUAL REAL RESEARCH when it comes to alcohol & bacon and its impact on cancer and other diseases. + tangents on health, lifestyle, personal choice, and the internet in navigating your fitness journey.
19/07/18•53m 51s
#338 - Life is AWESOME Again, But God it was Tough!
Remember podcasts 291 & 292 where I opened up about the hardest year of my life and nearly going bankrupt? Well I've 100% turned it around, I'm in a good place again, I'm giving myself a high 5! But how did I do it, and what have the last 6 months been like after those 2 podcasts I did? And what does the future have in store for me?
16/07/18•12m 12s
#337 - Life is a Game of Poker with Mike Vacanti
In life, are you taking your chances? Mike Vacanti bought a one way trip to NYC to apply for a job, a massive gamble, and it worked, 5 minutes later he's the personal coach to Gary VaynerChuk, BOOM!We discuss Mike's life gambles, what stops others from taking big risks, fear, his $150,000 fitness poker stunt, our love of Jordan B Perterson, the future of fitness, and re-grouping after failure. A not to be missed show. I'd Highly recommend some of Mike's blogs:
12/07/18•39m 24s
#336 - Getting Strong(er) by NOT lifting heavy weights
Can you get stronger by not lifting heavy weights? Yes, but how? I feel the strongest I have ever felt, and all my 1RM lifts have gone up in the gym, yet I'm not doing any traditional rep ranges in terms of my strength training, why is this? A short show with Andy McKenzie in support to quickly explore this topic on getting strong!
09/07/18•17m 24s
#335 - Career Advice for Young People (Live Talk at Kesgrave High School)
If I could tell my story and give young people career advice, what would I say? Well this live recording is just that. I got invited to Kesgrave high School in Ipswich to give a talk to 14-16 year olds. I wanted to inspire them with my journey, what I'd learnt, the pros and cons of uni, the career ready mindset that guarantees success, what holds most people back, and much more. I hope this talk inspires many. Please share with other young people. ideo also available on YouTube & FB.
05/07/18•41m 21s
#334 - Hay Fever, I've solved it!!
Got Hay fever, me too, well, I did. I've been taking Fexofenadine and Montelukast, let me explain how this went down. Please note, this is not medical advice, just me solving my hay fever, feel free to do as you please with this advice and solving your own hay fever.
02/07/18•6m 5s
#333 - Sex Differences in Nutrition & Training with Dr Abbie Smith-Ryan
Are there differences between men and women in their nutrition and training needs? In this episode I speak to researcher and doctorate Abbie Smith-Ryan from University of North Carolina, as we delve into macronutrients, HIIT training, supplements, stress, fasting, misinformation on the internet, and the different approaches one might take whether male or female in all the above scenarios. Enjoy. Find Abbie all over the internet by having a good google, but she loves twitter @asmithryan
28/06/18•40m 30s
#332 - #TheTruthAboutCarbs Motivation & Industry BS
The #TruthAboutCarbs is doing the rounds, oh my days, so lets look at the research, research and science based arguments vs peoples opinions, what motivates us, and industry BS. I pack a lot into this micro show which is a clip from my interview on the Health Hackers show, which you can find here for the full interview:
25/06/18•9m 58s
#331 - Going DEEP into my Brain with The 3 Dumbbells
If you could ask me anything, what would you ask me? This is how this show went down. The 3 Dumbbells is a London based podcast with Fred, Seb and Mat, and this is the recording as they dive deep into my professional background, my favourite books, top podcasts, my values as a coach, my tough year going bankrupt, views on coaching and change, my daily routines, being vulnerable, and why I've done what I've done in my career to date. Check out The 3 Dumbbells Podcast for more of Seb, Mat and Fred.
21/06/18•57m 43s
#330 - The Fitness Industry is Broken, but you're NOT (A Short Poem by Dave Cottrell)
The fitness industry is a weird place right? Don't get me wrong, it needs to change, it has to change, people are more confused and troubled than ever despite the wealth of information available, but there is light everywhere, you just need to know where to find it, and to know that right now you are enough. Today's isn't about me, Dave Cottrell is back, with 90 second video about the fitness industry, enjoy...
