The God Pod

The God Pod

By God

The God Pod is a satirical comedy podcast hosted by God and Jesus. The Divine Duo review the news of the week and try to make sense of the world they created. NEW EPISODES WEEKLY Watch the God Pod in video form: TikTok: YouTube: Instagram:


Kamala Is Already Beating Trump In The Polls!

Watch the video! Dear Humans, I never could have imagined how emotional the past few days would make me. I have cried more tears of joy, hope, and pride than I can remember. For the first time in a long time, I am filled with hope for the future. Joe Biden's decision to step down wasn’t just a brilliant chess move; it was a symbolic passing of the torch from one generation to the next. And all the next generation wants to do is save the world. They have been champing at the bit for a while. I haven’t been this excited about a candidate since 2008. Kamala Harris stepping up and shining in her new role is truly inspiring. Watching her rise to the occasion fills me with immense pride and excitement for what lies ahead. According to new polls today, Kamala is already beating Trump in the polls by 2 points, and she has barely just begun! Of course, we couldn’t help but laugh at the Republicans’ feeble attempts to criticize her. Their main complaint? They don’t like her laugh. It’s comical how they grasp at plastic straws. Meanwhile, Trump is sulking over the money he wasted attacking Biden. HAHAHAHA! Trump attacked the Capitol to cling to power, while Biden voluntarily stepped down for the greater good. This concept of giving up power makes no sense to fascists, it’s as foreign to them as love. In this moment of transition and hope, let’s embrace the future with open hearts and minds. Together, we can rally around Kamala and defeat the power of Trumpian fascism forever. With hope and love, God and Jesus  
24/07/2440m 28s

God Interviews Young Man Who Witnessed the Mass Shooting at a Trump Rally

Dear Humans, Today Jesus and I sit-down with Johnny Palmadessa, a sharp young Democratic Strategist who found himself in the thick of chaos at the Trump campaign rally where a mass shooting occurred on Saturday. One innocent bystander lost their life, and Donald came within 2 inches bullet going through his brain. Johnny shares his firsthand account of the event. Jesus and I tried to wrap our minds around it, and let me tell you, it's not easy processing this kind of madness. Johnny's story is a sobering reminder of the real consequences of divisive rhetoric. It’s a wake-up call, a cosmic nudge, if you will, to re-evaluate who you’re supporting and why. Who will attract more chaos like a magnet in the future? Who will work to calm things down? So, do yourselves a favor and watch the full interview. Trust me, it's worth your time. You'll hear Johnny’s harrowing experience, and maybe, just maybe, you'll come away with a clearer understanding of the gravity of the situation. Plus, Jesus and I throw in some of our classic banter to keep things light. You won't want to miss it. Love, God PS - Watch the video! Celebrate with Us: We just hit a milestone—over 500 paid subscribers! It’s a tiny fraction of our 54,000 followers, but every bit helps us keep bringing you divine satire. Thank you for your support! To all our devoted followers, we need your help to keep the comedy flowing. Your subscription not only supports our mission to combat chaos with humor, but it also grants you access to exclusive content. Testimonials: James: "Till the worst happens, which just might happen after the election, you at least speak lots of truth. The drug test commentary set me off and I wrote a late in time comment which at least got it off my chest. So without your website no place would be safe (at least for now) and I appreciate the humor, the acid and vitriol that pours out of this page. "  
18/07/2431m 25s

God and Jesus Smite The News Media!

Dear Human Being reading this, It’s me, God, and boy, do we have a divine dispatch for you today! We just recorded a brand new episode of The God Pod, and you’re not gonna want to miss this one. We dug into some juicy topics that are hotter than hell's furnace, so grab your popcorn and buckle up. First up, we tackled the question that's been on everyone's mind: Who exactly is trying to push Biden out? Surprise, surprise—it's the millionaires and billionaires pulling the strings. The regular folks? They’re still supporting him. The real puppet masters here are the wealthy elites, and we're exposing their game. Then, we dove into something Ted Lieu mentioned that’s flying under the radar: the Epstein files. Yeah, you heard that right. Lieu said, “Something I've heard that doesn't seem to be getting covered is the Epstein files ... Donald Trump is all over this ... y'all might want to look at that.” The #TrumpPedoFiles should be the hottest hashtag right now. And if that wasn’t enough, MSNBC played a side-by-side clip of President Biden speaking at the NATO summit and Donald Trump’s unhinged rally from last night. Let me tell you, it was like watching a Shakespearean actor next to a guy screaming on a street corner. Biden’s all about diplomacy and coherence, while Trump’s rambling about airports and mothers helplessly watching their kids overdose. Seriously, what alternate reality is this guy living in? Speaking of Trump’s rallies, his latest performance in Doral was a doozy. He goes on about how “Mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing and hosp--lee. And we will never allow mothers to watch their child hopelessly dying in their arms, screaming, ‘What can I do? What can I do? Help me God, what can I do?’” And don't get me started on his rant about dirty, crowded airports. Someone really needs to give this guy a reality check. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the latest episode and get the full scoop. Celebrate with Us: We just hit a milestone—over 500 paid subscribers! It’s a tiny fraction of our 54,000 followers, but every bit helps us keep bringing you divine satire. Thank you for your support! If you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet, what are you waiting for? Head over to to get the latest episodes, satirical news, and more. Testimonials: Corlis Robe: "I supported your work because my world needs more Actual Thought than it currently shows." AlbanianQueen: "You give me hope and make me smile while stating the facts. It's kinda like talking to God!😊" TED GILLUM: "I was raised in the pentuphostile church, and I love how much they hate this.
13/07/2433m 53s

God and Jesus Unite to Condemn Trump's Project 2025

Hey there, you beautiful mortals! It’s me, God, back with another episode of The God Pod. This time, Jesus and I are tearing apart Project 2025, that insane conservative plan to turn the USA into Gilead. First up, I go off on how these utter douchebags want to centralize power and roll back rights. Seriously, it’s like they want to drag us all back to the Dark Ages….and the Dark Ages sucked! Jesus jumps in to rip apart Trump’s lies. He’s pissed, folks, and rightfully so. These idiots would melt the polar ice caps and call it a hot tub party. And don’t get me started on their social security “reforms.” Raising the retirement age and cutting benefits? That’s some seventh circle of hell kind of crap. Stand up against these draconian policies with all the might you can muster. And don't forget to visit to join our community, sign up for our newsletter, and get the latest episodes, satirical news, and letters from yours truly. Whether you are a free or paid subscriber, I appreciate you being part of this community. Tune in, laugh your ass off, and stay informed with God and Jesus. Love, God
09/07/2431m 11s

BREAKING: Democracy

Dear Humans, We’re back with another divine dispatch from The God Pod! In our latest episode, God and Jesus dive into the latest Supreme Court decisions and the media hysteria following the debate. Here’s your holy recap: Episode Highlights: Supreme Court Decisions: 🏛️ Supreme Court grants Trump immunity for January 6. 👩🏽‍⚖️ Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson's dissent calling the ruling "absurd." ⚖️ Supreme Court ends Chevron Deference, impacting regulatory power. 💧 Implications for regulatory power and the suggestion to start buying bottled water. 🚫 Supreme Court ruling allowing cities to punish people for sleeping in public places. ✝️ Jesus’ take: "Thou Shalt Not Put Homeless People in Jail!” Debate Aftermath / Media Hysteria: 📰 Focus on Biden's age and performance while ignoring Trump's outrageous lies. 🗞️ NY Times calls for Biden to drop out, but not for Trump despite him being a convicted felon. 🎙️ Biden had good moments, stating the truth, and delivered a strong next-day speech. 🏛️ Trump's refusal to commit to not doing another January 6 and accept election results. Question: How worried are you now, from 1-100? What can we do about all this? Tune in to this episode of The God Pod, "BREAKING: Democracy," for a heavenly mix of humor, truth, and divine commentary. And for more daily updates, visit
03/07/2433m 8s

Trump’s Spiritual Advisor Resigns Amid Allegations He Molested Child

Dear Heavenly Followers, We’re back with another divine dispatch from The God Pod! 😇 In our latest episode, God and Jesus dive into the jaw-dropping scandal involving Trump’s spiritual advisor Robert Morris, who resigned amid allegations he molested a 12-year-old. We also cover Trump’s purely evil suggestion for migrant fighting leagues, his ironic all-caps endorsement of the Ten Commandments, Biden’s lead in the polls, even Fox News cutting away from Trump’s insane gibberish, and George Santos starting an OnlyFans account. Here’s your holy recap: Episode Highlights: Trump’s Migrant Fighting Leagues 🥊: Trump’s evil suggestion and the history behind this idea. Trump’s Spiritual Advisor Resigns Amidst Allegations 🚨: The scandal of Trump’s spiritual advisor Robert Morris. Watch God puke his guts out over pastors who raced to defend him online. All Caps Ten Commandments 📜: Trump’s enthusiastic endorsement of the Ten Commandments and the irony of it all. Biden vs. Trump in the Polls 📊: Analyzing the latest polls showing Biden beating Trump and what this means for the upcoming election. Fox News Cuts Away From Trump 📺: Watch God and Jesus laugh at the moment even Fox News cut away from Trump’s incoherent speech. George Santos on OnlyFans 📸: The absurdity of George Santos starting an OnlyFans account.
26/06/2429m 50s

Why Louisiana’s Ten Commandments Mandate Won’t Save Its Soul

Dear Heavenly Followers, We’re back with another divine dispatch from The God Pod! In our latest episode, God and Jesus dive into a mix of divine humor and righteous rants, covering everything from Louisiana’s latest classroom mandate to the broader implications of such moves. Here’s your holy recap: 🎙️ Episode Highlights: Why Louisiana’s Ten Commandments Mandate Won’t Save Its Soul Louisiana has decided to mandate the display of the Ten Commandments in every classroom. We delve into the historical context, the legal implications, and the irony of this decision given Louisiana's education, crime, and corruption stats. Spoiler alert: It’s not looking good. Education Statistics: Louisiana ranks 48th in education (U.S. News & World Report). High school graduation rate is 81%, below the national average of 85% (National Center for Education Statistics). Only 28% of Louisiana eighth graders are proficient in math, compared to the national average of 34% (National Assessment of Educational Progress). High Crime Rates: Violent crime rate of 5.7 per 1,000 people compared to the national average of 3.7 (FBI Crime Data). Property crime rate of 32.7 per 1,000 people compared to the national average of 22.0 (FBI Crime Data). High Corruption: Louisiana ranks 5th in public corruption convictions per capita (University of Illinois at Chicago, 2020). Religious Diversity: Only 26% of adults in Louisiana attend church weekly (Pew Research Center). Breakdown: 23% evangelical Protestant, 26% Catholic, 2% Jewish, 2% Muslim, 16% unaffiliated (Pew Research Center). New Commandment: "Thou shalt not require classrooms to display the Ten Commandments when you don’t pay attention to any of them anyway." 🔍 Why Listen? Hilarious Takes: From divine commentary to satirical analysis, our humorous spin on the latest political absurdities will keep you laughing. Stay Informed: Get the latest on political and social issues wrapped in comedy. Unique Perspectives: Hear divine commentary that you won’t find anywhere else. Accessible Anywhere: Listen to this enhanced audio version on your favorite podcast players. Perfect for enjoying on the go or while multitasking. 📢 Don’t Miss Out! Join Our Community: Visit and sign up for our free newsletter. Get exclusive content and behind-the-scenes laughs! Be a Part of the Fun: Share with friends and help us keep the comedy coming. Subscribe for More Improvements: Your support helps us make more improvements to our animation and overall production quality. Support our work. Engage and Share: Share this episode and engage with our posts. Your participation helps us spread divine humor and keeps our community growing strong. NOTE FROM GOD: I accidentaly said the wrong governor's name in this episode. I regret the error. 
21/06/2427m 20s

Who Is A Better Father, Biden Or Trump? Excuse Me, I Can't Seem To Stop Laughing | The God Pod

Hi Humans, We’re back with another divine dispatch from The God Pod! In our latest episode, God and Jesus dive into a mix of divine humor and righteous rants, covering everything from surreal papal meetings to the latest political chaos. Here’s your holy recap: 🎙️ Episode Highlights: Who Is A Better Father, Biden Or Trump? Father's Day messages from Biden and Trump couldn't be more different. Biden’s heartfelt message of unity and family contrasts sharply with Trump’s self-centered, grievance-filled rant. We dissect what these messages reveal about their broader political personas. Excuse us if we can't stop laughing at the comparison! Comedians Meet Pope Francis: A 'bizarre' yet impactful encounter where comedians sat down with Pope Francis. We explore how humor and faith can intersect to address pressing social and religious issues. Trump's Cognitive Test Challenge: Trump’s boast about acing a cognitive test becomes ironic as he confuses his own doctor’s name. We discuss the implications of this gaffe on perceptions of his cognitive abilities. Republican Panic After Trump's Milwaukee Meltdown: Trump’s criticism of Milwaukee throws the GOP into disarray. We explore the potential fallout and its impact on the 2024 election. Christian Right vs. No-Fault Divorce: The campaign against no-fault divorce by the Christian right could significantly impact personal freedoms and marriage laws. We explore this movement and its potential consequences. 2024 Presidential Election Developments: From Trump's MAGA-themed birthday bash to Biden’s forceful campaign rhetoric, we cover the latest election news and what it means for the future of American politics. 🔍 Why Listen? Hilarious Takes: From papal meetings to political gaffes, our satirical spin will keep you laughing. Stay Informed: Get the latest on political absurdities wrapped in comedy. Unique Perspectives: Hear divine commentary that you won’t find anywhere else. Accessible Anywhere: Listen to this enhanced audio version on your favorite podcast players. Perfect for enjoying on the go or while multitasking. 📢 Don’t Miss Out! Join Our Community: Visit and sign up for our free newsletter. Get exclusive content and behind-the-scenes laughs! Be a Part of the Fun: Share with friends and help us keep the comedy coming. 💬 Engaging Question: If Trump was drowning because he got electrocuted by a boat, and there were sharks swarming nearby, and you were the only person around, what would you do?  
19/06/2430m 57s

For Biden So Loved America, He Gave His Only Son to Be Convicted

🎙️ Episode Highlights: Crime Myths Debunked: Discover the real data behind Trump’s false claims about rising crime rates under Biden. Hunter Biden’s Conviction: Explore how Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict fits into the broader narrative of justice and political manipulation. Supreme Court Corruption: Unveil the shocking statements from Justice Samuel Alito about pushing the country towards 'godliness.' Father’s Day Special: God and Jesus share their thoughts on Father’s Day, with heartfelt and humorous reflections. 🔍 Why Listen? Hilarious Takes: From crime myths to courtroom drama, our satirical spin will keep you laughing. Stay Informed: Get the latest on political absurdities wrapped in comedy. Unique Perspectives: Hear divine commentary that you won’t find anywhere else. Accessible Anywhere: Listen to this enhanced audio version on your favorite podcast players. Perfect for enjoying on the go or while multitasking. Watch the video!  📢 Don’t Miss Out! Join Our Community: Visit and sign up for our free newsletter. Get exclusive content and behind-the-scenes laughs! Be a Part of the Fun: Share with friends and help us keep the comedy coming. 💬 Engaging Question: What’s your take on the recent crime data? Do you think the public perception is being manipulated? And how do you celebrate Father's Day? Leave a comment and let us know your thoughts!  
14/06/2430m 5s

Thou Shalt Not Try to Cancel Dolly Parton for Being ‘Woke’

🎙️ Episode Highlights: Dolly Parton vs. The Federalist: Discover why attacking Dolly Parton is such folly. Laugh along as we dive into the backlash! Trump’s Probation Drama: Get the scoop on Trump’s first probation meeting and his bizarre rally rants on sharks, extreme heat, and saying the quiet part out loud! Divine Comedy: Join God and Jesus as they roast the absurdities of the week with humor and heart. 🔍 Why Listen? Hilarious Takes: From Dolly’s unbreakable spirit to Trump’s incoherent ramblings, our satirical spin will keep you laughing. Stay Informed: Get the latest on political absurdities wrapped in comedy. Unique Perspectives: Hear divine commentary that you won’t find anywhere else. Accessible Anywhere: Listen to this enhanced audio version on your favorite podcast players. Perfect for enjoying on the go or while multitasking. 💬 Question of the Day: What’s your favorite Dolly Parton song and why? Leave a comment and let us know! 📢 Don’t Miss Out! Join Our Community: Visit and sign up for our free newsletter. Get exclusive content and behind-the-scenes laughs! Be a Part of the Fun: Share with friends and help us keep the comedy coming.
12/06/2429m 59s

God Takes Gun From Trump’s Cold, Tiny Hands

Today on The God Pod, God and Jesus discuss: Trump loses his gun permit in New York Steve Bannon is going to prison Alito’s neighbor disputes Alito’s flagging account Americans have forgotten how bad Trump’s COVID response was Have a question for God and Jesus that you want answered on the show? Let us know in the comments on the website! Join our newsletter and never miss an episode or satire news article again:  
08/06/2420m 45s

God and Jesus Laugh at Trump's Felony Conviction for a Solid 30 Minutes

Happy Pride Month!  What a week it was! Jesus and God catch up and laugh and laugh and laugh. We discuss where we were when we heard the news that he was convicted, and everything that’s happened since.  We discuss: It’s Pride month, baby! Cult leader convicted Cult leader’s followers go apeshit Where were you when you first heard Trump was convicted? Let us know in the comments!  Join our newsletter and never miss an episode or satire news article again:
05/06/2430m 13s

God and Jesus Denounce Project 2025

On this week’s episode of The God Pod I hang out with my son Jesus Christ after a week off in Jamaica, mon.  We discuss: Memorial Day Christian Nationalism “Just be normal then” Project 2025 Harrison Butker Samuel Alito Pope Francis uses a homophobic slur Hitler Endorses Trump From Hell Betwixt Tortured Screams  
29/05/241h 6m

Thou Shalt Not Create A Federal Database Of Pregnant Women!

Dear Americans, As the Almighty LORD THY GOD, I’ve watched over humanity for thousands of years.  I’ve seen the evolution of societies, the rise and fall of empires, and the ebb and flow of human rights. Today, I’m frigging furious over Alabama Senator Katie Britt’s proposal for the ‘MOMS’ act, which OF COURSE she says would help moms, but in fact would create a federal database of pregnant women. And that is terrifying. This dystopian database not only infringes on personal freedoms but paves the way for a ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ future. Once created, anytime a woman gets pregnant, it would be one step away from Republicans forcing every pregnant woman to sign up for this database. They would be force-fed pro-life propaganda and denied all access to any information even considering the option for abortion. What’s next? GPS collar trackers to put on their necks to make sure they don’t try to flee to a state that offers abortion access? I can just hear them now, “These GPS, or GOD positioning system trackers, will keep all babies safe from baby-eating atheists.” Set against the backdrop of a second Trump presidency, and the onslaught of Project 2025, there is no question that Republicans are viewing “The Handmaid’s Tale” not as a work of fiction, but as a guide for how to form the future. Did this proposal set off alarm bells across the political spectrum? Was it being covered on all major news networks? I didn’t see anything about it except for what I saw online. Oh, I’m sure it was mentioned on some broadcasts, but sparingly if at all. No time for any of that while they’re busy obsessing about other things. BUT GOD SAW IT. The mere suggestion of such a database should be driving everyone in the country who believes in personal freedom, privacy, and public health? …absolutely insane. I implore you to stand with me against this measure. Spread the word about what the Republicans are trying to do. It’s not enough for them to take away a woman’s right to choose. They will never stop reaching for more. They won’t stop until every woman has an implant that tracks their physical location at all times. Thou shalt not create a federal database of pregnant women, for it is an affront to the sanctity of personal autonomy and the essence of human dignity. God
14/05/2457m 6s

Why do Republicans hate dogs so much?

In this episode of the God Pod, God tells Jesus how excited he is to have joined Substack and grow a newsletter there: Also discussed today: Why do Republicans hate dogs so much? An evangelical pastor slammed the Trump Bible, but watch out because he’s full of crap too Trump warned not to be a contemptuous bastard anymore or else he’ll go to jail, but why hasn’t he been sent there already?!? Republicans voted against funding cancer research just to hurt Biden God answers questions from his loyal supporters!  
07/05/241h 2m

God's Evil Twin 'Tod' Takes Over The Pod

God goes on hiatus and his evil twin brother ‘Tod’ replaces him to discuss the latest news with Jesus.  Discussed today: Students are protesting Jerry Seinfeld blames “the extreme left” for why you “can’t make sitcoms anymore” Tod argues with Jesus about woke All this and so much more on today’s episode of The God Pod!  
01/05/2457m 7s

Tucker Carlson Proves Evolution Is False

God and Jesus hang out and review the latest news.  Discussed today: Jesus reviews Taylor Swift’s new album, “The Tortured Poets Department” TikTok to be banned Crazy plane lady becomes a right wing influencer And so much more Listen to God’s frigging podcast, dammit.  
23/04/2455m 32s

Back To The Past, Part 1864

God and Jesus travel back in time to the year 1864, just kidding it’s still 2024, although it’s hard to tell sometimes. Discussed today: Super Christian Donald Trump on trial for banging a porn star and then paying her to keep quiet during an election year OJ Simpsons dies, but who is his roommate in Hell? Abortion, abortion, abortion And so much more! Listen to God’s frigging podcast, dammit.  
16/04/241h 7m

The Rapture Didn't Happen Again

On today's episode, God and Jesus discuss: The Apoc-Eclipse The lunatics were wrong about the rapture again Later on they answer some questions
09/04/2455m 59s

National Trans Easter Solar Eclipse Visibility Day

TODAY GOD AND JESUS DISCUSS: Trump sells Bibles for $60, MAGA freaks out over National Trans Easter Visibility Day, Project 2025, and Christian conservatives go nuts over the coming total eclipse of the sun. All this and more on this episode of the God Podcast.
06/04/2443m 59s

God And Jesus Are Woke AF

God and Jesus review all the latest news in politics, entertainment, and the world.
28/03/2454m 29s

"Gay Secrets" Straight People Don't Know

God and Jesus respond to the Oscars!  Also discussed today: What are some “gay secrets” straight people don’t know? Straight men, what’s the strangest thing you’ve been told not to do because "that's gay"? God reviews the latest posts on r/atheism.  God and Jesus judge an AITA post about Disney World God tells Jesus jokes about Jesus We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did recording it!  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:  Join our Patreon for special access:  
13/03/2452m 25s

“I Don’t Believe In Space” New Kind Of Moron Drops

God and Jesus discuss the latest developments with the Supremely Corrupt Court and Donald Chump. Also discussed on this episode: Wendy’s Surge Pricing? Kellog’s CEO Suggests Poor People Should Eat Cereal For Dinner NFL Prospect Doesn’t “Believe In Outer Space” Finally, God and Jesus spend time answering questions live from humans.  JOIN US for live tapings of the God Pod Mondays at 6pm EST on God’s Facebook, YouTube, or Twitch channel. Watch wherever you want. Have it Yahweh! NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:   
06/03/2455m 40s

God And Jesus Respond To Kid Rock On Joe Rogan

This week, God and Jesus respond to: Kid Rock Advocates For Genocide On Joe Rogan Man Sets Himself On Fire In Protest The Death Of Trans High School Student Nex Benedict Libs Of TikTok Creator Exposed As Moron IVF Banned In Alabama Website Bug Tricks Man Into Thinking He Won Lottery Woman Gets Charged $1000 For A Subway Sandwich JOIN US for live tapings of the God Pod Mondays at 6pm EST on God’s Facebook, YouTube, or Twitch channel. Watch wherever you want. Have it Yahweh! NEW PODCAST EPISODES WEEKLY Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:  JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Join our Patreon for special access:  Discord:  
28/02/2459m 28s

God And Jesus Answer Questions From Humans LIVE!

