RedHanded the podcast jumps head first into all manner of macabre madness. We cover everything from big time serial killers (and those you may never have heard of), to hauntings, possessions, disturbing mysteries, bizarre whodunits and basically anything that tickles our creepy fancy. So, join us, plug in, sit back and prepare for scares.
UPDATE: Is Lucy Letby Innocent?
An independent panel of experts has concluded that NO murders took place at the Countess of Chester hospital. If true, it would mean that Lucy Letby, currently serving 15 life sentences and branded the UK’s most prolific child serial killer, is innocent – and the subject of the worst miscarriage of justice in recent British memory.We go over what was covered at last week’s press conference – and whether it changed our minds on this complex case.YouTube Video VersionWatch the press conference: Smoke and Mirrors with Prof John O’Quigley: sources available on bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramVisit our website:WebsiteSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
14/02/25•1h 15m
Episode 386 - The Kidwelly Sex Cult
Through the early 2000s, a satanic, paedophilic sex cult, with dozens of members and an obsession with Ancient Egyptian iconography, ran totally undetected in an unassuming cul-de-sac in south Wales. And its depraved, shabby and mostly toothless kingpin, Colin Batley, was perhaps the most unlikely cult leader imaginable…For over a decade, Batley used his twisted free-love philosophy to groom the children of his besotted followers – some as young as seven – into believing that their ‘spiritual path’ was to satisfy his sinister desires. And that was only the beginning…Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
13/02/25•1h 14m
Episode 385 - Killer Geisha: Abe Sada
The sex-mad geisha who sliced off her lover’s genitals, strangled him with a kimono belt, and carved her name into his arm, is perhaps Japan’s most famous criminal of the 20th century.Today, Abe’s story is practically a part of Japanese folklore. So how did this brutal killer become an unlikely celebrity, feminist icon and star of stage and screen? What exactly is a geisha? And what does her story tell us about the mystifying world of Japanese sexuality today?Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
06/02/25•1h 16m
Episode 384 - Lizzie Borden: High-Society Hatchet Homicide
The brutal hatchet murders of Andrew and Abby Borden are still among the most infamous and hotly debated cases in true-crime history.Truly springing from the pages of your favourite murder mystery – with seemingly innocent housekeepers, “evil stepmothers”, and precocious ladies of luxury aplenty – there’s a lot of fact and a lot of fiction to wade through. Join us as we discover the real story behind the infamous Lizzie Andrew Borden, and the trial that swept the English-speaking world.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
30/01/25•56m 12s
FROM THE VAULT - Episode 291 - The Silk Road: Drugs, Data & The Dread Pirate Roberts
With Ross Ulbricht now a free man thanks to his recent presidential pardon we thought it would a good idea to look back at who he is, what he did, and what he represented as "The Dread Pirate Roberts". So enjoy our episode from all the way back in March 2023 for some all important context on the internets iconic drug kingpin, and decide for yourself: Should he be walking free?--For some, the end of the world's most infamous online marketplace was a major victory in the never ending war on drugs. But for others, the global, multi-agency investigation into the Silk Road set a dangerous precedent for law enforcement – who rifled through the personal data of countless innocent users in their hunt for the elusive online drug-lord/revolutionary: Dread Pirate Roberts.So prepare for a trip on the Silk Road, and find out how a tax inspector hanging out on a hallucinogenic mushroom forum caught one of the most slippery criminals we’ve ever covered.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
28/01/25•54m 55s
Episode 383 - The People vs. Brock Turner
The world’s media painted Brock Turner as a promising young swimmer – an Olympic hopeful with everything to lose. Whereas his anonymous victim was identified only from the police report: a blackout-drunk girl, passed out by some bins at a frat party, claiming sexual assault.Turner’s expensive team of lawyers did everything they could to further debase and defame the victim’s testimony. But they hadn’t counted on coming up against Chanel Miller. Miller’s unflinching impact statement started a movement worldwide, and became a kind of rallying cry for survivors of sexual assault – and her book, ‘Know My Name’, reclaimed the narrative once and for all.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
23/01/25•1h 9m
Episode 382 - Ellen Greenberg Part 2: Weaponised Incompetence
Ellen Greenberg was murdered, or at the very least died under very suspicious circumstances. To us, and to almost everyone who has even so much as glanced at this case, that much is obvious. Yet as of this episode the state of Pennsylvania refuses to view the 27-year-olds death as anything but suicide.In our second of two parts on Ellen’s brutal murder we’re going to tell you how incompetent policing, shambolic coverups, and institutional corruption led to this case being put on ice. Despite clear signs that evidence was missed, misplaced, or downright removed.Donate to Justice for Ellen here.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
16/01/25•1h 3m
FROM THE VAULT - Episode 26 - Madness, Murder & Munchausen by Proxy: The Case of Gypsy Rose Blancharde
With the release of Gypsy Rose Blancharde’s memoir just around the corner, we thought it was high time we revisited the full story, from Episode 26 of RedHanded. And, to hear our thoughts on the book, check out this week’s Under the Duvet on aren't always what they seem...To the world Dee Dee Blancharde was the perfect mum. She dedicated her life as a single mother to taking care of her incredibly ill and disabled child. But one night Dee Dee was brutally murdered, and what was revealed shocked the world. It turned out that her daughter Gypsy had never been sick at all.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
13/01/25•1h 15m
Episode 381 - Ellen Greenberg Part 1: “You’ve Got A Murder Up There”
If you believe the official report, Ellen Greenberg stabbed herself: at least 20 times in the back, neck, stomach, chest, and through her scalp, hard enough to pierce her own brain. And only after all that – say the authorities – did she plunge the knife four inches into her own stomach.In 2011, despite blindingly obvious evidence to the contrary, Philadelphia’s police ruled the 27-year-old schoolteacher’s death as a suicide. And – thanks to a few suspicious decisions and the very shoddiest of shoddy police work – almost every chance of ever securing justice for Ellen was quite literally scrubbed away.Donate to Justice for Ellen here.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
09/01/25•59m 11s
Bonus Patreon Upcycle - Elizabeth Báthory: The Blood Countess
As RedHanded takes a festive pause, we've picked two of our favourite Patreon Bonus episodes from 2024. To get a full-length, bonus episode of RedHanded every month – plus weekly video episodes of Under the Duvet and much more besides – head to and sign up. Or, head to to buy a membership for someone else!--For our second upcycle, we dive into the dark and twisted tale of Elizabeth Báthory: Hungary’s infamous ‘Blood Countess’. Was she, as the spooky stories claim, a sadistic vampiress who sacrificed virgins in her quest for eternal youth? Or could she have been an innocent victim of a medieval smear campaign?Join us as we unravel the truth behind the eerie myths surrounding one of history’s most bloodthirsty figures.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
02/01/25•35m 32s
Bonus Patreon Upcycle - Erin Patterson: Mushroom Murder Mystery
As RedHanded takes a festive pause, we've picked two of our favourite Patreon Bonus episodes from 2024. To get a full-length, bonus episode of RedHanded every month – plus weekly video episodes of Under the Duvet and much more besides – head to and sign up. Or, head to to buy a membership for someone else!--The world was gripped in the summer of 2023 when a 49-year-old Australian woman was accused of poisoning four members of her own family via a toxin-laced Beef Wellington. On the 29th of July that year, Erin Patterson served four of her ex-husband’s family members a dish containing Amanita phalloides, also known as “death cap” mushrooms; three of them tragically died.Patterson still claims to this day that the whole thing was a complete accident entirely out of her control. However, her previous history of potentially poisonous plots begs to differ, especially when it comes to her ex-husband, Simon.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
26/12/24•44m 19s
Episode 380 - Jim Jones Part 2: The Jonestown Massacre
Last week we told you how over 1,000 people ended up in the Guyanese jungle following the orders of a meth-head with a god complex. Short answer: Nobody knowingly joins a cult.This week we’re here to tell you how the arrival of US Congressman Leo Ryan inadvertently set off a chain of events that led to the chaotic end of Jonestown and the tragic loss of nearly 1,000 lives.This is part two of their storyExclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
19/12/24•40m 6s
FROM THE VAULT - Episode 275 - The Assassination of Olof Palme
In February 1986, the prime minister of Sweden was walking home from the cinema, when a man stepped out of a shop doorway and shot him in the neck with a .357 Magnum. The killer ran down a side street – and disappeared without a trace.The mystery surrounding Olof Palme’s death is a Swedish national obsession that's barely left the headlines in the decades since. Hundreds of theories, from international hitmen to lone gunmen and police conspiracies, have swirled around one of the most extensive murder investigations in history.And then, in 2020, investigators called a press conference – to announce that they had finally found the killer…Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
13/12/24•59m 24s
Episode 379 - Jim Jones Part 1: The Journey to Jonestown
On the 18th of November 1978, 909 men, women, and children were killed by chemical-laced Flav-Or-Aid in the Guyanese jungle, all at the will of one man - Jim Jones. It was the largest loss of American lives since the Second World War. That’s what everyone remembers.But despite the notorious “Jonestown Massacre” being forever etched into the public consciousness, few people know how almost 1000 people ended up living in the jungle, thinking they were fighting the Capitalist machine, whilst starving half to death, and following the words of a meth-addled maniac.This is the first part of their story. Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/12/24•1h 12m
Episode 378 - The Mystery of the Isdal Woman
In this episode, we unravel the mystery of the Isdal Woman, Norway’s most notorious cold case. Was it murder, suicide, or something even more sinister? With whispers of Cold War espionage, coded notes, fake identities - and the persistent smell of garlic - this bizarre tale will leave you questioning everything. Wrap up warm: it’s time to enter the Ice Valley.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
05/12/24•1h 5m
Episode 377 - Rodney Alcala: The Dating Game Killer
One of the most prolific serial killers in America's so called 'golden era', Rodney Alcala is responsible for the deaths of at least eight people, although the true number is likely much higher. Yet few people have even heard of him. In fact his ability to narrowly avoid any real consequence for his multiple sexual assaults and violent murders, often on young girls, was so prolific that he even had the chance to appear on one of America’s biggest TV quiz shows... which he won.Hannah and Suruthi revisit their coverage of the Dating Game Killer – one of the most uncomfortable cases we’ve ever covered.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
28/11/24•59m 11s
FROM THE VAULT - Episode 126 - Who Killed JonBenét Ramsey?
With Netflix releasing a brand new documentary on the tragic and suspicious death of JonBenét Ramsey, we thought it would a good time to have a little recap on the case that shook the nation. So here's us from way back in December 2019...When 6 year old beauty queen JonBenét Ramsey was found dead in the basement of her family’s mansion on Boxing Day 1996 - it sparked a relentless mystery that still endures 25 years later.Leave what you think you know behind and join Hannah and Suruthi to try and sort fact from fiction...Happy Christmas.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
22/11/24•1h 17m
Episode 376 - White Terror
Through the 2000s, three neo-Nazi terrorists and serial killers rampaged across Germany – bombing and shooting immigrants in broad daylight, with total impunity. And despite plenty of evidence, investigators failed to join the dots time and time again. Worse still, the German government was, unknowingly, actively funding the bloodshed.To find out why – a half century after the Holocaust – German authorities refused to believe there was any white supremacist threat, we’re joined by investigative journalist Jacob Kushner, who moved to Germany while the five-year trial of the century played out.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
21/11/24•1h 28m
Episode 375 - The Poisoning of Zhu Ling
In 1994, Zhu Ling – a brilliant chemistry student at China’s most prestigious university – fell mysteriously ill. A desperate SOS call by her friends on the fledgling Internet brought a chilling discovery: Zhu had been poisoned with thallium.And despite the evidence all pointing in one direction, the investigation ground to a suspicious halt, and nobody was ever charged. Join us for a story of jealousy, digital manhunts and seriously toxic friendship.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandAmazon Music - Ad-free & ShortHand (available with some Prime accounts)Patreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramWebsite & Sources:redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
14/11/24•1h 12m
Delphi Update: Richard Allen Found GUILTY
Richard Allen has been found guilty on all charges relating to the 2017 murders of Abby Williams and Libby German.But if anyone thinks that this story is over, think again - there is a lot of controversy around this trial and people are hugely divided over the outcome.In this update we’ll look at what convicted Richard Allen, what the jury didn’t hear, and why people are quite so angry…For the full story, listen to our deep-dive episodes below:The Delphi Murders: In Plain Sight - Part 1The Delphi Murders: The Man in the Woods - Part 2Delphi Update: Odinism & Accusations of Ritual SacrificeExclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandAmazon Music - Ad-free & ShortHand (available with some Prime accounts)Patreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramWebsite & Sources:redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
13/11/24•32m 22s
Episode 374 - Gisèle Pelicot: The Altar of Vice
Of the 83 men who had raped Gisèle Pelicot, she recognised only two faces. One was a neighbour – and the other was her beloved husband of over 50 years. Dominique Pelicot had been using a chatroom to invite total strangers over to assault his wife, without her knowledge, for almost a decade. And she had had no idea.We peel back every layer of this unfathomable case: the shockwaves it sent through France and the Pelicot family; the rapists’ jaw-dropping attitudes to their crimes; Gisèle’s astonishing bravery in speaking up in her 2024 trial; and even evidence linking Dominique Pelicot to two cold cases – one a brutal murder. It’s time to meet the Monster of Avignon.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
07/11/24•1h 23m
Episode 373 - Halloween Special Part 2: Art School Murder & Uncle John
This week, we continue our spooky tradition of swapping stories on All Hallows Eve, with two chilling cases of betrayal and deceit. From a death in the dorms to a long-buried family secret that changed a Midwestern teenager’s life forever, we’ll have you looking at your inner circle with a healthy dose of suspicion: how much can we really trust those closest to us? Happy Halloween!Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
31/10/24•51m 24s
Episode 372 - Halloween Special Part 1: Pennhurst Asylum & The Mummy Next Door
The winter solstice is almost here – the time when the threshold between the living and the dead is at its weakest. And here at RedHanded towers, that only means one thing: spooky story swap time!Hannah and Suru have once again searched high and low for the spookiest, most bone-chilling cases they can find, to tell each other for the first time. For the first of our two story-swaps this year, Hannah takes us through the gates of the monstrous (and monstrously haunted) Pennhurst Asylum, and Suru tells the tale of a mummified savant, lying in a house on the North Yorkshire moors – and her two siblings, who reeked of death…Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
24/10/24•50m 38s
Episode 371 - Eddie Lee Sexton Part 2: Feral Family Road Trip
Incest runs in the family – and Eddie Lee Sexton’s depravity knew no bounds. From his own teenage daughters right down to the children he had fathered with his own kin – nobody was safe from him, or the sons he’d raised in his image. With the authorities breathing down his neck, Sexton fled with his miserable menagerie in tow. By the time the law caught up to them, at least two people had been murdered in cold blood. Terrifyingly, Eddie Lee Sexton’s grip over his family was so strong that a conviction was far from certain. This is the story of how the fate of one of America’s vilest men hung on the testimony of a humble librarian.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
17/10/24•1h 18m
FROM THE VAULT - Episode 19 - Halloween Special Part 1
We're digging deeper than ever into the dark recesses of the RedHanded vault – seven years to be exact – to bring you our first EVER Halloween special from 2017...For Halloween, the girls bring you the most disturbing cases they could find for their very own treehouse of horror, filled with kidnapping, a Buffalo Bill copy cat and shivers for days. Get cosy and grab the dog as Hannah & Suruthi take you through 2 harrowing cases, told to each other for the first time. Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
14/10/24•34m 58s
Episode 370 - Eddie Lee Sexton Part 1: Amputee Jesus
Neglect has a smell – and it clung to the walls of 1849 Caroline Street, Stark County, Ohio. As a litany of horrors unfurled, the stench was dwarfed only by the darkness emanating from its owner – Eddie Lee Sexton.Over the next two episodes, we reveal a multi-generational secret; one that haunted Sexton’s 12 children for the rest of their days. The DHS, the Police and the Sheriff’s department all had their suspicions for years. But in 1991, a tip came in and the race was on to get those children out of that house.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/10/24•1h 2m
Episode 369 - David Fuller: Monster in the Morgue
At first, police thought they were only looking for a double murderer. Nicknamed the ‘Bedsit Killer’ in the press, the suspect’s reputation for savage violence already loomed large in the town of Tunbridge Wells in the late 80s. But it was only when they caught David Fuller – more than 30 years later – that they learnt the blood-curdling truth: that for years, the mortuary worker had been acting out his sick fantasies with the bodies of the dead. These exploits were so shocking, and so extensive, that Fuller earnt his second nickname: the Monster in the Morgue.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
03/10/24•1h 7m
Episode 368 - MKUltra - Part 2: The Myth of Mind Control
We now know that the CIA quietly tested mind-bending psychedelics on unwitting American citizens. But how do we know?In Part 2 of our series on MK-Ultra, we're going to tell you the story of how one of the CIA's many dirty secrets was revealed to the world, and how they were forced not only to hand over damaging information about their mind-bending escapades but also to inadvertently help promote the book that followed.More importantly, what does any of this have to do with Fidel Castro's beard?Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
26/09/24•42m 23s
FROM THE VAULT: ShortHand: How a NASA Experiment Ended in Dolphin Sex
ShortHand is available exclusively for Amazon Music and Wondery+ subscribers.Rumours about NASA scientists trying to teach dolphins to talk and getting frisky in the process have long been internet lore. But what really happened when Margaret Howe took on the task of training a sexed-up sea mammal to speak? And how on earth did they get it funded?See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
23/09/24•32m 50s
Episode 367 - MKUltra - Part 1: Cold War of the Mind
In the wake of an Allied victory, the threat of a communist New World Order loomed over the West. Desperate to beat the Soviets at their own game, the USA gave the secret service all the money and drugs they needed to create a real-life Manchurian Candidate.Left with their minds in tatters and their relationships all but destroyed, the subjects of the CIA program ‘MKUltra’ were unwitting lab rats in the USA’s never-ending search for a truth serum.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
19/09/24•1h 2m
FROM THE VAULT - Joyce McKinney: Mormon Sex in Chains
Kirk Anderson was abducted from an LDS meeting house in Surrey by his ex-partner – and ex-beauty queen – Joyce McKinney. He said he was taken to a small rural cottage, tied to a bed, and sexually assaulted for three days. According to McKinney, everything was above board – Kirk just liked things kinky. But the British tabloids only cared about one thing: the wisecracking Southern belle Joyce McKinney made for great headlines. All the papers needed was a picture of her naked, to sell the story of the century. And they'd do anything to get it.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
16/09/24•47m 6s
Episode 366 - Constance Marten & Mark Gordon
When the body of a weeks-old baby was found in a plastic bag in a shed, covered in soil and rubbish, it marked the end of one of the UK’s strangest and most tragic criminal manhunts. The baby’s parents were Constance Marten and Mark Gordon – an aristocratic heiress and an American convicted rapist.As a jury wrestled for months over the couple’s guilt, more and more shocking details came out. Details of nights spent in a cheap tent out on the freezing moors. Of Gordon’s brutal criminal history. And the heartbreaking image that stuck in the nation’s mind more than anything else: the accusation that the baby had spent its short life carried around, in the depths of winter, in nothing but a plastic shopping bag.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/09/24•1h 19m
Episode 365 - Virginia Hall: The WW2 Super Spy
Nicknamed "Artemis" and "The Limping Lady" by Nazi Germany, Virginia Hall was, without a doubt, one of the most effective—and certainly the most feared—Allied spies during the Second World War. She helped countless POWs escape and funneled a constant stream of weapons into and information out of Nazi-occupied Europe. Her contribution is almost unfathomable, yet most people don't even know her name.This is her story.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
05/09/24•47m 21s
Episode 364 - Ruby Franke: Monster Momfluencer
When the son of Mormon family vlogger Ruby Franke turned up bound, emaciated and apparently covered in blood – it horrified the police, the internet and Franke’s millions of followers.The uber-strict brand of parenting advice she preached on her YouTube channel, “8 Passengers”, had been drawing online criticism for years. But even her loudest detractors couldn’t know how despicable and unhinged her punishments had grown. That is, until a diary, found among evidence of torture in a windowless basement, revealed the depths of her abuse to the world.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