18/06/18•3m 9s
#329 - James Haskell on Mastering Athleticism & Sensitive Snowflake Syndrome
James Haskell, England and Lions rugby player and top lad is BACK for his 3rd appearance on the show! Today we evolve the topic of mastering your own athleticism, why so many young men are not achieving their goals, the benefits of expertise and having a plan, but following the plan. We then have a MASSIVE moan about social media, the purpose of it, and the people on it, and how we can get more from it. James on da Internet:
14/06/18•43m 12s
#328 - Hydration Facts & Summer Supplements
Is your hydration optimal and do our supplement needs change in the summer? This is a key question as we enter the hot summer months. In this podcast I discuss the hydration index, beer and coffee being dehydrating, minerals in our water, electrolytes, the best filters, and lastly a few tweaks with our supplements in the summer months. Yve-Bio filter I discussed: Awesome Supplements:
11/06/18•14m 9s
#327 - Data Driven Fitness with Tom Bainbridge
When do you need more data to reach your goals? And what data do we pay attention to? In this episode Tom B and I answer one of your questions discussing how do we get better results, when do we need more data, what is that data, where do psychological boundaries hold us back, where do calories become valuable, when do we change volume & intensity, how do we periodise, recovery parameters, and ultimately getting the outcome from training we expect! Expect big things from this show ;)
07/06/18•30m 45s
#326 - Three Ways to Solve Pain in your Life Quicker
Is there pain in your life today, or has there been in the past and it took you too long to solve it and move on? Pain is an indicator, we don't avoid it, bury it, or hide it, we deal with it head on, but how when it feels too tender to touch? Today lets discuss three ways that I think could change how you deal with pain in your life, both short term and long term, and thus live a happier life with more meaning and less frustration.
04/06/18•15m 13s
#325 - What is the Future of Health & Fitness (EXPLICIT: Live Recording)
The fitness industry is full of egos and narcissists, and it's not helping the industry move forward. In this frank live recording from my May 2018 Body Power Expo talk I get as raw and honest as I can about the state of the fitness industry, the issues it faces, but importantly what we can do about it. If we want things to change, we have to be the voices of change, not just complain. If you agree with the messages in this show, please share!
31/05/18•46m 12s
#324 - Nutrition is confusing when you have no BS filter!
Do we do ourselves a disservice sometimes with our learning? We follow all sorts of people online and absorb all sorts of facts daily, but do we have a BS filter that is fully operational? Are we applying common sense? After listening to a Joe Rogan podcast on keto it got me thinking about conflicting opinions in the world of nutrition and how some people will contradict what they say with overlapping theories. Here's the solution!
28/05/18•5m 39s
#323 - Fat Loss: The Struggle is real (Live Recording, BeFit Expo)
Why is fat loss complicated? Or is it, really, honestly? In this candid and honest talk I freestyle on my approach to coaching clients at Be Fit Expo. I got invited to the event to present to a room of ladies on why they might be holding THEMSELVES back from their goals, and how I would approach it as a coach highlighting my 2 step initial approach, then outline the journey. The very system and approach I use in my 90 day coaching program Fat Loss for Life.
24/05/18•47m 20s
#322 – Is your mobile phone a healthy part of your life?
Today I set you 2 challenges around your mobile phone and social media use. I'm setting these challenges as I see too many people having an unhealthy relationship with social media and or social media giving them some sort of anxiety.Our mental well-being is precious, we need to protect it, but we need boundaries as we get into unhealthy habits, after all we're only human.Well, today is about breaking those habits, will you join me?Do the challenges, great things will happen, promise!
21/05/18•18m 27s
#321 - Running around London with Virgin Sport & Jessica Frey
Why would someone run, or do any exercise? Should it be fun, or just lead to an outcome, and how do we find out what really makes us tick? Virgin Sport are trying to do things a little bit differently, their races, the charities they support, their initiatives, and their brand value of 'business for good'. I chat to general manager and keen marathon runner Jessica Frey at Virgin Sport to see what they are up to. Check out virgin sport at:
17/05/18•30m 15s
#320 - From client to coach with Chris Harrison
When we first met Chris he was struggling to find balance in his nutrition and training, and as a result didn't feel as healthy as he believed he could. Two years later he is in amazing shape both inside and out, and that's not the only change!Chris has recently left his corporate job to coach people full time, allowing him to do what he is passionate about and help a ton more people at the same time. His story is great, and we hope you take some inspiration from it!