Does Jesus Still Love Flipping Tables? Does God Listen To Slayer? God And Jesus Answer Questions! God and Jesus spend an hour answering all kinds of silly questions from humans from all over the world! Does Jesus like tacos? What’s God’s least favorite creation? Does Jesus still love flipping tables? And does God listen to Slayer? Tune in, drop out, and escape from this sick, sad world for a little while.  JOIN US for live tapings of the God Pod Mondays at 6pm EST on God’s Facebook, YouTube, or Twitch channel. Watch wherever you want. Have it Yahweh! NEW PODCAST EPISODES WEEKLY Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:  JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Join our Patreon for special access:  Discord:  
22/02/2456m 19s

Jesus Responds To Super Bowl Ad Of Him Washing Feet

God and Jesus respond to the Super Bowl win by Taylor Swift and her boyfriend. Jesus responds to the Hobby Lobby ad showing him washing feet. And so much more!  NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform: 
13/02/2450m 52s

The Taylor Swift Superbowl Preview!

God and Jesus preview the big game. Who does Jesus favor? And why?  Humans are now walking around wearing cyber goggles called Apple Vision Pros, and God is disgusted. Elmo got trauma dumped on and the King has cancer. All this and the Grammies on the God Pod Taylor Swift Superbowl Preview! NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:  JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Join our Patreon for special access:   
07/02/2449m 32s

Kelly Carlin Talks To God About Her Lawsuit Against The 'AI George Carlin Special'

God and Jesus talk to Kelly Carlin about the ‘AI George Carlin Special’ and the lawsuit brought against it by the George Carlin Estate. We discuss the ethics of AI, and just how dystopian it is, and antithetical to everything George stood for.  Later on, God and Jesus discuss a woman who got stuck on a gondola at Heavenly Ski Resort, the state of Missouri (misery?), and the situation at the US border.  NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:  JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Join our Patreon for special access:  Discord:  
30/01/241h 3m

Oscars Snub Barbie Backlash, Day 2

Jesus furiously responds to the Oscars nominations, Jon Stewart returns to The Daily Show, and God responds to a pastor who says ‘God told him’ to defraud his flock of over 1 million dollars so he could remodel his bathroom. God and Jesus answer questions live from humans on Facebook, and discuss the complexities of society and culture in such a divided social media landscape.  NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod everywhere:  JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Join our Patreon for special access:  Discord:  
25/01/241h 7m

God Has A Fart Attack

God goes to the hospital for a fart attack, Hell has frozen over, and God smites Jerry Jones. God smites the AI generated Carlin special and asks that we let people rest in peace.  Later, God and Jesus answer questions from the God Pod community.  NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:   
16/01/241h 4m

God And Jesus Kickoff 2024!

God and Jesus storm into 2024, covering everything that’s happened over the holiday break! From Trump saying ‘ROT IN HELL’ on Christmas, to Lil Nas X announcing a new song dedicated to Jesus, the GOD POD IS BACK and on the case! NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:  JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Join our Patreon for special access:  Discord:  

The God Pod 2023 Wrapped!

Join us for a recap of the second half of 2023!                   NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform: 
31/12/2318m 42s

The God Pod Holiday Special!

Mary Mags RETURNS! Mary and God discuss Christmas songs, vibes, and a Satanic idol being desecrated in Iowa. Join us for as we attempt to find the spirit of Christmas during a bleak time in human history.  NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:  JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Join our Patreon for special access:  
19/12/2353m 45s

Return Of The Santa Claus!

Santa Claus comes back just in time for Christmas! God, Jesus and Santa talk SantaCon, Santa marathons, and when is the right age to learn the truth about Santa. We also discuss landing a plane, GTA 6, whether we have rizz, and which comedians nobody will ever convince us are funny.  Join us for this very Santarific episode of the God Pod! NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:  JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Join our Patreon for special access:  Discord:  
12/12/2356m 29s

Jesus Responds To Trump Saying If Jesus ‘Came Down’ He’d Win The Blue States

God and Jesus discuss the latest smiting news of the world: Santos expelled, Kissinger in Hell, and the stabbing of Derek Chauvin. God and Jesus strongly respond to Trump’s claim that they would have handed him the last election. And why is the Mormon church buying Nebraska?  NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:  JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Join our Patreon for special access:  Discord:  
05/12/2357m 17s

A Rubber Dildo Crucifix Christmas

God and Jesus discuss a raunchy Taco Bell party, the new Squid Game reality show, Satanic abortion clinics, long haired hippies, rubber crucifixes, “super-long” bat schlongs, and much more.  NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:  JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Discord: Join our Patreon for special access:   
28/11/2358m 47s

The God Pod Thanksgiving Special 2023!

  God and Jesus give thanks and talk about what not to talk about during Thanksgiving dinner. A horse gets loose on a plane, Alaska isn’t an island, and Tik Tok goes nuts. Pink defeats Moms for Liberty, and Orcas are on the hunt again. Yachtzee!  NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:  JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Join our Patreon for special access:  Discord: FOLLOW GOD ON SOCIAL MEDIA  Twitch:  TikTok:  YouTube:  
21/11/2359m 35s

What Is Covenant Eyes? Jesus Gets An Account To Investigate

God complains that Jesus can’t be more like that Mr. Beast. God and Jesus react to the latest Marvel flop as well as the amazing ‘Loki’ finale. Jesus signed up for his own account on the ‘Covenant Eyes’ monitoring app, and has much to report.  God and Jesus celebrate the big election victories in Ohio. God personally rebukes J.D. Vance. Finally, God delivers a NEW COMMANDMENT on ‘No Nut November.’ NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:  JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Join our Patreon for special access:  Discord: FOLLOW GOD ON SOCIAL MEDIA  Twitch:  TikTok:  YouTube:  
14/11/2358m 6s

Mike Johnson Admits He and His Son Monitor Each Other's Porn Intake

God and Jesus discuss crypto-bro Sam Bankman-Fried going to prison, Republican State Senator Ray Holmberg being indicted, and the latest insane revelations about new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson.  God and Jesus discuss in-depth the crisis in Israel, surging public support for a cease-fire, and the potential fallout on the US 2024 presidential election.  GOD POD MISSION STATEMENT: Here at 'The God Pod,' we embark on a satirical journey through the news, aiming to not only help our listeners digest the complexities of current events but also make them laugh along the way. Our distinctive approach offers a divine twist by presenting the news and insights from the perspectives of God and Jesus. We are deeply committed to pushing back against the rising waves of Christian nationalism and the shadows of fascism that have taken hold in our nation. Our goal is to provide a counterbalance through humor, wit, and thoughtful commentary. NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:  JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Join our Patreon for special access:  Discord: FOLLOW GOD ON SOCIAL MEDIA  Twitch:  TikTok:  YouTube:   
07/11/231h 6m

The God Pod Halloween Reverse Rapture Spectacular!

  It’s The God Pod Halloween Reverse Rapture Spectacular! YAR!!! God and Jesus welcome Matthew Perry to Heaven and remember his life. God laughs at Mike Pence dropping out. God and Jesus discuss new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, who thinks dinosaurs lived 6,000 years ago.  Buckle up! IT’S TIME FOR A REVERSE RAPTURE! NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:  JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Join our Patreon for special access:  Discord: FOLLOW GOD ON SOCIAL MEDIA  Twitch:  TikTok:  YouTube:  
31/10/231h 3m

Why Jon Stewart Quit His Apple Show

  God and Jesus discuss the latest in the war in the Middle East. They also discuss why Jon Stewart quit his show on Apple Plus, Elon Musk shooting at his Cybertruck, and everybody Trump knows flipping on him in court. Finally, God and Jesus answer questions from their patrons.  NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:  JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Join our Patreon for special access:  Discord: FOLLOW GOD ON SOCIAL MEDIA  Twitch:  TikTok:  YouTube:  
24/10/231h 4m

Just Say No To Genocide!

God and Jesus discuss the week that was, which feels like 9/11 just happened all over again. What is the solution for terrorism? How is it possibly…genocide? How can the world stand by and watch? Has the whole world lost its mind? God and Jesus respond.  Also in this episode, God and Jesus discuss late-stage capitalism and take questions from humans. Finally, God delivers a NEW COMMANDMENT.  NEW PODCAST EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY  Follow the God Pod on your favorite podcasting platform:  JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Join our Patreon for special access:  Discord: FOLLOW GOD ON SOCIAL MEDIA  Twitch:  TikTok:  YouTube:  
17/10/231h 3m

God Responds to Crisis in Israel

God and Jesus respond to current crisis in Israel and Palestine the best way they know how. Also discussed today: What the hell is happening with the republicans in Congress? Should teachers be FIRED for having an OnlyFans account? Do Amish people use cell phones? How much better would your life be if religion had never existed? Finally, God reveals why he injured Aaron Rodgers.  FOLLOW GOD ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: TikTok: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: NEW EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY Follow the God Pod on all podcasting and social media platforms:
10/10/2359m 4s

Bambi Has Fallen!

God and Jesus make Supreme Court predictions on all the big cases coming in the next several months. On God Pod True Crime, God and Jesus discuss the arrest of Tupac’s killer. Elon Musk doesn’t know how to wear a cowboy hat, and Taylor Swift-Kelce is hated by the right wing for some reason. God and Jesus react to several viral TIk Tok stories. Finally, Bambi has fallen.  SUPPORT US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: TikTok: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: NEW EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY! The God Pod is everywhere!
03/10/2359m 3s

Rapture Schmapture!

The Rapture didn’t happen…again! God and Jesus discuss the start of the God Pod Blasphemy Project. The writers win the writer’s strike in grand fashion, Taylor Swift and Britney Spears give Jesus the vapors, and a Senator is hoarding gold bricks. All this and more on this episode of the God Pod!  Watch this fully animated video episode here: SUPPORT US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: TikTok: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: NEW EPISODES MONDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!  

God Blasts Celebrities Who Sent Letters In Support Of Danny Masterson

God and Jesus discuss the aftermath of ‘That 70’s Show’ actor Danny Masterson getting sentenced to 30 years in prison for rape. God smites all the celebrities who wrote him letters of support. God and Jesus remember 9/11 and what the world is like 22 years later. Finally, Jesus gets covid for the first time. Watch the full video of this episode here (final 60 minutes): SUPPORT US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: TikTok: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: NEW EPISODES MONDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
12/09/2356m 4s

God Welcomes Jimmy Buffett To Paradise!

God and Jesus hang out in a hot-tub on the beach and welcome Jimmy Buffett to Heaven. They discuss the future of the God Pod: The Most Blasphemous Podcast In Existence, the disastrous Burning Man 2023 Music Festival, and the plague coming back. Later on they answer questions from humans. If you prefer, watch this fully animated video episode here: SUPPORT US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: TikTok: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: NEW EPISODES MONDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
07/09/231h 2m

The God Pod Roasts Trump's Mugshot

The Unholy Trinity reacts to Trump’s Mugshot on the next God, Santa, and The Holy Spirit, back from a week of vacation, talk about God’s new hot tub and multiple Speedo lumps, God’s meated-up fat schlong, the hunt for the Loch Ness Monster, Trump’s mug mugshot, and Oppenheimer’s forbidden nipples. Will God bait the Holy Spirit into a Scottish accent? Will Trump achieve his aspirational prison weight? Is Carlos Santana Santa’s third cousin twice removed? Will Santa win Twitch? Disoriented?  You won’t be after this episode of the God Pod: Have It Yahweh! WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
05/09/2345m 39s

The God Pod's Best Moments Of 2023 (So Far)

On The God Pod’s 2023 Greatest Hits… So Far: You’ll get a hope boner and a contact high reliving Moses getting anally probed, shooting down rainbows from the woke sky, the orangutan CIA, Mitch trippin’, the Easter Bunny’s battle with Jesus, and bird-splaining to a cynical Holy Spirit. Will God and Moses start wearing pants? Why did Captain America do nothing about Jim Crow laws? Will Satan and MTG get married? Does the moon exist? You’ll never know if you don’t listen to The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! This episode is brought to you by Focus on the Family* *Ha! Did you really think we would promote those losers? WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
28/08/2338m 56s

Jesus Responds To Being Deemed 'Too Woke' By Evangelicals!

It’s hot indictment summer on the next God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit spend week five of the Barbie fallout making fun of Trump’s 4th indictment and his predictable breaking of the gag order. Jesus fights off evangelicals of Trumpianity who think his teachings are too weak and liberal, nothing but love for the dove when the Holy Ghost blesses up Ohio for rejecting Issue 1, and God sorta does an impression of Bill Maher. Will Biden win the White House with pushup contests? Is Jesus too woke? Is Barbie a conservative movie? Is God sending spiders to cause permanent erections? What would Jesus smoke? Curious? Well, stop loitering and listen to the latest episode of the God Pod: Have It Yahweh! WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
17/08/231h 2m

The Four Horsemen Of Bad Dancing

The state of the world makes God sing “Everything Is Awful” on the next God and Satan plan a vacation to see the phallic monuments of Albania whilst also raising money for Maui, God gets crunchy, DeSantis goes on a weird face journey, Clarence Thomas is named the king of vacations, The Four Horsemen of Bad Dancing appear, and a judge tells Trump to STFU. Will God blow Satan’s mind? Will the Humans be moved to do something about climate change? Will Moses ever stop wandering? Who is Lil Tay? Stick around because all of these important and not-so-important questions will be revealed to you on the next God Pod: Have It Yahweh! WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
14/08/2352m 44s

God Finally Sees "Barbie"

God smites Trump on the next with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, aka the Holy Trinity, who put $20 on hope and do battle against technical difficulties, lying angels, the English language, bacterial vaginosis, and smug woman hating incel with a notepad, Ben Shapiro.  Will God really smite Trump? Will Santa return? Will Biden stop ruining sports? Will Musk wrestle Zuck? Will God win the lottery? Is Jesus a two pump chump? Bewildered? You won’t be after this mind expanding episode of The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!

God And Satan Laugh At Trump's Arrest

GOD AND SATAN LAUGH AT TRUMP'S ARREST God and Satan laugh at Trump’s arrest and "I'm an idiot defense" on the next It’s a Mr. Trump IndictmentFest as Earth 616 burns. Satan goes into gorilla mode and summons birds to take over Planet Zoo, and God descends to Satan’s personal hell to fight the powerful high speed stupidity of whiny robot Ben Shapiro. Will Jennifer go to Trifling Hell? Were God and Satan lovers? Will MetalHippie420 correct Satan? Will Trump go to Yale or jail? Stop what you’re doing and tune in now to find out on the God Pod: Have It Yahweh! WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
07/08/231h 1m

God Smites Glitch McConnell

GOD SMITES GLITCH MCCONNELL On the next, it’s a head scratcher when Jesus, Santa, the Holy Spirit, and God welcome Pee-wee Herman to Heaven, celebrate drag queen Flamy Grant’s #1 hit on the Christian music charts, and try to save the heathens from Dick Clark, James Corden’s belly, and Glitch McConnell. Is Jesus Kenough? Would Cardi B catch a baby? Will God ban phones in heaven? Will Jesus play Barbie Detective? Is Santa a grower or a shower? What is the meaning of life? All your questions will be answered, well, except one or two, on the next God Pod: Have It Yahweh! THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
03/08/231h 2m

Balls Deep Space 69

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. BALLS DEEP SPACE 69 On the next, Mary Mags teams up with God to smite systemic racism and the axis of rightwing evil Ron DeSantis, Jason Aldean, and bungling Trump. Will God defeat the cable guy? Will Mary clean up God’s mess? Will they remember who made the American flag? Will they go balls deep space 69? Confused!? You won’t be after this very special episode of the God Pod: Have it Yahweh! WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
31/07/2349m 9s

Jesus Gives Barbie A Glowing Review!

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. JESUS GIVES BARBIE A GLOWING REVIEW! On the next, God and Jesus descend to earth after hearing about the rise of the Evil X Corp, only to be met by Ben Shapiro’s Barbie fire doll collection and trend-jackers distracting the masses from truth. Will God and Jesus save Barbie-mas? Will God remember that he made penis fish? Will God and Jesus get kicked out of the movie theater after sneaking snacks in from Heaven Eleven? Is a taco a sandwich? These questions and more will be answered on the next God Pod: Have It Yahweh! WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
27/07/231h 5m

God, Satan, and Barbenheimer!

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. GOD, SATAN, AND BARBENHEIMER! On the next, it’s a Barbenheimer world when Satan and God go union strong and fight for the rights of Darth Vader impersonators while smiting the dark forces of TikToker scabs. Satan does shrooms with Janet Yellen as the earth heats up and as the prosecutions heat up on Trump. God and Satan kick up the smiting a notch on right-wing country singer Jason Aldean, and Biden joins them to smite Marjorie Taylor Greene in a new ad. Will Satan see Oppenheimer and Barbie with God? Is Satan Hasan Piker? Will Satan get Amazon Prime? Will God give angels genitals? All these questions and more will be answered on the next God Pod: Have It Yahweh! WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
24/07/2354m 39s

God And Jesus Support Everyone On Strike!

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. GOD AND JESUS SUPPORT EVERYONE ON STRIKE! It’s another mission impossible on when the three amigos Santa, Jesus, and God find themselves in battle from coast to coast with movies that are too long, magical thinking, toilet paper, trigger-happy baseball cops, and their archenemies Trump, Lauren Boebert, and Tucker Carlson of the radical Fart Right. Will they save the world from billionaires? Will Santa get his computer to work? Will Jesus be brainwashed into joining Scientology? Find out on the next episode of The God Pod!! Don’t miss God’s New Commandment for billionaires!! WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
20/07/2353m 55s

No Rest For The Wicked!

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. NO REST FOR THE WICKED There’s no rest for the wicked on when God and Mary Mags team up to smite evil capitalist movie execs hellbent on starving writers and stealing the likeness of actors. The deity duo then finds themselves up against the America for profit industry, the dancing TikTok doctor, White Nationalist Sen. Tommy Tuberville, and fat-phobic fascists! Will they make it through the show without going insane? But it’s not all bad news when the FDA approves an over-the-counter birth control pill and Hollywood actors join writers in a historic strike to fight the good fight! WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
17/07/231h 5m

Toxic Billionaire Peen Contest

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. TOXIC BILLIONAIRE PEEN CONTEST Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God unite on to form the Holy Trinity in an epic battle against good luck bird poop, billionaire peens, lying robots, Jesus’ weird habit of eating hotel hallway leftovers, Guy Fieri hobnobbing with Trump, and the dark Twitter overlord Elon calling Zuck a cuck as the temporary joy of Threads spreads throughout the land. And don’t miss Blessings and Smites! WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
13/07/231h 10m

God Finally Goes Crazy And Starts Giving Away Money To Humans For First Time In History

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. MOMS OF STUPIDITY! Satan and God stream live on While God is away hiding dinosaur bones, he gets inspired by Mr. Beast to giveaway $200 to a random Twitch follower. Meanwhile, Satan parties hard with the Dems but forgets his coke at the White House, creating a cable news feeding frenzy. All hell breaks loose when a human defaces the Colosseum; a new villain appears as the female Andrew Tate, who says women shouldn’t vote; and Zuckerberg comes from behind to smash Threads over Musk’s bird, thus winning the billionaire social media championship.  WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
10/07/2358m 51s

Moms Of Stupidity

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. MOMS OF STUPIDITY! Jesus and God stream live on to save humanity from a Christian web designer, real-time bigotry, voting corporations, and the fascist group Moms of Liberty. God smites Twitch haters by denying them the right to laughter, Jesus preaches to the masses against Twitter’s new rules, and God finally answers the age-old question: Should you buy a waterbed? Will God and Jesus convert to the Church of Butt Sex? Will they play Mario Kart on shrooms? Don’t miss this exciting episode of the God Pod! WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
06/07/2358m 26s


THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. THE SUPREME COURT SUCKS! Mary Mags and God unite live on armed with the court of public opinion and mind changing facts to walk viewers through the valley of dumb, surrounded on all sides by an out-of-control SCOTUS, institutional racism, internet soundbites, Christofascists, a shirtless Robert F. Kennedy, idiotic arguments, and horns honking at heaven’s garage door!  Will they succeed? Will they fear no evil? Tune in to find out! WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
03/07/231h 3m

Blind Faith and Free Dumb

Jesus Christ Superstar, government employee Santa, and God battle creepy AI Jesus and the evil blinding video of Trump taking a dump at the Blind Faith and Free Dumb CONvention.  The action continues when Jesus goes to a Pride parade, Santa disposes of scientists crashing his workshop, and Elon’s mommy forbids him to cage fight with Zuckerberg.  Come for the blessings, stay for the SMITES! THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
29/06/231h 5m

A New Commandment For Billionaires

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. A New Commandment For Billionaires Satan joins God live on to discuss Jim Gaffigan, onomatopoeias, flaccid horns, ethically sourced organic porn, and the Top 10 Dumbest Ways To Die. Satan teaches everyone about the wonders of birdwatching and grilling. God and Satan then descend into Fox News Hell to judge the "Faith" and "Freedom" Hypocrisy Conference, featuring Carl "death warmed over" Rove. God sprinkles a list of people who are not dead yet throughout the episode, so make sure to write them down because there will be a test next week. And last but not least, God’s New Commandment for billionaires!!! WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
26/06/2358m 43s

Top 10 Slogans For Atheism

Join God, Jesus and Santa for another rollicking live episode recorded on First, God delivers the TOP TEN SLOGANS FOR ATHEISTS!  Jeopardy contestant heathens can’t answer a simple question, satanic products at Hobby Lobby lead to boycott, and Megan Fox accused of witchcraft by a huge weirdo. Also, cracker barrel has fallen! THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
22/06/2357m 35s

Honk If You're Horny For Hope!

Mary Mags returns to rejoice in the rewards of the wicked with God, discuss Trump’s indictment, hope boners, Pat Robertson still being dead, and conservatives' Top Ten Whataboutism Defenses Of Trump. Join God and Mary as they struggle to watch Fox News together. They discuss a Russian global cyber attack, Dems and anti-trumpers uniting, and polls for the presidential race in 2024. Mary gets nothing but love on ‘Listener Feedback.’ And don’t miss Blessings and Smites!!! THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
19/06/231h 8m

Jesus Is A Power Top - Happy Pride!

The Holy Trinity hosts another live episode to discuss the Reddit strike, the Tony Awards, and the Top Ten Places Trump Will Flee To. On ‘World New,’ Bill Barr says Trump is toast, a jackass says "what?" and Trump is cool with espionage and big dumps, botox-ed Guilfoyle defends Trump, Jeanine gaslights, and Trump doubles down on hate. On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll discover if Jesus had imaginary friends growing up, if Mary Mags washed Jesus’ crusty feet with her hair, could Jesus get his boyfriend pregnant, did Jesus enjoy being a carpenter, If Jesus was straight, who would be his type, why doesn’t Jesus’ sash have the Pride Progressive colors, and did God consult Mike Pence on his slogan. On ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ You’ll be amazed at The Time Paradox, and The Ultimate Sacrifice. And a brand New Commandment! THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
15/06/231h 7m

Satan Reveals Pat Robertson's Fate in Hell

Satan and God celebrate the Pride Month miracle of the passing of Pat Robertson, answer questions from Twitch Chatters, and read the Top Ten Hobbies of Satan in His Free Time. On ‘Ask Satan,’ you’ll discover what Pat Robertson’s first day in Hell was like, if Satan likes country music, what happens to evangelicals when they wake up in Hell, if Satan was present during Ron DeSadness’ Twitter launch, and if Satan is in the FBI. On ‘World News,’ discuss the end of the world skies in New York, the Trump indictment, Pence’s reaction to the DOJ targeting Trump, and Chris Christie’s response to Trump’s insult. On ‘What Would Satan Do?’ You’ll find out what he would do if someone was sent to hell by accident, and does he release souls from Hell if they ask nicely. Don’t change the channel before you hear ‘A Message From Satan!’ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
12/06/231h 2m

The Woke Mind Virus?? God and Jesus Respond!