29/08/24•1h 8m
Episode 363 - Karen Read & The Death of John O’Keefe - Part 3
In our unexpected third part on this neverending rabbit-hole of a case, we finally take on the big, crucial factors that have sent the internet into a frenzy: the taillight, the flirty texts, the inverted video, and the conduct of one Trooper Michael Proctor.And, finally, we give our verdict: is Karen Read guilty of murder?Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
23/08/24•1h 8m
Episode 362 - Karen Read & The Death of John O’Keefe - Part 2
In this second (and not-quite-final) part on the Karen Read saga, we take a look at the most talked about trial of the year.In front of a packed courtroom – and with furious demonstrators from both sides lining the streets outside – Karen Read’s defence team painted a picture of a malicious conspiracy that went all the way to the top. The plot, they said, included dozens of public officials, their school friends and distant relatives, and a German Shepherd called Chloe, sent far away up north to avoid incrimination.We discuss the trial, beat for beat – and try to pick apart what really happened at 34 Fairview in the early hours of 29 January 2022.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
22/08/24•53m 29s
Episode 361 - Karen Read & The Death of John O’Keefe - Part 1
At roughly 12:30am on 29 January 2022, Karen Read drove her boyfriend, Boston police officer, John O’Keefe to a party at a friend’s house. The next morning John would be found unresponsive on the front lawn of this house, and would later die in hospital.Karen would say that she saw John go inside the house - so the people at the party must be the ones responsible for his death. But the 9 people in the house that night said that John never came inside.So, what happened to John O’Keefe? And who’s lying?See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
15/08/24•1h 25m
FROM THE VAULT: Episode 278/9 - Scott Peterson: Sex, Lies & Fishing Boats - Part 1 & 2
With Scott Peterson back in the news, having given his first interview in decades we thought it would be a good time to refresh our memories on this baffling case, and remind you all of one very important fact - He 100% did it.When beautiful, eight-and-a-half-month-pregnant Laci Peterson vanished without a trace on Christmas Eve 2002, headlines across the US exploded.As much as the media and the public obsessed over the case, and the seemingly odd behaviour of her husband Scott, no one was prepared for the shocking revelations that were to come…Leaving people asking: did Scott Peterson kill his wife, or is he just the unluckiest man alive?Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/08/24•3h 15m
Episode 360 - Javed ‘Kukri’ Iqbal: “To Make a Hundred Mothers Cry”
A serial paedophile and murderer, Javid Iqbal dedicated his entire existence to grooming, sexually abusing, and eventually killing young boys from the streets of Lahore. Using his father’s money, Iqbal designed his entire life – from his businesses to his home – around capturing vulnerable children who were desperate for help.By the time Iqbal had handed himself in to the police, he had sexually assaulted countless street boys and killed at least 57. But how did detectives allow it to get to that point? This is a story of police incompetence on an industrial scale.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
08/08/24•1h 6m
Episode 359 - Bad Brits: Featuring Wine & Crime
This week on RedHanded we’re joined by some new friends from across the pond - Lucy and Amanda aka Wine & Crime! Given our geographical and cultural differences we thought it would be fun to discuss some “Bad Brits”, as well as give our new mates a bit of insight into the British way of life.So tune in for the tale of Pottery Cottage, and the story of the “Teacup Poisoner”, two British true crime classics that might sound quaint, but are anything but.More Wine & Crime:https://wineandcrimepodcast.com bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
01/08/24•1h 51m
FROM THE VAULT - Episode 33 - Oscar Pistorius & Reeva Steenkamp: The Valentine's Day Murder
In the early hours of Valentine's Day 2014, 29 year old model Reeva Steenkamp was shot to death by her partner: South African Olympic sprint runner and double amputee, Oscar Pistorius. He still claims that it was a tragic case of mistaken identity, but the forensics and the messages Reeva left before her death tell a very different story. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
30/07/24•39m 48s
Episode 358 - Peter Plumley-Walker: The Trial of the Teenage Dominatrix - Part 2
Three trials, countless corrupt officers, and years behind bars faced Renee Chignell, after she and her boyfriend, were accused of the murder of 51-year-old British cricket umpire Peter Plumley-Walker in their ramshackle sex dungeon.Renee was adamant Peter’s death had been a tragic accident – but it would take years of jail time, heartbreak, and her own mother going behind bars, to convince anyone she was telling the truth. Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
25/07/24•48m 25s
Episode 357 - Peter Plumley-Walker: Divorce, Death & Debauchery Down Under - Part 1
How does a “true British gentleman”, complete with love of cricket and handlebar moustache, end up dead at the bottom of a waterfall in New Zealand with his limbs bound and lashes to his buttocks? This is the question that faced police in 1989, when a tourist boat found the body of 51-year-old cricket umpire Peter Plumley-Walker floating at the bottom of Huka Falls.To find out the answers you need to come with us on a journey down under involving a 19-year-old sex worker, her 35-year-old boyfriend, and their budget bondage basement. Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
18/07/24•52m 42s
Episode 356 - Davy Tweed: Behind Closed Doors
As far as the people of County Antrim, Northern Ireland, knew, Davy Tweed was a sporting hero, dedicated public servant, and good Protestant family man. But his stepdaughter Amanda Brown knew what this public façade masked: a volatile, unstoppable juggernaut of physical and sexual abuse, who made her family’s life a living hell.In a very special episode, we directly hear from Amanda herself – who tells us exactly what it’s like to walk down the street with your abuser, while people shout ‘hero’ at him.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/07/24•1h 1m
Episode 355 - The Khamar-Daban Incident: Mystery in the Mountains
Bleeding from the eyes, foaming at the mouth, and bashing themselves to death against the rocks. That was the fate of six skilled hikers in the Russian mountain range Khamar-Daban – at least according to the single survivor Valentina Utochenko. Yet if the Russian authorities are to be believed, it was just a simple case of hypothermia.With speculation over what happened still rife, this mystery has been chalked up to everything from secret Novichok testing to accidentally ingested magic mushrooms. We know what we think, but you’ll have to listen to find out.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
04/07/24•1h 17m
Episode 354 - Mahsa Amini & The Morality Police
On 19 May 2024, Ebrahim Raisi – “The Butcher of Tehran” and President of the Islamic Republic of Iran – died in a helicopter crash. Immediately, theories of who had killed him and why, swept the worlds’ media.But while his passing inspired this episode, we’re also going to look at his many thousands of victims – and in particular how his actions led to the murder of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in 2022. It was a single death which sparked protests that challenged the mullahs of Iran like never before.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Episode 353 - Chernobyl: The Power Station That Ended a Nation
The world’s most infamous nuclear disaster officially killed just thirty-one people, but in reality it’s death toll is incalculable. Raining radioactive debris over a city, and melting the skin off the on-site workers, the explosion and subsequent meltdown at Chernobyl reactor 4 is one of the most devastating man-made accidents in history. This is the story of how fear, bureaucracy, and lies first brought down a nuclear power station, which then brought down a nation.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
20/06/24•1h 14m
Episode 352 - Over the Thin Blue Line: the Undercover Police Scandal
Imagine finding out that your partner of six years – the love of your life, the father of your children – had never existed. That during all of your most intimate moments, they’d been spying on you, taking notes to report back to their superiors. That’s what happened to dozens of innocent British women in 2011, when they uncovered the SDS – a super-secretive unit of London’s Met Police.To infiltrate groups of (mostly harmless) left-wing activists, these officers went undercover, routinely starting long-term sexual relationships with female members, for years at a time. They groomed these women, sometimes even fathering children, only to eventually disappear without a trace. H&S plunge into the gross, ethically murky waters of undercover relationships.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
13/06/24•1h 2m
Episode 351 - North Korean Abductions: Korean Career Couriers
Kidnapping might seem like an odd solution to low levels of education, but for The Democratic People's Republic of Korea it seemed like a perfect plan. Whisk away international intelligentsia to your hermit kingdom and reprogram them to become perfect North Korean citizens, capable of pushing forward your scientific endeavours – or more importantly, directing a cult classic knock-off Godzilla movie. Unfortunately, it is a plan that hasn’t gone down overly well with the rest of the world. So how did it happen? And is it still going on today?Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
06/06/24•57m 3s
Episode 350 - War Machine
When Christine Mackinday and her boyfriend were interrupted in bed by her ex-fiancé – a 200-pound ex-MMA fighter who had legally changed his name to War Machine – she had every reason to fear for her life.This is the wild true story of Jonathan Koppenhaver: self-proclaimed “Alpha Male”, failed UFC fighter, wannabe pornstar and reality-show embarrassment – and his inevitable, tragic, violent revenge.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
30/05/24•51m 39s
FROM THE VAULT - Episode 157 - The Disappearance of Peter Falconio
Get your tour tickets at!In 2001 on a remote stretch of highway in Australia’s Northern Territory, British backpacker Peter Falconio vanished. His girlfriend, Joanne Lees, told police that they had been attacked by a strange man. The subsequent investigation saw local drug runner Bradley Murdoch jailed for life - but questions still linger, especially around the truthfulness of the story that Joanne told...See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
28/05/24•1h 29m
Episode 349 - A Death in Old Peking
The state of Pamela Werner’s body alone would have been enough to send 1930s Peking into a frenzy. She’d been frantically stabbed, her chest cut wide open, and four of her internal organs had been precisely removed...But Pamela was the daughter of a high-ranking British diplomat. And the death of a white girl in the ancient Chinese capital, in 1939 – when anti-foreigner revolts were bubbling and the entire country was under threat of invasion by Japan – rocked the city, in the last days of old China.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
23/05/24•1h 4m
FROM THE VAULT - Episode 194 - Ivan Milat: The Real Wolf Creek
Between September 1992 and November 1993 the remains of seven backpackers were found dotted around Australia’s Belanglo State Forest. The long-putrefied bodies had all been shot multiple times by the same .22 calibre rifle. Some had snapped spines; others had been used as target practice. Despite all signs pointing to the Milat family, the real challenge for police was finding which of the ten Milat brothers to point the finger at...See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
20/05/24•1h 7m
Episode 348 - The Murder of Jill Dando
Shot dead in broad daylight outside her house in West London – the killing of Jill Dando is one of Britain’s most high-profile murders. As one of the BBC’s best-known TV presenters through the 90s, Jill was in the living rooms of the British public every night, presenting the news, travel shows, and most famously, Crimewatch – in which she publicly campaigned to bring real criminals to justice. Yet despite enormous publicity and one of the UK’s most extensive police investigations to date, the identity of her killer is still mired in controversy.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
16/05/24•1h 8m
FROM THE VAULT - Episode 173/4 - Keli Lane: What Happened to Baby Tegan?
To celebrate and get everyone in the mood for our soon to be iconic Antipodean Tour, we are digging up some of the craziest cases from down under that we've ever covered! Patrons can access tour tickets on Monday the 13th (TODAY!) via their Patreon feed, and general release is Wednesday the 15th, links below!NZ: this week’s episode the girls delve into the aftermath of John Borovnik's discovery, the police investigation that followed, and the subsequent trial that saw Keli Lane charged with murder - more than 13 years after her baby vanished.But even after all this, major questions around what drove Keli's behaviour, and of course what happened to baby Tegan, still remain...Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
13/05/24•2h 11m
Episode 347 - Daniel Morcombe & the ‘Mr Big’ Plot
When a 13-year-old boy, out shopping for Christmas presents, disappeared from a bus stop in Australia’s Sunshine Coast, police were initially slow to suspect foul play. They had no idea what this investigation would become.The revelations that would come over the next decade would spark one of the country’s largest ever police operations. And in its dramatic climax, it ended in one of the most controversial investigative techniques we’ve ever covered – the very ethically murky “Mr Big”.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
09/05/24•1h 3m
Episode 346 - David Berg & The Children of God - Part 2
If you thought Part 1 was bad – just you wait. Last week we talked about the origins of one of the world’s biggest cults. And this time, we look at how that influence and control bedded down – and seduced so many of the most famous people in the world.We’re talking about sex magic, incest, chid abuse, demonic possession, and Fleetwood Mac. It’s time to close the book on the Children of God.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
02/05/24•57m 4s
Episode 345 - David Berg & The Children of God - Part 1
Communes, propaganda and child abuse are not uncommon in the world of cults. But what made David Berg and his “Children of God” so unique was the effectiveness of their implementation.In this first of two episodes on one of the biggest and darkest cases we’ve ever covered, we talk about the rise of arguably the world's most “successful” cult, and what made the man who made the monster.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
25/04/24•1h 2m
Episode 344 - Twin Flames Universe (ft. Help I Sexted My Boss)
Note: The video version of this podcast can be watched in full on our YouTube channel! Available from the 18th of April.Join RedHanded and Help I Sexted My Boss for an extra-special crossover, where true crime meets modern-day dilemmas, all over a glass of Gin & Dubonnet at the Sexted studio!First, Hannah and Suruthi regale William and Jordan about all things cults, before diving into the increasingly bonkers world of the Twin Flames Universe. And then, the tables are turned, as H&S help the boys solve their listeners’ unique problems – from how to leave a party, to whether or not to discuss your herculean sexual exploits with your mum.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
18/04/24•57m 11s
FROM THE VAULT - Episode 254 - Jennifer Pan: Tiger Blood
Social media is swarming with fresh takes on the Jennifer Pan story, after a new documentary became the third-most watched show on Netflix this weekend. So we wanted to re-release this classic RedHanded episode from summer 2022 – let us know your thoughts on our socials!--When three masked men entered the Pan family home, it seemed like an opportunistic home break-in. But on closer inspection, things just didn't add up. Why would the would-be robbers shoot Hann and Bich Pan in cold blood, but leave their 24-year-old daughter Jennifer relatively unharmed? Why didn’t they drive off in the expensive Lexus that was parked in the drive? And why would Hann Pan run from the house, leaving his daughter tied to a bannister?See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
15/04/24•1h 14m
Episode 343 - Rob Parkes: The Price of Life
Rob Parkes is not a paedophilic, drug-dealing, gang-leading tyrant. But that’s exactly what his pathologically controlling, abusive ex-wife tried to lead everyone to believe. It’s also why, she said, he had to die.In a very special episode of RedHanded, we hear directly from a man who found out there was a price on his head – and that over the years, six separate people had been approached to kill him. In interviews conducted in our studio, Rob remembers the years of coercive control; a heart-stopping arson attack at his family home in the dead of night; and the moment he learnt that his life had a price tag.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus EpisodesFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/04/24•1h 6m
Episode 342 - The Panama Girls: Lisanne Froon & Kris Kremers
Ten years ago, two young women entered the Panamanian cloud forest, accompanied by a dog named Blue. Blue was the only one to ever return. The events that transpired on Panama’s El Pianista trail that day have remained a chilling mystery for a decade now – and possibly will forever. Join us as we delve into the perplexing case of Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers, where speculation abounds and answers remain elusive. Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus ContentFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comYouTubeRedHandedSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
04/04/24•1h 9m
Episode 341 - Michael Barrymore & The Death of Stuart Lubbock
Found dead and with severe internal injuries in the swimming pool of the UK’s biggest TV star, Stuart Lubbock’s tragic demise became an instant tabloid sensation.Michael Barrymore’s handling of the tragedy left a lot to be desired – as did the conduct of the British press. But what really happened the night Lubbock died, and who was responsible?Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus ContentFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comYouTubeRedHandedSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Episode 340 - The Sea Orphan
Found drifting on the open ocean on the brink of death, Terry Jo Duperrault’s survival was nothing short of a miracle.She’d been at sea for over 3 days, enduring harsh heat, bitter cold, and the tormenting bites of the parrot fish. Terry Jo was the survivor of an apparent yacht accident – yet when the boat’s captain was told the incredible news, he went to a motel, and took his own life.This is the gut-wrenching story of the sinking of The Bluebell, and the deaths of 4 members of the Duperrault familyExclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus ContentFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comYouTubeRedHandedSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
21/03/24•44m 50s
Episode 339 - Sherri Papini: The Woman Who Fooled the World
Three weeks after going missing, Californian ‘supermom’ Sherri Papini was found running down a highway with a chain tied to her waist and the word "exodus" burned into her back.Her story defied belief. Kidnapped outside of her home, by a pair of Latina women and driven hundreds of miles with nothing but mariachi music for company, it seemed almost too strange to be true.The police investigation that followed was one of the biggest in recent memory - yet it took over four years before the truth finally came out.And what detectives found, turned out to be even stranger than Sherri's bizarre story...Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus ContentFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comYouTubeRedHandedSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
14/03/24•1h 9m
FROM THE VAULT - Episode 305 - Natalia Grace: The Orphan
UPDATE: Since we released our episode on the Barnetts – who said their adopted 9-year-old daughter had turned out to be a murderous, adult woman – Natalia has finally broken her silence in a six(!)-part new interview series.And the revelations are damning…Relisten to the episode to brush up first, or skip to 1:20:00 for Hannah and Suruthi’s take on the latest shocking updates! -In 2009, the Barnetts, a wealthy picture-perfect American family, adopted 6-year-old Natalia Grace from Ukraine. But within just 3 years, they’d abandoned her and fled to Canada.Why? According to the Barnetts, Natalia – who had a rare form of dwarfism – wasn’t a little girl at all. She was actually a 22-year-old woman who was trying to murder their whole family. In this bizarre case, everything most definitely isn’t as it seems…See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/03/24•1h 49m
Episode 338 - Horror in Hong Kong: The Braemar Hill Murders
Found raped and brutalised in the hills, just a stone’s throw from one of Hong Kong’s richest neighbourhoods, teenagers Kenneth McBride and Nicola Myers became the subjects of a national outrage.At a point of deep uncertainty in Hong Kong, the tragic murder of the two white expat teenagers became a symbol of everything that was bubbling under the surface. From accusations of racism and classism in the police, to involvement from the local triads, this would quickly become the biggest murder investigation Hong Kong had ever seenExclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus ContentFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comYouTubeRedHandedSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
07/03/24•40m 55s
FROM THE VAULT - Episode 59 - Danny Casolaro: The Man Who Knew Too Much
Now that a new Netflix doc has got everyone talking about Danny Casolaro – we wanted to rerelease one of our favourite past episodes, to give you the full RedHanded rundown. Let us know your theories on our socials!Governments kill people who try to uncover their dirty dealings, that’s a fact. But is that what happened to Danny Casolaro? Danny claimed to be on the verge of connecting the dots between multiple governmental scandals and uncovering an international network of unbelievable crimes. Two days after meeting his final source, Danny was found dead. Could he have been onto something?See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
01/03/24•1h 8m
Episode 337 - MH370: "Good Night, Malaysia Three Seven Zero”
On the 8th March 2014, Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was making a routine red-eye flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, when it seemingly vanished in the clouds. The 175-tonne Boeing 777 – and all 239 people on board – have never been seen again. And 10 years on, there are still no solid answers as to what happened. In this episode, we’ll take you through the facts and theories behind what remains the greatest mystery in the history of aviation. Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus ContentFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comYouTubeRedHandedSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
29/02/24•56m 11s
Episode 336 - Maura Murray: Not Without Peril
In 2004, amid a horrific snowstorm in a remote mountain town, a talented yet troubled young woman crashed her car and vanished off the face of the Earth. The more you learn about the life of Maura Murray, and the things she got up to in the days before her mysterious disappearance, lead to more questions than answers. Was she trying to kill herself? Was she trying to disappear? Was she abducted, and were the police involved?This is one of the most infamous missing persons cases of modern times and has perplexed the world for over 20 years. Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus Content Follow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