14/05/18•32m 15s
#319 - The genetics of obesity with Emma Storey Gordon
This fascinating conversation with Emma Story Gordon explores the role that genetics have in the development of obesity in free living conditions. After all, we all live in the same environment and most people don't want to be obese - so why is it that some end up gaining a lot of weight and others don't, when neither are paying much attention to their food? References Cited:
10/05/18•48m 12s
#318 - Finding balance in a noisy Fitness World with Emily Rayner
We are joined by ex-BTN Academy student and online nutrition coach Emily Rayner to discuss her journey. Emily joined the fitness industry after improving her own mindset and fitness and taking the time to learn how to improve her behaviours, both to improve her body composition and her mental and social health. Emily has undergone an awesome journey and we're happy to have been part of it - hear her story and her thoughts on fitness as a whole. Find her Instagram at
07/05/18•20m 12s
#317 - How Stress is Harming us with Ori Hofmekler
How is stress really affecting us? And what stress is the worst for us? The author of The Warrior Diet joins me on the show to discuss stress and it's dynamics, how it is really affecting us, why, and whether our biological systems are handling what we are throwing at it in this modern age. A fascinating show from one of life true health intellects. Check out Ori's work here:
03/05/18•50m 58s
#316 - Nutrition from a Doctor's perspective with Dr.Aileen Alexander
There are a growing number of Doctors who are becoming aware of the power of nutrition and exercise as preventative medicine, and ex BTN student, Aileen Alexander of ThisDoctorLifts is one of them. In this short episode she chats about her thoughts on the state of nutrition education for doctors and what she's done to improve the situation in her own practice.
30/04/18•20m 44s
#315 - Fail at Life to Succeed at Life with Dave Cottrell
We all need to fail at life to learn, but how much? After being bullied at school, a failed marriage, hiding behind a fake persona and a less than ideal upbringing, Dave Cottrell decided to make a life pivot, a pivot that led him to lose over 9 stone, fight competitively, then become a mindset coach and help others with their life goals. If you're stuck in any way, you want persecutive on life, you want to be at one with your failures, you want to understand yourself more, then this show is for you.
26/04/18•56m 7s
#314 - Things I regret & would change about the past
We all have regrets, but why? It's because we change and evolve as people, we learn to be better, to do better. Today is one of those days of reflection. I've deleted over 60 old podcast episodes, but why? It's because I've changed, I've evolved, I've learnt.
23/04/18•18m 14s
#313 - Medicine vs Food vs Exercise with The Food Medic Dr Hazel Wallace
Dr Hazel Wallace is back to debate food vs exercise vs medicine, where does it all fit together? Being a Doctor & health coach Hazel is in the perfect position to comment on the changes we are seeing both in the medical world and the food and health coaching world. We discuss diet vs exercise and its impact on disease and obesity, new initiatives, the family environment, and the curse of social media & mobile phones. Enjoy. And please do check out Hazels new book:
19/04/18•41m 5s
#312 - Focus on what you're good at!
Are you empowering or disempowering yourself? We're all too good at being negative and holding ourselves back, well, its time to stop that. I've two important lessons today as a result of learning I've done last week in a room full of people I respect and was inspired by. Are you ready to go 'all in' on what you're good at?
16/04/18•9m 48s
#311 - Preventive Medicine, are we doing enough? With Dr Carl Brandt
We often complain the NHS aren't doing enough, but are they? What preventive healthcare initiatives are happening, and how are the scientific innovators trying to effect the nations health? I debate with Dr Carl Brandt on nutrition vs exercise and what is more important, how we change peoples behaviour around diet and health, the current impact of conditions like diabetes, the concept of prevention, the impact of Liva Healthcare, and much more. Check out Liva:
12/04/18•38m 25s
#310 - Being positive with Death - Hardest Year of my Life by John Chapman (Lean Machines)
When someone dies, how do you stay positive? Should you even stay positive? John Chapman, one half of The Lean Machines is a dear friend of mine and also, last year, had what he felt was the hardest year of his life. After a death in the family he wondered how he would cope and stay 'positive' to all around him. After he listened to my Podcasts 291 and 292 he recorded this, enjoy.And if you need help, ask, be vulnerable, it's the only way to move forward.