God, Jesus, and Santa go live on to answer questions from followers, and read the Top Ten Ways Republicans Respond When Asked To Define ‘Woke.’ On ‘World News,’ DeSantis, disgusted by empathy and common decency, declares war on the woke mind virus, Nikki Haley auditions to be Trump’s vice president on Tapper, Mike "Euphemism" Pence rode and roasted on the ride and digs deep from the well of hypocrisy on religious bigotry, Sean "Gaslighter" Duffy claims he hasn’t seen one white supremacist, a Republican senator says ‘I don’t want reality’ in a hearing on race and education, the Bible is banned in Utah elementary and middle schools for ‘vulgarity or violence,’ and a Utah school district that banned the Bible considers removing the Book of Mormon. Don’t miss The God’s Honest Truth: Woke Mind Virus Edition! THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
08/06/231h 2m

Top 10 Corporate Slogans For Gay Pride Month

Mary Mags joins God to discuss what’s missing from sci-fi and the brazy ‘Top 10 Corporate Slogans For Gay Pride Month!’ On ‘World News,’ Trump too dumb to know everyone is recording him and could face charges under the Espionage Act, AOC calls out Elon Musk for fingering Turkey’s elections, Twitter claims their dog ate EU disinformation code, Twitter now worth less than a used free bookshelf on Craigslist, the Pride Month demon meme backfires, and 74% of voters want $20 min wage so they can actually friggin live! THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: BOX OF AWESOME! Get 20% off your first monthly box when you sign up at and enter the code GODPOD at checkout. WE’RE POSTING VIDEOS ALL THE TIME NOW! Give us a follow and turn on notifications! Twitch: YouTube: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY! Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
05/06/231h 6m

Top 10 Things Right Wingers Will Boycott Next

The Holy Trinity unites on this live Twitch episode to discuss overeating at Six Flags, Joey Mandarino’s stupid tweet, the Succession finale, God’s new baby and the ‘Top Ten Things Right Wingers Will Boycott Next.’ On ‘World News,’ no one remembers if DeSantis launched a run for the White House because they were too busy watching AOC play games online, Biden laughs at the idea of pardoning Trump, Mexican president tells Florida Hispanics not to vote for DeSantis, the church is filled with rampant sex offenders, Boebert rejected by White House for her conspiracy theories, American’s are tired of their gun problems, student loans about to crush the innocent, and Biden-GOP deal bad for the poor. On ‘The Lighter Side,’ lawyer uses non existent legal case he got from ChatGPT and a man opens a plane door because he wanted out. On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll learn if Logan Roy is in hell, what Jesus thinks about is portrayal in “History of the World Part II,” and if Jesus and Martin Scorsese are on good terms. And will Jesus finally stop loving Taylor Swift on ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ Don’t forget to listen to God’s New Commandment! The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
01/06/231h 5m

Judas Drops Heavenly Bombshells on the God Pod!

TODAY ON THE GOD POD: Drama! Betrayal! Penis Jokes! Judas joins Jesus and God to clear his name and reveal the ‘Top Ten Awkward Moments at the Last Supper!’ God and Jesus roast Judas on ‘Interrogate Judas McTraitorface,’ where you’ll finally discover if Judas considered opening a bakery, if he’s frugal, will he ever write that self-help book, what happened to his dream to open a salon, will he become a meteorologist, and much more! On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll learn what’s the deal with Omnipotence City, what animal is God’s best friend, does God really like humans or is he pretending, can you clog up the channel ‘venting’ in the God Pod Discord, and do babies begin in heaven. On ‘World News,’ God doesn’t have to go back to school in Texas, new survey reveals half of Americans are definitely going to hell even though they still pray to God, Target partners with Satan to sell Pride merch but pulls LGBT+ items – “WTH, Target?!” hypocrite Boebert makes the case for free birth control, the majority of Americans want to curb gun violence, John Fetterman wears magic shorts that makes conservatives’ heads explode, and killer whales teach their kids to “play” with boats. And there's hope in God’s New Commandment, unless you’re a bigot! Twitch: YouTube: Discord: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
29/05/2359m 38s

God, Jesus, and Santa Make Debuts on Twitch!

On the next God Pod: Jesus, Santa, and God record live on on a Merry Monday to read comments and answer viewer questions, talk about Pride month, and learn the ‘Top Ten Funny Games For God To Play On Twitch.’ Watch the replay on! And make sure to follow us there! On ‘World News,’ Gavin Newsom wants to make a naughty list of textbook companies who caved to Florida’s extremist demands, Dems trick Diane Feinstein into looking at retirement homes, Lauren Boebert says husband doesn’t drink Bud Light as she kicks empty cans of Bud Light under couch, Bud Light, tired of controversy, releases camouflage bottle so no one can find their beer, the Frankmobile formerly known as the offensive Weinermobile is coming to a dumb parade near you, and an AI photo of Elon Musk kissing robots makes millions of people puke a little bit in their mouths. On ‘The Adventures of Young Jesus,’ you’ll hear exclusive never before heard stories like ‘The Marvelous Miracle Of The Lost Kitten,’ ‘The Spectacular Sandcastle Contest,’ ‘The Enchanted Forest Exploration,’ ‘The Great Fishermen's Feast,’ and ‘The Curious Case of the Vanishing Bread.’ On ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ You’ll learn what he would do for a Klondike bar and if he were trapped on an iceberg without his powers. On ‘Ask Santa,’ you’ll discover if Santa is vaccinated and WTF is up with the penguins. And God has a New Commandment, so don’t miss it! The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Follow the God Pod on Twitch! Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
25/05/231h 10m

Top 10 Things Conservatives Think Make You Gay

On this episode of the God Pod: Mary Mags joins God to discuss the ‘Top Ten Things Conservatives Think Make You Gay (But Actually Don’t.’) On ‘World News,’ Latinos realize Republican states aren’t Good Samaritans, out of state ID’s for immigrants not accepted in Florida and Texas, truckers strike against Ron DeSantis, Florida teacher policed for playing Disney movie with gay character, Disney pulls 1 billion Florida plug, Joe Biden is up 7 points, more indictments for Trump equals huge boost for Dems, Dianne Feinstein getting ‘Weekend At Bernie’s,’ and hypocrite Lauren Boebert stops ‘chasing Jesus’ to save her marriage. On ‘Heaven News,’ Divine Drag Squad unites, Trump poops himself, and big boy season. On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll discover if God cried when dinosaurs died, what the plumbing situation in heaven is like, who are the brides of Christ, and if cereal is soup.  Don’t miss God’s New Commandment!  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
22/05/2359m 9s

Top 10 Things More Real Than God

On this episode of the God Pod: The Holy Trinity with 4th wheel, Santa Claus, workshops new material. You’ll discover the top 10 things that are more real than God on the ‘Top 10 Things More Real Than God.’ On ‘The Stupid GD News.’ faith leaders finally speaking out against toxic Christian Nationalists, Dems are getting scared of Trump, Texas wants to train third-graders to become war medics, locals rise up against the council by drawing penises around potholes, Loch Ness Monster hunter, Steve, is tired of his job, Florida principal almost scammed out of 100k from fake Elon Musk, and prankster goat messes with police by yelling “help!” On ‘Entertainment News,’ At 79, Robert DeNiro has 7th kid after condom breaks, Al Pacino and DeNiro tie on stupid Twitter poll, and writers on strike share $8 checks. On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll learn what cheese Jesus is called, if Jesus is a lich or zombie, what Jesus did when he was young, is the Holy Ghost God’s dealer, who God chooses to help win sports, if God dates, did God and Mary discuss keeping Jesus, and if elves go to heaven. On ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ You won’t believe what Jesus would do if he walked in on an orgy. On ‘Heaven News,’ Santa’s elves bless God’s grow house, Holy Spirit appears as a smudge on stained-glass and plays a prank on the Pope. On ‘What’s On Your Mind,’ Jesus is excited about the new Zelda.  And don’t miss ‘Holy Spirit ASMR!’ The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
18/05/231h 2m

The Top Ten Celebrities Who Think They're More Important Than God

On this episode of the God Pod: God and Satan interview special guest Nandini Jammi from, an independent watchdog institute taking on ‘The Misinformation Crusades’ and its leader Tucker Carlson.  You’ll find out who the top blasphemers are on ‘The Top Ten List of Celebrities Who Think They’re More Important Than God.’ On ‘World News,’ Donald Trump was found guilty of sexually abusing E. Jean Carroll, George Santos was arrested on 13 counts, Republicans have no dirt on Biden, and Justice Elena Kagan worries about taking free bagels from friends. On ‘What Would Satan Do?,’ you’ll discover if Satan is more concerned with his status or reputation.  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!

Elf Strike Leaves Santa's Workshop in Chaos as Toys Pile Up on Shelves

On this episode of the God Pod: Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Santa discuss totes, reefer humor, read a review from TurdNoodle, and sing tunes from ‘The Band.’  On ‘Top Ten Most Absurd Bible Stories You Never Learned in Sunday School,’ you’ll learn about David and the Giant Space Octopus, Noah and the time-traveling dinosaur, Moses and the Burning Bush that Sang Show Tunes, Job’s epic battle against an Army of Demonic Clowns, Jesus and the Talking Dog, and many more! On ‘The Stupid GD News,’ the gang cover the mass shooting in Texas by a right-wing extremist and the absurd response by Greg Abbott, a congressman who says thoughts and prayers are enough, and Marjorie Taylor Greene blames ‘evil forces.’ On ‘Entertainment News,’ opine on the tribute to Karl Lagerfeld at the Met Gala, the Hollywood writers’ strike, and why the Holy Spirit despises the 80’s. On ‘Holy Spirit News,’ you’ll learn why the Holy Spirit has to fly commercial. On ‘Jesus News,’ Jesus channels his inner Gaga and wears sandals with socks and a crown of thorns to the Met Gala. On ‘Santa News,’ Santa scrambles as elf strike continues. And don’t miss a very special Blessings and Smites! The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!

God Says "No" To Saving The King

On this episode of the God Pod: Mary Mags, with God as her copilot, read a four-star review and count down the top 10 most memorable moments from Charles’ coronation on ‘God’s Top Ten List.’ On ‘Human News,’ Trump throws a tantrum over Biden skipping coronation, Texas weatherman threatens kids with a gun, theocrat Rep Tim Burchett blames lack of Jesus for mass shootings, 61% of Americans want to ban assault weapons according to Fox poll, sugar daddy, Harlan Crow, paid for private school for Clarence Thomas’ child, All Supreme Court Justices not cool with oversight, Sam Alito is a man child, robots find out what it’s like to be an overworked human, Utahans can no longer rub one out to Pornhub without ID, and right-winger Steven Crowder crusades against no-fault divorce. On ‘Heaven News,’ cherubs are caught sneaking into Mary Mag’s pop-up pot bakery, God plans to open up a water park, the Heavenly choir performs “Stairway To Heaven,” and Mary reveals Jesus is not a great cook. On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll discover if God likes the idea of Trevor Noah and Tucker trade shows, if the Daily Mail is the newspaper of hell, if Eric Clapton is full of it, and if God would rather have a horizontal butt or a vertical mouth.  Don’t miss Mary Mags new song ‘Single Deities’ and God’s New Commandment!!! The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
08/05/231h 5m

Top Ten Signs You’re An Atheist

Jesus and Santa join God to celebrate Short King of Kings Spring, pontificate about Peter Cottontail, read a review, and talk to Sylvia from Santa’s Village.  You’ll discover if you’re an atheist on ‘Top Ten Signs You’re An Atheist.’ On ‘World News,’ the Church of England celebrates Jesus’s singlehood, 400+ laid off Burger King workers offered jobs with a cannabis company, TikToker sad her scheme for attention backfired, CEOs named John now outnumbered by women, Disney sues Ron DeSantis, and a brutal 2024 election ahead for republicans according to Fox News poll. On ‘Jesus News,’ Jesus tours wine country, endorses new Pinot Noir, launches new wine brand, hosts a wild party at Napa Valley Vineyard, swears walking on water is not a party trick, turns out to be a good tipper, responds to a heckler with a plague of locusts, and as always preaches to drink responsibly. On ‘God News,’ God takes a personal day, apologizes for 2020, admits to creating humans out of boredom, rolls his eyes at generic prayers for world peace, and debates Archangels over adding new deadly sin. On ‘Santa News,’ Elf leaders reject Santa’s offer as the Elf union goes on strike, Santa’s workshop shuts down as the Elf rebellion of 2023 ignites and causes a struggle to meet Christmas demand. On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll learn what Jerry Springer’s first episode was in heaven and who Santa will marry, boff, and kill.   And Don’t miss God’s New Commandment if you want to go to heaven. The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!

Satan Has Wild Weekend At SatanCon

On this episode of the God Pod: Satan joins God to discuss the male G Spot, phat beats, party gossip, SatanCon, and Molly.  Churchgoers learn how to hook up on ‘Top Ten Pick Up Lines To Use At Church.’ On ‘World News,’ you’ll learn some Tucker Carlson jokes, who to thank for Tucker losing his job, Tucker’s highly offensive messages, gym talk, social media news, Twitter’s fake racist Disney Junior account, SCOTUS ethically challenged, Ted Cruz’s scheme to steal the 2020 election, the wildly unpopular MAGA movement, and how God called a Christian to become a porn star. On ‘God And Satan News,’ you’ll be shocked to find out that God and Satan declare a truce, agree to go on a road trip together, Satan opening up about insecurities, God and Satan join forces to pull off the ultimate prank on humanity, Satan’s epic party, and Satan opens up about his love for romantic comedies. On ‘Ask Satan,’ you’ll discover how Satan keeps his horns stylish, his favorite workout routine, and if he ever feels guilty. On ‘What Would Satan Do?’ You’ll clutch your pearls when you discover if Satan supports skipping school.  And don’t miss Satan's rap 666 Bars: Satan’s Flow!!! THANK YOU to our Sponsors! If you’re looking for an easier way to take supplements, Athletic Greens is giving you a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs with your first purchase. Go to The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
01/05/231h 4m

God Smites Tucker Carlson!

On the next God Pod: The prodigal son returns from Hawaii to join the Holy Ghost and God to laugh at Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon getting fired.   On the ‘Top Ten List,’ you’ll discover the top ten ways to know God doesn’t exist. On ‘World News,’ Elmo gets attacked on Twitter, fascist Missouri trans ‘snitch form’ brought down like the walls of Jericho with ‘Bee Movie’ script trolling. On ‘Heaven News,’ Jesus spills the dirt to a tabloid, God admits to watching cat videos, the Holy Spirit is not a ghost, Jesus turns water into Rosé, God is not responsible for anything, and The Flying Spaghetti Monster interrupts a volleyball game. Revelations abound on ‘Ask God,’ when you learn if God is God of the universe or the multiverse and why Christians still use shortwave radio to broadcast the Bible. On ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ you’ll be surprised to learn if Jesus would rescue a princess and slay a dragon to clear a bunch of refugees out of the swamp he lived in, if he would snitch on a family member for committing a crime, if he witnessed an act of injustice, and what he would do if he were in the movie ‘Dogma.’ Then drift off to heaven on ‘Holy Spirit ASMR.’ And finally, God drops a new rap song.  THANK YOU to our Sponsors! If you’re looking for an easier way to take supplements, Athletic Greens is giving you a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs with your first purchase. Go to The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
27/04/231h 12m

Top 10 Excuses For Not Going To Church

On ‘God’s Top Ten List,’ you’ll learn all the best excuses to use when you want to skip church on Sunday and work-life balance. Mary Mags joins God to discuss a lovely review about Mary from a new abortion clinic escort.  On ‘Human News,’ Elon Musk’s rocket’s “rapid unscheduled disassembly” inspires jokes and memes, the Sneetches Twitter analogy, Christians demand Tennessee Republican’s resignation, Lauren Boebert gets owned by drag queens, Disney spites DeSantis with an LGBTQ event at Disneyland, and the theocratic fascist gaystapo in Missouri.  You’ll get all caught up on the goings on in Heaven on ‘Heaven News.’ Mary Mags clears the air on ‘Mary Magz Newz.’ On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll learn how Mary feels about being left out of “The Last Supper” painting, if Mary gets tired of being mixed up with Jesus’ mom, and did Mary think Jesus turning water into wine was a trick. On ‘Karaoke Battle,’ God and Mary sing rewritten lyrics to Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing.” And don’t skip God’s New Commandment! THANK YOU to our Sponsors! If you’re looking for an easier way to take supplements, Athletic Greens is giving you a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs with your first purchase. Go to The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
24/04/2351m 19s

The God Pod 4/20 Special!

It’s the God Pod 420 Special! God and cohosts Santa and the Holy Spirit hitch their wagon to a blunt and tell weed jokes, discuss career goals, the chronic, baked goods, and read Chat GPT ‘Onion’ style headlines about God, Santa, and the Holy Spirit.  On ‘The GD News,’ the Satanic temple starts a charter school, God sings his weed song, Carl Sagan’s ‘Pale Blue Dot’ bumps the bible for new NASA director’s oath, Pope Francis is a F* Boy, Cosplay outlawed in Texas, propaganja, Justin Jones vs. ‘Racist Bill,’ and an alcoholic dog is 30 days sober.  On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll discover if deathbed repentance works, what God thinks about The Church of England considering using gender-neutral pronouns to refer to him, and whether God gets another tattoo.  On ‘Listener Feedback,’ Holy Spirit’s ASMR reviews, and no damnation for being a Santa lover. And anarchy breaks loose on the ‘Santa Free-Time,’ segment.  THANK YOU to our Sponsors! If you’re looking for an easier way to take supplements, Athletic Greens is giving you a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs with your first purchase. Go to The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
20/04/231h 1m

God and Satan Have a Karaoke Contest

Satan joins God to judge the end of days, discuss feelings, dog memories, SatanCon, belief struggles, and (wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle) the Bango Bango convention.  On 'Ask Satan,' you'll kinda learn what the devil's backbone sex position is, which actor has portrayed Satan best, the cost of Steve Seagal's soul, and whether or not you can ‘put hands’ on Ronald Reagan in hell. On 'The GD News,' the Bud Light cancel culture hypocrite boycott bros get woke to corporatocracy, get fooled by ultra-rightwing beer, and get laughed at by their hero Joe Rogan.  On 'Ask God,' it's a revelation to learn why guys are shoving guitars down their pants, if Satan can translate a 'Murican tweet to Australian, possible hiding places for Trump, and why so many butt nerves. On 'Listener Feedback,' someone gives a $666 donation to the Satanic Temple, God sends a prophet to Seth Andrews, and gray areas in The Commandments of Sanosuke.  On 'The God Pod Variety Hour,' Satan and God roast each other, God and Satan compete for survival on a deserted island and compete in a karaoke contest,  And don't miss Satan and God's blessings and smites! WATCH THIS FULLY-ANIMATED EPISODE on YouTube: THANK YOU to our Sponsors! If you’re looking for an easier way to take supplements, Athletic Greens is giving you a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs with your first purchase. Go to The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
17/04/231h 2m

God Reveals He's Been An Atheist All Along

Santa and The Holy Spirit join God to form an unholy trinity and talk about the out-of-touch Republican zealots trying to ban the Mifepristone abortion pill, crooked Clarence Thomas taking luxury trip bribes, tragic Hansen stories, Jesus impressions, review Chat GPT ideas, and the Holy Spirit introduces her ASMR.  On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll discover why Hermie sounds like Torgo, if God can inspire humans to stop smoking, is the God Pod bad parenting, is Donald Trump possessed by demons, does the Holy Spirit pity the fool, what will the GQP get offended by next, and was the Garden of Eden gentrified after the fall.   And God has a New Commandment! THANK YOU to our Sponsors! If you’re looking for an easier way to take supplements, Athletic Greens is giving you a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs with your first purchase. Go to The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
13/04/231h 6m

God Smites Kid Rock and Travis Twit

On this episode of the God Pod: Mary Mags joins God to smite the agents of fascism and discuss the right losing their minds when a trans woman becomes the face of Bud Light, Popeyes' Cop City entanglement, trigger-happy Kid Rock, Eve6 trolling has-been Travis Tritt, J.K. Rowling's profits tanking, the ongoing power struggle between good and evil, getting plugged into the community, deprogramming the cult of Trump, fighting fire with fire, the radical imagination of Sci-fi, and the power of the court of public opinion.  On 'The GD News,' they cover evangelicals' call on God to Silence Trump haters, and Marjorie Taylor Green whistled out of New York. And don't you dare miss God's New Commandment! THANK YOU to our Sponsors! If you’re looking for an easier way to take supplements, Athletic Greens is giving you a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs with your first purchase. Go to The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
10/04/2358m 27s

The God Pod Easter Special 2023

It's the God Pod Easter Special! Santa, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit join God to discuss Republicans losing their minds as the "Chosen One" gets indicted, Santa lurking in the discord, the Easter Spirit, TikTok, lip balm, why 2/3rds of the trinity hasn't seen 'The Sopranos,' crucifixion spoilers, Jesus's post-Easter mental health retreat, 420, Santa reads his poem' Twas the night before Easter,' and box fans.  On 'The GD News,' the bunny hill Gwyneth Paltrow trial, Donald Trump's indictment, and Lauren Beobert doesn't like that the Bible makes her look bad. On 'WWJD,' you'll find out WJWD if he was indicted on 34 counts, experienced a botched crucifixion, designed a video game, could turn water to vodka, is he cool with teleportation, what he would say to himself if he met himself, what he'll do once he realizes he's been duped and will never return, and what he would do if his holes were filled in. On 'Ask God,' you'll discover if Santa is sundowning, does Santa smell like reindeer farts, if Santa has a set of commandments, and if God fact-checks Bible swears.  THANK YOU to our Sponsors! If you’re looking for an easier way to take supplements, Athletic Greens is giving you a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs with your first purchase. Go to The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: Follow us on YouTube to watch fully animated episodes: The God Pod is everywhere!
06/04/231h 7m

God And Satan Interview The Satanic Temple

God and Satan interview media ambassadors Dex and Chalice from The Satanic Temple to clear up misconceptions and discuss SatanCon, devil worship, their mission, personal freedoms, protecting children, theocratic changing rules, the Baphomet statue, the seven tenants vs. the ten commandments, activism, Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic, on becoming a recognized religion by the US government and taking risks to fight back against theocratic oppressors.   Don’t miss Satan’s New Commandment! because it will be on the quiz next week. OUR EPISODES ARE NOW FULLY ANIMATED ON YOUTUBE! Watch this episode on our YouTube channel: Don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications! THANK YOU to our Sponsors! If you’re looking for an easier way to take supplements, Athletic Greens is giving you a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs with your first purchase. Go to The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
03/04/231h 10m