22/02/24•58m 33s
Episode 335 - Shannon Matthews: Under the Bed
On 19 February 2008, 9-year-old Shannon Matthews left school, waved goodbye to her best friend, and then vanished on the half-mile walk home.West Yorkshire police, and a determined group of locals from Shannon’s estate, spent weeks doing all they could to find the missing little girl.But when the truth behind Shannon’s disappearance was eventually uncovered, it was more shocking than anybody could have imagined.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus ContentFollow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comYouTubeRedHandedSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
15/02/24•1h 6m
Episode 334 - Charlie Adelson: The Dentist & The Hitmen - Part 2
Following the conviction of Charlie Adelson in November 2023, his mother Donna allegedly attempted to flee the US for Vietnam. Arrested on the runway, awaiting take off, the 73 year old now denies any involvement in the murder of her son-in-law, Dan Markel. In this concluding episode we take a look at the entire Adelson clan, with a focus on what the “grieving ex-wife” Wendi Adelson likely knew, and when…Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus Content Follow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
08/02/24•1h 16m
Episode 333 - Charlie Adelson: The Dentist & The Hitmen - Part 1
When Wendi Adelson was left feeling trapped in Tallahassee, following her divorce from FSU professor Dan Markel, she told her big brother Charlie. What happened next is beyond anything anyone could have imagined.In a bizarre murder for hire plot involving hundreds of hours of FBI wiretapping, an owl loving hitman, coded calls about pot belly pigs and a tv repairman, this case has been bubbling away in Florida for the past decade.But finally in November 2023, some shocking truths were revealed as the Adelson family come undone…Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus Content Follow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
01/02/24•1h 13m
Episode 332 - Jean-Claude Romand: Doubling Down
Prospect medical student turned slacker spree-killer is hardly a normal turn of events. Yet Jean-Claude Romand managed to throw his entire life away by simply doing nothing. No school, no job, and no income, all propped up by a tower of ever increasing lies. A secret life spanning over thirty years, and ending in the deaths of his wife, their two children, both his parents, and their family dog, all to avoid telling the truth. This is what happens when you tell that one little lie, and never stop doubling down.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus Content Follow us on social media:YouTubeTikTokInstagramXVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
25/01/24•1h 1m
Episode 331 - The Friedmans: A Family Affair
The Friedmans were your average upper-middle-class family in ‘70s America, but everything changed when one day accusations of mass child sexual abuse landed on the father and one son.What followed was a chaotic investigation of slippery memories, attempted hypnosis, coercive police questioning, disturbing confessions, folk devils and real-life villains – nothing about this case is black-white.In this episode, we tell you the story of the Friedman family as we know it, not that we can say we know the truth.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus Content Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
18/01/24•49m 40s
Episode 330 - Sarah Everard: The Betrayal
Deep in the middle of the UK’s shambolic COVID lockdown, 33 year old Sarah Everard went for a walk. That night she crossed paths with a man who would abduct, rape and kill her.Within days detectives had a man named Wayne Couzens on their radar, but with this breakthrough came a huge reckoning for investigators - because Couzens was a serving London Metropolitan police officer.Exclusive bonus content:Wondery - Ad-free & ShortHandPatreon - Ad-free & Bonus Content Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/01/24•1h 12m
Bonus Patreon Upcycle - Rodney Marks: Murder at The Bottom of the World
Thanks to COVID, we all now know, better than ever the impact that social isolation can have on our mental health. Depression, confused thinking, and emotional instability were symptoms many of us became all too familiar with; but imagine you had been in lockdown somewhere thousands of miles away from the nearest city, in perpetual darkness for 6-months of the year, and subjected to temperatures as low as -80 degrees celsius... Oh, and you're locked down with your co-workers...That shit might just make you want to kill somebody... right?See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
04/01/24•39m 53s
Bonus Patreon Upcycle - The Bloody Benders: America’s First Serial Killer Family
When countless lone travellers began to vanish without a trace along the Great Osage Trail in the early 1870s, the people of Labette County, Kansas, were gripped with fear.Soon enough, the county’s residents realised that all the victims had one thing in common: they’d all visited the Bender Inn, a small cabin run by a mysterious German family.But by then it was too late.The Benders were gone with the wind – and as for who they were and where they went, well, that remained a mystery for over 140 years… until now.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
28/12/23•57m 13s
329 - The Staircase: Michael Peterson - Part 2
The trial of Michael Peterson remains one of the most baffling we’ve ever come across. Red neurons, missing blood spatter and of course that pesky blow poke.What led the jury to land on the decision they made? Was evidence overlooked, or was this a cover-up? And finally, if Michael Peterson isn’t guilty, how and why did Kathleen really die?Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
21/12/23•1h 8m
Episode 328 - The Staircase: Michael Peterson - Part 1
From the outside the Petersons had it all; the perfect family, a beautiful mansion and more money than they could spend. But on 9th December 2001 all that changed, when Michael Peterson claimed to have found his wife, Kathleen, dead at the bottom of their stairs.What followed would become a bizarre tale of strange family secrets, shocking revelations and a true crime case obsessed over like nothing before, or since.Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
14/12/23•1h 22m
Episode 327 - Murder in Ulvila
At 3 am on the 1st of December 2006, Anneli Auer phoned Finnish emergency services – to tell them an intruder was stabbing her husband to death as she spoke.Police arrived on the scene in less than 10 minutes, but it was too late, and the mysterious killer had seemingly vanished into thin air. Judicial madness, police fuck-ups, greed, undercover lovers, Satanic child abuse rituals, DNA mix-ups, a family torn apart, and a murder mystery that divided a nation: this is the murder of Jukka Lahti, one of the most notorious cases in Finnish criminal history.Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
07/12/23•51m 11s
Episode 326 - Sarah Payne: Into Thin Air
Vanishing in seconds when her older brother turned away, 8-year-old Sarah Payne’s high-profile disappearance gripped the nation. But as mother and father begged for answers and hoped to see their little girl again, sadly it would leave a very different legacy.This truly heartbreaking case would change the British legal system forever – not before Rebekah Brooks and ‘News of The World’ brought the British media into absolute chaos.Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
30/11/23•1h 4m
Episode 325 - The Vanishing of Lynette Dawson - Part 2
The evidence against Chris Dawson was overwhelming from the start - so why did it take several investigations, 2 coronial enquiries and 40 years of agony for Lyon’s family for New South Wales police to even make an arrest?In our final episode on the murder of Lynette Dawson we discuss the day of her disappearance and the unfathomable lack of effort put into finding her. Not to mention why the police were so unwilling to investigate a man several officers referred to lovingly as ‘Dawso’.Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
23/11/23•48m 42s
Episode 324 - The Vanishing of Lynette Dawson - Part 1
When Lynette Dawson vanished without a trace in January 1982, her husband played the heartbroken victim. He was an abandoned father of two, with no choice but to move a 16-year-old student into the family home to help him out…This is part 1 of the strange Australian tale. Expect shocking police corruption; rampant sex abuse running wild in the high schools of Sydney’s Northern Beaches; a man who thought he could get away with anything; and his strangely close relationship with his identical twin brother.Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
16/11/23•52m 50s
Bonus - Israel Keyes: Plan of Attack
You asked for it – to say a huge final THANK YOU to all of you who brought us Gold in the Listeners' Choice category in this year’s BPAs, we promised you a bonus episode of your choice. And you voted in your thousands, for an episode on horrifying serial-killer scumbag, Israel Keyes.Keyes didn’t earn his place among America’s most terrifying serial killers only for his brutality, or coldness. The most horrifying thing about his tale is how comprehensively he got away with it.Travelling thousands of miles across the US, sometimes spending years researching a single kill, and with no discernible victim profile – Keyes operated completely under the radar for decades. He considered himself a master of the serial-killing craft. And in the end, even his downfall all seemed part of the plan…See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
13/11/23•1h 11m
Episode 323 - The Murder of Marvin Gaye ft. Disgraceland
The 1984 murder of one of Motown’s biggest stars – at the hands of his abusive, alcoholic, cross-dressing Pentecostal-preacher father – stunned the industry. But despite the media frenzy, almost no justice was served…In this episode we look at Gaye’s life story, drawing a line from his early traumas to the whirlwind of violence, drugs and sex that seemed to follow him everywhere.And to tell the whole story, we’re joined this week by Jake Brennan – host of the most-downloaded music podcast EVER: Disgraceland – who dropped in to give us all the essential context behind one of the most notorious crimes in musical history.REDHAUNTED SPECIAL: Ghost Hunting at The Ancient Ram InnFollow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
09/11/23•1h 7m
Episode 322 - The Body, the P.I. & the Hole in the Wall
In 2010, the body of a man was discovered in a locked hotel room in Beaumont, Texas. Apart from some minor bruising on his groin, the man didn’t have a mark on him – yet he had the internal damage of a severe car crash victim. There was no sign of forced entry or a struggle. He had no enemies, and nobody in the hotel had seen or heard a thing. The police were at their wit’s end, and after months of investigating, the case of the body in room 348 went cold. That is, until legendary private investigator, Ken Brennan, took on the case. REDHAUNTED SPECIAL: Ghost Hunting at The Ancient Ram InnFollow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
02/11/23•51m 24s
RedHaunted Special: Ghost Hunting at The Ancient Ram Inn – Audio Preview
Happy Halloween Spooky B*tches! To celebrate our favourite time of year - and for getting GOLD at the British Podcast Awards - we took on one of the most demonic locations in the UK… The Ancient Ram Inn.In this audio preview of our full-length special (which is on YouTube NOW), the owner of The Ram, Caroline Humphries, tells all on the building’s dark past; we get some creepy contact through our ghost-hunting equipment; and we wind down with some creepy RedHaunted stories - sent in by our lovely listeners!Happy Halloween! Watch the full video now, if you dare… Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
31/10/23•19m 18s
Episode 321 - LIVE: Halloween Special Part 2 – Corpsewood Manor and Burke & Hare
’Tis the season, the SpOoKy season… And that means part two of our annual Halloween story swap, this time LIVE from Dallas, Texas!!! Listen up as Suruthi tells you all about the aptly named Corpsewood Manor and Hannah discusses the murderous Victorian antics of Burke & Hare. WATCH THIS EPISODE LIVE WITH THE SLIDES AT: us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
26/10/23•51m 19s
Episode 320 - Halloween Special Part 1: The Vampiress of Barcelona & The Dardeen Family Massacre
Spooky season is upon us once again, and that can only mean one thing: another instalment of RedHanded’s Halloween story swap! For the first of two story-swaps this year, Hannah takes us back to pasto-times Barcelona where an Epstein-esque vampiress stalks the city’s children, and Suruthi regales us with the blood-chilling mystery of the Dardeen family killings…Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
19/10/23•55m 32s
Episode 319 - Lam Kor-wan: The Rainy Night Butcher
In August 1982, a Kodak technician was processing some photos when he saw the image of a naked young woman appear. He took a closer look, and any excitement he may have felt quickly disappeared when he realised she had been severely mutilated…The ensuing investigation led to the conviction of Hong Kong’s first ever serial killer: Lam Kor-wan, known as the ‘Rainy Night Butcher’, or ‘Jars Killer’. Lam had been conducting sick dissections in a tiny bedroom he shared with his unwitting brother – and keeping specimens, suspended in rice wine, in a grim collection of Tupperware containers under his bed.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Episode 318 - The 67 Exorcisms of Anneliese Michel
With fractured knees and savage bruises – weighing just thirty kilos – 23-year-old Anneliese Michel died in 1976 under some of the strangest circumstances imaginable. But despite looking like she’d been held and tortured against her will, she consented to all sixty-seven of the exorcisms she was subjected to.Why?Because Anneliese, her parents, and two-priests all believed she’d been possessed by a demon, and had become the mouthpiece of Adolf Hitler, Judas Iscariot, and even Lucifer himselfFollow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
05/10/23•53m 12s
Episode 317 - Reverend Willie Maxwell: Harper Lee & The Killer Voodoo Preacher
In summer 1977, in Alexander City, Alabama, a man stood up in front of 300 mourners at the funeral of a 16-year-old girl – and shot a reverend three times in the head.When the shooter’s murder trial began, it caught the attention of the renowned author, Harper Lee, who went on to spend years researching the story for her next book.But it wasn’t the shooting that had piqued her interest.It was the series of suspicious deaths surrounding the reverend – Willie Maxwell – known in Coosa County, Alabama, as a serial killing voodoo preacher.Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
28/09/23•57m 14s
Delphi Update: Odinism & Accusations of Ritual Sacrifice
This week, Richard Allen’s defence team dropped a 136-page document challenging the warrant that police used to search his house.But it’s not as boring as it sounds – because the bulk of this filing consists of claims that Abby and Libby were in fact killed by an Odinite, white-suprematist cult. And in doing so the defence team has revealed a lot of new information regarding the crime scene.In this update, Suruthi digs into what the hell is going on.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
22/09/23•40m 51s
Episode 316 - Seth Rich: Murder in the Age of Conspiracy
If Seth Rich had had any other job – or if it had been any other year – his tragic death would likely have joined the 65 other unsolved murders in his part of Washington DC that year. But Seth worked for the Democratic Party – and this was the summer of 2016.And while his family tried to grieve, Seth’s story was co-opted by every side. Through social media echo-chambering and shameless self-promotion, it grew to include accusations of bloodthirsty politicians; allegations of foreign powers destabilising US elections; and a secretive, high-powered paedophile ring that went all the way to the top.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
21/09/23•1h 8m
Episode 315 - Christian Gerhartstreiter: The Talented Mr Mountbatten
In 1994, in the back garden of a house on Lorain Road, San Marino, California – workers accidentally unearthed a shallow grave containing dismembered human remains. Investigators were convinced that the discovery had something to do with a charming British man who’d lived at the property a decade before. Not only had he been a member of the British royal family, a celebrated actor, a director, an art collector, a physicist and a naval captain… but he was also a member of the Rockefeller family – with the same social security number as serial killer David Berkowitz…Today’s case covers the sociopathic life of the conman, kidnapper and murderer, Christian Gerhartstreiter – who some have called the real-life Talented Mr. Ripley.To vote for us at the British Podcast Awards, click here: nominate a challenge, as well as a case for the bonus episode if we win gold, click here: us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
14/09/23•58m 35s
Episode 314 - The Gilgo Beach Killings - Part 2
On 13 July 2023 - after decades of corruption and inaction - police arrested 59-year-old New York architect Rex Heuermann, on suspicion of being the LISK.In this episode, we’ll look at Heuermann’s family life, his background - and delve into the 33-page bail document that offers us an in-depth look at how investigators finally caught this notorious, modern American serial killer.To vote for us at the British Podcast Awards, click here: nominate a challenge, as well as a case for the bonus episode if we win gold, click here: us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
07/09/23•56m 35s
Episode 313 - The Gilgo Beach Killings - Part 1
In 2010, Shannan Gilbert made a series of frantic 911 calls as she ran through the streets of Oak Beach, Long Island, screaming: “They’re trying to kill me”.Then she vanished. A few months later a body was found near where Shannan, vanished - but it wasn’t her. And neither were the next 9 sets of human remains they found along Ocean Parkway. Now, over a decade later, with the arrest of Rex Heuermann - the police believe they’ve found the elusive Long Island Serial Killer.But the questions still stand; Why did it take so long to catch him - and was this the work of a lone serial killer, or multiple men using the same dumping ground?To vote for us at the British Podcast Awards, click here: nominate a challenge, as well as a case for the bonus episode if we win gold, click here: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
31/08/23•1h 11m
Episode 312 - Lucy Letby: “Trust me, I’m a nurse”
On 21 August 2023, 33-year-old nurse Lucy Letby was handed a whole-of-life order for the murder of seven babies, and the attempted murder of six more. She is only the fourth woman in British history to receive the sentence. And now this seemingly young, meek, slightly goofy, “vanilla” girl – whose bedroom was filled with stuffed animals – is now Britain’s most prolific child serial killer. So what really happened? How was she allowed to kill so many? Why did she do it? And how was she eventually caught?To vote for us at the British Podcast Awards, click here: nominate a challenge, as well as a case for the bonus episode if we win gold, click here: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
24/08/23•1h 23m
Episode 311 - Bhagwan Rajneesh: The Rolls-Royce Driving Sex Guru
In July 1981, the 40 residents of Antelope, Oregon watched on in bemusement as their rural village was descended upon by an Indian guru and thousands of his followers. Little did they know at the time, that these maroon-robed chanting hippies and their money-loving spiritual leader would go on to overthrow the local government, attempt wide-scale voter fraud, plot to fill a plane with explosives and eventually, carry out the most significant act of bioterrorism in US history.This is the real story of Bhagwan Rajneesh, and how he managed to amass a global following of devotees who were ready to do anything for him… See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
17/08/23•1h 6m
Episode 310 - Brenda Spencer: ‘I Don’t Like Mondays’
School shootings are now tragically commonplace in the US. But in 1979, when Brenda Spencer opened fire on Cleveland Elementary School, it took everyone by surprise. Killing two adults and injuring nine children – allegedly just because she didn’t like Mondays – Brenda has lived on in infamy as one of America’s first school shooters, immortalised by Bob Geldof and The Boomtown Rats.Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
10/08/23•57m 14s
Episode 309 - Thabo Bester: Twisted Firestarter
At 2am, on the 3rd of May last year – inmates at Mangaung prison in Bloemfontein, South Africa, were woken up by an explosion. Word spread that Thabo Bester, the infamous “Facebook Rapist”, had set himself and his cell on fire. And all that remained after the dramatic blaze were a lighter, and a body, burnt beyond recognition. But that’s far from the end of the story. With daily revelations from the trial still hitting headlines, expect a farcical morgue-robbing scheme, a massive-scale web of fraud conducted from inside a prison cell, and a glamorous celebrity doctor who’s not quite what she seems.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
03/08/23•49m 15s
Episode 308 - Christine 'Chris Chan' Chandler: Lifelong Lolcow
Graphic Sonic fanfiction, a botched DIY sex change, incest and relentless psychosexual trolling are just some of the hallmarks of Christine Weston Chandler's story. As one of the most documented people in history – with 2,500 Wiki articles covering everything from school reports to her parents’ friends – her almost biblical tale leaves little to the imagination. Yet most people have never heard of her. Despite decades of online abuse, manipulation, and even extortion, the majority of those who do know about the infamous ‘Chis Chan’ see her as little more than an internet joke. Yet her real life is one of the most saddening and downright bizarre we are ever likely to cover.Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
27/07/23•41m 21s
Episode 307 - Warren Jeffs: Bleeding the Beast - Part 2
Last week, we looked at the formation of the ultra-obedient, bigamist Mormon cult, the FLDS – in which plural marriage to pregnant preteen girls is just the tip of the fundamentalist iceberg. In this second part, we look at how its new prophet, Warren Jeffs, took his so-called religion to ever stricter and more terrifying depths. With followers so beaten down that they were banned from even laughing; the prophet on the lam, living it up at Disneyland; and a team of ex-faithfuls and dogged investigators closing in – something had to give. But not before the full extent of his evil was laid bare in front of a stunned courtroom.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
20/07/23•46m 57s
Episode 306 - Warren Jeffs: God’s Chosen People - Part 1
According to Warren Jeffs’ thousands of followers, he was the leader of a secretive but devoted religion – their prophet, and the representative of God on Earth. But according to US law, he was a dangerous, totalitarian, child-molesting horror with over 80 wives – some married off as young as 12. Still, according to the church, Earthly laws are no match for the voice of God.In this episode, we explore the story behind the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: how the visions of a charismatic, seventeen-year-old farmhand grew to become a major world religion; how plural marriage caused a major rift in the church; and how its teachings were warped into a systematic cult of child abuse, underage sex, and absolute power.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