09/04/18•17m 53s
#309 - Hollywood Actors, Steroids & Fluffy Fitness with Don Saladino
What does a legend in the game do to keep things fresh? Don Saladino has been in the fitness game for 19 years, he's trained Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, and many other A-listers, he's also coached someone down from 800 Lbs, built a gym in New York, and more, so where does a man with this pedigree go now? I explore training, habits, steroids, Hollywood, fitness trends, gyms and more with humble fitness hero Don Saladino. Enjoy. Find Don at:
05/04/18•41m 46s
#308 - What to do when you hit burnout! (Me right now)
What do you do when you hit burnout, do you even know if you're burnt out? Right now I'm low, weak and feel powerless, I'm not myself, but I had to get to this place, and it's been a long time coming if I'm honest. Today I share with you the last few months, how I'm feeling right now, and most importantly, what I'm going to do about it. After all, with no action is no outcome. And I'm taking action, by taking NO action!
02/04/18•16m 2s
#307 - Our Teeth & The Food we Eat with Dr Steven Lin
Do our teeth reflect the health of our diet? Many years ago a book called 'Nutrition and Physical Degeneration' pointed at a change in our diet and the health of our teeth, now dentist Dr Steven Lin aims to continue this seminal work by Dr Weston A Price. How are your teeth? Could their health be linked to your diet? Lets find out with Australian dentist Dr Steven Lin. Find his book 'The Dental Diet' on Amazon here:
29/03/18•44m 50s
#306 - S.A.D & Vitamin D - 10 min Solo Show
S.A.D is a seasonal form of depression that affects 1 in 15 in the UK. Could S.A.D relate to a vitamin D deficiency? The answer is maybe, and in this episode Tom lets you know what he did about it this year in some personal experimentation. *Note, this is not medical advice nor is it a scientific experiment - rather, it's an anecdote that we hope you might find interesting, whether you suffer from this condition or not
26/03/18•9m 52s
#305 - Motivation, Relationships & Changing Identity With Tom
What is motivation, and how do you keep cultivating it? Is it internal, or can we create it, maybe it's just a state of energy and focus, and how do we change it? Tom and I open discussion on mindset and motivation and segway into a discussion on relationships and friction in them, changing identity as a person as you grow, and having a growth mindset as a person, how do we navigate it and create the right environment for it. A potent and deep show, enjoy!
22/03/18•38m 36s
#304 - Personal development - Tom's perspective
The inmates are running the asylum - Tom has a solo show! Personal development is a critical part of your growth as a practitioner, a coach, an athlete and a person; but in the age of information are we doing personal development wrong? If you read 60 books per year will it really make you better at what you do?
19/03/18•9m 10s
#303 - Cancer Research UK join me to discuss the O_B_ S_ _Y Campaign
After episode 301 Cancer Research UK got in touch, so this episode Cancer Research join me to discuss the facts of the O_B_ S_ _Y Campaign. What was the aim of the campaign and what data was it based on? Is obesity really a serious threat to our health and linked to cancer? What can we be doing to support wider change, and is there enough happening at a government policy level to effect massive change? Emma Shields, Cancer Research UK spokesperson joins me. Find out more at:
15/03/18•27m 36s
#302 - Personal Development, My Current 2018 Plan
I believe in life we have to grow, it's what keeps us whole. We need to keep learning and growing and challenging ourselves. Whats my current plan with my own personal development? Find out in this quick 10 minute podcast.
12/03/18•10m 48s
#301 - OB_S_ _Y & Cancer - Is it Fat Shaming? Lets Debate!
Is the most recent Cancer UK OBESITY campaign fat shaming? Tom and I look objectively at the campaign and discuss it's pros, cons, and whether it will work to create a change in dietary awareness. We then move onto discuss the new 400-600-600 OneLife diet campaign for the UK, again, will this make any change, will it help the obesity epidemic? We also discuss the new 20% calorie cut and update show 299 on the glute training discussion. Got a comment on the show? Get in touch!
08/03/18•1h 1m
#300 - Veganism, Business & Bollox with Matt Pritchard (TVs Dirty Sanchez)
Matt Pritchard from TVs Dirty Sanchez is now an ultra endurance vegan athlete, but why? What changed after years of travelling the world and being viewed by 400 million people on TV? What damage has he done to his body? We also discuss his change of career and managing coming down from the high of global fame to a local business live with his barber and tattoo shop? Check out his vegan cooking channel: (apologise for the poorer sound quality of this show)
01/03/18•45m 48s
#299 - Female Muscle & Debates about Dairy with Tom B
What's the deal with women not being able to build muscle as well as men? Are they really weaker in the upper body, and what can we do to combat both these problems? What rep ranges should women be training in? Why is crossfit creating badass female physiques? Then we move on to debate fat in dairy and its micronutrient composition, and we finish with training debates on military and challenging environments.