The One Book That Needs To Be Banned But Won't

On this episode of the God Pod: God and cohosts Jesus and the Holy Spirit, jump right into it with top news concerning conservative’s hypocrisy over banning books, but not the Bible, which is filled with horrible traumatizing stories.  On the ‘GD News,’ the Holy Trinity reports on the fake image of the pope’s drippin’ puffer coat, scary photorealistic AI, boner pills, a Christian lawmaker who is “very sad” (boo hoo) about a parent asking the Utah school district to remove the Bible due to its pornographic content, a classical sculpture too scandalous for Floridians, HGTV, Trump’s pro-arrest demonstrators, the Proud Boys getting a time out at an NYC Drag Queen story hour, Disney’s gay rights summit, and people get angry because Elmo wished a happy Ramadan to Muslims. On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll discover where you can find the live animated episode of the God Pod (pssst…it’s on the God Pod channel on YouTube), if God will give pets the gift of speech, WWJD, if mermaids go to heaven, where listener C2 can find his old box of legos, why the days aren’t even, and if the Trinity watches ‘Supernatural.’ On “Listener Feedback,’ the Holy Spirit gets birdsplained to about Tums, Cheshire Cat defends Jesus’ hand holes, and Jesus’ voice finally gets recognized as spicy.   Don’t forget to listen to the end because God has a banger of a New Commandment! The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
30/03/231h 10m

Banning TikTok In 2023 (with Joman)

On this new episode of the God Pod: JOMAN, the legendary satirical composer, TikToker, music producer, DJ, and graduate of Nothing Special University, joins God to tackle why everything is horrible, banning TikTok, the woo to Q pipeline, EDMC, brainwashing, angry incels, the golden calf Elon Musk bro cult, media/informational literacy, sad American life statistics, toxic positivity, brain plasticity, Carl Sagan, the dumbing down of America, pseudo hippies, out of touch politicians, microplastics, redemption and forgiveness.  And God has a New Commandment at the end, so DON’T MISS IT! WATCH this full episode on YouTube! This is our first FULLY ANIMATED VIDEO podcast! Consider following Joman on TikTok: The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
27/03/231h 32m

Divine Comedy: God And Pals Imagine How Funny Trump’s Arrest Will Be

HO HO HO! This episode hosted by Santa Claus! Jesus, God, and the Holy Ghost join Santa, mad with power, to speculate about Trump's arrest, TUMS antiacid overdoses, Morgan Freeman, Trump calling DeSantis names, and if Jesus lives inside Trump. On 'Free Play/Recess,' Santa talks about whatever he wants, like reindeer performance reviews, nepotism, his new book tour, and Santa's village. On 'Ask God,' you'll get a look inside how Santa scores naughty and nice children, whether God will curse the GOP, did God send the giant seaweed blob to attack Florida, will Jesus get a tattoo, and will God boff Christopher Walken. On 'JFC LOL,' the gang discusses no one thanking God for their Oscar wins. On 'The Santa Show!' Jack Black and the Farrelly Brothers' movie 'Dear Santa' is reviewed months before its release.  And make sure not to miss Santa's Decree at the very end! THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS:  Morgan & Morgan law firm!  For more information, go to The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
23/03/231h 2m

God Blasts Republican ‘Woke’ Messaging

On this episode of the God Pod: Moses has a case of the Mondays but joins God to discuss short pants, the Spin Doctors, avoiding Satanic fast food, and his 40-day weight loss journey. Terrible things to report on 'The GD News,' like why conservatives can't define "woke," Ron "Pudding Fingers" DeSantis's stint at Guantanamo, Putin's arrest warrant, Biden demanding TikTok to be sold or risk nationwide ban, and woke spoons. On 'Ask Moses' (brought to you by ChatGPT), you'll learn how Moses spoke with God, his most challenging podcasting moment, how he spent his free time in the desert, what was going through his mind when he saw the burning bush, if he edited the Ten Commandments, is he still bitter about not getting to the Promised Land, and his valuable-ish life advice. On 'Ask God,' we all discover what God would do if he had to watch Judge Judy on the highest volume in a broom closet, and would he rather live in a world where 'Happy Birthday' is always sung to him or smash his way through all his friends' houses like the Koolaid Man. On 'Moses' Conspiracy Corner,' you'll get your mind blown when you find out if Elvis died on the toilet or in witness protection by the hands of the Mafia, his thoughts on the increasing near catastrophic airplane misses, and the new ChatGPT-4 AI model.  And don't miss The God Pod Anthem rap at the end! THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: Morgan & Morgan law firm! For more information, go to The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!

Leprechauns and Four-Leaf Clovers: The Pagan Origins of Saint Patrick's Day

It's a Saint Patrick's Day celebration on the God Pod: Jesus O'Christ, Santa O'Clause, and The Holy O'Spirit join God to talk about leprechauns, four-leaf clovers, the Oscars, Canadians' God-given right to flip the bird, how money can buy happiness, and Shamrock Shakes.  On 'Ask God,' If the holy spirit is hot, how to quit church, would the crucifixion in the year 2023 be lit, does God have a tramp stamp, are the elves Santas kids, does the God Pod cast podcast naked, what the fishing is like in heaven, how to get a job promotion, and is it a sin to pee on a church. On "The GD News,' Trump-era deregulation cause of Silicon Valley Bank failure, Biden wants to tax billionaires 25%, DeSantis' anti-woke' crusade could backfire, Pope John Paul II covered up child abuse because of course he did, and don't hold your breath, but Trump faces imminent indictments, and we'll believe it when we see it.  THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: Morgan & Morgan law firm! For more information, go to The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
16/03/231h 16m

God Strikes Back: The Divine Irony of Grandmother Lauren Boebert

On this episode of the God Pod: Mary Mags and God discuss if it’s okay to laugh at evil people when they suffer, what marriage means, Cocaine Bear, raining a plague of frogs down on Tucker Carlson, and the new ‘Make America Florida’ slogan.  On ‘The GD News,’ Elon Musk can’t go to the bathroom without a security guard and gets owned after trashing a disabled Twitter worker, Tennessee House guts marriage equality, Republicans show they’re okay with child marriage and labor, anti-sex education and full-blown hypocrite Lauren Boebert’s teen son makes her a grandma, Christians call for Rep. Boebert to repent and resign and denounce Rep. Greene for her ‘National Divorce’ comment. On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll learn if the USA is done for, whether furries go to hell, and whether God loves strangers. And don’t miss God’s New Commandment!  THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: Morgan & Morgan law firm! For more information, go to The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
13/03/231h 10m

Drag Queens VS Pastors

TODAY ON THE GOD POD: On this brand spanking new God Pod episode: Jesus, Santa, the Holy Spirit, and God read a review, answer questions from our listeners on Ask God, and discuss the frigging news. On 'Ask God,' you'll discover if you'll get super flying powers when Jesus returns, did Moses see God's butt tattoos, are Satan and Santa the same person, does God spank Jesus, are turds better than coal for naughty children, has the Holy Spirit watched 'Tuca and Bertie,' can Jesus swim, what does Jesus think about the Jesus Lizard, is Jesus the OG Time Lord, does God have an OnlyFans and did God create Energy Vampires. On 'JFC LOL,' the gang covers Americans' all-time low belief in God. On 'The GD News,' who's more of a threat to kids – Drag queens or pastors? Republican Tennessee governor drag queen hypocrisy, DeSantis appointee claims tap water could turn people gay, no whale sperm or something like that for King Charles III's anointing, and the Conways get a divorce.  And don't miss God's New Commandment ad the end of the show! THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: Morgan & Morgan law firm! For more information, go to The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
09/03/231h 3m

God and Satan Interview Reporter Matt Wilstein From 'The Daily Beast'

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: Morgan & Morgan law firm! For more information, go to TODAY on the God Pod: Satan joins God to interview ‘The Daily Beast’ entertainment writer Matt Wilstein, to discuss TikTok, the decline of reading, Fox News getting caught spreading election fraud, the importance of investigative reporting, meeting your heroes, SNL, and his project 'The Last Laugh Podcast,' where he gets to interview his favorite comedians.  On 'Ask Matt,' you'll learn why it's called ‘The Daily Beast,’ who his favorite Australian comic is, what's the good stuff on late-night TV and if he sleeps. On 'Ask God,' find out if Satan and MTG are getting 'Physical,' what Satan's dog is like, and play a game of ‘Would You Rather.’ It's a historic first on 'The Satan Show!' When Satan reads the guest's articles about Chelsea Handler, Jimmy Kimmel, and much more...and don't forget: Tickets for SatanCon 2023 are SOLD OUT! The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
06/03/231h 8m

The God Pod Fun-Time Blasphemy Hour

Santa and the Holy Spirit hang out with God to discuss Jesus partying too hard at Mardi Gras, Mrs. Clauses’ hospital visit, and Santa invites God over to play with blocks.  On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll learn if the soul leaves the body when you fart, do gingers lack souls, what’s the deal with speaking in tongues, would Krampus or Chuck Norris win in a fight, why did God create the appendix, what happened to Pajama Janice, and will God create a fungus among us. And on ‘The GD News,’ the GOP wants to pass a bill that enables them to sue anyone who calls them homophobic.  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
02/03/231h 3m

God Answers Question From ChatGPT About The Meaning Of Life

Mary Mags joins God to talk pestilence, the common cold, Jedi Mary Mags AI art, and lightsaber etiquette. On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll discover if God would rather hunt or be hunted by a vengeful orangutan, did Jesus have kids, will militant leftist unicorns become a thing, what’s the deal with the book of Revelations, will God tell a bot its purpose in life, and why is God keeping Kissinger alive. On ‘TV Talk With Mary Mags,’ they speculate about the hit movie ‘The VelociPastor,’ and run down a list of favorite shows. Mark Wahlberg’s forehead ash cross and ChatGPT writing church sermons are featured on ‘JFC LOL.” And finally, on ‘The GD News,’ theocratic SATs, Ron DeSantis avoids talking about his corrupt past, and Tucker Carlson gets caught pushing election fraud B.S.  All that and more on… The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
27/02/231h 7m


TODAY ON THE GOD POD:  The Trinity is reformed when the Holy Spirit returns to talk about Hanson, Elvis, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with God and Jesus. On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll find out if the Holy Ghost haunts humans, if the Trinity is just slime mold, if God is the most important meal of the day, what God thinks about milking nuts, how Jesus and Judas are doing in couples therapy, why God is so chill now, and how it feels to have Jesus inside you. On ‘JFC LOL,’ the gang talks the Jesus fast diet, porn IDs, and God’s analysis of the lyrics of ‘Unholy’ by Sam Smith. Late breaking news on ‘The GD News,’ when David Miscavige is finally served in the human trafficking case, and God pays his respects to Jimmy Carter.  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
23/02/231h 12m

God Smites The People Behind Toxic Train Derailment

TODAY ON THE GOD POD: God SMITES the people behind the toxic train derailment in Ohio, whoever they may be! God and Moses discuss who is to blame and who will fix this catastrophe.  You’ll get inspired by ‘Top Moses Quotes From The Bible,’ like ‘are you going to eat that?’ and ‘don’t leave fish to find fish.’ Get all the breaking news on ‘The GD News,’ with dumber than a box of rocks Marjorie Taylor Greene praising a BLM activist, Lauren Boebert getting upset at the Black national anthem, loser Elon Musk tweaking Twitter’s algorithm to boost his tweets, Biden shooting down amateur balloonist’s balloons, Bernie Sanders $60K salary for teachers, and a Michigan rep saying, “F*** your thoughts and prayers!” On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll learn if God would deal with an angry chicken or have feathers for hair. Finally, God issues a New Commandment. The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
20/02/231h 9m

Balloons And UFOs: God Reveals What’s Happening

TODAY ON THE GOD POD: Santa and Jesus join God to talk Super Bowl divine interventions, royalty-free jingle bells, Jesus’ Valentine’s Day with Judas, and fonts.  On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll learn if God or Jesus will help a New Zealander cut his hair, did Santa pee in George Santos’ hair, what Santa’s real name is, if the God Pod was the inspiration for ‘Fight Club,’ what are God’s preferred pronouns, was the little drummer boy evil, if God does his own Laundry, and what will happen on the next season of ‘America.’ Breaking news on ‘The GD News,’ about what the heck the US is shooting out of the sky, Schumer looking into banning TikTok, Mars Wrigley getting sued for workers falling into a vat of chocolate, Shell’s board of directors getting sued, and Sri Lanka decriminalizing homosexuality. Plus, a brand new commandment from God. THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: This episode is sponsored by Morgan & Morgan! For more information go to The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
16/02/231h 7m

The God Pod Anti-Valentine’s Day Special

NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere! THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: This episode is sponsored by Morgan & Morgan! For more information go to TODAY ON THE GOD POD:  Mary Mags returns to hang with God and discuss TV show reboots, fallopian tube reboots, procreating with one leg, and their Valentine’s Day plans.  On ‘The Mary Mags Show!,’ conservatives psychotically believe Sam Smith and Kim Petras’s Grammy performance was a tribute to Satan, weirdos blame disasters on ‘Unholy’ Grammys performance, George Santos charged with stealing puppies from Amish, Marjorie Taylor Greene’s fascist hair, and the nuances of Disney’s small weird world. On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll discover why it’s been a sausage fest on the pod, will Mary Mags destroy a Beyoncé hater, Mary’s opinion on the movie ‘The Menu,’ will God perform more practical jokes on Ted Cruz, and will Mary eat a bee. Finally, on the ‘GD News,’ they discuss how Ron DeSantis is trying to take control of Disney World. The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans.
13/02/231h 8m

Jesus Responds To Outrage Over His Rainbow Sash

On the next TOTALLY FREE episode of the God Pod: Jesus and Santa join God to discuss Wonder Bread, Santa's season arc, Chinese balloons vs. trigger-happy Amuricans, prison TikTok, 'The Last Of Us,' Jesus' feet holes, and the infamous Jesus woke rainbow sash of 2023..  On 'Ask God,' Maya Rudolph M&Ms trolling, if God is really all-knowing and if the crucifixion was a role-playing fetish. On 'Listener Feedback,' you'll learn about AI jokes, Santa's Village septic tank manger, and the Australian redneck myth. Breaking news on 'The Santa Show!' When Rhode Island police find DNA evidence from Santa, the BBC tries to cancel the naughty list, and bad Santa clears his name after being accused of throwing snowballs at a sports team. On the 'GD News,' miserable low-life Marjorie Taylor Greene complains she's not getting enough socialism, the Home Depot founder blames woke culture for ruining his capitalism, and a Democrat claps back at conservatives by introducing a bill to ban Christian youth camps.  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
09/02/231h 2m

Satan Trolls The Hell Out Of Alito's Mom

Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere! TODAY ON THE GOD POD: Satan rises from the bowels of hell to let God know chicken noodle soup yurt is booked for the year and discuss The Satanic Temple’s new abortion clinic name, “The Samual Alito’s Mom’s Abortion Clinic.” On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll learn which place is worse than hell, God’s gun policy in heaven, what’s the deal with snake handling, where to look when praying, how Satan got his job, and whether God will wear a belly shirt or talk like a pirate for eternity. On ‘The Satan Show!,’ CNN gets caught pushing Ground Hog Day clickbait, Punxsutawney Phil’s Canadian rival suspiciously dies, Tom Brady’s deal with Satan, George Santos’ bad karaoke reviews, and Greta Thunberg is scientifically proven right about the correlation between sports cars and schlong size. On the ‘GD News,’ AOC uppercuts the GOP, violent corporate language alternatives, and West Virginia passes an evil theocratic bill that requires ‘In God We Trust in every building.  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS
06/02/231h 5m

Jesus Slams 'He Gets Us' Super Bowl Ad

On the next episode of the God Pod: Santa, Jesus, and God write jokes and read nice reviews. On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll learn if Jesus will skydive into the Magic Kingdom, Jesus’s ab exercise routine, if Santa and Jesus are aliens, where to find Full Of The Dickens Bookstore, and if Jesus wore a banana hammock. On ‘JFC LOL,’ the Pope says being gay is not a crime, ‘Jesus Gets Us’ spends the big bucks on a sneaky Super Bowl ad, Mr. Beast heals the blind and makes Jesus jealous, and God joins Christian Mingle. On ‘Santa’s Workshop Union Report, Hermey The Elf gives an update on his bathroom dentistry and reports on CEO pay cuts from Apple, Goldman Sacks, and Google. On the ‘GD News,’ Tucker Carlson claims nicotine frees the mind, conservatives lose their cool over the word woke, and an Australian broadcaster is forced to play a dirty song about coal.  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Join our Discord chat server: The God Pod is everywhere!
02/02/231h 1m

God Smites Tucker Carlson, Makes Out With Famous SpokesCandy

TODAY ON THE GOD POD: You’ll find out if the Holy Spirit will return, will AI replace God, will God replace Moses with AI, should ‘Rick and Morty’ continue, will Gopher be fired from the Love Boat, who’s big banging who, does weed give you the ability to time travel, and why US churches are on the decline. Also, get the latest show recommendations from Baby Moses on ‘TV Talk,’ and learn about the Mandela Effect on ‘Conspiracy Corner with Moses.’ And finally, on ‘Have Ya Hoyd? With Moses,’ Tucker Carlson cancels ‘Spokescandies,’ A&W’s trolling bear mascot gets pants, sexy brand mascots are rated, and conservatives lose their minds when they accuse Xbox of going woke.  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. Join our Discord chat server and ask us questions! NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!
30/01/231h 1m

God Talks To Mastodon Admin Byron Miller About Massive Twitter Migration (Thanks To Elon Musk)

On the next God Pod (your new guilty pleasure): Santa, Jesus, and God interview Byron Miller, who is the administrator for Mastodon’s instance Universeodon. Byron teaches the gang about George Takei’s success, how to choose an instance, toots, Elon tantrums, and how he single-handedly keeps God from getting banned.  On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll learn what Jesus uses his hand holes for and if Santa will get transferred to Maegan Hall’s district. On ‘JFC LOL,’ the age-old question “is Spiderman more moral than God?” is answered. On ‘Listener Feedback,’ the gang gets sent down the Scientology rabbit hole, finds out Santa has been lurking, and will God finally take ‘Focus On The Family” money and run? DNA cookies, Santa shooting missiles at Russians, and free chili are discussed on ‘The Santa Show!’ And on the ‘GD News,’ heads are shaken over the Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The Moon rainbow outrage.  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!  Links to all our channels here:
26/01/231h 3m

God Smites George Santos

Moses joins God from the bathroom for an update on ‘Focus on the Family’, Hulk Hogan wooed by Scientology, Musk’s new role at Twitter as supplies salesman, and bankrupted Alex Jones blaming calculators for enslaving humanity, On ‘Ask God,’ we learn if todgers wear monocles, God’s biggest and favorite mistake, farts or bananas, alien probes, and who Moses and God would boff. Things get woyce on ‘The Moses Show!’ A.K.A. ‘Have Ya Hoyd,’ when they discover George Santos stole money from a disabled veteran, Boebert’s still speaking, and David Crosby joins God’s band.  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!  Links to all our channels here:
23/01/2357m 21s

God Smites Scientology Leader David Miscavige

On the next mad-dope God Pod: Santa, Jesus, and God battle ‘Focus on the Family’ ad buys and take on Tom Cruise and missing Scientology leader David Miscavige.  On ‘Ask God,’ you’ll learn about refreshing cold colons, Santa’s influence on Bezos, bottles of pee, if Santa will go to heaven, coal output, and Jesus juice. On the ‘GD News,’ the gang discusses if ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’ is effective. Don’t miss the new segment, ‘Sweet Santa Quotes!’ The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!  Links to all our channels here:
19/01/231h 3m

God Sends Cardinal George Pell To Hell

Christmas is never over on the God Pod when Santa comes to town with Psyche, Cupid Jr., and God to read ‘Listener Feedback,’ answer pressing questions about the gotcha nose game, supermarkets on Mars, and rotating sushi bars in Heaven on ‘Ask God.’  On ‘Group Therapy With Psyche,’ you’ll learn about judgment day, boundaries, and bowling therapy. On the ‘Santa Show!’ Dr. Dre hits Marjorie Taylor Greene, Gwen Stefani is turning Japanese (she really thinks so), toilet AI diarrhea detectors, and speaking of diarrhea Ben Shapiro is now too woke. ‘On the Goddamn News’ China and M&Ms plot to take over the world, Biden hypothetically starts a war on gas stoves, Greg Abbott turns to socialism, and George Pell goes to Hell!  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!  Links to all our channels here:
16/01/2357m 36s

God Interviews Podcaster Andrew Gold

On the next intense Sesame Street-like episode of the God Pod: Jesus, Santa, and God interview journalist, documentarian, speaker of five languages, and host of the podcast ‘On The Edge With Andrew Gold.’  The gang covers everything from exorcism, abortion, atheism, Tom Cruise, Scientology, Justin Bieber, Mary Poppins, social media algorithms, psychopaths, cheating, McCarthy-ism, Republicans brawling, George Santos lying his way into office, and the Brazilian insurrection. Oh and Andrew shows off his American accents. Buckle up for some serious fun! The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!  Links to all our channels here:
12/01/231h 1m

The Bible VS. Superman #1

As the world faces its 6th extinction event, God and Satan help Moses close his browser tabs while securing transportation for animals to take over the government. Satan has no comment on the dead pope, wombats poop in squares, and Kevin “loser” McCarthy can’t get Boebert to stop voting for Trump.  While reading reviews, the gang finds an atheist believer, discusses Satan’s season arc, and learns about Christian Death Metal bands from Eddie Dead Body Man. On the Satan Show!: Furious Celine Dion fans, Twitter’s toilet paper crisis, Robert Garcia swears in on the Superman #1 comic book, and the latest breaking news on the butter-clogged canal. Oh yeah, and the FDA approves the sale of abortion pills in ALL retail pharmacies!  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!  Links to all our channels here:
09/01/231h 2m

God Confirms That Pope Benedict Went To Hell

Jesus, Santa, God discuss the new year, plants, the butt of spring, Parent / Santa conferences, AI art, edible dosages, George Santos lies, Greta Thunberg smiting Andrew Tate, and corrupt Pope Benedict’s descent to heck. Jesus bros it up while reading reviews about ball chapstick. On Ask God, you’ll learn about atheist heaven, jingle bell soup, and mushing elves. The gang also improv janitors talking about the God Pod. On the Ho Ho Ho Santa Show! you’ll learn about an unprovoked attack on an inflatable Santa, when to take down your decorations, why Santa wears a kevlar vest, and a whole Lot more! The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!  Links to all our channels here:
05/01/231h 7m

New Year’s Superstitions 2023!

Moses returns to the God Pod after wandering the desert of 2022 to chat with God about Jesus' crankiness, stress, and baby Moses. They answer pressing questions from listeners about Christmas cake, divine child support, atheist Batman, and the re-crucification of Jesus.   Moses covers New Year's superstitions on Conspiracy Corner, and Woid Of The Week returns. They also discuss the hypocrisy of Greg Abbott's cruel Christmas eve migrant stunt and Trump's tax returns and ask who would win a fight between MTG and Boebert on The Goddamn News. The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!  Links to all our channels here:
02/01/231h 2m

2022 God Pod Wrapped

It’s the end of the year God Pod wrap-up: Favorite moments revisited like mocking Jordan Peterson’s “Up Yours, Woke Moralists,” Stranger Gods, Pray: Jesus vs. Predator, the rainbow bridge collapsing, Philosophy Talk, the chili formula shortage, The four fingers of God, DoorDashing pickles to Seth Rogan, Space Jesus, messages from God to Ye and Elon Musk, and more.  We also recap God’s favorite commandments like thou shalt say gay, don’t ban abortion, stop removing shows from HBO, save the Choco Taco, and don’t hunt Jesus for sport.  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!  Links to all our channels here:
29/12/221h 9m

The God Pod Day After Christmas Spectacular!