13/07/23•1h 3m
Episode 305 - Natalia Grace: The Orphan
In 2009, the horror film ‘Orphan’ told the tale of a couple who unwittingly adopted a 9-year-old girl, who (spoilers) turned out to be a murderous, adult woman.Sometimes though, reality is stranger than fiction. A year after the film’s release, the Barnetts, a wealthy picture-perfect American family, adopted 6-year-old Natalia Grace from Ukraine. But within just 3 years, they’d abandoned her and fled to Canada. Why? According to the Barnetts, Natalia – who had a rare form of dwarfism – wasn’t a little girl at all. She was actually a 22-year-old woman who was trying to murder their whole family. In this bizarre case, everything most definitely isn’t as it seems…See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
06/07/23•1h 17m
Episode 304 - Jasmine Richardson & Jeremy Steinke: Natural Born Killers
Violently stabbed to death in their own home, the bodies of Debra and Marc Richardson showed the signs of an almighty struggle.The body of their eight-year-old son Tyler Jacob was upstairs, and their twelve-year-old daughter Jasmine was missing. It all suggested a brutal home invasion, with Jasmine’s abduction as the motive. Yet the narrative the police unwound was more confusing, disturbing – and downright cringe-worthy – than anything they could have imagined. This was the ‘love story’ of a ‘rawr’cous, side-fringed, goth girl and her three-hundred-year-old werewolf boyfriend. Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
29/06/23•1h 6m
Episode 303 - Anthony Gignac: Prince of Fraud
How did an orphan from Bogotá, Colombia, become one of the most audacious white-collar criminals in the US during early 2000s? Starting his con career in Michigan at the age of just 12, Anthony Gignac transformed himself into a Saudi prince and spent three decades conning society’s elite out of millions – until one day his royal façade cracked, when he ordered the wrong entrée at a restaurant…See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
22/06/23•49m 17s
Episode 302 - Grenfell Tower
On 14th June 2017, a fire engulfed Grenfell Tower, a high-rise residential building in West London. 74 people died, and the tragedy became one of the darkest days in recent British history.But worst of all, the incident was completely avoidable. This is the story of how decades of government corruption and unbelievable corporate greed killed so many innocent people.As part of our coverage of the Grenfell case, and to support those still affected today - we’re going to be donating a portion of our ad revenue from this episode to the Grenfell Foundation. If you’d like to find out more about the Grenfell Foundation please follow this link: us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
15/06/23•1h 6m
Episode 301 - Tupac & Biggie: 'Ready to Die' - Part 2
In our second instalment, Hannah & Suruthi turn to Christopher George Latore Wallace – better known as the Notorious B.I.G. – and his side of the Biggie/Tupac saga. Lyrically gifted, privately educated and no stranger to a little crack dealing, Biggie became the face the East Coast rap scene in one of the genre's most volatile and dangerous eras. So what happened to Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls? As H&S find out, sometimes the simplest explanation is the most likely...See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
08/06/23•51m 33s
REUPLOAD: Episode 257 - Genes & Justice: Kathleen Folbigg & Patricia Stallings
With the news that Kathleen Folbigg has finally been pardoned, we wanted to help you revisit this case, and Kathleen's incredibly tragic story by re-uploading our episode from August 2022.“One sudden infant death is a tragedy, two is suspicious and three is murder”; this theory has pervaded criminal investigations for decades. So when Kathleen Folbigg’s daughter, Laura, became her fourth child to die mysteriously - Kathleen found herself labeled “Australia’s Worst Female Serial Killer”.Today we delve into two unbelievable cases which highlight the immense challenges of the intersection between science and justice in the courtroom.Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
05/06/23•54m 33s
Episode 300 - Tupac & Biggie: ‘2 Of Amerikaz Most Wanted’ - Part 1
Stories of death, drugs, and gang violence were inextricably linked, in the 90s media, to the nation’s biggest rap stars. Tupac Shakur was one of the decade’s biggest and most admired music icons – until his life was cut tragically short in 1996. By the time he died, he’d been involved in three high-profile shootings, done time for sexual assault, and been associated with serious career criminals. So what happened?Get the 4-1-1 on two of hip-hop’s biggest stars as we celebrate our 300th episode in the only way appropriate - a Tupac and Biggie Two-ParterFollow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
01/06/23•1h 3m
Episode 299 - La Maison de L'Horreur: The Dupont de Ligonnès Family Murder
When five members of the cheery, churchgoing Dupont de Ligonnès family were found dead at their home in Nantes – buried in the garden with small Catholic relics – a million questions erupted from neighbours, family and friends.But for the police, only one question mattered: where was the sixth? Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès was nowhere to be found. And as they dug into his past, they uncovered a story that’s obsessed the nation of France for years: one of an ancient aristocratic dynasty, of international espionage, and a crime scene that, decades later, still refuses to add up…See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
25/05/23•43m 42s
TRIAL UPDATE & REUPLOAD: Episode 180 - Lori Vallow: Doomsday
To make sure that none of you miss out we've updated our episode on Lori Vallow to include an update on her trial! Listen to this episode and this week's episode of ShortHand for the full scoop.47-year-old mum of 3, Lori Vallow was convinced of two things; she was a god and the world was ending. Her job was to prepare her people for the second coming of Christ, in July 2020...But even as her behaviour became increasingly erratic, and even as those around her started to die in mysterious ways, and even when 2 of her kids - J.J. and Tylee - vanished, it took a shockingly long time for the alarm to be raised.By which point, it would be far too late for the missing children...Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
22/05/23•1h 32m
Episode 298 - Papa Doc: Haiti’s Vodou Dictator
What kind of leader would say of his own people that they are “meant to suffer”? Well, maybe a savage despot who claimed to be the master of the dead – a powerful sorcerer who could use vodou to raise murderous zombies at will, read minds, and even assassinate a US president…Francois Duvalier, known as ‘Papa Doc’, is one of the most ruthless dictators of the 20th Century, responsible for the deaths of an estimated 60,000 people, and a reign of terror that tragically reverberates through Haiti to this day.This week Hannah and Suruthi find out how the first nation to be founded by slaves gave way to brutal Black nationalism, black magic, and decades of public savagery.Note for Wondery+ or Amazon Music subscribers downloading our early-release episode: our ShortHand on Haitian Vodou is out on 16 May!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
18/05/23•53m 4s
Episode 297 - Martha Moxley: Death & Dynasty
On Halloween morning, 1975, in one of the most exclusive gated communities in the USA, the bludgeoned body of 15-year-old Martha Moxley was discovered on her own front lawn. The shattered pieces of the murder weapon, a six-iron golf club, were found nearby.The police had the body, they had the weapon, and they had a strong indication of who took her life. But this was going to be anything but an open and shut-case. Why? Because this story implicated some of the wealthiest and most powerful families in American history. Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
11/05/23•1h 3m
Episode 296 - Evil Genius: The ‘Pizza Bomber’
When delivery driver Brian Wells wound up with a bomb strapped to his neck after trying to fulfill a seemingly normal order of 2 pepperoni pizzas, local police thought their strange day had come to a dramatic end. In reality, it was the start…By the end of their investigation they’d have to solve a scavenger hunt, track down a woman known as “crazy Marge”, and defrost the body of a mystery man tossed inside a freezer.This week Suruthi and Hannah deliver one of the most bizarre cases in American history, and try to unbox the truth behind the ‘Pizza Bomber’.Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
04/05/23•48m 57s
Episode 295 - The Christchurch Massacre
On the 15th of March, 2019, a 28-year-old man walked into a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, holding a shotgun and semi-automatic rifle – and opened fire. And what set this story apart was not just its brutality, but also the way it was staged – from the internet, for the internet. The gunman had strapped a GoPro to his helmet, and was streaming every second of the Christchurch shooting over Facebook Live. And just before he entered Al-Noor mosque, he said to his online audience: “Remember lads, subscribe to PewDiePie.”We look at online radicalisation, the deep internet meta-humour that was littered through the manifesto – and the role of platforms like 8chan and YouTube in the rise of far-right terrorism.--If you would like to take up the offer of the 6 month free trial to Wondery+ just click HERE or visit don’t forget - you’ll be automatically charged $4.99 a month after the end of the 6 months, so if you don’t want to keep W+ be sure to cancel!If you have Amazon Prime - but still can’t access ShortHand via amazon music - unfortunately you are in a region that doesn’t have access. So please also make use of the Wondery+ trial! Terms and conditions are available at to this week's ShortHand – 'The Human Zoo & Mbye Ota Benga' – on Amazon Music or Wondery+.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
27/04/23•1h 6m
Filthy Ritual: A Brand New Podcast by Suruthi & Hannah
Welcome to Filthy Ritual - our brand new 6-part series on the Hoax Healer of Hampstead 💸🐒There's voodoo, shamanism, black magic, a tree of life in the Surinamese jungle, and so much more...Episode 1 is out now wherever you get your podcasts, but if you can't wait all episodes are available for free on Global Player today!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
21/04/23•5m 16s
Episode 294 - Roderick Newall: Death in Paradise
The sleepy island of Jersey is a safe haven for wealthy Brits to live out their retirement with favourable weather, and an even more favourable tax rate. So when Nicholas and Elizabeth Newall were found bludgeoned to death in their home, the local police were a little out of their depth. What followed was a three-year investigation involving nunchucks, covert surveillance, and ending in a chase upon the high seas. Strap on your goggles folks, it’s time to take another dive into the murky waters of the British upper-classes.Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Morbid Caught RedHanded: The Witches of Long Compton
It’s finally happening – the Morbid X RedHanded collab! And to get everyone’s witchy juices flowing, we took a trip to the sleepy Cotswold village of Long Compton.Long Compton looks every bit the bucolic British fairytale. But for hundreds of years, stories of black magic, sorcery, necromancy and brutal murder have haunted its villagers. It’s said that in Long Compton, “The influence of witches goes and comes like the full moon.”Join Ash, Alaina, Hannah and Suruthi to uncover the blood-stained, satanic secrets of this unassuming hamlet. Then head over to Morbid’s feed to check us out on their episode where we learn all about the horrors of Six Mile House…Special thanks to Ash and Alaina from Morbid for joining us today! Listen to Morbid wherever you get your podcasts, or listen early and ad-free on Amazon Music: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
16/04/23•55m 58s
Episode 293 - Gabby Petito: Isolated
In December 2020 Gabby Petito and her fiance Brian Laundrie set off on a once-in-a-lifetime journey across the USA in their tiny little van. The trip was set to be packed full of starry nights and stunning vistas for countless happy memories, and also all the beautiful views needed to kickstart Gabby’s dream career as a travel vlogger.But when Brian returned to his family home in August 2021 without Gabby, things went from living daydream to living nightmare. What followed was a search that spanned a vast expanse of wild terrain, and a social media search party like nothing the world had ever seen before.Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
13/04/23•1h 6m
Episode 292 - Griekwastad: The Steenkamp Family Massacre
The sleepy town of Griekwastad South Africa woke up to absolute horror on Good Friday 2012. Three members of the local Steenkamp family had been brutally murdered, leaving their 17-year-old son Don as the only survivor. As the dust settled people blamed everything from a so-called ‘white genocide farm attack’ to a Satanic Cult. However, the reality and the family secrets that emerged were far darker than anything cooked up by the press.Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterVisit our website:WebsiteSources available on redhandedpodcast.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
06/04/23•48m 18s
Episode 291 - The Silk Road: Drugs, Data & The Dread Pirate Roberts
For some, the end of the world's most infamous online marketplace was a major victory in the never ending war on drugs. But for others, the global, multi-agency investigation into the Silk Road set a dangerous precedent for law enforcement – who rifled through the personal data of countless innocent users in their hunt for the elusive online drug-lord/revolutionary: Dread Pirate Roberts.
So prepare for a trip on the Silk Road, and find out how a tax inspector hanging out on a hallucinogenic mushroom forum caught one of the most slippery criminals we’ve ever covered.
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30/03/23•53m 4s
Episode 290 - Jack Parsons: The Occultist Sex-Crazed Father of Modern Rocketry
From Copernicus to Newton, the greatest minds in history have had a crater named after them on the moon. But one name you may not know is Jack Parsons, a pioneer of rocket science whose contributions were so monumental that man wouldn’t have set foot on the moon without him.
However, his sex-crazed occultism and bromance with L. Ron Hubbard made it hard for the scientific community to embrace him, leading to his eponymous crater being placed on the dark side of the moon.
This story has everything from revolutionary science to orgies, the occult, and demonic rituals - what are you waiting for…See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
23/03/23•46m 1s
Episode 289 - David vs Robin: The Bain Family Killings - Part 2
Last week we left off with the absolutely batshit-craziness of Margaret’s “Bel”-filled diaries and the rumoured accusations of incest made by Laniet Bain against her father Robin.
And we’ll come back to all of that later in this episode, part 2 of our series on the Bain family murders, but not before we re-join David, as he’s being interviewed for the first time by the police, just hours after the killings…
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16/03/23•1h 12m
Episode 288 - Black Magic, Incest & Murder: The Bain Family Killings - Part 1
On 29 June 1994 the entire Bain family, except for eldest son David, were found murdered in their house in Dunedin.
The investigation that followed would go on to become New Zealand’s most controversial, as allegations of black magic, incest and police corruption exploded…
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09/03/23•58m 13s
Episode 287 – The Murdaugh Family Murders
The Murdaugh murders are not one story; they are a seemingly endless web of lies, entitlement, and confusion.
At the centre of the web are the bodies of Paul and Maggie Murdaugh, found at their hunting lodge. But tangled in it are the tragic deaths of three other completely innocent people, dragged in by the most powerful family in South Carolina.
This week Hannah and Suruthi make sense of one of the most sprawling true crime cases out there…
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02/03/23•1h 4m
Episode 286 - Emanuela Orlandi: The Vatican’s Only Missing Citizen
Organised crime, sex scandals, terror plots, hundreds of millions of missing dollars, a gangster known as ‘God’s Banker’ found hanging from a bridge in London, a 100-year-old apocalyptic prophecy, an anonymous tip-off that sounds like it comes from Dan Brown’s never-released Godfather sequel, and messages hidden in crypts…this is the story of Emanuela Orlandi, the only missing citizen of the smallest country in the world.
And though she disappeared more than 40 years ago, Emanuela’s story remains, to this day, one of the biggest mysteries in Italian criminal history.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
23/02/23•50m 30s
Episode 285 - The Murder of Rachel Nickell
Rachel Nickell’s brutalised body was found on Wimbledon Common with her two-year-old son Alex wiping her bloodied face and begging her to 'wake up'. The nature of the broad daylight attack and the horrific injuries put enormous pressure on the Met to get the case solved and fast. However, none of that justifies the shoddy police work, cut corners, and tunnel vision that allowed a serial rapist to go unchecked for years.
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16/02/23•58m 3s
Episode 284 - Dorothea Puente: The Boarding House of Death
Dorothea Puente may have looked every bit the placid old lady she played. In reality, she was in her early fifties, and was using her self-made status as a ‘pillar of the community’ to divert attention away from what was buried and rotting in her garden.
Whether her victims had a few hundred thousand dollars, a nice pick-up truck, or even just a meagre social security cheque – they all risked the wrath of the ‘Death House Landlady’.
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09/02/23•53m 27s
Episode 283 - Rasputin: Russia’s Greatest Love Machine
The much-told legend of Rasputin – the giant, wild-eyed, well-hung, wandering Siberian monk who seduced the Tsarina herself – is mostly a bunch of absolute borscht. But the real story is just as wild.
H&S look at the life of a peasant who infiltrated Russian nobility, embodying the tensions of a nation – a charismatic zealot who mysteriously healed the Romanovs’ sickly heir.
So join us to find out how Russia went from Romanovs to Revolution; the possible MI6 ties to Rasputin’s death; and a classic, quick-fire RedHanded rundown of…the entire First World War.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
02/02/23•1h 14m
Episode 282 - Jeffrey Epstein: Foul Play - Part 2
In 2009, having served just 13 months of the cushiest jail sentence this side of Scandinavia, Jeffrey Epstein was free – and legally protected from any future punishment. But there were hundreds of people that knew what he really was: a dangerous, influential and insatiable child rapist with a sophisticated network of fixers. They knew he had to be stopped.
In this second episode of our two-parter, H&S look at the tireless legal and journalistic efforts to bring him down; go deeper into the involvement of Ghislaine Maxwell and Prince Andrew; and find out what kind of justice – if any – was served. Plus: what happened in that jail cell in 2019?
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26/01/23•1h 17m
Episode 281 - Jeffrey Epstein: Along Came a Spider - Part 1
The story of Jeffrey Epstein – the billionaire financier with an industrial-scale web of child abuse implicating some of the most powerful people in the world – sounds like some half-baked conspiracy theory. But it’s all true. And to answer the question of how he went from humble origins to sex-trafficking minors over to his private island, we have to start at the very beginning.
So, who exactly was Jeffrey Epstein? How did socialite and media heiress Ghislaine Maxwell accelerate his ambitions? And how the hell did they keep getting away with it?
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19/01/23•1h 5m
Episode 280 - The Idaho Student Murders
On 13 November 2022, four University of Idaho students were found stabbed to death in their beds. Six weeks later, the police (under the glare of immense public scrutiny) arrested a PhD student, Bryan Christopher Kohberger, 2,500 miles away in Pennsylvania.
Last week, the probable cause affidavit was released, revealing jaw-dropping evidence against the 28 year old.
In this episode Suruthi and Hannah work their way through the timeline of events, how the investigation unfolded and what we know so far about Kohberger…
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12/01/23•1h 27m
Bonus Patreon Upcycle - Joe Metheny: Hate, Heroin & Human Hog Roasts
There aren't many true crime figures bigger than Joe Metheny. The 450-pound killer cook, who rampaged his way through south Baltimore's homeless community in the early 90s, claimed to have taken the lives of at least 10 victims...
But how does someone go from a quiet, high-achieving young boy to a homeless crack addict with a taste for murder?
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05/01/23•33m 6s
Bonus Patreon Upcycle - Lobotomies: Piece of Mind
Modern medicine’s come a long way since the days of old where doctors would drill a hole in your head for a cold, prescribe you a tobacco-smoke enema, suggest you brush your teeth with urine, or give you heroin as cough medicine.
But things really did get a whole hell of a lot worse before they got better…
Lobotomies were performed on tens of thousands of psychiatric patients, misbehaving children, “hysterical” women, JFK’s sister, and the former First Lady of Argentina – all just in the last 80 years.
Press play, it's a no brainer...
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29/12/22•36m 24s
Episode 279 - Scott Peterson: Trial by Media? - Part 2
In the concluding part of our deep dive into this murky case, Suruthi and Hannah explore the high drama of the trial that everyone was talking about.
And examine the evidence for and against Scott Peterson, including a dissection of those infamous tapes…
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22/12/22•1h 17m
Delphi Update: Patreon Round-Up - December 2022
There have been some very interesting developments in the Delphi case (including the release of Richard Allen’s probable cause affidavit!)
And the girls did a deep dive into the ins and outs of the latest bombshell news on Under the Duvet this earlier month…
Here’s your chance to catch up! Press play now to hear the Delphi update from RedHanded’s weekly Patreon-exclusive show, Under the Duvet!
To find out more about Patreon and the hundreds of hours of bonus RedHanded content waiting for you, head over to now.
(And for our latest exclusive and limited new merch, head to now, and use code REDHANDED10 for 10% off your first order!)
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16/12/22•35m 5s
Episode 278 - Scott Peterson: Sex, Lies & Fishing Boats - Part 1
When beautiful, eight-and-a-half-month-pregnant Laci Peterson vanished without a trace on Christmas Eve 2002, headlines across the US exploded.
As much as the media and the public obsessed over the case, and the seemingly odd behaviour of her husband Scott, no one was prepared for the shocking revelations that were to come…
Leaving people asking: did Scott Peterson kill his wife, or is he just the unluckiest man alive?
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Episode 277 - Joyce McKinney: Mormon Sex in Chains
Kirk Anderson was abducted from an LDS meeting house in Surrey by his ex-partner – and ex-beauty queen – Joyce McKinney.
He said he was taken to a small rural cottage, tied to a bed, and sexually assaulted for three days. According to McKinney, everything was above board – Kirk just liked things kinky.