22/02/18•42m 7s
#298 - Battling Anorexia with Nicola Hobbs
Do you know anyone with an eating disorder? ED's are now a growing problem in the world with social media, mis-information and societal pressure. Someone I've known for many years and been close to has battled with an ED, Anorexia, and now writes, teaches and inspires through her journey, yoga and food how to beat EDs and thrive, to realise your best self isn't one with Anorexia. Join me & my guest Nicola Jane Hobbs for a chat about beating Anorexia. Enjoy. More on Nic:
15/02/18•1h 2m
#297 - Is Happiness a Flawed Concept? With Will Foster
Should we be happy all the time? Thats what the self help gurus say no, that if we get it right we should be happy 24/7? In this fascinating episode about happiness I hear about the work of Will Foster, a happiness coaches that calls BS on many of the concepts we believe are true, and opens up a new way to think about being happy. Get this episode downloaded! Join Wills Facebook group And grab Will's book The Happiness Gap:
08/02/18•44m 49s
#296 - Facebook Depression, Brain Hacks & Being an Adult with Tom B
Did you know Facebook depression is now a thing? Social media is a modern day time phenomenon that we have to deal with daily, and for some its affecting our lives both positively, and negatively. In this episode we explore modern technology, brain hacking, emotion shifting, living our lives OUR way, and many other tangents as myself and Tom B go off script and get some stuff off our chests.
01/02/18•38m 48s
#295 Ep.3 - Eat, Train & Think like an Olympic Athlete, with British Triathlon coaches
We all see professional athletes as unreachable; as people in a physical condition we’ll never be able to match. In fact, professional athletes are people just like us. They have just learned how to master the fundamentals – eating, sleeping, training, and thinking. In this episode, presented by Accenture, Official Partner of British Triathlon, I visit Loughborough Performance Centre to chat to British Triathlon coaches Steve Casson and Ben Bright about how to be an every day athlete.
25/01/18•26m 54s
#295 Ep.2 - Is triathlon for me? Advice from British Triathlon coaches
It’s fair to say that most of us see triathlon as a sport that requires extreme strength and endurance, involves training long hours, and needs very expensive kit. However, the reality is different. In this episode, presented by Accenture, Official Partner of British Triathlon, I visit Loughborough Performance Centre to dispel the myths and get advice from two people in the know – British Triathlon coaches Ben Bright and Steve Casson. We break down those clichés & show you how to get involved at any le
25/01/18•24m 20s
#295 Ep.1 - Master your Body & Mind with British Triathlon coaches
Am I in good shape? Am I training too much or too little? Am I pushing too hard? Why am I so tired? We’ve all asked ourselves whether our exercise and nutrition plans are actually adding to our quality of life or affecting it. In this episode, presented by Accenture, Official Partner of British Triathlon, I visit Loughborough Performance Centre to chat to British Triathlon coaches Steve Casson and Ben Bright about what being healthy really means and how to achieve wellbeing by listening to your body.
25/01/18•23m 40s
#294 - HIIT, Pilates & Anti-Dieting with Hollie Grant
Is Pilates and HIIT training the perfect combo to perform in the gym for optimal health and performance? What an earth is anti-dieting, and why is it empowering many women across the globe? What can you learn from pastry chef turned trainer and coach Hollie Grant, author of 'The Model Method'? Join me as I interview the awesome and inspiring lady that is Hollie Grant. Find out more about Hollie at:
18/01/18•56m 47s
#293 - BIG Scary Goals & Extreme Personality Traits with Brian Keane
This show is a rocker, with fellow podcaster Brian Keane as we discuss our paths to success as people, what we now learn and why, the personality traits we have and why, why we love BIG scary goals and how it defines us, success as a human and what it means at a deep level, Brian's journey in fitness, and much more. Check out me on Brians show at, episode 59:
11/01/18•49m 45s
#292 - Part 2: The Hardest Year of my Life - The Lessons
What did I learn from my experiences in 2017? How did I stay strong and positive in light of all the pain and negativity? What would I do differently if I could turn back the clocks? What happened to my motivation to exercise during this time? Did the online attacks affect my business? In this episode I expand on episode 291, going deeper into the lessons and events that shaped who I am today. Enjoy. And thanks again for getting episode 291 to #1 on iTunes
04/01/18•43m 5s