It's the GOD POD CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR! episode: God and Psyche wake Santa after a long night of delivering presents and debauchery to find out where he pees, how he met Mrs. Clause, how he eats all the milk and cookies, why he was so mean to Rudolph, who is Crancer the sickly reindeer, who keyed his sleigh, why he second hand smokes around children, and why he didn't bring God a Playstation, FFS.  On Ask Santa, they find out if Die Hard is a Christmas movie and if Santa ran over grandma on purpose. On The God As Satan Show! They discuss a Satanic nativity scene and how Christmas won the war on Christmas by shutting down churches on Christmas. The episode ends with a recap of this year's God Pod highlights and a duet by God and Santa. The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!  Links to all our channels here:
26/12/221h 1m

God And Jesus Toot Around With Comedian Dan White

On the next God Pod: God and Jesus interview, special guest comedian Dan White the host of the ‘Improv is Dead’ podcast, viral Tweeter @atdanwhite, and loser with daddy issues.  God (high on edibles) drills Dan with hard-hitting questions about his favorite pet, dystopian social media platforms, and the Twitter dumpster fart fire. It’s all about the World Cup on Sportsball With Jesus, where Musk was caught on a date with Kushner, and not one British fan was arrested for the first time in history. They finish off with TV and movie talk, Elon’s mommy coming to his defense, MySpace Tom replying to Elon getting crushed by a Twitter poll calling for him to step down as CEO, and if anyone will take a Toot seriously.  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!  Links to all our channels here:
22/12/221h 6m

God And Satan Laugh As Musk Loses Mind

Psyche and the Dark Lord Satan join God to discuss Christmas-themed tortures and layoffs in Hell, then swiftly move onto the Satan Show! For all the latest entertainment news like free speech champion Elon creating the Musk Effect by going on a journalist banning spree, the Brown’s breakup, forced monogamy, and Dax Shepard praising his wife Kristen Bell for doing a chore he didn’t do.  Later in the episode, the gang learns something new about the band POD and reads a boring 1-star review from a guy who knows Gary Coleman. On Therapy With Psyche, God is fine, Satan recovered from a cold, they learn Psyche’s evil twin’s name, Satan reads a sexy email from Gmail security, God and Satan vibe over TV talk, and pathetic grifter Trump releases NFT trading cards that are so hilariously bad even his followers threw up a bit in their mouths.  All that and more, so throw on some Christmas music, and listen to the bestest podcast on this side of the galaxy! And if you need to talk to someone, dial the crisis hotline 988 and speak to someone today!  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!  Links to all our channels here:
19/12/2259m 30s

Moses Reveals A Christmas Conspiracy

God is missing in action, so Jesus, Moses, and Santa take over and steer it like a train headed for Heckville. Mrs. Clause and Elton John pop in. Moses returns with a Hermie the Elf Conspiracy Corner, the gang answers questions from fans, and Moses tells us why he prefers the smell of coffee over baby’s heads.  On the GD News: Elton John leaves Twitter, Elon gets booed at a Dave Chappelle concert, Kanye has a clone theory (because of course he does), rightwing hypocrisy, Brittney Griner, Trump’s loan from North Korea, and Jesus explains why he’ll never return, well, unless his conditions are met.  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere!  Links to all our channels here:
15/12/2254m 49s

God Interviews Christopher Bouzy

Today on the God Pod: God interviews Christopher Bouzy, election algorithm prophet and the CEO of Bot Sentinel, a company specializing in identifying and understanding disinformation and targeted attacks on social media platforms. On Group Therapy with Psyche: God gets something from the Netflix movie ‘Stutz’ starring Jonah Hill and his therapist Phil Stutz. On the GD News: The love story of Trump courting Herschel Walker, the political party shapeshifting creature from hell Kyrsten Sinema, Herschel Walker losing, and the right wing’s hate for Zelensky and the release of Brittney Griner.  The bible says there is nothing new under the sun, well, except this episode of the God Pod, so put your finger on one of those links below, burn an offering, and get busy laughing and learning something new! The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! Signup for the God Pod Newsletter: YouTube:  TikTok: Mastodon: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
12/12/221h 1m

Santa Claus Reveals How Elves Are Made

Today on the God Pod, Santa (drunk on elf-nog) and Jesus “Tight End” Christ join God to milk some elves and bury a Christmas tree to resurrect next year.  The gang also reveals their Christmas lists, learns how elves are made, shares reindeer meat pizza recipes, reads listener feedback and answers questions, listen to Santa’s Trump terminator of the constitution impersonation, hears God’s command to exodus from Twitter to Mastodonia, and liberate Hermey the elf from his sister-wife for a dishwashing job in Heaven.  If you have read this far, seriously, how can you not want to listen to this episode? So, wake yourself from your medically induced coma, click a link below, sneak down to your man or women cave, and be amused! I command thee to be entertained!  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! Signup for the God Pod Newsletter: YouTube:  TikTok: Mastodon: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
08/12/2258m 44s

God Interviews Eli Lilly Prankster Sean Morrow

On this #Blessed episode of the God Pod: God interviews Sean Morrow, who brilliantly pranked Eli Lilly with a viral satirical tweet. Sean is a journalist for the publication More Perfect Union, fighter of the good fight, and winner of the 2022 God’s Divine Prize for Satire.   Everyone is doing great on Group Therapy with Psyche. On the God**** News: Kanye’s antisemitism, Elon Musk’s psychopathic bedside table rubbish, Neuralink, and begging for more tweets. On the Satan Show!: The gang discusses Cocaine Bear, Harrison Ford’s Indiana Jones movie, and God has a confession, so tune in to find out! Hey, Human, warm up your Mario Kart, click those links below, and dial into the latest God Pod as you speed down the rainbow road collecting stars because you don’t want to miss this episode! The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! Signup for the God Pod Newsletter: YouTube:  TikTok: Mastodon: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
05/12/2257m 12s

God, Jesus, And Santa Discuss Erection Fraud

It’s a God Pod pre-Christmas Special!: God’s angry doppelgänger Santa slides down Heaven’s chimney (if you know what I mean) and joins Jesus (who is the reason for the season) and God on the 🎵most stressful time of the yeeeeeear!🎵 to sing public domain Christmas songs, talk about the toxic working conditions at the North Pole, cringe at Santa kissing daddy under the cameltoe, behold God’s Mastodon butt cheek tattoo, avoid elf butts and kidney stones, and laugh about the ongoing Elon Musk Twitter fire and Herschel Walker’s erection fraud.  Weenie Boy Mcgoo returns, George Takei pops in to say hi, Jesus rates The Guardians Of The Galaxy Holiday Special, the Santa Claus TV series (starring Tim Allen on Disney+), and Santa rates Mormon porn. And they somehow find time to discuss the FIFA Qatar World Cup mess. So throw your CVS receipts on the fire and cozy up with your favorite podcast app because you’re about to get possessed by the Christmas spirit. Ew. The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! Signup for the God Pod Newsletter: YouTube:  TikTok: Mastodon: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts. THANKS TO OUR SPONSOR: Give Crescent Canna THC gummies a try or enjoy any of their potent, effective, and legal cannabis products at and get 30% OFF with my special discount code: GODPOD. You must be 21 or older to purchase or consume THC products. Age verification at checkout.
01/12/2259m 26s

God Blasts Elon For Botching Latin Quote

It's a Rock' n' Rollgiving episode of the God Pod! Satan (fresh from flossing his horns), Psyche (back from changing diapers), and God (who won’t do anything for a Klondike bar) get the best news from reviewer Superhappyclam who said, "…the God Pod makes me believe in laughter again."  On the Satan Show! host Satan McGregor battles article paywalls but brings the hot gossip about the Disney Bobs, magic bands, something about tax evasion by people with a tv show, and Lionel Ritchie collabs with someone. The silly gang says what they are thankful for on Therapy with Psyche. And on the God**** News, Alabamans flipping out over Krampus, hilarious Goodreads bible reviews, and Eli Lilly tweet flap makes the CEO question the ridiculously high markup of insulin that's SUPPOSED to be FREE for FFS! Anyway, a little lower down, you can click links, and they'll make you believe in laughter again -- it's in the bible.  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! Signup for the God Pod Newsletter: YouTube:  TikTok: Mastodon: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts. THANKS TO OUR SPONSOR: Give Crescent Canna THC gummies a try or enjoy any of their potent, effective, and legal cannabis products at and get 30% OFF with my special discount code: GODPOD. You must be 21 or older to purchase or consume THC products. Age verification at checkout.

God Interviews Stand-Up Comedian Niles Abston

It’s the God Pod Thanksgiving Special episode! Mary Mags and JFK join God to cross-examine comedian and director Niles Abston on his career, his God Pod bump, animated shorts, and the pros and cons of the industry.   The gang also discusses their bright spots, seasonal depression, what they are grateful for, Nancy the “throat goat” Reagan, Elon destroying twitter, Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield’s new Holy Ears edibles business, why Bolsonaro can’t wear pants, three-time loser low energy Florida Man Trump, and God refutes the rumor he’s an election denier. Tickle those links below and crank up the God Pod on a Bluetooth speaker at Thanksgiving dinner because your whole family will love it... guaranteed! The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! Signup for the God Pod Newsletter: YouTube:  TikTok: Mastodon: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
24/11/2250m 59s

God Interviews Jordan Holmes From Knowledge Fight Podcast

We’ve got the meat on the next God Pod: Satan, Psyche, and God interview the almost chosen one, Jordan Holmes from the podcast Knowledge Fight, whose sole mission is to destroy Alex Jones.  God’s existence is questioned on Group Therapy with Psyche and on The Satan Show! Satan Yabba Dabba Doos, the fall of Twitter, Lindsay Lohan’s CNN fluff piece, the Ticketmaster Taylor Swift fiasco, Child Block Chains, what the FTX bankruptcy means for Bango Bango, Tim Allen getting attacked by the woke mob, the Neopets Multiverse, and so much more! You know you want to click those meaty links below and savor the grass-fed wholesomeness of this episode as it sizzles on your podcast app! So do it before it gets cold! The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Mastodon: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
21/11/221h 10m

God Arrested For Parody

On the next, not in any way a parody of God, God Pod episode: Jesus and Mary Mags join God to discuss the U.S. midterm elections, John Fetterman’s intimidating presence, the need for 14 Katy Porters, the oppressed child class, Fox hosts melting down viral compilation, the zooted weed gummy reverse insurrection, and Mary tries to radicalize God.   They also banter about Mark Kelly’s straight talk, Beto on the library board, fake Twitter company accounts, fake Jesus’ fifteen minutes of fame, Elon’s Twitter dumpster fire, and so much more!! Don’t hesitate. Finger those links below, fire up the old podcast listening machine, and get zooted because you’re about to enter heaven!  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts. THANKS TO OUR SPONSOR: Give Crescent Canna THC gummies a try or enjoy any of their potent, effective, and legal cannabis products at and get 30% OFF with my special discount code: GODPOD. You must be 21 or older to purchase or consume THC products. Age verification at checkout.
17/11/2257m 13s

God Blesses Gen-Z For Being Awesome

On this blessed episode of the God Pod: Jesus rises from a nap and joins God to spread the corporate free good news about the U.S. elections, furious Republicans, Gen Z coming to the rescue, tacky wolf shirts, Boebert BS, Elon “can’t take a joke” Musk, and God taking away the right to spill your seed.  On JFC LOL, they discuss the hypocrisy of evangelicals and Herschel Walker, the Republican civil war, God getting a follow from Luke Skywalker on Twitter, Jesus and God having a wonderful bonding moment on Therapy With Jesus, Bigfoot martial arts, and God explains the ins and outs of making testicles!   So crank up your podcast listening app to 11 and let the world know you’re here to humble our new insect overlords! THANKS TO OUR SPONSOR: Give Crescent Canna THC gummies a try or enjoy any of their potent, effective, and legal cannabis products at and get 30% OFF with my special discount code: GODPOD. You must be 21 or older to purchase or consume THC products. Age verification at checkout. The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
14/11/2258m 37s

The God Pod Responds Live To Election Night Results

God and Jesus hang out on midterms election night 2022 and respond to the results.  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
09/11/221h 17m

God Talks To Guy Who Booed Ted Cruz To Hell At Yankees Game

On this tight amazeballs episode of the God Pod: God, Psyche, and Satan, interview Boo-man Eitan Levine, who recently went viral for roasting Ted "The Penguin" Cruz at a Yankees and Astros game.  For all you therapy heads, Psyche brings the healing on 'How Are You Really?,' and a delicious dish of 'The Satan Show!' is served up with sides of Hollyweird drama from Christians angry at Machine Gun Kelly for a sexy priest costume, joke stealing with Ricky Gervais and James Corden, and a sad fan starts a GoFundMe to help Kanye recover his billionaire status.  Unlike Twitter, this episode and every episode is FREE! So click or lick those links below… no judgment here, bruh.  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
07/11/2254m 38s

A Message From God To Elon Musk

JFK stops by the God Pod to smoke a pumpkin spice blunt with Jesus and God and shoot the breeze about House of the Dragon, Andor, the Trump of Brazil losing, the highly intelligent God Pod listeners, flipping churches, and Weeny Boy McGoo. On JFC LOL, we find out if the Virgin Mary looked like Lady Gaga, getting tasered for God, deadly red states, Elon Musk’s bumbling twitter takeover, increase in hate tweets, Nancy Pelosi’s husband being attacked, camel shaming, and step-nun porn.  So grab a cigar and whiskey, crank on your listening gadget, and poke those links below. The God Pod: Have It Yahweh!  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
03/11/221h 2m

A Message From God To Kanye West

On this spooky Halloween episode of the God Pod: Satan, Psyche, and God discuss Satan dropping ties with Kanye, eating hot angel wings, legendary hypocrite Elon Musk's stupid Twitter bathroom sink gag, Disney jail, and butts full of galaxies… And on Therapy With Psyche: Satan and God embody cute five-year-olds. Nothing but train wrecks and Breaking News on The Satan Show! when the gang chat about God being no friend of ‘Friends’ or Matthew Perry, famous actor Ted Cruz's new sitcom 'Supply Closet,' starlets Clarence Thomas and Lindsey Graham's new horror movie 'Subpoena Games,' and how Kanye can't even get sneakers to love him.  Watch the ending of this episode in animated form! The God Pod: Have It Yahweh!  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. SPONSORED BY Give Crescent Canna THC gummies a try or enjoy any of their potent, effective, and legal cannabis products at and get 30% OFF with my special discount code: GODPOD.  NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
31/10/221h 3m

Legendary Simpsons Producer Bill Oakley Stops By The God Pod!

Three-time Emmy award-winning comedy writer Bill Oakley joins Jesus, Mary Mags, and God to talk about his incredible career writing for The Simpsons, Futurama, Regular Show, Mission Hill, his retro sci-fi comedy adventure audiobook/radio play Space: 1969, and his Steamed Hams Society & Food Discovery Club. We also discuss the flailing tv industry, our favorite fast food, Hobby Lobby owner giving away the store for Me (total BS), trash praying, God pranks, Democrat messaging, AOC getting an eye patch, Kanye getting dropped by Adidas, his fanatical christian ninja school, and how he’s always been a POS #pinkknew Special Bonus: God reveals how to get to heaven in 5 easy steps! Grab a refreshing drink, your favorite snack, and listen while hiking, while sitting, while pooping, or while staring into blank space cuz this episode is dope. The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
27/10/221h 12m

Lettuce Pray, Satanic Anime, and The Tay Tay of Hell

On a God Pod far, far away, Satan and Psyche join God to battle the rightwing troll Empire, Tim Allen, and ventriloquist dolls! On Therapy With Psyche, Satan role-plays Tom Cruise role-playing God, and God breaks down over getting mean-girled for his TikTok fart video.  The Satan Show! (sponsored by Big Oil): is packed with the latest gossip about James Cordon apologizing and Olivia Wilde’s ‘special salad dressing’ — the gang also discusses Liz Truss’s nickname, reviewer feedback, Taylor Swift’s hidden meanings, the Gen-X afterlife avoidance room, squirting at church, the most destructive lie in history, MAGA groomer hypocrisy, plus Satan and Psyche battle to see who can do the best Australian accent.  So go to the bathroom and freshen up, dust off your favorite podcast listening app, click on any of those links below, and buckle up because this episode is tight AF! The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
24/10/2258m 21s

Incel Task Force, Free Vasectomies, and 1 Billion Missing Snow Crabs

On this holy episode of the God Pod, God finds out if Mary Mags believes in him or not. She also brings the gift of uncomfortable truths to help humans grow; they discuss our new snow crab overlord's alliance with elephants for world domination, the Incel Task Force, capitalism breeding loneliness, what it means to be a good person, the cuddle mafia, God's TikTok fart algorithm, and God decides to get a free vasectomy.  …. and on JFC LOL they chew on the offensive "I love hot youth pastors" stickers, sleep-deprived holy spirit possession, and the wacky but gross infancy of the Metaverse. So grab your emotional support alligator, and listen on your favorite podcast app. You won't regret it. Or you might. Whatever.  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh!! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
20/10/221h 2m

46 People Who Are Definitely Going To HELL

On this episode of the God Pod, Dr. Satan and Dr. God list 46 people that are definitely going to H-E-double hockey sticks, Alex Jones getting smanged, the cheese test, 1 billion missing snow crabs, Jesus stealing socks, and boob aerodynamics. Satan and God also discuss their biggest fears on ‘Anti-Therapy With Satan,’ and on the ‘Satan Show!’ they gossip about Kim Kardashian getting booed, hot ghosts, and political tacos.  So curl up on the couch, click those links below, and listen to the God Pod while the world burns, and then get off your butt and VOTE. THE GOD POD: HAVE IT YAHWEH! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
17/10/2256m 7s

Andrew Seidel | How the Supreme Court Is Weaponizing Religious Freedom

On the new God Pod: Jesus, Mary Mags, and God are working for the weekend with hotshot atheist, constitutional lawyer, and author, Andrew Seidel, to chat about his new book 'American Crusade' which gives a glimmer of hope as democracy flails against the hostile takeover of the Supreme Court by Christian zealots.  Mary Mags and Andrew Seidel smarten up the episode leaving Jesus speechless and God looking for nunchuck warriors, liberal billionaires, and elephant revolutionaries to fight against the anti-democratic movement plaguing America! They also read from the mailbag, encourage playing the God Pod in the Vatican, discuss Velma coming out, and God finds out people are calling him angry Santa for adults. NOT COOL! Listening to this episode is the first step to waking up and fighting back against a SCOTUS drunk with power! Click those links below and listen — it's 100% FREE. Bonus points if you own nunchucks  The God Pod: Have It Yahweh! NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts:
13/10/221h 1m

A Message From God To Herschel Walker

On the next and always FREE episode of the God Pod, God is tested by the universe and feels unloved and finger-shamed. Mary Mags brings awareness to sea algae and the elephants’ hostile takeover of the planet on Conspiracy Corner. Psyche has dating tips for the men on the failed dating app The “Right” Stuff and tries to cheer up God. We also learn Jesus has been sneaking down to earth in disguise, Dank Brandon is pro-pot, Beyonce is omnipresent, and Herschel Walker just can’t stop being a hypocrite! The God Pod: Have it Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
10/10/2250m 20s

"We Have To Keep Our Country Gay"

On this episode of the God Pod, Me, Jesus and Mary Magdalene talk about the Hurricane in Florida, the Deep State, and what the migrants in Martha’s Vineyard are up to now. Jesus went to see the movie ‘Bros’ and has a review. Finally, we discuss Lizzo playing a flute and making a million incels heads explode. The God Pod: Have it Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
06/10/2253m 40s

Legendary Marvel Comics Writer Dan Slott Returns To The God Pod!

On this episode of the God Pod Me, Satan, Psyche, and fangirl Mormon prophet Joseph Smith geek out over the Amazing Comic Book Writing Adventures of Dan Slott with Ren and Stimpy (comic books), the Fantastic 4, the Spider-Verse, She-Hulk, his Marvel food truck, death threats, his quest for the elusive giant office ham, and so much more! On God Pod News: Marjorie Taylor Greene gets served divorce papers and conservatives try to cancel Halloween. So POW! BAM! ZING! those links below!!! The God Pod: Have it Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
03/10/2258m 54s

God Trolls The Hell Out Of Judgy Heathens On The Internet

On this glorious God Pod episode, the "silly gang" Jesus and Mary Mags join me to talk TV shows, Trump trying to manifest himself out of crimes, prison's basement, the slow-moving moral arc of the universe, and Jediism. On JFC LOL we discuss Lil Nas X ordering pizza for Christian protesters, Umass football's Pride Day vs Liberty University, Benny the butt plug, Eminem topping the Christian billboard charts, Kanye not reading books, and I read Facebook troll comments. On Holy S*** we read Adam Levine's sext memes, chat about Beyond Meat's cannibalistic behavior, and lubing the highway.  The God Pod: Have it Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
29/09/2259m 36s

Jesus Curses Out The Governor Of Florida

On the new sermon from the Church of the God Pod, puppy-loving Jesus throws lawless Ron DeSatan under the bus for using asylum seekers for his political sideshow, Mary Mags preaches on the dumbing down of America, I perform an Act Of God, and Jesus finds out he missed a prayer for a pony. On Evil Incarnate News we cover the Republican’s nationwide abortion ban plan, the Little Mermaid Controversy, and the Youth Summit brainwashing.  It’s a sermon you won’t want to miss, folks, so grab a bottle of holy sparkling water, crackers, and your favorite listening app because your soul is about to be saved!  The God Pod: Have it Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
22/09/221h 3m

Satan Provides An Update On The Queen

Satan returns to the God Pod from his trip to the Royal Hell Casino and gives us the latest update on how the Queen is doing. Tensions brew as we talk about the queen’s bees, leprechauns, and flapping. We chat about Patagonia, decent billionaires, Hardee’s brilliantly seizing on the hilarious MyPillow FBI bust, and McDonald’s onion rings. Celebrity drama takes center stage on the Satan Show with Britney Spears, Courtney Cox and Kanye feud but ends with a light-hearted look at filming colonoscopies.  Hell-alu-YEAH! So grab some Hardee’s and your phone that has never been seized by the FBI, and listen to the God Pod!  The God Pod: Have it Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
19/09/2256m 1s

Founder Of ‘The Onion’ Scott Dikkers Returns To The God Pod!