But the British tabloids only cared about one thing: the wisecracking Southern belle Joyce McKinney made for great headlines. All the papers needed was a picture of her naked, to sell the story of the century. And they'd do anything to get it.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
08/12/22•48m 13s
Episode 276 - Alison Botha: Left for Dead
Kidnapped, attacked and left disembowelled in the desert by two men who claimed to have been possessed by demons, Alison Botha suffered one of the most torturous ordeals we’ve ever covered.
The men responsible met through a shared love of cheap drinks, sexual assault and the occult, but nothing can explain the brutality of their crimes. Welcome to a case we’ve been avoiding for years… and for good reason.
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01/12/22•49m 57s
Episode 275 - The Assassination of Olof Palme
In February 1986, the prime minister of Sweden was walking home from the cinema, when a man stepped out of a shop doorway and shot him in the neck with a .357 Magnum. The killer ran down a side street – and disappeared without a trace.
The mystery surrounding Olof Palme’s death is a Swedish national obsession that's barely left the headlines in the decades since. Hundreds of theories, from international hitmen to lone gunmen and police conspiracies, have swirled around one of the most extensive murder investigations in history.
And then, in 2020, investigators called a press conference – to announce that they had finally found the killer…See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
24/11/22•59m 24s
Bonus - Patreon Round-Up: October 2022
Are you the kind of financially savvy Spooky Bitch who wants to try before you buy?
Then why don't you have a listen to all of the very best BONUS CONTENT that we put out on Patreon last month?
This month we've got some great clips of our on tour shenanigans, plus us watching some of the goriest horror movie moments as voted by you!
If you like what you hear, head on over to for all the extra content you can handle!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
18/11/22•24m 19s
Episode 274 - Larry Hillblom: Who’s Your Daddy?
In 1995, the billionaire founder of DHL disappeared off of the face of the planet and left behind a closet full of skeletons. The aftermath stirred up one of the most colossal, convoluted shit storms you’ve never heard of. Two plane crashes, underage sex trafficking, missing DNA, cover-ups, private detectives, and a billion dollars of inheritance left in the air – this is the story of Larry Hillblom.
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17/11/22•52m 18s
Episode 273 - The Delphi Murders: The Man in the Woods - Part 2
On 28 October 2022, in a move that shocked absolutely everyone, investigators in Indiana arrested 50 year old Richard Allen for the murders of Abby Williams and Libby German.
In this episode (that underwent a frantic rewrite in light of these recent developments), Suruthi and Hannah discuss the arrest of Allen, the personality profile of the Delphi killer and what we do know about the crime scene - plus the unbelievable catfishing twist that threw us all…
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10/11/22•1h 21m
Episode 272 - The Delphi Murders: In Plain Sight - Part 1
On 14 February 2017, the bodies of 13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German were found in the woods in Delphi, Indiana.
Libby’s phone was discovered not far from the crime scene, and the videos she had recorded on it quickly made this case one of the most infamous of recent decades…
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Episode 271 - LIVE: Halloween Special Part 2 – Stalin’s Cannibal Island & Marcel Petiot
Recorded live in Columbus, Ohio, at Obsessed Fest 2022, H&S bring you a historical Halloween special. The girls look back at the horrors of Stalin’s cannibal island, and at one of the world’s most prolific serial killers, who terrorised Nazi-occupied Paris.
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27/10/22•53m 15s
Episode 270 - Halloween Special Part 1: The Liske Family Murders & Suzy Lamplugh
Lock your doors and shut your windows – it’s that time of year again! H&S are back with their annual Halloween story swap. In part one, the girls bring you the tragic case of the Liske family, followed by the chilling, unsolved disappearance of estate agent Suzy Lamplugh.
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20/10/22•41m 4s
Episode 269 - Devil’s Dorp
This is the story of a godly rivalry that spun out of control – taking in vampires, werewolves and the murders of eleven people. And behind it all, a 48th-generational satanic witch with 1,000 multiple personalities and a score to settle.
Krugersdorp, a town northwest of Johannesburg, has always had high levels of violent crime. But when South Africa’s own satanic panic kicked into full force in the early 90s, its citizens had an altogether more unholy threat on their hands...
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13/10/22•56m 52s
Episode 268 - Blake Leibel: A Blueprint for Evil
This case takes the notion of life imitating art to a newly macabre extreme. In 2010, Blake Leibel released his graphic novel, Syndrome. Described as The Truman Show meets Se7en, the story follows a rogue neuropathologist as he attempts to find a cure for evil, using a condemned serial killer as his guinea pig.
Initially met with a lukewarm response, the novel garnered international attention in 2015 after Leibel seemed to use its most violent scenes to commit what's been described as "the most brutal murder in LA's history".See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
06/10/22•32m 55s
Episode 267 – The Unbelievable Saga of Thomas Quick
In the early 1990s, a patient at Säter mental institution was undergoing the facility’s revolutionary memory-recovery therapy, when he revealed a shocking incident from his past. Back in 1980, he had killed an 11-year-old boy.
As the therapy continued, more and more brutal confessions came, until he was linked to 39 of Sweden’s most infamous murders. He became known as the nation’s answer to Hannibal Lecter – a sadistic, cannibalistic serial-killer paedophile.
So strap in for shocking confessions, experimental psychotherapy, and a revelation that shook the Swedish justice system to its core…
‘The Strange Case of Thomas Quick: The Swedish Serial Killer and the Psychoanalyst Who Created Him’ by Dan Josefsson
‘Thomas Quick: The Making of a Serial Killer’ by Hannes RåstamSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Episode 266 - The Burari Deaths: Ritual Slaughter
In the early morning of 1 July 2018, Gurcharan Singh went to check on his neighbours in the Burari district of Delhi. When he got there, he found a crime scene so chilling that the whole city was thrown into a frenzy.
Ten members of the Chundawat family were hanging from the ceiling. Another, the 80-year-old grandmother, was found strangled in the next room. And the police, the public, and the national media were stumped – it seemed too complex for suicide; too organised for murder. And then, they discovered a diary that changed everything…
In the first case in five years of RedHanded to cause Suruthi to sleep with the lights on, we delve into the murky, ritualistic details of the Burari deaths.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
22/09/22•1h 8m
Episode 265 - Susan Cox Powell: Mormon Murder Mystery - Part 2
With a 28-year-old Mormon mum still missing – and her husband and father-in-law behaving increasingly erratically – police edged ever closer to finding their culprit.
And a string of shocking discoveries, including hard drives full of hentai, a collection of tampons and a suspicious car accident, only helped their case. What they didn’t know was that before it was all over, in a shocking final act, another four people would end up dead.
In the conclusion of our two-part episode, we wrap up the chaotic case of Susan Cox Powell.
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15/09/22•52m 29s
Killers, Cults and Queens - A Sneak Peek!
SURPRISE!!! We've got an exclusive sneak peek of a brand new show called Killers, Cults and Queens!
From Audioboom Studios, Cheryl Hole and Nikki Druce are on a whistle stop tour of the weirdest corners of the universe. They’ll be stopping to learn about the craziest true crime cases in history, spooky paranormal activities, truly bonkers internet mythology, very convincing cults and much much more. So buckle in… it’s going to be a wild ride!
Subscribe to Killers, Cults and Queens wherever you listen to podcasts!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
09/09/22•10m 52s
Episode 264 - Susan Cox Powell: Mormon Murder Mystery - Part 1
On the 6th of December, 2009, when Susan Cox Powell disappeared while her husband Josh was away on a “spontaneous camping trip”, their community was sent reeling.
This Mormon family had long had its issues, but with the revelation of major debts, rampant psychological abuse, and an obsessive and disturbing father-in-law who filmed Susan’s every move, everyone suspected the worst. Yet a decade later, nobody is behind bars…
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08/09/22•55m 49s
Episode 263 - Larry Nassar: Mental Gymnastics
In the gruelling world of elite gymnastics, Larry Nassar was seen by a lot of young athletes as a friendly face in tough times. As the USA Gymnastics National Medical Coordinator, he performed treatments on children as young as ten, for almost 30 years.
And under cover of those treatments, he was routinely molesting hundreds of young girls for decades – sometimes multiple times a day, often with their parents sitting just metres away.
After multiple investigations, he seemed untouchable. But thanks to the bravery of his survivors – and the discovery of three external hard drives – the world saw him for what he really was: a calculated predator, with more victims than Bill Cosby, Jerry Sandusky and Harvey Weinstein combined. Hannah and Suruthi chart the biggest sexual abuse scandal in sports history.
The Girls, Abigail Pesta
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Episode 262 - West Memphis 3 - Part 2
In the second and final installment of our two-part episode, we enter the courtroom to hear some flimsy evidence and absolutely bizarre testimony. Get ready for witchcraft, covens, and satanism that convicted three teenagers of triple child murder.
Damien, Jessie, and Jason would spend the next 18 years in prison. And as the rusty cogs of the US justice system slowly turned, a final bitter pill of injustice was forced upon the West Memphis 3.
The Devil’s Knot by Mara Leveritt
Docs: Paradise Lost and West of Memphis
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26/08/22•1h 7m
Episode 261 - West Memphis 3 - Part 1
This infamous case is part Stranger Things, part courtroom drama. When the bodies of 3 young boys were found, battered, sexually mutilated and hogtied with their own shoelaces in a local creek, the finger was pointed in the most 80s direction of all… Satan.
Or more specifically, at three teenagers accused of being in a witches’ coven, and in league with the devil himself...
The Devil’s Knot by Mara Leveritt
Docs: Paradise Lost and West of Memphis
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26/08/22•1h 3m
Episode 260 - Hotel K & The Bali 9
What do Gordon Ramsey’s brother, drug traffickers, rapists, gangsters, terrorists, thieves, and some of the unluckiest tourists in the world have in common?
They’ve all spent time in Bali’s infamous Kerobokan prison, otherwise known as Hotel K.
Built around 40 years ago to house 300 inmates, Hotel K is now home to over 1400, over three-quarters of whom are in for drug charges, in a country with some of the most draconian drug laws on the planet.
Welcome to Indonesia, where being caught with narcotics could end with you with your back against a wall, staring down the barrels of a firing squad.
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25/08/22•1h 6m
Bonus - Patreon Round-Up: July 2022
Hello beautiful listeners! Have you been considering becoming an official Spooky Bitch and joining RedHanded's Patreon?
Well, here's a tasty sample of just some of the content from the past month that your ear-holes have been missing out on.
In this month's Patreon Round-Up we bring you clips from two episodes of our weekly Patreon show, Under the Duvet, and a snippet from this month's bonus episode: Lobotomies: Piece of Mind...
If you like what you hear, head on over to for all the extra content you can handle!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
19/08/22•30m 59s
Episode 259 - Richard Huckle: Britain's Worst Paedophile
In October of 2019, prison officers at HMP Full Sutton in West Yorkshire discovered the body of a prisoner who'd been subjected to 89 minutes of torture before being strangled to death by another inmate.
The victim was 33-year-old Richard Huckle.
Dubbed by the media as "The Gap Year Paedophile", Huckle was serving a life sentence for carrying out a 9-year-long, systematic campaign of abuse against some of the world's poorest children.
Huckle documented his atrocities on the dark web, authored a how-to-guide for paedophiles, and contributed to one of the largest nonce-networks ever discovered.
This is the story of Richard Huckle and the incredible officers who brought him down.
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18/08/22•59m 14s
Episode 258 - Alex Skeel: Two Years of Torture
Described by the first officer to arrive as “the worst domestic scene” they’d ever witnessed, the brutality of what Alex Skeel endured was shocking. Alex had deep gashes on his arms, burns upon burns, and according to his family, he smelt like he was dead. But his years of isolation and abuse weren’t the work of a kidnapper – they came from the woman he loved.
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11/08/22•51m 57s
Episode 257 - Genes & Justice: Kathleen Folbigg & Patricia Stallings
“1 sudden infant death is a tragedy, 2 is suspicious and 3 is murder”; this theory has pervaded criminal investigations for decades. And so when Kathleen Folbigg’s daughter, Laura, became her fourth child to die mysteriously - Kathleen found herself labeled “Australia’s Worst Female Serial Killer”.
Today the girls delve into 2 unbelievable cases which highlight the immense challenges of the intersection between science and justice in the courtroom. And discover how a series of bizarre circumstances and medical anomalies could have led to the deaths of 5 babies and the imprisonment of two women.
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04/08/22•52m 30s
Episode 256 - Norwegian Black Metal: Pure F**king Armageddon
The Norwegian black metal scene of the early 90s started with pigs’ heads impaled on spikes, buried clothes wrapped around dead birds, and other notorious onstage antics. In three years, it spiralled into dozens of ancient churches going up in flames, violent bigotry – and the gruesome deaths of three people.
In this week’s episode, the girls chart the bloody origins of one band, Mayhem, and how they fostered the most feared music scene in history…
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28/07/22•51m 58s
Episode 255 - Who Killed the Harrisons?
In 2013, paramedics were called to a home in Mississauga, Ontario.
There they found the body of 40-year-old Caleb Harrison lying in bed, with red marks around his neck.
But this wasn’t the first time that the paramedics had found a dead body at the Harrison family home.
In fact, in the space of just five years, three members of the Harrison family had died in separate and bizarre incidents in the same house…
Was the house haunted by a murderous ghost, or was the family being preyed upon by a calculated and patient killer?
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21/07/22•43m 25s
Episode 254 - Jennifer Pan: Tiger Blood
When three masked men entered the Pan family home, it seemed like an opportunistic home break-in. But on closer inspection, things just didn't add up.
Why would the would-be robbers shoot Hann and Bich Pan in cold blood, but leave their 24-year-old daughter Jennifer relatively unharmed? Why didn’t they drive off in the expensive Lexus that was parked in the drive?
And why would Hann Pan run from the house, leaving his daughter tied to a bannister?
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14/07/22•1h 17m
Episode 253 - Victoria Cilliers: Terminal Velocity
Speeding towards the ground at over 60 miles per hour, former soldier and parachute instructor Victoria Cilliers was about to make history. She would be the first person in over a decade to experience a double parachute failure.
Miraculously, she survived the impact. But when Victoria’s equipment was examined, it became clear there was more to this “freak accident” than met the eye. There were gas leaks, gaslights and grounds to divorce.
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07/07/22•54m 15s
Bonus - Patreon Round-Up: June 2022
Hello beautiful listeners! Have you been considering becoming an official Spooky Bitch and joining RedHanded's Patreon?
Well, here's a tasty sample of just some of the content from the past month that your ear-holes have been missing out on.
In this month's Patreon Round-Up we bring you clips from our weekly Patreon show, Under the Duvet, and a snippet from this month's bonus episode: Martin MacNeill: Botox in the Bathtub...
If you like what you hear, head on over to for all the extra content you can handle!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
01/07/22•30m 19s
Episode 252 - The Murder of Sophie Lionnet: Boyzone, Babies & Broken Bones
Boyzone obsessions and black magic paedophile rings consumed the mind of Sabrina Koudier. And her neighbours turned a blind eye to the strange woman's violent outbursts and vile treatment of her au pair. It wasn't their place to get involved.
But even the well-to-do residents of Southfields couldn't ignore a billowing plume of black smoke and the unmistakable smell of burning hair and flesh.
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30/06/22•1h 6m
Episode 251 - Andrei Chikatilo: Doomed from the Womb - Part 2
With nothing but a vague suspect profile to go on, and with mutilated bodies piling up around the USSR, Soviet police were battling to bring the Rostov Ripper's reign of terror to an end.
All the while Andre Chikatilo tore through his victims, constantly changing who he went after. The police were stumped. But with a dogged detective hot on his tail, Chikatilo made a costly mistake.
In this second and final instalment of the story of Andrei Chikatilo, we take you through the events that led to his downfall.
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23/06/22•52m 23s
Episode 250 - Andrei Chikatilo: Impotent Rage - Part 1
For over thirty years, Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo eluded law enforcement as he slaughtered more than 50 women and children across the USSR. In the first of this two-part episode, we take you through Chikatilo’s early years, the horrors he lived through in Nazi-occupied Ukraine, and how the surrounding chaos turned him into one of the most prolific serial killers in history.
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16/06/22•1h 12m
Episode 249 - The Amityville Horror | RedHanded LIVE
Join Hannah and Suruthi live on stage at a packed out Islington Assembly Hall as they describe the demonic possessions, bouncing beds, ghostly green goo and red-eyed pig-monsters linked to 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, New York.
The six brutal murders and explosive demonic haunting depicted in ‘The Amityville Horror’ are now a part of horror folklore. But what really happened? Did something malignant take over in that three-storey Dutch-colonial house on the south shore of Long Island?
This episode includes audio ONLY. For the FULL experience, we’ve created a YouTube video where you can watch and listen!
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Thanks as always to The Franklys for the use of their music on the night! Check them out at
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The Amityville Horror – Jay Anson
The Night the DeFeos Died – Rick Osuna Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
09/06/22•1h 31m
Bonus - Patreon Round-Up: May 2022
It's that time of year again! We've cranked the discount slider on Patreon as far as it will go!
For the next 7 days (until June 15th) you can get 12 months of amazing Patreon content for the price of 10!! That's eight Under the Duvets, two episodes of In the News, and two full-length bonus episodes FOR FREE!!!
All you need to do is head on over to and sign up for an ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP before Midnight on June 15th.
Not sure what to expect from our Patreon? Why not listen to this Patreon round-up for a sneak peek of what you're missing out on?See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
07/06/22•37m 38s
Episode 248 - R Kelly: The Pied Piper of R&B
In 2021, a 51-year-old man referred to as “Daddy” by the followers of his alleged sex cult, was found guilty of 8 counts of sex trafficking. Breaking any of Daddy’s rules would result in brutal punishment; including beatings, solitary confinement, and starvation.
“Daddy” kept his victims – most of them teenagers – locked up in his mansion. And all the while, he was topping music charts across the world with his era-defining R&B hits…
This is the story of the rise and fall of Robert Sylvester Kelly.
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02/06/22•1h 7m
Episode 247 – The 2017 Manchester Bombing
On 22 May 2017, as Ariana Grande hit the high notes of her final song to a sold-out Manchester Arena, Salman Abedi hit the button on a homemade bomb. The resulting explosion killed Abedi and 22 other innocent people, and left over 1,000 more injured.
The country mourned, millions of pounds were raised, and we all promised not to let hate win.
But as the dust settled, a worrying question started being asked: how did a known terrorist sympathiser who had fought alongside an ISIL militia slip through the UK’s counterterrorism net?
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26/05/22•1h 2m
Episode 246 - The Osage Reign of Terror
Cowboys, private eyes, poisonings, bomb plots, shootings, and the birth of the FBI.
This is the story of how in the 1920s, one Native American tribe became the richest human beings per capita in the world and the diabolical conspiracy that led to hundreds of their people being murdered in cold blood.
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Book: Killers of the Flower Moon: Oil, Money, Murder and the Birth of the FBI
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19/05/22•51m 37s
Episode 245 - ‘The Satanic Verses’: Fatwas & Faux Pas
If the contents of a 546-page book can get one man murdered, two more seriously injured and its author forced into hiding for nine years, you can be confident of its subject: religion. But despite its reputation, ‘The Satanic Verses’ isn’t a page-by-page deconstruction of Islam. It’s a work of fiction; one that prompted the leader of Iran to call for a worldwide manhunt of anyone involved in its publication.
So how did one man’s literary skill get another man literally killed?
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12/05/22•1h 17m
Episode 244 - The Van Breda Family Axe Murders
When police rushed to respond to a triple murder in one of South Africa’s most exclusive gated communities, it seemed as though Henri van Breda had had a lucky escape. They found him standing on his family lawn, dead-eyed and covered in blood and urine. According to the neighbours, he had been eerily waving to them while he waited for the police. All understandable, when three of your loved ones have been hacked to death by an axe-wielding maniac.