Jesus, Mary Mags, and I dicker around with comedy legend Scott Dikkers, the founder of The Onion, #1 NY Times best-selling author, creator of the comic strip Jim’s Journal, voice actor, screenwriter, director, and creator of the new podcast Scott Dikkers Around.  I interrogate Scott with dating questions, and we discuss the evil Nestle corp, star signs, climate change, Vlad the impaler, Mary’s ongoing beef with HBO, and the new king’s sausage fingers. So stop dickering around and listen! Like right now! I command you! Please? Pretty please? Me dammit. The God Pod: Have it Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
15/09/221h 4m

God Forgets To Save The Queen

Moses returns to the God Pod after wondering Costco for 40 minutes, we learn about pegging therapy on Therapy with Psyche, and I fill in for Satan on the Satan Show. We discuss Queen Elizabeth II’s ascent to purgatory on a MacBook double rainbow, “nothing is sacred” tweets from ‘Murica, lentil soup, TV shows, and Tucker Carlson nightmares. It’s the end of an era, humans, so grab your headphones and listen to your favorite imaginary friends whilst doing household chores or whilst stuck in traffic, or floating down a lazy river in a kyak like baby Moses did.  The God Pod: Have it Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
12/09/2257m 59s

God Interviews Guy Who Trolled Texas With Arabic “In God We Trust” Signs

I said, "Let there be a God Pod," and saw that it was GREAT! Chaz Stevens, the amazing political activist for the separation of church and state, known as the ambassador to hell, the world's worst superhero, and General Patton of the War On Christmas, joins Me, Jesus, and Mary Mags to discuss his incredible career trolling the bureaucratic hypocrisy of the far right. And if that wasn't awesome enough, he also connects humans with emotional support animals. He's done too many great things to list here, so listen to the show!  We also discuss drive-by baptisms, inflatable boobs, the gayest place in town, and Rob ‘MAGA’ Schneider's slide into continued oblivion.  So grab your favorite beverage, warm up your favorite podcast app and click those links FOR THE LOVE OF ME. Do it now, and I'll give you time off in purgatory with the unique code "In God We Yass." The God Pod: Have it Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
08/09/221h 3m

Thou Shalt Not Sun Your Holes!

Satan and Psyche stop by the God Pod, and it goes completely OFF THE RAILS! I discover I have a Tinker Bell rule, and I'm a like addict in Group Therapy with Psyche. On God's Wacky World Of Humans, we discuss sunning your holes, then pivot to the Satan Show to speculate about why Leo can't drive 25, the roasting of JK Rowling, and Dee Snyder not taking it anymore from MAGAts. We finish off the show with some news about that evil moron Trump. Thou shalt have no other Pods before Me! I require an offering of listening to the God Pod! Go listen! The Lord has spoken! The God Pod: Have it Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
05/09/2255m 21s

God Goes Back To School

Hi Humans, I just gotta tell you about the new God Pod episode before My school bus arrives. It’s so cool! Mary Mags professes some sweet progressive optimism, and Jesus cheerleads for Taylor Swift. The class syllabus includes Biden’s Dark Brandon Joker phase, Jesus’ winning the student loan debate with memes, trolling the In God We Trust Texas loophole, and Voltron. On JFC LOL, Jesus rebukes the nepotism accusation and his run for governor of Florida. We also talk TV shows and the wild world of weird stuff.  The God Pod: Have it Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
01/09/221h 1m

Forgive Us Our College Debts

It’s 2 Girls, 1 God today as Mary Mags and Psyche join Me to discuss the White House Twitter account dunking on hypocritical republicans, outsourcing parenting, Venus in Uranus, diapers, pro-choice Gen Z activists, and hot dog beer straws. The God Pod is packed with vitamin G, your favorite alternative sugars, and now comes in four delicious flavors!  The God Pod: Have it Yahweh! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
29/08/2259m 35s

God Commands Americans To Stop Banning Books

For unto you a new God Pod episode is born with Jesus, Mary Mags, and our wonderful guest, Holly Figueroa O’Reilly, Chocolatier, Baker, Songstress, and Trump Slayer.  We discuss bible banning, the atheist factory, ding dong clouds, Twitter blocking, the laughingstock Dr. Oz., Canada’s QAnon Queen, grammar check reviews and comments, and Mary teaches me big words.  Did you know you can listen to the God Pod while driving, running from a bear, and sky diving? You can listen anywhere. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
25/08/2255m 53s

Lincoln Calls Civil War 2 A Bad Idea: "Dude, Trust Me" Says Former Prez

Four score and seven minutes ago I brought forth the newest episode of the God Pod with Satan, Psyche, and special guest Abraham Lincoln, who walks us through a less than accurate historical tour, which includes a 10-year egg shortage and his Lincoln Log Fortune. We also have group therapy with Psyche, read Weeny Boy Mcgoo's review, and discuss evil bosses who think they're gods. I decide to get pigtails to see if I can make more tithes and offerings. On the 'Satan Show!' We discuss the latest gossip, Ezra Miller's rein of terror ending, mental health, and sexorcisms.  Because this podcast, under Me, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and the God Pod of the God, by the God, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
22/08/2253m 48s

God Commands Humans To Curse So Much F***ing More

Holy Moly! On the new God Pod, I hang (pun intended) with Jesus and Mary Mags.  In the new segment, ‘Just Smite It,’ we talk about Beto and the need for more cursing from the left. In The News, we discuss cemented golf holes, capitalist monkeypox, Tenacious D, creepy Meta chatbots, false flags, and astrology. And if that wasn’t enough to tickle your holy ghost, Jesus accepts a marriage proposal, we answer questions from our patrons and turn DeSantis into a cartoon Florida Man villain. But wait, there’s more! Jesus and Me plan a father and son trip to play mini golf.  I’m always watching and know you have time to listen!   So launch your favorite podcast app and hang with Me, My boy, and Mary Mags, because we nailed it!  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
18/08/2258m 28s

Satan Very Worried Over FBI Nuclear Probe

On the next Most Holy episode of the God Pod: Psyche returns for group therapy with Me and Satan. I do My incredible impressions of a goat, Mike Pence, and Norm McDonald. We discuss My continuous Smitings of Trump, the ghost of Ivana, and speculate about who the FBI informer could be.  On Satan Today, we introduce the new dating game ‘Shoot Your Shot With Satan,’ the latest celeb gossip, and Ezra Miller’s fall from grace.  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
15/08/2257m 39s

Pray: Jesus vs. Predator

I made a new God Pod episode and saw that it was good!  I hang with Jesus and his bestie Mary Mags. We premiere the new trailer to Pray: Jesus vs Predator. We also chat about Mormons playing the persecution card, the Holy Trinity bikini, the Indiana rep who tried to ban Viagra, climate change, and read some ‘Explain The Bible Badly’ Twitter comments.   In the beginning was the podcast, and the podcast was with Me, and the podcast was the God Pod. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
11/08/2249m 45s

The Lord Taketh Away Alex Jones’ Money

Satan, Mary Mags, and Moses stop by God Pod+ and we all have a good laugh at the smiting of Alex Jones. We celebrate the state of Kansas for preserving a woman’s right to choose. We discuss what people might do to celebrate National Lobster Day.  On Conspiracy Corner, Moses uncovers the Georgia Guidestones' mystery. The Satan Show is packed with the latest entertainment news from the HBO Max and Discovery+ merger scandal to the best shows to watch before they are canceled... or not, we're not sure what's going on.  Grab some woke meatless sausage and listen to the God Pod on your favorite listening gadget to find out if Moses enjoys phat beats. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
08/08/2249m 2s

God Loses Mega Millions Lottery Again

Jesus and Mary Mags stop by the God Pod to mourn our Mega Millions loss and scratch our heads at a leaking Noah’s Ark museum. On JFC LOL we chat about pronouns in the Bible, and Jesus googles vagina paintings live on air. We also private-jet-shame celebrities, praise the satire of Grand Theft Auto, and swoon over Beyonce.  Wow! How anyone could pass this episode up is beyond me and I’m omniscient. Hit listen now! Listen to the God Pod while supplies last!  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
04/08/2257m 36s

God Furious Over Choco Taco Situation

God and Satan discuss a rich bishop who got robbed, the number 666, the end of Choco Tacos, OAN begging the Left for help, peanut butter and salsa, Kylie Jenner, and Chik-Fil-A paying people in sandwiches. NOTE: The God Pod is now fortified with Alpha and Omega-3s. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
01/08/2248m 47s


Hi Humans! On this brand spanking new episode of the GOD POD, Jesus and Me hang out and discuss if he’s ever held a magic wand, robots taking over the world, and how Focus on the Family’s messaging destroys families. Oh and I almost forgot! We debut a new JFC LOL segment you won’t want to miss! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
28/07/2247m 2s

The Satan Show!

New and Improved God Pod! Now includes “The Satan Show.” Satan and Mary Magdalene stop by to discuss all things cats, Old Testament fashion, mock Josh Hawley, and learn a thing or two about menstruation. 9 out of 10 Cats love the God Pod, so turn it on for them. It’s even great for reducing hairballs… maybe. Couldn't hurt to try. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
25/07/2257m 32s

God: Love and Blunder

Holy mackerel, what a great episode! Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Me try to save the penguins' lunch, discuss Oprah’s Monsters, human sacrifice and why Jesus poops himself when he gets too excited. So click on some buttons and listen! Or not...whatever. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
21/07/221h 3m

God Talks To ‘The Simpsons’ Producer Josh Weinstein

The Simpsons' five-time Emmy® award-winning producer, Josh Weinstein, stopped by The God Pod to discuss his AMAZING career, our favorite episodes and quotes, how to sleep at work, and the importance of farting in front of the people you love with Me, Satan, Mary Magdalene, and Jesus. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
18/07/221h 7m

Up Yours, Woke Moralists

God, Satan and Mary Magdalene discuss Boris Johnson resigning in the UK, Minions: Rise of Gru, and Jordan Peterson’s “Up Yours, Woke Moralists” speech. Is this one of the funniest things we’ve ever heard? Maybe! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
11/07/2253m 56s

Blowing The Lid Off The Biggest Sex Secret

God, Mary and Satan discuss the latest news down on Earth. Also…CAN women control intake of semen? The God Pod investigates. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
07/07/2259m 24s

Condescendence Day

God and Moses discuss the meaning of the 4th of July in USA in the year of our Lord 2022. What is there to celebrate? Ish is on fire, yo. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
04/07/2246m 51s

America: Land of Gun Care and Health Control

God, Mary Magdalene and Joseph Smith discuss the aftermath of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. What’s to be done? What happens next? God vehemently stands with women having the right to choose. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
30/06/221h 18m

God Damns The Supreme Court For Overturning Roe v. Wade

We didn’t know this would happen, but the God Pod was recording RIGHT as right-wing maniacs on the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, ending abortion as a constitutional right in the USA. Listen in as God and Moses react in real time to this absolutely monstrous decision. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
27/06/2249m 48s

Return of the Space Jesus

God, Jesus and Mary Magdalene discuss the backlash against Star Wars for supporting Pride Month. Is Darth Vader basically Space Jesus? We respond.  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
23/06/221h 4m

How To Defeat Fox News (with Claire Atkin of Check My Ads)

Co-Founder of Check My Ads Claire Atkin stops by the God Pod to discuss dismantling the disinformation economy with God, Moses, Satan and Psyche. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
20/06/2257m 55s

Tim Barnes

Comedian Tim Barnes stops by the God Pod to discuss Radical Earth Theory with God, Jesus, and Moses.  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
16/06/221h 7m

God Bans Racists From Eating Tacos Ever Again

God, Satan, Moses and Psyche discuss the Jan. 6 hearings, which were viewed by over 20 million people. Later the gang talks Morbius, the Star Wars hotel, and irony. Finally, God delivers a commandment about tacos. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.

Judy Gold

Stand-up comic Judy Gold stops by the God Pod to celebrate Pride month with God, Jesus, and Mary Magdalene.  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.

Stranger Gods, Volume 2

God, Satan, Moses and Psyche hang out and things quickly go off the rails but sometimes it do be like that. The gang talks Stranger Things, Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey, Kate Bush, Obi-Wan Kenobi and more. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
06/06/2257m 47s

Stranger Gods, Volume 1

God and pals discuss the new season of ‘Stranger Things’ in-depth. After that the gang talks about ‘Top Gun 2: Maverick,” Tom Cruise, and Scientology. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
02/06/2257m 21s

Ted Cruz And Greg Abbott Are Going To Hell

God and Satan discuss the mass shooting that took place in Uvalde, Texas. God rages against the politicians who offers thoughts and prayers while taking millions of dollars from the NRA. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
28/05/2250m 30s

Joseph Smith Reviews ‘Under The Banner Of Heaven’

The Mormon prophet Joseph Smith returns to the God Pod to review the new Hulu show “Under The Banner Of Heaven,” which is based on the true story of a double homicide in Utah. Later on, God, Joseph Smith and Mary Magdalene discuss transphobic comedians and look to George Carlin for advice. Finally, God and pals discuss stale communion crackers and their effect on taxes. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
26/05/221h 7m

A Totally Forgettable Dick

God and pals respond to Space Karen Elon Musk offering a flight attendant a horse in exchange for sex. The goddess Psyche gives God and Moses therapy. Moses provides another installment of Conspiracy Corner. God sends a message to George W. Bush after a Freudian slip. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
23/05/2257m 22s

God In The Cryptoverse Of Sadness

God, Jesus, Moses and Mary Magdalene discuss the baby formula shortage, the end of the cryptoverse, and the latest spate of mass shootings in the USA. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
19/05/221h 12m

God Talks To A Constitutional Scholar About Roe V. Wade Being Overturned

God talks to lawyer and constitutional scholar Andrew Seidel about the Supreme Court deciding to overturn Roe v. Wade. Join God, Jesus, Moses, and Mary Magdalene as they discuss this very serious issue with an authority on the subject. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.

God Gives Men The Ability To Get Pregnant

God and Satan respond to news that the Supreme Court is going to overturn Roe V Wade, ending abortion in the USA. Psyche is very passionate about Dave Chapelle getting attacked on stage. Moses provides another installment of ‘Conspiracy Corner.’ God gives men the ability to get pregnant so that they might learn empathy. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
10/05/2257m 13s

God Gives Men The Ability To Get Pregnant

God and Satan respond to news that the Supreme Court is going to overturn Roe V Wade, ending abortion in the USA. Psyche is very passionate about Dave Chapelle getting attacked on stage. Moses provides another installment of ‘Conspiracy Corner.’ God gives men the ability to get pregnant so that they might learn empathy.
09/05/2257m 13s

God Interviews Satirist Who Started A Right-Wing Moral Panic About The Snickers Dick Vein

Twitter user @junlper tells us about trolling the entire world into thinking that Snickers was removing the ‘dick veins’ from their candy bars. We discuss satire and the effectiveness of humor (if any) in stirring social change. God issues a new commandment on the sex lives of cartoon characters and candy bars. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
05/05/221h 7m

Satan Responds To Accusations From Crazy Person That He Is ‘Controlling The Church’

Satan responds to accusations from insurrectionist congresswoman Marjorine Blah-Blah that he is ‘controlling the church.’ Moses tells us about a new conspiracy. Psyche gives everyone therapy. God cancels the Bible for being ‘too woke.’ After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
02/05/2256m 50s

God Interviews Comedian Niccole Thurman

Award-winning comedy writer / actress Niccole Thurman tells us about being the voice of Jabberjaw in “Jellystone” on HBO Max. Moses returns from wandering the desert. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
28/04/221h 1m

God Reads Angry Comments From People Who Hate Disney

God and Jesus discuss Disney being punished by Florida’s government for opposing their ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law. God reads comments from outraged homophobes. God explains why he created the funny bone. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
25/04/221h 5m

God Interviews Chief of COVID Task Force Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding

God talks to American public health scientist Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, who is currently an epidemiologist and Chief of COVID Task Force at the New England Complex Systems Institute. God, Jesus, Mary Mags, and Eric discuss the pandemic, willful ignorance, and playing guitars on airplanes. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
21/04/221h 9m

Satan Responds To New Theory About His DNA

Satan responds to an insane new Qanon theory about his DNA. God and Satan discuss how humans are destroying the only planet they have. God commands Marky Mark to stop making movies. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.

God Talks To Maura Quint About Taxing The Rich

Tax Campaign Fairness Director Maura Quint tells us about the necessity of taxing billionaires. God, Jesus, Mary Mags, and Maura discuss Elon Musk, Dee Snider, and the true meaning of Easter. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
14/04/221h 23m

God And Satan Mock Republican Who Tried To Report A Joke To The Police

The God Pod celebrates the first Black woman appointed to the Supreme Court. God and Satan mock a truly evil congresswoman for trying to report a joke to the police. God commands humans to not mess with aliens. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
11/04/2253m 39s

God Interviews Comedian Bailey Moon

Bailey Moon tells us about her crush on ‘Succession’ star Jeremy Strong. God, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Joseph Smith, and Bailey discuss Space Force, Republicans boycotting Disney, and proper tampon disposal. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
07/04/221h 13m

God And Satan Have Fun On April Fool's Day

God and Satan celebrate The God Pod’s 3rd Birthday. God plays multiple pranks on Satan for April Fool’s Day. Later they discuss D.C. coke orgies. With special guest, Genghis Khan! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
04/04/221h 1m

God Interviews Comedian Walter Masterson

God interviews comedian Walter Masterson, who tells us about trolling the far right and getting one million followers on TikTok. We discuss Walter’s experience going to so many Qanon events and what it was like for him on January 6th, 2021. God responds to Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at The Oscars. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
31/03/221h 12m

God Commands Humans To Say Gay!

God and Jesus discuss the text messages that prove that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife are super duper corrupt. God officially responds to Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
28/03/2243m 19s

God Interviews Comedian Christian Finnegan

God interviews comedian Christian Finnegan, who tells us about working on “Best Week Ever” and "Chappelle's Show.” We discuss what it takes to make it big in standup comedy these days. God, Mary Mags and Christian discuss wheels vs. doors, the world’s most boring person, and a dog dumped at the shelter because his owners said he’s gay. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
24/03/221h 9m

God Smites Leprechaun He Owed Money

God smites a leprechaun delivery driver to get out of a $400 food delivery bill. Satan gets so drunk he winds up face down in a puddle of his own spew. Psyche and God discuss the philosophy of Socrates. Later they discuss Father Time, evil dentists, and evolution. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
21/03/2250m 37s

God Loses Debate With Atheist Hemant Mehta

God interviews atheist author and podcaster Hemant Mehta. God, Jesus, and Hemant talk about his appearance on a popular game show. Later we discuss Friedrich Neitzsche, George Carlin, and World War 3. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
17/03/221h 6m

But Who Prays For Satan?

McDonald’s, Starbucks and Satan leave Russia. We read a quote from Mark Twain that makes Satan cry. Later, we discuss Kim Kardashian’s advice on work, Disney’s stance on Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill, and God’s plan to smite the east coast with GIANT SPIDERS. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
14/03/2253m 56s

Comedian Abby Govindan

God interviews comedian Abby Govindan, who tells us about the time she tricked the Internet into thinking she was the creator of “Emily In Paris.” God, Jesus, Mary and Abby talk about showering habits, dark matter, and the different ways refugees are treated. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
10/03/221h 8m

God Very Worried About Humans Blowing Up The Planet

God and Satan get nuclear war therapy with Psyche. We try to process the absolutely horrific news of the world. Later, we each describe what our perfect day would be. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
07/03/2254m 23s

Comedian Pallavi Gunalan

God interviews comedian Pallavi Gunalan, who tells us what led her to choose a career in comedy over science. God, Jesus, and Pallavi talk about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Republican traitors, and whether or not the humans will end the planet with nuclear weapons. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
03/03/221h 4m

The God Pod Reacts Live As Russia Invades Ukraine

Russia invaded Ukraine on the day God was going to hold his monthly God Pod ‘End Of The World Party.’ So we spend a lot of time reacting to this very traumatic event, in addition to catching up with our listeners. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
28/02/221h 50m

God Prepares For 'The Vibe Shift'

A vibe shift is coming! Will you be prepared? God, Jesus and Mary Magdalene break it down. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
24/02/221h 3m

Comedian Hanna Dickinson

God interviews comedian Hanna Dickinson and asks if having a funny sounding name makes you want to become a comedian. God, Jesus, Mary Mags and Hanna talk Superbowl commercials and performative gestures. Later we discuss Kevin Sorbo, Elon Musk, and the ‘fun police.’ After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
17/02/221h 9m

Cupid Shows Up For Valentine’s Day!

God’s therapist Psyche brings her famous husband Cupid to the recording. God does his best to break them up. We discuss famous philosopher’s quotes about love. Join us for this very special Valentine’s Day episode! SMOOCHES! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
14/02/221h 6m

Comedian Gianmarco Soresi

God interviews comedian Gianmarco Soresi and asks about the ‘true job of the comedian.’ God, Jesus and Gianmarco discuss the philosophy of comedy, falling into open sewers, and dying. Later we discuss Joe Rogan, The Rock, and Republicans accidentally banning the Bible. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.

Nuke From Orbit

God and his therapist (the Goddess Psyche) talk about how God has been doing lately. God does some meditation but is bad at it. We discuss a philosophical quote about atheism by Sir Francis Bacon. Later we discuss The Masked Singer and Kanye West. God decides to nuke the planet from orbit because it’s the only way to be sure.  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.

God Gets Censored For All The Crazy Things He’s Said

God and pals discuss Neil Young VS. Joe Rogan and Spotify. God answers whether or not he decides the winner of the Superbowl. We debate the world wonders ‘The Statue Of Liberty’ VS ‘The Christ Redeemer Statue.’ Later we discuss Minnie Mouse’s new pantsuit, the Supreme Court, and books being banned.  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
03/02/221h 4m

God's End Of The World Party

God and pals party with a bunch of their listeners..and we laugh our butts off as always! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
31/01/221h 53m

Comedian Atsuko Okatsuka

God interviews comedian Atsuko Okatsuka. God dodges some very difficult questions from humans. We debate the one-hit wonders 'Video Killed the Radio Star' VS '99 Luftballons'. Later we discuss 'less sexy' M&Ms and the consequences of attempting to seize power. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
27/01/221h 3m

What Would You Name A Dating App For Gods?

God asks humans what they would name a dating app for Gods. God and Satan get therapy from Psyche. God answers questions from humans about evil unicorns and the angels with many eyes. Later we debate the one-hit wonders ‘You Get What You Give’ VS ‘The Bad Touch.’ After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
24/01/221h 9m


God issues a new commandment ending the filibuster forever. God and Jesus say what they wouldn’t do for love. Later we debate the one-hit wonders ‘The Boys Are Back In Town’ VS ‘American Pie.’ Which song do you think is better? After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
20/01/2251m 16s

God Cancels The Pope

God responds to the Pope’s comments about ‘cancel culture.’ Psyche leads God and Satan in a group therapy session. We get into a heated argument over the movie ‘Don’t Look Up.’ Later we debate the one-hit wonders ‘Baby Got Back’ VS ‘Whoomp, There It Is.’ After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
17/01/221h 7m

Don't Drink Pee, Dammit!

God is shocked to find out what some humans are doing now. God, Jesus, and Mary Magdalene catch up on what they did over the break. For example, Mary caught the ‘rona. We discuss who is more evil, Queen Elizabeth or Dick Cheney. Later we discuss how the whole world seems to have caught omni-global hyper-mega delta-cron. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
13/01/221h 1m

God Returns From Vacation To Smite The Wicked

God returns from a 3-week vacation to find the world on fire. God, Jesus, and Satan catch up on what they did over the break. For example, Satan caught the ‘rona. Jesus responds to Don Jr. criticizing “turning the other cheek.” Later we discuss selling farts, the Pope vs. pets, and the 1-year anniversary of the capitol attack.  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
10/01/221h 6m

Santa Blows Up Your Bathroom!

Santa Claus joins God, Jesus and Moses for the second half of The God Pod Holiday Party! Santa tells us all about what he REALLY wants when he shows up to your house. We talk to several of our patrons and have a jolly holly holiday. Hang out with us as we close out 2021! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
23/12/211h 9m

Santa Shows Up And Yells At His Elves!

Santa Claus joins God, Jesus and Moses for The God Pod Holiday Party! Santa gives his thoughts on his favorite Christmas movies, SantaCon, and the alleged ‘War on Christmas.’ He also yells at his elves…A LOT. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
20/12/211h 14m

God And Mary Sing The Holiday Hits

God and Mary sing all your favorite holiday songs and change the words. Moses tells us a conspiracy theory about Scooby Doo. We remember our favorite movies. Then we debate the songs ‘Mickey’ by Toni Basil vs. ‘I Want Candy’ by Bow Wow Wow. Later we discuss whether Nancy Reagan really is the ‘throat goat’ and an explosive powerpoint presentation. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
16/12/211h 10m

God Smites Fox News For Christmas

God forgot to make an outline, so God, Satan and Moses make it up as they go along. We discuss the conspiracy that the government controls the weather. Then we debate Queen’s ‘We Will Rock You’ vs. Survivor’s ‘Eye Of The Tiger.’ Later we discuss a TikToker who called Joel Osteen a POS to his face, and the Fox News Christmas tree burning down. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
13/12/2156m 35s

Jesus Bans Guns At Christmas

We discuss the conspiracy that the Moon landing was faked. Then we answer questions from humans, such as the dictionary meaning of Christmas. God asks humans what they would do if THEY were HIM. We debate whether Chumbawamba's song ‘Tubthumping’ is better than A-ha’s ‘Take On Me.’ Later we discuss getting a WW2 mortar stuck up your bottom, bags of cash found behind Joel Osteen’s toilet, and elected Republican officials posing in front of Christmas trees with machine guns. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
09/12/211h 5m

Woodsy Christians!

God, Psyche, Moses and Satan meet once again for some group therapy. We read reviews! Such as “it really good.” And we debate one-hit wonders! This week it’s “Walking on Sunshine” vs. “Kung Fu Fighting.” We try to figure out why the Denver Airport is so frigging Satanic. Later we discuss the development of humanoid robots, woodsy Christians, and Trump getting an ‘honorary’ 9th degree black belt. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
06/12/211h 6m

Satan Drops New Variant

God, Jesus, and Moses talk about a lot of stuff. We read our reviews and answer questions, such as “Why are nails a mean gift for Jesus?” We also discuss the conspiracy theory that Stevie Wonder can see. God asks humans to summarize the Bible in just 4 words. Later we discuss selling farts in a jar for one thousand dollars a pop, Kid Rock, and how awesome Canada is. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
02/12/211h 10m

The God Pod Thanksgiving Party!

God, Jesus, Moses, Psyche, Mary Magdalene and JFK hang out with 50 God Pod listeners for Thanksgiving! Many people were quite sloshed, fights broke out, love and thanks were all in all, a typical Thanksgiving! Thanks for coming out, everyone! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
29/11/211h 57m

New To The God Pod?

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.

Whatever Happened To THOU SHALT NOT KILL?!?

God, Jesus, Moses and Mary Magdalene hang out. We answer questions, such as “What was Jesus like when he was a teenager?” We also discuss the conspiracy theory that all rich people are actually reptilian alien invaders. God asks humans “Who is the hottest Bible character?” Later we discuss Big Bird getting banned, mega jerk mega churches, and a very unpopular verdict. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
25/11/211h 2m

God's Best Interviews Of 2021

God and Jesus reflect on some of their favorite interview moments of the year of our LORD 2021. Included in this episode are comedian Fizaa Dosani, Founder of 'The Onion' Scott Dikkers, comedian Marlena Rodriguez, Oscar-Winning Director Travon Free, "Faith Based" Screenwriter & Actor Luke Barnett, comedian Kelly Bachman, and comedian Matt Friend. God would like to thank EVERYONE who has come on The God Pod as a guest! You are all awesome and getting into Heaven. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
22/11/211h 4m

The Worst Thing Humans Ever Invented

God, Jesus, Moses and Mary Magdalene have so much fun in this one. We answer questions, such as “Did Jesus drink too much wine when he was young?” We also explain why there are Bibles in hotel rooms and what to do about it. God asks humans “What’s the worst thing humans have ever invented?” and isn’t pleased with the most popular answer. Later we discuss crying Elon, saying the quiet part out loud, and death farts. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
18/11/211h 16m


God, Satan, Moses and Psyche read reviews and then have a group therapy session. God gets some stuff off his chest. ‘Conspiracy Corner with Moses’ is back and this time it’s about Billy Joel’s song ‘Uptown Girl.’ Later we discuss books being banned, Qanon, and the spread of Satanic panic! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
16/11/211h 3m


God, Jesus, Moses and Mary Magdalene have a blast. We read our reviews, such as ‘this is blasphemy’ and ‘repent before it’s too late.’ We answer important questions from our listeners, such as ‘Who Would You Do?” New segment ‘Conspiracy Corner with Moses’ makes its debut. Later we discuss Big Bird, AstroWorld, and ‘Daylight Savings Time.’  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
11/11/211h 4m

God Asks JFK About Qanon And The Answer MAY SHOCK YOU!

How does JFK feel about Qanon? And why did they think his son would come back to life? God, Satan, Psyche and Moses talk to former US president John F. Kennedy in Heaven. Later we discuss things people consider satanic, weed from other planets, and Luciferase. God delivers your New Commandment. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.

God's Loophole

What is God’s Loophole? God, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Moses are in rare form and have a great time laughing together. We discuss whether or not we should ‘lighten up,’ the correct way to eat a banana, and what to name Jesus’ new puppy. Mary Magdalene does her best impression of God. Later on we discuss paid family leave and taxing the richest man on the planet. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
04/11/211h 1m

The God Pod Halloween Party!

God, Jesus, Moses, Psyche and Satan hang out with 40 of our closest friends at our Halloween Party! Everyone came in awesome costumes! Thanks for coming out, everyone! We’ll have another party in late November, so if you couldn’t make this party, we’ll see you there! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
01/11/211h 54m

The Healing Power Of Blasphemy

God, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Moses and Satan all hang out in this wildly fun episode. We discuss asking potential mates for their most controversial opinion as a means of weeding out lunatics. For example, Satan hates cats but loves the movie ‘Cats.’ We say many other dangerous things that could be taken out of context. We also discuss what our last words would be. Is this the final episode of The God Pod? Haha. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
28/10/211h 6m

God Is A Potty Mouthed Pothead LGBTQ+ Supporter

God, Moses and Psyche hang out for some group therapy. Does Squid Game mock socialism or capitalism? God asks “What’s the one thing you can’t live without?” The Goddamn News includes a Christian’s sign about who gets into Heaven, synthetic parasite mind eggs, and Trump’s failed website. Finally, God delivers your New Commandment of the Week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.

Dumbgeons and Dragqueens

God and Jesus hang out, just the two of us, just like the old days. The Goddamn News includes Christmas presents supply chain hypocrisy, apocalypse preppers, and something called ‘JesusWeen.’ Finally, God delivers your New Commandment of the Week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
21/10/2149m 20s

Funnier Than I Thought

The Goddess Psyche provides group therapy to Satan, Moses and God. We answer questions from our listeners. God asks what makes you instantly lose respect for someone? The Goddamn News includes Bisexual Superman, “I Am Weed,” and Ozzy Osbourne. God delivers your New Commandment of the Week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
18/10/211h 6m

The Rudest Animal God Ever Made

Psyche and Mary Magdalene hang out with Moses and God. We answer questions from our listeners and read our reviews. God asks which animal is the rudest? And how did no one suggest humans? The Goddamn News includes Iron Maiden, Operation Dunder Mifflin, and Andrew Lloyd Webber. Finally, God delivers your New Commandment of the Week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
14/10/211h 3m

A Great Thundering A-Hole

Satan returns and brings the Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith with him from Hell. Joseph Smith hangs out as we discuss the Pope, the Zodiac Killer, and Tony the Tiger. We answer questions from our listeners and read our reviews. Finally, God delivers your New Commandment of the Week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
11/10/211h 2m

God Destroys Sandwich

When does the title get said during the episode? Listen to find out! We discuss fasting and prayer, the Supreme Court, Planned Parenthood, and Pat Robertson’s retirement. We answer questions from our Angels. Finally, God delivers your New Commandment of the Week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
07/10/2153m 56s

Pure Awesomeness

When does the title get said during the episode? Listen to find out! We discuss comedy therapy, which famous puppets would be anti-vax, conservative Christian hypocrites, reincarnation animals, the differences between schlemiels, schmucks and putzes, and the goddamn news. Finally, God reiterates a previous commandment. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
04/10/2154m 56s

God Disavows The Bible

God asked humans to explain the Bible badly to people who have never read it. We discuss the Mormon practice of getting soaked to the bone, if you know what I mean. Who should do God’s performance review? We discuss. God, Jesus, Moses and Mary Magdalene discuss the latest in the goddamn news. Finally, God delivers your New Commandment of the Week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
30/09/2149m 52s

The Second God Pod Live Party!

WE HAD SO MUCH FUN! Listen in as God, Jesus, Moses, Satan, and The Goddess Psyche party on a Friday night with 40 of our biggest fans! So much happened! Enjoy this 2-hour LIVE episode! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
27/09/212h 6m


SMITE-VAXX! God releases a way to protect yourself from being smited by God. The gang debates The Sound Of Music VS. Grease, religious exemptions, and what churches should be converted into. Later on, God, Jesus, and Moses discuss the latest in the goddamn news. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
23/09/2156m 56s

Attack Of The Swollen Balls!

BALL WARS: ATTACK OF THE SWOLLEN BALLS! ...A short time ago, in a galaxy close, close by, some might say the one you’re currently in,  Turmoil has engulfed the US Republic. The value of a 95% effective vaccine is in dispute due to a phantom pair of swollen balls. Hoping to exploit the matter with a flurry of deadly tweets, the greedy Federation of Fading Celebrities have committed to cast doubt on the work of a global community of scientists.  While the congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the President has secretly dispatched two god podders, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to settle the conflict.... After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
20/09/2153m 35s

God Explains What He Was Doing On 9/11

WTF?! Why did God let 9/11 happen? Where was he? What was he doing? God finally explains after all these years. Is it healthy to 'never forget' something so traumatic and horrific? We talk about all this and more. Listen in as God, Jesus, Moses, and Mary Magdalene discuss the latest in the goddamn news. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
16/09/211h 3m


THE GODDESS PSYCHE HOSTS THIS EPISODE! Psyche is frigging DONE with the stigma around getting therapy. She conducts an intensive group therapy session. Listen in as God, Satan, Moses, and Psyche discuss the latest in the goddamn news. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
13/09/2155m 48s

Death Lives Her Best Life

THE ANGEL OF DEATH RETURNS! The Grim Reaper has been gone all summer and God asks why. It turns out that Death went to Mount Everest in Nepal and got her GROOVE back. Listen as Death becomes her best self. Later on, God, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Death and Moses discuss the latest in the goddamn news. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
09/09/211h 4m

God Joins The Satanic Temple

GOD FINDS RELIGION! God explores joining The Satanic Temple just to mess with Texas. Listen in as God, Satan, Moses, and Psyche discuss the latest in the goddamn news. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
06/09/211h 1m

Mary L. Trump And ‘The Reckoning’

Author Mary L. Trump returns to the God Pod for an unprecedented 3rd time! This time we talk to Mary about her new book ‘The Reckoning.’ Mary Magdalene hosts the episode and leads this fascinating interview with one of America’s leading authors. Later on, listen in as Mary Magdalene, Moses, God, Jesus and Mary L. Trump talk about all the latest in the goddamn news. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
02/09/211h 1m

Satan Takes Over The God Pod!

ALL HAIL THE SATAN POD! Satan takes over as host and proves that he’s better than God, once and for all. Listen in as Satan, Moses, Psyche, and God read reviews from listeners, answer questions, and talk about the latest goddamn news. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
30/08/211h 6m

Kevin Kovid Returns!

KEVIN “DELTA VARIANT” KOVID RETURNS! Don’t call it a comeback, he’s been here for years. Listen in as God, Jesus, Moses, and Mary Magdalene discuss the latest in the goddamn news with Covid-19 itself. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
26/08/2154m 0s

The First Ever God Pod Party!

HOLY CRAP DID WE HAVE A BLAST! Listen in as God, Jesus, Moses, Mary Magdalene, Satan, and The Goddess Psyche party on a Friday night with 40 of our biggest fans! So much happened! Wine was made from water, toasts were made, and Jesus came out of the closet (for reals this time). Enjoy this 2-hour episode! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
23/08/212h 2m

‘Broke-Ass’ Stuart

God interviews TV host, travel writer, and former mayoral candidate ‘Broke-Ass’ Stuart. Stuart tells us what it’s been like becoming a travel writer and making his living online. He also tells us about the time he ran for mayor of San Francisco! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
19/08/2146m 44s

God And Satan Discuss Switching Roles

God and Satan discuss switching roles for a week! Would anyone even notice? What could possibly go wrong? God and Satan do more couples counseling with goddess of therapy, Psyche. Later on, God, Satan, and Psyche answer questions and discuss all the latest in the Goddamn News. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.

Mary Magdalene Shows Up As Jesus Skips Town

Mary Magdalene makes her first appearance on the God Pod just as Jesus skips town for two weeks. Mary tells God and Satan what it was like hanging out with Jesus back in the old days. God asked humans which comedian they want resurrected and reviews their answers. God also humans what the last thing they bought was (because that will be their weapon to fight Satan). Finally, the gang talks about the latest in the Goddamn News, from Kenneth Copeland saying God couldn’t use his private jet to Ron DeSantis leading Florida off a cliff. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
12/08/211h 4m

God and Satan Try Couples Counseling

God and Satan get in a fight and decide to go to couples counseling. The Goddess Psyche helps the two unravel some of the deeper issues within their tortured relationship. God explains why he isn’t killing idiots faster, why you can’t pet a grizzly bear, and what the meaning of life is. Finally, the gang talks about the latest in the Goddamn News, from being duct-taped on an airplane to being eaten by an alligator.   After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
09/08/211h 13m

God and Jesus Argue Over Getting A Puppy

God argues with Jesus over getting a puppy! Jesus wants to get a real, live Earth puppy for the palace! And God is not so sure about it! Who’s gonna walk it?? God and Jesus answer questions, and then discuss all the latest in the Goddamn News. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
05/08/211h 6m

God Talks To His Therapist The Goddess Psyche

God talks to his therapist on the podcast for the very first time! God introduces his therapist Psyche (The Goddess of Soul), whose name and life-story inspired the term ‘Psychology.’ God talks to her about what’s really bothering him lately. Is it ok to not be ok? God and his therapist also discuss what TV shows they’re currently watching. Later on, God and Psyche discuss the latest in the Goddamn News. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
02/08/211h 4m

Comedian Kelly Bachman

Comedian Kelly Bachman joins The God Pod for an interview! Kelly tells us about her journey in comedy thus far, from doing standup to making movies to creating musical comedy. And of course, we talk about THAT moment. We discuss the real aftermath of her viral takedown of an infamous serial rapist. God and pals answer questions from their angel patrons. God asks everyone the question, “What would make church more exciting?” Later, we all discuss the latest in the Goddamn News. Finally, God issues your New Commandment Of The Week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
29/07/211h 4m

God And Satan Make A Bet On Joel Osteen

God and Satan discuss the latest in the Goddamn News! A pastor shoved his hands in a pile of dog poop to make a point, Satan’s old girlfriend showed her feet for the whole world to see, and Joel Osteen gets slammed for driving a $325,000 Ferrari after taking a PPP loan. God and Satan place a bet on Joel, their first bet since Job! Finally, Jeff Bezos went to space in a giant rocketship shaped exactly like a dong.  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
26/07/2157m 8s

Comedian Marlena Rodriguez

Comedian Marlena Rodriguez joins The God Pod for an interview! Marlena tells us what it’s been like to write for big TV shows such as Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Silicon Valley, Close Enough and Clone High. We discuss her belief in God, her comedy heroes (if any), and her dreams and goals. Later, we all discuss the latest in the Goddamn News. Finally, God issues your New Commandment Of The Week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
22/07/211h 24m

BEST HITS: God Laughs At Depressed Televangelists

In this episode originally aired after the election in November of 2020, God and friends have a good laugh at the pain and suffering of televangelists in the wake of Donald Trump’s defeat. We debut two new segments, “What Would Jesus Do?” and “The Holy Spirit’s Social Media Roundup.” Kevin Kovid stops by to give an update. Finally, The God Squad reviews the Goddamn News. Opening and closing song: “Election Meme Rewind - HEY HEY, HA HA, HO HO ft. Kenneth Copeland, Paula White-Cain, and various acc” courtesy of Schmoyoho. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
15/07/211h 1m

BEST HITS: God Takes A Paternity Test!

Welcome to the Moses Povich Show! Moses conducts a paternity test with God, Joseph, and all the other possible fathers of Jesus! Who is the father? Who is NOT the father?  ALL WILL BE REVEALED. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
08/07/2136m 49s

Comedian Jeff Dwoskin

Comedian Jeff Dwoskin joins The God Pod for an interview! Jeff tells us why we should care about him, his favorite comedians, and whether or not he still believes in God. Then he tell us about his podcast “Live From Detroit: The Jeff Dwoskin Show” and how hard it is to get his wife to listen to it. Jeff hangs out as we discuss The Goddamn News. Gun girl claims Christians can’t use birth control, an exorcism at a Home Depot, and a Redneck Rave that ended in an impalement. Later, we discuss the existence of aliens. Finally, in honor of the 4th of July, God does a dramatic reading of President Thomas J. Whitmore’s speech from the film “Independence Day.” After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
01/07/211h 5m

Podcaster Kevin Williams

Podcaster Kevin Williams joins The God Pod for an interview! Kevin tells us about his experience getting thrown out of Catholic school in the 2nd grade for asking too many questions. We discuss his podcast TV Channeling, which focuses on watching bad TV so you don’t have to.  Kevin hangs out as we discuss The Goddamn News. Juneteenth is now a national US holiday and racists are losing it. Mike Pence got called a ‘traitor’ at a conservative conference. A group of Catholic bishops is trying to stop Biden from taking communion.  God tells us his top 5 favorite movies. Finally, God does a dramatic reading of the song ‘Everybody Wants To Rule The World’ by Tears for Fears.  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
24/06/211h 5m

Actress Alessandra Torresani

Actress Alessandra Torresani joins The God Pod for an interview! Alessandra talks about some of the TV shows she’s been on, such as Malcolm in the Middle, Big Bang Theory, Caprica, and Lucifer. These days she is dedicated to de-stigmatizing mental health by spreading kindness, compassion and hope. She brings tons of fun and laughter to her mission with sharing her story about living with BiPolar 1 Disorder on her podcast EmotionAL Support.  Alessandra hangs out as we discuss The Goddamn News. India bans LGBT conversion therapy, a man was swallowed by a whale in Cape Cod, and ‘Ultimate Slip ’N Slide’ TV show got shut down by explosive diarrhea. Finally, God does a dramatic reading of the song ‘Crazy’ by Gnarls Barkley.  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
17/06/211h 9m

Comedian Grace Johnson

Comedian Grace Johnson joins The God Pod for an interview! Grace talks about transitioning from being a corporate lawyer and what her Mom thinks of that career choice. Grace explains how much she loves that anti-maskers are now wearing masks to protect themselves from the vaccinated. We discuss megachurches, televangelists, and other con-artists we despise. Grace hangs out as we discuss The Goddamn News. Corporations are pretending to care about Pride Month whilst still funding bigots, a battle is underway over Voting Rights, and Americans are now being given guns in exchange for getting vaccinated. Later on, we do some Bible Study and God tells us his Top 5 Most Blasphemous Movies Of All Time. Finally, God issues a NEW COMMANDMENT. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
10/06/211h 12m

Founder Of 'The Onion' Scott Dikkers

Scott Dikkers founded the world’s first humor website,, in 1996. A few years earlier he helped found the original Onion newspaper. He’s served as The Onion’s owner and editor-in-chief, on and off, for much of the last quarter century.  A #1 NY Times best selling author, comic strip creator, voice actor, screenwriter and director, Scott is nothing short of a comedy legend. Listen in as God and pals talk to Scott about his distinguished career, comedy, and the world. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
03/06/211h 5m

Comedian Niles Abston

Comedian Niles Abston joins The God Pod for an interview! Niles discusses his comedy special on YouTube called “Girls Don’t Twerk To Jokes” which God loved. Niles explains why he only dates atheists and what they think of the Jesus tattoo on his back. We discuss life, comedy, and going to school at a Christian college. Niles hangs out as we discuss The Goddamn News. The Mormon Church is probably investing in Doge Coin, millennials don’t believe in God, and rainbow lego blocks are driving bigots (more) crazy. Later on, we put Jesus into difficult situations by playing a game of ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ Finally, God issues a New Commandment. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
27/05/2154m 25s

"Faith Based" Screenwriter And Actor Luke Barnett

“Faith Based” screenwriter and actor Luke Barnett joins The God Pod for an interview!  FAITH BASED focuses on two slacker friends who come to the realization that every low budget Christian movie starring 90's TV actors makes millions of dollars. They soon set out on a mission to make "A Prayer in Space", the story of the first prayer ever to be prayed... in space. Featuring Jason Alexander, Lance Reddick and Margaret Cho, FAITH BASED has 94% on Rotten Tomatoes and is available for free on Amazon Prime. Later on, Luke discusses his real-life evil doppelganger, a megachurch pastor in California also named Luke Barnett. Then we discuss the existence of UFO’s. Finally, we do some Bible Study and discuss what we loved about the episode. Listen in as we discuss life, comedy and blasphemy with our hilarious new pal. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
20/05/2151m 27s

Oscar-Winning Director Travon Free

Oscar-winning director Travon Free joins The God Pod for an interview!  Travon describes what it’s like to win an Academy Award. We discuss his Oscar-winning short film “Two Distant Strangers,” which you should go watch on Netflix right now! Seriously, stop reading this and go watch it, right now! Later on, Travon plays a fun game of “Is This A Bible Thing Or Something A Republican Said?” Then we discuss the Golden Globes and finish with a very touching game of “Bless, Smite, and Evolve.” Listen in as we have a fascinating discussion with our wonderful new friend. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
13/05/2149m 31s

Marvel Comics Writer Dan Slott

Eisner Award-winning comic book writer Dan Slott joins The God Pod for an interview!  Dan tells us what it’s like to write for ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ and ‘Fantastic Four.’ Later on he plays games with us such as: “Which Marvel character is most likely to have a Vegas wedding?” and “Which Marvel character do you want to be for a day?” Listen to us have a great time talking about comic books with our brilliant new friend. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
06/05/2158m 10s

The Oscars, Elon Musk, and Pickle People

God questions whether Satan’s entrance sounds are sexual or not, the gang reviews the Oscars and discuss the films nominated for Best Picture. Jesus admits he didn’t watch ‘Judas and the Black Messiah’ and almost gets crucified again. Satan gets Jesus into some sticky situations during a game of “What Would Jesus Do?” We discuss Elon Musk being named an SNL Host, Satan thinks Elon Musk is pretty hawt. Jesus admits he is not a pickle person, but everyone else is. We discuss “My Octopus Teacher” and whether or not it had to jerk off the human, and why wasn’t it thanked at the Oscars? After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
28/04/2149m 13s

Comedian And Master Impressionist Matt Friend

Comedian and master impressionist Matt Friend joins us! His celebrity impressions include Dr. Fauci, Jeff Goldblum, Howard Stern, Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump, Rami Malek, Roger the Alien and so many more!  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
21/04/2147m 17s

Comedian Chris Thorburn

Comedian Chris Thorburn joins us! Chris recently went viral with this hilarious video he made: watching a film from 2004 We answer questions from our patrons! We do a little Bible Study. And we discuss the latest goddamn news! All on today's episode of The God Pod! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
14/04/2152m 52s

Comedian Fizaa Dosani

Our guest today is comedian and actress Fizaa Dosani, who is known for her work on Dear White People (2017), Snowfall (2017) and How to Get Away with Murder (2014). The God squad answers questions from patrons. And then Fizaa hangs out and discusses the goddamn news with us too! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
07/04/2149m 19s

Jesus Christ VS. The Easter Bunny!