But as police dug further into the burglary-turned-homicide, things just weren't adding up...
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05/05/22•1h 9m
Episode 243 - The Sackler Family: An American Cartel
What if we told you that there was a family out there, who are still free to this day, whose actions are responsible for over half a million American deaths over the past 22 years?
We are, of course, talking about infamous scumbags the Sackler family, whose greed unleashed a plague on the people of North America.
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28/04/22•1h 8m
Episode 242 - Tonya Harding: Cold as Ice
What would you do if you put in all the hard work, pushing yourself to the pinnacle of your sport, and you still didn’t get the recognition you deserved?
Would you give up?
Would you take matters into your own hands and get a bitch kneecapped as she walked back to her changing room?
Or would your ex-husband do it and throw you under the bus?
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21/04/22•1h 8m
Episode 241 - Mel Ignatow: Karma's Glass Table
When pulling up the carpets in your new dream home, you'll probably be hoping to find beautiful shiny hardwood floors. What you won't be hoping to find, however, is the former homeowner's secret stash spot of camera rolls.
Especially when the said former homeowner was a sexual sadist who'd just been acquitted of murdering his girlfriend.
As for what was on those camera rolls... well, you'll just have to press play to find out...
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14/04/22•1h 19m
Bonus - Patreon Round-Up: March 2022
What do Will Smith, Sherri Papini, and an antarctic research station have in common? They all featured in this month's Patreon round-up, where we take some of the best bits from our month on Patreon and give you lot a cheeky taster!
Have a listen on the RedHanded feed anywhere you listen to podcasts, and if you like what you hear consider becoming a patron of RedHanded.
If you do decide to take the plunge you'll have access to a whole host of bonus content (depending on your tier) including Under the Duvet, In the News, and even a whole bonus episode!
If that all floats your boat, or should we say "warms your antarctic research station" head on over to and become a patron today!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/04/22•41m 41s
Episode 240 - Kim Jong Nam: Prank Show Assassination
On the 13th of February 2017, two young women - believing that they were taking part in a bizarre Japanese game show - smeared baby oil across the face of a stranger at Kuala Lumpur Airport in Malaysia.
The truth, however, was that there was no Japanese game show; the baby oil wasn't baby oil; and these two women had just unknowingly assassinated the estranged half-brother of North Korea's one and only, Supreme Leader, Kim Jong Un.
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07/04/22•1h 4m
Episode 239 - The D.C. Snipers
In the space of 3 weeks in October 2002, Washington D.C was terrorised by a pair of spree killers carrying out a spate of deadly sniper-style attacks. They killed 10 people and injured 3 others.
Their choice of victims was shockingly random; they crossed racial, gender, age and socioeconomic lines - ensuring that everyone was absolutely terrified.
And when the pair were finally apprehended, authorities realised that they had been wrong about almost everything from motive to profile…
Check us out on this week’s episode of Let’s Not Meet Podcast too!
Book: The Making of Lee Boyd Malvo: The D.C. Sniper - Albarus, Carmeta
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31/03/22•1h 5m
Episode 238 - The Satanic Panic: QAnon and the Case of Matthew Taylor Coleman
What could drag a seemingly normal man, from being a fun-loving Christian surf instructor to killing his own children in fear of their "serpent DNA"?
In part two of our deep-dive into the evolution of the Satanic Panic, we talk bout how anonymous messages left on 4chan became a global cult and started a chain of events that has led to real-world violence including the 2021 Capitol riots, and the deaths of two children. It's time to talk QAnon…
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24/03/22•1h 8m
Episode 237 - The Satanic Panic: The Murder of Betty Ann Sullivan - Part 1
When Betty Anne Sullivan’s body was found - with her face carved up and eyes missing, lying in a burning house filled with books on the occult - the police of Jefferson Township knew this would be a case that would change everything.
And the unbelievably gruesome discovery made the next day, left the people of America shaken to their Christian cores…
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17/03/22•1h 32m
Episode 236 - The Kerry Babies
On the 14th of April 1984, the body of a baby boy was found on Cahersiveen Beach, County Kerry in Ireland. The baby had been stabbed 28 times and its neck was broken.
The Garda quickly found a suspect; Joanne Hayes. And soon, this police investigation became a medieval witch hunt and a dissection of motherhood itself.
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The Kerry Babies Case: A Woman to Blame - by Nell McKafferty
Gardaí apologise to woman at centre of Kerry babies case (
Kerry Babies: Tribunal report was controversial, divisive, and raised more questions than answers (
Wayback Machine (
A cruel new take on Kerry babies -
Fresh hope for solving thirty year old mystery of Kerry Babies - (
Kerry Babies: gardaí start house-to-house enquiries on Valentia (
Remains of baby found dead on beach in 1984 exhumed (
Give me a crash course in . . . the Kerry babies case development (
Kerry babies: ‘Suffering of ordeal finally behind us’ – Joanne Hayes (
Kerry babies case re-examined in new episode of RTÉ documentary series (
Kerry Babies: Remains exhumed in 1984 baby death investigation - BBC News
Kerry Babies: Remains exhumed in 1984 baby death investigation - BBC News
Kerry Babies: How the discovery of a baby's body on a beach 34 years ago sparked a traumatic series of events that shocked Ireland -
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10/03/22•1h 10m
Bonus - Patreon Round-Up: February 2022
Are you the try before you buy kind Spooky Bitch? Well great! Because here's a big old taster of everything we did on Patreon last month!
We've got a clip from our casual catch up show Under the Duvet, a snippet from our topical crime news show In the News, and a tasty morsel of this month's bonus episode of RedHanded all about hybristophilia.
If you like it (which you will...) you can head on over to today and sign up to a tier of your choice to access a whole load of juicy bonus content!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
04/03/22•37m 48s
Episode 235 - Breck Bednar: Playing Games
Every parent's worst fear is that their child is taken away from them.
Some imagine that if they relax for a second their child could be snatched from their grasp. But what if you did everything right?
What if you identified the danger?
What if you told the police?
What if your child was tricked and manipulated right in front of your eyes?
That is the living hell experienced by Lorin LaFave and Barry Bednar, and that is the story of Breck Bednar and Lewis Daynes.
Get the audiobook here!
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03/03/22•1h 8m
Bonus - Devils in The Dark: Ed Gein, The Butcher of Plainfield
From Audioboom Studios, it's a brand new podcast from Helen Anderson. Alongside her hilarious best friend Danni Howard they'll be exploring some of the wildest, most gruesome and totally shocking killers the world has ever seen.
You'll hear from psychologists and criminal experts whilst Helen and Danni tell you all the gory details... but somewhere in the dark they'll find the laughs and the light.
Devils In The Dark is available from 28th February with new episodes out every Monday, so search Devils in The Dark and click follow so you never miss an episode.
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28/02/22•10m 49s
Episode 234 - The Hillsborough Disaster
The deadliest event in UK sporting history took place on the 15th of April, 1989. In the starting minutes of the F.A. Cup semi-finals between Liverpool F.C. and Nottingham Forest, a disaster unfolded which to date has claimed the lives of 97 people. and left 766 others injured on the day.
These innocent people were the victims of the complacency, ineptitude, and sheer incompetence of those whose very jobs were to ensure their safety.
Institutional coverups, police corruption, evidence tampering, and lies in the media made it take almost 30 years for the truth to come to light.
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24/02/22•53m 40s
Episode 233 - Peter Kürten: The Vampire of Düsseldorf
In the world of true crime, the media is often accused of inaccuracy, dramatisation, and sensational headline writing, but there's an exception to every rule. Never has a killer fitted their moniker more than Peter Kürten, 'The Vampire of Düsseldorf'...
Kürten may well have had a reflection and he may not have hung from the ceiling like a bat, but in one very key aspect, he was every bit Deutschland's Dracula.
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17/02/22•57m 10s
Episode 232 - Novichok Eau de Toilette: Sergei & Yulia
On the 4th of March, 2018, the residents of Salisbury, England, watched on in horror as British soldiers flooded their streets, and people in hazmat suits cordoned off their roads.
Earlier that day, a man and a woman had collapsed on the high street; both were convulsing and foaming from the mouth.
The people of Salisbury had no idea that their sleepy little town was ground zero for the first chemical weapon attack, using a deadly nerve agent, in Western Europe since WW2.
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10/02/22•1h 12m
Bonus - Patreon Round-Up: January 2022
Have you been on the fence about becoming a patron of RedHanded for a while? Hopefully, this round-up of some of our best exclusive patron-only content from January will help you make up your mind.
We've got a snippet from our bonus episode on "The Doodler" an artistic pick-up specialist turned murderer in 70's San Fransisco, a case of modern slavery from this month's In the News, and some creepy scam stories from Under the Duvet.
If you'd like to learn more about becoming a patron head on over to where you can get your ears on exclusive bonus content for as little as $5 per month.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
04/02/22•25m 58s
Episode 231 - A Storm in a Teacup: The Murder of Alexander Litvinenko
If a man in his mid-forties crashed into your local hospital being violently sick and claiming to have been poisoned by the Russian State, you'd be forgiven for thinking he was just another drunk member of the public. However, what Alexander Litvinenko had ingested was a little bit stronger than anything available at your local pub.
Pop on your ushankas and buy a first-class ticket to Moscow, it's time for round one of RedHanded vs The Kremlin.
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03/02/22•1h 18m
Episode 230 - Peter Manuel: The Beast of Birkenshaw
In early January of 1956, Glasgow police received a phone call about a break-in at the home of the Smart family. The scene they walked in on however was something far more sinister. Peter Smart, his wife, Doris, and their 10-year-old son Michael had all been shot dead at point-blank range in their beds.
It was clear to detectives that the Smarts had been dead for almost a week, but if that was true, it didn’t explain who’d been feeding their cat…
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27/01/22•1h 25m
Episode 229 - Scientology - Part 2: How to Make Celebrity Friends and Influence People
This week Hannah and Suruthi finish their two-part attempt to unravel the mysteries of Scientology (and get themselves fair-gamed) by discussing Scientology's most important questions like: "what is the current structure of The Church of Scientology?", "where does Tom Cruise fit in?" and most importantly "where on Xenu's green earth is dead-eyed Dave's wife Shelly Miscavige?"
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Wright, Lawrence. Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood and the Prison of Belief . Silvertail Books. Kindle Edition. Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
20/01/22•1h 36m
Episode 228 - Scientology - Part 1: The Maternity Ward of Questionable Religious Sects
In part 1 of this 2 part series, Hannah and Suruthi peer under the slippery stone of Scientology’s sinister origins. They track the life of founder L. Ron Hubbard, from the birth of Dianetics, to the constantly shifting goalposts of engrams, and of course the conception of the Sea Org.
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13/01/22•1h 43m
Episode 227 - The Slenderman Stabbing
On May 31, 2014, in Waukesha, Wisconsin, two 12-year-old girls, Anissa Weier and Morgan Geyser, lured their best friend Payton Leutner into the woods and stabbed her 19 times.
They claimed it was in an attempt to become proxies of the fictional character Slender Man.
It was a case that gained the attention of the press internationally, bringing children's internet usage and "creepypastas" to the forefront of public attention.
But what really happened in the woods that day?
Text sources:,with%20which%20to%20terrify%20people.,secondary)%20with%20a%20specific%20belief.
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Beware The Slender Man - Amazon Prime Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
06/01/22•50m 45s
Episode 226 - Casey Anthony: Web of Lies - Part 2
This week, in the concluding part of our Casey Anthony series - Hannah and Suruthi head into a courtroom full to the brim with bulldog lawyers, yet more lies, accusations of incest and forensic fuck-ups. In a case that just gets stranger and stranger, the shocks really do come right at the end... Sources: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
16/12/21•1h 17m
Bonus - December Patreon Round-Up: Best of 2021
To celebrate the end of another amazing year on Patreon and our whopping 16% off Patreon annual membership FLASH SALE (details below), we're bringing you some of our highlights from this years Patreon bonus content!
We have clips from our bonus episode on Flat Earth "Theory", an In the News segment about a very lifelike manikin, and of course some EmyptyHanded caller woes from Under the Duvet.
So tuck in, and think about becoming a Patron of the show at
Until midnight tonight GMT, you can get 16% off your RedHanded Patreon subscription - when you sign up for an ANNUAL subscription at ANY tier.
The discount is AUTOMATICALLY applied at checkout - so no need for any codes!
16% off is the equivalent of two months of free exclusive bonus content, ad-free mainfeed episodes and access to the full back catalogue of existing Patreon content!
This offer is only available until this Friday (Dec 10th) at midnight GMT ⏱️.
That means if you have a parent, partner or poodle who wants some extra RedHanded goodness for Christmas, you have three days to get your hands on this juicy discount! (Or, just buy it for yourself as a discount-self-love-treat for the holidays.)
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10/12/21•50m 0s
Episode 225 - Casey Anthony: Web of Lies - Part 1
When 22-year-old Casey Anthony was arrested on 16 July 2008, her two-year-old daughter Caylee hadn't been seen for over a month. Casey's history of lying and manipulation, as well as her strangely distant attitude towards her missing child, was setting off all kinds of alarm bells... and the smell of death coming from the boot of her car didn't help either.
Prepare for bizarre phone calls, fascinating police interviews, and generally some of the strangest behaviour we've ever witnessed, as we cover one of the most infamous true-crime cases of all time.
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09/12/21•1h 39m
Episode 224 - The Guildford Four & The Maguire Seven
On the 5th of October 1974, the Provisional Irish Republican Army blew up a military pub in Guildford, killing four soldiers, one civilian and injuring sixty-five others.
The responsibility for the heinous act of terror was quickly thrown at three young Irish men and a seventeen-year-old English girl. On top of this, accusations of running a "bomb factory" was soon being shouldered by a middle-aged Irish woman who'd lived in England for twenty years.
The British justice system had no evidence to prove the Guildford Four or Maguire Seven were connected to any bombings, but a large helping of police brutality and a bit of systemic corruption would soon sort that out.
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Armed Struggle: The History of the IRA by Richard English
Making Sense of the Troubles: A history of conflict in Northern Ireland by David McKittrick and David McVea
In The Name of the Son: The Gerald Conlan Story by Ricard O’Rawe
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02/12/21•1h 14m
Episode 223 - Village of the Damned: The Nithari Child Murders
Every couple of weeks like clockwork, another child would vanish from Nithari, Delhi. The police didn't seem concerned, and no one wanted to take a closer look at the "black hole" – the alleyway from where all the kids had disappeared.
What the locals would eventually find in the sewers surrounding bungalow D5 would expose a terrifying paedophile, necrophile and cannibal – in a case that would change India forever.
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25/11/21•1h 26m
Episode 222 - Natalee Holloway
In May 2005, 18-year-old Natalee Holloway and her friends flew from Alabama to Aruba to celebrate their graduation.
Just five days later, when the group were set to fly back to the States, Natalee was nowhere to be found.
The investigation that followed uncovered sex-trafficking gangs, potential police cover-ups and a terrifying teenage psychopath, all turning this case into America’s favourite reality show…
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18/11/21•1h 3m
Episode 221 - Koh Tao: Murder Island
In September 2015 the brutalised bodies of British backpackers Hannah Witheridge and David Miller were found on the tropical island paradise of Koh Tao. The island off the coast of mainland Thailand, has long been a hotspot for partygoers lured in by the cheap alcohol, stunning beaches, and of course its infamous full moon parties.
With the whole world watching, two suspects for the brutal murders were quickly found, but with 20% of the country's income at stake and a background of political unrest, the investigation was far from faultless.
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11/11/21•59m 44s
Episode 220 - The Murder of Dylan Redwine
On the 18th of November, 13 year old Dylan Redwine boarded a plane to visit his dad, Mark. Dylan really didn’t want to go - Mark lived in the middle of nowhere and the relationship between the 2 had been strained since the Redwine’s divorce. But no one could have expected the nightmare that was about to unfold, and the unbelievably shocking family secrets that would be spilled…
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04/11/21•55m 10s
Episode 219 - Halloween Special Part 2 - The Boogyman and the Boy in the Attic
This week we're bringing you part two of our annual Halloween story-swap. We've got two terrifying tales of true crime Halloween-horror including Thailand's real-life answer to The Boogyman, and the infamous case of Ireland's "Boy in the Attic".
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28/10/21•58m 29s
Bonus - Sinister Societies: A Sneak Peek
As a bit of a treat for you, our dedicated Spooky Bitches, we've decided to give you a little sneak peek of our new show Sinister Societies, which debuted last week exclusively on Spotify.
The show comes out every Tuesday and features the same RedHanded flavour you love but covers the world of faith followings, dodgy clandestine organisations, and of course, sinister societies (basically cults).
So have a listen to this sneak peek, and then follow the link below for new episodes every Tuesday exclusively on Spotify.
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25/10/21•13m 53s
Episode 218 - Halloween Special Part 1: How Would You Make a Human Vagina?
It's Halloween time, that means at RedHanded - it's story swap time!
This week Suruthi takes us to a TB ward in the 1930s for some "sexy" body-stealing, while Hannah shares the tale of the Kurim cult that was cracked thanks to a terrifying baby monitor...
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21/10/21•1h 16m
Bonus - October Patreon Round-Up
It's that time again, where we give you a sneak peek of what goes on over at the glorious RedHanded Patreon page, so we're giving you some of the juiciest highlights from the previous month of bonus content.
This time you get to hear all about Raoul Moat from our Patreon exclusive episode Raoul Moat: Terror of Tyneside. On top of that, there's our latest segment on Under the Duvet called "EmptyHanded" where we listen to the relationship woes of our wonderful patrons, and then try our best to offer some advice. And, we have even had a bonus appearance from "Dog the Bounty Hunter" in our latest offering of In the News!
Listen to all this and more over at
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15/10/21•27m 47s
Episode 217 - Stephen McDaniel: The Killer with the Key
Lauren Giddings had a strange feeling; she couldn’t shake the sense that someone had been coming into her apartment. But nothing was ever out of place and nothing was ever missing, so she tried to put the scary thought out of her head.
Less than a month later Lauren’s torso was found wrapped in a plastic sheet in the bins behind her building.
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14/10/21•1h 3m
Episode 216 - Issei Segawa: The Kobe Cannibal
Over 30 years ago, Issei Sagawa murdered, raped and ate a young woman named Renée Hartevelt. Despite his guilt never having been in question, Sagawa would not stand trial or spend any significant amount of time behind bars.And today, in the sleepy Tokyo district of Yurioka, this known murderer, necrophile and cannibal walks the streets not only as a free man - but as a twisted celebrity…See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
07/10/21•1h 24m
Episode 215 - Robert Bales: The Kandahar Massacre
In Panjwai, a district in the Kandahar Province of Afghanistan, on the 11th of March 2012, U.S Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales committed what is considered to be the deadliest war crime blamed on a single member of the U.S Armed Forces since the Vietnam War.
During this brutal massacre, Robert Bales took the lives of 16 innocent Afghan civilians – 9 of them were children. In this week's episode, Hannah and Suruthi explore the various and disturbing factors that led to this unbelievable atrocity.
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30/09/21•1h 19m
American Vigilante: Interview with Sam Walker
In this very special bonus episode of RedHanded, we sit down with former BBC journalist Sam Walker to discuss her latest investigation into the terrifying world of real-life violent vigilantes.
Over the course of months, Sam interviewed a mysterious man known only as “KC”. He told her all about his brutal exploits as he and his gang roam the country dishing out their own brand of savage justice.
The brand new podcast series - American Vigilante - is out now wherever you listen to your podcasts, with new episodes dropping every Monday.
Thank you to American Vigilante and Crowd Network for sponsoring this bonus episode!
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28/09/21•45m 39s
Episode 214: Jodi Jones: Murder in Midlothian
On the 3rd of June 2003, 14-year-old Jodi Jones ran home from school and begged her mum Judith to let her go out. Eventually, mum relented and Jodi rushed out saying she was off to meet her boyfriend, a local 14-year-old boy Luke Mitchell.
6 hours later Jodi's naked, mutilated body was found in the woods just a mile from her house, by the very same boy.
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23/09/21•1h 25m
Episode 213: We Need to Talk About Paris Bennett
As she sat with her two children in Abilene Texas one January morning in 2007, Charity Lee pondered, that she may not be a perfect mother, but she did live in a safe neighbourhood, so her children wouldn't be killed in their beds.She was wrong. Join the girls for an in-depth exploration of inter-sibling homicide, a crash course in psychopathy, and a cameo from Piers Morgan. Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterFacebookVisit our website:WebsiteContact us:ContactSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
16/09/21•1h 6m
Bonus - August Patreon Round-Up
On this month's juicy sneak-peek behind the Patreon curtain, we have our In the News coverage of a Doctor tuned Exorcist, our Under the Duvet coverage of the tragedy in Plymouth, and a snippet from our full-length Patreon bonus episode of Georgia Williams and her snuff film-loving murderer.
If you want to listen to any of these episodes in full or listen to our entire Patreon back catalogue, head over to:
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10/09/21•31m 58s
Episode 212 – 3 Guys, 1 Hammer: The Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs
In July 2007, a blurry 8-minute long video shot on a mobile phone, titled “3 guys, 1 Hammer”, was uploaded to a shock video website. The video showed two men using a hammer and a screwdriver to brutally murder a terrified man.
Once they finished, the two killers even posed next to the man's body doing a sieg heil; just another shot to add to their growing photo album of murder…See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
09/09/21•1h 7m
Episode 211 - Lorena Bobbitt & The 8-Inch Carving Knife
Lorena Bobbitt, the penis severing incident and the resulting Frankenpenis porn star hit the front pages almost 30 years ago. And since then, this is a case that has never left the public consciousness. However, there is a lot more to Lorena Bobbitt's story than a man's member and a hotdog box. There's a story with two sides and a perfect case study on how society treats survivors. Become a patron: Patreon Follow us on social media: Instagram Twitter Facebook Sources: Website Contact us: ContactSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
02/09/21•1h 9m
Bonus - Georgia Williams: The Snuff Film Maker Down the Street
In this second instalment of our promise to deliver two bonus episodes after we won GOLD at the British Podcast Awards, we cover the heartbreaking case of Georgia Williams.
Georgia was a high-achieving and kind teenager who was always willing to help those who asked, and her killer knew this. 23-year-old Jamie Reynolds had an obsession with violent pornography and snuff movies. In May 2013 he used Georgia's good nature against her and eventually guilted the 16-year-old into coming over to his parents' house to take part in a "fake murder" photoshoot, that soon turned out to be all too real.
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27/08/21•50m 24s
Episode 210 - Shamima Begum: ISIS & The Bethnal Green 3 - Part 2
This week Suruthi and Hannah head into a place widely regarded as one of the most dangerous places in the Middle East right now - the notorious al-Hawl camp. It's where, in 2019, a British journalist found an 18-year-old, 9-month pregnant Shamima Begum. Soon after this discovery, Shamima Begum would have her British citizenship revoked, leaving her stateless in the desert hell-hole. In the concluding episode of this series, the girls discuss how ISIS used religion to justify sex slavery, the fall of the so-called caliphate and what should be done with individuals like Shamima Begum. Documentary recommendation: Sabaya Donate to support Afghanistan: us on social media:InstagramTwitterFacebookVisit our website:WebsiteContact us:ContactSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
26/08/21•1h 30m
Episode 209 - Shamima Begum: ISIS & The Bethnal Green 3 - Part 1
On Sunday the 22nd of February 2015, three London schoolgirls aged between 15 and 16 boarded a Turkish Airlines plane from Gatwick – they were headed to Syria, to join ISIS.
In part one of this two-part series, Suruthi and Hannah explore the rise of ISIS, their recruitment tactics, and the motivations of those who willingly enter a warzone to join a death cult.
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19/08/21•1h 13m
Episode 208 - Pedro Rodrigues Filho: Serial Killer Superstar
Pedro Rodrigues Filho, aka Pedhrino Matador, Killer Petey or The Brazilian Dexter, is a bit of an anomaly as far as serial killers go. He brutally killed at least 71 people, including his own father, but still many people in Brazil revere and applaud him for his "work"...So much so in fact that today, unbelievably, Filho is free and living his best life as a YouTube sensation with hundreds of thousands of followers, and millions of views. Follow us on social media: Instagram Twitter Visit our website: Website Contact us: ContactSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
12/08/21•1h 7m
Bonus: The Columbine High School Massacre
Earlier this year we promised that if we won gold in the BPA Listeners' Choice category, we would deliver two bonus episodes chosen by the Spooky Bitches. This is the first of those episodes - The Columbine High School Massacre.
The months leading up to the 20th of April 1999 - and the mindsets of both Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold - have been very well documented. And yet the story of The Columbine High School Massacre is still full of misreporting, misunderstanding, and miscommunication.
In this episode of RedHanded, we aim to dispel some myths and get into the facts behind America's most infamous high-school shooting.
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09/08/21•1h 3m
Bonus - June Patreon Round-Up
Hello you lovely listeners! We’ve cut together some snippets of what we’ve been up to on Patreon this month…
With highlights from In the News, our monthly true crime news round-up, Under the Duvet our post-show after-party where we discuss everything from current affairs to our latest empty-handed news, and our monthly exclusive bonus episode which, this month, was on the utterly terrifying ’Slenderman Stabbings’.
If you like what you hear then head on over to and become a patron today to hear (or watch) all of the above in full. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
06/08/21•31m 12s
Episode 207 - Searching the Sounds: The Disappearance of Ben Smart & Olivia Hope
Award winning champions of the people RedHanded bring you a boat themed mystery for the ages. In the early hours of New Years Day 1998 Ben Smart and Olivia Hope boarded a mystery yacht and vanished without a trace. Their bodies have never been found, yet one man has been imprisoned for the double murder. He has always maintained his innocence, but the question is can we believe Scott Watson? Patreon: Follow us on social media: Instagram Twitter Visit our website: Website See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
05/08/21•1h 15m
Episode 206 - Fritz Haarmann: The Butcher of Hannover
In the early 1900s Germany was a nation ravaged by the horrors of war, debt and death. For years, as they struggled with stagflation and starvation, all manner of depravity began to emerge; there had even been rumours of human meat being sold on Germany’s black markets.And it was during this time, that a dangerous man roamed the streets committing a series of gruesome murders so diabolical that he terrified people who had survived the nightmares of WW1. This man, a deviant sexual sadist, went on to be known as The Butcher of Hanover...Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterFacebookVisit our website:WebsiteContact us:ContactSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
29/07/21•1h 10m
Episode 205 - Anton LaVey & The Church of Satan
Anton LaVey, founder and head priest of the Church of Satan, led a controversial life; he was linked to the deaths of a famous Hollywood starlet and a Kennedy brother. Join Hannah and Suruthi for a deep dive into America's satanic panic, the origins of Satanism and how it has evolved over the decades. They explore LaVey's early life, from burlesque organ player, to occultist, to becoming considered by some to be "the most evil man in the world".
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22/07/21•1h 24m
RedHaunted: Some Say This Baby Video Is Haunted, Do You Hear It?
Watch the full episode here:
Calling all Spooky Bitches!
Did you know that RedHaunted is back and better than ever on the RedHanded YouTube channel?! 👻
In case you missed it, we’ve decided to upload this little audio highlight for you to feast your ears on…
If you like what you hear then be sure to head on over to the RedHanded YouTube channel for the full, hour-long, extra-special, video extravaganza of spookiness!
And while you’re there, why not hit that big, red ‘subscribe’ button if you haven’t already?
Go on, you know you want to 😉👻
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16/07/21•14m 13s
Episode 204 - Dennis Nilsen: The North London Necrophile
In 1983, in an unassuming suburb of North London, some plumbers were called out to fix an un-flushable toilet. This already unpleasant job was made much worse by the distinctly hand-shaped bones mixed in with lumps of human flesh blocking the drains. This discovery would lead to the arrest of Britain's most notorious necrophile, Dennis Nilsen. The body Nilsen had chopped up, diligently flushed down the toilet and blocked with was his last victim, but it was nowhere near his first...Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterFacebookVisit our website:WebsiteContact us:ContactSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
08/07/21•1h 8m
Bonus - July Patreon Round-Up
It’s July, we’re RedHanded and football is (maybe) coming home!
So, to celebrate, we’re delivering some of our Patreon exclusive best bits straight to your ear holes.
With highlights from In the News, our monthly true crime news round-up, Under the Duvet our post-show after-party where we discuss everything from current affairs to our latest empty-handed news, and our monthly exclusive bonus episode which, this month, was on the utterly horrific ‘Dunblane Massacre’.
If you like what you hear: Head on over to and become a to hear (or watch) all of the above in full.
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02/07/21•29m 50s
Episode 203 - The Miyazawa Family Massacre
30th December 2000, in Setagaya Japan, the Miyazawa family were preparing for the upcoming festivities. Tragically, however, the family wouldn't live to see the new year because that night they were all brutally murdered in their own home. A plethora of evidence was left behind at the scene, including DNA, fingerprints, half-eaten food and even an entire outfit, but still to this day this case remains one of Japan's most notorious unsolved murders. Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterFacebookVisit our website:WebsiteSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
01/07/21•58m 59s
Episode 202 - The Haunting Murder of Matthew Shepard
Content Warning - this episode contains quotes pertaining to homophobic and discriminatory language which some listeners may find upsetting.Listener discretion is advised.On the 7th of October 1998, 21-year old Matthew Shepard was found tied to a prairie fence at the end of a remote dirt track in Laramie, Wyoming. The young gay man had been pistol-whipped in the head over 20 times, and his brain stem had been crushed. He died 6 days later in hospital. This case went on to become arguably the most infamous gay hate crime in modern history, and for many Matthew became a martyr. In this episode, the girls examine what happened that night, the defendants’ muddled legal decisions, and the latest "bombshell evidence"…See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
24/06/21•1h 4m
Episode 201 - Jimmy Savile: Predator in Plain Sight - Part 2
The concluding part of this series explores Savile’s strange relationship with his mother, God and the BBC. The girls examine the mountains of evidence that piled up long before Savile’s death and ask how everyone turned a blind eye to child abuse, rape and necrophilia… Follow us on social media:InstagramTwitterFacebook See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
17/06/21•1h 16m
Episode 200 - Jimmy Savile: Predator in Plain Sight - Part 1
For decades, TV presenter Jimmy Savile was idolised as a national treasure in Britain. But the power and adoration Savile enjoyed was matched only by his perversions and depravity...
He was knighted, awarded an OBE, he rubbed shoulders with royalty, prime ministers and he ruled the roost at the BBC. Savile also raised millions for charity, for which he was rewarded with the literal keys to hospitals and children's homes across the country.
In part 1 of this 2 part series, Hannah and Suruthi explore the truth behind Jimmy Savile's eccentric facade, delve into his secretive childhood and ask why no one stopped this monstrous predator.
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10/06/21•1h 4m
Bonus - Kate Webster: The Real Life Sweeney Todd
Thanks to ‘NOW’, and the new show ‘The Nevers’, we’re taking all you spooky bitches on a trip to Victorian London for an extra special bonus episode. And it’s a wild fact, today’s episode resulted in one of the most sensational trials of the time - so big, that the future King of Sweden made the trip all the way to The Old Bailey just to watch!
In January 1879 Mrs Julia Martha Thomas hired Kate Webster, a petty criminal, to be her live-in maid. A month later Mrs Thomas’s neighbours would complain of a foul stench coming from the woman’s home. Things only became weirder when Kate was seen wearing her boss’s clothes and allegedly selling jars of ‘Best Dripping’ to pub landlords…
Was Kate Webster the real-life Sweeney Todd?
Strap yourself in for theft, murder, an interesting stew, and even a cameo from the great Sir David Attenborough.
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07/06/21•33m 5s
Bonus - June Patreon Round-Up
Hello, all you non-Patron pals! Boy, do we have a treat for you... We've cut together some of our Patreon exclusive best bits from the month of May - you know, to give you a taste of what we get up to over here.
This round-up includes highlights from 'In The News' our monthly show that gets stuck into the headlines of all things true crime, 'Under The Duvet' our aftershow discussion in which we catch up with one another about our lives and interesting things we've seen, and finally a segment from our latest Bonus Episode which this time involves a Nazi Cult based in Chile...
If you like what you hear: Head on over to and become a $10+ patron to hear (or watch) all of the above in full.
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04/06/21•39m 37s
Episode 199 - Cindy James: Invisible Torment
When Cindy James' decomposing body was found bound and dumped outside an abandoned house, those who knew her best were horrified - but not entirely shocked.
Cindy had been harassed and attacked by a seemingly all-knowing and malevolent stalker for almost a decade. But, in all those years, despite the thousands of hours of police work spent trying to find Cindy's tormentor, detectives had nothing more than a bizarre phone message to show for it...
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03/06/21•1h 39m
Episode 198 - The Death of Max Spiers
In July 2016 Max Spiers, a British conspiracy theorist, sent his mother a series of bizarre texts about how he was terrified for his life. Days later Max was found dead, after having vomited up 2 litres of black liquid. Things only became stranger when people realised that Max was meant to speak at a conference the following day about a high power paedophile ring he’d been investigating...
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20/05/21•1h 22m
Bonus - May Patreon Round-Up
The pubs are re-opening indoors! And to celebrate, this week we have a gift for all of you soon-to-be spooky bitch patrons. We’ve cut together a handful of the absolute best bits from this month's exclusive RedHanded Patreon content.
With highlights from In the News, our monthly true crime news round-up, Under the Duvet our post-show after-party where we discuss everything from current affairs to our latest empty-handed news, and our monthly exclusive bonus episode which, this month, was on the utterly horrific ‘Broken Arrow Massacre’.
If you like what you hear: Head on over to and become a $10+ patron to hear (or watch) all of the above in full.
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19/05/21•33m 44s
Episode 197 - Ezra McCandless: Killer Girlfriend
On 22 March 2018, 19 year old Ezra McCandless stood barefoot, covered in blood banging on the door of a remote Wisconsin farmhouse. She was hysterical and claimed that she’d been attacked by her ex-boyfriend, but the scene police found in the woods told a very different story...
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13/05/21•1h 5m
In Conversation with Clair McGowan: Ireland's Vanishing Triangle
Between 1993 and 1998, eight women went missing from an area around Dublin that became known as the ‘Vanishing Triangle’. Was there a link? Speculation abounded. There were whispers of a serial killer, responsible for some, if not all, of these cases. But nobody was ever brought to justice.
Twenty years later, the brutal murder of Jastine Valdez disturbs crime novelist Claire McGowan into action.
Reminded, like many in Ireland, of those previous missing women, McGowan brought her skills as a novelist to the real world, setting out to uncover the truth of the vanishing triangle. As she dug deeper, she found something terrible lurking behind the idyllic image of rural Ireland and the 21st-century success story of the ‘Celtic Tiger'.
In this exclusive interview, Claire speaks with the girls about her brand new Audible Original: 'The Vanishing Triangle', and in which attempts to uncover new evidence and solve the many questions surrounding Ireland's Vanishing Triangle.
This interview is available in video form for all $10+ Patrons right now!
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Claire's incredible Audible Original: 'The Vanishing Triangle' can be found here
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11/05/21•27m 11s
Episode 196 - General Butt Naked: Liberia’s Cannibal Warlord
In Liberia's first bloody civil war, a feared warlord known as "General Butt Naked" believed that human sacrifice and cannibalism would give his army of child soldiers “divine” strength. Raping and ravaging his way through Liberia, Joshua Milton Blahyi is estimated to be responsible for the deaths of at least 20,000 people. In this episode, Suruthi and Hannah follow the trail of destruction created by Blahyi, and ask can a man once dubbed “the most evil man in the world” really change?
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06/05/21•1h 21m
Episode 195 - Chris Benoit: The Canadian Crippler
In 2007 Chris Benoit was one of the biggest stars of the WWE. And he was known for his almost masochistic dedication to his craft, so when he didn’t show up to work one day his colleagues quickly called the police.
At the Benoit home, officers discovered a nightmarish scene that would change the face of professional wrestling forever...
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29/04/21•1h 18m
RedHaunted #8 - That Child Looks Scared!
RedHaunted is back, and in video form (for all $10+ Patrons)!
This time we learn three key things:
Pennsylvania is the land of civil war ghosts.
Don’t steal from haunted attics.
If your child starts chatting with a ghost in the basement, don’t keep digging.
If you have a spooky story of your own, send it to
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If you’d like to watch this episode of RedHaunted or get your hands on any of the masses of RedHanded bonus content available visit:
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Episode 194 - Ivan Milat: The Real Wolf Creek
Between September 1992 and November 1993 the remains of seven backpackers were found dotted around Australia’s Belanglo State Forest. The long putrefied bodies had all been shot multiple times by the same .22 calibre rifle, some had snapped spines, others had been used as target practice. Despite all signs pointing to the Milat family, the real challenge for police was finding which of the ten Milat brothers to point the finger at...
1 week of FREE shipping on all merch kicks off Fri 23 April!
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22/04/21•1h 7m
Episode 193 - Ireland's "Scissor Sisters"
On the 30th of March 2005, passers-by began to notice something odd floating down Dublin's Royal Canal. At first they told themselves it was just a mannequin, but when a leg soon popped up - complete with a sock clinging to a putrefying foot - the dismembered limbs became harder to ignore...
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15/04/21•57m 40s
In Conversation With Emily Kenway: The Truth About Modern Slavery
Emily Kenway is a writer and activist. As a former advisor to the UK's first Anti-Slavery Commissioner she was at the heart of modern slavery action. She has written for a variety of publications including the Guardian and TLS.
In 2019, over 10,000 possible victims of slavery were found in the UK. From men working in Sports Direct warehouses for barely any pay, to teenaged Vietnamese girls trafficked into small town nail bars, we're told that modern slavery is all around us, operating in plain sight.
But is this really slavery, and is it even a new phenomenon? Why has the British Conservative Party called it 'one of the great human rights issues of our time', when they usually ignore the exploitation of those at the bottom of the economic pile? The Truth About Modern Slavery reveals how modern slavery has been created as a political tool by those in power. It shows how anti-slavery action acts as a moral cloak, hiding the harms of the 'hostile environment' towards migrants, legitimising big brands' exploitation of the poorest workers and oppressing sex workers.
Blaming the media's complicity, rich philanthropists' opportunism and our collective failure to realise the lies we're being told, The Truth About Modern Slavery provides a vital challenge to conventional narratives on modern slavery.
Emily's incredible book 'The Truth About Modern Slavery' is available via this link
Follow Emily on Instagram and Twitter
The video version of this interview is available on Patreon for all $10+ Patrons.
For more information about our Patreon and to follow on social media please follow this link
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13/04/21•54m 21s
Episode 192 - Operation Fort & The Truth about Modern Slavery
In 2019 a few hungry men went looking for food at a local soup kitchen in Birmingham; here they met an aid worker who was horrified to discover the suffering they had endured at the hands of a notorious Polish crime family. Following this encounter Operation Fort - the biggest modern slavery investigation in the history of the UK - was sparked. In this episode Hannah and Suruthi explore what people trafficking really is as they delve into the UK's prolific slavery network.
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08/04/21•1h 8m
Episode 191 - "Bride of Christ": Swedish Sects & Sex Slaves
In the late 90s Pastor Åsa Waldau became the leader of the Knutby Pentecostal church. She had already been sacked from such a post in Uppsala after having "inappropriate relationships'' with the teenage boys in her congregation, but that wasn't about to stop Åsa. In Knutby she doubled the size of the sect and soon decided that she was in fact the bride of none other than Jesus Christ. Needless to say, the community soon found itself in cult territory...