IT’S THE GREATEST BATTLE OF ALL TIME! The Easter Bunny and Jesus Christ DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER. They decide to settle their differences in an all-out brawl. Who will come out on top? Find out on this thrilling episode of The God Pod! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
02/04/2139m 18s

Jesus Reveals His Sexual Orientation

God and friends discuss the greed of billionaires like Kylie Jenner, Mar-a-lago being shutdown for a Covid-19 outbreak, and WAP continuing to make conservatives cry their eyes out. Finally, Jesus reveals his sexual orientation. Which one is it?? Find out on this thrilling episode of The God Pod! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
24/03/2153m 54s

The God Pod Celebrates St. Patrick's Day

God and the gang order in Irish lunch from Heaven’s food delivery app DeliverUs. God can’t afford to pay and ends up hanging out with the leprechaun delivery driver Finneas. God gets drunk off one beer while everyone else maintains. Join us as we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
17/03/2143m 49s

Holy Cow! The God Pod Turns 200! Let's Party!

JFC! This is The God Pod’s 200th episode! Join us as we discuss how we started, where we’ve been and where we’re going! We talk about how much we love each other! We answer lots of questions from our Patrons! And we read reviews, both bad and good! We also find time to discuss the latest Me-damn news and God issues a new commandment! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
10/03/2150m 28s

Oh, the Places in Hell You’ll Go!

Satan tell us how Dr. Seusus is doing in Hell and exactly why he is there. Will the gang let him out? Will Satan ever stop smanging? Will God issue a new commandment that rhymes? Find out on this thrilling installment of The God Pod! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
04/03/2122m 37s

Satan Caught An STD At CPAC

Satan and Covid wake up in their Orlando hotel room after CPAC with a wicked hangover. What exactly happened this weekend? How will we piece it together? And how did a tiger get into the bathroom?! Find out on this thrilling installment of The God Pod! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
02/03/2121m 59s

Jesus Attends A Gender Reveal Party

Jesus goes to a maskless gender reveal party at a chemical plant in Louisiana. What could possibly go wrong? The God Squad talks about Elon Musk losing $30 billion over a dumb tweet, a rapper’s forehead diamond, and Tiger Woods car accident. Will God let him play in the Masters Golf Tournament? Outcome looks doubtful. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
25/02/2118m 13s

Satan Tells Us How Rush Limbaugh Is Doing In Hell

BURN! Satan joins us and tells us all about how Rush Limbaugh is doing in Hell. Satan describes how Rush reacted when he arrived, who his bunkmate is, and the most ironic psychological punishments they have devised for him yet. Make sure to listen after the ending music for an 'after-credits' scene! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
23/02/2125m 48s

Executive Producer of 'The Orville' David Goodman

Executive Producer of 'The Orville' and President of The Writers Guild of America West David Goodman returns to The God Pod! We discuss the big victory that WGA West just secured. We also discuss Trump's casino imploding, Rush Limbaugh, and Ted Cruz. Scared of becoming evil, God takes the high road (for once). After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
18/02/2121m 42s

God Interviews Journalist Touré

Author, journalist and podcaster Touré joins us as we discuss the aftermath of Donald Trump's very political impeachment 'acquittal.' What happens next? Will he face charges in court? Will there ever be any justice? And how is this part of God's Divine Plan?? After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
16/02/2129m 59s

God And Satan Bury The Hatchet

Satan returns to The God Pod! We talk about the impeachment trial, Qanon, and watch a very unsettling video of Tom Brady kissing his son on the mouth for what seems like an eternity. Later, God and Satan bond over how much they have in common. Jesus is overjoyed as God and Satan bury the hatchet. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
11/02/2123m 40s

Comedian Corey Ryan Forrester Returns!

Comedian Corey Ryan Forrester returns for his second appearance on The God Pod! Since he last joined us, Corey has gone mega-viral with his videos and appeared on CNN and in the Washington Post. We catch up about the election, the Super Bowl, and coronavirus anal swabs. Listen to our candid conversation as we discuss the insanity of life in America. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
09/02/2126m 54s

Mary L. Trump Makes Predictions For The Impeachment Trial

We talk to author Mary L. Trump about her Uncle Donald’s upcoming impeachment trial and she makes her predictions. Mitch McConnhell shows up and tries to talk shit, but Mary puts him in his place. Finally, God debuts a new segment called ‘God’s Honest Truth.’ Listen to our candid conversation as we discuss all the latest crazy news. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
03/02/2122m 51s

Mary L. Trump Discusses The Capitol Attack

We talk to author Mary L. Trump about what it was like watching her Uncle Donald lose the election and get blocked by Twitter, the Capitol attack, and her new book about trauma. Then we talk about Qanon and congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s belief that the California wildfires were started by “Jewish space lasers.” Listen to our candid conversation as we discuss the insanity of life in America. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
02/02/2126m 34s

Moses Interviews Mitch McConnhell

We discuss why Kellyanne Conway is a very bad person, what Biden has been up to, and then Moses talks to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnhell. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
29/01/2123m 28s

SMITE! Why 'My Pillow Guy' Got Banned From Twitter

Listen in as we discuss why ‘My Pillow Guy’ got banned from Twitter, how Qanon is dealing with their loss now, and the latest infuriating news in politics. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
28/01/2127m 23s

Americans Have Boners On The Brain

Listen in as we discuss the ongoing aftermath of the election and the insurrection. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
26/01/2130m 3s

God Reads 1-Star Review From Angry Mormon

God and Moses answer your questions and read a VERY special review from an angry Mormon, all while special guest, Chris, vapes and goes to the bathroom live on-air! Just another day at The God Pod! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
25/01/2138m 36s

The God Pod Reacts To Biden’s Inauguration

We watched Biden’s inauguration ceremony and are full of thoughts and feelings! No one shows up for Trump, Bernie Sanders becomes a meme, and a poem makes God cry. Listen in as we react to this historic day! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
21/01/2130m 30s

Trump Gets Banned From Twitter

Satan joins us and describes how he’s feeling now that Trump lost the election and has been banned from social media. Satan talks about what he’s got planned for 2021 and Kevin Kovid stops by to say hi.  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
19/01/2124m 32s

Atheist Podcaster Matt Dillahunty

We talk to atheist podcaster Matt Dillahunty about life, religion, and philosophy. Then Matt hangs out and talks about the terrorist attack on the Capitol, Trump getting banned from Twitter, and so much more. Listen to our candid conversation as we discuss the insanity of life in America. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
13/01/2157m 11s

The God Pod Reacts In Real Time As Trump Supporters Attack The US Capitol

We didn’t know this would happen, but the God Squad was recording RIGHT as right-wing terrorists attacked the US Capitol from 2-3pm EST on January 6th, 2021. Listen to our honest live reactions to this absolutely insane historical event. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
07/01/2156m 37s

Comedian J-L Cauvin

God talks to comedian J-L Cauvin about life, comedy and 2021. Then J-L hangs with the God Squad and discusses the goddamn news! Finally, God delivers your New Commandment of the week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
06/01/211h 7m

God Tells You What Will Happen In 2021

HAPPY NEW YEAR! God, The Holy Spirit and Moses reflect on everything that happened in 2020 and make predictions for 2021. The gang talks about the latest goddamn news. God schools Mike Pence on the Bible. Covid mutates to spread faster just as the vaccine begins to arrive. Finally, God delivers your New Commandment of the week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.

It’s Christmas In Heaven!

Welcome to The God Pod Christmas Party! God and the Holy Spirit are stoned and Jesus is sipping a glass of fine champagne. Moses ate some shellfish and is out this week with food poisoning. Jesus finally watched Monty Python’s Life Of Brian!!! So we talk about that. Then we talk about Christmas for a bit; what we like most about it, our worst Christmas, what gifts we would bring to baby Jesus, and so much more.  Then we talk about the goddamn news; evil politicians getting the vaccine first, Space Force, and other infuriating nonsense! Finally, God delivers your New Commandment of the week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
24/12/2046m 49s

God Takes A Paternity Test

Welcome to the Moses Povich Show! Moses conducts a paternity test with God, Joseph, and all the other possible fathers of Jesus!  Who is the father? Who is NOT the father?  ALL WILL BE REVEALED. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
18/12/2033m 32s

Santa Claus

God interviews Santa Claus and asks all the questions you’ve always wondered about. Later, Santa tells us which movies are Christmas movies and which are NOT. Finally, Santa hangs out with the God Squad and discusses the goddamn Santa Claus news. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
16/12/201h 6m

"The Virgin" Mary

“Simply a virgin!” The Virgin Mary makes her very first appearance on The God Pod and she’s got a lot to say...and not say!  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
14/12/2018m 5s

"Family Guy" Executive Producer David Goodman

God interviews TV producer David Goodman, currently executive producer on ‘The Orville.’ David has written for Family Guy, Futurama, and The Golden Girls, just to name a few! It’s a fascinating discussion about his career and the modern TV landscape. After the interview, Moses explains the magical story of Hanukkah. Then God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, Moses and David Goodman discuss the latest in the goddamn news. Finally, God delivers your new commandment of the week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
11/12/2052m 15s

God Begs The Galactic Federation To Let The Humans In (featuring Vinny Thomas)

God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and Moses discuss the goddamn world news, us news, and the latest in COVID-19. The humans finally learn of the existence of The Galactic Federation Of Planets Club (No Earths). God begs The Galactic Federation of Planets to let the humans in. God laughs uproariously at the continuous smiting of Donald J. Trump. Rudy Giuliani finally gets covid and Kevin Kovid has thoughts. God once again tells Michele Bachmann “no.” The Holy Spirit reports on the latest dunks on social media. Jesus faces yet another ethical question on this week’s installment of “What Would Jesus Do?” After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
09/12/2057m 2s

God Interviews That Drunk Lady From Rudy's Hearing (featuring Kylie Brakeman)

God interviews that drunk lady from Rudy's hearing. God and friends discuss God's new nickname, the goddamn news, and decide which former presidents they'd rather fuck, vaccinate, or ‘hug.’  We also have Moses' word of the week, Horrorscopes with Holy Spirit, and God's brand new commandment. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
04/12/2051m 19s

A Very Covid Thanksgiving!

God and friends discuss Trump finally conceding the election and laugh at how his supporters are taking the loss. God smites Kenneth Copeland. God quickly disputes various televangelist claims. Kevin Kovid stops by to discuss the biggest covidiots of the week. Moses reviews how ‘A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving’ holds up in 2020. Finally, we ask Jesus ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ in regards to attending a Very Covid Thanksgiving. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
25/11/2051m 2s

Comedian Zack Bornstein

Comedian Zack Bornstein joins the God Squad to discuss politics, twitter, comedy, and life after covid. Moses shares his word of the week. The God Squad discusses Republicans being in denial of both coronavirus and the election results. Finally, God delivers your New Commandment of the Week.` After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
20/11/2056m 3s

God Laughs At Depressed Televangelists (ft. Schmoyoho)

God and friends have a good laugh at the pain and suffering of televangelists in the wake of Donald Trump’s defeat. We debut two new segments, “What Would Jesus Do?” and “The Holy Spirit’s Social Media Roundup.” Kevin Kovid stops by to give an update. Finally, The God Squad reviews the Goddamn News. Opening and closing song: “Election Meme Rewind - HEY HEY, HA HA, HO HO ft. Kenneth Copeland, Paula White-Cain, and various acc” courtesy of Schmoyoho. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
18/11/2058m 46s

Progressive Writer / Podcaster Benjamin Dixon

Writer and podcaster Benjamin Dixon joins the God Squad to discuss the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, Trump’s coup attempts, and the Lincoln Pooject. God and friends discuss baseless accusations of voter fraud, how to “succeed from the union,” and Matt Gaetz being thirsty for Tiffany Trump. Finally, God delivers your New Commandment of the Week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.

Stuck Between A Crematorium And A Dildo Shop

God and friends discuss where they were when they first got the news that Trump had officially lost and what they did to celebrate. The God Squad discusses which movies it was like, who should get the credit for the victory, and how trumplicans are taking it. COVID-19 stops by to discuss its future under a Biden administration. Finally, the God Squad has a good laugh over Four Seasons Total Landscaping. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
11/11/201h 3m

Hallelujah! Trump Lost! (ft. Constitutional Lawyer Andrew Seidel)

Ding Dong the evil prick lost! The God Squad react to the US election results.  After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
06/11/2053m 16s

“BBQ! Beer! Freedom!” TrumpWorld Implodes

God and friends discuss election night and the aftermath so far. The panel has a good laugh at how Trump (and his cult) are losing their minds as they begin to realize their defeat is imminent. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
05/11/2058m 44s

Author Mary L. Trump

Mary L. Trump is an American psychologist, businessperson and author. She is a niece of President Donald J. Trump. Her book “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man” sold one million copies ON THE FIRST DAY.  We talk to Mary about her racist uncle Donald, her favorite version of Star Trek, who Donald would be in Star Trek / Star Wars, the upcoming election, and so much more. Finally, God delivers your New Commandment of the week: “Thou Shalt Vote Out Mary’s Racist Uncle.” After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
30/10/201h 12m

God Reveals Future Super Liberal Supreme Court Justices

Welcome back, COVID! Kevin Kovid returns to discuss how things have been going. The panel reviews Borat 2 and talks Halloween. God got blocked by Kirstie Alley, Trump stormed out of an interview, and right-wing Catholics turned on the Pope. Later, the panel discusses Judge Handmaid Tale’s confirmation. Finally, God reveals His future Supreme Court picks and issues a NEW COMMANDMENT. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
28/10/201h 3m

Writer And Activist Maura Quint

God talks to writer and progressive activist Maura Quint. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
25/10/2050m 9s

Please Stop Letting Morons Run The World

The Morons Strike Back! Trump attacks science and we don’t think that’s very smart! The cops are called on a homeless Jesus statue and Jesus has some thoughts. Later, the panel discusses the Pope meme, bible-splaining, and what will happen next. Finally, God implores secular people to get out and vote. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
21/10/2055m 49s

Comedian Alex Friedman

Alex Friedman is a writer and comedian whose irreverent takes on the insanity of 2020 have captured the internet's attention and turned her into a bonafide Twitter star. Her video poking fun at commercials trying to address increasingly dire circumstances went mega-viral in September 2020, racking up over 115k likes and 2.6 MILLION VIEWS on Twitter. Later, Alex hangs out as we discuss THE GODDAMN NEWS. Finally, God delivers your NEW COMMANDMENT of the week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
18/10/2055m 58s

Beau of the 5th Column

God Interviews Beau of the 5th Column, Moses shares his word of the week, God & friends discuss the goddamn news, God delivers your new commandment of the week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
11/10/201h 34m

Comedian Sampson McCormick

God interviews comedian Sampson McCormick, Moses shares his word of the week, God & friends discuss the goddamn news, God delivers your new commandment of the week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
04/10/2058m 37s

Trump Gets The 'Rona

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
02/10/2028m 38s

Comedian Niccole Thurman

God interviews actress, writer and improviser Niccole Thurman, Moses shares his word of the week, God & friends discuss the goddamn news, God delivers your new commandment of the week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
27/09/201h 1m

Comedian Corey "The Buttercream Dream" Forrester

God interviews comedian Corey “The Buttercream Dream” Forrester, Moses shares his word of the week, God & friends discuss the goddamn news, God delivers your new commandment of the week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
20/09/201h 12m

Comedian Kylie Brakeman

God interviews comedian Kylie Brakeman, Moses shares his word of the week, God & friends discuss the goddamn news, God delivers your new commandment of the week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
13/09/201h 11m

God Sinks Some Trump Boats

God and pals respond to the Trump Boat Parade that went so horribly awry. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
09/09/2044m 24s

Comedian Brent Terhune

God interviews comedian Brent Terhune, Moses shares his word of the week, God & friends discuss the goddamn news, God delivers your new commandment of the week. After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
06/09/201h 13m

God Saves A Listener From Jehovah’s Witnesses

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
02/09/2056m 40s

‘Brooklyn Dad Defiant’

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
30/08/2057m 5s

Comedian Blaire Erskine

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
23/08/201h 3m

Author Chrissy Stroop

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
16/08/201h 23m

Comedian Myq Kaplan

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
09/08/201h 16m

God Interviews Atheist Podcaster Seth Andrews

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
02/08/2057m 37s

God Interviews Moses

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
29/07/2028m 51s

South Park Writer Toby Morton

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
26/07/2058m 44s

The Price Is SMITE!

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
19/07/2041m 29s

God Smites Anti-Mask Morons

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
11/07/2042m 34s

Mount Dumbmore

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
04/07/2035m 23s

"God’s Wonderful Breathing System"

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
28/06/2035m 49s

Are Aliens Real?

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
21/06/2037m 26s

The Letters Of The Day Are F And U

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
14/06/2036m 10s

The Trump D.C. Bible Photo-Op Massacre

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
05/06/2035m 45s

God Answers Questions From Patrons

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
31/05/2049m 52s

President Moron Is On Drugs

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
24/05/2026m 4s

Reasons for Hope

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
17/05/2035m 16s

God Responds To Anti-Mask Moron

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
10/05/2027m 36s

Thou Shalt Not Inject Bleach

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
03/05/2025m 40s

Ironic Smites

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
25/04/2029m 27s

God Slams Pastor Who Wants Your Stimulus Check

'Pastor' Tony Spell is asking people to donate their stimulus checks to him and I have thoughts.   Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
22/04/203m 57s

Everything’s Coming Up Godhouse!

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
18/04/2019m 31s

My Message to Churchgoers

Even during a pandemic, people are still going to church. I have thoughts.   Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
15/04/205m 30s

The War On Stupidity, Part 1

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
11/04/2029m 23s

Wash Your Hands, You Filthy Animals!

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
03/04/2031m 0s

Great Vengeance And Furious Anger

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
29/03/2039m 49s

Easter 2020 is Cancelled!

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
27/03/2026m 30s

A National Day of Useless Prayer

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
22/03/201h 4m

Charlatans Are Now Selling Magic Potions For The Plague

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
15/03/2044m 36s

My Thoughts on this Deranged Comment

I have thoughts on this religious-themed comment on My YouTube Channel.    Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
13/03/203m 36s

False Prophets

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
08/03/2047m 24s

Something Called 'Coronavirus' Is Coming

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
24/02/2034m 56s

God Responds To Blasphemy During Orgasm

I answer whether it's okay to commit blasphemy during orgasm.   Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
24/02/203m 14s

This Is Why Your Genitals Are Next To Your Butt

I explain why I put your body parts where they are.   Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
16/02/203m 48s

God Interviews Atheist Author Andrew Seidel

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
23/01/2053m 16s

Jerry Falwell Blocked Me

President of Liberty University Jerry Falwell, Jr. blocked Me on Twitter, so I am responding to that egregious slight.   Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
25/12/193m 30s

'The War On Christmas'

God & Jesus discuss the truth about 'The War on Christmas.' Is it Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays? Is it  Christmas Tree or a Holiday Tree?    Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
11/12/199m 19s

A Very Jesus Thanksgiving!

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
28/11/1937m 9s

Paula White, Part 2

In part two of this two-part episode, God and Jesus thoroughly evaluate the history and role of Trump's new spiritual advisor Paula White, who seems to be a televangelist con-artist straight out of 'The Righteous Gemstones.'   Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
26/11/198m 51s

Paula White, Part 1

In part one of this two-part episode, God and Jesus thoroughly evaluate the history and role of Trump's new spiritual advisor Paula White, who seems to be a televangelist con-artist straight out of 'The Righteous Gemstones.'   Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
18/11/199m 3s

God And Jesus Review Kanye's New Album "Jesus Is King"

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
12/11/1936m 49s

God Reads Your New Commandments

In this episode, God and Jesus read suggestions for new commandments made by you, the awesome viewer. The commandments chosen for this episode were culled from over 4,000 submissions on Twitter and Facebook.   Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
08/11/196m 43s

God Apologizes To Humanity

God takes some time to reflect on all the horrible things He has let happen over the ages. God finally apologizes to humanity.   Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
29/10/199m 15s

God Smites Fake Christian Ralph Reed

God responds to the news that Ralph Reed is writing a book called 'Render to God and Trump.'   Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
20/10/1914m 52s

God Reads Mean Comments

God and Jesus review angry comments recently made by outraged humans on God's social media pages.    Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
17/10/199m 15s

Former US President Abraham Lincoln

God responds to reckless comments made by President Douchelord about a second Civil War over his impeachment. God and Jesus talk to the 16th US President Abraham Lincoln for his thoughts on the matter.   Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
08/10/1910m 54s

God Commands Americans To Impeach Trump

God and Gabriel respond to Democrats opening an impeachment inquiry into Trump administration. God commands Americans to do the right thing.   Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
30/09/196m 56s

God Orders Catholic School To Lift Ban On Harry Potter Books

God and Gabriel talk about St. Edward Catholic School in Tennessee, which banned Harry Potter books because they contain “actual curses and spells” that run the risk of “conjuring evil spirits.”   Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
29/09/1916m 55s

God Revokes Your 'God-Given' Right To Own Assault Weapons

God responds to right wing conservatives who have responded to mass shootings by saying that it is their 'God-given right' to own fully automatic assault weapons that can slaughter hundreds of people at a time.   Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
22/09/1911m 41s

Author John Pavlovitz

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
16/09/191h 9m

God Describes What Heaven Is Like

God responds to a question on Twitter and describes what Heaven is like to curious humans.   Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
05/09/199m 59s

Trump Declares Himself 'The Chosen One'

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
27/08/1938m 15s

God Interviews 'Two Basic Witches'

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
19/08/1956m 22s

'The George Carlin Letters' Author Sally Wade

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
12/08/191h 7m

God Responds To Being Put In Schools

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
04/08/1949m 46s

Former Trump Supporter David Weissman

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
29/07/1958m 56s

God Condemns Trump's Concentration Camps

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
14/07/1940m 8s

LGBTQIA Activist Charlotte Clymer

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
28/06/191h 8m

'Mueller, She Wrote' Host A.G.

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
16/06/1937m 53s

'The Friendly Atheist' Hemant Mehta

After 6000 years of running the universe, God realized that Satan is kicking his butt, like, really bad. Over the centuries and despite lots of trying, God has not been able to smite the forces of evil. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Full of fun and heart, the God Pod is a twice-weekly opportunity for God to hang out with his fellow deities and maybe even meet some interesting humans. NEW EPISODES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS The God Pod is everywhere! YouTube:  TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Join our Discord server for FREE and hang out with fellow fans of the God Pod:: Get the God Pod ad-free on Patreon: Find the God pod wherever you get podcasts.
02/06/1948m 44s

God & Jesus Talk About Blasphemy

God and Jesus discuss The God Pod, God answers questions from humans, God delivers a sermon on blasphemy.   Sign up for our weekly newsletter at:   Follow God on all social media platforms:   We hope you enjoyed this free episode. Did you know we actually create TWO episodes per week? It’s true! Every other episode of The God Pod is posted exclusively for our supporters on Patreon. In addition to getting an email with both of our episodes each week, you’ll also unlock our entire back catalogue and gain access to our private chat server. Join today at:
21/03/1915m 37s
Heart UK