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01/04/21•1h 12m
Episode 190 - Sylvia Likens: The Girl in the Basement
On 26 October 1965, in the basement of a house in Indianapolis, the police found the body of 16 year old Sylvia Likens. Her remains were covered in over 150 wounds consistent with unspeakable cruelty, torture and sexual abuse.
As the truth came out behind just who had been responsible, the nation looked on in disbelief...
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25/03/21•1h 11m
Episode 189 - Castration, Cults and Cauterisation: The Ant Hill Kids
As the secret project deadline hangs ominously over us, we have dug up an absolute stonker from the Patreon vaults to keep you all going!
In the early 1980s, in a small hamlet in Central Ontario, there was a cult leader with a messiah complex so big he thought he could operate as a surgeon on the living and use his genitals to bring back the dead. Roch Thériault held a vice-like grip over his loyal followers, so tight that they would abandon their children to his surgical madness, and so firm they would abandon their partners for his harem. He called them The Ant Hill Kids, and with him, life was a living hell.
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18/03/21•29m 48s
In Conversation with Sonia Faleiro: The Good Girls
In May 2014, the bodies of 2 teenage girls were found hanging from a tree in the Budaun district of Uttar Pradesh in Northern India. It was reported that the girls had been victims of a gang rape.
This story sparked scandal and rage across the nation - but there were serious questions raised about the truth of what had occurred - author and journalist Sonia Faleiro spent four long years investigating the case, talking to relatives, the police, and even the accused...
We had the amazing opportunity to speak with Sonia about her book The Good Girls: An Ordinary Killing, which details her investigation and the events that took place. We also had the chance to pick her brains on the wider religious, societal and cultural problems plaguing the women and girls of India.
The full video version of this interview is available for all $10+ Patrons at
Sonia's book The Good Girls: An Ordinary Killing is available on Amazon via this link.
Follow Sonia on Twitter and on Instagram.
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16/03/21•47m 15s
Drunk Women Caught RedHanded
Welcome to our Acast Red Nose Day Mashup podcast for Comic Relief
For Red Nose day two of the UK’s finest crime podcasts have mashed up for an episode unlike any other. Join Hannah Maguire and Suruthi Bala from RedHanded alongside Hannah George, Catie Wilkins, and Taylor Glenn from Drunk Women Solving Crime to bring us 'Drunk Women Caught Redhanded'.
This powerhouse of super-sleuths leaves no stone unturned in solving a true crime from history, whilst imbibing their favorite adult beverages and inviting us to play along too.
We also get to hear some personal true crime tales of woe from hosts and listeners alike and whilst the gang may not be able to solve everything, they sure as hell don't make it worse.
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14/03/21•58m 58s
Episode 188 - Michael Alig: Confessions of a Club Kid Killer
In a world where drug use was rampant and controversy was currency, confessions of murder weren't even enough to raise heavily painted eyebrows. This is the story of how one of New York's hottest promoters fell from grace to cause the death of a man and the death of New York's club scene.
In this week's episode of RedHanded, we discuss the killing of Angel Melendez and how Michael Alig went from making TV appearances at the forefront of the groundbreaking Club Kid movement, to killing a man, and then chopping him up in exchange for ten bags of heroin.
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11/03/21•1h 9m
RedHaunted #7 Stay Away From Small Boys With Red Balls
Alien encounters in the Australian outback, the Irish folk horror story of Half-Hanged McNaughton, the man behind the curtain in a haunted theatre, and a blood chilling tale about the ghost of a little boy named Timothy....
These are your spooky stories, and real life experiences of the paranormal and we can't get enough. Brace yourselves!
Send your stories to -
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05/03/21•38m 36s
Episode 187 - Leonarda Cianciulli: The Soap-Maker of Correggio - Part 2
In the concluding part of this grisly series Leonarda Cianciulli sinks deeper into depravity. The fear reaches boiling point as her continued experiments, making human soap from the fat of her victims, fail to deliver. And with Leonarda's beloved son Giuseppe about to head to war - she knows she has just one last shot left to save him - and for that another woman must die...
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04/03/21•55m 38s
Episode 186 - Leonarda Cianciulli: The Soap-Maker of Correggio - Part 1
Leonarda Cianciulli was consumed by fear thanks to a curse her mother had placed on her. She had learned all she could about black magic from the Romani travellers who passed through her little Italian town, but still the deadly effects of the hex persisted - at least in Leonarda's mind.
As she grew desperate, and immersed herself further into the occult, Leonarda realised it was all about the 'law of equivalent exchange'; to save a life, she'd have to take a life...
In part 1 of this 2 part series we explore the roots of Leonarda Cianciulli's life, and what shaped her into Italy's first female serial killer.
Brand new MERCH out on Friday:
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25/02/21•59m 55s
In Conversation with Ryan White: The Prank Show Murder of Kim Jong-nam
On the 13th of February 2017, the world witnessed the most high profile political assassination in decades when Kim Jong-nam was exposed to a deadly nerve agent known as VX in the centre of Kuala Lumpur International Airport. The two women who killed the exiled half-brother of Kim Jon-un, claimed they had been tricked and that they thought they were taking part in a Japanese YouTube prank show.
We had the amazing opportunity to talk to Ryan White about the case and his new film Assassins, that follows the two legal teams who fought to save the two women (Siti Aisyah and Đoàn Thị Hươn) from Malaysia's mandatory death penalty for murder.
The video version of this interview is available on Patreon for all $10+ Patrons and Assasins is out now on multiple platforms.
For more information about our Patreon and to follow on social media please follow this link
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23/02/21•32m 55s
Episode 185 - The Cartels Killing Women
On 9 February 2020, 25 year old Ingrid Escamilla was found murdered in her home. She had been stabbed to death by her partner, and then horrifically mutilated. It was just the beginning of one of Mexico's bloodiest years ever.
Femicide in Mexico is at epidemic levels - and the link between the rampant murder of women, corruption and cartels is undeinable. In this episode we explore the horror, the violence and the impunity of what is happening across the nation - and particularly in Ciudad Juarez.
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18/02/21•54m 22s
Bonus - EmptyHanded: The Supercut
Happy Valentine's Day! (Whatever that means...)
This week as a special gift for all of you, we’ve cut together all of the best bits of a segment we do on our after show Under the Duvet called “EmptyHanded”. EmptyHanded is the everlasting discussion of the occasional highs and inevitable lows of our dating lives. We’ve got Japanese Horror Porn, we’ve got Kermit GIFs, we’ve even got blue ticks. It’s a dumpster fire, and we wouldn’t have it any other way (or perhaps we would…).
If you like what you hear, head on over to and become a $5 or over patron to hear Under the Duvet every week, In the News once a month, and catch up on all of EmptyHanded.
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14/02/21•24m 15s
Episode 184 - The Execution of Jamal Khashoggi
At 1:14pm on 2 October 2018, Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi walked into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Within minutes he was killed and dismembered by a 15 man hit squad sent from Riyadh.
To this day Jamal’s remains have never been found. And aside from a secretive trial conducted by the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman - the man who according to the CIA and Turkish intelligence ordered the hit - Jamal has had no justice.
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11/02/21•1h 11m
Episode 183 - Anders Breivik: Norway's Nightmare
On 22 July 2011, Anders Breivik sent out thousands of the same email. The subject line read: "The Islamisation of Western Europe and the State of the European Resistance Movements", and attached was his 1500 page manifesto. He then detonated a bomb in the government quarter of Oslo, before heading to the island of Utøya, where he would become Norway's worst mass murderer - after taking the lives of 77 people, mainly teenagers.
In this episode Hannah and Suruthi take a look at the childhood and life that led Anders Breivik to carry out one of the worst European terror attacks of the last decade.
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04/02/21•1h 34m
Episode 182 - Adrian Lim: Singapore's "Ritual" Child Killings - Part 2
This episode explores the aftermath of the arrests, the strange confessions of ritual black magic and child sacrifice, and the bizarre death penalty trial that followed.
Singapore reeled as it soon became apparent that Adrian Lim and his "holy wives" had been targetting children long before their first murder...
Book - Unholy Trinity by Alan John
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RedHaunted #6 Don't Name Your Ghosts
A civil war ghost named Toby, tribal curses, granddad's ghost, and Banshees in Ireland....
These are your spooky stories, and real life experiences of the paranormal and we can't get enough. Strap in!
Send yours in to -
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27/01/21•43m 52s
Episode 181 - Adrian Lim: Singapore's "Ritual" Child Killings - Part 1
Adrian Lim's fascination with the occult, and his obsession with power, drove him to transform himself into a black magic "bomoh". He promised his followers whatever they desired, but in exchange he would need from them, everything that he desired...
Lim's depravity quickly escalated; he became increasingly violent, turned his attention to younger and younger victims, revelled in torture, rape and eventually murder.
Book - Unholy Trinity by Alan John
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21/01/21•54m 0s
Update on the Tuam 796
In 1975 the skull of a child was discovered on the site of an old mother and baby home in Tuam, Ireland. It lead to the discovery of hundreds more children's remains that had been disguarded by nuns who ran the home. Years later fearless campaigner and historian Catherine Corless made sure everyone knew about it and enough pressure was put on the Irish government that an investigation commission was formed.
The Mother and Baby Home report has now been released and Hannah has brought you everything you need to know. Not for the faint of heart.
All other sources can be found at
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15/01/21•16m 36s
Episode 180 - Lori Vallow: Doomsday
47 year old mum of 3, Lori Vallow was convinced of two things; she was a god and the world was ending. Her job was to prepare her people for the second coming of Christ, in July 2020...
But even as her behaviour became increasingly erratic, and even as those around her started to die in mysterious ways, and even when 2 of her kids - J.J. and Tylee - vanished, it took a shockingly long time for the alarm to be raised.
By which point, it would be far too late for the missing children...
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14/01/21•1h 32m
Episode 179 - The Reykjavík Confessions: Memories of Murder
This is the bizarre story of 2 mysterious disappearances, 1 strange dream and 6 people who ended up confessing to murders they couldn't even remember...What happened on the treacherous lava fields of Iceland back in 1974 that ruined the lives of so many, and crept its way so deep into the Icelandic culture, that this story still makes headlines today?
Book: Out of Thin Air by Anthony Adeane
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07/01/21•1h 25m
Bonus: 2020 Patreon Upcycle - When Your Child Displays Psychopathic Traits...
We wanted to celebrate and share some of our top picks from our 2020 Patreon releases, so here is possibly our most requested episode from the $10+ Patreon archives!
In this bonus episode we released last summer, we talked with long time Spooky Bitches, Cassie and Mike as they told us about the challenges and difficulties that their family have faced in the midst of their son Arthur’s serious behavioural issues. Issues including: violence against others, animal abuse, a lack of remorse and callous unemotional traits. They share the major incidents that occurred, how Arthur is now being treated clinically and what they think the future holds for the 14 year old.
Cassie and Mike reached out to us wanting to open up about this difficult topic to try and help anyone else who may be going through something similar, and also to give families like them a voice - we were honoured that they trusted us and we know that it will be received without judgement.
Get your hands on regular bonus content and ad-free RedHanded episodes by signing up at
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01/01/21•45m 6s
#6 BLM - Elijah McClain
In August 2019, 23 year old Elijah McClain was walking home with some ice tea he had bought for his cousin. On the way he was stopped by police; within minutes Elijah was being restrained and placed in a chokehold. Things escalted further when the police had the young man, who by this point was slipping in and out of consciouness, injected with ketamine.
Elijah died 3 days later in hospital, this is his story.
Black Votes Matter:
Fair Fight:
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28/12/20•37m 8s
RedHaunted #5 You See Those 2 Pillars? Look In Between Them...
2020 has been absolutely terrifying, so how better to wrap up this shit show than with a very special episode of RedHaunted! Hopefully these bizarre tales of a rattling doorknob, a haunted asylum and a creepy kennel, will help you get you through whatever nightmare awaits us next...
(We're guessing we will all need more spooky tales, and more laughs, next year so send your ghostly encounter stories to:
Christmas Eve to Boxing Day flash sale - last chance to get your merch and get 20% off!
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24/12/20•53m 13s
In The News: The 2020 Round-Up
Merry Christmas Spooky Bitches! This year as a present for all the incredible things you guys have achieved (The Listener's Choice and Spotify No:1) we've decided to give you all some bonus content Christmas Presents. We've scoured through the hours of extra content we put up on Patreon to bring you 2020's greatest hits.
This episode is In The News, our monthly episode on the cases that have been hitting the headlines but haven't progressed far enough for a full-length episode. This year has been a smorgasbord of criminal mayhem and in these 2020 highlights, we discuss The Dairy Pirates, a sexually sadistic Grime artist, and a wannabe gangster who turned to fish porn, along with so much more.
If you like what you hear and want some more information head on over to:
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23/12/20•43m 38s
Under The Duvet: The 2020 Round-Up
Merry Christmas Spooky Bitches! This year as a present for all the incredible things you guys have achieved (The Listener's Choice and Spotify No:1) we've decided to give you all some bonus content Christmas Presents. We've scoured through the hours of extra content we put up on Patreon to bring you 2020's greatest hits.
This episode is Under The Duvet, the after-show where we discuss the week's goings-on, whether it's politics, TV, or even our personal tales of woe. In these 2020 highlights, we're talking Chris Watts, Donald Trump, Anti-vaxxers, and of course, our EmptyHanded tales...
We release an episode of Under The Duvet every week for $5 and patrons
So, if you like what you hear and want some more information head on over to:
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18/12/20•49m 23s
Episode 178 - Josef Fritzl & His Cellar of Horror - Part 3
In the concluding part of this terrifying series, we learn how Josef Fritzl's terrible secret was finally discovered, how his bizarre trial unfolded and what became of Elisabeth and her children.
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17/12/20•53m 34s
Episode 177 - Josef Fritzl & His Cellar of Horror - Part 2
Elisabeth Fritzl had spent her childhood being relentlessly sexually tormented by her father, Josef. But on 29th of August 1984 things escalated to a level of horror she could never have imagined, when she woke up chained to a bed in the cellar of his house...
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10/12/20•43m 54s
Episode 176 - Josef Fritzl & His Cellar of Horror - Part 1
On 19th April 2008, the world discovered the nightmare world Josef Fritzl had created in the labyrinthian cellar of his home in Amstetten, Austria. It seemed like too much to believe. This week in part 1 of this 3 part series, the girls explore Fritzl's fraught childhood - that was peppered with violence, abandonment and spillover trauma from Nazi concentration camps.
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03/12/20•50m 46s
Episode 175 - Annie Le & Room G22
Annie had it all; she was happily engaged, she was studying for her doctorate at Yale and she had huge ambitions for herself, that seemed well within reach. So when one day she vanished from her lab on campus, no one could believe it. But within days the true horrors of what had happened to Annie surfaced...
20% of all merch (plus new colour sweatshirts and hoodies!) for 72 hours using promo code 'BLACKFRIDAY'
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26/11/20•1h 18m
#5 BLM - Sheku Bayoh
In this month's episode of our Black Lives Matter series, we discuss the death of Sheku Bayoh in the Scottish town of Kirkcaldy. Sheku died after he was pepper-sprayed and restrained by 4 police officers in 2015. The police cover-up, scandal and public inquiry that followed has made Sheku's death one of Scotland's most notorious cases.
This is Sheku's story.
Death in Custody:\
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20/11/20•19m 20s
Episode 174 - Keli Lane: What Happened to Baby Tegan? Pt 2
In this week’s episode the girls delve into the aftermath of John Borovnik's discovery, the police investigation that followed, and the subsequent trial that saw Keli Lane charged with murder - more than 13 years after her baby vanished.
But even after all this, major questions around what drove Keli's behaviour, and of course what happened to baby Tegan, still remain...
Sources and recommendations:
Documentaries: Exposed: The Case of Keli Lane (Amazon Prime or Netflix - depending on region)
Podcast: Problem Child
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19/11/20•1h 9m
Episode 173 - Keli Lane: What Happened to Baby Tegan? Pt 1
Between the ages of 17 and 21 Keli Lane, an elite Australian water polo player, got pregnant 5 times - and somehow managed to keep each pregnancy a total secret for years...
But her lies, inconsistencies and cryptic pregnancies all came spilling out in 2001, when a social worker finally noticed that one of her daughters had vanished at just 2 days old. So, what happened to baby Tegan?
Sources and recommendations:
Documentaries: Exposed: The Case of Keli Lane (Amazon Prime or Netflix - depending on region)
Podcast: Problem Child
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12/11/20•1h 12m
Episode 172 - Je Suis Prof: The Murder of Samuel Paty & Charlie Hebdo
On 16 October 2020, 37 year old teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded on a suburban street in France by an Islamist terrorist. Samuel had become the target of an online hate campaign after he showed his students cartoons from the satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, depicting Muhammad.
In this episode we discuss the 2015 Charlie Hebdo massacre, the murder of Samuel Paty and the rise of terrorism in Europe.
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05/11/20•1h 10m
Episode 171 - Halloween Special Part 2: Black Magic Saliva & A Toilet Full of Guts
If there's a spiritualist spit hoover and a child's hand boiling away on the stove, it can only be part two of RedHanded's traditional Halloween story swap.
This round, Hannah tells us about a murderous Indonesian sorcerer, while Suruthi racks up our air miles with a trip back to Germany to meet a barbaric Bavarian butcher.
72 FLASH SALE on all Spooky Bitch merch! For 20% off all Spooky Bitch items from 29 Oct until midnight on Halloween use promo code: spooky20off at
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29/10/20•1h 6m
#4 BLM - Ms Dhu
This month in our Black Lives Matter series, we discuss the death of Ms Dhu. During the two day's Ms Dhu spent in police custody in Western Australia, she was dropped to the floor, lifted by her hands and feet, and another prisoner was dragged into her cell to stare at her. She went through all of this while being verbally abused and suffering from sepsis. She died of preventable causes aged just twenty-two, while a white officer stood over her saying she was "faking it". This is Ms Dhu's story.
Sheila Humphries TEDx Talk:
Guardian database of indigenous deaths in custody:
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23/10/20•23m 25s
Episode 170 - Halloween Special Pt 1: Whiskey Cannibals & Blanket Hags
As is Halloween tradition at RedHanded - we bring you a story swap! This year, Suruthi goes rogue with a story of colonial cannibalism, while Hannah takes us to Germany for a stomach-churning, true house of horrors...
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22/10/20•1h 10m
Episode 169 - The Toolbox Killers: Lawrence Bittaker & Roy Norris
On Halloween night 1979, 16 year old Lynette Ledford was on her way home from a party when she vanished. The discovery of her body the next day set in motion a disturbing investigation into a pair of brutal serial killers who had raped, tortured and murdered their way across the state for months.
John E Douglas - the FBI profiler who assessed the likes of Manson, BTK, Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, David Berkowitz and Richard Speck - said of one of this pair: “He was the most disturbing man I’ve profiled”.
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15/10/20•1h 4m
Episode 168 - The Kansas City Butcher: Robert Berdella
One April afternoon in 1988 a man named Chris Bryson jumped from the top floor window of 4315 Charlotte St in Kansas City, Missouri.
He was battered, bruised and completely naked - except for a dog collar and lead hanging from his neck. He had been held captive for days, tied to a bed and brutally tortured by Bob Berdella (aka The Kansas City Butcher) - and Chris was not his first victim.
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08/10/20•55m 43s
Episode 167 - Live from The 2020 London Podcast Festival
In this week's episode Hannah and Suruthi story swap the on vaguely train related cases of 'The Brighton Trunk Murders' and the killings of Kieran Kelly - one of the UK's most prolific serial killers...
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01/10/20•1h 30m
Episode 166 - The Noida Double Murders: Aarushi & Hemraj
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When 13 year old Aarushi Talwar was found dead with her throat slit in her own bedroom, it sparked the beginning of what would become one of India’s most notorious cases. A story of immeasurable corruption, incompetence, sex, scandals and secrets.
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24/09/20•1h 23m